MONTHLY CLIMATOLOGICAL SUMMARY for OCT. 2003                                 11/21/03 Revision

NAME: 3270 Nowell   CITY: West Juneau   STATE: Alaska 
ELEV:    97 ft  LAT: 58° 17' 33" N  LONG: 134° 25' 37" W

TEMPERATURE (°F), RAIN  (in), WIND SPEED (mph), SNOW (in). Snowfall from 21:00 - 21:00, all others Midnight to Midnight.

                                      HEAT  COOL        AVG                      WIND       SNOW        
    MEAN                              DEG   DEG         WIND                DOM  RUN         ON 
 1  47.8  58.3   4:20p  41.9   7:25a  17.2   0.0  0.00   0.2   5.0  10:05a    N   5.65  0.0  0.0 Clr/Mclr/VarFog Fog MClr Clr
 2  48.1  61.6   3:30p  41.1   7:15a  16.9   0.0  0.00   0.5   6.0   4:55a    N  10.86  0.0  0.0 Clear/VarFog Clr Aurora 
 3  48.7  56.9   4:20p  41.3   7:10a  16.3   0.0  0.00   1.4  13.0   5:55p  ENE  34.00  0.0  0.0 Clear Clr/Fog Clear MClr Clr
 4  51.5  54.2   4:40p  48.3   2:50a  13.5   0.0  0.26   3.0  16.0   1:00p  ENE  72.14  0.0  0.0 Cld Cld/Rn Cld/RnShrs LoClds(no Rn)
 5  50.3  53.5   2:30p  47.6  11:20p  14.7   0.0  0.15   2.1  20.0   3:45p  ENE  50.86  0.0  0.0 Cld MCld/PCld/Clr Cld Cld/LtRn/Rn
 6  49.9  53.3   2:00p  47.3   1:00a  15.1   0.0  0.40   1.3  13.0   9:55p  ENE  30.55  0.0  0.0 Cld/Shrs Cld/Brks/Sprin Cld Cld/Shrs
 7  49.2  50.8  12:45a  47.3  11:35p  15.8   0.0  0.12   2.3  13.0  12:50a  ENE  54.33  0.0  0.0 Cldy/LtRn/Sprin Cldy Cld/Rn Cld
 8  46.3  52.9   2:15p  38.9   7:30a  18.7   0.0  0.00   3.1  16.0  11:55a    S  75.12  0.0  0.0 Cld Clr MClr PCld/HiThinOvcst MCld
 9  45.7  50.2   1:35p  42.1   3:50a  19.3   0.0  0.06   0.8  12.0   1:05p  ENE  19.11  0.0  0.0 Cld/Sprin Cld/LtShrs Rn M/PCld
10  44.5  46.8   2:30p  42.2   1:50a  20.5   0.0  0.23   1.6  14.0  11:45a  ENE  37.26  0.0  0.0 M/PCld Cld/LtRn/RnShrs MCld/Cld
11  40.5  49.6   2:50p  34.6   7:20a  24.5   0.0  0.01*  2.5  13.0   2:10p    S  58.88  0.0  0.0 Clr LtFrost Fog P/MCld/Fair MClr PCld
12  39.4  49.8   2:45p  32.7   7:25a  25.6   0.0  0.00   1.2   8.0  12:40a    S  28.20 FRST  0.0 PCld/Clr Clr M/Clr PartCld MCld
13  42.3  44.8   9:45a  38.9  12:05a  22.7   0.0  0.26   1.1  12.0   9:45a  ENE  26.72  0.0  0.0 Cld/Mcld Rn (Sn on mtns) Rn Cldy
14  42.7  48.8   1:20p  35.3  12:00m  22.3   0.0  0.05   1.1  10.0  10:05a  ENE  26.46  0.0  0.0 Cld/Rn M/PCld MCld/Sun/RnBows Clr
15  42.1  51.6   2:25p  31.0   5:10a  22.9   0.0  0.01*  3.7  30.0   9:15p    N  88.99 FRST  0.0 Clr Aurora Clr/Fog Clr Gusts PCld 
16  48.5  51.0   1:15a  45.1  12:30p  16.5   0.0 TRACE   8.2  37.0  10:10a    N 195.61  0.0  0.0 Brz/Windy PCld/Clr Cld/MCld Sprink
17  45.6  48.8  12:05a  42.3   7:10a  19.4   0.0  0.10   3.0  29.0   1:05a    N  72.66  0.0  0.0 PCld/Cld/Wind MCld Cld/LtRn Rn
18  45.8  48.6   3:50p  42.6  12:20a  19.2   0.0  0.27   1.5  10.0  11:10a  ENE  36.85  0.0  0.0 Cldy Occ.LtRn/Sprink/Rn
19  45.8  47.0   1:40p  44.8   4:40a  19.2   0.0  0.42   2.4  14.0  11:40a  ENE  58.62  0.0  0.0 Cldy/OccLtRn/Sprink/Rain
20  46.1  55.0  10:05p  40.3   8:25a  18.9   0.0  0.01   2.5  22.0   9:05p  ENE  60.27  0.0  0.0 Cld/Rn Clr/Fog Clear Aurora
21  47.3  53.1   6:35a  42.6   1:05a  17.7   0.0  0.18   3.7  30.0   7:50a  ENE  89.55  0.0  0.0 Clr/Aurora Cld/OccSpr/LtRn & Rn
22  44.3  51.6  12:45p  41.6   6:40a  20.7   0.0  0.34   3.5  29.0  12:45p  ENE  84.92  0.0  0.0 Cldy Cld/Spr Cld/Rn/LtRn
23  44.8  47.6  11:40a  42.5   1:05a  20.2   0.0  0.08   3.3  18.0   2:30p  ENE  78.69  0.0  0.0 Cld/Rn Cld/Brks/OccSpr Cld/Spr Cld
24  44.2  47.4  11:05p  42.1   6:10a  20.8   0.0  0.77   2.4  20.0  11:35p  ENE  56.54  0.0  0.0 Cld/Mist/Spr Cld/Rn Cld/Spr Rn/LoCld/Fog 
25  51.0  53.9   1:15p  47.0  12:20a  14.0   0.0  1.05   4.0  19.0   1:15a  ENE  96.84  0.0  0.0 LoCld/Rn Cld Cld/Spr LoCld/Rn
26  47.8  52.2   2:15a  43.1  10:05p  17.2   0.0  0.54   1.8  21.0   4:50a  SSE  43.90  0.0  0.0 Cld/Rn Cld/OccSpr MCld/Cld
27  42.6  45.5  11:00a  39.1  10:15p  22.4   0.0  0.50   1.5  12.0   8:05p  ENE  35.39  0.0  0.0 Cld/Rn Cld/MCld Cld/Rain
28  43.6  50.5  12:30p  39.1   6:20a  21.4   0.0  0.01   5.6  30.0  10:25p  SSW 134.86  0.0  0.0 Cld/Rn PCld MClr P/MCld Aurora  
29  37.1  44.5  10:10a  27.9  11:20p  27.9   0.0  0.00   4.1  29.0  12:15a    S  98.81  0.0  0.0 VarCld Aurora MClr Clr Aurora
30  29.9  37.5  11:15a  25.0   6:00a  35.1   0.0  0.00   1.3   8.0  12:10a    S  31.40 FRST  0.0 Clr/MClr Aurora VarHighClds Aurora
31  31.5  38.8  11:35a  25.3   7:05a  33.5   0.0  0.00   1.1   8.0  11:50p  SSE  26.20 FRST  0.0 PCld/Clr Aur PCld M/Pcld VarCld Clr 
    44.7  61.6     2    25.0    30   630.1   0.0  5.82   2.4  37.0    16    ENE 1820.24

*.01" on the 11th and 15th from Dew/Melted Frost and moisture from the preceding day.

