CONDITIONS DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

NAME: 3270 Nowell   CITY: West Juneau   STATE: Alaska 
ELEV:    97 ft  LAT: 58° 17' 33" N  LONG: 134° 25' 37" W

TEMPERATURE (°F), RAIN  (in), WIND SPEED (mph), SNOW (in). Snowfall from 21:00 - 21:00, all others Midnight to Midnight.

                                      HEAT  COOL        AVG                      WIND       SNOW        
    MEAN                              DEG   DEG         WIND                DOM  RUN        ON(1)       
 1  44.5  54.6   3:15p  37.0  11:20p  20.5   0.0  0.03   0.5  11.0   3:45p    W  12.50  0.0  0.0 Cd/Rn Cd-VarBrk Cd-MCd VarCd-BrksToPCd Rnbw MClr Clr
 2  39.9  52.5   3:30p  33.2   6:25a  25.1   0.0  0.00   0.6  11.0   2:55a    W  15.27  0.0  0.0 Clr Aur MCd-VryThnThn&MClr PCd Clr VarMClr-CdW/Brks
 3  41.8  53.3   4:05p  35.1  12:10a  23.2   0.0  0.00   0.1   9.0  11:45a   NW   3.44  0.0  0.0 Clr Aur Cd-VarSltBrks MCd Clr VarP-MCd VarMClr-PCd
 4  44.5  53.3   4:05p  39.3   1:55a  20.5   0.0  0.00   1.0  15.0  11:50a   NW  23.56  0.0  0.0 Cd-VarBrks Cd Cd-FewBrks Cd Cd-Brks MClr-PCd Clr
 5  43.8  58.1   3:40p  36.9   6:30a  21.2   0.0  0.00   0.7  11.0   1:35a    W  15.96  0.0  0.0 Clr PCd-VryThnToThn MClr Clr PCd MCd-VryThnThnsh Clr
 6  42.4  54.2   3:40p  34.5   5:40a  22.6   0.0  0.00   0.0   7.0  11:30a   NW   0.49  0.0  0.0 Clr MCdWVryThnThnsh Cd-MCd Cd-FewBrk PCd MClr PCd Cd
 7  47.1  52.9   2:45p  42.6   1:00a  17.9   0.0  0.00   0.0   4.0   6:20a    W   0.00  0.0  0.0 Cloudy Cloudy-VariableBreaks Cloudy
 8  49.1  53.3   8:05p  46.9  12:05a  15.9   0.0  0.62   0.1   8.0   4:35p  SSE   1.37  0.0  0.0 Cd-OccasionalLoCds/VarSprToRn Cd Cd/Spr-VryLtRn
 9  53.9  57.9   8:10a  49.7   3:50a  11.1   0.0  1.40   1.4  25.0   8:05a  SSE  33.95  0.0  0.0 Cd-Fog/Sp-VryLtRn-Shr Lt-Brz-Gsts Cd/SpToR-HvyR&Lull
10  51.0  55.4   1:15p  47.3   7:30a  14.0   0.0  0.04   0.1   9.0   2:55a  SSE   1.64  0.0  0.0 Cd/R VarBrk Cd Cd-VarBrk MCd Cd-Brks Cd/SpShr Cd/LtR
11  49.2  54.1   1:30p  46.7   2:20a  15.8   0.0  0.84   1.8  27.0   3:00p  SSE  44.20  0.0  0.0 Cd-OccBrk/Shrs:Sp-LtR-R Cd/VarSpToR Wndy Cd Cd/LtR-R
12  47.9  50.1   2:20a  46.0   4:35p  17.1   0.0  1.26   1.6  19.0  12:10a  SSE  37.34  0.0  0.0 Cd/Shrs:VryLtToHvy&VarSp Cd/VarSpr-MistToRn&HvyRn
13  45.7  46.9  12:25a  44.0   8:55a  19.3   0.0  0.63   0.9  13.0   7:35a  SSE  22.19  0.0  0.0 Cd/Shrs Cd/VarSpToR-FewLulls OccFewBrk/Shrs:SpToR Cd
14  45.5  50.7  11:10a  40.1  11:55p  19.5   0.0  0.07   0.1   9.0   7:00p    W   2.67  0.0  0.0 Cd Cd/LtR Cd Brks PCd MPCd Brks MCdCd VrThnThnCd PCd
