Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
NAME: 3270 Nowell CITY: West Juneau STATE: Alaska
ELEV: 97 ft LAT: 58° 17' 33" N LONG: 134° 25' 37" W
TEMPERATURE (°F), RAIN (in), WIND SPEED (mph), SNOW (in). Snowfall from 21:00 - 21:00, all others Midnight to Midnight.
1 42.9 47.3 3:40p 39.9 5:30a 22.1 0.0 0.06 0.3 6.0 1:00p SSE 5.93 0.0 0.0 Cld/Shrs Cld-SmBrks/SprVryLtRn Rnbws MCld P/MCld Cld
2 44.7 49.5 3:45p 40.8 7:30a 20.3 0.0 0.00 0.7 11.0 12:20p S 16.76 0.0 0.0 Cldy BrknClds PCld/Clear PCld MOvcst Cld/Brks Cld
3 44.7 50.4 4:05p 40.2 3:45a 20.3 0.0 0.18 1.7 14.0 9:10p SSE 40.77 0.0 0.0 Cld-SmBrks FewSpr BriteOvcst MCld-ThinCld Cld Cld/Rn
4 45.7 48.5 10:50a 43.9 11:00p 19.3 0.0 1.49 2.9 21.0 4:15a SSE 68.66 0.0 0.0 Cldy/HeavyRain-Rn Brzy Cld/Rn-Spr-VryLtRn Cld/LtShrs
5 45.4 46.7 11:35a 43.6 1:15a 19.6 0.0 0.12 2.7 14.0 3:40p SSE 64.73 0.0 0.0 Cld/PeriodsLtRn-Spr-LtDrizz-Rn Cldy VryLtRn Cldy-Brks
6 45.8 48.0 2:45p 43.9 11:15p 19.2 0.0 0.18 1.5 11.0 12:05p SSE 36.39 0.0 0.0 Cld-OccSmBrks/PeriodsLtRn-Drizz-Spr-Rn PCld Cld/Shrs
7 43.6 50.4 3:10p 36.5 12:00m 21.4 0.0 0.01 0.8 10.0 4:55p WSW 19.95 0.0 0.0 Cld-OccBrks/Shr Cld BrknClds PCld MClr MCld PCld Clr
8 39.4 44.8 4:10p 33.1 5:00a 25.5 0.0 0.00 0.6 12.0 11:15p WSW 14.09 FRST 0.0 Clr Frst MClr/VarFog Fog MClr PCld MOvcst Ovcst Cld
9 47.5 50.5 6:45p 43.6 2:30a 17.5 0.0 0.64 3.6 21.0 5:05a SSE 85.29 0.0 0.0 Cld-OccPoorVis/Rn-Drizz-Mist-Spr LtToBrzyWind Cldy
10 54.1 57.5 2:40p 49.4 12:05a 10.9 0.0 0.00 3.6 18.0 10:25p SSE 86.53 0.0 0.0 Cld Cld-OccTinyandSmallBrks MCld PCld MCld Cldy
11 49.5 54.8 12:05a 38.2 11:20p 15.5 0.0 0.29 2.8 18.0 2:40a W 67.58 0.0 0.0 Cld/Rn-LtRn-Spr MCld M/PCld Thin-VryThinCld PCld Clr
12 40.8 46.2 3:20p 35.8 5:00a 24.2 0.0 0.00 1.1 8.0 9:15a WSW 27.38 0.0 0.0 Clear ThinOvercast-Brks Fog PCld MCld Ovcst Cld Clr
13 41.9 44.2 2:20p 37.2 2:25a 23.1 0.0 0.55 0.5 14.0 9:30a WNW 11.14 0.0 0.0 Clr-VarFog Cld/VarFogOverChannel Cld/Spr-Rn-LtRn-Rn
14 44.3 46.0 2:10p 43.1 4:55a 20.7 0.0 0.85 0.7 8.0 3:25p WNW 16.55 0.0 0.0 Cld-LwrClds/Rn-LtRn Cld/LwrBand-Ribbon/LtRn-Spr Cld
15 45.1 53.2 2:25p 39.9 11:40p 19.9 0.0 0.00 3.1 14.0 8:50p W 73.73 0.0 0.0 Cld-MCld Cld-TinyBrks Cld-Brks P/MCld Clr/PCld Clr
16 41.8 52.8 2:10p 34.1 10:00p 23.2 0.0 0.00 2.6 19.0 1:45a WSW 62.17 0.0 0.0 Clr MClr PCld ThinOvcst PCld Thin-VryThin PCld Clr
17 38.9 43.6 12:10p 34.9 12:05a 26.1 0.0 0.62 1.3 14.0 12:10p W 29.82 0.0 0.0 Clr Thin-VryThinOvcst Cld-Ovcst Cld/Rn-LtRn-SnOnMtns
18 42.3 47.0 10:40p 39.5 2:05a 22.7 0.0 0.25 1.1 14.0 10:00p SSE 26.40 0.0 0.0 Cldy Cld-LwrFogClds/Mist-Drizz-Rn-Spr-LtRn-Rn
19 46.3 48.5 1:25p 45.4 11:20p 18.7 0.0 0.34 1.1 14.0 12:35a S 27.17+*0.0 0.0 Cld-LoCld-FewSmBrks/Rn-Spr-LtRn-Drizz MCld Cld/Mist
20 47.1 47.9 11:05a 45.8 12:05a 17.9 0.0 0.34 2.1 13.0 1:20p SSE 51.36+*0.0 0.0 Cld/Brks Cld Cld/Mist-Spr Cld Cld/Mist-Spr-LtRn-Rn
21 48.4 51.1 3:25p 46.5 12:05a 16.6 0.0 0.52 6.4 24.0 2:55p SSE 153.35 0.0 0.0 Cld/Rn-LtRn-Spr-Drizz Brzy-Gusts Cld Cld/Spr-LtRn-Rn
22 44.3 48.2 12:05a 41.9 7:00p 20.7 0.0 0.79 2.5 19.0 12:15a SSE 60.34 0.0 0.0 Cld/Rn Cld-OccBrks/OccSpr-LtRn PCld-MCldOnce Cld/Rn
23 43.1 44.3 3:25p 41.5 10:45p 21.9 0.0 0.78 1.5 14.0 12:10a S 37.01 0.0 0.0 Cldy-Rn (SnowOnMtntops) Cld-LwrClds/LtRn-Spr-Mist-Rn
24 41.7 44.1 2:30p 39.6 12:00m 23.3 0.0 0.20 2.1 20.0 11:15p S 51.07 0.0 0.0 Cld-OccBrks/LtRn-Mist-Drizz-Spr-Rn Cldy Cld/Rain
25 40.3 42.2 12:25p 37.5 12:00m 24.7 0.0 0.77 2.9 26.0 2:30a SSE 69.87 0.0 0.0 Cld/Rn/Gusts Cld-OccBrks/Shrs Cld/Spr-LtRn-Rn-Drizz
26 39.5 42.5 1:35p 37.2 7:50p 25.5 0.0 0.31 2.2 11.0 8:20a S 52.47 0.0 0.0 Cld/OccRn OccBrks/InfreqSpr-Rn Cld/Rn-LtRn PCld MCld
27 36.7 42.5 12:40p 30.6 11:45p 28.3 0.0 0.09 1.7 13.0 4:45a W 40.52 0.0 0.0 Cld-MCld/PeriodRn VarMost-PCld/OccSpr-Mist MClr Clr
28 32.6 40.3 1:20p 28.4 11:25p 32.4 0.0 0.00 3.0 14.0 8:45a WSW 73.00 FRST 0.0 Clr Clr/PartCld Lt-BrzyWind SnBlowOffMtns Clr Aurora
29 31.2 35.8 1:00p 24.8 7:25a 33.8 0.0 0.00 1.0 8.0 12:30a W 24.71 FRST 0.0 Clr DimAurora Thin-VryThinClds Ovcst Cldy Cld-SmBrks
30 34.2 35.3 7:05p 32.5 6:55a 30.8 0.0 0.30 1.8 13.0 11:10a SSE 42.70 0.3 0.0 Cld Cld/VryLtSn-LtSn-Sn Cld/Rn&Sn-Mist-Drizz-Rn-LtRn
31 34.6 37.2 12:00p 32.2 12:00m 30.4 0.0 0.09 0.4 8.0 11:20p W 9.88 0.0 0.0 Cld/Rn-LtRn Cld Cld/Spr-Mist-Rn&Sn Cld-LoClds MCld
42.5 57.5 10 24.8 29 696.5 0.0 9.77 1.9 26.0 25 SSE 1447.32 0.3
(1) As measured on Front Lawn
*From 0905 on 10/19 to 0635 on 10/20 the Anemometer was not functional for most of that period
STATISTICS | DATA | GRAPHS | CONDITIONS - DAY of MONTH: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31| TOP
AVERAGE Mean Temp: 42.5
AVERAGE High Temp: 46.5
MINIMUM High Temp: 35.3 30th
MAXIMUM High Temp: 57.5 10th
AVERAGE Low Temp: 38.8
MINIMUM Low Temp: 24.8 29th
MAXIMUM Low Temp: 49.4 10th
MAX >= 90.0: 0
MAX >= 80.0: 0
MAX >= 70.0: 0
MAX <= 32.0: 0
MIN <= 32.0: 3 27th, 28th, 29th
MIN <= 0.0: 0
MAXIMUM Humidity (%): 97 1st, 7th, 8th, 10th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 23rd
MINIMUM Humidity (%): 37 16th @ 1431
The Relative Humidity was 96% - 97% from 0005 on October 13 until 1115 on October 15.
MAXIMUM Pressure (mb): 1031.4 29th @ 0514
MINIMUM Pressure (mb): 991.3 23rd @ 1659
TOTAL Htg Deg Days: 696.5
AVERAGE Htg Deg Days: 22.5
MINIMUM Htg Deg Days: 10.9 10th
MAXIMUM Htg Deg Days: 33.8 29th
TOTAL Cool Deg Days: 0.0
Heat Base: 65.0 Cool Base: 65.0 Method: Integration
TOTAL Precip.: 9.77
AVERAGE Precip.: 0.4
DAYS of Precip.: 23 All but: 2nd, 8th, 10th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 28th, 29th
MAXIMUM Precip.: 1.49 4th
MAXIMUM Rain Rate: 0.55 4th @ 1026
Days of Rain: 22 (>.01 in) 19 (>.1 in) 1 (>1 in)
TOTAL Snowfall: 0.3 30th
DAYS of Snowfall: 1 30th
AVERAGE High Wind: 14.3
MINIMUM High Wind: 6 1st
MAXIMUM High Wind: 26 25th
WIND RUN (miles): 1447.32
DAYS Sun at any time: 16 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 22nd, 24th, 26th, 27th, 28th
DAYS OF Clear - PCld: 1 28th
DAYS OF Cld or M Cld: 30 All but: 28th
DAYS OF Rainbow: 2 1st, 22nd
DAYS OF Aurora: 2 28th, 29th
DAYS OF Lightning: 0
DAYS OF Earthquake: 0




- 2050 AST: Mostly Cloudy with lower band hiding
much of the mainland mountains.
- 2020: Mostly Cloudy, lower band of fog/clouds.
- 1950: Mostly Cloudy SE part of the sky, Cloudy
NW part, lower bands of fog/clouds hiding
much of the mainland mountains.
- 1850: Cloudy with fog/clouds as low as 400'
- 500' hiding much of the mainland, the moon
is visible through the clouds.
- 1750: Cloudy with fog/clouds as low as 400'
- 500' hiding much of the mainland.
- 1650: Cloudy with fog/clouds as low as 400'
- 500' hiding much of the mainland.
- 1550: Cloudy with fog/clouds as low as 400'
hiding much of the mainland.
- 1450: Cloudy with a few tiny hints of blue
overhead, lower fog/clouds hiding the mainland
above 400' - 500'.
- 1350: Cloudy with lower fog/clouds hiding
the mainland above 400' - 500'.
- 1341: A Bald Eagle is in a tree to the E
along the shore.
- 1250: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy
with lower fog/clouds hiding the mainland
above 400' - 500'.
- 1200: .09" of Precipitation to this
point today.
- 1150: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy
with lower fog/clouds hiding the mainland
above 500'.
- 1050: Cloudy with lower band and ribbon hiding
part of Mt. Juneau and fog/clouds hiding
Mt. Roberts above 400' - 500'.
