CONDITIONS DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

NAME: 3270 Nowell   CITY: West Juneau   STATE: Alaska 
ELEV:    97 ft  LAT: 58° 17' 33" N  LONG: 134° 25' 37" W

TEMPERATURE (°F), RAIN  (in), WIND SPEED (mph), SNOW (in). Snowfall from 21:00 - 21:00, all others Midnight to Midnight.

                                      HEAT  COOL        AVG                      WIND       SNOW        
    MEAN                              DEG   DEG         WIND                DOM  RUN        ON(1)       
 1  46.8  58.4  12:00p  39.2   5:35a  18.2   0.0  0.20   0.9  15.0   1:35p  SSE  20.56  0.0  0.0 Clear PartlyCldy Cldy-Breaks Cldy Cldy/VarSprToRain
 2  45.0  49.0   3:05p  40.9  10:15p  20.0   0.0  0.10   0.0   7.0   1:35a  ENE   0.25  0.0  0.0 Cd/Shrs Cd-VarBrks-ClrAreas Cd-VarBrks/FewSpShrs MCd
 3  45.2  53.1   3:30p  37.2   2:20a  19.8   0.0  0.00   0.5  14.0   1:50p    E  13.08  0.0  0.0 Cd Cd-Brks PCd MClr PCd MCdW/VryVryThnToThnshCd Cd
 4  43.9  48.2   8:10a  39.7   2:10a  21.1   0.0  0.28   0.4  14.0   7:45a  SSE   8.57  0.0  0.0 Ovcst Cd/OccVarSp Cd/VarSp-VryLtRToR-VryLtDrz-Mst Cd
 5  43.3  47.7   3:15p  39.6  12:00m  21.7   0.0  0.97   0.4  11.0  11:35a  SSE  10.33  0.0  0.0 Cd/RnToVarSp Cd-OccBrks/VarSpToR-Lulls Rnbws Cd/Shrs
 6  43.5  46.4   3:15p  39.3  12:10a  21.5   0.0  0.04   0.2   9.0   3:45a    S   5.75  0.0  0.0 Cd Cd/LtRn Cd Cd-VarTnyBrks Cd/OccSpr-Lt-VryLtRn Cd
 7  45.4  51.5   5:15p  41.3   2:25a  19.6   0.0  0.18   0.4  13.0  12:40p    S  10.57  0.0  0.0 Cd/SprToRn Cd/VryVryLt&VryLtSpr-Mst-Driz Cd
 8  44.9  50.9   2:55p  40.2  11:00p  20.1   0.0  0.14   0.3  13.0   6:40p  WSW   6.15  0.0  0.0 Cd Cd-LoCdsLateMorn/VarSprToRn Cd-VarBrks/VarShrs
 9  42.4  51.4   2:05p  34.3   6:35a  22.6   0.0  0.00   0.0   6.0   1:10a    W   0.56  0.0  0.0 MCd-PCd-CdW/VryVryThnThnsh VarPMCd MClr Clr HiCd Clr
10  43.3  49.4  11:15a  35.6   1:00a  21.7   0.0  0.03   0.1   9.0  12:00p   NW   2.72  0.0  0.0 IncrCd Cd Cd-HntsBlu Cd-Thick Cd/VarSpToRn Cd Cd/Spr
11  45.1  48.4   5:35p  42.7   3:00a  19.9   0.0  0.23   0.2   9.0  12:25p  SSE   3.81  0.0  0.0 Cd/FewSp Cd/VryLtRToRn-Var:Sp-Drz Cd-VarBrk Cd/OccSp
12  44.6  50.8   3:20p  40.6   4:15a  20.4   0.0  0.14   0.2  13.0   8:35a  SSE   3.59  0.0  0.0 Cd/TrcRn Cd Cd/VarSprToRn Cd Cd-ThnSpots&Areas Cd/Rn
13  44.4  51.7   2:45p  38.5  12:00m  20.6   0.0  0.06   0.2  13.0   3:05p    E   3.84  0.0  0.0 Cd-TnyBrks/.01R Cd-VarBrks/OccSp Cd/Shr VarBrksToPCd
14  41.1  45.3   3:35p  34.3   5:45a  23.9   0.0  0.19   0.1   6.0   3:20p  SSE   1.20  0.0  0.0 PCdToMClr IncrCd Cd-Brks Cd Cd/VarSpr-VryLt-LtRn-Rn