15  43.0  45.2   2:10p  39.8  12:45a  22.0   0.0  0.26   0.1   7.0   9:30a    W   2.34  0.0  0.0 Cd Cd/VarSpr-VryLtDrz-Rn-VryLt&LtRn Cd Cd/Rn-LtRn Cd
16  46.0  50.3   8:10p  42.6   7:25a  19.0   0.0  0.15   0.1   8.0   1:30p  SSE   3.10  0.0  0.0 Cd Cd-MCd Cd VrySltBrks Cd/SpShr Cd/SprToR Cd Cd/Spr
17  51.6  54.6   2:20a  49.7   7:20a  13.4   0.0  0.96   1.6  15.0   2:10p  SSE  37.68  0.0  0.0 Cd Cd/.01Rn Cd Cd/Rn-Sp Cd Cd/VarSpToR-HvyRW/Lull Cd
18  49.4  51.6  12:05a  47.5   7:10p  15.6   0.0  0.89   0.9  14.0   2:25a  SSE  20.50  0.0  0.0 Cd/VarSpToRn Cd/VryLtRn-Drz-LtRn-Rn-VryLtRn-Sp-Rn Cd
19  47.5  50.0   2:20p  45.0   8:25p  17.5   0.0  0.08   0.4  10.0   1:10p    S   8.23  0.0  0.0 Cd Cd/Sp OccBrk Cd/Shr Rnbw CdMCd Cd/FewSp PCd Cd/Sp
20  45.5  46.6   2:10p  44.0   8:05a  19.5   0.0  0.55   0.1  13.0   4:00a    S   2.70  0.0  0.0 Cd/VarSpToLtRn-Rn Cd/VryLtShr Cd/Mst-SpToRn Cd/Shrs
21  47.1  49.2  12:20p  44.9   6:25a  17.9   0.0  0.94   1.2  15.0   5:30p  SSE  29.15  0.0  0.0 Cd/Rn-VryLtRn-VarSp-VryLtDrz/Mst-SprW/FewLulls LtWnd
22  47.4  49.0   2:25p  46.4  11:15p  17.6   0.0  0.87   0.9  12.0   2:45p  SSE  21.50  0.0  0.0 Cd/Sp-VryLtRn-DrzToHvyRn Cd/Shrs Cd Cd/Sp-Mst-DrzToR
23  46.2  47.7  12:15p  44.9  11:50p  18.8   0.0  0.18   0.5   9.0   3:30a  SSE  11.22  0.0  0.0 Cd/OccVryLt:Rn-Mst-Sp Cd Cd/Shrs:VarSp-Mst-DrzToR Cd
24  43.4  46.8   3:35p  38.8  11:10p  21.6   0.0  0.01   0.0   5.0   2:30a    W   0.48  0.0  0.0 Cd MCd Cd/VryLtR Brks M-PCd MCd-VryThnThnsh Cd ThnCd
25  39.7  44.7   3:00p  36.5   8:00p  25.3   0.0  0.00   0.3  10.0   9:00p    W   7.70  0.0  0.0 ThnOvcst FogOvhd-HidingMnlnd-OccBrks PCd MClr Clr
26  38.3  48.5   1:40p  34.6   8:15a  26.7   0.0  0.00   0.6  11.0  10:35a    W  14.55  0.0  0.0 Clr Frst MCdW/VryThnThnshCd MClr VarClr-MClr-PCd Clr
27  38.1  45.0   2:25p  31.5   7:50a  26.9   0.0  0.00   0.1   7.0  12:50p    W   1.69  0.0  0.0 Clr Frst MClr VarFog MCd&Cd-VryThnThnToThckr Cd Brks
28  44.2  46.5  11:40a  39.1  12:05a  20.8   0.0  0.14   0.2   9.0   3:40a  SSE   4.43  0.0  0.0 Cd Cd/VryLtR Cd/OccVarSp Cd/VarSp-VryLt-LtRn-R&Lulls
29  44.8  46.1   3:45p  43.0  12:00m  20.2   0.0  0.34   0.4  11.0   8:35a  SSE  10.26  0.0  0.0 Cd/Sp-R-VryLt:Drz-Mst Cd:BrksOnce/OccSp Cd/Sp-VryLtR
30  43.4  45.2   2:15p  42.3   4:30a  21.6   0.0  0.37   0.0   7.0  12:15a    S   0.74  0.0  0.0 Cd/VarSpToRn Cd-OccLoCds/VryLtMst-VarSpToRn-FewLulls
31  41.5  45.5   1:30p  36.9  10:40p  23.5   0.0  0.10   0.8  11.0  11:35a    W  17.98  0.0  0.0 Cd/Spr&Shr PCd M-PCd VarFog&ClrMClr PCd Clr MClr Clr 
    45.3  58.1     5    31.5    27   611.6   0.0 10.73   0.6  27.0    11    SSE 408.83  0.0