- 1020: Cloudy with lower fog/clouds hiding
most of the mainland above 300' - 400'.
- 0950: Snow-Rain, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds
hiding the mainland above 300' - 400'.
- 0850: Mixed Rain and Snow, Cloudy with lower
fog/clouds hiding the mainland above 400'.
- 0805: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain with mixed
rain and snow in past 10 minutes, cloudy
with lower fog/clouds hiding the mainland
above 300'.
- 0750: Extremely Light Misting/Sprinkling,
Cloudy with lower band, ribbons, and wisps.
- 0705: Cloudy with a lower band/ribbon, some
fog/clouds hiding part of Mt. Juneau.
- 0650: Cloudy with the upper parts of the
mountains mostly hidden by fog/clouds.
- 0620 AST: Cloudy with the mountaintops in
the clouds and a lower band/ribbon. .05"
of Rainfall so far today.
- 2100 AST: .26" of Precipitation today;
1/4" Snowfall today, 0" of Snow
on the ground at 2100
- 2050: Light Rain after heavier rain, cloudy
with lower fog/clouds hiding the mainland
above 400'.
- 1950: Light Rain, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds
as low as 400' hiding the mainland.
- 1935: Rain, Cloudy with the upper part of
Mt. Juneau hidden by fog/clouds, Last Chance
Basin and Mt. Roberts hidden above about
- 1850: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the upper
part of Mt. Juneau hidden by fog/clouds and
Mt. Roberts hidden above 400' - 500'.
- 1800: .16" of Precipitation to this
point today.
- 1750: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
lower band on the Channel side of Mt. Roberts
and fog/clouds hiding much of Mt. Juneau.
- 1650: Misting, Cloudy with low clouds/fog
hiding the mainland above 300' - 400'.
- 1620: Misting, Cloudy with low clouds/fog
hiding most of the mainland above 400'.
- 1550: Mixed Snow and Rain, Cloudy with low
clouds/fog hiding the mainland above 400'
- 500'.
- 1535: Mixed Snow and Rain, Cloudy with low
clouds/fog hiding the mainland above 400'.
- 1500: .10" of Precipitation to this
point today.
- 1450: Very Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with
the upper part of Mt. Juneau and top of Mt.
Roberts in the clouds, much of Last Chance
Basin hidden.
- 1435: Mixed Rain and Snow, Cloudy with the
very top of Mt. Juneau and top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, Last Chance Basin obscured.
- 1408: Snow Level (snow remaining on the trees)
is at about the 300' - 400' elevation at
Mt. Roberts.
- 1359: A Steller's Jay took a very short bath
in the Bird Bath (one flip of the wings).
- 1350: Misting/Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy
with mountaintops in the clouds and lower
fog/clouds and band hiding much of the mainland
above 400'.
- 1335: Very Light Misting after heavier precipitation,
cloudy with mountaintops in the clouds and
lower fog/clouds and band hiding much of
the mainland above 400', light to breezy
- 1250: Misting, Cloudy with Mt. Roberts hidden
by fog/clouds above 300' - 400', lower band
on Channel side of Mt. Juneau, remainder
of mainland slightly to partially obscured,
mixed rain and snow in the past hour.
- 1200: .04" of Precipitation to this
point today.
- 1150: Mixed Rain and Snow, Cloudy with the
mountaintops in the clouds, lower fog/clouds
hiding much of Mt. Juneau and Last Chance
Basin, lower band hiding much of lower part
of Mt. Roberts. The snow received here earlier
has substantially melted away or turned to
- 1050: Very Light Misting, Cloudy with the
very tops - tops of the mountains in the
clouds with lower band of fog/clouds, Last
Chance Basin hidden by that lower band.
- 0950: Snowing with very light widely spaced
flakes, cloudy with Mt. Roberts hidden by
fog/clouds above 500' - 600', upper part
of Mt. Juneau and Last Chance Basin hidden-obscured.
The snow is not accumulating now.
- 0850: Snow, Cloudy with the mainland partially
to totally obscured or hidden - snow not
accumulating to a noticeable degree.
- 0750: Very, very light snow, cloudy with
mountaintops in the clouds and lower ribbon/band,
inner Gold Creek valley hidden, remainder
of mainland slightly to partially obscured.
3/16" - 1/4" snowfall on the ground,
except on portions of driveways, the road,
and sidewalks, the accumulation is zero having
never accumulated or having melted..
- 0650: Light Snow, Cloudy with the upper parts
of the mountains hidden and slightly to partially
obscured below that. 1/8" - 3/16"
of snow on the ground.
- 0640: First Steller's Jay of the day arrived.
- 0620 AST: Very, very light snow, cloudy with
mainland slightly to partially obscured;
there is a spotty very light dusting of snow
on the ground. Occasional scattered snow
flurries developed over the mainland after
midnight and then became steady and spread
to West Juneau.
SUNDAY 10/29/06: DATA | Reformation Sunday | Alaska Standard Time...
Have you set your clocks back 1 hour?
- 2050 AST: Cloudy with a few small breaks.
- 1950: Cloudy.
- 1850: Cloudy with some small breaks.
- 1750: Cloudy.
- 1650: Cloudy.
- 1550: Cloudy with a few hints of blue.
- 1450: Cloudy.
- 1350: Cloudy.
- 1250: Cloudy.
- 1150: Cloudy-Overcast with a thinner area
where there are hints of blue, sun trying
to shine through the clouds.
- 1050: Overcast-Cloudy.
- 0950: Overcast with thinnish clouds, very,
very weak sunshine.
- 0850: Overcast with thinnish clouds, thinner
area where hints of blue are visible.
- 0750: Overcast with thinnish clouds, thinner
areas where blue and hints of blue are visible.
- 0704 - 0705: A Black-Billed Magpie is on
the railing and then in the willow by the
deck. We rarely see Magpies in West Juneau
though apparently they are frequently seen
in at least the Auke Bay area.
- 0650: Mostly or totally overcast with thin
and very thin clouds and haze (with lighting
it's hard to determine), deep red glow far
to the SE.
- 0620 AST: Thin - Very Thin Overcast. Weak
Aurora Borealis overnight. Frost.
10/28/06: DATA | Alaska Daylight Savings Time | Remember
to set your clocks back 1 hour tonight for
the switch from Alaska Daylight Savings Time
to Alaska Standard Time
- 2130 ADT: Faint band of Aurora Borealis to
the NE and N.
- 2050: Clear.
- 1950: Clear, light to breezy wind during
the past 1/2 hour.
- 1940: Faint Aurora Borealis to the East over
Mt. Roberts.
- 1850: Clear.
- 1750: Clear, one tiny cloud to the SE, snow
blowing off one of the high points on the
Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1650: Clear, a few very tiny dots of clouds.
- 1550: Clear, Breezy, sunshine on the mainland.
- 1450: Clear, sunshine on the mainland.
- 1421: A Red Breasted Sapsucker is in the
willow by the deck.
- 1350: Clear with a few small or tiny clouds
- most of them far to the SE, sunshine mostly
on the mainland.
- 1250: Clear with a few tiny and small clouds
to the ENE and far to the SE.
- 1150: Clear with a few small clouds to the
ESE and SE, snow blowing off Mt. Roberts
and the Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1050: Mostly Clear with some clouds in the
SE 1/3rd of the sky, snow blowing off Mt.
Roberts and the Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 0950: Clear NW part of sky and Clear/Partly
Cloudy SE part, some snow blowing off the
Mt. Juneau Ridge and Mt. Roberts.
- 0850: Clear/Partly Cloudy, light to breezy
wind, a bit of snow is blowing off the mainland
- 0750: Clear/Partly Cloudy.
- 0720: Snow is blowing off Mt. Roberts.
- 0650: Clear with a few scattered clouds.
- 0620 ADT: Clear. Frost. Ice on the Bird Bath
(later measured at about 1/4" thickness).
- 2050 ADT: Clear or Mostly Clear.
- 1950: Somewhere between Partly Cloudy and
Mostly Clear.
- 1850: Mostly Cloudy with mostly thin and
very thin clouds.
- 1750: Mostly Cloudy with mostly thin and
very thin clouds.
- 1650: Clear SE half of sky and Mostly Cloudy
NW half.
- 1550: Mostly Clear with a few clouds close
to the top of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts,
cloudy with mostly puffy clouds to the NW,
sun shining on the mainland.
- 1450: Mostly Clear, with cumulus clouds near,
by, and around most of the mainland mountaintops
with the preponderance of the clouds in the
Salmon Creek and Lemon Creek area, sun shining
on the mainland.
- 1350: Mostly Clear with cumulus clouds near,
by, and around most of the mountaintops,
sun is shining on the mainland.
- 1250: Mostly Clear with cumulus clouds near,
by, and around most of the mountaintops,
sun is shining.
- 1235: Mostly Clear with cumulus clouds near,
by, and around the mountaintops, sun is shining.
- 1155: Gastineau Channel is perfectly calm
with the reflection of downtown and Mt. Roberts
in the water; it is very rare for the Channel
to be still enough for mirror type reflections.
- 1150: Mostly Clear NW part of sky, Mostly/Partly
Cloudy SE part, fog/clouds hiding much of
the top of Mt. Roberts, a few other wisps,
sun in and out.
- 1050: Mostly Clear but with fog/clouds to
the SE, and lower clouds to the E hiding
most of Mt. Roberts, a few wisps and bits
of clouds around Mt. Juneau, sun shining.
- 1035: Partly Cloudy, lower fog/clouds hiding
much of Mt. Roberts above 400', sun shining
on parts of the mainland, a few other wisps.
- 0950: Mostly Cloudy, some clouds around the
top of Mt. Roberts, sun shining in the inner
Gold Creek valley and much of the top of
Mt. Juneau.
- 0920: Partly/Mostly Cloudy with light drizzle/misting
in the past 15 minutes, some fog/clouds around
the mountaintops, sun shining here and there
on the mountaintops.
- 0850: Partly Cloudy NW part of sky with sun
shining on Heintzleman Ridge, Cloudy SE part
with a few small breaks, very tops - tops
of the mountains mostly in the clouds, precipitation
in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 0830: A Bald Eagle is in a tree to the E
along the shore.
- 0805: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy
with an area of thinner clouds, mountaintops
in the clouds.
- 0750: Cloudy with a few hints of breaks,
a thinner spot in the NW part of the sky
- with filtered blue?, mountaintops in the
clouds, precipitation in the inner Gold Creek
- 0721: First Steller's Jay of the day arrived.
- 0650: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the
- 0620 ADT: Mostly/Partly Cloudy, clouds around
the mountaintops with a lower ribbon. .09"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 2050 ADT: Mostly Cloudy. .30" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 1950: Mostly Cloudy with lower bands hiding
much of the upper parts of the mountains.
- 1935: Partly Cloudy with fog/clouds around
much of the mountaintops.
- 1920: Very Light Sprinkling, Partly or at
least Mostly Cloudy with stars visible, some
clouds around the mountaintops.
- 1850: Light Rain after some heavy rain in
the past hour, cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds.
- 1817: High Rain Rate of .25" of Rain
per hour (the heaviest so far today and for
the day).
- 1800: .22" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds.
- 1720: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, snow level at about 1200'
- 1300' at Mt. Roberts.
- 1705: Rain, Cloudy with the upper parts of
the mountains in the clouds, inner Gold Creek
valley hidden.
- 1650: Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, inner Gold Creek valley obscured.
- 1635: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the very
tops of the mountains in the clouds.
- 1620: Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau,
the Mt. Juneau Ridge, and part of the top
of Mt. Roberts in the clouds.
- 1550: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks, a few
wisps and bits of fog/clouds around the mountaintops.
- 1505: Cloudy with area that has thinner clouds,
sun shining on parts of the mainland - especially
the top of Mt. Juneau which with it's snow
is brilliant, some precipitation in the inner
Gold Creek valley, a few wisps and bits of
clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau.
- 1500: .14" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with bright
clouds in SW half, top of Mt. Juneau and
Mt. Juneau Ridge and part of the top of Mt.
Roberts in the clouds, inner Gold Creek valley
slightly obscured.
- 1435: Rain, Cloudy with the very top of Mt.
Roberts obscured.
- 1350: Cloudy with a break in NW part of sky
and a tiny hint of blue to the E, some clouds
around the mountaintops.
- 1335: Cloudy with some small and tiny breaks,
sun barely above the Douglas Island mountains
shining through the layer of clouds, mountaintops
mostly in the clouds.