15  44.2  47.8   1:30p  41.9   6:50a  20.8   0.0  0.28   0.5  12.0   1:20p  SSE  12.04  0.0  0.0 Cd/2RnShr&Sp Cd Cd/VarSp-VryLtRn-Rn-Lulls Cd/FewShrs
16  45.6  51.1   5:50p  41.0  12:00m  19.4   0.0  0.04   0.4  13.0  12:30a    S   8.27  0.0  0.0 Cd Cd/SprToRn Cd-OccBrks/OccVarSp Cd Cd-Brks MCd PCd
17  45.0  48.6   1:20p  40.9  12:05a  20.0   0.0  0.21   0.6  18.0   3:30p  SSE  15.01  0.0  0.0 PCd-MClr IncrCd Cd/Spr-VryLt:Rn-Drz-Mst Cd/RnShr Cd
18  43.8  47.4  12:40p  40.8   6:10a  21.2   0.0  0.33   0.3  11.0   1:45p   NW   7.52  0.0  0.0 Cd/RnToSp Cd Cd-OccBrks/Shrs:SpToR-Drz Rnbws Cd-Brks
19  45.1  55.2   3:40p  35.3  11:55p  19.9   0.0  0.01   0.2   7.0   4:45p    W   4.15  0.0  0.0 Cd/TrcR Brks CdMCd Brks/Shr PCd MPCd Brks DecrCd Clr
20  45.7  59.6   2:20p  33.4   5:35a  19.3   0.0  0.00   0.4  14.0   8:45a    W   9.15  0.0  0.0 Clr MCd&Cd-VryThn-Thnsh&FiltBrksW/VarPCdToClrPeriod
21  50.8  62.3   3:00p  37.9   4:15a  14.2   0.0  0.01   0.9  26.0   9:10a    E  21.63  0.0  0.0 MCdCdWThnThnsh Cd/Few:Sp-LtR LtWnd-Gsts VarBrks Cd/R
22  53.3  61.6   3:45p  46.3   5:05a  11.7   0.0  0.11   0.3  12.0   6:25p    E   5.94  0.0  0.0 Cd/.01Rn Cd/OccSp PCd MCdCd-VryThnThnsh PCd Cd Cd/Rn
23  49.3  52.2   3:00p  45.7  11:45p  15.7   0.0  0.48   0.1   9.0   4:55p  SSE   2.21  0.0  0.0 Cd/VryLtRToR Cd Cd-OccLoCd/VarSp-VryLt&LtRn-R-Drz Cd
24  44.2  45.8  12:05a  41.6  11:45p  20.8   0.0  0.46   0.2  10.0  11:30a  SSE   5.40  0.0  0.0 Cd/OccVryLtRn-Sp Cd-LoCdsEarly/SprToRn Cd Cd-ThnrCds
25  46.2  52.3   4:25p  41.2   1:45a  18.8   0.0  0.03   0.5  12.0   4:15p  SSE  10.64  0.0  0.0 Cd/TrcR Cd/OccSpr Cd-TnyBrk Cd/Sp-VryLtR Cd Cd-OccSp
26  46.2  51.9  11:15a  43.9   5:15a  18.8   0.0  0.25   0.3   9.0   6:50p    S   6.73  0.0  0.0 Cd/OccSp-VryLtRn Cd/OccVarSp Cd/Spr-VryLtRn-Rn Cd/Rn
27  46.0  50.8   1:40p  43.1   3:30a  19.0   0.0  0.26   0.6  13.0   4:40p  SSE  13.02  0.0  0.0 Cd/Rn&Shrs Cd/XtmLtMst-SpShr Cd-VarBrks Cd/SpToRShrs
28  44.6  47.6  12:20p  42.2   5:05a  20.4   0.0  0.38   0.1   9.0   4:25p  SSE   3.14  0.0  0.0 Cd/RnToVarSpr Cd/VarSpr-VryLt-LtRn&2Lulls Cd/SprToRn
29  44.0  49.0  11:20a  41.3   3:20a  21.0   0.0  0.61   0.4  11.0  11:55a  SSE   8.70  0.0  0.0 Cd/Rn-HvyR Cd-OccBrks/OccVarSp Cd/VarSpToRn-FewLulls
30  43.8  46.0  11:30p  41.9  12:45p  21.2   0.0  0.77   2.0  22.0   2:25p  SSE  48.78  0.0  0.0 Cd/VryLtR-Sp Cd Cd/VarSp-VryLtR-R-LtR-Drz Lt-Brzy Cd
    45.2  62.3    21    33.4    20   593.3   0.0  6.79   0.4  26.0    21    SSE 273.31  0.0

