CONDITIONS DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

NAME: 3270 Nowell   CITY: West Juneau   STATE: Alaska 
ELEV:    97 ft  LAT: 58° 17' 33" N  LONG: 134° 25' 37" W

TEMPERATURE (°F), RAIN  (in), WIND SPEED (mph), SNOW (in). Snowfall from 21:00 - 21:00, all others Midnight to Midnight.

                                      HEAT  COOL        AVG                      WIND       SNOW        
    MEAN                              DEG   DEG         WIND                DOM  RUN        ON(1)       
 1  32.4  36.6  12:00m  29.3  12:55a  32.6   0.0  0.62   1.1  16.0   7:30p    E  25.56  7.4  13" Cd Cd/Snow-WithOneLull Cd/Rn-Sn/Rn-Sp-VryLtRn Lt-Brz
 2  33.2  38.5   1:15a  27.2   8:35p  31.8   0.0  0.12   1.0  22.0   7:40a  WSW  24.38  0.2   8" Cd/R/VryLtS-R VarCd-PCd/SnPelShrs VarPCd-Cd MClr PCd 
 3  32.3  38.3   8:20p  27.5  12:55a  32.7   0.0  0.11   1.7  23.0  11:00a  SSE  40.03  0.8 MISS MCd Cd Lt-Brzy-Gsts Cd/XtmLtSnToSn Cd/Spr-VryLtRn-Rn
 4  35.0  38.2  10:25p  32.4   8:50a  30.0   0.0  0.38   1.2  20.0   4:10a  SSE  29.59  1.5   8" Cd Cd/Sp-VryLtR/Sn/LtRn-Sn/SpToRn Cd Brks Cd/Spr-Shr
 5  33.2  38.2  12:20a  28.8   8:15p  31.8   0.0  0.09   0.5  10.0   1:55a FRZN? 12.19 TRCE   7" Cd Cd/LtR Cd/LtSp/Sn-IcePel/VryLtR-Sn/S Cd VarThnCds
 6  33.6  37.3  11:35p  31.5  12:05a  31.4   0.0  0.09   1.2  15.0  10:00p   *   28.52  0.7   7" Cd Cd/FewTnyFlksToSn Cd/S-R/LtMst-Sp-VryLt:R-S/Drz-R
 7  38.1  42.1  11:55p  34.7   5:00a  26.9   0.0  0.95   3.7  23.0   9:30a  SSE  87.75  0.0   4" Cd/Rn-VryLtRn-LtRn-Spr-Driz Lt-BrzyWnd Cd Cd/SprToRn
 8  39.2  42.1  12:05a  36.3  11:30p  25.8   0.0  0.46   3.3  21.0   7:50a  SSE  79.51  0.0   1" Cd/RShrs Lt-Brz-Gsts Cd/Sp-VryLt:R-Drz/LtMst Cd Cd/R
 9  30.2  36.6  12:05a  27.0  12:00m  34.8   0.0  0.09   0.9  17.0   4:20a   **  21.87  1.6   2" Cd-VarBrks/Sn-SnShr PCd Cd-OccBrks-ClrAreas/SnShrs
10  30.4  32.9  11:55p  26.1  12:30a  34.6   0.0  0.31   0.7  14.0   2:25p  ***  17.31  5.6   7" Cd Cd-FewFlakes Cd/VryLtSn Cd-MnlndMostlyHidden/Snow 
11  34.9  37.2   7:05p  32.8  12:05a  30.1   0.0  0.76   2.4  18.0   7:30a  SSE  57.75  1.0+? 6" Cd/Sn/Sn-Rn/Rn-Sn/Rn-Sp-VryLtR-VryLtDrz-Mst-Rn LtWnd
12  35.6  37.6  11:25a  33.1  12:55a  29.4   0.0  0.57   2.0  18.0   9:50a  SSE  47.52  0.0   3" Cd/VarRn Cd/Lt-VryLtRn-Rn-Spr-VryLtSpr Lt-Brz Cd PCd
13  29.4  34.0  12:05a  24.1  12:00m  35.6   0.0  0.05   0.6  10.0   2:20a    S  13.15  1.6   5" VarHiClds VarPCd-MClr VarCdToPCd Cd/VarSn Cd MCd PCd
14  18.5  24.2  12:10a  12.6   8:10p  46.5   0.0  0.00   2.0  25.0  10:15p    W  47.03  0.0   4" VarCds VarPCd-MClr VarClr-MClr WindMtns Lt-Brzy-Wndy