AVERAGE Mean Temp:      44.7                                                            
AVERAGE High Temp:      50.2                                                            
MINIMUM High Temp:      37.5    30th                                                            
MAXIMUM High Temp:      61.6    2nd                                                     
AVERAGE Low Temp:       40.0                                                            
MINIMUM Low Temp:       25.0    30th                                                    
MAXIMUM Low Temp:       48.3    4th                                                     
MAX >= 90.0:            0                                                               
MAX >= 80.0:            0                                                               
MAX >= 70.0:            0                                                               
MAX <= 32.0:            0                                                               
MIN <= 32.0:            4                                                               
MIN <=  0.0:            0                                                               
TOTAL   Htg Deg Days:   630.1                                                           
AVERAGE Htg Deg Days:   20.3                                                            
MINIMUM Htg Deg Days:   13.5    4th                                                     
MAXIMUM Htg Deg Days:   35.1    30th                                                    
Heat Base:  65.0  Cool Base:  65.0  Method: Integration
TOTAL   Precip.:        5.82                                                            
AVERAGE Precip.:        0.3                                                             
DAYS OF Precip.:        21                                                              
MAXIMUM Precip.:        1.05    25th                                                    
Days of Rain: 18 (>.01 in) 14 (>.1 in) 1 (>1 in)
AVERAGE High Wind:      17.3                                                            
MINIMUM High Wind:      5                                                               
MAXIMUM High Wind:      37      16th                                                    
DAYS OF Sun:            19                                                              
DAYS OF Cld or M Cld:   27                                                              
DAYS OF Rainbow:        1       14th
DAYS OF Aurora:         8       2nd, 15th, 20th, 21st, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st

10/31/03: Reformation Day

2050: Mostly/Partly Cloudy with high clouds, a patch/band of fog on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau.
2020: Mostly Clear/Clear, possibly with some faint Aurora Borealis.
1950: Mostly /Partly Cloudy with broken high thin clouds.
1920: Partly Cloudy but with a haze or thin clouds obscuring many of the stars.
1850: Cloudy.
1750: Cloudy.
1650: Cloudy.
1605: Cloudy.
1550: Cloudy with a couple of small breaks.
1535: Mostly Cloudy.
1520: Partly/Mostly Cloudy.
1505: Mostly Cloudy southwestern 1/2 of sky, partly cloudy northeastern 1/2.
1450: Partly Cloudy.
1435: Partly Cloudy/Clear.
1405: Partly Cloudy/Fair, weak sunshine.
1350: Mostly Cloudy with mostly high thin clouds, blue visible through the clouds in 
      large areas, weak sunshine on the mainland.
1250: Cloudy with high thin overcast, blue visible in many areas through the clouds, weak sunshine on the mainland.
1150: Mostly Cloudy/Fair with high thin clouds and blue visible through the clouds in 
      large areas, weakened sunshine.
1050: Partly Cloudy with high thin clouds.
0950: Partly Cloudy with high thin clouds.
0850: Partly Cloudy with high thin clouds.
0750: Partly Cloudy with high thin clouds.
0650: Mostly Clear with some high thin clouds.
0620: Clear with a few small clouds, frost; Aurora Borealis overnight.


2105: Partly/Mostly Cloudy with thin overcast.
1950: Clear, faint Aurora Borealis over Mt. Roberts? or clouds?
1850: Clear.
1750: Clear.
1720: Clear.
1650: Mostly Clear with a few high thin clouds.
1620: Clear/Partly Cloudy.
1550: Mostly Cloudy with clear sky to the West.
1520: Cloudy with breaks and the sun shining on the mainland mountains.
1505: Cloudy.
1450: Cloudy with minor breaks.
1420: Cloudy with minor breaks.
1350: Cloudy with blue visible through fissures in the clouds.
1335: Mostly Cloudy/Cloudy.
1320: Mostly Cloudy with high thinnish clouds.
1305: Mostly Cloudy/Cloudy with high thinnish clouds NW 1/2 of sky, mostly clear SE 1/2 of sky.
1250: Mostly Clear with cloud cover NW of Salmon Creek and to the ESE of Sheep Creek.
1234: The sun set behind the Douglas Island mountains.
1150: Mostly Clear with some high thin clouds to the East and ESE/SE.
1120: Mostly Clear with some high thin clouds to the East and South.
1050: Partly Cloudy with high thin clouds.
1020: Partly Cloudy with high thin clouds.
0950: Partly Cloudy/Clear with high thin clouds.
0850: Partly cloudy with high thin clouds.
0750: Clear with high thin clouds over much of the sky.
0748: Chestnut Backed Chickadees arrived.
0720: Fair/Clear with high thin clouds over much of the sky, very light frost or light frost on the lawns.
0650: Fair/Clear with high thin clouds over much of the sky, orange glow on the clouds to 
      the ESE, frost on the roofs.
0620: Mostly Clear with some high thin clouds, cloudy to the NW, Bird Baths are frozen; Aurora Borealis overnight.


2125: Clear, Auroral Curtains over Mt. Roberts with a band arching to the WNW.
2050: Clear, weak Aurora over Mt. Roberts and to the N and NW.
2005: Clear, faint Aurora over Mt. Roberts.
1950: Clear.
1935: Clear, faint Aurora over Mt. Roberts.
1905: Clear, only a faint hint of the Aurora.
1849: Clear, faint bands of the Aurora directly overhead and diffuse Aurora in the sky to the ESE.
1816: Clear, light pink/light green Auroral Curtain runs from the horizon to the ESE, directly 
      overhead, and then to the horizon to the WNW.
1750: Clear, diffuse Aurora visible over the mainland.
1734: 1st hint of the Aurora Borealis noticed over Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts.
1650: Clear.
1550: Clear.
1450: Clear.
1434: A murder of Crows invaded the neighborhood.
1405: Clear.
1350: Clear with one wee cloud.
1317 - 1320: Sun shining briefly through the trees (as on 10/28).
1250: Mostly Clear.
1237: The sun set behind the Douglas Island mountains.
1220: Mostly Clear, occasional whitecaps on Gastineau Channel. 
1214: Noticed Dark Eyed Juncos (Oregon Subspecies) running around on the deck.
1150: Mostly Clear.
1050: Mostly Clear with a few scattered clouds.
1005: Mostly Clear with scattered clouds, a large cloud overhead.
0950: Mostly Clear, Highest Barometric Pressure so far this year (1040.7 mb) and still rising.
0850: Mostly Clear.
0750: Mostly Clear with some scattered clouds.
0650: Mostly Clear, there is ice on the Bird Baths.
0632: 1st Steller's Jays of the day arrived.
0620: Mostly Clear, Aurora Borealis overnight.


2113: Aurora Borealis visible to the ENE
2050: Cloudy NW part of the sky, Partly Cloudy SE part of the sky.
1950: Partly Cloudy.
1850: Mostly Clear with clouds to the NW.
1750: Mostly Clear.
1650: Mostly clear with just a few small clouds.
1620: Mostly clear, snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge.
1605: Partly Cloudy.
1558: Sun shining on the Mt. Juneau Ridge/inner Gold Creek valley and the top of Mt. Juneau 
      with an orange light.
1550: Mostly cloudy with mostly clear sky to the East; snow blowing off the peak of Mt. Juneau 
      and the peaks of the Mt. Juneau Ridge. 
1535: Mostly Cloudy.
1520: Mostly/Partly cloudy.
1505: Partly Cloudy.
1450: Mostly Clear but with some large clouds.
1350: Mostly Clear.
1321: Sun set for good behind the Douglas Island mountains.
1312: Sun came out from behind the mountain and is shining through the trees on Blueberry Hill.
1250: Mostly clear with only a few small clouds.
1239: The sun set behind the Douglas Island mountains.
1150: Mostly Clear with only a few small clouds.
1050: Mostly Clear.
0950: Mostly Clear with a few scattered clouds in the SE half of the sky.
0850: Mostly Clear.
0835: Mostly Clear.
0811: A Ruby Crowned Kinglet in the backyard.
0750: Mostly clear with cloud cover to the ESE.
0720: Mostly clear with some clouds to the ESE and SE.
0650: Partly cloudy/Clear with some high thin clouds.
0635: Partly cloudy.
0620: Mostly/Partly cloudy.