(1) As measured on Front Lawn 
STATISTICS | DATA | GRAPHS | CONDITIONS - DAY of MONTH: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | TOP 
AVERAGE Mean Temp:	45.2
AVERAGE High Temp:	51.0
MINIMUM High Temp:	45.3	14th
MAXIMUM High Temp:	62.3	21st
AVERAGE Low Temp:	40.1
MINIMUM Low Temp:	33.4	20th
MAXIMUM Low Temp:	46.3	22nd
MAX >= 90.0:		0
MAX >= 80.0:		0
MAX >= 70.0:		0
MAX <= 32.0:		0
MIN <= 32.0:		0
MIN <=  0.0:		0
MAXIMUM Humidity (%):	99	2nd, 3rd, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 27th
MINIMUM Humidity (%):	29	20th @ 1441
MAXIMUM Pressure (mb):	1026.0	19th @ 0608
MINIMUM Pressure (mb):	999.6	5th @ 0824
TOTAL   Htg Deg Days:	593.3
AVERAGE Htg Deg Days:	19.8
MINIMUM Htg Deg Days:	11.7	22nd
MAXIMUM Htg Deg Days:	23.9	14th
TOTAL Cool Deg Days:	0.0
Heat Base:  65.0  Cool Base:  65.0  Method: Integration
TOTAL   Precip.:	6.79
AVERAGE Precip.:	0.25
DAYS of Precip.:	27	All but: 3rd, 9th, 20th
MAXIMUM Precip.:	0.97	5th
MAXIMUM Rain Rate:	0.46	24th @ 1058
Days of Rain: 25 (>.01 in) 19 (>.1 in) 0 (>1 in)
TOTAL Snowfall:		0.0
DAYS of Snowfall:	0
AVERAGE High Wind:	12.0
MINIMUM High Wind:	6	9th, 14th
MAXIMUM High Wind:	26	21st
WIND RUN (miles):	273.31

DAYS Sun at any time:	22

1st	FULL
2nd	Extremely Weak to Somewhat Weakened
3rd	FULL
4th	NO
5th	FULL
6th	FULL
7th	NO
8th	FULL
9th	FULL
10th	Extremely Weak to Weakened 
11th	Extremely Weak to Weakened (Mainland)
12th	NO
13th	FULL
14th	NO
15th	FULL
16th	FULL
17th	NO
18th	FULL
19th	FULL
20th	FULL
21st	Extremely Weak to Somewhat Weakened
22nd	FULL
23rd	NO
24th	NO
25th	Extremely Weak to Weakened
26th	Very Weak
27th	FULL
28th	NO
29th	FULL
30th	Weak to Somewhat Weakened (for Rainbow)

DAYS OF Cld or M Cld:	30	All days

DAYS OF Rainbow:	4	5th: Shallow arc to the NNE from 1458 - 1504. To the NE from 1647 - Faded Away by 1757.

				13th: 1513 - 1516: Low shallow arc Rainbow to the NE - NNE.

				18th: 1539: Low shallow arc partial to NNE. 1540: Full now. 1541: 2nd higher full one. 1548: Higher one mostly gone.
				      1550: Only right half of lower one still there... higher one is gone. 1553: Remainder of lower one is gone.

				      1613-1627: To the NE.

				30th: 1914 - Faded out by 1924: Partial then Full centered to E.

DAYS OF Aurora:		0
DAYS OF Lightning:	0
DAYS OF Earthquake:	0

GRAPHS | DATA | STATISTICS | CONDITIONS - DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | TOP

April 2016 - Barometric Pressure & Temperature with Highs & Lows.

April 2016 - Dewpoint & Humidity.

April 2016 - Rainfall & High Rain Rate with Pressure & Humidity.