- 1250: Cloudy with a few very tiny breaks
in the NW part of the sky, some clouds around
the top of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts.
- 1200: .13" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy with a few small breaks, Mt.
Juneau and part of the top of Mt. Roberts
hidden by fog/clouds, bright area where the
sun is.
- 1120: A few very light sprinkles, cloudy
with a bright spot, top of Mt. Juneau and
part of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden by
fog/clouds, a small cloud in Last Chance
- 1050: Cloudy with a few very tiny breaks
overhead and bright areas in the SE part
of the sky, top of Mt. Juneau hidden by fog/clouds,
a few wisps around the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1005: Cloudy with small breaks, sun trying
to break through.
- 0950: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a few
tiny filtered breaks, mountaintops in the
- 0850: Cloudy with clouds skimming Mt. Juneau
and the Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 0750: Cloudy with a few thinner spots and
hints of breaks, clouds skimming - very tops
of the mountains in the clouds. Snow level
is at about 1700' at Mt. Roberts.
- 0650: Cloudy, breaks in SE part of sky with
some stars visible, clouds skimming mountaintops?
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with a few hints of breaks,
mountaintops in the clouds. .12" of
Rainfall to this point today.
10/25/06: DATA | 3:30 p.m. Forecast: Showers will continue
into evening with isolated thunderstorms
possible. Stronger showers or thunderstorms
could produce heavy rain...small hail and
wind gusts to 30 mph.
- 2100 ADT: .67" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds.
- 2035: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds.
- 1950: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds.
- 1920: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
very tops of the mountains in the clouds.
- 1850: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds.
- 1820: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds.
- 1800: .51" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the
- 1650: Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, inner Gold Creek valley obscured
and remainder of mainland slightly obscured.
- 1635: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds.
- 1620: Very Light Rain after heavier rain,
cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds.
- 1550: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds.
- 1520: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds.
- 1500: .43" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy with very tops - tops of the
mountains in the clouds.
- 1420: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
the very top of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, top of Mt. Roberts in the
clouds, some small whitecaps on Gastineau
- 1350: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds.
- 1335: Rain, Cloudy with very tops - tops
of the mountains in the clouds.
- 1320: Light Rain, Cloudy with very tops -
tops of the mountains in the clouds.
- 1250: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy
with very tops - tops of the mountains in
the clouds.
- 1220: Cloudy with a tiny break to the SE,
mountaintops in the clouds.
- 1207: The Bald Eagle mentioned at 1105 flew
low over the backyard going west.
- 1150: A few very light sprinkles, cloudy
with the ceiling at about 2500'. .38"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1105: Sprinkling, Cloudy with part of the
top of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts and the
top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds.
At least 2 showers in the past 2 hrs and
15 minutes. Bald Eagle in tree to the E along
the shore.
- 1019: High Rain Rate of .38" of rainfall
per hour.
- 0850: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks in the
SE part of the sky, a bit of fog/clouds around
the very top and part of the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 0750: Cloudy with a few tiny hints of breaks
in the SE part of the sky, very top of Mt.
Juneau and top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds.
- 0735: Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, a few hints of breaks. Snow
level is at 1800' on Mt. Roberts.
- 0729: First Steller's Jays of the day arrived.
- 0650: Cloudy, with clouds skimming mountaintops?
- 0631: Posted a New Weekly Picture - Clouds and Mt. Roberts.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with fog/clouds around the
mountaintops and filtered breaks or hints
of breaks. .28" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 2100 ADT: .11" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, very
tops of the mountains in the clouds?
- 1950: Cloudy, light to breezy wind.
- 1850: Cloudy.
- 1750: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the
clouds, shower over part of the mainland
in the past half hour.
- 1705: Cloudy with a few thin spots, very
top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds and much
of the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1650: Cloudy with areas of thinner clouds,
some blue sky to the ENE, some fog/clouds
around the very top of Mt. Juneau and part
of the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1620: Cloudy with filtered breaks, much of
the top - very top of Mt. Roberts and Mt.
Juneau in the clouds.
- 1550: Cloudy with a few hints of breaks in
NW part of sky, some fog/clouds around the
top of Mt. Roberts and Mt. Juneau, Mt. Juneau
Ridge in the clouds.
- 1535: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks, mountaintops
mostly in the clouds (clouds lower in the
inner Gold Creek valley), a few lower wisps.
- 1520: Rain, Cloudy with a few small filtered
breaks to the NW, upper part of Mt. Juneau
in the clouds and part of the top of Mt.
Roberts, inner Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 1505: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the upper
part of Mt. Juneau in the clouds and part
of the top of Mt. Roberts, Mt. Juneau Ridge
in the clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 1500: .07" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy with the upper part of Mt. Juneau
in the clouds and part of the top of Mt.
Roberts a few lower wisps.
- 1350: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
some fog/clouds around Mt. Roberts, Mt. Juneau
Ridge in the clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 1320: Sprinkling, Cloudy with a few small
breaks overhead, fog/clouds hiding parts
of the mountaintops, some lower clouds on
the Channel side of Mt. Roberts, fog/clouds
hiding the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1305: Rain, Cloudy with much of the mountaintops
in the clouds, a few lower wisps, inner Gold
Creek valley hidden.
- 1250: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy
with much of the mountaintops in the clouds,
a few lower wisps, fog/clouds hiding the
inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1220: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy
with the very tops of the mountains in the
clouds, some fog/clouds in Last Chance Basin,
sun trying to burn through.
- 1200: .04" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy with a few small breaks and
hints of breaks, lower band in Last Chance
Basin and on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1135: Cloudy with lower ribbon/band of fog/clouds.
- 1050: Cloudy with breaks in the SSW part
of the sky, very top of Mt. Roberts and the
Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, lower ribbon,
sun shining.
- 1048: The Sun broke through.
- 0950: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks and hints
of breaks, small bright area where the sun
is, Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, lower
ribbon in Last Chance Basin and on the Channel
side of Mt. Juneau.
- 0920: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy with lower fog/clouds
hiding much of the mainland above 500'.
- 0835: Cloudy with breaks in the SW half of
the sky, some clouds around the very tops
of the mountains, fog/clouds in Last Chance
Basin and a band on the Channel side of Mt.
- 0750: Cloudy with very tops of the mountains
in the clouds and a lower band/ribbon of
- 0650: Cloudy with very tops of the mountains
in the clouds.
- 0620 ADT: Very Light Sprinkling/Misting,
Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds.
.04" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 2100 ADT: .73" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Very Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with
low fog/clouds hiding the mainland above
- 1950: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain after heavier
rain, cloudy with lower band and fog/clouds.
- 1850: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy
with lower band/ribbon.
- 1800: .68" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with lower
bands and ribbons of fog/clouds.
- 1712: A Great Blue Heron is flying NW.
- 1705: Cloudy with lower band, ribbon, and
some fog/clouds on the Channel side of Mt.
- 1650: Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy with lower bands,
ribbons, and wisps.
- 1620: Rain, Cloudy with lower ribbon/band
and fog/clouds on the Channel side of Mt.
Juneau and Mt. Roberts, remainder of mainland
slightly to partially obscured.
- 1550: Light Rain, Cloudy with lower ribbons,
including fog/clouds on the Channel side
of Mt. Juneau.
- 1535: Light Rain, Cloudy with very top of
Mt. Juneau hidden, lower ribbon and wisps,
remainder of mainland slightly obscured.
- 1500: .62" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a few
small ribbons and wisps.
- 1435: Sprinkling, Cloudy with some lower
- 1350: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a few
lower wisps and a band on the Channel side
of Mt. Juneau.
- 1250: Rain, Cloudy, a few lower wisps.
- 1200: .54" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Rain, Cloudy.
- 1050: Rain, Cloudy.
- 0950: Rain, Cloudy.
- 0850: Rain, Cloudy.
- 0750: Rain, Cloudy, Occasionally a few lower
wisps. There is snow on the Mt. Juneau Ridge,
the very top of Mt. Juneau and very top-top
of Mt. Roberts.
- 0700: .29" of Rainfall so far today.
- 0650: Rain, Cloudy. .28" of Rainfall
so far today.
- 0620 ADT: Rain, Cloudy.
SUNDAY 10/22/06: DATA
- 2100 ADT: .67" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
very tops - tops of the mountains in the
- 1950: Rain, Cloudy, Occasional gusts.
- 1850: Rain, Cloudy with very tops - tops
of the mountains in the clouds.
- 1800: .50" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Rain, Cloudy with very tops - tops
of the mountains in the clouds.
- 1650: Rain, Cloudy with very tops - tops
of the mountains in the clouds, breezy.
- 1620: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds.
- 1550: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the
clouds, precipitation in the inner Gold Creek
- 1500: .40" of Rainfall to this point
today. Much of the snow on the Mt. Juneau
Ridge from this morning has melted off.
- 1450: Cloudy with the very tops - tops of
the mountains in the clouds.
- 1350: Mostly Cloudy, mountaintops mostly
in the clouds, spots of sunshine on the mainland.
- 1337: Faint Partial Rainbow to the NNE .
- 1320: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
a few filtered breaks, mountaintops mostly
in the clouds.
- 1250: Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, inner Gold Creek valley slightly
to partially obscured.
- 1220: Light Drizzle, Cloudy with the top
of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts mostly hidden
by clouds, a few lower wisps, tiny break
to the SE.
- 1205: Cloudy with a break far to the SE and
a few hints of breaks and of blue, some fog/clouds
around the upper part of Mt. Juneau and top
of Mt. Roberts.
- 1200: .38" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
breaks, some fog/clouds around the mountaintops.
- 1145: Faint Partial Rainbow to the North.
- 1050: Partly/Mostly Cloudy SE 2/3rds of the
sky, Cloudy NW part, upper part of Mt. Juneau
hidden by a cloud bank, inner Gold Creek
valley mostly hidden by some clouds in Last
Chance Basin, sun is shining.
- 1020: Partly Cloudy SE part of the sky, Cloudy
NW part, a few lower wisps, snow visible
on the very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge,
a few lower bits and wisps, somewhat weakened
- 1005: Clear in the SW, West, NW and overhead
with clouds around the mountains, cloudy
with small breaks for the remainder sun shining
(came out 1003).
- 0950: Cloudy with small breaks and bright
spots, part of the top of Mt. Juneau in the
clouds and Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
a few lower wisps in the vicinity of Cape
- 0944: An accumulation of Hail? and/or snow
is visible on the very top of Mt. Roberts,
it's rapidly melting away.
- 0935: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a clear
area overhead, some fog/clouds around the
very tops of the mountains, a few lower wisps.
- 0850: Cloudy with a few brighter spots, some
hints of blue in the past hour, some fog/clouds
around part of the tops of Mt. Juneau and
Mt. Roberts, fog/clouds around the Mt. Juneau
- 0750: Sprinkling, Cloudy with much of the
mountaintops in the clouds, inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, lower ribbon on the Channel
side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0650: Cloudy with a few breaks to the SE
and a hint of a break to the ENE, very top
of Mt. Juneau and Mt, Juneau Ridge in the
clouds, a few lower bits and wisps.
- 0620: Cloudy. .37" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 0129 ADT: High Rain Rate of .41" of
Rain per hour.
10/21/06: DATA | Record high temperatures set around SE
Alaska | 2227: Small Stream Flood Advisory
Cancelled | 2100: Wind Advisory remains in
effect until Midnight tonight (it had been
extended beyond 3 p.m.)
NWS Record High/Low/Precip Report
615 am ADT Sun Oct 22 2006, Corrected to remove Yakutat at 0840 Oct. 22
...Record high temperatures set around SE Alaska on Saturday...
Location New Record Old Record Year Set
*Wrangell Airport 59 55 1999
*Juneau Forecast Office 55 tied 55 2002
*Hoonah Airport 52 tied 52 1997
*unofficial databases
Kv Oct 06
- 2358: High Rain Rate of .30" of Rain
per hour (and the highest for today).
- 2227 (posted here 0630 1022): NWS Flood Watch
1027 PM ADT Sat Oct 21 2006
Juneau Borough and northern Admiralty Island
1027 PM akdt Sat Oct 21 2006
...The small stream flood advisory has been
cancelled for Juneau
Borough and northern Admiralty Island...
Significant rainfall is diminishing across
the area. Small streams
and drainage areas will continue to drop
through early morning hours.
