Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
NAME: 3270 Nowell CITY: West Juneau STATE: Alaska
ELEV: 97 ft LAT: 58° 17' 33" N LONG: 134° 25' 37" W
TEMPERATURE (°F), RAIN (in), WIND SPEED (mph), SNOW (in). Snowfall from 21:00 - 21:00, all others Midnight to Midnight.
1 54.6 60.3 4:25p 50.3 4:05a 10.4 0.0 0.03 0.1 9.0 4:55a E 1.47 0.0 0.0 Cd Cd/OccVryLtR Cd Cd/SpShrs Cd-VarSun Cd-VarBrks Cd
2 54.6 65.5 2:35p 49.4 4:50a 10.4 0.0 0.08 0.3 14.0 4:40p SSE 6.98 0.0 0.0 Cd-MCd/Shr Cd-VarBrks Cd/4SprShrs&2RnShrs Cd-TnyBrks
3 53.1 60.8 11:35a 43.2 12:00m 11.9 0.0 0.00 0.7 12.0 1:55p E 16.56 0.0 0.0 DecrCd MClr-Clr MClr MClr-PCd Cd-Brks PCd MCd Cd PCd
4 50.8 60.1 12:15p 39.6 4:25a 14.2 0.0 0.10 0.4 20.0 2:40p E 10.46 0.0 0.0 MClr MCd Cd-Brks PCd Cd-VarBrks/VryLtShr Cd-MCd Cd/R
5 49.7 52.1 5:10p 46.3 2:05a 15.3 0.0 0.17 0.3 11.0 11:55p SSE 6.00 0.0 0.0 Cd/OccSpr-VryLtRn Cd/VarSpr-VryLt-LtRn-LullinAM
6 58.6 72.4 4:05p 49.6 2:55a 7.1 0.7 0.03 0.6 14.0 6:15p S 14.51 0.0 0.0 Cd/.02"Rn Cd Cd-ThnningCds MCd PCd Cd-VarBrks Brz Cd
7 60.9 73.0 2:25p 53.3 3:40a 5.1 1.0 0.03 0.3 19.0 12:45p NW 7.60 0.0 0.0 Cd/.03"Rn Cd-VarBrks PCd MCd Cd-VarBrks Cd Cd-VarBrk
8 60.8 68.3 3:15p 54.6 5:05a 4.6 0.3 0.00 0.5 15.0 6:50p ENE 11.86 0.0 0.0 Cd Cd-VarBrksW/CdsThnningThenThickeningInEVe MCd Cd
9 53.8 60.9 1:00a 49.7 11:05p 11.2 0.0 0.02 0.6 12.0 8:20a SSE 14.71 0.0 0.0 Cd/TrcRn LoCds-Fog/VarMist-Sp Cd LoCds-Fog/VarMst-Sp
10 52.0 56.3 3:50p 49.4 2:05a 13.0 0.0 0.03 0.1 8.0 12:25p NW 2.03 0.0 0.0 Cd-LoCds-Fog/VarSp-Mst-DrzW/Lulls Cd Cd/VarSp-Mst Cd
11 49.7 52.7 11:35a 47.9 4:40a 15.3 0.0 0.10 0.3 10.0 12:10p SSE 5.83 0.0 0.0 Cd/.01R Cd Cd/OccXtmLt-VryLtSp Cd/VarSpToR Cd Cd/LtR
12 49.1 52.4 1:20p 45.1 11:35p 15.9 0.0 0.23 0.2 12.0 1:40p SSE 5.68 0.0 0.0 Cd/Shrs Cd-OccVarSun/VarSpToR Cd-OccBrks/FewSp-RShrs
13 49.3 54.4 5:55p 45.2 12:05a 15.7 0.0 0.15 0.2 10.0 10:45a SSE 3.90 0.0 0.0 Cd/Shrs:SpToRn Cd-OccVarSun/OccVarSpr Cd-VarFiltBrks
14 52.8 62.7 4:25p 43.4 3:30a 12.2 0.0 0.15 0.1 15.0 7:45p E 2.33 0.0 0.0 Cd Cd/OccSp Brks MPCd VarBrk-MCd PCd MCd Cd Cd/SpToR
15 51.5 58.3 2:20p 46.8 4:25a 13.5 0.0 0.18 0.6 15.0 12:55p NW 14.22 0.0 0.0 Cd/TrcRn TnyBrks/SprShr Cd/SpToLtR-Lulls Cd Cd/SpToR
16 47.6 50.1 2:30p 44.3 7:15a 17.4 0.0 0.78 0.6 15.0 7:00a SSE 14.31 0.0 0.0 Cd/OccSp-VryLtRn Cd/VarSpToHvyRn&Rn-ACoupleofLulls
17 47.4 49.4 4:25p 46.0 5:20a 17.6 0.0 0.49 0.0 8.0 12:30a SSE 0.74 0.0 0.0 Cd/Rn-VryLt-LtRn-VarSpr Cd
18 54.3 63.5 3:35p 46.0 3:50a 10.7 0.0 TRACE 0.2 9.0 11:35a NW 4.02 0.0 0.0 Cd/TrcR VarBrk MCd MClr Clr PCd MCd&CdW/VryThnThnnsh
19 53.6 60.1 6:25p 48.5 4:10a 11.4 0.0 0.13 0.5 15.0 9:40a SSE 10.79 0.0 0.0 IncrCd Cd/OccSp Cd/VarSpToRn-Lull MCd PCd Cd-VarBrks
20 51.9 56.5 4:40p 49.8 5:35a 13.1 0.0 0.31 0.4 11.0 4:30a S 9.69 0.0 0.0 Cd/Shrs VarBrks Cd/OccShrs:SpToR TnyBrks/FewSp-RShrs
21 53.8 60.5 3:45p 49.5 4:30a 11.2 0.0 0.11 0.3 9.0 6:05p S 6.57 0.0 0.0 Cd/.02 Cd-FewTnyBrks Cd/Mst-Sp-Drz Cd-VarBrk Cd Cd/R
22 54.8 62.9 5:05p 46.9 12:00m 10.2 0.0 0.08 0.5 11.0 8:30p W 10.85 0.0 0.0 Cd/.01" VarBrks/Shr Cd/FewShrs Brks MCd PCd MClr Clr
23 56.9 69.0 3:45p 42.9 5:10a 8.5 0.4 0.00 0.0 7.0 3:15p E 0.24 0.0 0.0 Clear Clr-FewToSomeCds Clr-MClr MClr PCd Cd-Brks Cd
24 54.9 61.6 5:15p 51.9 8:50a 10.1 0.0 0.41 0.1 11.0 11:30a SSE 2.23 0.0 0.0 Cd Cd/VryLtRnToRn Cd Cd/SpToVryLtR Cd VarBrk Cd Cd/R
25 54.2 57.9 2:05p 50.7 2:50a 10.8 0.0 0.15 0.1 7.0 8:30a E 1.93 0.0 0.0 Cd/Shrs Cd Cd-OccLoCdsAM/VryLtRn-VarSpr-FewLullsPM
26 51.9 53.8 1:30p 50.8 6:55a 13.1 0.0 0.20 0.0 7.0 5:20a SSE 0.48 0.0 0.0 Cd-LoCds/VryLtRn-Drz-Mst-Spr-LullInEarlyPM LoCd/LtRn
27 52.7 56.4 2:20p 50.6 5:35a 12.2 0.0 0.05 0.0 4.0 3:15p SSE 0.00 0.0 0.0 Cd/.01 Cd Cd/OccVryLt:Mst-Sp-DrzToR FewBrks Cd/OccSp
28 56.7 65.0 3:10p 50.6 4:10a 8.3 0.0 0.02 0.0 1.0 2:40p NW 0.00 0.0 0.0 Cd/SprToLtRn Cd Cd-VarBrks Cd-ThinnerCds-Brks
29 55.3 61.5 3:35p 51.6 11:40p 9.7 0.0 0.27 0.2 12.0 11:00p SSE 5.39 0.0 0.0 Cd Cd/VryLt:Rn-Drz&VarSp Cd/OccVarSp Cd/SprToRn
30 53.0 55.6 3:45p 51.0 3:10a 12.0 0.0 0.30 0.2 9.0 12:10a SSE 4.67 0.0 0.0 Cd/VryLtRn-DrzToRn&Sp Cd Cd/VarSpToVryLtRn Cd Cd/.01
53.3 73.0 7 39.6 4 352.2 2.4 4.60 0.3 20.0 4 SSE 196.05 0.0
(1) As measured on Front Lawn
STATISTICS | DATA | GRAPHS | CONDITIONS - DAY of MONTH: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | TOP
AVERAGE Mean Temp: 53.3
AVERAGE High Temp: 59.8
MINIMUM High Temp: 49.4 17th
MAXIMUM High Temp: 73.0 7th
AVERAGE Low Temp: 48.2
MINIMUM Low Temp: 39.6 4th
MAXIMUM Low Temp: 54.6 8th
MAX >= 90.0: 0
MAX >= 80.0: 0
MAX >= 70.0: 2 6th, 7th
MAX <= 32.0: 0
MIN <= 32.0: 0
MIN <= 0.0: 0
MAXIMUM Humidity (%): 99 23rd, 26th, 27th, 28th
MINIMUM Humidity (%): 38 6th @ 1600
MAXIMUM Pressure (mb): 1030.5 22nd @ 1127
MINIMUM Pressure (mb): 996.2 8th @ 1650
TOTAL Htg Deg Days: 352.1
AVERAGE Htg Deg Days: 11.7
MINIMUM Htg Deg Days: 4.6 8th
MAXIMUM Htg Deg Days: 17.6 17th
TOTAL Cool Deg Days: 2.4
Heat Base: 65.0 Cool Base: 65.0 Method: Integration
TOTAL Precip.: 4.60
AVERAGE Precip.: 0.17
DAYS of Precip.: 27 All but: 3rd, 8th, 23rd
MAXIMUM Precip.: 0.78 16th
MAXIMUM Rain Rate: 1.00 16th @ 0643
Days of Rain: 26 (>.01 in) 15 (>.1 in) 0 (>1 in)
TOTAL Snowfall: 0.0
DAYS of Snowfall: 0
AVERAGE High Wind: 11.1
MINIMUM High Wind: 1 28th
MAXIMUM High Wind: 20 4th
WIND RUN (miles): 196.05
DAYS Sun at any time: 21 All but: 5th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 16th, 17th, 25th, 26th, 30th
1st FULL
2nd FULL
3rd FULL
4th FULL
5th NO
6th FULL
7th FULL
8th Extremely Weak to Slightly Weakened
9th NO
10th NO
11th NO
12th FULL
13th Extremely Weak to Somewhat Weakened
14th FULL
15th Extremely weak to Very Weak - Weak
16th NO
17th NO
18th FULL
19th FULL
20th FULL
21st Extremely Weak to Weakened
22nd FULL
23rd FULL
24th FULL
25th NO
26th NO
27th Weakened - Somewhat Weakened
28th Extremely Weak to Weakened
29th Extremely Weak - Very weak
30th NO
DAYS OF Cld or M Cld: 30 All days
DAYS OF Rainbow: 1 20th: 1846 - 1849: Faint partial to ENE-NE.
DAYS OF Aurora: 0
DAYS OF Lightning: 0
DAYS OF Earthquake: 0




- 2017 ADT: Cloudy, small ribbon by Mt. Maria.
.29" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1950: Cloudy, a few lower wisps.
- 1856: Cloudy.
- 1800: .29" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds
skimming SE part of Mt. Juneau, a few lower
bits and wisps of clouds.
- 1650: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, SE very
top of Mt. Juneau and part of the very top
of Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, a few lower
clouds, bits, and wisps.
- 1550: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
band Channel side of top and upper part of
Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts mostly in
clouds, clouds in the Cape Horn/Last Chance
Basin area.
- 1500: .26" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
very top of Mt. Juneau and most of the very
top - top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, some
bits and wisps of clouds in the inner Gold
Creek valley and a few in Last Chance Basin,
a few low wisps Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1412: Very Light Rain.
- 1350: Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds skimming
most of the SE part of Mt. Juneau, clouds
skimming - very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
a few lower clouds, bits, and wisps.
- 1320: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming
peak of Mt. Juneau, most of Mt. Juneau Ridge
and of Mt. Roberts, a few bits and wisps
in Last Chance Basin.
- 1250: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, clouds
skimming SE part of Mt. Juneau, a few lower
very small clouds, bits, and wisps.
- 1200: .23" of Rainfall to this point
- 1155: Cloudy, a few lower bits and wisps
of clouds.
- 1120: Cloudy, clouds skimming SE part of
Mt. Roberts, a few wisps around the very
tops and tops of mountains, a few bits and
wisps by Mt. Maria.
- 1050: Sprinkling, Cloudy, inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, clouds skimming much of Mt.
Roberts, clouds skimming to SE very top of
Mt. Juneau in clouds, lower ribbon/band Channel
side of Mt. Roberts, remainder of Mt. Juneau
substantially obscured.
- 0950: Very Light Misting-Sprinkling, Cloudy,
very top of Mt. Juneau and very top - top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds, inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, broken lower band/ribbon,
remainder of mainland partially to substantially
- 0850: Very Light Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy, mainland
substantially obscured and hidden.
- 0750: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, upper part
and very top of Mt. Juneau and top - upper
part of Mt. Roberts in clouds, clouds skimming
Mt. Juneau Ridge, low band/ribbon, remainder
of mainland to substantially obscured.
- 0720: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming
Mt. Juneau Ridge, very top of Mt. Juneau
and top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, broken
lower ribbon.
- 0700: .18" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Very Light - Light Rain, Cloudy, clouds
skimming to SE very top of Mt. Juneau in
clouds, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau Ridge,
top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, lower band
Channel side of Mt. Juneau and some bits
and wisps of clouds, remainder of mainland
slightly to partially obscured.
- 0620: Light Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy, clouds
skimming Mt. Juneau, very top - top of Mt.
Roberts in clouds, inner Gold Creek valley
hidden, some lower clouds, bits, and wisps,
remainder of mainland substantially obscured.
.16" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0616: A Bald Eagle is squealing.
- 0608 ADT: High Rain Rate of .06" of
Rain per hour.
- The first time I recall hearing this was on KJNO radio
at around 11 p.m. PST (Juneau was on Pacific
time then) on Thursday, December 7, 1972
(a school night) while listening to CBS Radio
News coverage of the lift-off of the Apollo 17 Moon mission, the last manned mission to the Moon.
- 2048 ADT: High Rain Rate of .25" of
Rain per hour.
- 2020: Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds skimming
part of Mt. Juneau Ridge, a few lower clouds
to the ESE Channel side of Mt. Roberts, a
few wisps by Mt. Maria. .11" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 2005: Rain, Cloudy, top - upper part of Mt.
Roberts in clouds, large cloud Channel side
of the SE part of Mt. Juneau, lower cloud
Channel side of Last Chance Basin.
- 1950: Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming SE part
of Mt. Roberts and peak of Mt. Juneau, some
of the very top - top of Mt. Juneau Ridge
hidden by clouds, a cloud in part of Last
Chance Basin.
- 1940: High Rain Rate of .10" of Rain
per hour.
- 1935: Rain, Cloudy, very small cloud very
low in Last Chance Basin.
- 1920: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, wisp in Last
Chance Basin.
- 1850: Light Rain, Cloudy.
- 1849: High Rain Rate of .04: of Rain per
- 1800: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy.
- 1725: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy.
- 1650: A few very, very light sprinkles, cloudy.
- 1620: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, very
weak bright spot in the clouds where the
Sun is.
- 1550: A few extremely light sprinkles, cloudy.
- 1500: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy.
- 1350: Cloudy.
- 1250: Cloudy, brighter.