April 2016 - High Wind, Wind Run, & 10 min. Avg. Wind Speed.

CONDITIONS - DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | DATA | STATISTICS | GRAPHS | TOP

Sat. 4/30/16: DATA | 1045: Fresh Snow is visible on the very top - top of Mt. Juneau | 0500: NWS: Strong Wind in effect from this afternoon through this evening - See 0500 Below | 0616: 1st Cruise Ships of the 2016 Visitor Season in port today... Large: Crystal Cruises Serenity - See 0616 Below; Small: Wilderness Adventurer, in port by 0810 | Panamax cruise ship dock almost ready for the season - KTOO ... Article has a rendering of the $500,000 "art" to be installed in 2017, abstract lit-up columns | Ferry fares rise for third time in a year - KTOO | First Orange-Crowned Warbler of 2016 Seen

Fri. 4/29/16: DATA | 1441: NWS: Heavy Rain and Strong Winds to impact the Panhandle this weekend - See 1441 Below | By Morning: Fresh Dusting of Snow on the very tops - tops and upper parts of the mountains | NIST’s Million-Pound Weight Stack Restoration is Complete - NIST | The battle of whether or not to underground overhead utilities in Palm Beach, Florida - Palm Beach Daily News

Thur. 4/28/16: DATA | NWS: Heavy Rain and Strong Winds to impact the Panhandle this weekend - See 1513 Below | By 0620: Fresh Dusting of Snow on the very tops to tops of the mountains || 2 articles by the CLIAA on their lawsuit against Juneau: Here - April 12th and Here - April 13th, both at CLIA Alaska... See a tiny excerpt below

Wed. 4/27/16: DATA | 1822: NWS: Heavy Rain and Strong Winds to impact the Panhandle this weekend - See 1822 Below | New AMHS Reservation System Live May 1st, 2016 - See Below | Can Alaska learn from other ferry systems? - KTOO | Who Was Ty Cobb? The History We Know That’s Wrong - Charles Leerhsen

Tue. 4/26/16: DATA | By 0600: Fresh Dusting of Snow on the peak of Mt. Juneau and on the very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge | NWS: Record Precip. for Auke Bay and Outer Point Cooperative Observer Stations on Sunday, April 24th - See 1145 4/25 Below | Small earthquake felt around Vienna, Austria - The Local Europe - Austria | Rise in CO2 has 'greened Planet Earth' - BBC

Mon. 4/25/16: DATA | Scientists Build a Better Incandescent Light Bulb - CNS News | Carpeting the Denali Fault with earthquake sensors - UAF | Infographic: The winter (snow) that wasn't - Juneau Empire .... The West Juneau Weather Station had 34.5" of Snowfall for the winter of 2015 - 2016

SUNDAY 4/24/16: DATA | 1705: A fresh Dusting of Snow is visible on the very tops - tops of the mainland mountains | Filleting and de-heading certain fish will be prohibited in Southeast Alaska for the summer - Juneau Empire .. Starts tomorrow in the Juneau area | Heavy teen marijuana use may cut life short by 60 - CBS

Sat. 4/23/16: DATA | NWS: Record High Temperatures on Friday, April 22nd - See 0545 Below | The Money in Recycling Has Vanished; What Do States, Cities Do Now? - Stateline at KTOO | An example of our broken patent system: Amazon exploring public transit delivery - RetailWire | Obama's HUD Takes-Over Dubuque, Iowa - National Review

Fri. 4/22/16: DATA | 0925 - 1345 : 911 Emergency phone access was down for Verizon customers with area codes different from 907, but were physically in Juneau - JPD | NWS: Record Maximum Temperatures for Thur. April 21st - See 1545 4/21 Below | Do You Know Where You're Going To - The theme from the motion picture Mahogany - Diana Ross (You Tube) | 1217: 1st two Dandelion blossoms of 2016 spotted on the front lawn | Steven Bowhay's River Recycler State Application (OOXML, docx, 5.54 Mb)

Thur. 4/21/16: DATA | NWS: Record Maximum Temperatures for Thur. April 21st - See 1545 Below | NWS: Record High Temperatures on Wed., April 20th - See 0610 Below | Legislation for the Sweetheart Dam Hydroelectric Project is on the way to the governor - KINY | Climate Alarmism and the Muzzling of Independent Science - American Thinker | Juneau entrepreneur Steven Bowhay's idea to send fresh water to California - ADN (my headline)

