CONDITIONS DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

NAME: 3270 Nowell   CITY: West Juneau   STATE: Alaska 
ELEV:    97 ft  LAT: 58° 17' 33" N  LONG: 134° 25' 37" W

TEMPERATURE (°F), RAIN  (in), WIND SPEED (mph), SNOW (in). Snowfall from 21:00 - 21:00, all others Midnight to Midnight.

                                      HEAT  COOL        AVG                      WIND       SNOW        
    MEAN                              DEG   DEG         WIND                DOM  RUN        ON(1)       
 1  18.0  20.6   3:00a  15.7   7:45p  47.0   0.0 TRACE   1.9  20.0   3:00a    E  45.76  0.8   3" IncrCds Cd OccGsts-LtWind Cd/XtmLtSnowToLtFineSn
 2  16.4  18.0   3:30p  14.9   2:00a  48.6   0.0 TRACE   1.6  21.0   1:35p    E  37.65  1.4   4" Cd-MnlndVarObsc/XtrmLtSnToLtVryFineSn LtWind-FewGsts 
 3  18.4  23.6  11:35p  16.1  12:05a  46.6   0.0  0.07   0.4  15.0   9:05p    E   8.63  3.0   7" Cld-MnlndVarObsc/Sn-LtSn-XtmLtToVryLtSnWithLull Cld
 4  21.6  24.7   1:50a  20.2  12:40a  43.4   0.0 TRACE   1.0  24.0   4:55a   NW  23.24 TRCE   6" Cd-SnFlurr Cd-FltBrks M/PCd Cd-Brks Cd-OccHntsBlu Cd
 5  23.9  26.0   2:45p  21.4   1:05a  41.1   0.0  0.02   0.4  13.0  10:50p    S   8.43  1.3   7" Cd Cd-FewTinyFiltBrks/SnShr Cd Cd/ExtrmLtSntoSn
 6  25.9  27.8  12:40p  23.9   4:30p  39.1   0.0  0.08   0.5  10.0  12:05a  SSE  10.88  2.8   9" Cd Cd/Sn Cd Cd/VryLtSnToSn Cd-Brks Cd-ThnrCds Cd
 7  24.9  27.8   1:20a  22.9  11:10p  40.1   0.0 TRACE   0.2  15.0   1:25a  SSE   4.86  0.2   8" Cd Cd/XtmLt-VryLtSn Cd-Brks Cd Cd/OccXtmLtSnToVryLtS
 8  24.9  29.5  11:35p  22.2  12:50a  40.1   0.0  0.18   0.4   9.0   4:15p  SSE   8.48  1.8   9" Cd/SltSn Cd-SomeHintsBrks&OfBlue Cd Cd/VryLtSnToSn
 9  33.5  37.8  11:35p  28.2  12:45a  31.5   0.0  0.46   1.1  11.0   8:10a  SSE  26.80  4.3  11" Cd/Sn Cd/XtmLtSnToSn-Lulls Cd Cd/VryLtSpToRn-Lull Cd
10  35.9  38.3  10:25a  32.9  11:15p  29.1   0.0  0.68   1.0  14.0   6:10a  SSE  23.45  0.0   7" Cd Cd/XtmLt-VryLtSp Cd Cd/SpToRn&R-Drz LoCds/Rn Cd/R 
11  30.7  34.7   7:20a  24.2  11:05p  34.3   0.0  0.02   0.5   9.0   5:00a    W  12.90 TRCE   7" Cld/Rn-Sn/Sn M/PCd Cd/MCd PCd Clr/MClr Clr Frost
12  31.2  35.9  11:05p  24.2  12:10a  33.8   0.0  0.34   1.0  18.0  11:05p  SSE  23.43  1.1   8" Cd Cd/XtmLtSnToS/VryLt&LtRn-Sn&Sn-Rn/Sn-VryLtR-Drz-R
13  35.6  37.6   1:45p  34.4   5:20a  29.4   0.0  0.30   0.8  11.0   1:40p  SSE  18.89  0.0 MISS Cd/R OccBrks/OccVryLtR-Sp/R-Sn Cd/Sp-Hail-VryLtR-Drz
14  35.8  36.9  10:10p  34.7  12:05a  29.2   0.0  0.68   2.9  20.0   6:20p  SSE  68.40  0.0   6" Cd-Brks Cd Cd/Mst-VryLtDrz-VryLtRn-Drz-Rn Lt-BrzyWnd