2050: Rain, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and lower bands and ribbons of fog/clouds.
1950: Rain, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and lower bits and patches of fog/clouds.
1850: Light Rain, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and lower bands/ribbons/bits of fog/clouds. 
1750: Rain, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and lower fog/clouds.
1650: Rain, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds, some lower wisps/patches of fog/clouds.
1620: Rain, cloudy with ceiling at about 2000' - 2200' and a few lower wisps of fog/clouds.
1550: Rain, cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds, peak of Mt. Juneau visible, some 
      lower patches/wisps of fog/clouds.
1520: Rain, cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts and the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds; fresh snow 
      seen on Mt. Juneau.
1505: Rain, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds.
1450: Rain, cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds, lower patch of fog/clouds over 
      the Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
1420: Rain, cloudy with clouds skimming the mountaintops and a couple of lower patches of fog/clouds.
1350: Rain, cloudy with a few lower patches of fog/clouds.
1250: Rain, cloudy with some lower wisps of fog/clouds over Last Chance Basin.
1220: Rain, cloudy with some fog/clouds over the mountainsides.
1150: Rain, cloudy with fog/clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau.
1120: Rain, cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountaintops.
1050: Cloudy.
1020: Cloudy with minor breaks. 
0950: Cloudy with minor breaks, mostly/partly cloudy to the NW; some scattered showers over the mainland 
      in the past 1/2 hour. 
0850: Mostly cloudy, some lower wisps of fog/clouds. 
0820: Mostly/Partly cloudy, very top of Mt. Juneau is in the clouds, a few lower wisps of fog/clouds. 
0750: Mostly Cloudy/Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountaintops and lower wisps of fog/clouds. 
0650: Cloudy with a few small breaks, ceiling at about 2000'. 
0620: Cloudy with mountaintops in the clouds and a few very small breaks.

SUNDAY 10/26/03:

2050: Cloudy with a small break or two, patch of fog/cloud over the Channel. 
1950: Mostly cloudy, clouds skimming the mountaintops?. 
1850: Mostly cloudy, very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 
1750: Cloudy. 
1720: Misting/Sprinkling, cloudy with minor breaks and fog/clouds around Mt. Juneau. 
1650: Mostly cloudy/Cloudy NW part of sky with some clouds over the Mt. Juneau Ridge, Partly cloudy/Fair 
      SE part of the sky. 
1620: Light Rain, cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops and lower bits/wisps of fog/clouds. 
1550: Cloudy with some very small breaks, fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 
1505: A few sprinkles, cloudy with some clouds around the mountaintops, a few breaks, and an area of sky 
      with thin clouds in which can see blue through, sun shining (or trying) here and there. 
1450: Rain, cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 
1350: Cloudy with clouds around the mountaintops and lower wisps of fog/clouds. 
1250: Sprinkling/Light Rain, cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountaintops and lower wisps of fog/clouds. 
1150: Cloudy with the Mt. Juneau Ridgeline in the clouds, some lower wisps. 
1050: Cloudy with clouds skimming the Mt. Juneau Ridge, some lower wisps of fog/clouds. 
0950: A few sprinkles, cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds. 
0850: Rain, cloudy with clouds skimming the mountaintops, reduced visibility. 
0750: Cloudy, some of the mountaintops in the clouds. 0720: Very fine misting, cloudy with the all the 
      mountaintops but Mt. Juneau, in the clouds. 
0705: Rain, cloudy with clouds skimming the mountaintops, a few lower wisps of fog/clouds. 
0650: Cloudy with clouds skimming the mountaintops and lower wisps/patches of fog/clouds over Last Chance 
      Basin and the inner Gold Creek valley. 
0620: Cloudy. 

2050: Rain, cloudy with upper parts of the mountains in the clouds and lower bands of fog/clouds. 
1950: Rain, variable low clouds/fog. 
1850: Rain, variable low clouds/fog. 
1750: Rain, variable low clouds/fog. 
1720: Rain, cloudy with ceiling at about 1800'- 2000' and lower band/bank of fog over the Channel down to 100'- 200'. 
1650: Sprinkling/Misting, reduced visibility, variable low clouds/fog. 
1620: Misting/Fog, cloudy with reduced visibility, ceiling at about 1700'. 
1550: Cloudy, upper parts of the mountains in the clouds, precipitation over the mainland mountains. 
1450: Cloudy with ceiling at about 1800'- 2000' and some lower wisps of fog/clouds. 
1435: Sprinkling, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and lower wisps of fog/clouds. 
1350: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 1320: Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 
1250: Cloudy, ceiling at about 2400'- 2500'. 
1150: Cloudy, ceiling at about 2400'. 
1058: A Bald Eagle flew West over 3280 Nowell. 
1050: Cloudy with ceiling at around 2200'- 2400'. 
0950: Cloudy with ceiling at about 1700'. 
0850: Cloudy with ceiling at about 1700', precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley. 
0750: Cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops and lower wisps of fog/clouds. 
0735: Cloudy with ceiling at about 2000'- 2200' and precipitation over the mainland mountains. 
0650: Cloudy, ceiling at about 1800'. 0620: Cloudy with fog/clouds down to 600'-800'. 

2050: Rain, low clouds/fog. 
1950: Rain, cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountains. 
1850: Rain, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and lower band of fog/clouds. 
1750: Very fine misting, mountaintops in the clouds and a few lower wisps of fog/clouds. 
1650: Misting, cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 
1550: Very fine misting, cloudy. 1520: Cloudy, some lower wisps of fog/clouds. 
1450: Very fine misting, cloudy. 
1420: Very fine misting, cloudy with lower wisps of fog/clouds. 
1405: Rain, cloudy with lower wisps of fog/clouds. 
1355-1356: A Steller's Jay is taking a bath in the large Bird Bath. 
1350: Sprinkling, cloudy with a few lower wisps of fog/clouds. 
1320: Very fine misting, cloudy with lower wisps of fog/clouds. 
1250: Light Rain/sprinkling, cloudy. 
1235: Sprinkling/Misting, cloudy. 
1220: Cloudy, precipitation over the mainland mountains. 
1205: Light Rain, cloudy with lower patches of fog/clouds. 
1150: Cloudy. 
1120: Sprinkling/Light Rain, cloudy, patch of fog/cloud over the Channel side of Mt. Juneau; snow 
      on Mt. Roberts is down to 2500'. 
1050: Rain, cloudy with some clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge, reduced visibility. 
0950: Rain, cloudy with clouds skimming the mountaintops. 
0920: Light rain, cloudy with a few bits of fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 
0850: Rain, cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 
0820: Rain, cloudy with the clouds skimming the mountaintops, rain hitting the Channel side windows. 
0810: Chestnut Backed Chickadees have arrived. 
0750: Sprinkling/Light Rain, cloudy. 
0739: Steller's Jays 1st arrived for the day. 
0650: Misting/Sprinkling, cloudy. 
0620: Misting/Sprinkling, cloudy. 

