CONDITIONS DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

NAME: 3270 Nowell   CITY: West Juneau   STATE: Alaska 
ELEV:    97 ft  LAT: 58° 17' 33" N  LONG: 134° 25' 37" W

TEMPERATURE (°F), RAIN  (in), WIND SPEED (mph), SNOW (in). Snowfall from 21:00 - 21:00, all others Midnight to Midnight.

                                      HEAT  COOL        AVG                      WIND       SNOW        
    MEAN                              DEG   DEG         WIND                DOM  RUN        ON(1)       
 1   9.5  13.1  12:40a   2.8   5:25p  55.5   0.0  0.00   3.2  26.0  12:45a    E  76.79  0.0  14" Clr MClr Lt-Brz-Gsts PCd-ThnVryThnCds Clr PCd MCd Cd
 2  10.5  12.9  12:00m   8.1  12:55a  54.5   0.0  0.12   0.5  14.0   2:50p    S  12.51  4.0  18" Cld/LtSnow-Snow-FineSn-ExtrmLtSn
 3  18.5  24.8  11:50p  12.8  12:05a  46.5   0.0  0.03   0.5  10.0  12:35a    E  12.02  2.3  18" Cld/Sn-ExtrmLtSn Cld Cld/ExtrmLtSn-VryLtSn-FineSn
 4  22.5  26.0   1:30p  20.3  11:10p  42.5   0.0  0.26   1.0  18.0   1:00p    W  23.01  5.8 MISS Cldy/Snow-LtSn-FineSn-ExtrmLtSn Cldy
 5  18.1  21.1  12:55a  12.8  12:00m  46.9   0.0  0.06   0.9  10.0   4:50p  SSE  21.48  2.1  21" Cd Cd/Sn-LtFinSn PCd VarCd-MCd Cd/OccVryLtSn Cd/LtSn
 6   9.4  12.8  12:05a   2.2  11:30p  55.6   0.0 TRACE   1.0  16.0   5:30p  NNE  22.90  0.5 MISS Cld/LtSn-ExtrmLtFineSn Brks PCld-FiltBlu MClr Clr
 7  -1.0   2.6  12:05a  -3.7   5:50p  66.0   0.0  0.00   1.4   8.0   2:30a  WSW  33.16  0.0  19" Clear - Some Sea Smoke over part of the Channel
 8   9.0  17.2  12:00m  -3.5  12:35a  56.0   0.0  0.38   0.3   9.0   2:30p  WSW   7.94  4.3 MISS IncrClds Cld Cld/VryLt-ExtrmLtSn-Sn-FineSn-HvySn
 9  21.7  23.5   2:10p  17.2  12:05a  43.3   0.0  0.25   0.2  11.0   2:50a    W   3.58 10.1  29" Cld-MnlandVariablyHidden/Snow-LtSn-ExtrmLtSn-FineSn
10  25.3  28.1  12:00m  22.1   7:10a  39.7   0.0  0.42   0.1   8.0   3:45p   SE   1.47  5.1  31" Cld/Sn Cd Cd/ExtrmFineSn-VrytLtSn Cd Cd/VryLtSn-Sn
11  34.6  37.5   8:25p  28.1  12:05a  30.4   0.0  0.22   1.4  14.0   8:05a  SSE  33.51  3.5 MISS Cd/Sn Cd Cd/OccVryLtRn-Drz-Spr Cd/FewSp-Mst Cd Cd/Rn
12  35.5  40.1   2:25p  32.2   5:45a  29.5   0.0  1.37   1.1  15.0   9:40a  SSE  26.23  3.4  26" Cd/Rn-HvyR/Sn-HvyS Cd/R-Sn/R-Drz-Sp Cd Cd/LtR-Drz Cd
13  37.2  39.6  12:00m  35.3   3:40p  27.8   0.0  0.71   0.3  13.0   7:05p    S   8.22  0.0 MISS Cld-OccBrks Cld Cld/ExtmLtMist-Spr-LtRn-Driz-Rain
14  41.0  44.2  11:45a  36.0  11:50p  24.0   0.0  0.23   3.4  16.0   1:40p  SSE  80.75  0.0  18" Cd/Rn Cd Cd/LtMst-Drz-Spr Lt-Brz FewBrks VarMCd-MClr