Lat...Lon 5840 13493 5815 13428 5835 13394
5862 13460
Expires:220900 gmt
- 2100 ADT: .30" of Rainfall to this point
today. Small Stream Flood Advisory remains
in effect until 4 a.m. tomorrow 10/22
- 2050: Very, very light sprinkling - during
the past hour sprinkling, light rain and
rain; cloudy with the very tops of the mountains
in the clouds, light to breezy wind.
- 1950: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
the very tops of the mountains in the clouds,
- 1850: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops
of the mountains in the clouds, breezy.
- 1800: .25" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very
tops of the mountains in the clouds, breezy.
- 1650: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very top
of Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge in
the clouds, very top - top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds.
- 1550: Cloudy with clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge and Mt.
Roberts in the clouds, breezy with occasional
stronger gusts, a few whitecaps on the Channel.
- 1500: .24" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy with clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge and Mt.
Roberts in the clouds, breezy with occasional
stronger gusts, some small whitecaps on part
of the Channel.
- 1350: Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau
and the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, very
top - top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds, breezy.
- 1250: Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau
in the clouds, top of Mt. Roberts and the
Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, precipitation
in the inner Gold Creek valley, breezy, a
few whitecaps on the Channel.
- 1205: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the very
top of Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge
in the clouds, top of Mt. Roberts in the
clouds, breezy, a few whitecaps on the Channel.
- 1200: .24" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Rain, Cloudy with the very top of Mt.
Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds, light to
breezy wind, a few whitecaps on the Channel.
- 1120: Rain, Cloudy with the very top of Mt.
Juneau in the clouds, top of Mt. Roberts
and the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, breezy,
some whitecaps on the Channel.
- 1115 (posted here 1212): NWS Flood Watch
1115 am ADT Sat Oct 21 2006
The National Weather Service in Juneau has
issued a
* Small Stream Flood Advisory for...
Montana Creek and other small creeks and
streams in the Juneau area
* From 300 PM ADT Saturday through 400 am
* Moderate to heavy rainfall is expected
to move into the Juneau
area this afternoon and evening. Small creeks
and streams will
respond to this heavier rainfall by rising
quickly to bankfull or
higher and may cause minor flooding.
Montana Creek is currently at 12.6 feet and
is expected to rise to
around 15.5 feet this evening. At 15 feet
water begins flowing over
the low water crossing on Montana Creek Road.
Water also starts to
inundate adjacent undeveloped fields.
Jordan Creek may also see a significant rise
into tonight and may
reach bankfull. This would cause some minor
flooding to near by
parking lots.
Rain will cause considerable ponding of water
in low lying areas,
near culverts, and along small creeks and
Do not attempt to cross water covered bridges...dips...or
low water
crossings. Never try to cross a flowing stream...even
a small one...
on foot. If you encounter a flooded roadway...turn not
Remain cautious when in low-lying areas...and
report any minor
flooding to your law enforcement agency.
They will relay your report
to the National Weather Service forecast
office in Juneau.
Please stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or
your favorite local
weather news source for updates on this situation.
Lat...Lon 5840 13493 5815 13428 5835 13394
5862 13460
Expires:221300 gmt
- 1050: Light sprinkling after a lull, cloudy
with mountaintops in the clouds, inner Gold
Creek valley partially obscured, breezy,
whitecaps on part of the Channel.
- 1035: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very top
of Mt. Juneau in the clouds, top of Mt. Roberts
and the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, light
to breezy wind at times, some whitecaps on
the Channel.
- 0950: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the very
top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds, top of Mt.
Roberts and the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
breezy to windy, whitecaps on part of the
- 0850: Very Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with
the very top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds,
top of Mt. Roberts and the Mt. Juneau Ridge
in the clouds, breezy, some whitecaps on
the Channel. .18" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 0835: Rain, Cloudy with the very top of Mt.
Juneau and Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds, light to
breezy wind, whitecaps on Gastineau Channel.
- 0820: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very top
of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Juneau Ridge in the
clouds, top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds,
light to breezy wind.
- 0750: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops - tops
of the mountains in the clouds, light to
breezy wind.
- 0724: First two Steller's Jays of the day
- 0700: .13" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, with the very
tops of the mountains in the clouds?
- 0620 ADT: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, with the
very tops of the mountains in the clouds?,
light to breezy wind. .11" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 2100 ADT: .23" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Rain, Cloudy with some lower fog/clouds.
- 1950: Rain, Cloudy with a few lower bits
and wisps of clouds.
- 1920: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland slightly
to partially obscured.
- 1850: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with very tops
of the mountains in the clouds.
- 1800: .04" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the very
tops-tops of the mountains in the clouds,
a few lower wisps on the Channel side of
Mt. Juneau.
- 1650: Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the
mountaintops in the clouds.
- 1620: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the
clouds and a few lower wisps, some precipitation
over parts of the mainland.
- 1600: Wind Advisory in effect tomorrow 10/21,
from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- 1550: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds and a few lower wisps.
- 1535: Very Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with
the mountaintops in the clouds and a few
lower wisps
- 1520: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy
with the mountaintops in the clouds and a
few lower wisps, some lower fog/clouds on
the Channel side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1450: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds and a few lower wisps.
- 1420: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, some fog/clouds in Last Chance
Basin hiding the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1405: Misting, Cloudy with mountaintops in
the clouds, inner Gold Creek valley hidden,
remainder of mainland slightly to partially
- 1350: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the
clouds and a few lower wisps, precipitation
over parts of the mainland, inner Gold Creek
valley partly hidden.
- 1250: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
the mountaintops in the clouds, a few lower
wisps, some lower fog/clouds on the Channel
side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1200: .01" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the
clouds and some lower fog/clouds in Last
Chance Basin.
- 1050: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the
clouds and a few lower wisps, precipitation
in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 0950: Very, very light misting/sprinkling,
cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds,
lower band on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau
and a few other wisps, fog/clouds in Last
Chance Basin hiding the inner Gold Creek
- 0905: Extremely Light Misting/Sprinkling,
Cloudy with mountaintops in the clouds, inner
Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 0850: Cloudy with a few hints of breaks and
hints of blue, mountaintops in the clouds
with a few lower wisps.
- 0750: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the
clouds and a few lower wisps.
- 0650: Cloudy with a few tiny hints of breaks,
mountaintops in the clouds.
- 0640: I have the Anemometer functioning again.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with a few breaks overhead,
clouds around the very tops of the mountains
and a lower band/ribbon. I'm not sure the
Anemometer is functioning properly - It seems
to be malfunctioning and will have to be
checked, because of it's inaccessibility
it may be some time.
10/19/06: DATA | 19 Years Ago Today - Heaviest Rainfall
Event Ever Recorded at the West Juneau Weather
Station - See Below
- 2050 ADT: Extremely Light Misting, Cloudy
with some filtered breaks, lower band, ribbons
and wisps of fog/clouds. .33" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 1950: Extremely Light Misting, Cloudy with
a few lower wisps.
- 1850: Cloudy with a lower ribbon on the Channel
side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1800: .32" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy with some thinner spots, very
tops of the mountains in the clouds, lower
- 1650: Extremely Light Misting, Cloudy with
a few hints of blue, top of Mt. Roberts hidden,
much of the upper part of Mt. Juneau in the
clouds, lower ribbon.
- 1550: Partly Cloudy NW part of sky and Cloudy
with a few tiny breaks SE part, lower bands,
ribbons, and wisps hiding parts of the mainland
- 1500: .32" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks and hints
of blue, lower clouds hiding most of Mt.
Juneau, all of Last Chance Basin, and Mt.
Roberts above 1000'.
- 1420: Cloudy with a tiny break to the NNW
and one to the ENE, lower fog/clouds hiding
the mainland above 300' - 800'.
- 1405: Cloudy with a few small breaks to the
NW, lower fog/clouds hiding the mainland
above 300' - 800'.
- 1350: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
a few small breaks to the NW, lower fog/clouds
hiding the mainland above 500' - 1000'.
- 1335: Drizzle/Light Rain, Cloudy with a break
far to the NW and a few hints of blue in
NW part, lower fog/clouds hiding much of
the mainland above 800', remainder of mainland
partially obscured..
- 1320: Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy with a few
hints of blue in the NW part of the sky,
lower fog/clouds hiding much of the mainland
above 400' - 800'.
- 1250: Cloudy with some breaks, fog/clouds
around the upper parts of the mountains above
- 1220: Cloudy with some breaks in the NW part
of the sky, lower fog/clouds hiding part
of Mt. Juneau, most of Last Chance Basin
and Mt. Roberts above 400' - 700'.
- 1205: Drizzle, Cloudy with filtered breaks
and some filtered clear spots to the NW,
brighter outside, low clouds/fog hiding much
of the mainland above 400', remainder of
mainland partially to substantially obscured.
- 1200: .31" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Light Drizzle, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds
hiding the mainland above 300' - 400', remainder
of mainland partially obscured.
- 1105: Drizzle, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds
hiding the mainland above 300', remainder
of mainland partially obscured.
- 1050: Very, very light sprinkling/misting,
cloudy with mainland hidden above 600' -
700' (lower in Last Chance Basin).
- 1035: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the
clouds, lower band/ribbon.
- 1020: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, lower band on the Channel
side of Mt. Roberts and a few other wisps.
- 0950: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy
with the mountaintops in the clouds, lower
band on the Channel side of Mt. Roberts and
a few other wisps.
- 0850: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds and a few lower wisps.
- 0750: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds and a lower ribbon on the Channel
side of Mt. Juneau, some fog/clouds in Last
Chance Basin.
- 0735: Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds and a lower band/ribbon on
the Channel side of Mt. Juneau, inner Gold
Creek valley hidden.
- 0709: First Steller's Jay of the day arrived.
- 0700: .21" of Rainfall so far today.
- 0650: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
with very tops of mountains in the clouds?,
lower ribbon.
- 0620: Rain, Cloudy with a thin lower ribbon.
.20" of Rainfall so far today.
- 0046 ADT: High Rain Rate of .24" of
Rain per hour.
- The heaviest rainfall event I have ever recorded
at the West Juneau Weather Station (and experienced
since living in Juneau since February 1970)
was on Monday, October 19, 1987, 9:52 p.m.
- 9:56 p.m. Alaska Daylight Time (-8.0 hrs.
UTC) when there was a Hailstorm which piled
up a 1/4" - 3/8" (closer to 3/8")
layer of hail and caused localized flooding.
Between 9:01 p.m. and 9:56 p.m. .52 inches
of rain fell as hail, the vast majority of
that in the 4 minute period. The temperature
at 9:00 p.m. was 45 degrees F.
10/18/06: DATA | Alaska Day - State and Local Government Holiday - See Below, No School except University of Alaska SE
is in session
- 2100 ADT: .12" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Very Light Misting/Drizzle, Cloudy
with the mainland hidden above 800' - 1000'.
- 1950: Misting/Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy
with low fog/clouds hiding the mainland above
150' - 200', fog/clouds over the Douglas
Island bench.
- 1850: Very Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy
with low fog/clouds hiding the mainland above
150' at Mt. Roberts and 400' - 500' at Mt.
Juneau, fog/clouds over the Douglas Island
bench with Blueberry Hills partly in fog.
- 1800: .08" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Very Light Drizzle/Misting, Cloudy
with low fog/clouds hiding the mainland above
150' - 200', fog/clouds over the Douglas
Island bench.
- 1720: Cloudy with low fog/clouds hiding the
mainland above 200' - 300', fog/clouds over
the Douglas Island bench.
- 1650: Very, very light misting, cloudy with
low fog/clouds hiding the mainland above
400', partially obscured below that; fog/clouds
over the Douglas Island bench.
- 1550: Cloudy with the upper parts of the
mountains hidden and lower band/ribbon.
- 1535: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy
with low fog/clouds hiding most of the mainland
above 300' - 400', remainder of mainland
slightly to partially obscured, fog/clouds
over the Douglas Island bench.
- 1500: .08" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Very, very light sprinkling/misting,
cloudy with low fog/clouds hiding most of
the mainland above 300' - 400', fog/clouds
over the Douglas Island bench with Blueberry
Hills partly in fog.
- 1432: Cloudy with upper parts of the mountains
in the clouds and lower band, fog/clouds
over the Douglas Island bench.