- 1235: A few extremely light sprinkles, cloudy,
a few hints of blue, extremely weak - very
weak sunshine on Mt. Juneau.
- 1200: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy, a few wisps skimming Mt. Juneau
Ridge and a wisp by the very top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1050: A few extremely light sprinkles, cloudy,
a few wisps by the peak of Mt. Juneau.
- 1005: Cloudy, ribbon over the very top -
top Channel side slope of Mt. Juneau, a few
bits and wisps in the Last Chance Basin/inner
Gold Creek valley area, a few clouds , bits,
and wisps around the very top of Mt. Roberts.
- 0950: A few extremely light sprinkles, cloudy,
small cloud by the top of Mt. Juneau Ridge
and a few wisps in Last Chance Basin, almost
extremely weak - extremely weak sunshine.
- 0920: Cloudy, some wisps in Last Chance Basin.
- 0859: The M/V LeConte sailing to Tenakee and Angoon scheduled for June
29, 2017 is cancelled due to generator
repairs. Reservation staff have begun passenger
notification. Service notices may be
found at or by contacting your local terminal
by dialing 1-907-465-3941 or toll-free at
- 0850: Cloudy, clouds skimming most of Mt.
Juneau, much of the SE very top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, a few lower clouds, bits, and
- 0820: Cloudy, clouds skimming and SE very
top of Mt. Juneau in clouds, most of the
very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, broken
lower ribbon Channel side of Mt. Roberts,
a few small clouds, bits, and wisps in Last
Chance Basin and by Cape Horn.
- 0750: A few extremely light sprinkles, cloudy,
some bits and wisps of clouds around the
SE very top of Mt. Juneau, a few bits and
wisps in Last Chance Basin and the inner
Gold Creek valley and a few wisps around
the NW top of Mt. Roberts.
- 0700: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy,
a few lower wisps.
- 0620: Extremely Light Sprinkles after Very
Light Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy, a few lower wisps.
.02" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0600 ADT: High Rain Rate of .02" of
Rain per hour.
- 2020 ADT: Cloudy, a few very small and tiny
filtered breaks far to the NE, fairly bright.
.02" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1950: Cloudy, a few breaks and some hints
of breaks, fairly bright.
- 1920: Cloudy, very slight breaks to large
breaks in the SE part of the sky.
- 1850: Cloudy with some breaks - most of them
very slight, area of brighter clouds to the
- 1800: Extremely weak to very weak - weak
sunshine in most areas. .02" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 1750: Cloudy, fairly bright.
- 1705: Cloudy, some hints of breaks.
- 1635: Cloudy, some very slight to slight
breaks, areas of extremely weak to very weak
sunshine on the mainland.
- 1550: Cloudy, some breaks, areas of extremely
weak to weak sunshine on the mainland.
- 1500: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy, a few filtered to heavily filtered
breaks, variable very weak to weakened sunshine
here-and-there and in-and-out.
- 1420: Cloudy, some breaks, a few wisps skimming
the mainland mountains, variable very weak
to weakened sunshine here-and-there and in-and-out.
- 1350: Cloudy with hints of blue and of breaks,
clouds skimming SE part of Mt. Juneau and
highest part of Mt. Juneau Ridge, fairly
bright - almost extremely weak sunshine.
- 1308: Very weak - weak sunshine in West Juneau.
- 1250: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Roberts,
most of Mt. Juneau Ridge, and much of Mt.
- 1200: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy, clouds skimming some of Mt.
Roberts and a small cloud by its very top,
clouds skimming SE part of Mt. Juneau, much
of the very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 1050: Cloudy, some clouds around the top
of Mt, Roberts, a few clouds, bits, and wisps
around the SE very top of Mt. Juneau, and
clouds skimming some of Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1016: Small area of heavily filtered blue
and very weak sunshine now.
- 0950: Cloudy, clouds skimming much of Mt.
Juneau Ridge, small cloud and a few bits
and wisps around the upper part of Mt. Juneau
and a few bits and wisps around the top of
Mt. Roberts.
- 0850: Cloudy, some clouds, bits, and wisps
around the very tops to upper parts of the
mainland mountains.
- 0805: Cloudy, bright area in the clouds to
the E, clouds, bits, and wisps around the
upper part of Mt. Juneau and clouds around
almost all of the top of Mt. Juneau Ridge,
some clouds, bits, and wisps Channel side
of Mt. Roberts.
- 0735: Cloudy, bright - brighter spots and
areas in the clouds, a few heavily filtered
breaks, hints of breaks, and hints of blue,
clouds skimming and around much of top of
Mt. Juneau Ridge, some lower clouds, ribbons,
bits, and wisps, very weak sunshine.
- 0715: Brighter now with some brighter spots
in the clouds and a few hints of blue - hints
of breaks.
- 0700: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Cloudy, precipitation in Last Chance
Basin and the inner Gold Creek valley, clouds
skimming - very top of SE part of Mt. Juneau
in clouds, clouds skimming - very top of
Mt. Juneau Ridge and of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
broken low ribbon Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0620: Cloudy, precipitation over at least
some of the mainland, clouds skimming Mt.
Juneau Ridge, Mt. Roberts, and SE part of
Mt. Juneau, a few lower ribbons, bits, and
wisps. .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 0057 ADT: High Rain Rate of .04" of
Rain per hour.
- 2020 ADT: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy,
mainland hidden by fog/clouds above about
400' - 800'. .04" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 1950: Cloudy, a few hints of blue, precipitation
over the mainland, mainland hidden by fog/clouds
above about 400' to 800'.
- 1850: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds, remainder of mainland
hidden by fog/clouds above about 400' - 600',
remainder of mainland slightly to partially
- 1830: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, top
of Mt. Roberts and much of upper part of
Mt. Juneau in clouds, inner Gold Creek valley
- 1800: .04" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy, precipitation over some of
the mainland, some clouds, bits, and wisps
around the upper parts of the mainland mountains.
- 1705: A few extremely light sprinkles, cloudy,
clouds skimming peak of Mt. Juneau and most
of Mt. Juneau Ridge, clouds skimming - very
top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, some lower
clouds, bits, and wisps.
- 1641: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, clouds
skimming Mt. Roberts and peak of Mt. Juneau,
top of Mt. Juneau Ridge hidden by clouds,
cloud upper S face of Mt. Juneau and a few
clouds, bits, and wisps in Last Chance Basin.
- 1550: Cloudy, clouds skimming - very top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds, cloud skimming
highest part of Mt. Juneau Ridge and a cloud
skimming peak of Mt. Juneau, a few lower
clouds, bits, and wisps.
- 1500: .04" of Rainfall to this point
- 1448: Cloudy, some wisps skimming Mt. Juneau
Ridge and peak of Mt. Juneau, a few lower
clouds, bits, and wisps.
- 1432: Cloudy, very small break to the ENE,
precipitation over part of the mainland,
very top to upper part of Mt. Roberts in
clouds, clouds hiding most of the top - upper
part of Mt. Juneau Ridge, cloud skimming
peak of Mt. Juneau and a lower cloud on the
S side, a few bits and wisps in Last Chance
- 1407: The Sun is trying to break through.
- 1400: NWS: Mendenhall Lake gauge shows that the
lake crested at 6.07 feet by noon.
NWS Special Weather Statement
National Weather Service Juneau AK
200 PM AKDT Tue Jun 27 2017
Juneau Borough and Northern Admiralty Island-
Including the city of Juneau
200 PM AKDT Tue Jun 27 2017
Mendenhall Lake gauge shows that the lake crested at 6.07 feet
by noon. Lake and river levels will go down over the next couple
of days.
This is expected to be the last statement on this event.
- 1404: Brighter.
- 1350: Cloudy, very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge
and upper SE part of Mt. Juneau mostly hidden
by clouds, clouds skimming - very top of
Mt. Roberts in clouds and a broken lower
- 1320: Cloudy, a few extremely tiny breaks,
the Sun has been trying, very top and parts
of the top of Mt. Roberts in clouds and a
broken band below, large cloud in Last Chance
Basin, upper SE part of Mt. Juneau in clouds
and a lower band Channel side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1305: Very Light Sprinkling.
- 1300: High Rain Rate of .02" of Rain
per hour.
- 1252: Rain.
- 1250: Very Light Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy, top
- upper part of Mt. Juneau Ridge and upper
part of Mt. Juneau hidden by fog/clouds,
inner Gold Creek valley hidden, remainder
of mainland partially to substantially obscured.
- 1220: Cloudy, weak bright spot in the clouds
where the Sun is, inner Gold Creek valley
hidden, most of the upper part of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, some clouds in Last Chance Basin,
clouds skimming Mt. Juneau with a lower band.
- 1200: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, upper part of Mt.
Juneau and top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
some lower bits and wisps, remainder of mainland
very slightly to partially obscured.
- 1124: Sun is trying to break through.
- 1117: Getting much brighter.
- 1050: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, most of Last
Chance Basin filled with clouds, upper part
of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts hidden by
clouds, remainder of mainland slightly to
partially obscured.
- 1032: Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy, inner Gold
Creek valley hidden, upper part of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts mostly hidden by fog/clouds,
clouds in some of Last Chance Basin, remainder
of mainland partially to substantially obscured.
- 0950: Cloudy, precipitation over most of
the mainland, inner Gold Creek valley hidden,
SE very top - top of Mt. Juneau and very
top and parts of the top of Mt. Roberts in
clouds, lower ribbon in Last Chance Basin
and Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0920: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy,
SE top of Mt. Juneau and very top of Mt.
Roberts in clouds, inner Gold Creek valley
hidden and clouds in SE part of Last Chance
Basin, remainder of mainland very slightly
to partially obscured.
- 0850: Cloudy, precipitation over the mainland,
very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge and SE very
top of Mt. Juneau in clouds, clouds skimming
and very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, cloud
in the lower part of Last Chance Basin, a
few wisps, remainder of mainland very, very
slightly to slightly obscured.
- 0757: NWS: Glacier Dam Release into Mendenhall
Lake Continues.
NWS Special Weather Statement
National Weather Service Juneau AK
757 AM AKDT Tue Jun 27 2017
Juneau Borough and Northern Admiralty Island-
Including the city of Juneau
757 AM AKDT Tue Jun 27 2017
Hydrographs indicate a glacier dam release continues on the
Mendenhall Lake/River from Suicide Basin. At this time there is no
threat of flooding as the lake level at the start of the event
was low. The lake is forecast to remain below bankfull cresting
Tue afternoon around 6.5 feet but, there is inherent uncertainty
in initial glacial lake volume that can result in varying crest
height and timing.
Please stay tuned to NOAA weather radio or you favorite local
weather news source for updates on this situation.
- 0750: Cloudy, clouds skimming SE part of
Mt. Juneau and much of Mt. Roberts, very
top of Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, few lower
clouds, bits and wisps; precipitation over
the mainland?
- 0700: .01" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Cloudy, clouds skimming SE part of
Mt. Juneau and much of Mt. Roberts, very
top of Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, lower
clouds and a few bits and wisps.
- 0616: Cloudy, very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge
in clouds and a few clouds around the SE
very top of Mt. Juneau; precipitation over
the mainland? .01" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 0100 ADT: High Rain Rate of .01" of
Rain per hour.
- 2050 ADT: High Rain Rate of .04" of
Rain per hour.
- 2020: Very Light Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy, mainland
hidden by fog/clouds above about 200' - 350'
with the remainder partially to substantially
obscured. .13" of Rainfall to this point
- 1950: Very Light Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy, mainland
hidden by fog/clouds above about 200' - 350'
with the remainder partially to substantially
- 1850: Very Light Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy, mainland
hidden by fog/clouds above about 250' - 350'
with the remainder partially to substantially
- 1800: Very Light Rain-Drizzle. .08"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1750: Very Light Sprinkling-Drizzle, Cloudy,
mainland hidden by fog/clouds above about
250' - 400' with the remainder very slightly
to partially obscured.
- 1720: Very Light Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy, clouds
skimming to very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds
and a lower band, remainder of mainland hidden
by fog/clouds above about 250' - 300' and
all remaining parts partially obscured.
- 1708: Very Light Rain-Drizzle.
- 1650: Misting, Cloudy, mainland mostly hidden
by fog/clouds above about 200' - 350' and
substantially obscured below that.
- 1649: (But NWS did not post until 6/27 morning): NWS:
Glacier Dam Release into Mendenhall Lake.
NWS Special Weather Statement
National Weather Service Juneau AK
449 PM AKDT Mon Jun 26 2017
Juneau Borough and Northern Admiralty Island-
Including the city of Juneau
449 PM AKDT Mon Jun 26 2017
Hydrographs along with other monitoring equipment indicate a
glacier dam release ongoing on the Mendenhall Lake/River from
Suicide Basin. At this time there is no threat of flooding as the
lake level at the start of the event was low. The lake is forecast
to remain below bankfull cresting early Tue morning around 5.5
feet but, there is inherent uncertainty in initial glacial lake
volume that can result in varying crest height and timing.
Please stay tuned to NOAA weather radio or you favorite local
weather news source for updates on this situation.
- 1550: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy,
mainland mostly hidden by fog/clouds above
about 350' - 400'.
- 1520: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy,
mainland hidden by fog/clouds above about
- 1500: .06" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy, precipitation over some of
the mainland, mainland hidden by fog/clouds
above about 350' - 500'.
- 1420: Very Light Misting-Sprinkling, Cloudy,
inner Gold Creek valley and most of Last
Chance Basin hidden by clouds, upper part
of Mt. Juneau of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds.
- 1350: Cloudy, mainland mostly hidden by fog/clouds
above about 400' - 600'.
- 1250: Cloudy, mainland almost totally hidden
by fog/clouds above about 400' - 500'.
- 1226: Cloudy, top of Mt. Roberts in clouds
and a lower band, fog/clouds filling Last
Chance Basin, clouds skimming to upper SE
part of Mt. Juneau hidden by clouds and a
lower band.
- 1200: .06" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: A few extremely light sprinkles, cloudy,
top of Mt. Roberts in clouds and a lower
ribbon, fog/clouds filling Last Chance Basin,
upper part of Mt. Juneau hidden by fog/clouds.
- 1050: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy,
top of Mt. Roberts in clouds and a lower
band/ribbon, remainder of Mt. Roberts slightly
to partially obscured, remainder of mainland
hidden by fog/clouds above about 400' - 500'
with the mainland very slightly to slightly
obscured below that.
- 0950: Very Light Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy, mainland
mostly hidden by fog/clouds with the remainder
partially to substantially obscured.
- 0920: Very Light Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy, mainland
mostly hidden by fog/clouds with the remainder
substantially obscured.
- 0850: Very Light Misting-Sprinkling, Cloudy,
mainland hidden by fog/clouds above about
200' - 250' and partially obscured below
- 0750: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy,
top of Mt. Roberts in clouds and a lower
band/ribbon, remainder of Mt. Roberts slightly
to partially obscured, remainder of mainland
hidden by fog/clouds above about 200' - 500'
or 600'.
- 0700: .04" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy,
very top - top of Mt. Roberts in clouds and
a lower band, remainder of Mt. Roberts slightly
to partially obscured, remainder of mainland
hidden by fog/clouds above about 200' - 500'
or 600'.
- 0620: Very Light Misting-Sprinkling, Cloudy,
very top - top of Mt. Roberts in clouds and
a lower ribbon, remainder of Mt. Roberts
substantially obscured, remainder of mainland
mostly hidden by fog/clouds. .03" of
Rainfall to this point today.
- 0200 ADT: High Rain Rate of .02" of
Rain per hour.