(1) As measured on Front Lawn 
STATISTICS | DATA | GRAPHS | CONDITIONS - DAY of MONTH: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31| TOP 
AVERAGE Mean Temp:	45.3
AVERAGE High Temp:	50.3
MINIMUM High Temp:	44.7	25th
MAXIMUM High Temp:	58.1	5th
AVERAGE Low Temp:	41.5
MINIMUM Low Temp:	31.5	27th
MAXIMUM Low Temp:	49.7	9th, 17th
MAX >= 90.0:		0
MAX >= 80.0:		0
MAX >= 70.0:		0
MAX <= 32.0:		0
MIN <= 32.0:		1	27th
MIN <=  0.0:		0
MAXIMUM Humidity (%):	100	1st, 8th, 9th, 14th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 20th, 21st, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 29th, 30th, 31st
MINIMUM Humidity (%):	45	2nd @ 1423
MAXIMUM Pressure (mb):	1035.8	2nd @ 0713
MINIMUM Pressure (mb):	974.2	9th @ 1705
TOTAL   Htg Deg Days:	611.6
AVERAGE Htg Deg Days:	19.7
MINIMUM Htg Deg Days:	11.1	9th
MAXIMUM Htg Deg Days:	26.9	27th
TOTAL Cool Deg Days:	0.0
Heat Base:  65.0  Cool Base:  65.0  Method: Integration
TOTAL   Precip.:	10.73
AVERAGE Precip.:	0.49
DAYS of Precip.:	22	All but: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 25th, 26th, 27th
MAXIMUM Precip.:	1.40	9th
MAXIMUM Rain Rate:	1.14	9th @ 2128
Days of Rain: 21 (>.01 in) 16 (>.1 in) 2 (>1 in)
TOTAL Snowfall:		0.0
DAYS of Snowfall:	0
AVERAGE High Wind:	11.4
MINIMUM High Wind:	4	4th, 11th
MAXIMUM High Wind:	27	11th
WIND RUN (miles):	408.83

DAYS Sun at any time:	17

1st	FULL
2nd	FULL
3rd	FULL
4th	FULL
5th	FULL
6th	FULL
7th	FULL
8th	NO
9th	NO
10th	Extremely Weak to Somewhat Weakened
11th	Weak to Somewhat Weakened
12th	NO
13th	NO
14th	FULL
15th	NO
16th	Extremely Weak to Very Weak
17th	NO
18th	NO
19th	FULL
20th	NO
21st	NO
22nd	NO
23rd	NO
24th	Extremely Weak to Slightly Weakened
25th	FULL
26th	FULL
27th	Extremely Weak to Somewhat Weakened
28th	NO
29th	NO
30th	NO
31st	FULL
DAYS OF Cld or M Cld:	31	All days
DAYS OF Rainbow:	1	19th: 1439 - 1456 to NNE, double Rainbow for a time.
DAYS OF Aurora:		2	2nd: Aurora (whitish because of Moon) at 0106. Some Aurora at 2340.
				5th: Very early morning.
DAYS OF Lightning:	0
DAYS OF Earthquake:	1	31st: 3.2 Magnitude 35 miles W of Haines and 100 miles NW of Juneau.

GRAPHS | DATA | STATISTICS | CONDITIONS - DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | TOP

October 2015 - Barometric Pressure & Temperature with Highs & Lows.

October 2015 - Dewpoint & Humidity.

October 2015 - Rainfall & High Rain Rate with Pressure & Humidity.

October 2015 - High Wind, Wind Run, & 10 min. Avg. Wind Speed.

CONDITIONS - DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | DATA | STATISTICS | GRAPHS | TOP

Sat. 10/31/15: DATA | Alaska Daylight Saving Time.... Remember to set your clocks back one hour tonight for the change to Standard Time | Reformation Day | All Saints' Day Eve | More Snow overnight: Skimming Mt. Roberts and peak of Mt. Juneau, and on the very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge | 0617: 3.2 Magnitude Earthquake 35 miles W of Haines and 100 miles NW of Juneau - See 0617 Below | CBO: ObamaCare (PPACA) Increases Deficit by $1.35 Trillion - Center for Individual Freedom

Fri. 10/30/15: DATA | Overnight: Snow skimming Mt. Juneau, on the top of Mt. Juneau Ridge, and on the very top of Mt. Roberts | Bill to ditch daylight saving time in Alaska is back - KTOO | The Floating Seahorse Project (Dubai)

