CONDITIONS DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

NAME: 3270 Nowell   CITY: West Juneau   STATE: Alaska 
ELEV:    97 ft  LAT: 58° 17' 33" N  LONG: 134° 25' 37" W

TEMPERATURE (°F), RAIN  (in), WIND SPEED (mph), SNOW (in). Snowfall from 21:00 - 21:00, all others Midnight to Midnight.

                                      HEAT  COOL        AVG                      WIND       SNOW        
    MEAN                              DEG   DEG         WIND                DOM  RUN        ON(1)       
 1  30.0  33.5  12:25p  27.5  10:30p  35.0   0.0  0.16   0.4  23.0  11:35p  WSW   9.45  5.8  7.0 Cd-VarVisibility-FewBrksOnce/VarSnowShrs:FlksToSn Cd
 2  28.3  31.6  12:35a  23.5  11:50p  36.7   0.0  0.09+  4.1  43.0   7:00a    E  98.70  4.7? 9.5 Cd-MnlndFreqHiddenW/FineSnow-Snow Windy Cd-VarSnShrs
 3  22.1  25.6  10:35a  16.7   7:10a  42.9   0.0  0.00   1.5  22.0   6:05p    E  37.07  2.3   7" Cd/Sn? DecrCds SnBlowMtns VarClr-MClr MCd PCd Clr
 4  17.6  22.4   2:40p   9.7  10:55p  47.4   0.0  0.00   2.1  23.0   6:25p    E  49.66  0.0 MISS Clr-MClr Clr SnBlowMtns BitofBrzyWindEvening
 5  17.8  23.3   2:05p  10.4   7:15a  47.2   0.0  0.00   2.3  26.0  10:50p    E  55.71  0.0   6" Clear OccLt-BrzyWnd SnBlowMtns Eve:Clr MClr PCd
 6  16.0  18.1  12:20a  13.8  11:35p  49.0   0.0  0.00   5.8  30.0   2:45a    E 139.72  0.0 MISS Lt-Brzy-GstsAllDay SnBlowMtns P-MCd MCd MClr Clr
 7  16.4  20.3   9:45p  11.5   5:20a  48.6   0.0  0.00   3.0  25.0  11:20p    E  72.19  0.0 MISS OccLt-Brzy-Gsts Cd-VarBrk PCd M-PCd PCd-MClr Cd MClr
 8  19.5  21.9  10:15a  17.5   6:20a  45.5   0.0  0.00   1.8  21.0   1:20a    E  44.29  0.0   5" Cd VrySmBrks PCd MCdW/VryThnThnsh VarBrk PCd MClrPCd
 9  19.5  22.4   3:00p  16.5   6:15a  45.3   0.0  0.00   3.0  29.0   8:35p    E  71.45  0.0 MISS DecrCd Clr Clr-FewCds OccLt-Brzy-Gsts Clr
10  19.8  21.6  12:25p  13.0   6:25a  45.2   0.0  0.00   3.7  31.0   2:20a    E  87.91  0.0 MISS Clear OccLt-BrzyWind-Gsts
11  21.8  24.2   1:10p  18.4   6:35a  43.2   0.0  0.00   3.6  28.0   8:15p    E  86.47  0.0   4" Clr SnBloMtns Lt-Brzy-OccGsts PCd-VryThnThn MClr Clr
12  21.7  23.9  12:00m  17.6   1:15a  41.5   0.0  0.49   2.0  18.0   4:10p   NW  47.08  4.8  9"? IncrCds Cd CdW/MnlndVarObscured-Hidden/VarSnow
13  27.1  30.2   3:30p  23.9  12:05a  37.9   0.0  0.44   0.3  15.0  12:40a   NW   6.13 10.0  16" LtWndEarly Cldy-MnlndObsc-Hidden/VarSnow Cldy
14  29.5  32.9   4:15p  27.1   7:10a  35.5   0.0  0.38   0.1   8.0   3:30a   NW   2.70  5.9  20" Cd Cd/OccVarSnShrs MnlndHiddenMuchofDay