- 2017 ADT: A few extremely light sprinkles,
cloudy, clouds in part of Last Chance Basin,
a clouds and a few bits and wisps around
the peak of Mt. Juneau, a few wisps. .15"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1950: A few very light sprinkles, cloudy,
a few clouds in Last Chance Basin, some wisps
by the peak of Mt. Juneau and a few wisps
by the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1935: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, a few small
clouds, bits, and wisps around the mainland
- 1850: Cloudy, clouds skimming peak of Mt.
Juneau and most of Mt. Juneau Ridge and of
Mt. Roberts, cloud in the Cape Horn/Last
Chance Basin area, a few wisps.
- 1810: Five Bald Eagle are flying about over
the shore, one ended up landing in a tree
to the NE along the shore.
- 1800: .15" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy, a few clouds in Last Chance
Basin/Cape Horn/NW end of Mt. Roberts area,
cloud over the upper Channel slope of Mt.
Juneau, a few wisps.
- 1735: Almost extremely weak to very weak
- 1725: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy,
clouds skimming peak of Mt. Juneau and part
of Mt. Juneau Ridge, a few lower ribbon,
bits, and wisps of clouds, fairly bright.
- 1647: A few very, very light sprinkles, cloudy,
bright spot in the clouds where the Sun is,
very small cloud at the peak of Mt. Juneau,
lower band Channel side of Mt. Juneau, in
Last Chance Basin, and over the upper NW
slope of Mt. Roberts, very weak - weak sunshine.
- 1625: Brighter.
- 1550: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds
skimming - very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge in
clouds, cloud hiding NW top of Mt. Roberts
and some bits and wisps around the upper
NW part, clouds in the lower part of Last
Chance Basin, Mt. Juneau mostly hidden by
fog/clouds above about 400' - 600'.
- 1520: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, most
of the top of Mt. Roberts in clouds and a
lower ribbon, Last Chance Basin filled with
clouds and hiding almost all of the inner
Gold Creek valley, upper part of Mt. Juneau
hidden by fog/clouds.
- 1500: .14" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
upper part of Mt. Juneau and top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, clouds in the Cape Horn area hiding
almost all of the inner Gold Creek valley,
a few wisps in Last Chance Basin.
- 1435: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, upper
part of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts in
clouds, clouds in the Cape Horn area hiding
almost al of the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1350: Cloudy, inner Gold Creek valley and
almost all of the upper part of Mt. Juneau
hidden by fog/clouds, very top to upper part
of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds with a few
lower wisps.
- 1348: A Bald Eagle is squealing.
- 1250: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, weak
bright spot in the clouds where the Sun is,
clouds skimming SE part of Mt. Roberts with
a lower band and some bits and wisps of clouds,
inner Gold Creek valley hidden, Last Chance
Basin and Mt. Juneau hidden by fog/clouds
above about 400' - 600'.
- 1232: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
clouds, bits, and wisps around much of the
mainland above about 400'.
- 1200: .13" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds skimming
and SE part of Mt. Roberts above about 400'
hidden by clouds - lower ribbon for the remainder,
clouds filling much of Last Chance Basin,
SE part of Mt. Juneau hidden by clouds above
about 400' with a lower ribbon for the remainder.
- 1120: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, weak
bright spot in the clouds where the Sun is,
most of Mt. Roberts above about 450', Last
Chance Basin, and SE part of Mt. Juneau above
about 300' hidden by fog/clouds, lower ribbon
Channel side of the remainder of Mt. Juneau.
- 1050: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, mainland mostly
hidden by fog/clouds above about 250' - 400'.
- 1027: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, mainland mostly
hidden by fog/clouds above about 300' - 400'.
- 1000: Light Rain, Cloudy, some lower clouds,
bits, and wisps Channel side of Mt. Roberts,
and band Channel side of Mt. Juneau and in/by
Last Chance Basin.
- 0950: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, lower band/ribbon
and a few clouds, bits and wisps of clouds.
- 0935: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, lower band/ribbon
and a few bits and wisps of clouds.
- 0855: Very Light - Light Rain.
- 0850: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
lower ribbon/band.
- 0820: A few extremely light sprinkles, cloudy,
lower ribbon/band.
- 0755: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy,
lower ribbon/band.
- 0750: Cloudy, lower band Channel side of
Mt. Juneau and in Last Chance Basin, two
parallel ribbons Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0735: Cloudy, lower band/ribbons, and wisps.
- 0700: .05" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Cloudy, lower band/ribbon and some
wisps, variable bright spot in the clouds
where the Sun is.
- 0625: Very weak bright spot in the clouds
where the Sun is.
- 0620: Cloudy, lower ribbon/band. .05"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0001 ADT: High Rain Rate of .28" of
Rain per hour.
- 2020 ADT: Cloudy, a couple of extremely tiny
breaks. .39" of Rainfall to this point
- 1950: Cloudy.
- 1920: Cloudy.
- 1905: Cloudy, precipitation in the inner
Gold Creek valley and over the top of Mt.
- 1850: Cloudy.
- 1820: Cloudy.
- 1800: .39" of Rainfall to this point
- 1752: The Sun is breaking through in West
- 1750: Cloudy, a few brighter spots in the
- 1650: Cloudy, some breaks, a few bits and
wisps around the very top of Mt. Roberts,
variable sunshine.
- 1620: Cloudy with breaks, cloud at the peak
of Mt. Juneau, clouds skimming peak of Mt.
Juneau, Sun shining in West Juneau and variably
on the mainland.
- 1548: Cloudy, a few extremely tiny to tiny
breaks, cloud by the top of Mt. Juneau and
a cloud skimming one of the high points of
Mt. Juneau Ridge, some clouds around the
very top and top of Mt. Roberts, Sun shining
in West Juneau.
- 1535: Cloudy, some extremely tiny to slight
breaks, a few clouds around the very top
of Mt. Juneau and a few wisps skimming Mt.
Juneau Ridge.
- 1513: The Sun is breaking through.
- 1505; Cloudy, a few small breaks, brighter,
much of the top of Mt. Juneau Ridge hidden
by clouds, lower band Channel side of Mt.
Juneau, a few wisps in Last Chance Basin
and a few bits and wisps around the upper
part of Mt. Roberts.
- 1500: .39" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy, clouds skimming SE part of
Mt. Juneau, clouds in some of the inner Gold
Creek valley, clouds skimming - very top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds, a few lower bits
and wisps of clouds.
- 1420: Cloudy, very top and top of Mt. Juneau
in clouds, clouds skimming part of Mt. Juneau
Ridge and part of its top in clouds, most
of the very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
bit of clouds in part of Last Chance Basin,
a few wisps.
- 1350: Cloudy, clouds skimming SE part of
Mt. Juneau and a cloud and wisps below, clouds
around much of the top - upper part of Mt.
Juneau Ridge, clouds skimming to very top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds, cloud in part of
Last Chance Basin.
- 1320: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy,
most of the very top - top of Mt. Juneau
in clouds with a ribbon below, clouds in
much of Last Chance Basin and clouds hiding
at least the very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge,
most of the Channel side of the upper part
of Mt. Juneau hidden by clouds.
- 1250: Cloudy, most of the top - upper part
of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds and a lower
ribbon to the ESE, a few clouds low in Last
Chance Basin, fog/clouds hiding most of the
Channel side of Mt. Juneau above about 600',
a few wisps by Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1220: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
ribbons and bands around the mainland mountains.
- 1205: .38" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Light Rain, Cloudy, most of Mt. Juneau
hidden by fog/clouds above about 400' - 500',
clouds in, the lower part of Last Chance
Basin, clouds around much of the very top
- top of Mt. Roberts and a few bits and wisps
- 1120: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, lower band
Channel side of Mt. Juneau and a ribbon above
it, band/clouds in much of Last Chance Basin,
clouds around much of the very top - top
of Mt. Roberts.
- 1055: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy,
a few small clouds around the top of Mt.
Roberts and a lower ribbon/band, Last Chance
Basin, and Mt. Juneau above about 400' -
600' hidden by fog/clouds.
- 0950: Cloudy, lower band/ribbon, cloud upper
Channel side of Mt. Juneau.
- 0920: Cloudy, low band/ribbon, cloud upper
Channel side of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts.
- 0850: Rain, Cloudy, lower band and small
clouds, bits, and wisps.
- 0756: High Rain Rate of .26" of Rain
per hour.
- 0750: Rain, Cloudy, fog/clouds hiding most
of the Channel side of Mt. Juneau and a lower
band Channel side of Mt. Roberts and Last
Chance Basin.
- 0748: High Rain Rate of .21" of Rain
per hour.
- 0710: High Rain Rate of .15" of Rain
per hour.
- 0700: .11" of Rainfall to this point
- 0657: High Rain Rate of .09" of Rain
per hour.
- 0650: Rain, Cloudy, lower band/ribbon.
- 0631: Rain, Cloudy, lower ribbon/band. High
Rain Rate of .08" of Rain per hour.
- 0620: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, a few lower
wisps. .06" of Rainfall to this point
- 0524 ADT: High Rain Rate of .05" of
Rain per hour.
- 2020 ADT: Cloudy, some extremely tiny breaks.
- 2005: Cloudy, a few tiny - very small breaks.
- 1950: Cloudy, some breaks to the S.
- 1850: Cloudy.
- 1835: Cloudy.
- 1750: Cloudy, a few very tiny to small heavily
filtered breaks.
- 1720: Cloudy, some extremely tiny to tiny
- 1650: Cloudy, some extremely tiny to very
small breaks, some spots and areas of extremely
weak to weak sunshine on the mainland.
- 1630: Cloudy, some breaks.
- 1550: Partly Cloudy, variable sunshine.
- 1520: Mostly Clear/Partly Cloudy, full sunshine
in almost all areas.
- 1450: Mostly Clear, variable sunshine.
- 1420: Mostly Clear/Partly Cloudy, variable
- 1350: Mostly Clear with an area of thinnish
clouds and some puffy (cumulus) clouds.
- 1250: Mostly Clear with puffy clouds.
- 1150: Clear/Mostly Clear (with puffy clouds).
- 1050: Clear/Mostly Clear.
- 0950: Clear with some clouds.
- 0850: Clear, some scattered extremely tiny
to small clouds.
- 0750: Clear, a few clouds.
- 0735: Clear with some thin - thinnish clouds
from the NE to the NNW.
- 0650: Clear, some very thin - thin clouds
to the NE - ENE and some very far to the
SE, variable Sun because of the clouds.
- 0620 ADT: Clear, some clouds very far to
the SE.
- 2020 ADT: Clear, some extremely tiny to small
clouds, light wind. .08" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 1950: Mostly Clear/Clear with cumulus clouds,
Sun shining,.
- 1920: Mostly Clear with cumulus clouds, Sun
shining in most places.
- 1850: Mostly Clear/Partly Cloudy with cumulus
clouds, Sun shining in most places.
- 1842: Sun shining in West Juneau now.
- 1835: Partly Cloudy with cumulus clouds -
fewer than at 1750, Sun shining on most of
the mainland.
- 1800: .08" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Partly Cloudy with cumulus clouds -
more clouds than at 1650, Sun shining on
much of the mainland.
- 1650: Partly Cloudy with cumulus clouds,
Sun shining in almost all areas.
- 1605: Partly Cloudy with cumulus clouds,
Sun shining in most areas.
- 1550: Partly Cloudy, Sun shining on most
of the mainland.
- 1535: Partly Cloudy, slightly to somewhat
weakened sunshine shining on most of the
- 1510: Weakened sunshine in West Juneau now
becoming full sunshine by 1512.
- 1500: .08" of Rainfall to this point
- 1447: Mostly Cloudy, variable sunshine on
the mainland after shining in all but the
inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1350: Cloudy with some breaks, spots and
areas of extremely weak to weakened sunshine
on the mainland.
- 1250: Cloudy, very large break and some other
breaks, some clouds around the SE very top
of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, areas of
extremely weak to weakened sunshine on the
- 1220: Cloudy, some breaks, some clouds, bits,
and wisps around the very tops and tops of
the mainland mountains, very weak to weakened
- 1200: .08" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds skimming
peak of Mt. Juneau and a few other clouds
by its top, most of the very top of Mt. Juneau
Ridge in clouds, part of the very top and
parts of the top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
bright spot in the clouds where the Sun is,
variable extremely weak to weakened sunshine.
- 1135: Rain, Cloudy, weak bright spot in the
clouds where the Sun is, top and upper part
of Mt. Juneau and very top - top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, almost extremely weak to extremely
weak sunshine.
- 1129: High Rain Rate of .16" of Rain
per hour.
- 1126: Rain.
- 1050: Cloudy, a few mostly very small and
tiny breaks, clouds around most of the top
of Mt. Roberts, much of the top of Mt. Juneau
Ridge, and a few bits and wisps at the peak
of Mt. Juneau and lower, areas of weak -
weakened sunshine on the mainland.
- 1032: Very Light Rain.
- 1025: Cloudy after another shower, few hints
of breaks and of blue, SE very top of Mt.
Juneau, most of the top of Mt. Juneau Ridge,
and most of the very top and parts of the
top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, precipitation
to the ESE with mainland substantially obscured
- 0950: Cloudy with few to some breaks, clouds
around much of the very tops to tops of the
mainland mountains, variable sunshine.
- 0911: The shower has ended.
- 0905: Light Rain after Rain, Cloudy, a few
breaks, some clouds around the very tops
and tops of the mainland mountains, somewhat
weakened - weakened sunshine.
- 0850: Very Light - Light Rain, Cloudy, a
few very small breaks, SE very top of Mt.
Juneau, most of the very top of Mt. Juneau
Ridge, and very top - top of Mt. Juneau in
- 0820: Cloudy, area of blue sky and some breaks,
clouds skimming Mt. Juneau, SE very top of
Mt. Roberts and very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge,
some lower clouds, bits, and wisps, Sun shining
in West Juneau.
- 0750: Cloudy with some breaks, very top of
Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Juneau Ridge, and most
of top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, a few lower
clouds, bits, and wisps, variable sunshine.
- 0734: The Sun is breaking through.
- 0720: Cloudy, a few breaks, clouds skimming
to SE very top of Mt. Juneau in clouds, top
of Mt. Roberts and very top - top of Mt.
Juneau Ridge in clouds, some lower bits and
wisps of clouds.
- 0700: .01" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Cloudy with breaks - mostly in the
NW part of the sky, clouds skimming much
of Mt. Juneau Ridge, very top - top of Mt.
Juneau and most of the top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, a few bits and wisps in Last Chance
- 0620: Cloudy, a few to some extremely tiny
to very small breaks, clouds skimming much
of Mt. Juneau and SE part of Mt. Roberts,
some wisps in Last Chance Basin., low ribbon
to the ESE Channel side of Mt. Juneau. .01"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0001 ADT: High Rain Rate of .09" of
Rain per hour.
- 2217 ADT: High Rain Rate of .22" of
Rain per hour.
- 2020: Cloudy, clouds barely skimming the
high points of Mt. Juneau Ridge. .03"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1950: Cloudy.
- 1850: Cloudy.
- 1800: Extremely weak to very sunshine in
most areas. .03" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 1750: Cloudy, area of thinner clouds and
some brighter areas.
- 1720: Cloudy, a few very small heavily filtered
breaks and hints of breaks.
- 1650: Cloudy, a few filtered - heavily filtered
breaks, brighter spots and areas in the clouds,
almost extremely weak to very weak sunshine
on the mainland.
- 1620: Cloudy, a few hints of breaks and slight
hints of blue.
- 1550: Cloudy, some filtered to heavily filtered
extremely tiny to very small breaks, very
weak - weak sunshine on much of Mt. Juneau.
- 1520: Cloudy, a few to some filtered - heavily
filtered breaks in the SE part of the sky,
variable extremely weak to weakened sunshine.