Thur. 10/29/15: DATA | NOAA withholds climate documents from Congress - HotAir ... NOAA: “It is a long-standing practice in the scientific community to protect the confidentiality of deliberative scientific discussions.” Editor (me): Really. | NCDC/NCEI’s Karl and Peterson refuse congressional subpoena on flawed ‘pausebuster’ paper - Anthony Watts | 11 Problems with Drone Registration - Robotics Trends | The security dangers of home networks - ComputerWeekly

Wed. 10/28/15: DATA | Buy part of the first computer to fly in space - Heritage Auctions | Why Family Structure is So Important - Jonah Goldberg

Tue. 10/27/15: DATA | Kenneth Scott Willis: 1954 - 2015 | Lemon Creek matches Rio Grande in water volume - KTOO

Mon. 10/26/15: DATA | Rain Streak runs to 19 days - Juneau Empire | 0738: NWS: Dense Fog Advisory is Cancelled - See 0738 Below | Cetane vs. Octane - Ray Bohacz, & Diesel Cetane Improver: Busting Myths - Bell Performance, & Role of Octane & Cetane numbers in fuel! - CrazyEngineers ... Got It? Good

SUNDAY 10/25/15: DATA | 1153: NWS: The Dense Fog Advisory will Expire at Noon ADT today - See 1153 Below | Jesus I Am Resting - The Wissmann Family - Official Music Video (You Tube), Hannah Wissmann is the soloist

Sat. 10/24/15: DATA | 0720: Dusting of Snow at the very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge and a bit at the peak of Mt. Juneau and barely skimming Mt. Roberts | Brotherhood Bridge Rededication Ceremony - KINY ... Ceremony: Sat. October 24th starting 0830 - 0900 (see article)

Fri. 10/23/15: DATA | Gathering to remember those lost in the sinking of the Princess Sophia - Today at 12:00 noon at Evergreen Cemetery, gather at the graves of Walter Harper and Frances Wells. Sponsored by Church of the Holy Trinity | Brotherhood Bridge Rededication Ceremony - KINY ... Ceremony: Sat. October 24th starting 0830 - 0900 (see article) | Colleges: First Amendment is outdated -

Thur. 10/22/15: DATA | Sunday service at Faith Lutheran Church relocated after fire - KINY | Frank Lloyd Wright's Bachman Wilson Usonian House moved to Crystal Bridges - Architectural Record | Frank Lloyd Wright House Relocated From NJ Will Open in Crystal Bridges, Arkansas - Observer | The Bachman Wilson House || IMF Predicts Saudi Arabia Bankrupt by 2020 - | Depression? ... How bad is the economy? - Viewpoint by Kerby Anderson

Wed. 10/21/15: DATA | NWS: Record Precipitation on Tuesday, October 20th in Ketchikan - See 0645 Below

Tue. 10/20/15: DATA | 0743: Dusting of Snow visible at the peak of Mt. Juneau and on the very top of Mt. Juneau Ridge | Eaglecrest (Ski Area) PFD sale fails to win back many season pass holders - Juneau Empire | Frontier Airlines - Animal Tails! | Fire Truck Loft Bed - Playhouse | Close calls with drones spur federal registration of owners - AP ... So much for the rule of law with the FAA ignoring the rule-making process | ObamaCare is entering its dreaded ‘death spiral’ - Betsy McCaughey

Mon. 10/19/15: DATA | Alaska Day Observed: See10/18 Below - State & Local Holiday, No School | Alaska Day Festival - Sitka, Alaska | Rainbow to NNE 1439 - 1456 | Soggy conditions conceal record-breaking warm temperatures - Juneau Empire | Green financing has hobbled home sales in California - | PPACA (Obamacare) 'Cadillac tax' could hit hard for health plans in high-cost Alaska - ADN | In Case You Were Wondering, Obamacare is Going Great -

SUNDAY 10/18/15: DATA | Alaska Day: See Below (State and Local Holiday is tomorrow) | NWS: Record High Temperature (Tied) Saturday, October 17th at Juneau and Sitka - See 0400 Below | Alaska Day Festival - Sitka, Alaska

Sat. 10/17/15: DATA | NWS: Record High Temperature Friday October 16th at the Juneau Airport - See 0400 Below | NWS: Record High Temperature Friday October 16th at Annette, Sitka, and Ketchikan - See 0012 Below

Fri. 10/16/15: DATA | NWS: Record High Temperature Friday October 16th at the Juneau Airport - See 0400 1/17 Above | Dope Pushers push for dope smoking clubs even though the initiative (written by dope pushers) does not allow for them - Juneau Empire (my headline - not the Empire's) | Why One of the World’s Top Physicists Signed a Petition Against Climate Alarmism - | Carbon Dioxide: The Good News - Indur M. Goklany (PDF, 2.99MB)