2050: Cloudy with a few breaks, very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 
2020: Cloudy with some breaks, very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 
1950: Light rain/Sprinkling, cloudy with the upper parts of the mountains in the clouds. 
1850: Cloudy with some breaks and the mountaintops in the clouds. 
1750: Cloudy, ceiling at about 2400'- 2500'. 
1650: Cloudy with minor breaks, mountaintops in the clouds. 
1620: Cloudy, mountaintops in the clouds. 
1550: Light Rain/Sprinkling, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 
1520: Sprinkling/Light Rain, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 
1450: Cloudy with minor breaks, mountaintops in the clouds. 
1435: Sprinkling, cloudy with a few small breaks and the mountaintops in the clouds. 
1351: Mostly cloudy, mountaintops in the clouds. 
1335: Cloudy with breaks, mountaintops in the clouds. 
1320: Sprinkling, cloudy with small breaks, mountaintops in the clouds. 
1250: Cloudy with some small breaks, mountaintops in the clouds. 
1150: Cloudy with a few breaks, mountaintops in the clouds. 
1120: Cloudy with mountaintops in the clouds, bright spots. 
1050: Cloudy with breaks, mountaintops in the clouds. 
0950: Mostly cloudy/Cloudy with weak sunshine, mountaintops in the clouds. 
0850: Cloudy with breaks, some fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 
0750: Cloudy with some breaks, the very tops of the mountains are in the clouds. 
0650: Cloudy with a few breaks, very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 
0635: Cloudy with a small break or two, very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 


2050: Very fine misting, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and lower band/ribbon of fog/clouds. 
2035: Misting/Sprinkling, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and a lower band of fog/Clouds. 
2020: Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 
2005: Cloudy with very fine misting, mountaintops in the clouds. 
1950: Rain, ceiling at around 1800'- 2000' with lower bands/patches of fog/clouds. 
1850: Rain, ceiling at around 1800'- 2000' with lower band of fog/clouds. 
1750: Rain, ceiling at around 2000'- 2400, some lower wisps of fog. 
1735: Rain, ceiling at about 1800'. 
1720: Light rain, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 
1650: Misting/Sprinkling, cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 
1635: Light Rain/Sprinkles, cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds, snow seen on 
      Mt. Roberts and Mt. Juneau - it fell in the past 45 minutes. 
1620: Rain, cloudy with clouds around the upper parts of the mountains and lower patches/bits of fog/clouds. 
1550: Rain, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 
1535: Rain, cloudy with a bit of fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 
1505: Sprinkles, cloudy. 
1450: Light rain, cloudy. 
1420: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
1350: Cloudy, there is a fresh dusting of snow on the Mt. Juneau Ridge. 
1320: Occasional sprinkles, cloudy, breezy. 
1250: Misting/Sprinkling, cloudy, breezy winds with stronger gusts, occasional whitecaps on Gastineau Channel. 
1150: Cloudy. 
1105: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
1050: Cloudy. 
1035: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
1020: Light rain/Sprinklng, cloudy. 
1005: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
0950: Cloudy. 
0850: Cloudy. 
0750: Cloudy (high overcast). 
0650: Cloudy. 
0620: Cloudy. 


2050: Misting/Sprinkling, cloudy with mountaintops in the clouds and lower band of fog/clouds. 
2020: Rain, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and lower band of fog/clouds. 
1950: Misting, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and lower bands/ribbons of fog/clouds. 
1920: Rain, cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and lower band of fog/clouds. 
1850: Rain, cloudy with lower bands/ribbons of fog/clouds. 
1820: Sprinkling/light rain, cloudy. 
1750: Rain, cloudy. 
1650: Rain, cloudy. 
1550: Rain, cloudy. 
1450: Rain, cloudy. 
1350: Rain, cloudy. 
1250: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
1150: Cloudy, a sprinkle now and then. 
1120: Rain, cloudy. 
1050: Sprinkling, cloudy with a lower cloud over part of Mt. Juneau. 
0950: Sprinkling, cloudy with some fog/clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau. 
0935: Light rain/Sprinkling, cloudy with some fog/clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau ridge. 
0905: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
0850: Misting, cloudy, some whitecaps on the Channel. 
0820: Misting/Sprinkling, cloudy, whitecaps on Gastineau Channel. 
0750: Cloudy, some precipitation over Mt. Roberts and the Granite Creek area. 
0720: Misting/Sprinkling - hitting Living Room windows occasionally, cloudy. 
0650: Cloudy. 
0620: Cloudy with very small breaks; Aurora Borealis overnight. 

2050: Clear. 
1950: Clear. 
1850: Clear. 
1750: Clear. 
1650: Clear. 
1550: Clear. 
1458: Sun set behind Douglas Island mountains. 
1450: Clear. 
1350: Clear. 
1250: Clear. 
1150: Clear. 
1050: Clear. 
1005: Clear with a few wisps of fog over the Channel. 
0950: Clear with fog over the Channel. 
0920: Clear with fog over the Channel and West Juneau. 
0850: Clear with fog over the Channel. 
0750: Clear with only a few very small clouds, ribbon/band of fog over Gastineau Channel. 
0720: Mostly Clear/Clear, a few ribbons of fog over the Channel. 
0705: Mostly clear, ribbon of fog over Gastineau Channel. 
0650: Partly cloudy/Clear, a few ribbons of fog over the Channel. 
0625: Mostly cloudy. 

SUNDAY 10/19/03:
2050: Cloudy, very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 
2020: Cloudy with mountaintops in the clouds and some lower patches/bits of fog/clouds; 
      misting/sprinkles in past 15 minutes. 
1950: Cloudy, mountaintops in the clouds. 
1920: Misting/Sprinkles, cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 
1850: Cloudy with ceiling at around 1800'- 2000'. 
1820: Rain, cloudy with fog/clouds around the upper parts of the mountains and reduced visibility. 
1750: Rain, cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 
1735: Rain, cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and some lower patches of fog/clouds. 
1650: Rain, cloudy with mountaintops in the clouds. 
1635: Light Rain, mountaintops in the clouds. 
1550: Rain, very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 
1450: Rain, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 
1435: Rain, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 
1350: Light rain/Sprinkling, cloudy with ceiling at about 2600'. 
1305: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 
1250: Rain, cloudy with mountaintops in the clouds. 
1235: Cloudy, clouds skimming the mountaintops, precipitation over the mainland mountains. 
1205: Rain, cloudy with mountaintops in the clouds. 
1150: Very fine misting, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 
1105: Light rain/Sprinkling, cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 
1057: A Seagull is lying on top of a 70' tall 69 Kilovolt capable power pole along Douglas Highway. 
1050: Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and some lower wisps, rain over the 
      inner Gold Creek valley. 
1020: Cloudy with mountaintops in the clouds, sprinkles in last 5 minutes, some lower wisps/patches of fog/clouds. 
1005: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and some lower wisps of fog/clouds, precipitation over 
      the mainland mountains. 
0950: Very light sprinkling, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and some lower patches/bits of fog/clouds. 
0935: Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and lower patches/bits of fog/clouds, 
      precipitation over the mainland mountains, sprinkles in the past 5 minutes here. 
0920: Cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountains. 
0850: Light Rain, fog/clouds around the mountaintops with lower wisps/patches of fog/clouds. 
0845: Barometer reset from 1003.7 to 1002.5 mb to match NWS reading at Juneau Airport (PAJN). 
0835: Cloudy with clouds skimming the mountaintops and lower wisps and patches of fog/clouds. 
0820: Sprinkles, cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 
0750: Light Rain, cloudy with mountaintops in the clouds and lower wisps and patches of fog/clouds. 
0720: Cloudy, clouds skimming the mountaintops, some lower wisps/bits of fog/clouds. 
0650: Very fine misting, cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and some lower wisps/bits 
      of fog/clouds. 
0620: Light rain, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 

