CONDITIONS DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

NAME: 3270 Nowell   CITY: West Juneau   STATE: Alaska 
ELEV:    97 ft  LAT: 58° 17' 33" N  LONG: 134° 25' 37" W

TEMPERATURE (°F), RAIN  (in), WIND SPEED (mph), SNOW (in). Snowfall from 21:00 - 21:00, all others Midnight to Midnight.

                                      HEAT  COOL        AVG                      WIND       SNOW        
    MEAN                              DEG   DEG         WIND                DOM  RUN        ON(1)       
 1  38.1  46.1  12:25p  30.3  12:00m  26.9   0.0  0.00   0.9  19.0  12:10p    W  22.22  0.0  0.0 MCd M-PCd PCd-MClr Clr MClr-Clr PCd P-MCd MClr Clr
 2  36.7  39.2  11:25a  30.2  12:20a  28.3   0.0  0.09   0.0   8.0   7:45a  SSW   0.89  0.0  0.0 Clr Cd SnMtns Cd-OccLoCdsPM/OccVarSp-VryLtRn-Mst-Rn
 3  41.6  45.0  10:05p  37.9  12:05a  23.4   0.0  1.04   1.2  16.0   2:30p  SSE  28.52  0.0  0.0 Cd-OccLoCdAM/VryLtMstDrz-Sp-VryLtRToR-HvyRLate LtWnd
 4  40.2  44.8  12:05a  32.8  11:00p  24.8   0.0  0.29   1.0  13.0   9:15a   NW  23.53  0.0  0.0 Cd/Sp-Drz-Mst-VryLtRnToR Cd MPCd Cd/Sp Brks PCd MClr
 5  36.5  42.0   5:40p  31.7   5:20a  28.5   0.0  0.38   0.8  19.0   8:45p  SSE  20.23  0.0  0.0 Clr Cd Frost Cd-BitFiltBlu Cd/OccSpr LtWnd Cd/SpToRn
 6  42.6  43.9  11:40a  38.7  12:05a  22.4   0.0  0.58   1.5  14.0  12:45a  SSE  35.55  0.0  0.0 Cd/R Cd Cd/Sp-MstToR Cd/Sp-RShrs TnyBrks Cd/Sp-RShrs
 7  42.5  43.4   6:00a  40.9  11:50p  22.5   0.0  0.76   1.1  12.0  10:40a  SSE  26.61  0.0  0.0 Cd/VarSpToRnShr Cd Cd/VarSp-MistToRn
 8  41.1  42.8   1:20p  39.1   8:45a  23.9   0.0  0.03   0.1   8.0  11:40p  SSW   2.67  0.0  0.0 Cd/.02R Cd MFogCd&Lo Cd MCd PCd Brks Cd/FewVarSp-Mst
 9  41.8  42.3   4:55a  41.4  10:05p  23.2   0.0  0.88   1.4  20.0  12:40p  SSE  34.38  0.0  0.0 Cd Cd/VryLtRnToRn-OccVarSp-Mist-Driz LtWind-OccGsts
10  39.2  41.7  12:05a  37.0  10:45p  25.9   0.0  0.47   0.2   8.0   8:15p    S   4.19  0.0  0.0 Cd/VryLtMst-SpToRn Cd-VarBrks Cd/PeriodsVarSp-MstToR
11  37.6  39.5   1:50p  35.2   1:05a  27.4   0.0  0.43   1.0  19.0  11:30p  SSE  24.63  0.0  0.0 Cd/VarR-Drz Cd/OccMstSpToR VarBrks Brz Cd/VryLtR-Drz
12  39.6  40.8  11:35a  37.6   3:45a  25.4   0.0  1.30   3.8  23.0   9:45a  SSE  90.18  0.0  0.0 Cd/VarMist-Spr-DrizToRain-With2Lulls Lt-BrzyWnd-Gsts
13  39.1  41.0   8:35a  36.9   5:35p  25.9   0.0  1.59   2.2  23.0  10:25a  SSE  53.66  0.0  0.0 Cd/Rn-VtyLtRn-Driz-LtRn/Rn-Sn/Rn Lt-BrzyWind-Gsts
14  37.6  39.7   2:25a  34.4  11:05p  27.4   0.0  0.63   1.2  18.0   2:40p  SSE  29.26 TRCE  0.0 Cd Cd/VarSpToRn/Rn-Sn/Sn/SpToR LtWnd Cd Cd/Occ:SpToR