15  11.8  15.2   3:20a   4.1  11:40p  53.2   0.0  0.00   1.7  21.0   5:55a    E  40.86  0.0 MISS Clear OccLtWind
16   3.8   7.7   3:25a  -1.2   8:30p  61.2   0.0  0.00   0.6  15.0   3:20a  WSW  13.17  0.0   3" Clear Clr-AFewClds Clear
17   4.3   8.6  11:40p  -2.2   2:30a  60.7   0.0  0.00   1.6  16.0   9:15a    E  38.40  0.0   3" Clear OccLtWind
18  10.3  15.6   5:35p   3.2   1:00a  54.7   0.0  0.00   1.4  17.0   5:15a  WSW  33.87  0.0   3" Clear - Wind Blowing Mainland Mtns
19  14.1  18.0  11:10p   6.3  12:05a  50.9   0.0  0.00   2.4  30.0   9:15p    E  58.49  0.0   3" Clr MClr PCd MCd P/MCd Clr MClr/PCd MCd PCd Brz-Gsts
20  19.4  21.6   1:30p  17.7  12:45a  45.6   0.0  0.00   5.8  41.0   8:50a    E 140.20  1.0   4" IncrCd LtWind-Brzy-Gsts Cd Cd/VryLtFineSnow-FineSn
21  22.0  30.7  11:20p  18.3   7:40a  43.0   0.0  0.16   1.8  22.0  12:55a    E  42.22 @2.0+? 4" Cd/Sn Lt-Brzy-Gsts Cd/Occ:FewFlakesToSn Cd/VarSn
22  29.9  32.2   1:35p  22.1  12:00m  35.1   0.0  0.24   1.4  17.0  12:40a  SSE  34.34  5.1   8" Cd/XtmLtSnToSn OccSm-TnyBrk/FewSnShrs DecrCd PCd MCd
23  29.4  31.8   1:10p  21.9  12:25a  35.6   0.0  0.41   0.1  13.0   6:00p    S   2.40  7.0  15" Cld Cld/ExtrmLtSnowToSnow MainlandVarObscured&Hidden
24  31.8  32.8   6:55p  30.4   5:55a  33.2   0.0  0.33  #0.4 #14.0   8:35a    S #10.28+ 4.1  16" Cd/Sn Cd Cd/XtmLtSnToLtSn Cd Cd/XtmLtSnToLtS/Sn-Rn/S
25  31.2  32.9   4:30a  27.9  11:50p  33.8   0.0  0.59  #0.4 #14.0   2:25p  SSE  #9.06+ 7.8  21" Cd-OccBrks/Periods&Shrs:VryLtToHvySn Cd PCd Cd Cd/Sn
26  26.6  28.1  12:25a  24.4   7:25a  38.4   0.0  0.27   0.3  15.0   4:25a    S   7.63  6.6  24" Cd/SnShrs MCd Cd-OccBrks/VryLtSnToSnShrs Cd Cd/VarSn
27  26.2  28.1  12:25p  22.1   2:10a  38.8   0.0  0.02   0.1  11.0  12:50p    S   3.46  2.3  23" Cd/SnShrs VarM/PCd-Brks Cd-FltBrks OccFlakesAllDay
28  28.8  30.3   1:35p  26.4  12:05a  36.2   0.0  0.04   0.3  14.0  11:35a    W   8.12  2.3 MISS Cd/VryLtSn Cd Cd-FewHntBlue&ofBrks Cd Cd/XtmLtSpr Cd
29  28.6  29.8  12:05p  27.5  10:05p  36.4   0.0  0.52   0.1   6.0  12:20a    W   1.20  8.4  28" Cd/VeryLtSnowToSnow MainlandHiddenMuchofDay Cd Cd/Sn
30  31.9  36.0  11:25p  27.2   2:10a  33.1   0.0  0.16   0.7  11.0   6:45p  SSE  16.34  3.4 MISS Cd Cd/VryLtSnToSn/XtmLtSn-Rn/Sp-VryLtRn-Drz Cd Cd/Rn
31  35.5  37.3   1:50p  33.4  10:00p  29.5   0.0  0.41   0.8  14.0   1:40a  SSE  18.69  0.0  22" Cd/Rn Cd Cd/Spr-Rn/Rn-BitofSnMixedIn/VryLtSp-VryLtRn
    27.1  42.1     7    -2.2    17  1173.4   0.0  7.75   1.4  41.0    20  SSE #1010.89+ 70.4+?