15  34.1  36.6   1:40p  29.1  12:30a  30.9   0.0  0.18   0.1  10.0   7:15p    S   1.38  4.0 MISS Cd-MnlndVarHidden/VarSn Cd Cd/VarSnShrs Cd
16  34.3  37.2  12:35p  31.3  12:00m  30.7   0.0  0.25   0.1   9.0  11:25a  SSE   2.38  2.4  18" Cd/Sn Cd-OccBrks/OccVarSnShrs PCd Clr
17  32.6  38.8   1:45p  25.5  11:40p  32.4   0.0  0.00   2.0  21.0   1:10p    W  47.02  0.0 MISS Clr IncrCd Cd CdFewBrk Cd Lt-Brzy MCd Cd DecrCd MClr
18  26.8  34.6  12:15p  19.4   7:05a  38.2   0.0 TRACE   0.7   9.0   8:40a   NW  17.74 TRCE  16" Clr MCdVryThnThnsh PCd ThnThnshCd Cd/XtmLtS PCd MClr
19  31.9  37.5   4:15p  24.5  12:05a  33.1   0.0  0.03   0.7  14.0   6:30p  SSE  16.65  0.8 MISS MClr IncrCd Cd Cd/VryLtSnToSn Cd-FewBrks Cd Cd-VarSn
20  36.1  40.4   4:20p  31.6  11:45p  28.9   0.0  0.12   0.7  13.0   3:30a    S  17.33  0.1  14" Cd/Sn/Sn-Rn Cd/VarSprToVryLtRn Cd Cd-ThnrAreas PCd
21  35.2  45.4   3:25p  27.7   7:00a  29.8   0.0  0.00   0.6  10.0   2:30p    W  14.95  0.0 MISS PCd VarMCd&Cd-BrksW/VryThnThnshCd VarPCd-MCd Cd-Brks
22  38.2  45.6   1:05p  31.3  11:40p  26.8   0.0  0.00   1.0  14.0   1:35p    W  26.80  0.0  11" Cd CdMCd Cd-OccFewBrks VarMCd-PCd-CdWVryThnThnsh PCd
23  35.1  39.3   3:10p  30.5   1:35a  29.9   0.0  0.16   0.2   9.0  12:00p  SSE  29.90  0.5 MISS Cd Cd/ExtmLtSnToHvySn/Rn-Sn/Sn-Rn/LtRn-VarSp Cd Brks
24  36.0  44.1   1:55p  29.1   6:05a  29.0   0.0 TRACE   0.6  12.0   2:45p    W  13.32  0.0   9" Cd Cd-ThnSpots Cd-MCd Cd-ThnToThnsh Cd Cd/VryLtSp Cd
25  36.0  40.4   2:10p  33.5   6:10a  29.0   0.0  0.22   0.6  11.0   5:40p  WNW  13.24  1.3 MISS Cd Cd/VarSn VarBrks VarPMCd OccBrks Cd/SpToSn/S-R Cd
26  37.4  44.9   3:55p  31.9  10:35p  27.6   0.0  0.00   0.4  16.0   2:45p    E   8.88  0.0 MISS Cd Cd-ThnrSpots MCd FewBrks Cd VryThnThnshCd&FiltBlu
27  38.2  43.8   2:50p  32.9  12:05a  26.8   0.0  0.31   0.2  10.0   9:30p    S   4.99 TRCE   7" Cd Cd/VryLtRn/Rn-Sn/VarSp Cd Cd/VarSpToRn-Driz-Mist
28  40.4  45.5   2:25p  36.2   6:10a  24.6   0.0  0.17   0.0   8.0   9:40a  SSE   0.81  0.0 MISS Cd/XtmLtSpToRn Cd-VarFiltBrks-Brks Cd Cd/VarSp-Lulls
29  39.3  42.0   3:50p  36.8  11:55p  25.7   0.0  0.47   0.4  10.0   1:30p  SSE   9.31  0.0 MISS Cd/VarRn Cd/VryLtRn-Rn-LtRn-VarSpr Cd Cd/VarSprToRn
30  39.5  42.3  12:55p  36.6  12:25a  25.5   0.0  0.32   1.3  18.0  10:10p  SSE  30.24  0.0  2.5 Cd/.01Rn Cd/VarMst-Spr Cd Cd/VryLtRToRn Cd Cd/SpToRn
31  40.4  42.2  11:50p  38.3   1:30a  24.6   0.0  0.99   1.4  16.0   2:30a  SSE  33.36  0.0 TRCE Cd-MnlandVarObsc/Rn-Lt-VryLtRn-Drz-Spr
    29.6  45.6    22     9.7     4  1094.6   0.0  4.78+  1.4  43.0     2     E 1096.83 42.6?