- 1500: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy, a few very tiny - very small
heavily filtered breaks, spots and areas
of extremely weak to very weak - weak sunshine
on the mainland.
- 1350: Cloudy, very slight break and a couple
of extremely tiny breaks, a few wisps skimming
the mainland mountaintops.
- 1318: Cloudy after Sprinkling, clouds skimming
SE part of Mt. Roberts.
- 1250: A few very light sprinkles, cloudy,
a few breaks far to the SE, clouds skimming
SE part of Mt. Roberts, a few wisps by the
peak of Mt. Juneau.
- 1235: Cloudy, a few breaks to the SE, clouds
skimming parts of Mt. Roberts, wisp by the
peak of Mt. Juneau and a wisps by the very
top of Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1200: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Roberts,
a few wisps skimming Mt. Juneau Ridge and
a wisp by the very top of Mt. Juneau.
- 1111: A few extremely light sprinkles, cloudy,
cloud hiding part of the SE very top of Mt.
Juneau, clouds skimming - very top of some
of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1050: Cloudy, some brighter areas in the
clouds, precipitation in most of the inner
Gold Creek valley, clouds skimming peak of
Mt. Juneau, most of Mt. Juneau Ridge, and
most of Mt. Roberts, almost extremely weak
- extremely weak sunshine in most areas.
- 1035: Cloudy with a very tiny break, clouds
skimming Mt. Juneau, most of the very top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds, a few wisps skimming
Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 0950: Cloudy with a small area of very thin
- thin clouds, clouds skimming most of the
SE part of Mt. Juneau, clouds skimming to
a small part of the top of Mt. Juneau Ridge
hidden by clouds, clouds skimming and SE
top of most of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds,
very weak to weak sunshine.
- 0920: Cloudy, a couple of very small breaks,
clouds skimming Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Juneau
Ridge and very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
variable very weak - weak sunshine.
- 0905: Cloudy, brighter spot-area in the clouds
where the Sun is, clouds skimming - very
top of Mt. Juneau in clouds, very top - top
of Mt. Juneau and much of the very top -
top of Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, a few
wisps in Last Chance Basin.
- 0852: The Sun is trying to break through.
- 0850: Very Light Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy, very
tiny filtered break to the NW, upper part
of Mt. Juneau, top - upper part of Mt. Juneau
Ridge, and very top - top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, remainder of inner Gold Creek
valley substantially obscured and remainder
of mainland slightly to partially obscured.
- 0820: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy,
clouds skimming much of Mt. Juneau, very
top of Mt. Juneau Ridge and very top - top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds, a few lower wisps,
variable weak - very weak - weakened sunshine.
- 0750: Light Misting, Cloudy, upper part and
very top - top of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt.
Juneau Ridge, and very top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, remainder of inner Gold Creek
valley substantially obscured and remainder
of mainland slightly to partially obscured.
- 0735: Cloudy, precipitation over the mainland,
very top of Mt. Juneau in clouds with some
lower clouds, top of Mt. Juneau Ridge and
of Mt. Roberts in clouds, remainder of mainland
slightly to partially obscured.
- 0720: Cloudy, precipitation in the inner
Gold Creek valley and Last Chance Basin,
very top of Mt. Juneau and top of Mt. Juneau
Ridge and of Mt. Roberts in clouds, a few
lower small clouds, bits, and wisps Channel
side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0702: Precipitation in the inner Gold Creek
- 0700: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Cloudy, darker, a couple of extremely
tiny breaks to the NW, clouds skimming to
SE very top of Mt. Juneau in clouds, top
of Mt. Juneau Ridge and very top - top of
Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 0635: Cloudy, extremely tiny break and a
tiny break, very top - top of Mt. Roberts
and very top of Mt. Juneau in clouds, clouds
skimming Mt, Juneau Ridge, lower broken ribbon
Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0620: Cloudy with some extremely tiny to
tiny breaks, clouds skimming most of Mt.
Juneau and of Mt. Juneau Ridge, very top
- top of Mt. Roberts in clouds. .02"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0300 ADT: High Rain Rate of .01" of
Rain per hour.
- 2020 ADT: Cloudy, clouds skimming SE part
of Mt. Roberts, a few hints of breaks and
a few brighter spots. .30" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 1950: Cloudy, a few extremely tiny - tiny
breaks, clouds skimming SE part of Mt. Roberts
and highest part of Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1920: Cloudy, a few extremely tiny - very
tiny breaks, clouds skimming SE part of Mt.
Roberts and part of Mt. Juneau Ridge, wisp
at the peak of Mt. Juneau.
- 1850: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, a few
tiny - very tiny breaks, clouds skimming
SE part of Mt. Roberts and a small part of
Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1849: Rainbow has faded away.
- 1846: Faint partial Rainbow to the ENE-NE.
- 1840: Light Rain.
- 1830: Cloudy.
- 1800: .30" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: The Sun is trying to break through.
- 1748: Cloudy, a few breaks, clouds skimming
SE part of Mt. Roberts, a wisp at the peak
of Mt. Juneau and a couple of wisps skimming
Mt. Juneau Ridge, area of very weak sunshine
on the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1735: Cloudy, a few extremely tiny to very
small breaks, clouds skimming SE part of
Mt. Roberts and part of Mt. Juneau Ridge,
precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley
and over the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1650: Cloudy, a few extremely tiny to very
small breaks to the SE, clouds skimming peak
of Mt. Juneau and SE part of Mt. Roberts
- 1601: Cloudy, some extremely tiny to very
small breaks, clouds skimming peak of Mt.
Juneau and SE part of Mt. Roberts, variable
sunshine here-and-there and in-and-out.
- 1550: Cloudy, brighter, very tiny break to
the ENE, clouds skimming peak of Mt. Juneau
and SE part of Mt. Roberts, precipitation
in the inner Gold Creek valley and Last Chance
- 1535: Cloudy, very small break to the ESE,
a few bits and wisps of clouds skimming the
mainland mountains.
- 1500: .30" of Rainfall to this point
- 1457: Weakened - somewhat weakened sunshine
in west Juneau and weak on much of Mt. Roberts.
- 1450: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, a few
very tiny filtered breaks, clouds skimming
SE part of Mt. Roberts, most of Mt. Juneau
Ridge, and peak of Mt. Juneau, remainder
of mainland very, very slightly to partially
- 1435: A few very light sprinkles, cloudy,
weak - very weak sunshine in West Juneau
and extremely weak in the inner Gold Creek
valley, clouds skimming most of Mt. Juneau
Ridge and of Mt. Roberts and skimming some
of the SE part of Mt. Juneau.
- 1355: The Sun is trying to break through.
- 1350: A few very light sprinkles, cloudy,
a few filtered breaks, clouds skimming SE
part of Mt. Juneau, much of the top of Mt.
Juneau Ridge and very top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, area of very weak sunshine on
Mt. Roberts.
- 1320: A few extremely light sprinkles, cloudy,
very tiny break to the ENE, top of Mt. Juneau
Ridge and top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, clouds
skimming to SE very top of Mt. Juneau in
- 1250: Cloudy, brighter, precipitation over
the mainland, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
clouds skimming - very top of Mt. Juneau
Ridge in clouds, most of the very top of
Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 1245: The Sun tried to break through.
- 1214: Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
clouds skimming and the very top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, and part of the top of Mt. Juneau
Ridge in clouds, remainder of mainland partially
to substantially obscured.
- 1200: .27" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy, precipitation over the mainland,
clouds skimming Mt. Juneau, most of the very
top of Mt. Roberts and most of the top of
Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 1120: A few very light sprinkles, cloudy,
clouds skimming and very top of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, very top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds, remainder of inner
Gold Creek valley slightly obscured.
- 1100: Cloudy, precipitation over some of
the mainland, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
very top - top of Mt. Roberts and some of
the very top - top of Mt. Juneau Ridge in
- 1050: Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming peak
of Mt. Juneau, some of the top of Mt. Juneau
Ridge, and very top - top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, remainder of mainland very slightly
to partially obscured.
- 1020: Light - very light sprinkling, cloudy,
clouds skimming peak of Mt. Juneau, most
of the very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
remainder of mainland very slightly to partially
- 0955: Very Light Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy, clouds
skimming almost all of Mt. Roberts, most
of the SE part of Mt. Juneau, and much of
Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 0920: Cloudy, a few bits and wisps of clouds
around the mainland mountains.
- 0900: Light Rain.
- 0850: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy,
some clouds Channel side of the top of Mt.
Juneau, clouds skimming most of Mt. Roberts.
- 0820: Cloudy, clouds skimming highest part
of Mt. Juneau Ridge and SE part of Mt. Roberts,
some clouds Channel side of the top of Mt.
- 0750: Cloudy, precipitation over some of
the mainland, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
very top of Mt. Roberts and part of the top
of Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 0720: Cloudy, a few to some extremely tiny
- very tiny breaks, very top - top of Mt.
Juneau Ridge and of Mt. Juneau, and top of
Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 0650: .23" of Rainfall to this point
- 0646: Cloudy, a large break and a few other
breaks, Sun intermittently breaking through,
very top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Juneau
Ridge, and top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 0620: Cloudy, a few to some breaks, very
top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Juneau Ridge,
and top of Mt. Roberts in clouds; precipitation
over the mainland?
- 0606: Cloudy, a few very tiny breaks and
a very small break, top of Mt. Juneau Ridge
and of Mt. Roberts, and very top - top of
Mt. Juneau in clouds. .23" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 0521 ADT: High Rain Rate of .28" of
Rain per hour.
SUNDAY 6/18/17: DATA | Happy Father's Day! | 2nd Day of the 27th Annual Gold Rush Days, 8 AM - 5 PM at Savikko Park, Douglas |
1220: Some of the new snow from June 16th
is still on the very top of the highest part
of Mt. Juneau Ridge... Snow melted away in
the afternoon & evening
Sat. 6/17/17: DATA | NWS: Heavy Showers possible into Saturday
- See 2257 6/16 Below | 27th Annual Gold Rush Days, Today & Sunday from 8 AM - 5 PM at
Savikko Park in Douglas | Human Drivers Are Afraid to Hand the Wheel
to Robots - Bloomberg .... Or maybe wiser and more
independent, with a better grasp on the reality
of the real world than the people designing
and almost obnoxiously promoting and pushing
these vehicles?
- 2257 ADT (Posted here at 0620 6/17): NWS: Heavy
Showers possible into Saturday.
NWS Special Weather Statement
National Weather Service Juneau AK
1057 PM AKDT Fri Jun 16 2017
Juneau Borough and Northern Admiralty Island-
Including the city of Juneau
1057 PM AKDT Fri Jun 16 2017
...Heavy showers possible into Saturday...
Locally heavy showers will be possible into Saturday in the
Juneau area. Rainfall of 1 to 1 1/2 inches will be possible
during this time, with up to 3 inches at higher elevations on the
north side of Juneau. This rainfall will likely cause area rivers
and streams to rise significantly. Montana Creek may reach
bankfull by Saturday morning, while Mendenhall Lake may rise more
than 2 feet by Saturday afternoon. Another concern is the heavy
rain filling up Suicide Basin, then this rainfall being released
into Mendenhall Lake and River. If this scenario occurs, water
levels would rise even more, potentially to bankfull or more over
the coming days. Stay tuned to later forecasts and statements for
updates on this event.
- 2020: Rain after Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
very top and top of Mt. Juneau, upper part
of Mt. Juneau Ridge with some lower clouds,
and most of the very top - top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, remainder of mainland very slightly
to slightly obscured. .67" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 1950: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
top of Mt. Juneau Ridge and of Mt. Juneau,
and most of the top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
a few wisps in Last Chance Basin, remainder
of inner Gold Creek valley partially obscured
and remainder of mainland very slightly to
slightly obscured.
- 1935: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, top of Mt.
Juneau, most of the very top and top of Mt.
Juneau, and top and upper part of Mt. Juneau
Ridge in clouds, a cloud and a few wisps
in Last Chance Basin.
- 1920: Cloudy, precipitation over the mainland,
top and upper part of Mt. Juneau, top of
Mt. Juneau Ridge, and most of the top - upper
part of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1850: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy,
very top to SE very top - top of Mt. Juneau,
top - upper part of Mt. Juneau Ridge, and
most of the very top - top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds.
- 1820: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, brighter,
most of the top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt.
Roberts, and upper part of Mt. Juneau Ridge
hidden by clouds.
- 1800: .64" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Rain, Cloudy, upper part of Mt. Juneau
and top - upper part of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
inner Gold Creek valley hidden, remainder
of mainland partially to substantially obscured.
- 1735: Rain after Light Rain, Cloudy, upper
part of Mt. Juneau and top - upper part of
Mt. Juneau Ridge and of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
remainder of mainland partially to substantially
- 1650: Rain, Cloudy, top - upper part of Mt.
Juneau and of Mt. Roberts in clouds, very
low clouds in the inner Gold Creek valley,
remainder of mainland partially obscured.
- 1627: Very Light Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy, top
of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, and upper
part of Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, remainder
of mainland partially obscured.
- 1605: Sprinkling, Cloudy, top of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts, and upper part of Mt.
Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 1550: Rain, Cloudy, top of Mt. Juneau and
of Mt. Roberts in clouds, inner Gold Creek
valley almost totally hidden, remainder of
mainland slightly to partially obscured.
- 1542: Rain.
- 1512: Very Light Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy, mainland
mountaintops in clouds, remainder of mainland
partially obscured.
- 1500: .47" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy,
very top of Mt. Juneau and top of Mt. Juneau
Ridge and of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1420: Very, very light sprinkles.
- 1405: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, brighter,
clouds skimming Mt. Juneau Ridge, clouds
skimming - very top of Mt. Juneau in clouds,
very top - top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1400: Sprinkling.
- 1350: Cloudy, possibly precipitation over
some of the mainland, most of the very top
of Mt. Juneau in clouds, very top - top of
Mt. Juneau Ridge and most of the very top
- top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1335: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
very top - top of Mt. Juneau Ridge and of
Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1305: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, brighter,
most of the very top of Mt. Juneau in clouds,
very top - top of Mt. Juneau Ridge and of
Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1250: Very Light Rain after Light Rain, Cloudy,
very top of Mt. Juneau, and top of Mt. Juneau
Ridge and of Mt. Roberts in clouds, remainder
of mainland very slightly to partially obscured.
- 1230: Rain.
- 1220: Light - very light rain, cloudy, very
top of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts, and
very top - top of Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 1200: .42" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Light - very light sprinkling, cloudy,
very top of Mt. Juneau and top of Mt. Juneau
Ridge and of Mt. Roberts in clouds, remainder
of mainland very slightly to partially obscured.
- 1050: Very Light Sprinkles after Sprinkling,
Cloudy, very top of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt.
Roberts, and very top - top of Mt. Juneau
Ridge in clouds.
- 1020: A few very light sprinkles, cloudy,
very top and top of Mt. Juneau, top - upper
part of Mt. Roberts, and most of the top
of Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 0947: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, top of Mt.
Juneau Ridge, most of the top of Mt. Roberts,
and clouds skimming to SE very top of Mt.
Juneau in clouds.
- 0943 (Posted here at 1401): The M/V LeConte sailing to Tenakee and Angoon scheduled for June
17, 2017 is cancelled due to repairs
to the ship's central refrigeration system.
Reservation staff have begun passenger notification.
The LeConte is anticipated to resume regularly scheduled
service on Sunday, June 18, 2017.
Service notices may be found at or by contacting your local terminal
by dialing 1-907-465-3941 or toll-free at
You have received this message because you
are subscribed to Alaska Marine Highway System
Schedule Changes bulletins for the Alaska
Department of Transportation & Public
Facilities. This information has recently
been updated. More information may be found
- 0935: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, top
and upper part of Mt. Juneau and top - upper
part of Mt. Roberts in clouds. Good covering
of snow on the top of Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 0905: Rain, Cloudy, upper part of Mt. Juneau
and SE upper part of Mt. Roberts hidden by
clouds with clouds skimming its remainder
and some wisps by its NW top, remainder of
mainland slightly to partially obscured.