(1) As measured on Front Lawn at 21:00, rounded to the nearest inch if there is uncertainty.

@: Jan. 21: Snowfall of 2.0", plus a Trace to 1/2"? It was very difficult to determine the snowfall 
Jan. 20 -21 night because of the constant wind, virtually no area was immune from the wind.

* Jan. 6: Frozen until 0940 then DOM DIR was SSE
** Jan. 9:  DOM DIR was S or WSW until the Wind Direction Vane Froze at about 4:30 AM
*** Jan. 10: Frozen until 0955 then DOM DIR was SSE

# From 9:20 PM 1/24 to 1:48 PM 1/25 the Anemometer was Impeded
STATISTICS | DATA | GRAPHS | CONDITIONS - DAY of MONTH: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31| TOP 
AVERAGE Mean Temp:	27.1
AVERAGE High Temp:	30.7
MINIMUM High Temp:	7.7	16th
MAXIMUM High Temp:	42.1	7th, 8th
AVERAGE Low Temp:	23.0
MINIMUM Low Temp:	-2.2	17th
MAXIMUM Low Temp:	36.3	8th
LOWEST Wind Chill Temp: -6.0	17th @ 0954 (based on 10 minute Average Wind Speed)
MAX >= 90.0:		0
MAX >= 80.0:		0
MAX >= 70.0:		0
MAX <= 32.0:		13	14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 23rd, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th
MIN <= 32.0:		25	All but: 4th, 7th, 8th, 11th, 12th, 31st
MIN <=  0.0:		2	16th, 17th
MAXIMUM Humidity (%):	94	3rd, 4th, 11th, 22nd, 25th
MINIMUM Humidity (%):	24	19th @ 1109
MAXIMUM Pressure (mb):	1039.2	16th @ 0414
MINIMUM Pressure (mb):	964.6	25th @ 0044
TOTAL   Htg Deg Days:	1173.4
AVERAGE Htg Deg Days:	37.9
MINIMUM Htg Deg Days:	25.8	8th
MAXIMUM Htg Deg Days:	61.2	16th
TOTAL Cool Deg Days:	0.0
Heat Base:  65.0  Cool Base:  65.0  Method: Integration
TOTAL   Precip.:	7.75
AVERAGE Precip.:	0.31
DAYS of Precip.:	25	All but: 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th
MAXIMUM Precip.:	0.95	7th
MAXIMUM Rain Rate:	0.31	7th @ 1932
Days of Rain: 24 (>.01 in) 18 (>.1 in) 0 (>1 in)
TOTAL Snowfall:		70.4
DAYS of Snowfall:	21	All but: 7th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 31st
AVERAGE High Wind:	17.5
MINIMUM High Wind:	6	29th
MAXIMUM High Wind:	41	20th
WIND RUN (miles):	1010.89
DAYS Full Sun any time:	11	2nd (mainland), 9th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th (mainland), 25th, 27th
DAYS Extrm. Weak to Weakened Sun: 2	5th (mainland), 26th
DAYS OF All Clear:	4	15th, 16th, 17th, 18th
DAYS OF Cld or M Cld:	27	All but: 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th
DAYS OF Rainbow:	0
DAYS OF Aurora:		0
DAYS OF Lightning:	0
DAYS OF Earthquake:	1	4th @ 0726: 4.3 M Earthquake 135 miles NW of Juneau

GRAPHS | DATA | STATISTICS | CONDITIONS - DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | TOP

January 2012 - Barometric Pressure & Temperature with Highs & Lows.

January 2012 - Dewpoint & Humidity.

January 2012 - Rainfall & High Rain Rate with Pressure & Humidity.

January 2012 - High Wind, Wind Run, & 10 min. Avg. Wind Speed.