(1) As measured on Front Lawn at around 20:30, rounded to the nearest inch if there is uncertainty.

March 2: Precip: There is much uncertainty as to what the Precipitation was because the blowing and drifting snow
                 up until 9 AM prevented capturing most of the snow (whatever amount it was) in the Rain Collector.

         Snowfall: There is much uncertainty as to what the Snowfall was because of the blowing and drifting snow 
                   up until 9 AM. If anything, I'm probably on the high side with the 4.7". 
STATISTICS | DATA | GRAPHS | CONDITIONS - DAY of MONTH: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31| TOP 
AVERAGE Mean Temp:	29.6
AVERAGE High Temp:	34.0
MINIMUM High Temp:	18.1	6th
MAXIMUM High Temp:	45.6	22nd
AVERAGE Low Temp:	24.9
MINIMUM Low Temp:	9.7	4th
MAXIMUM Low Temp:	38.3	31st
LOWEST Wind Chill Temp: -1.0	4th @ 2252 (based on 10 minute Average Wind Speed)
MAX >= 90.0:		0
MAX >= 80.0:		0
MAX >= 70.0:		0
MAX <= 32.0:		12	2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th
MIN <= 32.0:		25	All but: 25th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st
MIN <=  0.0:		0
MAXIMUM Humidity (%):	99	28th, 30th
MINIMUM Humidity (%):	32	11th @ 1021
MAXIMUM Pressure (mb):	1031.9	9th @ 1006
MINIMUM Pressure (mb):	990.5	14th @ 1442
TOTAL   Htg Deg Days:	1094.4	There is a disrepancy between two databases of .2 HDD because of the change from AST to ADT on March 12
AVERAGE Htg Deg Days:	35.3
MINIMUM Htg Deg Days:	24.6	28th, 31st
MAXIMUM Htg Deg Days:	49.0	6th
TOTAL Cool Deg Days:	0.0
Heat Base:  65.0  Cool Base:  65.0  Method: Integration
TOTAL   Precip.:	4.78+	See March 2 notes above
AVERAGE Precip.:	0.27
DAYS of Precip.:	18	All but: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 17th, 21st, 22nd, 26th
MAXIMUM Precip.:	0.99	31st
MAXIMUM Rain Rate:	0.28	25th @ 2005
Days of Rain: 16 (>.01 in) 14 (>.1 in) 0 (>1 in)
TOTAL Snowfall:		42.6?	See March 2 notes above
DAYS of Snowfall:	14	1st, 2nd, 3rd, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 23rd, 25th, 27th	
AVERAGE High Wind:	17.8
MINIMUM High Wind:	8	14th, 28th
MAXIMUM High Wind:	43	2nd
WIND RUN (miles):	1096.83

DAYS Sun at any time:	21

1st	Spot of Weak Sunshine on Mt. Juneau
2nd	FULL
3rd	FULL
4th	FULL
5th	FULL
6th	FULL
7th	Extremely Weak to Somewhat Weakened
8th	Extremely Weak to Very Slightly Weakened
9th	FULL
10th	FULL
11th	FULL
12th	NO
13th	NO
14th	NO
15th	NO
16th	FULL
17th	FULL
18th	Extremely Weak to Somewhat Weakened
19th	Weak - Weakened in West Juneau and Very Weak to Weakened inner Gold Creek valley
20th	NO
21st	Very Weak to Slightly Weakened
22nd	Extremely Weak to Very Slightly Weakened
23rd	NO
24th	Extremely Weak to Weakened
25th	FULL
26th	Very Slightly Weakened
27th	NO
28th	Extremely Weak to Weakened
29th	NO
30th	NO
31st	NO
DAYS OF All Clr or MClr: 3	4th, 9th, 10th	
DAYS OF Cld or M Cld:	 26	All but: 4th, 5th, 9th, 10th, 11th
DAYS OF Rainbow:	 0
DAYS OF Aurora:		 0
DAYS OF Lightning:	 0
DAYS OF Earthquake:	 0