- 0850: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming
SE part of Mt. Juneau, top and upper part
of Mt. Juneau Ridge and upper SE part of
Mt. Roberts hidden with a few lower clouds.
- 0820: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds
skimming peak of Mt. Juneau, clouds skimming
- very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, inner
Gold Creek valley partially to substantially
obscured and hidden.
- 0750: Rain, Cloudy, top and upper part of
Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, clouds skimming
and very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, remainder
of mainland partially obscured. Fresh (new)
Snow on the very tops to tops of the mainland
- 0720: Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming SE part
of Mt. Juneau, very top and top of Mt. Juneau
Ridge and top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, remainder
of mainland partially obscured.
- 0700: .22" of Rainfall to this point
- 0657: Heavy Rain, Cloudy, very top of Mt.
Juneau and top - upper part of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, inner Gold Creek valley almost
totally hidden, remainder of mainland substantially
obscured, light wind.
- 0650: Heavy Rain, Cloudy, very top and top
of Mt. Juneau, very top - top of Mt. Juneau
Ridge, and top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
remainder of mainland partially obscured.
- 0643: High Rain Rate of 1.00" of Rain
per hour.
- 0642: High Rain Rate of .70" of Rain
per hour.
- 0636: Heavy Rain, Cloudy, mainland mountaintops
in clouds, darker. High Rain Rate of .49"
of Rain per hour.
- 0632: Rain.
- 0627: Sprinkling.
- 0620: Rain, Cloudy, very top of Mt. Juneau
and top of Mt. Juneau Ridge and of Mt. Roberts
in clouds. .05" of Rainfall to this
point today. High Rain Rate of .12"
of Rain per hour.
- 0615: High Rain Rate of .09" of Rain
per hour.
- 0532: NWS: Heavy Showers possible Friday evening
into Saturday.
NWS Special Weather Statement
National Weather Service Juneau AK
532 AM AKDT Fri Jun 16 2017
Juneau Borough and Northern Admiralty Island-
Including the city of Juneau
532 AM AKDT Fri Jun 16 2017
...Heavy showers possible Friday evening into Saturday...
Locally heavy showers will be possible Friday evening into
Saturday in the Juneau area. Rainfall of 1 to 2 inches will be
possible during this time, with up to 3 inches at higher elevations
on the north side of Juneau. This rainfall will likely cause area
rivers and streams to rise significantly. Montana Creek may reach
bankfull or higher by late Friday night and Saturday morning,
while Mendenhall Lake may rise more than 2 feet by Saturday
afternoon. Another concern is the heavy rain filling up Suicide
Basin, then this rainfall being released into Mendenhall Lake and
River. If this scenario occurs, water levels would rise even
more, potentially to bankfull or more over the coming days. Stay
tuned to later forecasts and statements for updates on this event.
- 0100 ADT: High Rain Rate of .01" of
Rain per hour.
- 2020 ADT: Sprinkling, Cloudy, some very small
clouds, bits, and wisps in the inner Gold
Creek valley, a few wisps around the very
top of Mt. Juneau and a few clouds, bits,
and wisps around the top of Mt. Roberts.
.05" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1950: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, Mt. Juneau
Ridge mostly hidden by clouds, clouds around
most of the SE very top of Mt. Juneau, a
few clouds around the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1920: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
clouds around much of the very tops to upper
parts of the mainland mountains.
- 1850: Cloudy, most of top of Mt. Juneau and
almost all of the top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
some clouds by Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1805: A Red-breasted Sapsucker is pecking
on the willow by the deck.
- 1800: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 1755: Weak - very weak bright spot - area
in the clouds where the Sun is.
- 1750: Cloudy, most of the top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, clouds around much of the very
top and upper part of Mt. Juneau, and some
clouds in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1720: Cloudy, precipitation over much of
the mainland, clouds around much of the top
of Mt. Roberts and clouds around much of
the very top and top of Mt. Juneau.
- 1705: Very Light Rain.
- 1650: Sprinkling, Cloudy, most of the very
top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, and
very top and top of Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 1620: Sprinkling, Cloudy, a few bits and
wisps around the very top of Mt. Juneau and
a few wisps by the top of Mt. Juneau Ridge
and of Mt. Juneau.
- 1550: A few extremely light sprinkles, cloudy,
clouds skimming Mt. Juneau Ridge, a few tiny
clouds and wisps around the SE very top of
Mt. Juneau and a few clouds around parts
of the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1535: Cloudy, clouds skimming - very top
of Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, clouds skimming
and very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds and
most of the very top of Mt. Juneau in clouds.
- 1520: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, most
of the top of Mt. Juneau Ridge and very top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds, a few wisps near
the top of Mt. Juneau, weak bright spot in
the clouds where the Sun is.
- 1500: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Light Rain, Cloudy, some clouds around
the very top - top of Mt. Juneau Ridge, remainder
of mainland slightly obscured.
- 1423: NWS: Heavy Rainfall possible Friday night
and Saturday in the Juneau area.
NWS Special Weather Statement
National Weather Service Juneau AK
223 PM AKDT Thu Jun 15 2017
Juneau Borough and Northern Admiralty Island-
Including the city of Juneau
223 PM AKDT Thu Jun 15 2017
...Heavy rainfall possible Friday night and Saturday...
Locally heavy rain will be possible Friday night and Saturday in
the Juneau area. Rainfall in excess of 1.5 inches will be possible
during this time, with 3 or more inches possible at higher
elevations. This rainfall will cause area rivers and streams to
rise significantly. Montana Creek may reach bankfull or higher by
late Friday night and Saturday morning, while Mendenhall Lake will
rise more than 2 feet by Saturday afternoon. Another concern is
the heavy rain may fill up Suicide Basin somewhat, then this
rainfall would be released later Sat into Sat night into
Mendenhall Lake and River. If this happens, water levels would
rise even more, potentially to bankfull levels or more Sat night.
Stay tuned to later forecasts and statements for updated
information on this event.
- 1350: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, clouds
skimming Mt. Juneau Ridge and one of high
point of Mt. Juneau Ridge, bright spot in
the clouds where the Sun is, almost extremely
sunshine, light wind.
- 1305: Light wind.
- 1300: High Rain Rate .01" of Rain per
- 1250: Cloudy, clouds skimming most of Mt.
Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, some clouds around
the very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge, bright
spot in the clouds where the Sun is, extremely
weak to very weak - weak sunshine.
- 1210: Light - very light sprinkling.
- 1200: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1150: Cloudy, light precipitation over some
of the mainland, clouds skimming part of
Mt. Juneau and a tiny bit of Mt. Juneau Ridge,
some clouds, bits, and wisps around the very
top of Mt. Roberts, very weak bright spot
in the clouds where the Sun is.
- 1135: Clouds skimming most of Mt. Juneau,
some of Mt. Roberts, and a tiny bit of Mt.
Juneau Ridge, very weak bright spot in the
clouds where the Sun is.
- 1100: Light wind.
- 1050: Cloudy, a few bits and wisps around
the peak of Mt. Juneau, and top of Mt. Roberts.
- 0950: Cloudy, small cloud and a few wisps
by the top of Mt. Juneau.
- 0850: Cloudy, very weak bright spot in the
clouds where the Sun is, some clouds, bits
and wisps around Mt. Juneau and in Last Chance
Basin and lower ribbon and a few wisps Channel
side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0750: Cloudy, some clouds very low in Last
Chance Basin, lower ribbon Channel side of
Mt. Roberts and a few wisps Channel side
of Mt. Juneau.
- 0728: A few extremely light sprinkles, cloudy,
lower ribbons, bits, and wisps.
- 0700: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0650: Cloudy, some tiny - very tiny breaks,
lower ribbon.
- 0635: Cloudy, a few tiny breaks, broken lower
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy, some very tiny - tiny breaks,
some lower ribbons, bits, and wisps. Trace
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 2246 ADT: High Rain Rate of .35" of
Rain per hour.
- 2020: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy. .02"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 2011: High Rain Rate of .08" of Rain
per hour.
- 1959: Rain.
- 1956: Sprinkling.
- 1950: Light Rain, Cloudy, light wind.
- 1940: The wind is starting to pick up.
- 1935: Cloudy, brighter area in the clouds
to the NW, some sprinkles in the past few
- 1925: Cloudy, a few to some slightly filtered
to filtered breaks, fairly bright, dark clouds
to the SE.
- 1850: Mostly Cloudy, bright skies, slightly
- very slightly weakened sunshine.
- 1820: Partly Cloudy, variable slightly weakened
to full sunshine.
- 1800: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1750: Mostly Cloudy with the blue mostly
in the SE part of the sky, bright skies,
weakened to slightly weakened sunshine.
- 1740: Mostly Cloudy, bright skies, weakened
to slightly weakened sunshine.
- 1720: Mostly Cloudy/Cloudy, fairly bright
skies, weak - weakened sunshine.
- 1650: Cloudy, fairly bright skies, some very
tiny breaks, hints of blue, and hints of
breaks, almost extremely weak - extremely
weak sunshine.
- 1635: Cloudy, a few extremely tiny - very
tiny breaks.
- 1550: Mostly Cloudy, bright - fairly bright
skies, variable sunshine here-and-there and
- 1535: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy, bright - fairly
bright skies, variable sunshine here-and-there
and in-and-out.
- 1516: Cloudy, some breaks, bright - fairly
bright skies, somewhat weakened sunshine
in most areas.
- 1500: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1450: Mostly/Partly Cloudy, variable sunshine
here-and-there and in-and-out.
- 1350: Mostly/Partly Cloudy, variable sunshine
here-and-there and in-and-out.
- 1330: Cloudy, breaks, variable sunshine here-and-there
and in-and-out.
- 1250: Cloudy, a few tiny to small breaks,
almost extremely weak to weakened sunshine.
- 1215: Somewhat to slightly weakened sunshine
in West Juneau now.
- 1200: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1150: Cloudy, some hints of breaks, almost
extremely weak to weak sunshine.
- 1050: Cloudy, almost extremely weak - extremely
weak sunshine.
- 1032: Very weak - weak sunshine.
- 1020: Cloudy.
- 0950: Cloudy, precipitation over some of
the mainland.
- 0920: Cloudy, cloud skimming part of Mt.
Juneau Ridge.
- 0850: Cloudy, bright - fairly bright skies,
weak sunshine.
- 0750: Cloudy, some bits and wisps of clouds
around the mainland mountains, variable extremely
weak to very weak sunshine with sun hidden
at times.
- 0720: Cloudy, possibly light precipitation
over part of the mainland, a few lower wisps,
variable extremely weak to weak sunshine.
- 0700: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0657: Extremely weak becoming by 0700 very
weak sunshine.
- 0650: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, very
weak bright spot in the clouds where the
Sun is.
- 0622: Glowing disc in the clouds where the
Sun is.
- 0620 ADT: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy.
Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- On June 14, 1777, the flag of the United States
of America was officially adopted and in
1949 National Flag Day was established by
an Act of Congress.
- 2020 ADT: Cloudy with some very slightly
to heavily filtered breaks, fairly bright.
.15" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 2003: Cloudy with brighter - bright areas
in the clouds, somewhat weakened - weakened
sunshine in West Juneau.
- 1950: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, brighter
areas in the clouds, almost extremely weak
- 1850: Cloudy with a heavily filtered break.
- 1820: Cloudy, small heavily filtered break
and some extremely tiny filtered breaks.
- 1800: .15" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy, a few heavily filtered breaks,
almost extremely weak to weak sunshine.
- 1725: Cloudy, a few to some filtered - heavily
filtered breaks, almost extremely weak to
weakened sunshine.
- 1650: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, almost
extremely weak - extremely weak sunshine.
- 1649: M/V Columbia Return to Service Delayed
Additional repairs are needed to propeller
system. The vessel is
expected to return to service July 26.
(JUNEAU, Alaska) – The Alaska Marine Highway
System (AMHS) announced today that due to
ongoing repairs the M/V Columbia will require
additional time at Vigor Shipyard in Portland,
This delay will impact some passengers. Affected
passengers are being notified by AMHS staff
now. The M/V Malaspina is currently running
in the Columbia’s place, and will continue
until the Columbia is back in service on
July 26. The Malaspina is a smaller vessel,
therefore some passengers will not get the
cabins they reserved and some vehicle reservations
will be cancelled.
The Columbia went in for repairs after a
suspected propeller strike with an unknown
object last September. The parts necessary
for the system required fabrication in Germany
and took several months to manufacture. The
propeller repairs were made and considered
successful, and the vessel proceeded to sea
trials to test the new system. While on sea
trials the vessel experienced another mechanical
failure related to the newly installed propeller
Currently, technicians are working to diagnose
the new failure and are developing a new
repair plan. Once repairs are made the U.S.
Coast Guard and the American Bureau of Shipping
will certify the vessel as safe to operate.
For more information, please call your local
terminal or the AMHS central reservations
office at 1-907-465-3941 or toll free at
1-800-642-0066. An updated schedule will
be made available online at
- 1635: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, a few bits
and wisps of clouds by the very top of Mt.
Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, almost extremely
weak - extremely weak sunshine.
- 1621: Almost extremely weak - extremely weak
- 1555: Very, very light sprinkles, cloudy,
a few very small clouds and wisps around
the peak of Mt. Juneau and very top of Mt.
- 1530: Very, very light sprinkles, cloudy,
clouds skimming peak of Mt. Juneau, parts
of the very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1500: .14" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, weakened
sunshine in West Juneau and weak on Mt. Roberts,
a few clouds around the very top of Mt. Roberts
and a few wisps at the very top of Mt. Juneau
Ridge and wisp at the peak of Mt. Juneau.
- 1435: Cloudy, very weak - weak bright spot
- area in the clouds where the Sun is, clouds
skimming some of Mt. Juneau Ridge, some clouds
around the very top of Mt. Juneau and clouds
skimming - SE very top of Mt. Roberts in
clouds; precipitation over part of the mainland?
- 1350: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau
Ridge and peak of Mt. Juneau, clouds skimming
- very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds with
a few other wisps around its top.
- 1330: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau
and Mt. Juneau Ridge, clouds skimming - very
top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1250: A few very, very light sprinkles, cloudy,
clouds skimming - very top of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts in clouds, very top -
top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1200: .14" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds skimming
SE part of Mt. Juneau and a small cloud by
the top, very top - top of Mt. Juneau Ridge
and of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1050: A few very light sprinkles, cloudy,
clouds skimming - very top Mt. Juneau in
clouds, very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge and
very top - top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 0950: Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds skimming
and top of Mt. Juneau in clouds, top of Mt.
Roberts and very top to top - upper part
of Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 0920: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy,
clouds skimming to SE very top of Mt. Juneau
in clouds, top of Mt. Roberts and very top
to top - upper part of Mt. Juneau Ridge in
- 0850: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau
and very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge, top and
very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds; precipitation
over much of the mainland?
- 0820: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau
and very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge, top and
very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 0750: Very, very light sprinkles, cloudy,
clouds skimming Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Juneau
Ridge and very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 0732: Precipitation over some of the mainland.
- 0716: The Sun is breaking through - very
weak sunshine.
- 0700: .13" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
very top and top of Mt. Juneau Ridge and
very top - top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 0624: A Bald Eagle is squealing.
- 0620: Cloudy, precipitation over at least
some of the mainland, top of Mt. Roberts,
top to upper part of Mt. Juneau Ridge, and
very top to SE top of Mt. Juneau in clouds.
.13" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0109 ADT: High Rain Rate of .17" of
Rain per hour.