15  34.9  36.1  11:35a  33.3  11:20p  30.1   0.0  0.19   0.5  12.0   6:40p  SSW  11.28  0.2  0.0 Cd Cd/Var:Sn-Rn/S/Sp&2Lulls MCd OccBrk/Shrs:Sp-Rn-Sn
16  34.4  37.5   7:50a  32.2  11:55p  30.6   0.0  0.04   0.7  20.0   7:00a  SSW  16.54  0.6  0.5 Cd Cd/VryLtSn&Rn Cd Lt-Brzy SnBlowMtns Cd/FlksToSnow
17  32.3  33.4  10:40a  29.9   4:20p  32.7   0.0  0.28   0.1  11.0  11:05a   NW   1.49  5.1   6" Cd-OccVarBrks/VarSnowShrs PCd MClr Cd Cd/VarSnShrs
18  30.8  33.6   1:40a  29.2  10:50p  34.2   0.0  0.35   0.0   0.0     ---  ---   0.00  5.7   9" Cd/VarSnShrs Cd/VarSn&Lull Brks Cd/VarSn-CdBrks-Shrs
19  30.7  35.5  11:55p  27.5   4:30a  34.3   0.0  0.17   0.1   9.0  11:15p    W   2.86  3.8  10" Cldy Cd/ExtremelyLtSnowToSnowW/Lull Cd/VryLtSn-Rn
20  38.8  40.7  10:00p  35.4  12:10a  26.2   0.0  1.06   1.8  20.0   2:45p  SSE  42.46  0.0   4" Cd/Sp-VryLtRn Cd Cd/Rn-Sp-VryLtRn-Rn LtWnd
21  41.3  45.8   1:00p  35.2  12:00m  23.7   0.0  0.56   1.4  23.0   9:50a  WSW  33.69  0.0  0.0 Cd/VarMst-SpToR Cd-OccBrks/Occ:VarSp-Drz-LtRToR/R-Sn
22  34.6  37.6   2:15a  31.4  12:00m  30.4   0.0  0.14   0.2  11.0  12:15a  SSW   5.07  1.0  1.0 MClr Cd OccBrks/VarSn-Rn/VarMst-Sp/VryLtRn/VarSnShrs
23  26.0  31.6  12:20a  22.2   7:30p  39.0   0.0  0.00   0.1   6.0   4:00p    W   1.80  1.8   2" VarPCdToClr-VarLwrCds Clr Clr-MClrAFewTimes Cd
24  31.8  33.7  11:25p  28.5  12:05a  33.2   0.0 TRACE   0.0   7.0   4:55a    S   0.40  0.2   2" Cd Cd/OccXtmLt-VryLtSpr Cd/XtmLtSnToVryLtSn Cd
25  33.6  35.0  11:50p  32.0   8:25a  31.4   0.0 TRACE?  0.4  14.0  10:20p  SSE  10.18  0.1   2" Cd Brks MCd Thnsh&ThnCds-Brks-VarFog Fog FogRising
26  32.6  35.2  12:50a  28.5  11:50p  32.4   0.0  0.00   0.6  14.0   5:05a  SSE  15.44  0.0   1" DecrCd PCd Clr MClr PCd MCdToCdW/VryThnThnsh VarPMCd
27  38.1  45.7   8:55p  28.5  12:05a  26.9   0.0  0.33   0.8  21.0   8:55p  SSE  19.66  0.0   0" ClrOrMClr Cd-FiltBrks Cd Cd/VryLtSp Cd Lt-Brzy Cd/Rn
28  39.4  42.2  11:25p  36.6  11:35a  25.6   0.0  1.20   1.9  16.0   3:45a  SSE  46.03  0.0  0.0 Cd/VarRn Cd/Rn-OccVryLt&LtRn Cd/Spr-VryLt-LtRn Cd/Rn
29  42.6  46.3   7:35p  39.9  10:40a  22.4   0.0  0.89   3.9  21.0   8:10p  SSE  92.49  0.0  0.0 Cd/Rn Cd/Rn-Sleet/Rn-VryLtSpr Cd LtWind Cd/SprToRn
30  41.4  42.2   7:35a  40.0  12:00m  23.6   0.0  1.01   0.7  13.0  10:05p  SSE  17.42  0.0  0.0 Cd/Rn-VarSpr-Mst-Lt&VryLtRn Cd Cd/Rn Cd
    37.2  46.3    29    22.2    23   832.6   0.0 14.69   1.0  23.0    12    SSE 713.33 18.5