15  35.5  37.3   1:40a  32.7  11:10p  29.5   0.0  0.36   1.5  17.0  12:30a  SSE  35.18  0.0   5" Cd/Rn-VryLtR-Lt-XtmLtSpW/Lull Cd-OccBrks/SpShr Cd/Sn
16  32.2  33.8   1:55a  29.0  12:00m  32.8   0.0  0.23   0.2  10.0  11:45p  SSE   4.88  3.5   8" Cd Cd/VarSn/VryLtS-R FewTnyBrks Cd/SnShr MCd OccBrks
17  20.5  29.3  12:10a  12.1  11:40p  44.5   0.0  0.00   1.0  11.0   5:20p  WSW  23.09  0.0   8" DecrCd Clr/MClr Clr MClr/PCd M/PCd PCd PCd/MClr Clr
18  14.9  24.7  12:00m  11.9   1:00a  50.1   0.0  0.00   0.7  18.0  11:35p    W  15.30  0.0   8" Clr MClr/PCd VarMCd-Cd PCd Clr VarMClr-PCd PCd
19  25.8  27.2   1:05p  23.5  12:55a  39.2   0.0  0.00   4.4  28.0   1:30p    E 106.40  0.0   7" IncrCd Cd Lt-Brzy-Gsts Cd-VarBrks MCd PCd Cd/MCd Cd
20  20.8  24.1  12:05a  13.8   7:50p  44.2   0.0  0.00   1.6  22.0   1:10a    E  38.44  0.0 MISS Cd/MCd Cd SnBloMtns PCd PCd/MClr PCd MCd Cd-Brks Clr
21  17.1  18.8   8:35p  13.6   7:00p  47.9   0.0  0.00   2.2  22.0   8:40p    E  52.76  0.0   6" Clr OccLtWnd PCdwVryThn-ThnshCd SnBloMtns Clr Lt-Brz
22  16.2  18.3   9:40p  14.4   4:55a  48.8   0.0  0.00   4.7  25.0   8:15a    E 113.95  0.0   6" Clr Lt-Brz-Gsts MClr Cd M&PCdwThnThnsh Cd PCdMClr Cd
23  17.0  18.3  12:30a  14.4   3:05p  48.0   0.0  0.00   2.0  26.0   2:50a   NE  47.57  0.0   6" Cd LtWnd-OccGsts M/PCd Cd-Brks PCd Cd-ThnnerAreas Cd
24  19.1  23.6  11:25p  14.8   5:15p  45.9   0.0 TRACE   0.8  22.0  11:20p  WSW  19.27  0.2   6" Cd/SnShr Cd-Brks DecrCd Clr PCd&M/PCdw/VryThnToThnsh
25  18.4  23.3  12:25a  15.2   8:05a  46.6   0.0  0.00   0.7  13.0   2:15a  WSW  17.31  0.0   6" Clr PCd-VryThnToThnsh Var:MCd/MCd-Cd/PCd PCd Clr
26  13.6  16.4   2:00a  11.1  10:15p  51.4   0.0  0.00   0.5   6.0  12:30a    W  12.74  0.0   6" Clear
27  23.0  30.9  11:55p  11.4  12:30a  42.0   0.0  0.15   0.6  10.0   2:35p  SSE  13.59  2.6   9" IncrCld Cld Cld/ExtrmLtSnToSn-WithaLull Cld
28  31.3  32.2   9:00a  30.3  12:30a  33.7   0.0  0.35   0.0   6.0  12:20a  SSE  *0.73+ 6.0  14" Cd/VryVryLtSnToSn-2Lulls Cd/XtmLtSpr&VryLtMst-Drz Cd
29  34.0  37.0   9:05p  31.3  12:05a  31.0   0.0  0.11   0.9  13.0   4:25p  SSE**21.67+ 0.0  11" Cd Cd/XtrmLtSpr-VryLtMst-Spr Cd Cd/SprToRn Cd/OccSpr
30  36.7  37.8   8:30a  35.0   9:40p  28.3   0.0  0.52   1.4  11.0   2:55a  SSE  32.62  0.0   7" Cld-LoCldsOnce/Rn-VryLtRn-LtRn/Spr-VryLtRn
31  36.7  38.9   4:45p  34.6   6:40a  28.3   0.0  0.10   0.4   9.0  11:50a  SSE  10.36  0.0   6" Cd-LoCds/SpToRn Cd-VarTnyBrks Cd/XtmLtSp-Sp Cd/FewSp
    25.5  38.9    31    11.1    26  1225.5   0.0  4.65   1.2  28.0    19    SSE 887.66+ 29.0