- 2020 ADT: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
clouds skimming highest part of Mt. Juneau
Ridge, cloud/band upper Channel side of Mt.
Juneau, a cloud and a few wisps in Last Chance
Basin. .23" of Rainfall to this point
- 1950: Cloudy, a few to some extremely tiny
to very small breaks, a few clouds around
the very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1930: Cloudy, a few to some breaks, puffy
clouds hiding almost all of the upper part
of Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1850: Cloudy, precipitation over most of
the mainland, most of the top and upper part
of Mt. Juneau in clouds, inner Gold Creek
valley and top of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds.
- 1820: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, a few
very tiny to very small filtered breaks,
upper part of Mt. Juneau and SE top - upper
part of Mt. Roberts in clouds, clouds hiding
almost all of the inner Gold Creek valley,
remainder of mainland very slightly to slightly
obscured, areas of very weak sunshine on
Mt. Roberts.
- 1800: .21" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy, precipitation over much of
the mainland, upper part of Mt. Juneau, most
of the top of Mt. Roberts, and inner Gold
Creek valley hidden by clouds.
- 1650: Cloudy, a few hints of breaks and some
brighter spots, SE very top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau Ridge
and peak of Mt. Juneau, a few other clouds,
bits, and wisps around the mountains.
- 1635: A few light sprinkles, cloudy, a few
heavily filtered breaks, clouds skimming
and very top - top of Mt. Juneau Ridge in
clouds, clouds skimming much of SE part of
Mt. Juneau, clouds barely skimming to SE
very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, Sun is
- 1627: Cloudy, clouds skimming - very top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds, very top and top
of Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds and clouds
skimming SE part of Mt. Juneau.
- 1614 (Posted here at 0630 6/13): NWS: Weather
Radar major upgrades to begin June 16 with
the Biorka Weather Radar site which will
be down for approximately 1 week.
Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Juneau AK
414 PM AKDT Mon Jun 12 2017
The weather radar used by the National Weather Service Forecast
Office in Biorka Island will be down for approximately one week
beginning 16 Jun 2017 for technicians to install an important
technological upgrade. The work on the WSR-88D has been scheduled
to minimize any potential impacts to office operations and will be
delayed if hazardous weather is forecast.
During the outage, radar coverage is unavailable.
A crew will install a new signal processor, which replaces
obsolete technology, improves processing speed and data quality,
provides added functionality, and supports IT security.
This is the first of four major upgrades, known as service life
extension projects, planned in the next five years to replace and
refurbish major components of the 20 year old WSR-88Ds and to keep
the radars operational into the 2030s. The $150M investment is
being made by the three organizations that use these radars, the
NOAA National Weather Service, United States Air Force and Federal
Aviation Administration. The other service life extension
projects include refurbishing the transmitter, pedestal, and
equipment shelters.
The tri-agency Radar Operations Center, which supports the
radars, estimates it will take about 10 months to upgrade the
signal processor on all 159 operational WSR-88Ds.
- 1601: Rain, Cloudy, upper part of Mt. Juneau
and top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, inner Gold
Creek valley mostly hidden, remainder of
mainland partially obscured.
- 1552: Very Light Sprinkles.
- 1550: Cloudy, clouds around most of the top
- upper part of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts,
inner Gold Creek valley mostly hidden by
- 1535: Cloudy, some clouds, bits, and wisps
around the mainland mountains
- 1520: Cloudy, some extremely tiny to tiny
breaks, some clouds, bits, and wisps around
the mainland mountains, areas of very weak
to weakened sunshine on the mainland.
- 1515: Variable sunshine.
- 1513: Bright sunshine in West Juneau.
- 1505: Very Light Rain after Rain, Sun is
trying in West Juneau. .18" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 1453: Sprinkling, cloudy, mainland mountaintops
mostly in clouds, a few clouds in Last Chance
Basin, remainder of mainland very, very slightly
to partially obscured.
- 1435: Light Rain, Cloudy, brighter - bright
area in the clouds, top and upper part of
Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Juneau Ridge, and
most of the top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
clouds in the SE part of Last Chance Basin,
- 1428: Rain.
- 1420: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, upper
part of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Juneau Ridge,
and very top - top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
a few bits and wisps in Last Chance Basin.
- 1400: Rain.
- 1355: Light - very light sprinkling, cloudy,
mainland mountaintops mostly in clouds, remainder
of mainland slightly to partially obscured.
- 1335: Sprinkling, Cloudy, very weak sunshine
in the Granite Creek area, very top to upper
SE part of Mt. Juneau in clouds, some clouds
around the very top and top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1313: The Sun is breaking through.
- 1250: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, some
extremely tiny breaks, brighter, clouds skimming
to SE top of Mt. Juneau in clouds, inner
Gold Creek valley mostly hidden by clouds,
clouds skimming part of Mt. Roberts and a
few bits and wisps around its top.
- 1235: A few very light sprinkles, cloudy,
SE very top of Mt. Roberts, most of the very
top of Mt. Juneau Ridge, and top and upper
part of Mt. Juneau in clouds, some clouds
in the SE part of Last Chance Basin
- 1200: .12" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
most of the top - upper part of Mt. Juneau
in clouds, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau Ridge,
clouds around most of the top of Mt. Roberts,
remainder of inner Gold Creek valley partially
- 1127: High Rain Rate of .35" of Rain
per hour.
- 1125: Rain.
- 1120: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming
Mt. Juneau Ridge, top and upper part of Mt.
Juneau in clouds, some clouds by Cape Horn
and in the SE part of Last Chance Basin,
clouds around much of the top of Mt. Roberts,
remainder of mainland slightly to partially
- 1050: Cloudy, precipitation over much of
the mainland, top of Mt. Roberts and top
- upper part of Mt. Juneau Ridge and of Mt.
Roberts in clouds.
- 1006: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, top and SE
very top of Mt. Juneau in clouds, clouds
skimming Mt. Juneau Ridge, clouds skimming
Mt. Roberts with a few clouds around the
remainder of the top, clouds in part of Last
Chance Basin.
- 0950: Cloudy, most of the top of Mt. Juneau
in clouds, inner Gold Creek valley mostly
hidden by clouds, clouds skimming - very
top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, a few lower
- 0850: Cloudy, SE top of Mt. Juneau, very
top - top of Mt. Juneau Ridge, and SE very
top to top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, cloud
in Last Chance Basin, a few wisps Channel
side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0750: Cloudy, upper part of Last Chance Basin,
most of the upper part of Mt. Juneau, and
SE upper part of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds,
lower band/ribbon by the NE end of Mt. Roberts.
- 0705: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy,
most of the top - upper part of Mt. Juneau,
very top - top of Mt. Juneau Ridge, and most
of the very top - top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
very small cloud very low in Last Chance
- 0700: .06" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Cloudy, clouds skimming SE part of
Mt. Juneau, very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge
and most of the very top of Mt. Roberts in
clouds, a lower cloud Channel side of Mt.
Juneau and a few wisps.
- 0620: Cloudy, clouds skimming SE part of
Mt. Juneau and most of Mt. Roberts, top of
Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, a few lower wisps.
.06" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0451 ADT: High Rain Rate of .10" of
Rain per hour.
SUNDAY 6/11/17: DATA | He - The Lennon Sisters (You Tube) | Power
Outage for Douglas Island and part of downtown
Juneau - See 1115 and 1200 Below
- 2020 ADT: Cloudy, SE very top to top of Mt.
Juneau, very top and parts of top of Mt.
Roberts, and top of Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds,
some lower clouds, bits, and wisps - mostly
in Last Chance Basin. .07" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 1950: Very, very light misting-sprinkling,
cloudy, clouds skimming to SE top of Mt.
Juneau in clouds, upper part of Mt. Juneau
Ridge and top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, remainder
of inner Gold Creek valley substantially
obscured, a couple of clouds near and by
Mt. Maria/Last Chance Basin, remainder of
mainland partially obscured.
- 1855: Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, clouds skimming
to SE very top - top of Mt. Juneau in clouds,
top - upper part of Mt. Juneau Ridge and
very top - top of Mt. Roberts in clouds
- 1800: .06" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Juneau Ridge,
and very top - top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
a few clouds in part of Last Chance Basin.
- 1720: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, very
top to SE top of Mt. Juneau, upper part of
Mt. Juneau Ridge, and very top - top of Mt.
Roberts in clouds.
- 1650: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, upper part
of Mt. Juneau Ridge and top of Mt. Roberts
and of Mt. Juneau in clouds, remainder of
mainland slightly to partially obscured.
- 1640: High Rain Rate of .06" of Rain
per hour.
- 1635: Rain, Cloudy, top of Mt. Roberts, upper
part of Mt. Juneau Ridge, and very top to
SE top of Mt. Juneau in clouds, remainder
of mainland partially obscured.
- 1620: Sprinkling, Cloudy, mainland mountaintops
in clouds.
- 1555: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
very top of Mt. Juneau, upper part of Mt.
Juneau Ridge, and most of the very top -
top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1500: .01" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy, precipitation over some of
the mainland, top - upper part of Mt. Juneau
Ridge, very top of Mt. Roberts, and very
top to SE top of Mt. Juneau in clouds, remainder
of inner Gold Creek valley slightly to partially
- 1435: A few extremely light sprinkles, cloudy,
clouds skimming to SE very top - top of Mt.
Juneau in clouds, upper part of Mt. Juneau
Ridge and very top - top of Mt. Roberts in
clouds, remainder of inner Gold Creek valley
partially to substantially obscured.
- 1350: Cloudy, precipitation in the inner
Gold Creek valley and possibly Last Chance
Basin, clouds skimming to SE very top of
Mt. Juneau in clouds, top and upper part
of Mt. Juneau Ridge and very top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds.
- 1246: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy,
brighter, clouds skimming to SE very top
of Mt. Juneau in clouds, very top - top of
Mt. Juneau Ridge and most of the very top
- top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1200: Power came back on in West Juneau. AEL&P
suspects the outage was caused by a bird.
- 1200: .01" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy, clouds skimming and very top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds, very top - top
of Mt. Juneau Ridge and SE very top of Mt.
Juneau in clouds.
- 1115: Power Outage in West Juneau (West Juneau
1 Feeder), Douglas, North Douglas, and at
least part of downtown Juneau. AEL&P
69 KV Line 2 tripped off after a fault very
close to Salmon Creek.
- 1050: Cloudy, SE very top of Mt. Juneau in
clouds, most of the very top - top of Mt.
Juneau Ridge in clouds and some clouds around
the very top and top of Mt. Roberts, precipitation
in the inner Gold Creek valley, in Last Chance
Basin, and over Mt. Roberts.
- 0950: Cloudy, very top and SE top of Mt.
Roberts in clouds, very top - top of Mt.
Juneau Ridge and very top of Mt. Juneau in
clouds, light precipitation likely in the
inner Gold Creek valley and Last Chance Basin.
- 0850: Cloudy, precipitation in the inner
Gold Creek valley and over the top of Mt.
Roberts, clouds skimming most of Mt. Roberts
and most of the SE part of Mt. Juneau, top
of Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds with the remainder
of the inner Gold Creek valley partially
- 0755: Cloudy, precipitation in the inner
Gold Creek valley and in Last Chance Basin,
clouds skimming SE part of Mt. Juneau, clouds
skimming and very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
very top - top of Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 0700: .01" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Cloudy, clouds skimming - very top
of Mt. Juneau Ridge and of Mt. Roberts in
clouds, clouds skimming most of the SE part
of Mt. Juneau, precipitation in the inner
Gold Creek valley.
- 0620: Cloudy, clouds skimming SE part of
Mt. Roberts and most of the SE part of Mt.
Juneau, clouds skimming - very top of Mt.
Juneau Ridge in clouds. .01" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 0100 ADT: High Rain Rate of .01" of
Rain per hour.
Sat. 6/10/17: DATA | One bushel of wheat contains about one
million individual kernels - Source: National
Association of Wheat Growers | What Does a Bushel of Wheat Mean to Me? - Kansas Wheat | Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority: Decision to Sell or Lease 450 Whittier Street
- The Dept. of Public Safety Building ... The CBJ wants to acquire the property
for parking | M/V Lituya sailings schedule for June 10-12, 2017 are
canceled due to mechanical issues with
the bow thruster - See 1010 Below
- 2020 ADT: Cloudy, precipitation in Last Chance
Basin, inner Gold Creek valley hidden by
clouds, upper SE part of Mt. Juneau and very
top - top of Mt. Roberts in clouds. .03" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1950: Very Light Misting-Sprinkling, Cloudy,
inner Gold Creek valley hidden, SE upper
part of Mt. Juneau and very top - top of
Mt. Roberts in clouds, band in the upper
part of Last Chance Basin, remainder of mainland
partially to substantially obscured.
- 1905: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy,
inner Gold Creek valley almost totally hidden
by clouds, clouds skimming to SE very top
to top of Mt. Juneau in clouds, very top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds, remainder of mainland
slightly to partially obscured.
- 1850: A few extremely light sprinkles, cloudy,
low clouds in the inner Gold Creek valley,
clouds skimming and SE very top to top of
Mt. Juneau in clouds, clouds skimming - very
top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1820: A few extremely light sprinkles, cloudy,
inner Gold Creek valley almost totally hidden
by clouds, SE top of Mt. Juneau and very
top - top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1800: .03" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1757: Remainder of inner Gold Creek valley
partially obscured now.
- 1750: Cloudy, precipitation over parts of
the mainland, very top - top of Mt. Juneau
Ridge and of Mt. Roberts in clouds, clouds
skimming SE part of Mt. Juneau.
- 1731: Cloudy, precipitation in the inner
Gold Creek valley and Last Chance Basin,
very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge and of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, clouds skimming most of the SE
part of Mt. Juneau.
- 1720: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau
Ridge and most of the SE part of Mt. Juneau,
clouds skimming - very top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds.
- 1650: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Roberts,
most of Mt. Juneau Ridge, and most of the
SE part of Mt. Juneau.
- 1550: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Roberts,
most of Mt. Juneau Ridge, and peak of Mt.
- 1500: .03" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1450: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau
Ridge and peak of Mt. Juneau, clouds skimming
- very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1350: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau
Ridge and most of the SE part of Mt. Juneau,
clouds skimming - very top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds.
- 1320: Cloudy, somewhat darker, clouds skimming
Mt. Juneau Ridge and most of the SE part
of Mt. Juneau, clouds skimming - very top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1250: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau
Ridge and almost all of Mt. Juneau, clouds
skimming - very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1200: .03" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1150: Cloudy, precipitation in the inner
Gold Creek valley?, clouds skimming most
of Mt. Juneau, very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge
and of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1120: Cloudy, brighter, precipitation in
the inner Gold Creek valley, clouds skimming
to the SE very top of Mt. Juneau in clouds,
top of Mt. Juneau Ridge and very top - top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1050: Cloudy, clouds skimming and SE top
of Mt. Juneau mostly in clouds, some lower
clouds, bits and wisps over the S face of
Mt. Juneau, top - upper part of Mt. Juneau
Ridge in clouds, very top and parts of the
top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1010: M/V Lituya sailings schedule for June 10-12, 2017 are
canceled due to mechanical issues with
the bow thruster.
Repairs are currently underway. The Lituya will resume scheduled service on Thursday,
June 15, departing Metlakatla.
Service notices may be found at or by contacting your local terminal
by dialing 1-907-465-3941 or toll-free at
- 0950: Cloudy, top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
clouds skimming Mt. Juneau, lower clouds
over the S face of Mt. Juneau, inner Gold
Creek valley hidden by clouds in part of
Last Chance Basin.