(1) As measured on Front Lawn 
STATISTICS | DATA | GRAPHS | CONDITIONS - DAY of MONTH: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | TOP 
AVERAGE Mean Temp:	37.3
AVERAGE High Temp:	40.1
MINIMUM High Temp:	31.6	23rd
MAXIMUM High Temp:	46.3	29th
AVERAGE Low Temp:	33.8
MINIMUM Low Temp:	22.2	23rd
MAXIMUM Low Temp:	41.4	9th
MAX >= 90.0:		0
MAX >= 80.0:		0
MAX >= 70.0:		0
MAX <= 32.0:		1	23rd
MIN <= 32.0:		12	1st, 2nd, 5th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th
MIN <=  0.0:		0
MAXIMUM Humidity (%):	100	5th, 21st, 25th
MINIMUM Humidity (%):	53	1st @ 1302
MAXIMUM Pressure (mb):	1033.6	24th @ 2345
MINIMUM Pressure (mb):	976.5	12th @ 1812
TOTAL   Htg Deg Days:	832.6
AVERAGE Htg Deg Days:	27.8
MINIMUM Htg Deg Days:	22.4	29th
MAXIMUM Htg Deg Days:	39.0	23rd
TOTAL Cool Deg Days:	0.0
Heat Base:  65.0  Cool Base:  65.0  Method: Integration
TOTAL   Precip.:	14.68
AVERAGE Precip.:	0.54	
DAYS of Precip.:	27	All but: 1st, 23rd, 26th
MAXIMUM Precip.:	1.59	13th
MAXIMUM Rain Rate:	0.54	3rd @ 2235	
Days of Rain: 25 (>.01 in) 22 (>.1 in) 6 (>1 in)
TOTAL Snowfall:		18.5
DAYS of Snowfall:	10	14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th
AVERAGE High Wind:	14.6
MINIMUM High Wind:	0	18th
MAXIMUM High Wind:	23	12th, 13th, 21st
WIND RUN (miles):	713.33

DAYS Sun at any time:	13

1st	FULL
2nd	NO
3rd	NO
4th	FULL
5th	Extremely Weak to Weak in West Juneau
6th	NO
7th	NO
8th	FULL
9th	NO
10th	Very Weak to Weakened on Mainland
11th	FULL
12th	NO
13th	NO
14th	NO
15th	Extremely Weak to Slightly Weakened on Mainland
16th	Extremely Weak
17th	Extremely Weak to Weakened
18th	NO
19th	NO
20th	NO
21st	NO
22nd	FULL
23rd	FULL
24th	NO
25th	FULL
26th	Extremely Weak to Weakened
27th	NO
28th	NO
29th	NO
30th	NO
DAYS OF Cld or M Cld:	30	All days
DAYS OF Rainbow:	0
DAYS OF Aurora:		0
DAYS OF Lightning:	0
DAYS OF Earthquake:	0

GRAPHS | DATA | STATISTICS | CONDITIONS - DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | TOP

November 2015 - Barometric Pressure & Temperature with Highs & Lows.

November 2015 - Dewpoint & Humidity.

November 2015 - Rainfall & High Rain Rate with Pressure & Humidity.

November 2015 - High Wind, Wind Run, & 10 min. Avg. Wind Speed.

CONDITIONS - DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | DATA | STATISTICS | GRAPHS | TOP

Mon. 11/30/15: DATA | 1339: Updates were prevented and delayed from 1022 to 1337 (and for a few updates between 0607 and 0652) because of a problem at the ISP which affected Wrangell, Petersburg, Douglas, West Juneau, and possibly North Douglas

SUNDAY 11/29/15: DATA | 1st Sunday in Advent | Living & Growing: Celebrating Advent by Dan Wiese for the Juneau Empire | DOT prepares for major repairs to Egan Drive - Juneau Empire | No, I Still Don’t Stand With Planned Parenthood - Kimberly R. | Samples of Burt Kettinger's Music

Sat. 11/28/15: DATA | NWS: Heavy Rainfall expected through Sunday - See 2253 11/27 Below | Evergreen Cemetery Mapping Update by CBJ planners at today's Gastineau Genealogical Society meeting, 1 PM at the Family History Center in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, 5100 Glacier Highway - More Info | Climate Change Will Not Be Dangerous for a Long Time - Guest Editorial by Matt Ridley at Scientific American

Fri. 11/27/15: DATA | 0549: NWS: Heavy Rainfall expected through Sunday - See 0549 Below | Smoking high-strength cannabis may damage nerve fibres in brain - The Guardian (UK) | Effect of high-potency cannabis on corpus callosum microstructure - Psychological Medicine