10/18/03: Alaska Day, transfer of ownership from Russia to the U.S. took place at Sitka in 1867.
2050: Rain, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 
2020: Cloudy. 
2005: Misting, cloudy. 
1950: Rain, cloudy with some lower fog/clouds. 
1920: Rain, cloudy. 
1850: Misting, cloudy. 
1750: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
1705: Light rain, cloudy. 
1650: Rain, cloudy. 
1635: Rain, cloudy. 
1605: Light rain/Sprinkles, cloudy. 
1550: Cloudy. 
1520: Cloudy. 
1450: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
1435: Cloudy. 
1420: Light Rain/Sprinkles, cloudy. 
1405: Cloudy with smoke from open burning along Douglas Highway. 
1350: Cloudy. 
1250: Cloudy. 
1220: Light Rain, cloudy. 
1150: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
1121: A Great Blue Heron flew NW. 
1120: Cloudy. 
1105: Cloudy, occasional sprinkles. 
1050: Sprinkles, cloudy. 
1035: Cloudy, smoke from open burning along Douglas Highway. 
1020: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
0950: Cloudy. 
0920: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
0850: Cloudy with a few breaks. 
0835: Light rain/sprinkles, cloudy. 
0820: Cloudy with thinner areas to the NW. 
0805: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
0750: Cloudy. 
0735: Rain, cloudy. 
0720: Cloudy. 
0650: Light rain/Rain, cloudy. 
0620: Light rain/Rain, cloudy - ceiling above the mountains. 

2050: Cloudy. 
2020: Cloudy. 
1950: Cloudy. 
1920: Mostly cloudy. 
1850: Cloudy.
1835: Cloudy with breaks. 
1750: Light rain/Sprinkling, cloudy. 
1735: Light rain/Sprinkling, cloudy. 
1705: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
1650: Cloudy with smoke from open burning along Douglas Highway. 
1605: Cloudy with minor breaks. 
1550: Sprinkling, cloudy with minor breaks. 
1450: Cloudy. 
1435: Cloudy. 
1350: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
1305: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
1250: Cloudy with precipitation over Mt. Roberts. 
1247: A squirrel chased a crow away from the Bird Feeder. Alaska Day observed. 
1150: Cloudy. 
1050: Cloudy with some breaks to the NW. 
0950: Mostly/Partly cloudy, smoke from open burning along Douglas Highway. 
0850: Cloudy with breaks. 
0820: Cloudy with breaks, sun illuminating the clouds to the ESE. 
0805: Light rain/Sprinkles, cloudy with a small break overhead. 
0750: Cloudy, precipitation over Mt. Roberts. 
0720: Cloudy. 
0715: 1st Stellers's Jay of the day arrived. 
0705: Cloudy with minor breaks. 
0650: Cloudy. 
0620: Light rain, cloudy. Alaska Day observed - Ownership of Alaska transferred from Russia to the U.S. in 1867. 

2150: Partly cloudy, breezy. 
2050: Cloudy. 
1950: Cloudy, breezy with occasional stronger gusts. 
1920: Cloudy, breezy, occasional gusts. 
1850: Cloudy with thin spots. 
1750: Mostly cloudy/Cloudy with blue visible through thinner areas. 
1650: Mostly cloudy. 
1550: Mostly cloudy. 
1450: Mostly cloudy with sun shining, breezy. 
1420: Mostly/Partly cloudy with sun shining here and there. 
1405: Cloudy with a few breaks, breezy to windy. 
1350: Cloudy, breezy with occasional stronger gusts, precipitation over the Granite Creek area. 
1320: Cloudy, breezy with occasional stronger gusts. 
1250: Cloudy with thinner clouds to the SE, breezy with occasional gusts, precipitation over the inner 
      Gold Creek valley. 
1205: Misting/Sprinkles, cloudy, breezy/windy, some whitecaps on the Channel. 
1150: Cloudy, breezy with occasional gusts, precipitation over the inner Gold Creek valley. 
1050: Sprinkling/Misting, cloudy, breezy to windy, whitecaps on Gastineau Channel, light precipitation 
      over the mainland mountains and the inner Gold Creek valley. 
0950: Cloudy, breezy with occasional stronger gusts, whitecaps on Gastineau Channel. 
0850: Cloudy with thinner spots and areas, blue visible through the clouds overhead, breezy to windy. 
0835: Cloudy with thinner spots, breezy to windy, whitecaps on the Channel. 
0750: Cloudy with thin spots, breezy with occasional stronger gusts of wind, whitecaps on Gastineau Channel. 
0650: Cloudy with thinner spots and areas, moon visible overhead through the clouds, light to breezy winds
      with occasional stronger gusts. 
0620: Cloudy with high thin overcast (moon visible overhead through the clouds), breezy to windy. 

2050: Mostly Clear, breezy with occasional stronger gusts of wind. 
1950: Clear, breezy with occasional stronger gusts. 
1850: Clear. 
1750: Clear. 
1650: Clear. 
1550: Clear. 
1450: Clear. 
1350: Clear. 
1250: Clear. 
1151: Great Blue Heron left it's perch in the spruce tree and flew NW. 
1150: Clear. 
1125: A Great Blue Heron glided NNW low over backyard and landed in a spruce tree below 3290 or 3280 Nowell. 
1050: Clear. 
1037: A Bald Eagle flying/gliding about.
0950: Clear. 
0850: Clear, fog over Channel, fog is blowing rapidly SE. 
0835: Clear with fog over the Channel, there had been some fog in the past 5 minutes in West Juneau with 
      the sun shining through it. 
0831: 1st Chestnut Backed Chickadees of the day arrived. 
0750: Clear, fog over the Channel. 
0658: 1st Steller's Jay of the day arrived. 
0650: Clear with fog over the Channel, frost, ice on the Bird Baths. 
0620: Clear with fog over Gastineau Channel down to the water and hiding downtown; some Aurora Borealis overnight. 

2050: Mostly clear/Clear. 
At about 2042: Moon started rising over the Mt. Juneau Ridge/Granite Creek ridge to the ENE. 
2035: Mostly clear. 
1950: Mostly/Partly cloudy. 
1920: Mostly/Partly cloudy. 
1850: Mostly cloudy, clear to the North. 
1750: Mostly cloudy. 
1650: Partly cloudy. 
1550: Mostly cloudy, a bit of fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 
1450: Mostly/Partly cloudy, sun out, some fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 
1435: Mostly cloudy with shower over the mainland, very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 
1433: Full Rainbow centered just to the right of the peak of Mt. Juneau (3576' above sea level). 
1420: Sprinkling/misting, mostly cloudy with most of the mountaintops in the clouds. 
1355: Full Rainbow centered on Mt. Juneau. 
1350: Mostly cloudy with sun out, some fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 
1335: Mostly cloudy with the sun out and some fog/clouds around the mountaintops and occasional 
      brief showers over the mainland. 
1320: Mostly cloudy with the sun shining, some fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 
1306: Partial Rainbow to the NE in front of Mt. Juneau. 
1252: Partial Rainbow to the North near the top of Mt. Juneau. 
1250: Partly cloudy, sun shining, rain shower in the inner Gold Creek valley, mountaintops in the clouds. 
1220: Mostly cloudy, fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 
1150: Mostly/Partly cloudy with the sun shining, very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 
1050: Partly/Mostly cloudy with some sunshine, fog/clouds around the mountains. 
1020: Partly cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountains. 
0950: Mostly cloudy with sun trying and fog/clouds around the mountains. 
0920: Cloudy with a minor break and bright spots, fog/clouds around the mountains. 
0859: A Bald Eagle flying SE. 0850: Cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountains down to about 700'- 800'. 
0750: Cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountains. 
0650: Cloudy, tops of mountains in the clouds with lower band of fog and hints of breaks. 
0635: Cloudy with fog/clouds hiding the mountains, ceiling at 400'- 500'. 