GRAPHS | DATA | STATISTICS | CONDITIONS - DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | TOP

March 2017 - Barometric Pressure & Temperature with Highs & Lows.

March 2017 - Dewpoint & Humidity.

March 2017 - Rainfall & High Rain Rate with Pressure & Humidity.

March 2017 - High Wind, Wind Run, & 10 min. Avg. Wind Speed.

CONDITIONS - DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | DATA | STATISTICS | GRAPHS | TOP

Fri. 3/31/17: DATA | Ask the Energy Desk: What about wave & tidal energy in Alaska? - KTOO | Construction pace speeds up on South Franklin St. - Juneau Empire | Upcoming State DOT/PF construction projects this year in Juneau - Juneau Empire ... Egan Drive 10th St. to Main St. this fall for $10 million; $13.8 million for Glacier Hwy. - Fritz Cove Rd. to Seaview Ave.; $400,000 sidewalk extension on upper side of Douglas Hwy. - Gastineau School to Crow Hill Drive | J Scott Armstrong: Fewer Than 1% of Papers in Scientific Journals Follow Scientific Method - Breitbart | Mt. Juneau Avalanche at about 0630 today (Behrends Ave. path) - Carole Triem on Facebook, taken from the Augustus Brown Pool parking lot | 1010: It appears Gold Creek is running muddy | Avalanche Control for Mt. Roberts above Thane Road from 2 - 4 PM this afternoon by State DOT/PF shooting from the Treadwell Mine site

Thur. 3/30/17: DATA | Seward's Day | M/V Lituya sailing schedule for today, March 30, & tomorrow, March 31, 2017 is being revised due to forecast high winds - See 1510 Below | Retiring worn-out wind turbines could cost billions that nobody has - Energy Central ... Editor: Wind turbines have been abandoned at Altamont Pass in California & South Point in Hawaii so abandonment has happened before; South Point was finally taken care of and Altamont Pass is in the process now | Flying a full size Radian glider in a small size park - Juan Browne's You Tube channel | 5 Reasons Why I Don’t Have Solar Panels on My Roof...Yet by Paul Mauldin at T&D World

Wed. 3/29/17: DATA | Tsunami Warning Test this morning at about 10:15 AM ADT - See Below | Treadwell Historical Preservation & Restoration Society | Trump’s Rollback of EPA Overreach: What No One is Talking About - Roy Spencer, Ph. D. | State on Rise as Family Dies - Terence P. Jeffrey | 20 years later, it turns out Dan Quayle was right about Murphy Brown and unmarried moms - Isabel Sawhill, published May 25, 2012 | Who wrote Governor Walker’s new tax plan? & Follow-Up Article - Must Read Alaska

Tue. 3/28/17: DATA | Sunday's power outage strands skiers on chairlifts at Eaglecrest - Juneau Empire | A power outage over the weekend resulted in 200 skiers left hanging - KINY | NWS: Record Snowfall at (3) locations Wednesday, March 15 - See 1340 3/16 Below

Mon. 3/27/17: DATA | Seward's Day (Observed) - State & Local Holiday; School is in session today | Rainworks' Invisible Spray - Create Stunning Works of Art and/or Messages that Appear Every Time it Rains | 1535: MV Aurora sailings are canceled today, Monday, March 27, from Whittier to Cordova, and tomorrow, Tuesday, March 28 from Cordova to Tatitlek to Whittier - See 1535 Below

SUNDAY 3/26/17: DATA | 4th Sunday in Lent | 1058-1059: Power Outage began on Douglas Island and downtown around JDHS. Power came back on in West Juneau at 1135. All power was restored by 1144. At about 1430 on their Facebook page AEL&P posted: "A squirrel caused today's outage that affected Douglas, North Douglas, West Juneau and Downtown areas."