Thur. 11/26/15: DATA | Thanksgiving Day - Federal, State, and Local Holiday | Have a blessed Thanksgiving everyone | NWS: Heavy Rainfall expected Thursday through Sunday - See 0539 Below |

Wed. 11/25/15: DATA | 2236: NWS: The Dense Fog Advisory is Cancelled - See 2236 Below | 0605: NWS: Heavy Rainfall expected Thursday through Sunday - See 0605 Below | 1430: NWS: The Dense Fog Advisory is Cancelled - See 1430 Below | 1205: An Anna's? Hummingbird was seen near the corner of the house | Early morning big bang mystifies Petersburg residents - KTOO | Eaglecrest Ski Area to open Sat. November 28 - Juneau Empire

Tue. 11/24/15: DATA | 0956: NWS: Freezing Rain Advisory will Expire at 10 AM AST this morning - See 0956 Below | Pachelbel's Canon in D Major (You Tube)

Mon. 11/23/15: DATA | 812: NWS: Widespread Fog Event possible Tuesday through Thanksgiving day - See 1812 Below, some other details at 1213 Below | "Most GOP candidates flunk climate science" - Juneau Empire .... Another biased propaganda piece (and definitely political now) by the AP's Seth Borenstein | How Will You Register Your Drone? A Look at the FAA Proposed Rules - Entrepreneur

SUNDAY 11/22/15: DATA | NWS: Record High Temperature Tied at the Juneau Airport on Saturday, November 21 - See 0530 Below | Billionaire's Supersonic Jet Advances With Factory Plans, Airbus - Bloomberg

Sat. 11/21/15: DATA | By 1500: All but the shoveled and plowed snow has melted away | Seeking route for pot clubs, marijuana board approves nation's first cafes - Juneau Empire ... (Editor, me: The dope pushers have been busy, almost half of Alaskans ignored, the initiative only passed 52% to 48%.)

Fri. 11/20/15: DATA | NWS: Heavy Rain to Fall over Deep Snowpack - See 0552 Below | Showers should soak snowpack - Juneau Empire | Goldman Sachs eyes $20 oil as glut overwhelms storage sites - Telegraph (UK) | Removing dams not the solution to fish kills - Idaho Statesman guest opinion | Heavy rains to turn to snow, icy road conditions possible - KINY | 0920: MV Tustumena sailings for Friday, Nov. 20 are canceled due to a mechanical issue with the vehicle elevator - See 0920 Below

Thur. 11/19/15: DATA | 1742: NWS: The Winter Weather Advisory is Cancelled - See 1742 Below | 1531: NWS: Heavy Rain to Fall over Deep Snowpack - See 1531 Below | NWS: Record Snowfall in the Panhandle on Wed., Nov. 18th - See 0352 Below | NWS: Record Snowfall at the Juneau Airport on Wed., Nov. 18th - See 0238 Below | Weather wizards get it right - Juneau Empire

Wed. 11/18/15: DATA | NWS: The Winter Storm Warning has expired...... A Winter Weather Advisory is in effect from 6 AM to 6 PM AST Thursday - See 1548 Below | First snow tallies show effects of winter storm: 12 inches in Valley, 13 at airport - Juneau Empire | Capital Transit implementing winter route changes Wednesday - KINY | NIST Team Proves ‘Spooky Action at a Distance’ is Really Real - NIST | Seattle about to enter elite skyscraper club - Seattle Times

Tue. 11/17/15: DATA | Capital Transit implementing winter route changes through tonight - KINY | 1543: NWS: Winter Storm Warning for 8" - 14" of Snow remains in effect until 4 PM AST Wednesday.... The Winter Weather Advisory is no longer in effect - See 1543 Below | Winter storm warning issued for Juneau; 12-18 inches of snow expected - Juneau Empire | This will perk you up! ... The Purple People Eater - Sheb Wooley (You Tube) ... See Below | Season's first snow leaves dusting in capital, powder elsewhere - Juneau Empire | Seattle’s Space Needle May See Upgraded Observation Deck, Restaurant - Engineering News-Record

Mon. 11/16/15: DATA | U.S. Christian Groups are Prioritizing Muslim Refugees over Christian Ones. Here’s Why - Faith McDonnell

SUNDAY 11/15/15: DATA | What I Learned about Climate Change: The Science is not Settled - David Siegel | Climate Change: Is it Real and Important? - David Siegel

Sat. 11/14/15: DATA | Once Upon a Time - Tony Bennett (You Tube) | 73 years ago Friday, (Nov. 13th) the USS Juneau sank during WWII - KTOO | Feeling Woozy? It May Be Cyber Sickness - NY Times