Thur. 10/15/15: DATA | Seattle - Perry Como (You Tube), Wikipedia on: "Seattle" (song) | Boeing demonstrates lightest metal ever - | Media Fail: Americans #1 Fear is Government Corruption -

Wed. 10/14/15: DATA

Tue. 10/13/15: DATA | Snow fell overnight on the top of Mt. Juneau Ridge | 1550: Snow visible at and near the peak of Mt. Juneau and on some of the very top of Mt. Roberts

Mon. 10/12/15: DATA | Columbus Day - Federal Holiday | 0945: NWS: Showers. Isolated thunderstorms in the morning - See 0945 Below ... Isolated showers not in the later 1141 Forecast | Men Are More Disinclined to Marry Than Ever – A Reflection on a Serious Problem - Msgr. Charles Pope, Archdiocese of Washington

SUNDAY 10/11/15: DATA | NWS: More Rain for Southeast Alaska - See 1134 Below | Alaska Airlines debuts bigger overhead bins - Juneau Empire | Boeing’s New Overhead Bins Hold 50 Percent More Bags - WIRED (has a good picture comparing old and new) | First look: Boeing's new 'Space Bins' expand carry-on capacity - USA Today (with video)

Sat. 10/10/15: DATA | 1532: NWS: More Heavy Rain for Southeast Alaska - See 1532 Below | NWS: Record Precipitation on Friday, Oct. 10, 2015 at the Ketchikan Airport - See 1035 Below | Russian Satellite Maneuvers, Silence Worry Intelsat -

Fri. 10/09/15: DATA | Mudslides block Haines Highway, no injuries reported - KTOO | Remnants of Hurricane Oho barrel toward Southeast - KTOO | NWS: Record Precipitation in Ketchikan on Thursday, October 8th - See 0304 Below | Declining Federal Funds Under Medicaid Expansion Threaten Oregon Health Services - | Report: U.S. DOJ requires its employees to verbally affirm homosexuality - | Private database lets police skirt license plate data limits - WTOP

Thur. 10/08/15: DATA | NWS: Record High Temperatures Wednesday, October 7th - See 0631 Below and 0633 Below | Remnants of Hurricane Oho headed for Southeast this Weekend - Juneau Empire | KINY's News Story on the Remnants of Hurricane Oho and A 2nd Story | Tropical storm makes unusual northern turn, aims at Southeast Alaska - ADN

Wed. 10/07/15: DATA | Extratropical Storm to reach Southeast this weekend - Juneau Empire

Tue. 10/06/15: DATA | City & Borough of Juneau Municipal Election - Polls Open from 7 AM to 8 PM | KTOO's Tour of the New Valley Library | Debating NAGPRAS's Effects - "Native Americans and Archaeologists" February 26, 1999 - Archaeological Institute of America | Indian Artifacts: Understanding the Law - Antiques Roadshow at

Mon. 10/05/15: DATA | Aurora Borealis very early Monday morning - Juneau Empire photo by Michael Penn | The Magnificent Seven Theme - Elmer Bernstein composer, from the motion picture of the same name (You Tube) | Oregon orders re-education and assets seizure for Christian couple - Spero News ... Calif. mom claims retailer booted her for complaining about man in girls' restroom - .... (Is this still the U.S.A., or am I in Alice's Wonderland?)

SUNDAY 10/04/15: DATA | NWS Summary of September 2015 Weather at the Juneau International Airport - See Below | Faith of Our Fathers - Tennessee Ernie Ford (2.32 Mb, mp3) | The Reign of Recycling - John Tierney (New York Times)

Sat. 10/03/15: DATA | Juneau's new Valley Library is having its "soft" opening Monday, Oct. 5th - KINY | The day Christians were martyred on American soil - Todd Starnes

Fri. 10/02/15: DATA | Capital Transit announces route and schedule changes .... Will go into effect Nov. 2nd - KINY | 0628: Now Available: The September 2015 Monthly Report, and the updated Weather Database | Active underwater volcano found in southern Southeast - KTOO

Thur. 10/01/15: DATA | Rainbow to NNE 1511 - 1542 | Overnight: 1st Dusting of Snow at the peak of Mt. Juneau and skimming Mt. Roberts | 75 feet in the air, Fairbanks 'space needle' has colorful, tragic past - Laurel Andrews (ADN) ... My Comment Below | Divorce Shocker: Most Marriages Do Make It - CBN