- 0920: Cloudy, top and SE part of Mt. Roberts
in clouds and partially to substantially
obscured, inner Gold Creek valley hidden,
clouds skimming Mt. Juneau and a lower band
and clouds, clouds in parts of Last Chance
- 0855: Drizzle, Cloudy, mainland substantially
obscured and hidden.
- 0845: A few extremely light sprinkles, cloudy,
upper part of Mt. Roberts, Last Chance Basin,
and Mt. Juneau above about 400' - 500' hidden
by fog/clouds, remainder of mainland very
slightly to partially obscured.
- 0820: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy,
very top of Mt. Juneau in clouds with a lower
band, clouds filling almost all of Last Chance
Basin, top - upper part of Mt. Roberts in
clouds, remainder of mainland very, very
slightly to partially obscured.
- 0750: Cloudy, precipitation over the mainland,
upper part of Mt. Roberts in clouds, Mt.
Juneau and Last Chance Basin hidden by fog/clouds
above about 400', remainder of mainland slightly
to partially obscured.
- 0735: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy,
top - upper part of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
Mt. Juneau and Last Chance Basin hidden by
fog/clouds above about 400', remainder of
mainland slightly to partially obscured.
- 0720: Cloudy, light precipitation over some
of the mainland, upper part of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, remainder of mainland hidden by
fog/clouds above about 400' - 450'.
- 0700: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Very, very light sprinkles, cloudy,
upper part of Mt. Roberts in clouds, Last
Chance Basin filled with fog/clouds and Mt.
Juneau hidden by fog/clouds above about 300'
- 400', remainder of mainland slightly to
partially obscured.
- 0620: Very, very light misting, cloudy, mainland
hidden by fog/clouds above about 400' - 1000'
and partially to substantially obscured below
that. .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 0400 ADT: High Rain Rate of .01" of
Rain per hour.
Thur. 6/08/17: DATA | 1540: NWS: Thunderstorms possible late
this afternoon and evening - See 1540 Below | 0459: NWS: Potentially Hazardous Weather
late this afternoon and evening including
possible thunderstorms (slight chance of,
20%) ... My 10% was wrong for T-Storms but
it's for the chance of rain - See 0459 Below | Public broadcasting's immortality defies
reason - George Will | What are fulgurites and where can they be
found? - Utah Geological Survey; Fulgurite - Wikipedia (with Stereo images) | How To Freeview Stereo (3D) Images - Greg Erker
- 2020 ADT: Cloudy with a few to some breaks,
very weak to weakened sunshine.
- 1954: Slightly weakened sunshine in most
- 1950: Mostly Cloudy with very, very thin
to somewhat thick clouds, a few spots and
areas of weak - weakened sunshine on the
mainland, light wind.
- 1935: Mostly Cloudy with very, very thin
to somewhat thick clouds, some spots and
areas of extremely weak to weakened sunshine
on the mainland.
- 1850: Cloudy with the clouds thickening in
the NW part of the sky, breaks in the SE
half of the sky.
- 1805: Cloudy, a few to some breaks, bright
- fairly bright skies, slightly to somewhat
weakened sunshine.
- 1750: Cloudy, area of blue and a few small
filtered breaks.
- 1720: Cloudy, a few to some breaks.
- 1650: Cloudy, a few very slightly filtered
to filtered breaks, extremely weak - very
weak sunshine.
- 1635: Cloudy, very small break and a few
hints of blue.
- 1550: Cloudy, some filtered breaks, bright
- fairly bright skies, weakened - somewhat
weakened sunshine.
- 1540: NWS: Thunderstorms possible late this afternoon
and evening.
NWS Special Weather Statement
National Weather Service Juneau AK
340 PM AKDT Thu Jun 8 2017
Haines Borough and Lynn Canal-Glacier Bay-
Eastern Chichagof Island-
Juneau Borough and Northern Admiralty Island-
Including the cities of Haines, Gustavus, Hoonah, and Juneau
340 PM AKDT Thu Jun 8 2017
...Thunderstorms possible late this afternoon and evening...
There is a slight risk of thunderstorms across portions of the
northern Inner Channels and north-central Panhandle late this
afternoon and this evening. Boaters should be aware of potentially
hazardous weather developing rapidly.
- 1450: Cloudy with some hints of blue, bright
- fairly bright skies, very weak to weakened
sunshine, very, very slight - very slight
smoky haze.
- 1430: Weak - weakened sunshine, very, very
slight - very slight smoky haze.
- 1420: Cloudy, a few very small heavily filtered
breaks, weak bright spot in the clouds where
the Sun is.
- 1350: Cloudy, a few very slightly to slightly
filtered breaks, bright - fairly bright skies,
weak - weakened sunshine.
- 1320: Cloudy with a few hints of blue, bright
- fairly bright skies, weakened sunshine.
- 1257: The Sun is trying to break through.
- 1250: Cloudy, brighter, weak bright spot
in the clouds where the Sun is.
- 1150: Cloudy, location of the Sun is visible
and has been much of the morning.
- 1050: Cloudy.
- 0950: Cloudy.
- 0850: Cloudy.
- 0750: Cloudy.
- 0650: Cloudy.
- 0620: Cloudy.
- 0459 ADT: NWS: Potentially Hazardous Weather
late this afternoon and evening.
NWS Special Weather Statement
National Weather Service Juneau AK
459 AM AKDT Thu Jun 8 2017
Haines Borough and Lynn Canal-Glacier Bay-
Eastern Chichagof Island-
Juneau Borough and Northern Admiralty Island-
Including the cities of Haines, Gustavus, Hoonah, and Juneau
459 AM AKDT Thu Jun 8 2017
...Potentially hazardous weather late this afternoon and evening...
A strong low pressure trough will move north through the area
late this afternoon and evening. Right after the trough passes,
southerly winds may increase to 25-30 KT with higher gusts. Some
thunderstorms will also be possible from the Taku Inlet area west
to near Gustavus late this afternoon and early this evening. Boaters
need to beware of this developing situation as conditions on the
water could become hazardous very rapidly late this afternoon and
early this evening.
Wed. 6/07/17: DATA | : Since the 1st earthquake on May 1st
+/- 131 miles from Juneau in Canada, there
have been some 256 earthquakes in total of
magnitude 2.5 and greater as of 6:24 PM ADT
June 6th. | The Alaska Municipal League and the City & Borough of Juneau government are advocating that Governor Walker veto House Bill 132 passed by the Legislature that allows Uber and Lyft to operate in
Alaska, because they want the law to allow
more "local control" (meaning restrictions).
Contact the Governor with your thoughts.
If he vetoes the bill the Legislature could
override the veto. | Sing - The Carpenters (You Tube) | The Lilacs
are blooming
- 2020 ADT: Cloudy with a large area with very
slight breaks and a large break. .03"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1950: Cloudy with a large area of brighter
clouds with extremely tiny to very slight
- 1935: Cloudy, some very slight breaks, clouds
are thinner, fairly bright.
- 1905: Cloudy.
- 1850: Cloudy - thicker clouds, a few small
- very small filtered - heavily filtered
breaks to the NE.
- 1800: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy, a small bit of filtered - heavily
filtered blue.
- 1650: Cloudy with thinnish to somewhat thicker
clouds, very small bit of filtered - heavily
filtered blue, extremely weak to very weak
- 1639: Very weak to weak sunshine.
- 1605: Cloudy, some hints of blue, brighter.
- 1550: Cloudy, very weak bright spot in the
clouds where the Sun is.
- 1505: Cloudy.
- 1500: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy, a very small filtered break
very far to the NE.
- 1426: Cloudy, a few filtered breaks very
far to the NE, fairly bright.
- 1350: A few very, very light sprinkles, cloudy,
very thin to thinnish and somewhat thicker
clouds, bright - fairly bright skies, very
weak to weak sunshine.
- 1250: Mostly Cloudy with very thin to thinnish
and somewhat thicker clouds, variable sunshine,
occasional light wind.
- 1235: Partly Cloudy with very, very thin
to thinnish and somewhat thicker clouds,
slightly weakened sunshine in most areas.
- 1200: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy, some breaks, bright - fairly
bright skies, somewhat weakened - weakened
sunshine in most areas.
- 1105: Variable sunshine.
- 1050: Cloudy with some breaks, bright - fairly
bright skies, very weak to weak sunshine.
- 0950: Cloudy, some extremely tiny to very
slight breaks, some brighter spots and areas
in the clouds, variable almost extremely
weak - very weak sunshine.
- 0920: Cloudy, some breaks, almost extremely
weak - extremely weak sunshine.
- 0912: The Sun is breaking through.
- 0850: Cloudy, some very slight breaks to
small breaks, almost extremely weak - extremely
weak sunshine.
- 0826: Cloudy, some extremely tiny breaks.
- 0750: Cloudy.
- 0707: Cloudy, some very slight breaks, variable
- 0700: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 0659: The Sun is breaking through with very
weak - weak sunshine.
- 0650: Cloudy.
- 0620: Cloudy. .03" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 0100 ADT: High Rain Rate of .01" of
Rain per hour.
Tue. 6/06/17: DATA | D-Day
- 2020 ADT: Cloudy. .02" of Rainfall to
this point today.
- 1950: Cloudy.
- 1850: Cloudy.
- 1820: Light to Breezy Wind.
- 1800: Light wind. .02" of Rainfall to
this point today.
- 1750: Cloudy.
- 1735: Cloudy.
- 1710: Weak - very weak sunshine.
- 1650: Cloudy.
- 1620: Cloudy.
- 1550: Cloudy, a bit of filtered - heavily
filtered blue, bright - fairly bright skies,
weakened - somewhat weakened sunshine.
- 1535: Cloudy with a few filtered - heavily
filtered breaks, bright - fairly bright skies,
very weak to slightly weakened sunshine.
- 1500: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 1455: Cloudy, a few breaks, weak bright spot
in the clouds where the Sun is.
- 1420: Cloudy, a few breaks, weak bright spot
in the clouds where the Sun is.
- 1350: Cloudy with a bit of slightly filtered
to heavily filtered blue, weakened - somewhat
weakened sunshine.
- 1250: Cloudy, some breaks, fairly bright
skies, variable sunshine.
- 1235: Cloudy with some breaks, fairly bright
skies, almost extremely weak - extremely
weak sunshine.
- 1220: Cloudy with an area of blue to the
NE, and a breaks, fairly bright skies, very
weak to somewhat weakened sunshine.
- 1200: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Mostly/Partly Cloudy with much of the
blue filtered to some degree, weak - weakened
- 1050: Partly Cloudy but with much of the
blue filtered to some degree, very slightly
weakened sunshine.
- 1035: Partly Cloudy but with much of the
blue filtered to some degree, slightly -
somewhat weakened sunshine.
- 0950: Mostly Cloudy with most of the blue
filtered to some degree, somewhat weakened
- weakened sunshine, light wind.
- 0850: Cloudy with mostly thinnish clouds,
area of very slightly filtered - slightly
filtered blue to the S, weak sunshine.
- 0750: Cloudy, extremely weak sunshine.
- 0720: Cloudy with the clouds thinner than
at 0650, very weak - weak bright spot in
the clouds where the Sun is.
- 0700: .02" of Rainfall so far today.
- 0650: Cloudy.
- 0638: Sun trying.
- 0634: Bright area in the clouds where the
Sun is.
- 0620: Cloudy. .02" of Rainfall so far
- 0100 ADT: High Rain Rate of .01" of
Rain per hour.
- 2020 ADT: Sprinkling, Cloudy, lower cloud
Channel side of Mt. Juneau. .16" of
Rainfall so far today.
- 2011: Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, lower band
Channel side of Mt. Juneau, a few other bits
and wisps of clouds, brighter.
- 1950: Light - Very Light Rain, Cloudy.
- 1935: Very Light Rain, Cloudy.
- 1913: Light Rain, Cloudy.
- 1854: Very Light Rain, Cloudy.
- 1800: .12" of Rainfall so far today.
- 1750: Sprinkling, Cloudy.
- 1735: Very Light Rain, Cloudy.
- 1731: Sprinkling, Cloudy.
- 1720: Very Light Rain, Cloudy.
- 1650: Sprinkling, Cloudy.
- 1550: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, a few bits
and wisps of clouds.
- 1535: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, a few bits
and wisps of clouds in Last Chance Basin.
- 1500: .08" of Rainfall so far today.
- 1450: Sprinkling, Cloudy, a few lower bits
and wisps of clouds.
- 1426: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
some wisps in the lower part of Last Chance
Basin and a few Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1350: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, small cloud
in SE part of Last Chance Basin.
- 1315: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, ribbon over
the very top Channel slope of Mt. Juneau,
a few wisps low in Last Chance Basin.
- 1237: Sprinkling, Cloudy, lower band Channel
side of Mt. Juneau and a couple of clouds
in Last Chance Basin.
- 1200: High Rain Rate of .02" of Rain
per hour. .03" of Rainfall so far today.
- 1154: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, cloud by the
SE very top of Mt. Juneau on the Channel
side, small lower cloud by the Se upper part
of Mt. Juneau.
- 1135: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, a few
wisps by the very top of Mt. Juneau and of
Mt. Roberts, and some bits and wisps by Cape
- 1114: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, a few bits
and wisps around the very top of Mt. Juneau
and a few wisps in Last Chance Basin.
- 1050: Very Light Rain/Sprinkling, Cloudy,
some wisps around the peak of Mt. Juneau
and a few lower wisps.
- 0956: Very, very light sprinkles, cloudy,
some wisps Channel side of the top of Mt.
- 0950: Cloudy, a few lower wisps.
- 0935: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, a few
wisps by the very top of Mt. Juneau, somewhat
bright spot in the clouds where the sun is
with almost extremely weak - extremely weak
- 0850: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy,
a few lower small clouds, bits, and wisps.
- 0750: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, clouds
over the very top Channel slope of Mt. Juneau,
a few wisps in Last Chance Basin.
- 0720: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, cloud
by the very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge and a
few wisps by the very top - top of Mt. Juneau.
- 0700: .01" of Rainfall so far today.
- 0650: Very, very light sprinkles, cloudy.
- 0635: Cloudy, low ribbon to the ESE Channel
side of Mt. Roberts, precipitation over much
of the mainland.
- 0605: Cloudy, a few hints of blue to the
NW, fairly bright, light precipitation over
some of the mainland. .01" of Rainfall
so far today.
- 0500: High Rain Rate of .01" of Rain
per hour.
- 0430 ADT: NWS: Glacial Dammed Lake Release into
Mendenhall Lake is ending.
NWS Special Weather Statement
National Weather Service Juneau AK
430 AM AKDT Mon Jun 5 2017
Juneau Borough and Northern Admiralty Island-
Including the city of Juneau
430 AM AKDT Mon Jun 5 2017
The water level on Mendenhall Lake is now falling. It reached a
peak of 6.3 feet around midnight last night, well below the flood
stage of 9.0 feet. As of 4 AM...the water level is down to 6.2
feet and will begin to fall more rapidly this morning. It should
drop below 5 feet by early afternoon, then fall more slowly to
around 4.4 feet by late tonight. Suicide Basin water level has
fallen more than 40 feet since it began draining late last week,
and it appears to be mostly drained with the sensor there showing
only a slow fall early this morning.
- Editor (me): He's spot on, the concern was (still
is as far as I'm concerned) because of the
evil that was happening in Nazi Germany at
the time and the built-in aversion by Christians,
the vast majority of the country then, to
being numbered. And now we have "Real
ID" .....
- Tustumena Return to Service Further Delayed
Extensive damaged steel on the vessel, more
repair work is needed. Vessel is expected
to return to service August 15.
(JUNEAU, Alaska) – The Alaska Marine Highway
System (AMHS) announced today that more wasted
steel was discovered in the engine room of
the M/V Tustumena and repairs will require
additional time at the Vigor Ketchikan Shipyard.