Sat. 3/25/17: DATA | Power Line Work at Oroville Dam - California Dept. of Water Resources video on You Tube .... Note the catwalks being used

Fri. 3/24/17: DATA | Seaton introduces new income tax language from Governor Walker ... and this time it’s a whopper of an income tax bill - Must Read Alaska | In Juneau Empire: My Turn: Fake (State Budget) news prevalent in Alaska - by Bethany Marcum | As Condo Towers Get Taller, Elevators Rise to the Challenge - WSJ | Juneau - From 13,000 Feet - Photo by Ron Gile ... On Juneau Empire Facebook page

Thur. 3/23/17: DATA | Dmitri Shostakovich's Waltz No. 2 - Amadeus - The Electric String Quartet ... They aren't your stereotypical quartet! | Viva La Vida (Live at Arena di Verona) - 2Cellos ... Both on You Tube | Democrats in the AK House of Representatives & the Electoral College - Must Read Alaska ... One comment: "So basically, the voters in Alaska have no say in who gets elected. They just give their electoral votes to the majority from the other 49 states. People in Alaska should be outraged."

Wed. 3/22/17: DATA | South Franklin Street improvements resume - CBJ (PDF) | The machinery and system used to move and place the material in building Oroville Dam (You Tube) | Sears Plummets After Disclosure Sparks Concern That End Is Near - Bloomberg

Tue. 3/21/17: DATA | Work resumes on South Franklin Street - KTOO | Price of Oil Drops as U.S. Drilling Growth Threatens to Counter OPEC Cuts - Bloomberg | 9 things Costco employees want you to know - KCRA, Sacramento, CA | A chunk of Earth's original crust has been discovered in Canada - KCRA | How to make your own Honey Buns - Chickens in the Road | Self-driving cars are mostly getting better at navigating California’s public roads - recode | Video: USACE Geologists at Oroville Dam - on Twitter

Mon. 3/20/17: DATA | 1st Day of Spring - Vernal Equinox at 2:29 AM ADT | 0418: NWS: Winter Weather Advisory is Cancelled - See 0418 Below | An Article about Tontines - Washington Post .... Tontine - Wikipedia | Seattle’s ‘Bertha’ Pauses, Then Resumes Bore on Final Segment - ENR

SUNDAY 3/19/17: DATA | 3rd Sunday in Lent | 1544: NWS: A Winter Weather Advisory for 5" - 10" of Snow is in effect from 4 PM this afternoon to 10 AM ADT Monday - See 1544 Below | 1st Day of Spring is tomorrow with the Vernal Equinox at 2:29 AM ADT March 20.

Sat. 3/18/17: DATA | NWS: Potential for more Snow Sunday into Sunday night - See 0434 Below | U.S. Navy Uniforms - U.S. Navy Personnel Command | Military Connection ... (a private website) | Liar, liar - by Craig Medred on his site, (a few cuss words in it) .... About National Geographic's article on this winter in Alaska, the Iditarod, misinformation, agendas, and credibility

Fri. 3/17/17: DATA | Why are climate-change models so flawed? Because climate science is so incomplete - Boston Globe | March snowstorms create boom times for Eaglecrest Ski Area - KTOO | Liberty is not for wimps - Walter E. Williams - Anchorage Daily Planet | Saving Marie Curie’s Last Radium Standard - NIST

Thur. 3/16/17: DATA | It's unclear if Winter Snow Routes are being used today by the School District (they show it for Wed. 3/15) | 0735: KINY Radio reports that Capital Transit is on Winter Snow Routes until midnight today | NWS: Record Snowfall at the Juneau Airport on Tuesday, March 14 - See 1355 3/15 Below | NOAA to test tsunami warning system for Alaska on March 29 - Juneau Empire .... Editor (me): Risk of a tsunami event in Juneau is likely low from a faraway event, but if there is a localized cause that's another matter. | Alaska’s Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management | US soldiers train for jungle warfare at Hawaii rainforest - WTOP, Washington D.C. | Juneau sees record “dump” of snow Tuesday - Juneau Empire