15  37.1  39.3   6:05p  34.3   2:15a  27.9   0.0  0.13   1.9  17.0   1:40a  SSE  44.85  0.0 MISS VarP/MCd MCd Cd Cd/Rn-LtRn-Mst-Spr Cd Cd/XtmLtMst-Sp
16  35.4  38.3  10:35p  33.7   3:35a  29.6   0.0  0.00   0.9  17.0   8:35p  SSE  20.87  0.0  16" Cld Fog MCd-VarFog Fog DecrFog MCd PCd Clr/Lt-Brz Cd
17  39.0  49.8  11:40p  36.8   6:35a  26.0   0.0  0.31   2.1  14.0   3:50p  SSE  50.26  0.0 MISS Cld Cld/Rn Cld/Shrs Cld/SmBrks Lt-BrzyWind Cld
18  45.9  50.8  11:45a  40.2  11:50p  19.1   0.0  0.00   0.8  11.0   5:45a    S  19.45  0.0  14" VarClds MClr/PCld PCld MCld PCld MCld Cld PCld M/PCd
19  43.5  51.7  11:45a  35.5  11:05p  21.5   0.0  0.03   1.0  17.0  11:45a  SSE  23.28 TRCE MISS Cld Cd-ThinnerCds-BrkstoSE Cd/FewSpr-IcePell-LtRn Cd
20  36.5  38.2   9:15a  35.3   2:45a  28.5   0.0  0.38   0.7  10.0   8:40p    W  17.07  0.0  12" Cd/LtShr Cd Cd/VryLtRn-Spr Cd Cd/LtMst-Sp-Rn-LtRn-Dz
21  33.7  36.6   1:25p  27.9  10:05p  31.3   0.0  0.14   1.1  22.0  11:05p    W  25.59  0.0 MISS Cd/Rn/R-Sn Cd/R-Sn/Mst Cd PCd MCd Cd-TnyBrks PCd Clr
22  22.8  28.4  12:10a  17.0  11:50p  42.2   0.0  0.00   4.2  25.0   1:30a    E  99.86  0.0  11" Clr MClr Brz-Gsts Windy-Mtns MOvcst PCd Ovcst-MOvcst
23  16.9  18.9  10:30p  15.2   7:25a  48.1   0.0  0.00   7.9  32.0   5:45p  ENE 190.33  0.0  11" MCd Cd-Ovcst Lt-Brz-Wndy Cd FewVryTnyBrks Cd Mcd Clr
24  19.2  23.6  11:30a  11.6  11:45p  45.8   0.0  0.00   4.0  28.0  12:35a  ENE  97.06  0.0  11" PCld Lt-Brz-Wndy M/PCd-Thinnish-ThinCds PCd/MClr Clr
25  17.1  23.0  12:15p  10.4   4:35a  47.9   0.0  0.00   0.3   7.0  12:25a    W   7.90  0.0  11" Clr VarPCd-MCd PCd/MClr Cd/MCd PCd M/PCd Cd-Ovcst Cd
26  25.0  27.2   6:00p  21.9  12:05a  40.0   0.0  0.47   0.6  10.0   9:55a  SSE  15.22  6.8  18" Cldy/Snow-from ExtrmLt to Hvy  Cldy Cld/Sn
27  27.9  33.1  12:00m  25.3   8:45a  37.1   0.0  0.18   0.4   9.0   4:35p  SSE   8.82  4.9  20" Cld/Sn-LtSn Cd Cd/FewVryLtSn-SnShrs Cd Cd/Sn-VryLtSn
28  33.1  34.1  11:45p  31.6   5:50a  31.9   0.0  0.55   1.7  18.0   7:55p  SSE  40.22  2.9 MISS Cld/Sn Cld Cld/VryLt-XtmLtSn-Sn-LtSn Cld/MixedSn-Rn
29  36.5  40.8   8:45p  33.1   1:00a  28.5   0.0  1.50   3.7  22.0   9:10p  SSE  87.85  0.5  19" Cd/Rn-Sn/S-R/LtMst-Drz-LtR-R/S-R/R-S/S Cd/R LtBrzWnd
30  34.4  39.6  12:05a  32.1   9:30p  30.6   0.0  1.24   1.7  25.0  12:10a  SSE *40.51+ 3.6 21"? Cld/HvyRn Lt-Brz-Gsts FewBrks Cd/Sn-Lt-VryLtSn-HvySn
31  30.6  32.9  11:55p  27.9   7:40a  34.4   0.0  0.28 **0.1+  8.0  11:25p**ENE **2.28+ 7.6  (a) Cld/Sn-VryLtSn PCd Cd MCld Brks Cd/VryLtSn-LtSn-Sn
    26.7  51.7    19    -3.7     7  1188.6   0.0  9.26   1.6  32.0    23   SSE 1154.99+ 67.4