(1) As measured on Front Lawn
* 12/28: Wind Direction Vane and Anemometer Frozen much of the time - though there was little wind anyway.
** 12/29: Wind Direction Vane and Anemometer Frozen until about 0810. 
STATISTICS | DATA | GRAPHS | CONDITIONS - DAY of MONTH: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31| TOP 
AVERAGE Mean Temp:	25.5
AVERAGE High Temp:	28.7
MINIMUM High Temp:	16.4	26th
MAXIMUM High Temp:	38.9	31st
AVERAGE Low Temp:	22.1
MINIMUM Low Temp:	11.1	26th
MAXIMUM Low Temp:	35.0	30th
LOWEST Wind Chill Temp: 1.0	22nd @ 0819 (based on 10 minute Average Wind Speed)
MAX >= 90.0:		0
MAX >= 80.0:		0
MAX >= 70.0:		0
MAX <= 32.0:		19	All but: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st
MIN <= 32.0:		25	All but: 10th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 30th, 31st
MIN <=  0.0:		0
MAXIMUM Humidity (%):	96	31st @ 1055
MINIMUM Humidity (%):	34	22nd @ 0135
MAXIMUM Pressure (mb):	1026.0	31st @ 1844
MINIMUM Pressure (mb):	978.0	15th @ 0414
TOTAL   Htg Deg Days:	1225.5
AVERAGE Htg Deg Days:	39.5
MINIMUM Htg Deg Days:	28.3	30th, 31st
MAXIMUM Htg Deg Days:	51.4	26th
TOTAL Cool Deg Days:	0.0
Heat Base:  65.0  Cool Base:  65.0  Method: Integration
TOTAL   Precip.:	4.65
AVERAGE Precip.:	0.21
DAYS of Precip.:	22	All but: 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 25th, 26th
MAXIMUM Precip.:	0.68	10th
MAXIMUM Rain Rate:	0.15	9th @ 1238
Days of Rain: 17 (>.01 in) 12 (>.1 in) 0 (>1 in)
TOTAL Snowfall:		29.0
DAYS of Snowfall:	15	1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 16th, 24th, 27th, 28th
AVERAGE High Wind:	15.5
MINIMUM High Wind:	6	26th, 28th
MAXIMUM High Wind:	28	19th
WIND RUN (miles):	887.66
DAYS Full Sun at any time:	11	(On Mainland Only): 4th, 6th, 11th, 17th, 18th, 20th, 21st, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th
DAYS Extrm. Weak to Weakened Sun:	5	(On Mainland Only): 7th, 13th, 19th, 22nd, 31st
DAYS OF Cld or M Cld:	29	All but: 17th, 26th
DAYS OF Rainbow:	0
DAYS OF Aurora:		0
DAYS OF Lightning:	0
DAYS OF Earthquake:	0

GRAPHS | DATA | STATISTICS | CONDITIONS - DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | TOP

December 2012 - Barometric Pressure & Temperature with Highs & Lows.

December 2012 - Dewpoint & Humidity.