Wed. 3/15/17: DATA | 0650: NWS: Winter Storm Warning will Expire at 7 AM ADT this morning - See 0650 Below | Today: School Buses are on Winter Routes (Google Doc) and Capital Transit is also using Winter Snow Routes (PDF) | Queen Mary’s SOS demands action to save the attraction - The Orange County (CA) Register Editorial

Tue. 3/14/17: DATA | 1448: NWS: Winter Storm Warning in effect until 7 AM ADT Wednesday - See 1448 Below | Turn Around - Rosemary Clooney and Keith Carradine (You Tube) | No snow day after overnight storm - Juneau Empire ... There's apparently more to the story about Douglas (2 buses, and for one of them it took an hour and a tow truck) - See posts on Juneau Community Collective on Facebook. And on another note - See Below | Juneau gets over a foot and a half of snow since Sunday, more on the way - KINY | Capital Transit is using Winter Snow Routes (PDF) today | 1715: I've corrected noaamo.txt and the previous day stats. where I neglected to post the snow and proper snow total for both Mar. 12 & 13. Noaayr.txt was OK. The help here (me) should be fired. :-)

Mon. 3/13/17: DATA | 1736: NWS: Winter Storm Warning will Expire at 6 PM ADT this evening - See 1736 Below | School Buses are on Winter Routes (Google Doc) today - they may be running late in some areas | Capital Transit is using Winter Snow Routes (PDF) today | Snow blankets Southeast, Juneau schools and city offices open, Capital Transit on winter routes - KINY | School buses stuck in snow, district pushes on despite parents’ disapproval - KTOO | Update: Tied-up ferry Taku is for sale - KTOO

SUNDAY 3/12/17: DATA | 2nd Sunday in Lent | Alaska Daylight Time - Have you set your clocks ahead 1 hour?! | 1550: NWS: Winter Storm Warning, now for 8" - 15"of Snow, is now in effect until 1 PM ADT Monday - See 1550 Below | Affordable Modular Multi-Family Housing for Juneau - Palm Harbor (modular) Homes ... Development is on Bresee St. in the Mendenhall Valley; CBJ Planning Commission June 24, 2014 Minutes relative the development - (PDF, start on Page 2) - CBJ

Sat. 3/11/17: DATA | Alaska Standard Time - Remember to set your clocks ahead 1 hour this evening for the change to Daylight Saving Time ... Spring Forward! | 1754: NWS: A Winter Storm Warning, for 8" - 22" of Snow now, remains in effect from 4 PM Sunday to 1 PM ADT Monday; the Winter Storm Watch is no longer in effect - See 1754 Below | 2035: NWS: The High Wind Warning will Expire at 9 PM AST this evening - See 2035 Below | The Feather River and Salmon below Oroville Dam - Fish Sniffer | M/V Taku Car / Passenger Ferry for Sale Through Sealed Bid - State of Ak Public Notices - See Info Below

Fri. 3/10/17: DATA | 1554: NWS: A (new) High Wind Warning is in effect from 3 AM to 9 PM AST Saturday - See 1554 Below | 0846: NWS: The High Wind Warning will Expire at 9 AM AST this morning - See 0846 Below | Are we living in a warm peak between ice ages? - Ned Rozell on SitNews | Alaska LLC Veil Piercing at Crossroads: A Chance to Get it Right - Joshua Fershee at Business Law Prof Blog ... Article is in regards to the legal action by CBJ against the Barretts, owners of the Gastineau Hotel property | 1612: NWS: Winter Storm Watch in effect from Sunday afternoon through Monday afternoon - See 1612 Below

Thur. 3/09/17: DATA | Douglas, Alaska Fire - March 9, 1911 - ... (Taken from the Daily Alaska Dispatch, Juneau, AK, 10 March 1911) | A piece about the State Budget: Our Rep. (Ketchikan area) Voting to Increase State Spending - by Rodney Dial, a Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly Member (his opinion does not necessarily represent the views of other assembly members)