(1) As measured on Front Lawn 
(a) No Reading taken and until snow pack melts there will be none. The measurement area was damaged by snow from a snow blower
    being blown onto the area.

* 1/30: From 1655 to Midnight the Anemometer was impeded, don't think there was much more Wind Run than shown.

** 1/31: Wind Vane Frozen until 2050, Anemometer impeded until 2050. Wind Run however was probably not that much more because
it was a very still day until the latter part of the evening.
STATISTICS | DATA | GRAPHS | CONDITIONS - DAY of MONTH: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31| TOP 
AVERAGE Mean Temp:      26.7
AVERAGE High Temp:      30.6
MINIMUM High Temp:      2.6     7th
MAXIMUM High Temp:      51.7    19th
AVERAGE Low Temp:       22.3
MINIMUM Low Temp:       -3.7    7th
MAXIMUM Low Temp:       40.2    18th
LoWEST Wind Chill Temp: -10     7th (based on 10 minute Average Wind Speed)
MAX >= 90.0:            0
MAX >= 80.0:            0
MAX >= 70.0:            0
MAX <= 32.0:            15      1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th
MIN <= 32.0:            20      All but: 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 29th, 30th
MIN <=  0.0:            2       7th, 8th
MAXIMUM Humidity (%):   94      12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th
MINIMUM Humidity (%):   18      24th @ 1230
MAXIMUM Pressure (mb):  1036.4  25th @ 0144
MINIMUM Pressure (mb):  973.5   4th @ 1314
TOTAL   Htg Deg Days:   1188.6
AVERAGE Htg Deg Days:   38.3
MINIMUM Htg Deg Days:   19.1    18th
MAXIMUM Htg Deg Days:   66.0    7th
TOTAL Cool Deg Days:    0.0
Heat Base:  65.0  Cool Base:  65.0  Method: Integration
TOTAL   Precip.:        9.26
AVERAGE Precip. A:      0.42    (Per day, for the 22 days with measurable precip.; including the 1 day with a Trace = 0.40)
AVERAGE Precip. B:      0.30    (Per day)
DAYS of Precip.:        23      All but: 1st, 7th, 16th, 18th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th
MAXIMUM Precip.:        1.50    29th
MAXIMUM Rain Rate:      0.45    30th @ 0322
Days of Rain: 22 (>.01 in) 19 (>.1 in) 3 (>1 in)
TOTAL Snowfall:         67.4
DAYS of Snowfall:       17      All but: 1st, 7th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th
AVERAGE High Wind:      15.5
MINIMUM High Wind:      7       25th
MAXIMUM High Wind:      32      23rd
WIND RUN (miles):       1154.99
DAYS Sun at any time:   12      1st, 5th, 6th, 7th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 22nd, 24th, 25th, 31st (weak)
DAYS Totally Clear:     1       7th
DAYS OF Cld or M Cld:   30      All but: 7th
DAYS OF Rainbow:        0
DAYS OF Aurora:         0
DAYS OF Lightning:      0
DAYS OF Earthquake:     0