December 2012 - Rainfall & High Rain Rate with Pressure & Humidity.

December 2012 - High Wind, Wind Run, & 10 min. Avg. Wind Speed.

CONDITIONS - DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | DATA | STATISTICS | GRAPHS | TOP

Mon. 12/31/12: DATA | NWS: Record Daily Rainfall across the northern Panhandle on Sunday, December 30 - See 0515 Below

SUNDAY 12/30/12: DATA | NWS: Record Daily Rainfall across the northern Panhandle on Sunday, December 30 - See 0515 12/31 Above

Sat. 12/29/12: DATA

Fri. 12/28/12: DATA

Thur. 12/27/12: DATA | 1658: NWS: Winter Weather Advisory is Cancelled - See 1658 Below | 2013 Juneau Tide Tables are now available temporarily at:; on January 1st, 2013 they will be at the normal address

Wed. 12/26/12: DATA

Tue. 12/25/12: DATA | Christmas Day - The birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - Merry Christmas!

Mon. 12/24/12: DATA | Christmas Eve

SUNDAY 12/23/12: DATA | 4th Sunday in Advent | 1041: A flock of Pine Siskins is in the neighborhood

Sat. 12/22/12: DATA

Fri. 12/21/12: DATA | First Day of Winter - Winter Solstice was at 2:12 AM AST | NWS: High Wind Warning was Cancelled at 9:49 PM AST 12/20 - See 2149 12/20 Below

Thur. 12/20/12: DATA | NWS: High Wind Warning remains in effect until 9 AM AST Friday - See 1936 Below | Winter Begins Tomorrow - Winter Solstice: 2:12 AM AST, December 21st

Wed. 12/19/12: DATA | 1849: NWS: High Wind Warning in effect until 5 AM AST Thursday - See 1849 Below

Tue. 12/18/12: DATA

Mon. 12/17/12: DATA

SUNDAY 12/16/12: DATA | 3rd Sunday in Advent

Sat. 12/15/12: DATA

Fri. 12/14/12: DATA | Eaglecrest Ski Area: Hooter and Blackbear Chairlifts to open today

Thur. 12/13/12: DATA

Wed. 12/12/12: DATA

Tue. 12/11/12: DATA | 1553: NWS Dense Fog Advisory now in effect until Midnight AST tonight - See 1553 Below - Advisory was Cancelled at 2206 | Governor's Mansion Open House from 3 - 6 PM today

Mon. 12/10/12: DATA

SUNDAY 12/09/12: DATA | Second Sunday in Advent | 0457: The National Weather Service in Juneau has Cancelled the Winter Storm Warning - See 0457 Below

Sat. 12/08/12: DATA | 1613: NWS: Winter Storm Warning now in effect from 6 PM until Noon AST Sunday - See 1613 Below

Fri. 12/07/12: DATA | Pearl Harbor Day | 1602: NWS: Winter Storm Watch in effect from Saturday evening through Sunday morning - See 1602 Below

Thur. 12/06/12: DATA | 1541: NWS: Strong front bringing snow and wind followed by rain for the weekend - See 1541 Below | 0450: NWS: Winter Weather Advisory will expire at 5 AM AST early this morning - See 0450 Below

Wed. 12/05/12: DATA | 1521: NWS: Winter Weather Advisory for Snow in effect from 6 PM this evening to 5 AM Thursday - See 1521 Below

Tue. 12/04/12: DATA

Mon. 12/03/12: DATA | NWS Summary of November 2012 Weather at the Juneau International Airport - See Below

SUNDAY 12/02/12: DATA | First Sunday in Advent | 1549: Winter Storm Warning will expire at 4 PM AST this afternoon - See 1549 Below

Sat. 12/01/12: DATA | NWS: Winter Storm Warning for Snow remains in effect until 4 PM AST Sunday - See 2052 Below | 0439: High Wind Warning, which at 11:50 PM 11/30 had been extended to 5 AM AST today, is cancelled - See 0439 Below | Eaglecrest Ski Area opens today on a limited basis (Porcupine Lift)