- 1420: Cloudy with low fog/clouds hiding most
of the mainland above 300', fog/clouds over
the Douglas Island bench with Blueberry Hills
partly in fog.
- 1350: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy
with low fog/clouds hiding most of the mainland
above 300' - 500', fog/clouds over the Douglas
Island bench with Blueberry Hills partly
in fog.
- 1320: Rain, Cloudy with low fog/clouds hiding
the mainland above 300' - 500', slightly
obscured below that; fog/clouds over the
Douglas Island bench with Blueberry Hills
in fog.
- 1250: Light Rain, Cloudy with low fog/clouds
hiding the mainland above 300' -600', slightly
obscured below that; fog/clouds over the
Douglas Island bench with Blueberry Hills
in fog.
- 1220: Drizzle/Rain, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds
mostly hiding the mainland above 300' or
so, partially to substantially obscured below
that; fog/clouds over the Douglas Island
bench with Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 1200: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Light Drizzle/Misting, Cloudy with
lower fog/clouds hiding much of the mainland
with the remainder partially obscured, fog/clouds
over the Douglas Island bench.
- 1120: Extremely Light Misting, Cloudy with
lower band and fog/clouds hiding parts of
the mainland, fog/clouds over the Douglas
Island bench.
- 1050: Cloudy with lower band and fog/clouds
hiding part of Mt. Juneau, and most of Mt.
Roberts above 400', fog/clouds over the Douglas
Island bench most of the morning with Blueberry
Hills partly in fog.
- 0950: Cloudy with a lower band.
- 0920: Cloudy with a lower band.
- 0850: Cloudy with lower fog/clouds hiding
much of the upper parts of the mainland mountains
and a lower band.
- 0750: Cloudy with a lower band of fog/clouds.
- 0720: Cloudy with a lower ribbon/band.
- 0702: First Steller's Jay of the day arrived.
- 0650: Cloudy with lower band and fog/clouds
hiding small part of Mt. Roberts, all of
Last Chance Basin, and much of Mt. Juneau.
- 0631: Posted a New Weekly Picture - How Cold Is This Winter Going To Be?
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with lower band and fog/clouds
over Gastineau Channel. .01" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- Transfer of ownership from Russia to the U.S. took
place at Sitka in 1867.
10/17/06: DATA 3.7 M Earthquake at 1832 on October 17,
45 miles SW of Pelican, Alaska - See Below
- 2050 ADT: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a
lower small thin ribbon of fog/cloud. .58"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1950: Light Rain, Cloudy, with the very tops
of the mountains in the clouds?, lower ribbon.
- 1850: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of
the mountains in the clouds.
- 1832: (Posted 0645 10/18):
Geographic coordinates: 57.560N, 137.186W
Magnitude: 3.7 Ml
Depth: 1 km
Universal Time (UTC): 18 Oct 2006 02:32:26
Time near the Epicenter: 17 Oct 2006 18:32:26 ADT
Local time in your area: 17 Oct 2006 18:32:26 ADT
Location with respect to nearby cities:
72 km (45 miles) SW (233 degrees) of Pelican, AK
86 km (54 miles) SW (215 degrees) of Elfin Cove, AK
114 km (71 miles) WSW (241 degrees) of Game Creek, AK
817 km (508 miles) ESE (114 degrees) of Anchorage, AK
event ID : AK 00071333
This is a computer-generated message and has not yet been reviewed by a
For subsequent updates, maps, and technical information, see:
Alaska Earthquake Information Center
Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks
- 1800: .47" of Rainfall so far today.
- 1750: Rain, Cloudy with the upper parts of
the mountains hidden and some fog/clouds
in Last Chance Basin.
- 1720: Rain with lower fog/clouds hiding the
upper part of Mt. Juneau, Mt. Roberts hidden
above 600', inner Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 1656: High Rain Rate of .26" of rainfall
per hour.
- 1650: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 1642: High Rain Rate of .23" of Rain
per hour.
- 1635: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 1550: Rain, Cloudy with the clouds skimming
- very tops of the mountains in the clouds,
some lower fog/clouds on the Channel side
of Mt. Juneau, snow on the mountaintops -
on Mt. Roberts snow level is at about 2400'
- 2500'.
- 1500: .14" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Rain, Cloudy with very tops - tops
of the mountains in the clouds, a few lower
- 1405: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops-tops
of the mountains in the clouds, inner Gold
Creek valley substantially hidden.
- 1350: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with clouds
skimming the mountaintops, snowing on the
- 1320: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the inner
Gold Creek valley partially obscured.
- 1305: Light Sprinkling (looks like it's snow
over Mt. Roberts and the Mt. Juneau Ridge),
- 1250: Cloudy, precipitation (snow?) in the
inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1150: Cloudy-Overcast.
- 1050: Cloudy-Overcast.
- 1035: Cloudy-Overcast.
- 1005: Cloudy-Overcast, location of the sun
is visible.
- 0950: Overcast with bright sky and faint
hints of blue, sun almost breaking through.
- 0850: Cloudy-Overcast.
- 0750: Cloudy.
- 0735: Cloudy. There is scattered light frost
on roofs and car roofs.
- 0723: First Steller's Jay of the day arrived.
- 0650: High thin - very thin overcast.
- 0620 ADT: High thin - very thin overcast
and haze with some stars and the moon visible.
10/16/06: DATA | Record High Temperature Tied at the Juneau
Airport and Record High Temperature at the
West Juneau Weather Station - See Below
- New Record Temperature of 52.8 degrees F set
at the West Juneau Weather Station exceeding
the previous high of 51.4 degrees set in
1994; records since 1984.
- Record high temperature tied at the Juneau
Airport on 10/16
NWS Record Report |
Statement as of 4:30 PM ADT on October 16,
... Record high temperature tied at the Juneau
The temperature rose to 52 degrees today
at the Juneau Airport
and tied the record from 1994.
Tar Oct 06
- 2050 ADT: Mostly Clear.
- 1950: Mostly Clear.
- 1850: High Very Thin-Thin Overcast-Haze.
- 1750: High Very Thin-Thin Overcast-Haze,
Light to Breezy wind.
- 1650: Partly Cloudy with high thin and very
thin clouds, sun shining on the mainland.
- 1635: High thin and very thin clouds and
haze over most of the sky, weak sunshine
on most of the mainland with brighter sunshine
in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1550: Mostly Cloudy with mostly thin clouds
and bright skies, weak sunshine on the mainland.
- 1450: Mostly Overcast with mostly thin and
very thin clouds, very weak sunshine.
- 1350: Overcast with mostly thin and very
thin clouds - filtered blue sky over much
of NW part of the sky, weakened sunshine.
- 1250: High thin and very thin clouds and
haze over most of the sky with filtered blue
sky and blue visible, somewhat weakened sunshine.
- 1235: Partly Cloudy with high thin and very
thin clouds, very thin haze in the clear
areas, weakened sunshine.
- 1150: High thin and very thin clouds and
haze over most of the sky with large areas
of filtered blue sky, somewhat weakened sunshine.
- 1050: Thinnish Overcast with hints of blue
to the ENE, bright skies, extremely weak
sunshine, some small whitecaps on Gastineau
- 0950: Overcast with thin, very thin, and
thicker clouds, bright skies, very weak sunshine,
light to breezy wind.
- 0935: Overcast with thin, very thin, and
thicker clouds, bright skies, weak sunshine.
- 0850: Partly Cloudy with high thin and very
thin clouds and haze.
- 0818: The Sun started rising to the right
of West Peak.
- 0750: Mostly Clear with some high thin and
very thin clouds and haze.
- 0650: Clear.
- 0620: Clear.
- 0600 ADT: Wind Advisory has been cancelled.
SUNDAY 10/15/06: DATA | 1445: Wind Advisory extended to 9 a.m.
10/16 for Downtown Juneau and Douglas | The
Relative Humidity was 96% - 97% from 0005
on October 13 until 1115 today.
- 2050 ADT: Clear with a few small clouds.
- 1950: Clear with a few tiny clouds.
- 1850: Clear with a few tiny clouds.
- 1750: Clear with a few tiny clouds, light
to breezy wind.
- 1650: Mostly Clear with some clouds in the
SE part of the sky, sun on the mainland.
- 1635: Clear/Partly Cloudy, Sun on the mainland.
- 1550: Partly Cloudy with spots and areas
of sunshine on the mainland.
- 1450: Partly Cloudy with weakened sunshine
here and there.
- 1350: Partly Cloudy NW part of sky and Mostly
Cloudy SE part with bright clouds, somewhat
weakened sunshine.
- 1250: Cloudy with breaks far to the NW, filtered
breaks and hints of blue in NW part of sky,
bright areas in the clouds and sun almost
trying at times
- 1150: Cloudy, a few filtered breaks far to
the NW.
- 1050: Cloudy.
- 0950: Cloudy with a small break to the E,
a few bright spots.
- 0850: Cloudy with a few filtered breaks,
hints of blue.
- 0750: Cloudy with hints of blue and hints
of breaks.
- 0650: Cloudy with thinner areas and filtered
- 0620 ADT: Mostly Cloudy, the moon is visible
through a very thin veil of clouds.
- 2100 ADT: .84" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy
with lower band of fog/clouds.
- 1950: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with lower
- 1850: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a ribbon/band
of fog/clouds.
- 1800: .78" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Rain, Cloudy with lower ribbon/band
of fog/clouds.
- 1650: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy
with a lower ribbon over the Channel, some
fog/clouds over the Douglas Island bench.
- 1550: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with some lower
fog/clouds over the Channel variably hiding
parts of the mainland.
- 1500: .63" of Rainfall so far today.
- 1450: Rain, Cloudy with lower ribbon and
a few wisps, Douglas Island bench - including
Blueberry Hills is in fog/clouds.
- 1350: Light Rain, Cloudy with a lower ribbon
and a few wisps and bits of fog/clouds around
the mountains.
- 1250: Light Rain, Cloudy with lower band/ribbon
and a few wisps and bits of fog/clouds.
- 1200: .51" of Rainfall so far today.
- 1150: Rain, Cloudy with lower band and wisps
of fog/clouds over the Channel, patchy fog/clouds
in parts of West Juneau.
- 1050: Rain, Cloudy with a lower band, ribbon,
and a few wisps.
- 0950: Light Rain, Cloudy with a lower ribbon,
a few lower bits and wisps.
- 0850: Rain, Cloudy with lower band and fog/clouds
over the Channel variably hiding the mainland.
- 0750: Rain, Cloudy with variable lower fog/clouds
over the Channel hiding most of the mainland
above 100' - 200' most of the time.
- 0700: .19" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Rain, Cloudy with low clouds/fog hiding
the mainland above 100' - 200'.
- 0630: .17" of Rainfall to this point
- 0620: Rain, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds
hiding much of the mainland above 200' -
- 0223 ADT: High Rain Rate of .13" of
Rainfall per hour.
- 2100 ADT: .43" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, lower fog/clouds hiding much
of Mt. Juneau.
- 1950: Rain, Cloudy with lower bands and ribbons,
much of Mt. Juneau hidden.
- 1850: Rain, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds
hiding much of the upper parts of the mainland.
- 1800: .29" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Light Rain with lower ribbons, wisps,
and bits of fog/clouds.
- 1650: Cloudy with lower ribbon on the Channel
side of Mt. Roberts and fog/clouds hiding
much of Mt. Juneau.
- 1550: Light Rain, Cloudy with lower band
and ribbon of fog/clouds.
- 1500: .19" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with lower
fog/clouds hiding most of Mt. Juneau, Last
Chance Basin, and part of Mt. Roberts.
- 1420: Rain, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds
hiding the mainland above 300' - 500'.
- 1350: Rain, Cloudy with lower band and ribbons,
Douglas Island bench - including part of
Blueberry Hills is in fog/clouds.
- 1320: Rain, Cloudy with lower band and ribbons,
Douglas Island bench - including part of
Blueberry Hills is in fog/clouds.
- 1250: Light Rain, Cloudy with lower bands,
Douglas Island bench - including part of
Blueberry Hills is in fog/clouds.
- 1235: Rain, Cloudy with a lower band, Douglas
Island bench - including part of Blueberry
Hills is in fog/clouds.
- 1200: .07" of Rainfall so far today.
- 1150: Light Rain, Cloudy with lower ribbon
of fog/clouds, Douglas Island bench - including
Blueberry Hills is in fog/clouds.
- 1050: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy
with a few lower wisps.
- 0950: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a lower
ribbon. .02" of Rainfall so far today.