Juneau's Electrical Power Usage in January - See Below

GRAPHS | DATA | STATISTICS | CONDITIONS - DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | TOP

January 2009 - Barometric Pressure & Temperature with Highs & Lows.

January 2009 - Dewpoint & Humidity.

January 2009 - Rainfall & High Rain Rate with Pressure & Humidity.

January 2009 - High Wind, Wind Run, & 10 min. Avg Wind Speed.

CONDITIONS - DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | DATA | STATISTICS | GRAPHS | TOP

1/31/09: DATA | 2134: Winter Storm Warning now in effect from 6 PM this evening to 6 am AST Sunday - See 2134 Below | 0854: Winter Storm Warning is cancelled for this morning | Wind Direction Vane frozen until 2050, Anemometer impeded all day until 2050

1/30/09: DATA | 2100: Wind Direction Vane OK and Anemometer impeded by wet snow | Urban and Small Stream Flood Advisory was in effect until 10:30 AM Today - See 1023 Below | 1142: The Wind Advisory has been Cancelled - See 1142 Below

1/29/09: DATA | Urban and small stream flood advisory for minor flooding of poor drainage areas in...Juneau Borough in effect until 10:30 AM Fri. - See 1637 Below | 1638: Wind Advisory remains in effect from Midnight tonight to 6 am AST Friday - See 1638 Below

1/28/09: DATA

1/27/09: DATA | Winter Storm Warning that had been extended at 9:03 PM 1/26 to 5 AM today, has expired | Record Snowfall and Rainfall Monday, Jan. 26th - See 0830 Below

1/26/09: DATA | Record Snowfall and Rainfall Today - See 0830 1/27 Above | 1917: Winter Storm Warning remains in effect until Midnight Tonight - See 1917 Below

SUNDAY 1/25/09: DATA | 1456: NWS: Winter Storm Warning in effect from 6 AM Monday morning through 6 AM Tuesday morning for heavy snow - See 1456 Below

1/24/09: DATA | A NWS Wind Advisory was in effect until Noon AST today - See 0525 Below

1/23/09: DATA | NWS: Wind Advisory now in effect until 6 am AST Saturday - See 0436 Below

1/22/09: DATA | Wind Advisory now in effect until 3 PM AST Friday - See 2345 1/21 Below | Rally for Life: Noon to 1 PM - Steps of the Capitol

1/21/09: DATA | NWS: Wind Advisory in effect from 3 AM Thursday to 3 PM AST Friday - See 1541 Below

1/20/09: DATA | 1st Session of the 26th Alaska State Legislature Convenes Today | NWS: Record high temperatures for Monday, Jan. 19 across the Panhandle - See 0300 Below

1/19/09: DATA | M.L. King Jr. Day - Federal, State & Local Holiday | NWS: Record high temperatures for Monday, Jan. 19 across the Panhandle - See 0300 1/20 Above | NWS: Record High Temperatures across the Panhandle Sunday, Jan. 18 - See 0300 Below

SUNDAY 1/18/09: DATA | Record High Temperatures across the Panhandle Sunday, Jan. 18 - See 0300 1/19 Above

1/17/09: DATA

1/16/09: DATA | 2021: The Dense Fog Advisory has been Cancelled - See 2021 Below | NWS: Periods of Heavy Rain Expected Across the Northern Panhandle this Weekend - See 0500 Below