Wed. 4/20/16: DATA | Saudi Arabia takes out $10bn in bank loans - CNBC | ‘Proof Without A Reasonable Doubt’ Abortionists Broke Federal Law, Attorney Tells Congress - Daily Caller News Foundation

Tue. 4/19/16: DATA | Record Rainfall Recorded in parts of Juneau - Juneau Empire | Panama Canal begins to take transit reservations for expanded canal - Seatrade Maritime | I, Pencil, My Family Tree as told to Leonard E. Read; I, Pencil: The Movie (YouTube, 6:33)

Mon. 4/18/16: DATA | Fresh Dusting of Snow overnight on the top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, and on Mt. Juneau Ridge | NWS: Record Daily Maximum Rainfall for Sun., April 17 at the Juneau Airport - See 0340 Below, and at another (3) locations: See 0345 Below | Astronomy Picture of the Day -- Asperatus Clouds Over New Zealand || Bill would allow state to implement federal ID system - Juneau Empire ... The never-ending push into tyranny | RFP: Alaska License & Vehicle Information Network (ALVIN) System - April 2015 (320 KB, PDF).... What the State already does with your information and image

SUNDAY 4/17/16: DATA | Electrodeless lamp - Wikipedia | Induction Lighting: An Old Lighting Technology Made New Again - | UPDATED: Most of 120 bison herd captured in Juneau County (Wisconsin) - WKOW ... I know all of you are relieved

Sat. 4/16/16: DATA | By 0600: Very light Dusting of Snow on the very top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, and upper part of Mt. Juneau Ridge || Audit says some Alaska towns need to track state levied cruise ship passenger taxes better - ADN; A Performance Audit of State Commercial Passenger Vessel (CPV) Tax Program - State of Ak (3.83 MB, PDF).... On Pg. 20 (26 in PDF): "CPV grants were awarded to ineligible recipients" - See Below | Cruise Line Intl. Assoc. AK vs. CBJ et al. Complaint of April 12th - CLIA Alaska

Fri. 4/15/16: DATA | UPDATE: Herd of buffalo still on the loose in Juneau County (Wisconsin) - WXOW | Marijuana - scientists call for action amid mental health concerns - The Guardian (UK) | Employers still have the right to enforce drug-free workplace policies with state "legalization" of marijuana - KINY (my headline)

Thur. 4/14/16: DATA | Orca Enterprises has been purchased by Dolphin Jet Boat Tours - Cruise Critic | City says it was responsible with cruise ship fees - KTOO | CBJ denies allegations of misuse of fees paid by cruise ship visitors - KINY .... And the CBJ digs in its heels....

Wed. 4/13/16: DATA | Keeping Juneau clean for 100 years - Juneau Empire ... includes dates and locations for 2016 events || Cruise lines say city misused passenger fees - AP ... Bravo! ... My comments below (for what they're worth :-)) | John Kimmel's comment on the issue at the Juneau Empire re: Federal Law and the Constitution | UPDATE: Juneau Mayor responds misspent passenger fees lawsuit - KINY and CBJ Statement - (124 Kb, PDF) ... So which statement prevails? || May sailings of Alaska state ferry Tustumena canceled for repairs - ADN

Tue. 4/12/16: DATA | 1020: 3.6 M Earthquake 124 miles W of Juneau - See 1020 Below (Updated) | From A Distance - James Last and pianist Richard Clayderman (YouTube) - posted for the beautiful strings | World’s Longest Floating Bridge Partially Opens (Seattle) - ENR | Ship Photos of the Day – USS Conestoga Found! - gCaptain | Neighborhood meeting this evening at 6:30 PM on protecting properties along the Mendenhall River - KINY

Mon. 4/11/16: DATA | CCFR responded to a report of a structure fire at 3220 Foster Avenue - Capital City Fire Rescue on Facebook, CCFR statement at, and Juneau Empire article | MV Tustumena return to service is delayed due to necessary additional work discovered during the vessel's annual overhaul - See 0956 Below | Burj Khalifa Builder Plans Taller Viewing Tower - Washington Post | How The Media Attack Religious Liberty - The Federalist