- 0920: Sprinkling, Cloudy with a lower ribbon
and wisps.
- 0901: Rain, Cloudy with a lower band of fog/clouds
over the Channel.
- 0850: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
a lower ribbon.
- 0836: Sprinkling began, cloudy with a ribbon
of fog over the Channel.
- 0750: Cloudy with hints of breaks, band of
fog over the Channel.
- 0735: Cloudy, Fog over the Channel hiding
the mainland above about 100'.
- 0650: Cloudy-Overcast, Band of fog over the
- 0620 ADT: Foggy-Cloudy overhead, fog over
Gastineau Channel hiding most of the mainland.
- 2050 ADT: Mostly? Clear (many stars are visible).
- 1950: Cloudy.
- 1850: Cloudy with a few thinner areas and
some hints of breaks.
- 1805: Cloudy with a few lower wisps in Last
Chance Basin.
- 1750: Overcast/Cloudy with hints of blue
and areas of thin and very thin clouds with
some blue visible.
- 1650: Mostly/Partly Overcast.
- 1620: Overcast with streaks of filtered blue
and a few hints of blue, very weak sunshine
on parts of the mainland.
- 1550: Overcast, thin lower ribbon on the
Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1450: Overcast-Cloudy with a thin lower ribbon
on the Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1420: Overcast-Cloudy with two lower ribbons
of fog/clouds.
- 1350: Cloudy-Overcast with some streaks of
blue in the northern part of the sky, lower
band/ribbon of fog/clouds.
- 1335: Mostly Cloudy (with high clouds and
lower level of fog/clouds), lower band/ribbon
of fog/clouds.
- 1320: High thin and very thin clouds over
much of the sky, weakened sunshine, lower
- 1250: Partly Cloudy with cirrus clouds, lower
ribbon of fog/clouds and some fog/clouds
above the Douglas Island bench, weakened
sunshine on parts of the mainland.
- 1235: Foggy-Cloudy overhead with a few hints
of blue, some clear sky with wisps of cirrus
to the ENE, lower ribbon/band of fog/clouds,
sun on parts of the mainland.
- 1220: Foggy-Cloudy overhead with a few small
breaks and hints of blue, fog/clouds hiding
much of the mainland mountains above 500'
- 700', weakened sunshine on parts of downtown
- 1150: Fog hiding the mainland above 600',
layer of fog-clouds overhead.
- 1114: Two Bald Eagles are perched side by
side on Channel Marker #4 in Gastineau Channel
near the mouth of Gold Creek.
- 1050: Fog hiding the mainland above 300'
- 400', fog overhead.
- 0950: Fog hiding the mainland above 400'
- 500', foggy overhead with hints of blue,
Blueberry Hills somewhat in fog, very weak
sunshine on parts of downtown Juneau.
- 0905: Fog hiding the mainland above 150'
- 200', foggy overhead with hints of blue,
Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 0850: Fog hiding the mainland and overhead
with hints of blue overhead, Blueberry Hills
and the upper part of Pioneer Avenue in fog.
- 0750: Fog hiding the mainland and overhead,
with Blueberry Hills and the upper part of
Pioneer Avenue in fog.
- 0735: Mostly Overcast-Cloudy with band of
fog over Gastineau Channel and patchy fog
- 0650: Mostly Overcast with large area of
very thin clouds and bright streaks of thinner
clouds to the ESE and E, moon is visible,
intermittent lower ribbon/band of fog. Light
Frost on the roofs.
- 0620 ADT: Overcast with large area of very
thin clouds, moon visible with a halo around
it, lower ribbon of fog/clouds.
10/11/06: DATA | Record High Temperatures around the Panhandle
and at the West Juneau Weather Station on
10/10 - See Below
- 2050 ADT: Clear.
- 1950: Clear.
- 1850: Clear.
- 1750: Mostly Clear with a bit of high very
thin haze, some clouds far to the SE, and
some clouds to the NW and NNW.
- 1650: Mostly Clear NW 2/3rds of sky, Partly
Cloudy with high thin and very thin clouds
SE part, sun shining on the mainland.
- 1620: Mostly Clear NW half of sky, Mostly
Overcast with high thin clouds SE half, sun
shining on parts of the mainland.
- 1550: High thin and very thin clouds over
most of the sky with blue visible, clearer
sky far to the NW, extremely weak sunshine
on the mainland.
- 1450: High thin and very thin clouds over
most of the sky with blue visible, thin layer
of clouds at the very top of Mt. Roberts,
somewhat weakened sunshine on the mainland.
- 1350: Partly Cloudy with mostly thin and
very thin clouds, somewhat weakened sunshine.
- 1250: High thin and very thin clouds over
much of the sky with some cumulus clouds
at a lower altitude - mostly near, by, or
around the very tops of the mountains, somewhat
weakened sunshine.
- 1200: .29" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Mostly/Partly Cloudy, a few wisps around
the mountains, sun shining here and there
on the mainland.
- 1120: Mostly Cloudy with very top of Mt.
Roberts in the clouds, some wisps and fog/clouds
in the Granite Creek area, a few wisps around
Mt. Juneau, sun shining here and there on
the mainland.
- 1050: Cloudy with a few small breaks and
bright clouds to the SE, weak sunshine (had
been brighter), top of Mt. Roberts in the
clouds, wisps around the very top of Mt.
Juneau, a few lower wisps and bits, light
misting in the past half hour, precipitation
still over parts of the mainland..
- 0950: Extremely Light Sprinkling/Misting,
Cloudy with breaks, some clouds around the
mountains, bright areas, very weak sunshine
at times.
- 0850: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy
with a few tiny breaks, top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds with a lower ribbon, clouds
skimming Mt. Juneau, clouds hiding the inner
Gold Creek valley and a cloud in Last Chance
- 0835: Cloudy with variable fog/clouds around
the mountains.
- 0805: Cloudy with a break overhead and moon
is visible, some clouds around the mountaintops,
fog/clouds in the inner Gold Creek valley
and part of Last Chance Basin.
- 0750: Very Light Rain/Sprinkling, Cloudy
with lower fog/clouds hiding Mt. Roberts
above 500', upper part of Mt. Juneau mostly
in the clouds with a lower ribbon, and part
of Last Chance Basin hidden.
- 0700: .27" of Rainfall so far today.
First Steller's Jay of the day arrived.
- 0650: Rain, Cloudy with very tops and tops
of the mountains in the clouds with lower
band, ribbon, and wisps.
- 0626: Posted a New Weekly Picture - First Snowfall of Autumn 2006 on Mt. Juneau.
- 0620: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland slightly
to partially obscured. .22" of Rainfall
so far today.
- 0610 ADT: High Rain Rate of .33" of
Rain per hour.
10/09/06: DATA | Columbus Day - Federal Holiday
- 2100 ADT: .64" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the
clouds and a few lower wisps.
- 2020: Cloudy with the upper parts of the
mountains in the clouds.
- 1950: Extremely Light Misting, Cloudy with
lower bands and ribbons.
- 1850: Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with
the mountaintops in the clouds and lower
bands and ribbons.
- 1750: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy
with the upper parts of the mountains in
the clouds and a few lower wisps. .63"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1735: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the
clouds, a few lower wisps, precipitation
over parts of the mainland.
- 1650: Extremely Light Misting, Cloudy with
the upper parts of the mountains in the clouds
and a lower ribbon and wisps, inner Gold
Creek valley hidden by a cloud in Last Chance
- 1550: Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the
mountaintops in the clouds, lower bits and
wisps, inner Gold Creek valley hidden, remainder
of mainland slightly obscured.
- 1500: .61" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Light Drizzle, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds and mainland partially to substantially
- 1435: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds and a few lower wisps, inner
Gold Creek valley partially obscured.
- 1350: Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with the mainland
substantially obscured.
- 1320: Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the
mountaintops in the clouds, inner Gold Creek
valley substantially hidden, remainder of
mainland slightly obscured.
- 1250: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the
clouds, remainder of mainland partially to
substantially obscured, breezy.
- 1200: .45" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with the upper
parts of the mountains in the clouds and
some lower fog/clouds, remainder of mainland
partially to substantially obscured.
- 1050: Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds and some lower fog/clouds,
remainder of mainland slightly to partially
obscured, light to breezy wind.
- 1020: Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with the mainland
partially to substantially obscured after
being substantially obscured.
- 1000: .26" of Rainfall to this point
- 0950: Drizzle/Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds and lower fog/clouds, inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, remainder of mainland
slightly to partially obscured.
- 0929: Drizzle/Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds and remainder of mainland partially
to substantially obscured.
- 0920: Drizzle/Light Rain, Cloudy with the
mountaintops in the clouds and remainder
of mainland partially to substantially obscured.
- 0905: Cloudy with the upper parts of the
mountains in the clouds, a few lower wisps,
some precipitation in the inner Gold Creek
- 0850: Very Light Misting, Cloudy with the
upper part of Mt. Roberts and Mt. Juneau
mostly hidden by fog/clouds, inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, a few lower bits and wisps.
- 0835: Drizzle, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, inner Gold Creek valley obscured,
remainder of mainland slightly to partially
- 0805: Very, very light misting, cloudy with
the upper part of Mt. Roberts and Mt. Juneau
mostly hidden by fog/clouds, Mt. Juneau Ridge
in the clouds, inner Gold Creek valley partially
- 0750: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the
clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 0735: Cloudy with the upper part of Mt. Roberts
and Mt. Juneau mostly hidden by fog/clouds,
Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds.
- 0700: .21" of Rainfall to this point
- 0656: First Steller's Jay of the day arrived.
- 0650: Drizzle, Cloudy with the mountaintops
- 0635: Drizzle/Misting, Cloudy with the mountaintops
hidden, light to breezy wind.
- 0620: Cloudy, very tops of the mountains
in the clouds and a few lower wisps. .19"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0407 ADT: High Rain Rate of .15" of
Rain per hour.
SUNDAY 10/08/06: DATA | 1142: Dense Fog Advisory Has Expired -
See Below
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy with a few thin spots with
faint glow from the moon.
- 1950: Cloudy.
- 1925: Cloudy.
- 1850: Cloudy with an area of clear sky.
- 1835: Very Thin Clouds-Haze in SW half of
sky, Overcast-Cloudy NE half.
- 1750: Cloudy-Overcast.
- 1720: Cloudy-Overcast, extremely weak sunshine
on part of Mt. Roberts.
- 1650: Overcast.
- 1550: Overcast, location of the sun visible.
- 1450: Thinnish overcast with thinner clouds
in the eastern part with some blue and hints
of blue. A Bald Eagle is in a tree to the
E along the shore.
- 1350: Mostly Overcast with high thin and
very thin clouds-haze with blue visible,
variable band of fog over the Channel, weakened
- 1250: Partly Cloudy with high thin and very
thin clouds and haze over much of the sky
with blue visible, very slightly weakened
- 1205: Mostly Clear with a few small ribbons
and wisps over the Channel, patchy fog to
the S with some fog in Blueberry Hills.
- 1150: Mostly Clear with patchy fog, the mainland
mostly visible
- 1142: NWS Fog Advisory
1142 am ADT sun Oct 8 2006
...Dense fog advisory has expired...
Conditions are slowly improving across the
forecast area with
visibility of 1/2 mile currently being reported
at the Juneau
International Airport and Wrangell Airport.
Although the dense
fog advisory has expired there are still
areas of locally dense
fog. Motorists are urged to continue to exercise
extreme caution
when driving in and out of areas of fog.
Expires:081800 gmt
- 1050: Fog, a few hints of blue sky overhead,
bright, location of the sun is visible as
a very bright glowing area.
- 0950: NWS Fog Advisory
950 am ADT sun Oct 8 2006
...Dense fog advisory has been extended until
11 am ADT Sunday...
The National Weather Service in Juneau has
issued a dense fog
advisory until 11 am ADT Sunday for the central
Inner Channels
and parts of the northern Inner Channels
of Southeast Alaska.
Areas of dense fog have developed over the
central and parts of
the northern Inner Channels. Visibility in
the fog will be
reduced to one-quarter mile or less at times
through Sunday
An advisory means that dense fog is already
All travel should be done with extreme caution.
Travel is
becoming hazardous. Slow down and keep a
safe distance from the
vehicle in front of you.
Please stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or
your favorite local
weather news source for updates on this situation.
This statement will be updated by 11 am ADT
Sun or sooner if
conditions warrant.