1/15/09: DATA | Eaglecrest Ski Area Closed Today - A stream from Mt. Ben Stewart overflowed its banks and ran wild through the snow at the base

1/14/09: DATA

1/13/09: DATA | No uploads 1250 - 1638 because dial-up phone # was out of order | Juneau on Diesel Generation | Thane Road Avalanche Control began 10:31 AM with road closing 10 AM - See 1031 Below | NWS: Continued warm with periods of rain across Southeast Alaska this week - See 1300 Below

1/12/09: DATA | Snettisham Power Line Out of Service - Juneau on Diesel Generation See 1345 Below | Still in effect at 1639: Buses on Snow Routes | NWS Special Statement: Continued warm with periods of rain across Southeast Alaska this week - See 1301 Below | A Flood Warning was in effect until 3:00 PM AST Today - See 0521 Below

SUNDAY 1/11/09: DATA | 1509: Flood Warning in effect until 6 PM Jan. 12 - See 1509 Below (and earlier statement at 0602) | Record snowfall in the Juneau area on January 10 - See 0700 Below | 0425: Winter Storm Warning has been Cancelled by the NWS - See 0425 Below

1/10/09: DATA | Record snowfall in the Juneau area on January 10 - See 0700 1/11 Above | 2053: Winter Weather Advisory remains in effect until Midnight AST Tonight - See 2053 Below | Urban Avalanche Advisory Website Now Active

1/09/09: DATA | 1904: Winter Weather Advisory in effect until Midnight AST tonight - See 1904 Below | 1646: Winter Storm Warning has been Cancelled by the NWS | Record snowfall for Juneau on January 8th - See 1612 Below | Urban Avalanche Advisory Website Now Active | Buses on Snow Routes | Juneau Public Schools closed today | Federal offices in Federal Bldg. Closed - Post Office open | Liberal leave policy for State | City Offices closed | Ptarmigan Chairlift closed until Jan. 17 because of bearing failure at upper bullwheel

1/08/09: DATA | NWS: Record snowfall for Juneau on January 8th - See 1612 1/09 Above | 2051: Winter Storm Warning remains in effect until 6 PM AST Friday - See 2051 Below | The Wind Advisory was Cancelled by the NWS at 8:36 PM 1/07 - See 2036 1/07

1/07/09: DATA | 2036: The Wind Advisory has been cancelled by the NWS - See 2036 Below | NWS: Winter Storm Watch now in effect from late Thursday night through Friday afternoon - See 1242 Below

1/06/09: DATA | Epiphany & Russian Orthodox Christmas | Wind Advisory in effect from 9 PM this evening to 9 PM AST Wednesday - See 0431 Below | NWS: Another winter storm likely later this week - See 1524 Below | Winter Weather Advisory Expired at 3 AM - See 0248 Below

1/05/09: DATA | NWS at 1658: Winter Weather Advisory remains in effect until 3 AM AST Tuesday - See 1658 Below | Record Daily Snowfall for Juneau on January 4th - See 0530 Below

SUNDAY 1/04/09: DATA | 1527: The National Weather Service in Juneau has cancelled the Winter Weather Advisory - See 1527 Below | Record daily snowfall for Juneau on January 4th - See 0530 1/05

1/03/09: DATA | 2054: NWS Winter Weather Advisory remains in effect until 6 PM AST Sunday - See 2054 Below

1/02/09: DATA | As of 1600: Capital Transit on Heavy Snow Routes until midnight | 1550: NWS Winter Weather Advisory now in effect until Noon AST Saturday - See 1550 Below | 0657: Now Available: December 2008 Monthly Report, 2008 Yearly Report, and updated Weather Database | NWS: A Cold and Snowy December - December 2008 Juneau Airport Climate Summary - See Below

1/01/09: DATA | New Year's Day! | NWS at 1955: Winter Weather Advisory remains in effect from Midnight tonight to 6 PM AST Friday - See 1148 Below