CONDITIONS - DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | DATA | STATISTICS | GRAPHS | TOP

Tue. 1/31/12: DATA | Juneau Empire article about Snow in Juneau | 1000 - 1130: Avalanche Control was done for Thane Road - State DOT/PF was shooting at the snowpack on Mt. Roberts | NWS: Warm and Wet across the Panhandle through the week - See 1444 Below

Mon. 1/30/12: DATA | NWS: Warm and Wet across the Panhandle through the week - See 2112 Below | School Buses are on Winter Snow Routes | Capital Transit is on Winter Snow Routes until Midnight | New Record Daily Snowfall in Juneau on Sunday Jan. 29 - See 0200 Below

SUNDAY 1/29/12: DATA | New Record Daily Snowfall in Juneau for today, Sunday Jan. 29 - See 0200 1/30 Above | 2049: Winter Storm Warning remains in effect until Midnight AST Tonight ... the Winter Weather Advisory is no longer in effect - See 2049 Below

Sat. 1/28/12: DATA

Fri. 1/27/12: DATA

Thur. 1/26/12: DATA

Wed. 1/25/12: DATA | Winter Storm Warning for Heavy Snow Expired at 9 AM AST this morning | School Buses are on Winter Snow Routes | 1348: Anemometer is Working Now

Tue. 1/24/12: DATA | 1942: Winter Storm Warning for Heavy Snow remains in effect from 6 PM this evening to 9 AM AST Wednesday - See 1754 Below

Mon. 1/23/12: DATA | 1907: Winter Storm Warning in effect until 5 AM AST Tuesday - See 1907 Below | 1859: Winter Weather Advisory is cancelled - See 1859 Below

SUNDAY 1/22/12: DATA | Winter Storm Warning Expired at 9 AM AST this morning - See 0858 Below

Sat. 1/21/12: DATA | 1545: Winter Storm Warning for Heavy Snow remains in effect until 9 AM AST Sunday - See 1545 Below | The High Wind Warning was Cancelled at 9:46 PM 1/20 - See 2146 1/20

Fri. 1/20/12: DATA | NWS: High Wind Warning remains in effect until 5 AM AST Saturday - See 1544 Below | Rally For Life - State Capitol at Noon

Thur. 1/19/12: DATA | NWS: High Wind Warning now in effect until 5 AM AST Saturday - See 1553 Below | NWS: A series of Winter Storms to affect Southeast Alaska Friday through Monday - See 0250 Below

Wed. 1/18/12: DATA | NWS: A series of Winter Storms to affect Southeast Alaska Friday through Monday - See 1558 Below

Tue. 1/17/12: DATA | Second Session of the 27th Alaska State Legislature Convenes Today - The House at 1 PM and the Senate at 1:30 PM

Mon. 1/16/12: DATA | M.L. King Jr. Day - Federal, State, and Local Holiday

SUNDAY 1/15/12: DATA | 1953: The High Wind Warning is Cancelled - See 1953 Below

Sat. 1/14/12: DATA | 1532: NWS: High Wind Warning in effect from Noon to 9 PM AST Sunday for downtown Juneau and south Douglas - See 1532 Below

Fri. 1/13/12: DATA

Thur. 1/12/12: DATA | NWS: Very Cold and Windy Conditions for the Panhandle this weekend and next week - See 2030 Below

Wed. 1/11/12: DATA

Tue. 1/10/12: DATA | Wind Direction Vane was Frozen until 0955

Mon. 1/09/12: DATA | Wind Direction Vane Froze at about 0430

SUNDAY 1/08/12: DATA | Record precipitation for Saturday, Jan. 7th in Haines and Juneau - See 0411 Below

Sat. 1/07/12: DATA | Record precipitation for Saturday Jan. 7th in Haines and Juneau - See 0411 1/08 Above

Fri. 1/06/12: DATA | Russian Orthodox Christmas | Epiphany | 0940: Wind Direction Vane is Working Now

Thur. 1/05/12: DATA | Wind Direction Vane Frozen much of the Day?

Wed. 1/04/12: DATA | 0726: 4.3 M Earthquake 135 miles NW of Juneau - See 0726 Below

Tue. 1/03/12: DATA | NWS Summary of December 2011 Weather at the Juneau International Airport - See Below

Mon. 1/02/12: DATA | Federal, State, and Local Holiday | Avalanche Control on Mt. Roberts above Thane Road started at 1003, Last Shot was Fired at 1127 | 0652: Now Available: December 2011 Monthly Report, 2011 Yearly Report, and updated Weather Database | 1155: Rain Chart has been updated to include 2011

SUNDAY 1/01/12: DATA | Happy New Year! | 1849: Winter Storm Warning is Cancelled - See 1849 Below | Since 0430 The Wind Direction Vane is definitely OK and has been variably semi-frozen and freely moving since 2120 12/31