Expires:081800 gmt
- 0950: Fog, hints of blue sky overhead, bright,
sun is almost "burning" through.
- 0850: Fog, hints of blue sky overhead.
- 0835: Fog, hints of blue sky overhead.
- 0750: Mostly Clear with variable fog over
the Channel.
- 0650: Variable density fog over the Channel
and overhead.
- 0620 ADT: Clear? but with fog over Gastineau
Channel mostly hiding the mainland and thinner
fog overhead. Moon visible through the fog
to the WSW. Frost on roofs, cars, decks,
and lighter frost on lawns.
- Posted here 0629: NWS Fog Advisory
1215 am ADT Sun Oct 8 2006
...Dense fog advisory in effect until 10
am ADT Sunday...
The National Weather Service in Juneau has
issued a dense fog
advisory until 10 am ADT Sunday for the central
Inner Channels
and parts of the northern Inner Channels
of Southeast Alaska.
Areas of dense fog have developed over the
central and parts of
the northern Inner Channels. Visibility in
the fog will be
reduced to one-quarter mile or less at times
through Sunday
An advisory means that dense fog is already
All travel should be done with extreme caution.
Travel is
becoming hazardous. Slow down and keep a
safe distance from the
vehicle in front of you.
Please stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or
your favorite local
weather news source for updates on this situation.
This statement will be updated by 10 am ADT
sun or sooner if
conditions warrant.
Expires:081800 gmt
- 2050 ADT: Clear.
- 1950: Clear.
- 1949: The Moon is starting to rise over Gold
Ridge of Mt. Roberts.
- 1850: Clear, a few clouds to the NNW
- 1835: Clear with a few clouds to the NNW.
- 1750: Clear/Partly Cloudy.
- 1705: Partly Cloudy NW half of sky and Mostly
Clear SE half, sun shining on the mainland.
- 1550: Partly Cloudy/Clear with the clouds
mostly near or by the mountains.
- 1450: Mostly/Partly Cloudy.
- 1350: Partly Cloudy with large "islands"
of cumulus clouds, sun shining on parts of
the mainland.
- 1250: Mostly Cloudy with large "islands"
of cumulus clouds, a few wisps and bits of
fog/clouds around the mountaintops, spots
of sunshine here and there on the mainland.
- 1150: Partly Cloudy with fog/clouds around
the mountaintops, sun shining here and there.
- 1050: Mostly Clear with clouds around the
- 0950: Mostly Clear NW 2/3rds of sky, mostly
cloudy with bright skies for remainder, some
fog/clouds around the mountaintops, lower
- 0850: Partly Cloudy with some very thin fog
overhead, lower ribbon and a few wisps.
- 0823: The Sun is breaking through the clouds.
- 0750: Mostly Cloudy with broken clouds, fog/clouds
hiding Mt. Roberts above 700', a few other
wisps and a ribbon on the channel side of
Mt. Juneau.
- 0650: Cloudy with a few hints of breaks,
lower fog/clouds hiding much of the mainland
above 600'.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with the upper parts of
the mountains in the clouds and a lower band
of fog/clouds so the mainland is mostly hidden
above 300' - 400'. .01" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 2100: .15" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Light Rain (by 2100 - Rain), Cloudy,
with the mountaintops in the clouds and a
few lower ribbons and wisps.
- 1950: Cloudy with a few lower wisps and bits
of fog/clouds.
- 1850: Partly Cloudy with a few clouds and
wisps around the mountains, a small cloud
in Last Chance Basin.
- 1805: Light Rain, Cloudy with a bit of fog/clouds
around the mountaintops, inner Gold Creek
valley hidden.
- 1800: .12" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy with a band/ribbon on the Channel
and Last Chance Basin side of Mt. Juneau,
a few other wisps.
- 1650: Mostly Cloudy, some clouds on the SE
side of the top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt.
Roberts, Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
cloud in Last Chance Basin, spots of sun
on the mainland.
- 1635: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
some tiny breaks and a few small thin areas
with filtered blue, weakened sunshine on
downtown Juneau and part of Mt. Roberts,
much of the top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds,
part of the top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds,
Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, lower ribbon.
- 1550: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
a small filtered break, some clouds around
the top of Mt. Roberts, upper part of Mt.
Juneau hidden, some clouds in Last Chance
- 1500: .11" of Rainfall so far today.
- 1450: Cloudy with small filtered breaks in
the SE part of the sky, lower fog/clouds
hiding parts of the mainland including much
of Last Chance Basin.
- 1435: Cloudy with tiny breaks, sun has just
broken through, lower fog/clouds hiding parts
of the mainland including Last Chance Basin.
- 1420: Cloudy with a few very tiny breaks,
very top of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts in
the clouds, Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
lower band/ribbon.
- 1350: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with a few
small breaks, much of the upper parts of
the mountains hidden by fog/clouds, Last
Chance Basin hidden.
- 1305: Rain, Cloudy with lower band of clouds
hiding parts of the mainland and Last Chance
Basin, remainder slightly obscured.
- 1250: Light Rain, Cloudy with some fog/clouds
around the mountains.
- 1220: Rain, Cloudy with a tiny bit of blue
to the NW, upper part of Mt. Juneau and top
of Mt. Roberts in the clouds, Last Chance
Basin hidden, remainder of mainland slightly
- 1150: Very Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy
with some fog/clouds around the mountains,
inner Gold Creek valley hidden by some clouds
in Last Chance Basin.
- 1131: Rain began, cloudy with bright areas,
fog/clouds around much of the mountaintops,
some fog/clouds in Last Chance Basin.
- 1120: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
two very tiny bits of blue sky, lower fog/clouds
hiding Last Chance Basin and the upper part
of Mt. Juneau, some fog/clouds around Mt.
- 1050: Cloudy with some clouds around the
top of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts, inner
Gold Creek valley hidden by clouds.
- 0950: Cloudy with a few small breaks, cloudy
with some fog/clouds around the mountains.
- 0850: Cloudy with a few small breaks, lower
fog/clouds hiding part of Mt. Roberts, and
all of Last Chance Basin and Mt. Juneau.
- 0832: The Sun is shining.
- 0820: Cloudy with a few breaks, hints of
breaks, bright spots, some clouds around
the mountains with a lower band.
- 0750: Very Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy
with breaks, fog/clouds around the mountaintops
and a lower band/ribbon.
- 0730: Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds
hiding most of the mainland above 300' -
- 0700: .04" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Very, very light misting, cloudy with
the mountaintops in the clouds and a lower
- 0635: Cloudy with a few hints of breaks,
very tops of the mountains in the clouds
with a lower band of fog/clouds.
- 0620 ADT: Very Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy,
with mountaintops in the clouds? a lower
band of fog/clouds and mainland slightly
obscured. .03" of Rainfall to this point
10/05/06: DATA | Record Precipitation Fell Wednesday, October
4 - See 10/04
- 2100 ADT: .12" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Cloudy with some breaks in the SE part
of the sky with the glow of the moon on the
- 1950: Cloudy with a few lower wisps.
- 1850: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the upper
parts of the mountains in the clouds.
- 1800: .11" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy with some wisps of clouds around
Mt. Juneau, some fog/clouds hiding part of
the upper part of Mt. Roberts, fog/clouds
filling much of Last Chance Basin.
- 1650: Very Light Rain/Sprinkling, Cloudy
with a few small breaks, mountaintops in
the clouds.
- 1550: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the
clouds and a few lower wisps. .10" of
Rainfall to this point today.
- 1450: Extremely Light Misting/Sprinkling,
Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds,
a few lower wisps. .09" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 1350: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the
clouds, a few lower wisps and bits, precipitation
over parts of the mainland.
- 1305: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, inner Gold Creek valley partially
- 1250: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, inner Gold Creek valley partially
- 1200: .07" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy with the
mountaintops in the clouds.
- 1050: Cloudy with a few breaks, mountaintops
in the clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 1022: The Sun is breaking through, only out
for a few moments.
- 1005: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the
clouds, inner Gold Creek valley hidden by
some clouds in Last Chance Basin.
- 0950: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with the upper
part of Mt. Juneau and top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, inner Gold Creek valley hidden.
.07" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0920: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy
with the mountaintops in the clouds, a few
clouds in Last Chance Basin hiding the inner
Gold Creek valley.
- 0850: Misting/Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy
with the mountaintops in the clouds.
- 0750: Very Light Rain/Sprinkling, Cloudy
with the upper parts of the mountains in
the clouds, some wisps and bits of fog/clouds
in Last Chance Basin.
- 0735: Sprinkling, Cloudy with a few hints
of blue and small thin spots, mountaintops
in the clouds, lower band and wisps in Last
Chance Basin and on the Channel side of Mt.
- 0705: Cloudy with hints of breaks to the
E, mountaintops mostly in the clouds, lower
ribbon on Channel side of Mt. Juneau and
a few wisps in Last Chance Basin.
- 0650: Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds and some lower wisps in Last
Chance Basin.
- 0639: First Steller's Jay of the day arrived.
- 0620 ADT: Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds and a few lower wisps. .03"
of Rainfall so far today.
10/04/06: DATA | Record Precipitation Fell Today - See Below | NWS Small Stream Flood Advisory for...
Montana Creek in Juneau and Starrigavan Creek
near Sitka has Expired - See 2001, 1430 (Revised 1530), and 1100 Below | Wind Advisory was in Effect until
Noon Today
- Today the wind reached 66 mph at Sheep Mountain,
the Eaglecrest Ski Area on Douglas Island
recorded 65 mph at the top of the mountain,
and winds were gusting to 45 mph at the Airport.
- NWS Record High/Low/Precip Report
250 am ADT Thu Oct 5 2006
...Record precipitation fell Wednesday...
Heavy rain fell over most of the Panhandle
new records at a few locations. Juneau crushed
their record with
a collection of more than 1 inch over the
previous record.
Location | New Record | Old Record | Year
Juneau Airport 2.60 inches 1.58 inches 1991
Sitka Airport 2.40 inches 1.97 inches 1991
*Juneau Forecast Office 1.70 inches 0.64
inches 2004
Haines Airport 1.70 inches 1.37 inches 1988
*unofficial site
Kv Oct 06
- Midnight ADT: 1.49" of Rainfall at the
West Juneau Weather Station for 10/04. No
record was set, the Record for this date
was 2.14" set in 1991 (based on 9 p.m.
to 9 p.m. then).
- 2050: Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops
of the mountains in the clouds and a lower
- 2035: Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains
in the clouds and a lower ribbon/band.
- 2001: NWS Flood Watch
801 PM ADT Wed Oct 4 2006
...The small stream flood advisory has expired
for Montana Creek in
Juneau and Starrigavan Creek near Sitka...
Rainfall has diminished across the northern
and central Alaska
Panhandle over the past couple of hours.
As of 8 PM...widely
scattered light rain showers were occurring
over the area. With the
decrease in rainfall...both Montana Creek
in Juneau and Starrigavan
Creek near Sitka have begun to recede. Montana
Creek level has
fallen to 14.4 feet and will continue to
fall throughout the night.
The Starrigavan Creek near Sitka was at 12.8
feet and was falling.
Lat...Lon 5726 13336 5735 13319 5769 13369
5681 13494
5735 13570 5748 13550 5751 13546 5697 13490
5760 13445 5767 13466 5848 13489 5844 13472
5850 13467 5868 13489 5896 13429 5844 13338
5825 13334 5727 13227
Expires:050411 gmt
- 1950: Light Rain, Cloudy.
- 1850: Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau
and the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, some
clouds around the top of Mt. Roberts with
a lower band, some fog/clouds in Last Chance
- 1800: 1.48" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
a few tiny breaks and a few thin spots with
hints of blue, some clouds around the mountaintops,
some fog/clouds in Last Chance Basin which
are hiding the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1650: Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau
in the clouds, lower band of fog/clouds on
the Channel and Last Chance Basin side of
Mt. Juneau with the inner Gold Creek valley
hidden by fog/clouds, a small bit of fog/clouds
around Mt. Roberts.
- 1635: Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
a few wisps around the very top of Mt. Juneau
where there is some fresh snow, lower band
and wisps of fog/clouds.
- 1550: Very Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy
with lower fog/clouds hiding the upper part
of Mt. Roberts, part of the top of Mt. Juneau
in the clouds with a lower ribbon, inner
Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 1520: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy
with a few wisps around the top of Mt. Juneau,
Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, some clouds
around part of the top of Mt. Roberts, lower
ribbon and bits of fog/clouds.