10/13/03: Columbus Day.
2050: Cloudy, a few bits of lower fog/clouds. 
2035: Very fine misting, cloudy with lower band of fog/cloud. 
2005: Very fine misting, cloudy; there was a large fog/cloud over the Channel in the past 15 minutes. 
1950: Cloudy. 
1935: Very fine misting, cloudy with a lower narrow ribbon of fog/cloud. 
1905: Light rain/Sprinkling, cloudy with a lower ribbon of fog/cloud. 
1850: Rain, cloudy. 
1846: Seagulls making a racket. "Gymnast" Squirrel at the feeder until sometime between 1808 and 1813 even 
      though it was very dark and all the street lights were on. 
1750: Rain, cloudy. 
1720: Rain, cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 
1650: Rain, cloudy with a few lower ribbons/patches of fog/clouds. 
1620: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
1550: Rain, cloudy with some lower patches of fog/clouds. 
1535: Rain, cloudy with the clouds skimming the mountaintops, lower patches of fog/clouds, new snow 
      in the past 1 - 2 hours on the mountains...down to about 2800' on Mt. Roberts. 
1450: Rain, cloudy with clouds skimming the mountaintops. 
1350: Rain, cloudy with mountaintops in the clouds and some lower wisps of fog/clouds. 
1320: Light rain, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and some lower wisps of fog. 
1250: Sprinkling, cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds, some lower wisps/bits of fog/clouds. 
1150: Very fine misting and occasional sprinkles, cloudy with clouds skimming the mountaintops and some 
      lower bits of fog/clouds. 
1135: Sprinkling, cloudy with the clouds skimming the mountaintops, some lower wisps of fog. 
1050: Rain, variable fog/clouds around the upper parts of the mountains. 
1035: Rain, cloudy with clouds around the mountaintops down to 1800'. 
1020: Light rain/Drizzle, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 
1005: Light rain, cloudy with variable clouds around the mountaintops. 
0950: Sprinkling, cloudy, clouds skimming the mountaintops. 
0935: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
0920: Mostly cloudy. 
0850: Cloudy. 
0820: Cloudy, light sprinkles.
0805: Cloudy with very small breaks. 
0750: Mostly cloudy/Cloudy, noticed slight dusting of snow on the top of Mt. Roberts. 
0735: Mostly cloudy. 
0705: Misting/Sprinkling, cloudy, there is a light dusting of snow on the Mt. Juneau Ridge. 
0650: Cloudy with shower over the inner Gold Creek valley. 
0620: Cloudy. 
0605: Cloudy with a few small breaks to the SW. 

SUNDAY 10/12/03:
2050: Mostly cloudy. 
2020: Mostly cloudy/Cloudy. 
2005: Cloudy with a few breaks. 
1950: Cloudy. 
1920: Cloudy with some breaks to the SE. 
1850: Mostly cloudy. 
1835: Mostly cloudy. 
1750: Partly cloudy. 
1720: Clear with only a few clouds. 
1650: Mostly clear with some cumulus clouds. 
1557: The sun set behind the Douglas Island mountains. 
1550: Clear with scattered cumulus (more clouds than 1 hour ago). 
1450: Mostly clear (some puffy clouds). 
1350: Clear with one puffy cloud. 
1252: Clear with a few small clouds in the Eastern sky. 
1220: Clear with just a small bit of high thin clouds. 
1152: A Squirrel - probably "Stretchy"- checking out the "old" Digitar Anemometer/Wind Vane 
      installation which included licking with it's little pink tongue, the excess coiled cable at 
      the eaves, and spinning the Anemometer cups. 
1150: Mostly clear. 
1050: Partly cloudy/Clear with high thin clouds. 
0950: Partly cloudy with high thin clouds and weak sunshine. 
0850: Partly Cloudy/Clear with high thin clouds, thin wisp/ribbon of fog. 
0750: Partly cloudy/Clear with high thin clouds, light frost on lawns now. 
0720: Fair/Clear (can see blue through the high thin clouds), ice on the Bird Baths and frost on the roofs. 
0650: Partly cloudy/Fair with high thin clouds. 
0620: Partly cloudy/Clear with high thin clouds. 

2050: Partly cloudy. 
2023: Moon rising above Mt. Roberts. 
1950: Partly cloudy/Clear. 
1850: Mostly clear. 
1750: Partly cloudy/Clear. 
1720: Partly cloudy with thin clouds. 
1650: Partly/Mostly cloudy with high thin overcast and somewhat weakened sunshine on the mainland. 
1559: The sun set behind the Douglas Island mountains. 
1550: Fair/High thin overcast with blue visible through the clouds, somewhat weakened sunshine. 
1450: Partly/Mostly cloudy with high thin clouds and somewhat weakened sunshine. 
1350: Partly/Mostly cloudy with high thin clouds, weakened sunshine. 
1250: Partly cloudy with high thin clouds, weakened sunshine. 
1150: Mostly cloudy with high thin overcast SE part of sky, partly cloudy with high thin clouds NW part, 
      sun is shining (has been all morning). 
1050: Partly cloudy with high thin clouds, mostly cloudy/cloudy with thin overcast to the SE. 
0950: Mostly Clear with thin clouds NW part of sky, mostly cloudy/cloudy with thin overcast SE part. 
0935: Mostly clear with some high clouds to the SE. 
0920: Mostly clear, a bit of fog. 
0850: Mostly clear, variable fog - fog mostly over the Channel. 
0835: Mostly clear, variable fog. 
0750: Mostly clear, band of fog over Gastineau Channel, noticed ice on the Bird Baths. 
0735: Mostly clear with fog over the Channel, there is very light frost on the roofs. 
0650: Clear with fog over Gastineau Channel. 
0620: Clear with band of fog over Gastineau Channel. 

2050: Cloudy with minor breaks, mountaintops in the clouds. 
1950: Cloudy with minor breaks. 
1935: Mostly cloudy. 
1850: Misting/Sprinkling, partly cloudy NW part of sky, cloudy SE part, clouds skimming the mountaintops. 
1750: Mostly cloudy, some clouds around the mountaintops. 
1720: Mostly cloudy, mountaintops in the clouds. 
1650: Cloudy with breaks and sun shining on part of Mt. Juneau, mountaintops in the clouds. 
1620: Rain, cloudy with breaks overhead, ceiling at about 2400'. 
1550: Cloudy with minor breaks, ceiling at about 2400'. 
1535: Rain, ceiling at about 2200', minor breaks and bright skies. 
1520: Cloudy with bright spots, ceiling at about 2500'. 
1450: Light rain/Sprinkling, cloudy with a few small breaks, ceiling at about 2600'- 2700'. 
1435: Cloudy with minor breaks, mountaintops in the clouds. 
1420: Rain, cloudy with a break or two and sun shining on part of Mt. Roberts, fog/clouds around the 
      mountaintops, fresh snow noticed on the Mt. Juneau/Granite Creek ridges. 
1405: Rain, cloudy with mountaintops in the clouds. 
1350: Misting/Sprinkling, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 
1335: Rain, ceiling 2400'- 2500'. 
1320: Cloudy with ceiling at around 2600'. 
1305: Very fine misting, cloudy, ceiling at around 2600'. 
1250: Rain, ceiling at about 2500'- 2600'. 
1150: Cloudy, ceiling at about 2200'- 2400'. 
1120: Rain, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 
1105: Light rain, mountaintops in the clouds. 
1050: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 
1020: Cloudy, mountaintops in the clouds. 
1005: Rain, cloudy with mountaintops in the clouds. 
0920: Sprinkling, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 
0850: Rain, cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 
0805: Rain, cloudy with tops of the mountains in the clouds. 
0750: Sprinkling, cloudy with tops of the mountains in the clouds. 
0735: Rain, cloudy with the tops of the mountains in the clouds and lower ribbons/patches of fog/clouds. 
0705: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
0650: Cloudy. 
0635: Rain, cloudy. 
0620: Cloudy. 