Wed. 3/08/17: DATA | NWS: Record Lows set for (6) locations in Southeast Alaska from March 5 to March 7 - See 2336 3/07 Below | Alaska Waste to purchase Alaska Pacific Environmental Services - State of AK, RCA Public Notice | Biological response to climate change in the Arctic Ocean: the view from the past - Cronin, T.M. & Cronin, M.A. | Republicans Don’t Know What They Believe Any More - RedState

Tue. 3/07/17: DATA | 1140: NWS: The High Wind Warning will Expire at Noon AST today - See 1140 Below | House Republican Obamacare plan signals that liberalism has already won - Philip Klein | Hughes 500 Helicopter Walkaround (You Tube) | Spring king fishing canceled by emergency order; Spring King Salmon Derby set for May canceled by organizers - Juneau Empire | The Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish announced the king salmon regulations for the marine waters near Juneau - KINY

Mon. 3/06/17: DATA | Kitty On The Keys - Frank Mills (You Tube) | Stunning - unusual photos - Ugly Hedgehog Photography Forum (Link on page) | Info on the Jan. 22, 2017 USPS Postage Rate Increase - ... Better late than never in my posting it! | 4 Ways to Eat a Persimmon - wikiHow & How to eat a persimmon - The Guardian (UK)

SUNDAY 3/05/17: DATA | 1st Sunday in Lent

Sat. 3/04/17: DATA | Deadly Degrees: Why Heat Waves Kill So Quickly - Live Science | Air Conditioning Is a Human Right - Time | Commentary: Air conditioning is a matter of life and death - Chicago Tribune | Love is Blue - Paul Mauriat (Instrumental), Love is Blue - Al Martino (vocal) ... both on You Tube | Avalanche on Mt. Juneau above Behrends Ave. surprises downtown Juneau neighborhood at 10 AM March 3rd - Juneau Empire; the video on Facebook | Watch the Incredible Power of a Controlled Avalanche in Juneau, Alaska (at Snowslide Creek on Mt. Roberts), March 3rd, 2017 by Pat Costello (You Tube)

Fri. 3/03/17: DATA | NWS: Winter Storm Warning is Cancelled - See 0517 Below | The Juneau Airport had 3.7" of Snowfall on Thur. March 2 with .18" of Melted Precipitation | Researchers Aim to Switch Data Center Fiber Optics to Laser Beams - ENR | 1100: 1st Shot from the Treadwell Mine site at the Snowpack on Mt. Roberts above Thane Road by the State DOT/PF | KINY's video of avalanche hazard reduction on Thane Road this morning & Avalanches are occurring around Juneau, danger remains high through the weekend - KINY | NWS Summary of February 2017 Weather in Southeast Alaska - See Below | MV LeConte sailings for today, Friday, March 3, have been canceled due to dangerous weather conditions. - See 1015 Below .... (Sorry about the late posting)

Thur. 3/02/17: DATA | 1744: NWS: The Winter Storm Warning for Snow is now in effect until 6 AM AST Friday - See 1744 Below | 0627: Now Available: The February 2017 Monthly Report, and the updated Weather Database | NWS: Record Snowfall at the Annette Airport on Tuesday, February 28 - See 0145 Below | NIST Quest for Climate-Friendly Refrigerants Finds Complicated Choices - NIST .... My comment below | 0903: An avalanche warning has been issued for Thane Road from MP 1 to MP 5 - KINY | Costco to raise membership fees by $5 and $10 later this year (June 1) - KCRA - Sacramento, CA

Wed. 3/01/17: DATA | : Ash Wednesday | 1555: NWS: A (new) Winter Storm Warning for 6" - 10" of Snow is in effect from Midnight tonight to 6 PM AST Thursday - See 1555 Below | 1138: NWS: The Winter Storm Warning for Snow has been Cancelled - See 1138 Below | Questions & Answers on Ash Wednesday - James Akin | Interactive 3D map of Oroville Spillway and Vicinity (Files on GitHub) | Due to ongoing repair work, the MV Kennicott will return to service two weeks later than originally planned. It will now resume revenue service March 30 - See 0846 Below