- 1450: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy
with clouds skimming Mt. Juneau, Mt. Juneau
Ridge in the clouds. Dusting of snow is visible
on the very top of Gold Ridge on Mt. Roberts.
1.47" of Rainfall so far today.
- 1430 (re-posted 1556): NWS Flood Watch
230 PM ADT Wed Oct 4 2006 & Revised 1530
...The small stream flood advisory remains
in effect until 800 PM
ADT for Montana Creek in Juneau and Starrigavan
Creek near
In 115 PM Montana Creek rose
to 15.3 ft and is
expected to rise to around 16.5 ft this afternoon.
Minor flooding
has been reported on Montana Creek Road with
rising water
continuing through the afternoon. A rise
to 16.5 ft will cause
several inches of water to flow over the
low water crossing on
Montana Creek Road...and inundates adjacent
undeveloped fields.
Other smaller streams are also on the rise
in the Juneau area to
include Jordan Creek. At 147 PM Jordan was
at 3.6 ft and will
continue to rise through the afternoon. Jordan
Creek will likely
rise slightly above 4 feet which will cause
minor flooding to near
by parking lots.
In Sitka...heavy rain and high tide has caused
Starrigavan Creek
to crest around 14.7 ft this afternoon. A
spotter report at 2 PM
has confirmed flood waters ranging from 4
inches to 1 foot on
Nelson logging Road and bridge.
The heavy rain will diminish over the Juneau
and Sitka areas
through 4 PM with small streams and Creeks
subsiding into this
Rain will cause considerable ponding of water
in low lying
areas...near culverts...and along small Creeks
and drainages.
Do not attempt to cross water covered bridges...dips...or
water crossings. Never try to cross a flowing
stream...even a
small one...on foot. If you encounter a flooded
roadway...turn not drown.
Report any minor flooding to your law enforcement
agency. They
will relay your report to the National Weather
Service forecast
office in Juneau.
Please stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or
your favorite local
weather news source for updates on this situation.
Lat...Lon 5724 13349 5724 13349 5724 13344
5733 13323
5769 13369 5677 13494 5734 13575 5751 13546
5695 13486 5760 13445 5765 13470 5848 13493
5848 13489 5844 13472 5848 13472 5868 13494
5896 13429 5844 13338 5725 13227
Expires:050700 gmt
- 1350: Rain, Cloudy with the clouds skimming
Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts, Mt. Juneau Ridge
in the clouds. 1.43" of Rainfall so
far today.
- 1250: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds and a few lower wisps, inner
Gold Creek valley partially obscured. 1.35"
of Rainfall so far today.
- 1205: Rain, Cloudy with some fog/clouds in
the inner Gold Creek valley, small cloud
in the vicinity of Mt. Maria, mainland slightly
- 1200: 1.24" of Rainfall so far today.
- 1150: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, inner Gold Creek valley partially
obscured. 1.23" of Rainfall so far today.
- 1120: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, inner Gold Creek valley hidden.
1.17" of Rainfall so far today.
- 1100 (Received 1134, Posted here 1213): NWS Flood
1100 am ADT Wed Oct 4 2006
The National Weather Service in Juneau has
issued a
* small stream flood advisory for...
Montana Creek in Juneau and Starrigavan Creek
near Sitka
* until 800 PM ADT Wednesday
* at 1100 am heavy rainfall over Juneau and
Sitka has caused
significant rises is small streams.
In Juneau...Montana Creek has risen 4 feet
since 3 am this
morning. An additional 0.5 to 1.50 inches
of rainfall is expected
into this afternoon and cause the Creek to
rise to bankfull. As of
915 am...Montana Creek is at 13.6 ft and
will rise to around 15 ft
this afternoon through early evening. At
around 15 ft...water begins
flowing over the low water crossing on Montana
Creek Road...and
inundates adjacent undeveloped fields.
In Sitka...the 4 foot rise of Starrigavan
Creek is occurring around
a 9.5 foot high tide at 1140 am. An additional
1 to 2 inches of
rainfall is expected in the Sitka area. A
combination of the high
tide and rain will cause Starrigavan Creek
to rise to around 15 ft
this afternoon through early this evening.
At around 15 ft...water
begins flowing over Nelson logging Road and
Rain will cause considerable ponding of water
in low lying
areas...near culverts...and along small Creeks
and drainages.
Do not attempt to cross water covered bridges...dips...or
low water
crossings. Never try to cross a flowing stream...even
a small one...
on foot. If you encounter a flooded roadway...turn not
Report any minor flooding to your law enforcement
agency. They will
relay your report to the National Weather
Service forecast office in
Please stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or
your favorite local
weather news source for updates on this situation.
Lat...Lon 5722 13357 5722 13357 5731 13328
5749 13361
5769 13369 5674 13494 5734 13579 5753 13550
5697 13490 5787 13471 5853 13502 5841 13476
5844 13476 5868 13498 5896 13429 5844 13338
5825 13334 5723 13223
Expires:050700 gmt
- 1050: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, remainder of mainland partially
obscured (inner Gold Creek valley hidden),
a few whitecaps on the Channel. 1.12"
of Rainfall so far today.
- 1035: Heavy Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, remainder of mainland partially
obscured, windy over the Channel with whitecaps.
- 1026: High Rain Rate of .55" of Rain
per hour.
- 1020: Very Heavy Rain.
- 0950: Heavy Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, light to breezy wind, windy
over the Channel with whitecaps. .89"
of Rainfall so far today.
- 0905: Heavy Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, light to breezy wind, windy
over the Channel with whitecaps.
- 0850: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, breezy, windy over the Channel
with whitecaps. .75" of Rainfall so
far today.
- 0835: Heavy Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, breezy, windy over the Channel
with whitecaps. .73" of Rainfall so
far today.
- 0750: Heavy Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, windy over the Channel with
- 0700: .49" of Rainfall so far today.
- 0650: Heavy Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, windy over the Channel with
- 0649: First Steller's Jay of the day arrived.
- 0634: Posted a New Weekly Picture - A View from the Southern End of Thunder
- 0627: High Rain Rate of .45" of Rain
per hour.
- 0620 ADT: Heavy Rain, Cloudy, Windy over
Gastineau Channel. .35" of Rainfall
so far today.
10/03/06: DATA | Municipal Election - Polls were open 7
a.m. to 8 p.m. | Wind Advisory in Effect
from Midnight tonight to Noon, Wednesday
- 2100 ADT: .05" of Rainfall to this point
- 2056: High Rain Rate of .11" of Rain
per hour.
- 2050: Rain, Cloudy with a lower band of fog/clouds.
- 1950: Very Light Rain/Sprinkling, Cloudy.
- 1940: Sprinkling began, cloudy.
- 1850: Cloudy with a few thinner spots to
the E.
- 1750: Cloudy.
- 1720: Mostly Cloudy with a large area of
blue sky with broken clouds within, and a
few small breaks elsewhere.
- 1705: Cloudy with a few small breaks, clouds
are much thicker than earlier today.
- 1650: Cloudy with an area of clear sky and
a few small breaks.
- 1620: Cloudy with a few breaks and an area
of filtered blue sky, spots of weakened sunshine
on parts of Mt. Juneau.
- 1550: Mostly Cloudy/Cloudy with mostly bright
skies, area of sunshine near the top of Mt.
- 1450: Mostly Cloudy with mostly thin clouds
and some thicker clouds, bright skies, weak
sunshine going in and out and here and there.
- 1420: Cloudy-Overcast with large areas of
thinner clouds, bright skies, weak sunshine.
- 1350: Cloudy with fairly bright skies, a
few hints of blue and thin spots.
- 1250: Cloudy with somewhat bright skies and
a few hints of breaks.
- 1235: Cloudy with somewhat bright skies.
- 1150: Cloudy.
- 1050: Cloudy.
- 1020: Cloudy.
- 0950: Cloudy with a few hints of blue, bright
area where the sun is.
- 0850: Cloudy with bright clouds to the ESE
where the sun is (sun has been trying), hints
of breaks and hints of blue, and a few tiny
- 0750: Cloudy with small breaks, filtered
breaks, and hints of blue, precipitation
in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 0650: Cloudy with filtered breaks and thin
spots. Trace of Rain to this point today.
- 0620 ADT: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
a few small breaks to the E.
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy.
- 1950: Cloudy with a few hints of breaks.
- 1945: The moon is partly visible above the
trees to the SSE on Douglas Island.
- 1850: Cloudy.
- 1750: Cloudy with a partly broken-broken
- 1650: Cloudy with a few filtered breaks.
- 1550: Cloudy with areas of bright clouds,
a small area of filtered blue sky overhead.
- 1450: Cloudy with some small breaks in the
eastern and ESE part of the sky, a few hints
of breaks elsewhere.
- 1350: Mostly Overcast with bright skies,
areas of very thin clouds with blue visible,
extremely weak sunshine.
- 1250: Mostly Overcast with bright skies,
weak sunshine.
- 1220: Partly Cloudy with slightly weakened
- 1150: Mostly Cloudy, large area of filtered
blue sky.
- 1050: Partly Cloudy/Clear, Slightly weakened
- 1020: Partly Cloudy/Clear, Sun is shining.
- 0950: Cloudy with almost broken clouds, tiny
hints of blue, bright clouds SE part of sky.
- 0850: Mostly Cloudy with broken clouds, hints
of blue, and filtered blue, very weak sunshine.
- 0750: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy with broken skies
and filtered blue.
- 0650: Cloudy with SE 2/3rds of sky partly
broken and somewhat partly broken.
- 0635: Now Available: September 2006 Monthly Report, and updated Weather Database.
- 0631: First Steller's Jay of the day arrived.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with clouds in the SE part
of the sky almost partly broken.
SUNDAY 10/01/06: DATA
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy.
- 1950: Cloudy.
- 1850: Cloudy.
- 1750: Cloudy with small breaks, small filtered
breaks, and hints of breaks.
- 1650: Mostly Cloudy.
- 1635: Partly/Mostly Cloudy, Sun shining on
the top of Mt. Roberts, in the inner Gold
Creek valley, and on the very top of Mt.
- 1550: Mostly Cloudy with a few wisps around
the mountains, precipitation in the inner
Gold Creek valley, sun shining on parts of
the mainland.
- 1520: Mostly Cloudy with a few wisps around
the mountains, sun is shining.
- 1500: .06" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Mostly/Partly Cloudy with some fog/clouds
around the very top of Mt. Juneau and top
of Mt. Roberts, spots of sun here and there
on the mainland.
- 1435: Very Faint Partial Rainbow to the ENE
faded out
- 1421: Very Faint Partial Rainbow to the ENE.
- 1420: Mostly Cloudy, spots of sunshine here
and there on the mainland, precipitation
over part of Mt. Roberts and in the inner
Gold Creek valley.
- 1411: Rainbow has faded out.
- 1400: Faint Rainbow is almost a full Rainbow
now, weak sunshine on downtown Juneau.
- 1350: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
bright areas, a few hints of breaks and tiny
filtered breaks, Mt. Juneau Ridge and very
top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds, a few lower
bits and wisps.
- 1347: Faint Partial Rainbow to the NNE.
- 1320: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a few
breaks in the NW part of the sky, some fog/clouds
around the very tops and tops of the mountains.
- 1250: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with a few
hints of blue, Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
some lower wisps and bits of clouds on the
Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1200: .05" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy with a few bright spots, a few
wisps and bits of fog/clouds around the mountains.
- 1050: Cloudy with clouds around the upper
part of Mt. Roberts, lower band on the Channel
side of Mt. Juneau with some fog/clouds in
Last Chance Basin.
- 0950: Cloudy with some bright spots in the
ESE part of the sky, fog/clouds around the
top of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts with lower
band, ribbons, and wisps.
- 0850: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
a few small breaks and a few hints of blue,
sun trying to break through the clouds, some
fog/clouds on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau
and Mt. Roberts hiding some of the upper
parts, a few lower wisps.
- 0750: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with small
breaks and hints of blue.
- 0735: Sprinkling, Cloudy with some hints
of blue and filtered blue, a few lower wisps.
- 0650: Cloudy with hints of breaks, precipitation
in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 0629: First Steller's Jay of the day arrived.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with hints of breaks. Mt.
Juneau Ridge is covered with snow and Mt.
Roberts and Mt. Juneau have snow above about
2500'. .05" of Rainfall to this point