2050: Mostly cloudy with full moon shining. 
2035: Partly cloudy with the full moon shining. 
1950: Mostly/Partly cloudy. 
1935: Cloudy with lower band/ribbon of fog. 
1920: Rain, cloudy with lower bands/ribbons of fog. 
1850: Mostly cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountains. 
1820: Mostly cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountains. 
1810: 2 Bald Eagles flying SE together. 
1807: Bald Eagle flying NW. 
1750: Mostly cloudy with a golden glow on the clouds and on the countryside, fog/clouds hiding the Mt. Juneau Ridge. 
1735: Cloudy with some breaks, clouds skimming the mountaintops with lower patches/bits of fog/clouds. 
1650: Sprinkling, clouds skimming the mountaintops except Mt. Juneau (3576') totally in the clear. 
1635: Sprinkling/Light rain, cloudy with the clouds skimming the mountaintops, a bit of fog in Last Chance Basin 
      behind Mt. Maria. 
1626: A Steller's Jay drank from the Bird Bath. 
1620: Rain/Drizzle, cloudy with only the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds. 
1605: Sprinkling, cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 
1550: Rain, fog/clouds around the upper parts of the mountains with lower bands/ribbons/patches of fog/clouds. 
1532: Bald Eagle gliding NW over the Channel. 
1450: Light rain/Sprinkles, some fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 
1420: Light rain (began as sprinkles at 1413), cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops and in the inner 
      Gold Creek valley. 
1350: Cloudy with fog/clouds around the upper parts of the mountains and in the inner Gold Creek valley. 
1335: Cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 
1305: Mostly cloudy with sun trying, fog/clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge. 
1250: Cloudy with some minor breaks overhead, fog/clouds around the upper parts of the mountains and some lower wisps. 
1150: Cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops and filling the inner Gold Creek valley, lower patches/bits 
      of fog/clouds. 
1120: Cloudy with breaks and bright spots, sun trying on part of the mainland at times, fog/clouds around the 
      mountaintops and lower patches of fog/clouds, fog over Last Chance Basin. 
1050: Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountains and over Last Chance Basin. 
1020: Sprinkling, cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountaintops, fog over Last Chance Basin and some other
      wisps of fog. 
0950: Sprinkling, fog/clouds around the mountaintops with lower ribbons/wisps of fog/clouds. 
0920: Sprinkling, some fog/clouds around the mountaintops, part of West Juneau is getting "smoked out" by someone 
      along Douglas Highway open burning in their backyard. 
0905: Light rain/Drizzle, cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and some lower ribbons/bits of fog/clouds. 
0850: Sprinkling, cloudy with most of the mountaintops in the clouds, lower ribbons and wisps of fog/clouds. 
0820: Rain/Drizzle, cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds.
0750: Light Rain/Sprinkles, cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds. 
0705: Sprinkling, cloudy. 0650: Very fine misting, cloudy, some light rain in past 1/2 hour. 
0620: Cloudy, with possibly some minor breaks, a few sprinkles within the past hour. 

2050: Cloudy with some breaks. 
2035: Mostly cloudy. 
2020: Mostly/Partly cloudy. 
1950: Partly cloudy. 
1921: Mostly/Partly cloudy with 98% full moon visible through the thin clouds low in the sky to the ESE. 
1850: Cloudy. 
1820: Cloudy. 
1750: Fair/Thin overcast. 
1720: Overcast, thin in areas. 
1650: Mostly cloudy/Fair with blue sky showing through, weakened sunshine shining on the mainland. 
1620: Partly/Mostly cloudy. 
1550: Partly cloudy/Fair. 
1520: Mostly/Partly cloudy with the sun shining. 
1505: Cloudy with thinner areas where blue is visible through the clouds. 
1450: Weak sunshine, mostly/partly cloudy with thin-in-areas overcast. 
1420: Fair/Thin Overcast with large areas of blue sky visible throught the thin clouds, somewhat weakened sunshine. 
1350: Weak sunshine, overcast (thin in areas) SE part of sky and partly cloudy NW part. 
1250: Fair-Thin Overcast/Clear (blue visible through the clouds) with sunshine. 
1150: Partly cloudy with high thin clouds. 
1120: Fair/Clear. 
1050: Mostly clear with thin overcast to the SE and some high thin clouds to the NW. 
0950: Mostly clear with some high thin clouds to SE and to NE. 
0935: Clear with a bit of high thin clouds to the SE. 
0850: Mostly clear with thin overcast to the SE.
0820: Partly cloudy/Clear with wisps of fog over the Channel being blown SE in a steady stream. 
0750: Partly cloudy/Fair with thin overcast over much of the sky and blue sky visible through most of the 
      thin cloud cover (having trouble describing it), fog over Gastineau Channel. 
0735: Partly cloudy with high thin clouds, fog over Gastineau Channel. 
0705: Mostly Clear with fog over the Channel almost down to the water. 
0650: Clear with band of fog over the Channel (bottom at around 100'- 200'). 
0620: Clear with lower ribbon of fog over the Channel. 


2050: Cloudy, ceiling at around 2000'- 2200'. 
1950: Cloudy, ceiling at around 2400'- 2500'. 
1850: Cloudy with ceiling at about 2000'- 2200'. 
1750: Cloudy with ceiling at about 1800'- 2000'. 
1650: Cloudy, ceiling at around 2000'. 
1620: Sprinkling, ceiling at around 1800'. 
1550: Cloudy, ceiling at around 2400' or above. 
1505: Rain, fog/clouds around the upper parts of the mountains. 
1450: Rain, cloudy with a few lower patches of fog/clouds. 
1405: Rain, cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds. 
1350: Light rain/Sprinkles, cloudy with clouds above the mountains except for Mt. Roberts. 
1305: Light rain, cloudy with clouds skimming the mountaintops. 
1250: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
1220: Light rain, cloudy. 
1150: Cloudy, a patch of fog over the Channel side of Mt. Juneau. 
1120: Cloudy. 
1050: Sprinkling, cloudy with a few lower wisps of fog. 
1045: A Great Blue Heron flew SE over the backyard. 
1035: Sprinkling, cloudy with some lower patches of fog/clouds. 
0950: Cloudy, a few wisps of fog in the vicinity of Mt. Maria. 
0850: Cloudy, a few wisps of fog. 
0820: Cloudy, a few wisps of fog. 
0750: Very fine misting, cloudy with lower patches/bits of fog/clouds. 
0650: Cloudy with clouds skimming the mountaintops, a few lower bits and wisps of fog/clouds. 
0620: Very fine misting, cloudy with the top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds. 