The Tustumena went in for its scheduled annual
overhaul on March 13 and was originally scheduled
to return to service on May 27. In early
May, damaged steel was discovered in the
engine room and the Tustumena’s return to
service was initially pushed back to July
18. With this recent discovery of additional
wasted steel, AMHS anticipates United States
Coast Guard approval for the Tustumena’s
return to service departing Homer at 5 p.m.,
Monday, August 15.
This delay impacts communities in Southwest
Alaska and along the Aleutian chain. Usually,
there are 10 trips scheduled along the Aleutian
chain each year. Because of these delays,
there will now be three remaining trips this
year, with the first chain trip commencing
on August 22.
The Tustumena is 53-years-old. A replacement
vessel has been designed, but is awaiting
construction funding in the pending fiscal
year 2018 capital budget. AMHS staff is contacting
affected passengers. For more information,
please call your local terminal or the AMHS
central reservations office at 1-907-465-3941
or toll free at 1-800-642-0066. An updated
schedule will be made available online at
Coastal Transportation, based in Seattle,
continues to be an option for AMHS customers
impacted by the Tustumena delay. Coastal
Transportation can accommodate vehicles on
an as-able basis, at the same cost as AMHS,
transporting from Homer to Kodiak and to
Aleutian destinations. Coastal Transportation
can be reached at 1-800-544-2580 or 1-206-282-9979.
- 2310 ADT: High Rain Rate of .12" of
Rain per hour.
- 2035: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy, areas of weakened
sunshine on the mainland. Trace of Rainfall
so far today.
- 1950: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy, variable sunshine
in most areas.
- 1920: Variable sunshine.
- 1855: Cloudy with some breaks and thinner
areas in the clouds, extremely weak to weak
- 1800: Trace of Rainfall so far today.
- 1750: Cloudy, thinner area in the clouds,
variable extremely weak to weak - weakened
- 1735: Variable extremely weak to weak - weakened
- 1650: Cloudy, a few very small heavily filtered
breaks, a few areas of weak - very weak sunshine
on the mainland.
- 1620: Cloudy, a few to some breaks with some
filtered, a few spots and areas of very weak
sunshine on the mainland.
- 1551: Cloudy, clouds barely skimming peak
of Mt. Juneau, a very small bit of Mt. Juneau
Ridge, and some of Mt. Roberts.
- 1535: Cloudy, a few hints of breaks, clouds
skimming peak of Mt. Juneau, very top of
Mt. Roberts in clouds, Sun is trying.
- 1516: Cloudy, a few extremely tiny breaks,
clouds skimming most of the SE part of Mt.
Juneau, very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley,
Last Chance Basin, and over Mt. Juneau.
- 1503: Precipitation has ended.
- 1500: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, large break,
clouds skimming peak of Mt. Juneau, SE part
of Mt. Roberts, and much of Mt. Juneau Ridge,
a few spots and areas of weak - weakened
sunshine on the mainland. Trace of Rainfall
so far today.
- 1450: A few very, very light sprinkles, cloudy,
clouds skimming peak of Mt. Juneau and part
of Mt. Juneau Ridge, clouds skimming - very
top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1435: Cloudy, clouds skimming peak of Mt.
Juneau and most of Mt. Roberts, precipitation
over much of the mainland.
- 1420: Cloudy, tiny break, precipitation from
the NE to the NNW.
- 1412: Sprinkling, Cloudy, very weak sunshine
in part of the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1409 (posted here at 1650): NWS: Glacier Dam
Release update for Mendenhall Lake.
Special Weather Statement
National Weather Service Juneau AK
209 PM AKDT Sun Jun 4 2017
Juneau Borough and Northern Admiralty Island-
Including the city of Juneau
209 PM AKDT Sun Jun 4 2017
The glacial dammed lake release continues on Mendenhall Lake due
to drainage from Suicide Basin. As of 1 pm AKDT lake levels have
risen to 5.7 feet. The river is forecast to crest just below 7
feet early Monday morning before a sharp drop in level. Flood
stage on Mendenhall Lake is 9.0 feet, so no significant impacts are
expected. There is still some uncertainty on timing of the end of
the release and potential for water levels to go higher depending
on how much water is finally released from Suicide Basin.
Please stay tuned to NOAA Weather radio or your favorite local
weather news source for updates on this situation.
- 1350: Cloudy, some breaks, almost extremely
weak to weak sunshine.
- 1305: Cloudy, a few breaks, variable sunshine.
- 1250: Cloudy.
- 1205: Weakened sunshine in West Juneau and
extremely weak to weakened on the mainland.
- 1150: Cloudy, a few to some breaks, almost
extremely - extremely weak sunshine.
- 1050: Cloudy, some very slight to very small
breaks, almost extremely weak - extremely
weak sunshine.
- 0950: Cloudy, a few extremely tiny breaks
- hints of breaks.
- 0920: Cloudy, a few tiny - very tiny filtered
- 0820: Cloudy, a few breaks.
- 0803: Two Bald Eagles flew NW low over backyards
with crows chasing them.
- 0750: Cloudy with some breaks, weak - very
weak sunshine.
- 0714: Partly Cloudy with the clouds in the
southern part of the sky, variable sunshine.
- 0657: Slightly weakened sunshine.
- 0650: Cloudy with some breaks, extremely
weak sunshine.
- 0620: Mostly Cloudy, variable extremely weak
to very weak and weak sunshine. It was Clear
or Mostly Clear much of the night.
- 0533: Sun shining.
- 0528 ADT: NWS: Glacier Dam Release Update for
Mendenhall Lake and Taku River.
NWS Special Weather Statement
National Weather Service Juneau AK
528 AM AKDT Sun Jun 4 2017
Juneau Borough and Northern Admiralty Island-
Including the city of Juneau
528 AM AKDT Sun Jun 4 2017
The glacial dammed lake release continues on Mendenhall Lake. As
of 5 AM, the lake has risen to a stage of 5.3 feet. It is forecast
to rise to a peak of 6.8 feet late Sunday night, but there is some
uncertainty on timing of the end of the release. There is
potential for water levels to go higher if the release continues
into Monday morning. Flood stage on Mendenhall Lake is 9.0 feet.
On the Taku River, water levels peaked late Saturday afternoon at
39.8 feet, more than 3 feet below the flood stage of 43.0 feet. As
of 5 AM this morning, it was down to 37.6 feet, and will continue
to fall through the day.
Please stay tuned to NOAA Weather radio or your favorite local
weather news source for updates on this situation.
Sat. 6/03/17: DATA | 1311: NWS: Glacier Dam Release into Mendenhall
Lake and Taku River - See 1311 Below | Family Fishing Day at Twin Lakes | Exploring the History of Douglas: 1 PM at the Douglas Library - Mark Whitman will present
a program exploring the history of Douglas
including resources, methods and paths for
researching the folks & families who
lived there. Sponsored by the Treadwell
Society as part of Douglas Days 2017 commemorating
the 100th anniversary of the Treadwell Mine
Cave-in. | Michigan city bans farmer from selling at
public market because he won’t hold same-sex
weddings on his property - Hot Air
- 2017 ADT: Cloudy, extremely tiny - very tiny
breaks to the NE, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau
and Mt. Juneau Ridge, top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds. .08" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 2000: A few tiny breaks to the NE now.
- 1950: Cloudy, clouds skimming peak of Mt.
Juneau and much of Mt. Juneau Ridge, very
top - top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1935: Cloudy, clouds skimming peak of Mt.
Juneau and most of Mt. Juneau Ridge, clouds
skimming - very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1850: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau
and most of Mt. Juneau Ridge, very top of
Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1832: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, top and upper
part of Mt. Juneau and top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, a cloud in Last Chance Basin.
- 1829: Rain after Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy,
very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge, top - upper
part of Mt. Juneau, and very top - top of
Mt. Roberts in clouds, remainder of mainland
partially obscured. High Rate of .67"
of Rain per hour.
- 1815: Variable sunshine on the mainland and
- 1800: .04" of Rainfall to this point
- 1745: Cloudy, slightly weakened sunshine
in West Juneau.
- 1730: Cloudy.
- 1708: Cloudy, Sun shining in West Juneau
- 1700: Light - very light rain, cloudy, brighter,
clouds skimming most of Mt. Juneau Ridge,
remainder of mainland slightly to partially
- 1650: Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
very top - top of Mt. Juneau Ridge and of
Mt. Roberts in clouds, remainder of mainland
slightly to partially obscured. High Rain
Rate of .05" of Rain per hour.
- 1641: Light Rain.
- 1635: Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds skimming
peak of Mt. Juneau and much of Mt. Juneau
Ridge, most of the very top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds.
- 1620: Cloudy, light wind.
- 1614: Sprinkles, wind is picking up.
- 1610: Cloudy, almost extremely weak to weak
sunshine, shower over part of the mainland.
- 1550: Cloudy, very weak bright spot in the
clouds where the Sun is.
- 1535: Cloudy, very weak bright spot in the
clouds where the Sun is.
- 1505: Cloudy with a break and a few hints
of blue.
- 1500: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy, a bit of filtered - heavily
filtered blue, almost extremely weak to very
weak sunshine.
- 1430: Cloudy, a bit of filtered - heavily
filtered blue, slightly weakened to weakened
- 1355: Cloudy, very slightly to slightly filtered
break, variable sunshine.
- 1250: Cloudy with an area of very thin clouds
with hints of blue there, variable sunshine.
- 1235: Sprinkling, Cloudy, extremely weak
to weak sunshine.
- 1200: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy, weak - very weak bright spot
in the clouds where the Sun is, extremely
weak sunshine on part of Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1050: Cloudy, somewhat bright spot in the
clouds where the Sun is, extremely weak sunshine.
- 1020: Cloudy, somewhat bright spot in the
clouds where the Sun is, fairly bright -
almost extremely weak sunshine.
- 0950: Cloudy with hints of blue, extremely
weak sunshine.
- 0908: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy,
extremely weak sunshine.
- 0850: Cloudy-Overcast with a few wisps over
the upper Channel slope of Mt. Juneau, weak
- weakened sunshine.
- 0755: The Sun is trying to break through.
- 0750: Cloudy, a few tiny breaks are very
far to the NNW, some brighter spots and areas
in the clouds, some wisps in Last Chance
- 0700: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Cloudy, some hints of breaks, broken
lower ribbon.
- 0640: Now Available: The May 2017 Monthly Report, and the updated Weather Database.
- 0620: Cloudy with some very slight to slight
- 0605: Cloudy with a clear area and some breaks.
.02" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0400 ADT: High Rain Rate of .02" of
Rain per hour.
- NWS Summary of May 2017 Weather in Southeast
...A mix of above normal rain and beautiful spring weather this
May began rainy across all of Southeast Alaska but quickly dried out
and by the 5th of May, sunny skies and above normal daytime highs
were observed. Some more rain spread over the Panhandle again at the
start of the second week of the month, but by the 10th of the month,
things dried out once again and temperatures rose to the upper 60 to
low 70s for the first time this year. Rain returned once again for
Mother's Day weekend, but by the following Monday, the sun once
again came out. An atmospheric river developed in the second half of
the month and a weather front brought record rainfall to a large
portion of the Panhandle from the 20th to the 22nd of the month.
Numerous locations recorded 24 hour totals on more than 2 inches. In
spite of this heavy rain, Panhandle creeks, streams, and rivers did
not flood. No significant winds were recorded during the first half
of the month, but windy conditions with gusts as high as 50 mph were
associated with the front that resulted in the record rainfall on
the 21st of the month. The month concluded with a fine Memorial Day
weekend that featured two days out of three with mostly clear skies
and warmer than normal daytime highs. The clear nights during the
holiday weekend and in the days immediately prior also resulted in
overnight lows down to or slightly below freezing in various
locations. This is later than normal for a last freeze of the
- The Reflector, originally covered with a teal colored
fabric to try to blend in with the sky, was
built sometime around 1973 - 1974, definitely
by mid-1975 at the time the satellite earth
station at Lena Point was constructed; the
new system transmitted & received television
via satellite and also handled long distance
telephone communications. When I noted it
was under the control of CCBI that is because
the gray microwave dish(es), since removed
by them, that were on the roof of their building,
the former U.S. Dept. of Defense - Alaska
Communications System ("White Alice")
Station Plant Signal Building, then later
known as the RCA Alascom Building after privatization
of the system in 1969-1970, were in a position
to bounce the microwave signal to and from
Lena Point, any other location in downtown
or elsewhere would not work.
- 2020 ADT: Cloudy, tiny filtered break to
the NE and brighter - bright clouds far to
the W. .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 2005: Cloudy, a few hints of blue, bright
area in the clouds to the WNW with very weak
evening sunshine in West Juneau.
- 1950: Cloudy, a tiny break far to the NNW,
some brighter spots and areas in the clouds
in the NW part of the sky.
- 1925: Cloudy, a few breaks, almost extremely
weak sunshine.
- 1850: Cloudy with some breaks - mostly in
the NW part of the sky, variable sunshine
here-and-there and in-and-out.
- 1800: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy with breaks, variable sunshine
here-and-there and in-and-out.
- 1725: Cloudy with some breaks, variable sunshine
here-and-there and in-and-out.
- 1657: Variable sunshine in-and-out.
- 1650: Cloudy, a few very heavily filtered
- 1606: Somewhat weakened sunshine in West
Juneau and weak sunshine on part of Mt. Roberts.
- 1548: Cloudy, almost extremely weak to extremely
weak in West Juneau and on Mt. Juneau.
- 1535: Cloudy, spot of extremely weak sunshine
near Cape Horn.
- 1500: Cloudy. .03" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 1450: Cloudy, extremely weak - very weak
sunshine in West Juneau.
- 1445: Cloudy, variable weak - weakened sunshine
in West Juneau.
- 1441: Very weak sunshine in West Juneau.
- 1430: Sprinkles, Cloudy.
- 1350: Cloudy, a few bits and wisps of clouds
in Last Chance Basin and a small cloud over
the Channel slope of Mt. Roberts, brighter.
- 1320: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
clouds skimming SE part of Mt. Juneau, a
few lower wisps of clouds.
- 1300: Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds skimming
the highest part of Mt. Juneau Ridge and
SE part of Mt. Roberts.
- 1249: Very, very light sprinkles, cloudy,
clouds skimming peak of Mt. Juneau and a
cloud upper Channel side of the mountain,
clouds skimming SE part of Mt. Roberts.
- 1220: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy,
clouds skimming peak of Mt. Juneau, clouds
skimming - very top of most of Mt. Roberts
in clouds.
- 1203: An immature Bald Eagle is soaring about
in the sky.
- 1200: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy.
- 1140: Very, very light sprinkles, cloudy.
- 1120: Cloudy, a few wisps in Last Chance
- 1050: Cloudy, lower ribbon Channel side of
Mt. Juneau, a few wisps in Last Chance Basin
and Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1024: Cloudy, a few lower bits and wisps
of clouds.
- 0945: Cloudy, lower ribbon Channel side of
Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts and a few bits
and wisps between.
- 0850: Cloudy, lower ribbon.
- 0835: Cloudy, some clouds in the vicinity
of Mt. Juneau/Last Chance Basin.
- 0825: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, a few
low bits and wisps of clouds.
- 0814: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, mainland
very slightly to partially obscured.
- 0805: Cloudy, a few low wisps near and by
Mt. Maria, precipitation in the inner Gold
Creek valley.
- 0750: Cloudy.
- 0700: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Cloudy, a few hints of breaks and of
- 0620: Cloudy.
- 0606: Cloudy, a small cloud by Mt. Maria
and a tiny low ribbon by Mt. Roberts. .03"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0300 ADT: High Rain Rate of .01" of
Rain per hour.