Fri. 11/13/15: DATA | Remembrance ceremony for U. S. S. Juneau - KINY ... Meet at the Mt. Roberts Tramway lower terminal at 10:30 AM | International Energy Agency forecasts $80 oil at decade’s end - KTOO | New Ice Age Is Coming, By 2030, Says Analysis - Science 2.0 | Former U.S. Comptroller: National Debt is $65 Trillion, Not $18 Trillion - The New American

Thur. 11/12/15: DATA | Yesterday, Nov. 11th: Part of the Mendenhall Valley had 0.4" of Snowfall, and the Airport had a Trace of Snowfall; the snowfall melted during the day | Plug-In Electric Car Sales In July 2015: Leaf Plummets, Volt Holds - Green Car Reports | Chevy Volt Costing Taxpayers Up to $250K Per Vehicle - Michigan Capitol Confidential | Troubled waters: Why all the fuss in the South China Sea? - LA Times

Wed. 11/11/15: DATA | Veterans Day - Federal, State, & Local Holiday (No School) | NWS "Nowcast" - See 1129 Below, 0830 Below & 0641 Below | Veterans Day Ceremony: 11 AM - 11:30 AM, Centennial Hall - See Below & KINY'S article | The Pilots Hymn: Colin O'Malley composer, produced by DS1 Productions using Hollywood Brass virtual instruments (You Tube) | Sony announces plan to stop making Betamax video tapes - CBC | Navy resumes search for El Faro’s bridge as weather calms - Press Herald (Maine), All 33 crew members were lost on Oct. 1, 2015

Tue. 11/10/15: DATA | 40th Anniversary of the Sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald: The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot (You Tube) | 1514: NWS: Strong Storm Wednesday night and Thursday - See 1514 Below | Pure Sole: There will be snow - Klas Stolpe | Prosecuting Climate Dissent - Progressives target Exxon for punishment over its research - Wall Street Journal | Planned Parenthood abortion shop now a legitimate pregnancy center - | Megadroughts in past 2000 years worse, longer, than current droughts - JoNova

Mon. 11/09/15: DATA | NWS: Multiple Storm Systems will impact the Panhandle this week - See 1334 Below | Why a local skier is busing around the Lower 48 this winter - KTOO | Hydrocarbons in the deep Earth? - | Head-scratcher of the Day: The Left’s Fascination With Michele Bachmann’s Theology -

SUNDAY 11/08/15: DATA | NWS: Strong Storm on Thursday - See 0543 Below | Take Me to the Cross - Al Denson (You Tube)

Sat. 11/07/15: DATA | Grand opening of new Valley Library at Dimond Park today - KINY .... Festivities from 11:30 AM to 3 PM | The Cheshire Cat [the "let’s-destroy-Christianity" project] - David Carlin

Fri. 11/06/15: DATA | The Media's Ignorance of American Religion - Erick Erickson (A primer on American Protestantism Christianity)

Thur. 11/05/15: DATA | 0918: NWS: The Dense Fog Advisory has been Cancelled - See 0918 Below | 35th Anniversary of the Prinsendam Sinking on Oct. 4, 1980, Part 1: The Rescue - KTOO | ? "A closer look at the fake sea level data" - Robert Zimmerman (Original article) ?

Wed. 11/04/15: DATA | New glass almost as tough as steel (Transparent Aluminum!) - | Traffic Detour at Salmon Creek Intersection - KINY | Triumphal March from Aida, the Opera by Giuseppe Verdi; Metropolitan Opera House (1989) on You Tube, Aida on Wikipedia

Tue. 11/03/15: DATA | More Snow on the top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, and in the inner Gold Creek valley | Traffic Detour at Salmon Creek Intersection - KINY | Obamacare's Death Spiral, Stage One: Denial - Rich Lowry | Conservatives Are Right: The Media Is Very Liberal - Chris Matthews | Hawaii’s first satellite launch set for Tuesday - Spaceflight Now

Mon. 11/02/15: DATA | Northern Lights May Glow Over Northeast, Midwest This Week - Accuweather | 0631: Now Available: The October 2015 Monthly Report, and the updated Weather Database | NWS Summary of October 2015 Weather at the Juneau International Airport - See Below | October finishes drier than normal - Juneau Empire

SUNDAY 11/01/15: DATA | Alaska Standard Time - Did you set your clocks back one hour? | Daylight saving compromise proposed in House - Juneau Empire