2050: Rain, cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountains. 
1950: Rain, cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountains. 
1920: Very fine misting, cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountains. 
1850: Cloudy with some patches of fog/clouds around the upper parts of the mountains. 
1805: Rain, cloudy, some bits of fog/clouds around the mountains. 
1750: Rain, some fog/clouds around the mountaintops and lower bits of fog/clouds. 
1720: Rain, cloudy with a few wisps of fog. 
1650: Rain, cloudy with a patch of fog over the Channel side of Mt. Juneau. 
1635: Rain, cloudy with ceiling above the mountains, lower ribbons/patches of fog/clouds. 
1605: Rain, some fog/clouds around the mountaintops and lower ribbons/bands and patches of fog/clouds. 
1550: Rain, cloudy with bands and patches of lower fog/clouds. 
1520: Light rain, cloudy with lower ribbons/bands of fog/clouds. 
1450: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
1350: Cloudy, a few lower ribbons/wisps of fog. 
1320: Cloudy with lower ribbons of fog. 
1250: Cloudy with some breaks and thinner areas, lower ribbons of fog. 
1235: Cloudy with some breaks and thinner areas with sun trying to shine through, some lower wisps/ribbons of fog. 
1220: Mostly cloudy with a ribbon of fog in the vicinity of Mt. Maria. 
1212: 1st noticed (for today) Dark Eyed Junco - Oregon Subspecies in backyard. 
1150: Cloudy with a few lower wisps of fog. 
1050: Cloudy with a few lower wisps of fog. 
1042: Bald Eagle flying SE. 
1020: Cloudy. 
0935: Cloudy with breaks. 
0920: Light rain, cloudy, small ribbon of fog over downtown. 
0850: Cloudy with a lower thin ribbon of fog, during past hour a few brief isolated showers over the 
      mainland mountains and a brief sprinkle here. 
0750: Cloudy, clouds skimming the mountaintops, lower ribbon of fog. 
0742: 1st Chestnut Backed Chickadees of the day arrived. 
0650: Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 
0620: Very fine misting, cloudy with very tops of the mountains in the clouds, rain shower in the past 20 minutes. 

SUNDAY 10/05/03:
2050: Light rain/Sprinkling, cloudy with lower band of fog. 
2020: Sprinkling/Light rain, clouds above the mountains but with lower band of fog. 
1950: Very fine misting, cloudy. 
1905: Light rain/Sprinkling, cloudy. 
1750: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
1720: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
1705: Cloudy. 
1650: Light misting sprinkles, cloudy. 
1620: Rain, cloudy. 
1605: Sprinkling/Light rain, cloudy. 
1520: Sprinkling, cloudy. 
1450: Cloudy. 
1350: Cloudy. 
1335: Cloudy. 
1250: Cloudy with bright spots. 
1220: Cloudy with very minor break to the ENE. 
1150: Cloudy with minor breaks. 
1050: Cloudy with minor breaks. 
1020: Mostly cloudy. 
0950: Partly/Mostly cloudy. 
0850: Partly cloudy. 
0820: Partly cloudy/Clear. 
0750: Partly cloudy. 
0735: Partly cloudy/Clear.
0705: Partly cloudy, orange glow on many of the clouds. 
0650: Mostly/Partly cloudy with ribbon of fog over Last Chance Basin and the Channel side of Mt. Juneau. 
0635: Mostly cloudy, some lower ribbons of fog. 
0620: Cloudy with some breaks (ceiling above the mountains) and a band of fog on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau. 

2050: Cloudy with ceiling at about 2000' and above. 
1950: Cloudy with ceiling 700'- 800'. 1850: Cloudy, ceiling at about 1500'. 
1820: Very fine misting, ceiling at about 1500'. 
1750: Misting/Drizzle, ceiling at about 1600' (lower in the inner Gold Creek valley). 
1650: Rain, ceiling at around 1800' with lower ribbons/bands of fog/clouds. 
1620: Rain, ceiling at about 1800' (lower in inner Gold Creek valley), some lower bits/patches of fog/clouds. 
1605: Cloudy, ceiling at about 1500', lower wisps/patches/bits of fog/clouds. 
1535: Cloudy, ceiling at about 1700', a few lower bits of fog. 
1505: Rain, cloudy with ceiling at about 1700'. 
1350: Cloudy, ceiling at about 2000'- 2200', lower wisps of fog. 
1250: Very light misting, ceiling at around 2400' (lower in the inner Gold Creek valley) with some lower 
      patches/wisps of fog/clouds. 
1205: Cloudy with ceiling at around 2200'- 2400', shower in inner Gold Creek valley. 
1050: Sprinkling, cloudy with mountaintops in the clouds, lower wisps of fog. 
1037: A Bald Eagle gliding/flying about with a crow tailing it. 
1035: Rain, cloudy with very tops of the mountains in the clouds and lower bands and ribbons of fog/clouds.
0935: Rain, cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds, lower ribbons and patches of fog. 
0905: Rain, cloudy with some of the mountain peaks in the clouds. 
0850: Cloudy, shower over Mt. Roberts and the Mt. Juneau Ridge, some fog over Last Chance Basin. 
0805: Rain, cloudy with lower wisps and bits of fog. 
0750: Cloudy with a few sprinkles, a few small wisps of fog. 
0735: Rain, cloudy with some lower bits of fog. 
0705: Rain, cloudy. 
0654: 1st Steller's Jay arrived. 
0650: Cloudy, shower over inner Gold Creek valley in past 20 minutes. 
0620: Cloudy, have had some sprinkles or light rain in past few hour(s). 

2050: Clear. 
1950: Clear. 
1850: Clear. 
1750: Mostly clear with some clouds far to the NW, West (less than at 1705). 
1705: Mostly Clear with clouds to the NW and West. 
1650: Clear. 
16:13:56 Sun set behind Mt. Troy Ridge, approximately 8 hrs. 17 mins. of sunshine at 3270. 
1550: Clear. 
1450: Clear, some whitecaps on Gastineau Channel. 
1355: Some small whitecaps appearing on Gastineau Channel. 
1350: Clear. 
1314: Bald Eagle flying SE. 
1250: Clear. 
1150: Clear. 
1050: Clear. 
1037: Ruby Crowned Kinglet in the backyard. 
0950: Clear. 
0935: Clear. 
0850: Clear with fog over the Channel.
0750: Clear with fog over the Channel. 
0735: Fog. 
0720: Clear with band of fog over the Channel. 
0650: Clear with some fog over Gastineau Channel. 
0620: Clear. 

2050: Clear with Aurora Borealis. 
2035: Curtain of the Aurora extends from Mt. Roberts to Heintzleman Ridge. 
2013: Horizontal ribbon of Aurora Borealis to the ENE. 
1950: Clear. 
1850: Clear. 
1750: Clear. 
1650: Clear. 
16:16:34 Sun dipped below the Mt. Troy Ridge on Douglas Island. 
1608: 2 Bald Eagles flying about, 1 flew low SW over 3270 and the other flew SW over 3260. 
1550: Clear. 
1450: Clear. 
1350: Clear. 
1250: Clear. 
1150: Clear. 
1050: Clear. 
1020: Clear. 
0950: Clear with a bit of thin fog over the harbor and SE towards Thane. 
0920: Clear with a few patches of fog and some fog lying just over the water of the Channel. 
0850: Fog with clear sky above and sun shining through the fog. 
0835: Clear with fog over the Channel and light fog over West Juneau. 
0750: Clear with a band of fog over Gastineau Channel.
0650: Clear with some fog over the Channel. 
0635: Clear with some fog over the Channel. 

2050: Clear, some fog developing over the Channel. 
1950: Clear. 
1850: Clear. 
1750: Clear. 
1650: Clear with a few small clouds to the NW. 
1620: Sun hid behind the Mt. Troy Ridge on Douglas Island. 
1605: Mostly clear. 
1554: A Bald Eagle nearby "talking". 
1550: Mostly clear (more clouds than at 1450). 
1450: Mostly clear. 
1350: Mostly clear. 
1250: Mostly clear. 
1220: Mostly clear. 
1217: Bald Eagle flying NW. 
1150: Mostly clear with thin fog over the Channel. 
1120: Mostly clear with fog over the Channel and some other patches of fog. 
1050: Patchy fog with clear sky visible in areas. 
1020: Fog, blue visible through the fog overhead. 
0950: Fog. 
0850: Fog, with blue visible through the fog directly overhead. 
0820: Fog with blue visible overhead. 
0750: Fog. 
0720: Fog. 
0650: Mostly clear with some fog over Gastineau Channel. 
0550: Mostly clear with fog over Gastineau Channel.