SUNDAY 4/10/16: DATA | Last fall's massive Icy Bay landslide launched a mega-tsunami - ADN | A discussion about self-driving cars

Sat. 4/09/16: DATA | 1256: First Hummingbird of 2016 Seen | NWS: Record High Temperature at the Klawock Airport on April 7th - See 0455 Below | Recall (from 2013): Oct. 2010 to March 2011 LED PAR20, G25, and A19 Type Light Bulbs - CPSC | | Mount Vernon, Iowa Man Believes Recalled Bulbs May Have Caused House Fire - KCRG | Experts tell US agency to slow down on self-driving cars - AP | Uniting for Flint (Michigan) - The story of UA Local 370 Plumbers & Pipefitters

Fri. 4/08/16: DATA | NWS: Record High Temperature: Sitka Airport on Thur., April 7 and Record High Temperatures: Klawock Airport & Point Baker on Fri. April 8 - See 0900 Below | GCI Cable Break in Anchorage | GCI service fully restored after repairs to damaged fiber - 4:13 PM at KINY | Marijuana: What business owners should keep in mind - Juneau Empire | Where's the lane? Self-driving cars confused by shabby U.S. roadways - Reuters & Why aren't there better and longer lasting stripes on the road? (506 Kb, PDF) .... My comments below

Thur. 4/07/16: DATA | Scientism - Wikipedia | Evolutionism - Wikipedia | Intelligent Design - Discovery Institute | | Implosions bring down 48 Voice of America towers in Beaufort County, North Carolina - WITN | “Eating ethnic food” has now become “cultural appropriation” - Jerry Coyne

Wed. 4/06/16: DATA | Americans spend more on taxes than food, clothing, housing combined - Washington Examiner | How Obamacare Just Made Filing Your Taxes Worse - Nathan Nascimento | California raids home of anti-Planned Parenthood activist - | Climate forecasts may be flawed, says study in journal Nature - AFP at Yahoo News

Tue. 4/05/16: DATA | Rainbow to the NE from 1647 - Faded Away by 1757 | Shallow arc Rainbow to the NNE from 1458 - 1504 | 0950: Fresh Snow is visible on the mainland mountaintops | Head lights keep drivers in dark | Ford Mustang 1965-1966 Replica Cars - Revology Cars | New satellite map of Alaska most detailed ever - KINY

Mon. 4/04/16: DATA | OneCry - A Nationwide Call for Spiritual Awakening | FAA Committee Moves to OK Commercial Drone Flights Over People - AP (frequent foul language in comments) ... My comment below about delivery by drones from Aug. 5, 2016 | 2 Comments below from the article's comments section

SUNDAY 4/03/16: DATA | Yesterday noticed the Skunk Cabbage has popped up in the past few days | For the Beauty of the Earth (Traditional tune) - Mormon Tabernacle Choir; For the Beauty of the Earth - John Rutter's arrangement with the Cambridge Singers and City of London Sinfonia, conducted by John Rutter... both on YouTube | Alaska Airlines said to be near $2 billion deal for Virgin America - ADN

Sat. 4/02/16: DATA | NWS: Record High Temperatures on Fri., April 1 at the: Juneau Airport - See 0420 Below; Skagway Airport - See 0425 Below | Stupid Goof of the Year Award to Me! for showing February all month long instead of March for the Current Month Report (noaamo.txt file)... Audience: If you notice mistakes, please let me know. | 0639: Now Available: The March 2016 Monthly Report, and the updated Weather Database | NWS Summary of March 2016 Weather at the Juneau International Airport - See Below

Fri. 4/01/16: DATA | Record High Monthly Average Temperature at the Juneau, Sitka, and Ketchikan Airports - See 0600 (top one) Below and for four other communities in SE Alaska - See 0600 (bottom one) Below | Delays hit AK Marine Highway website - KTOO | Inside the Post-Soviet Towns Built Around a 40,000-Foot Hole - WIRED | Ladakh, India to get world's largest telescope? - Times of India | No joke: Juneau is 'UNO' for April Fools' - ADN, and the story at KINY, and Juneau Empire (free cards at the Assembly Chambers until 4 PM or they run out) | NWS: More Record High Temperatures on Thursday, March 31 and today, Friday, April 1st - See 1905 Below