Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
NAME: 3270 Nowell CITY: West Juneau STATE: Alaska
ELEV: 97 ft LAT: 58° 17' 33" N LONG: 134° 25' 37" W
TEMPERATURE (°F), RAIN (in), WIND SPEED (mph), SNOW (in). Snowfall from 21:00 - 21:00, all others Midnight to Midnight.
1 37.8 40.1 4:00p 33.7 11:35p 27.2 0.0 0.29 0.8 11.0 8:40a SSE 17.96 0.0 0.0 Cd/VryLtSprToLtRn Cd Brks Cd/MCd Cd Cd/Rn-SprShrs
2 38.0 44.9 2:30p 33.4 2:55a 27.0 0.0 TRACE 0.1 9.0 3:35p E 2.03 0.0 0.0 Cld Cld-VarBrks Cld-VryLtSpr MCld Cld-VarBrks
3 38.2 42.1 1:20p 35.5 11:10p 26.8 0.0 0.20 1.5 15.0 10:10a SSE 36.23 0.0 0.0 Cd/VryLtShr Cd/Spr-VryLtRn Cd LtWnd Cd/Spr-VryLtRn-R
4 37.4 41.9 4:25p 32.5 12:00m 27.6 0.0 0.19 1.1 15.0 4:10a SSE 26.13 0.0 0.0 Cd/RnShrs Cd/Shrs:Spr-VryLtDrz-Mst Cd-OccBrks/RnShrs
5 35.9 45.5 2:50p 30.0 3:40a 29.1 0.0 0.01 0.3 10.0 4:30p WSW 6.84 TRCE 0.0 Frst Fog MCd-Cd/VryThnThnsh PCd IcePel-VryLtR Cd PCd
6 37.3 43.9 11:10a 31.3 5:55a 27.7 0.0 TRACE 0.1 7.0 9:45a E 1.85 TRCE 0.0 Cd Brks-LtSn/S-R PCd VarBrk-MCd-Cd IcePel-VryLtRShrs
7 38.6 45.5 12:35p 34.6 2:55a 26.4 0.0 0.14 0.8 15.0 10:35p SSE 20.18 0.0 0.0 Cd-VarBrk/TrcRn MCd FewBrk Cd Cd/Sp-VryLtR-Mst-Drz-R
8 37.2 39.5 2:20p 34.6 12:05a 27.8 0.0 0.51 1.5 20.0 12:45a SSE 37.04 0.0 0.0 Cld/Rn-VryLtRn/Sleet-Rn/Rn-Sn/Rn-Spr-LtMst Cld
9 36.6 39.8 2:15p 34.1 1:20a 28.4 0.0 0.19 0.8 14.0 11:35a SSE 18.77 0.0 0.0 Cd/Shrs Cd-HntsBlu-Brks Cd/Sp-VryLtRn-R/Sn-R/VryLtSp
10 35.9 39.1 12:20p 33.7 6:45a 29.1 0.0 0.11 0.8 11.0 3:00a SSE 19.47 TRCE 0.0 Cd/SpToR/Sn-R/S FewBrk/VryLtSShr OccBrk/OccVryLtR-Sp
11 35.5 39.6 1:40p 32.7 7:45a 29.5 0.0 0.20 0.4 10.0 1:45p SSE 9.33 1.5 0.0 Cd/SnShr LoCds/VryLtS-R/S Cd/Shrs:Spr/Sn-R/Mst-Drz-R
12 39.2 46.2 3:15p 35.0 5:05a 25.8 0.0 0.11 0.6 20.0 3:00p SSE 13.98 0.0 0.0 Cd/VryLtR-Sp-Mst Cd Sm-TnyBrk Lt-Brz Cd/Sp-VryLtR Cd
13 41.6 55.3 3:10p 32.9 12:00m 23.4 0.0 0.09 1.2 16.0 5:15p NW 28.74 0.0 0.0 Cd/LtPrecip VarCdToPCd-Brks Cd Spr-Rn Lt-Brzy OccBrk
14 39.9 49.1 1:35p 32.1 12:50a 25.1 0.0 TRACE? 2.0 18.0 4:25a W 48.94 0.0 0.0 VarCd Cd Lt-Brz Cd/MCd P/MCd Cd-FewBrk VryThnThnshCd
15 40.9 46.4 3:45p 35.0 11:40p 24.1 0.0 TRACE 1.3 21.0 11:45a E 30.73 0.0 0.0 Cd-Ovcst Cd-ThnnerAreas LtWnd-Gsts Cd Cd/XtmLtSpr Cd
16 38.6 48.0 2:35p 30.1 12:00m 26.4 0.0 0.00 1.0 13.0 11:30a E 25.06 0.0. 0.0 VryThn-Thnsh PCd MClr Ovcst PCd-FiltBlu Cd PCd MClr
17 40.8 52.6 1:55p 30.0 12:10a 24.2 0.0 0.00 1.1 15.0 4:50p W 25.88 0.0 0.0 VarCd PCd MClr Clr LtWnd MClr/PCd PCd MCd Cd PCd Clr
18 38.4 51.4 2:30p 28.4 4:30a 26.6 0.0 0.00 0.7 13.0 9:45a W 17.46 0.0 0.0 Clr VarPCld-VryThnToThnshOvcst PCd PCd/MClr PCd Clr
19 38.4 51.3 3:25p 27.5 5:35a 26.6 0.0 0.00 0.8 13.0 3:25p W 18.55 0.0 0.0 Clr PCd MClr VarVryThn-Thnsh-Brk/PCd MClr PCd Cd PCd
20 38.3 44.3 11:15a 31.9 12:05a 26.7 0.0 0.10 0.3 10.0 10:50a SSE 8.21 0.0 0.0 Cd Cd/MCd Cd-FewBrks Cd/SprToRn P/MCd Cd/Spr-VryLtRn
21 38.2 42.6 12:05p 34.9 10:50p 26.8 0.0 0.14 0.4 13.0 1:10p SSE 8.71 0.0 0.0 Cd/VryLtRn-ExtmLtSprToSpr-Rn-Driz/FewLulls
22 39.4 42.9 4:50p 35.2 12:10a 25.6 0.0 0.17 0.9 14.0 3:55p SSE 22.34 0.0 0.0 Cld/Spr-VryLtRn-LtRn-VryLtSpr Cld
23 43.3 51.0 3:20p 33.2 12:00m 21.7 0.0 0.02 0.6 10.0 2:15a ENE 13.21 0.0 0.0 Cd Cd/Lt-VryLtSpr Cd Bright FewBrk PCd VryThnToThnsh
24 43.1 56.0 1:40p 30.4 5:20a 21.9 0.0 TRACE 0.6 15.0 4:00p WSW 14.48 0.0 0.0 Hz-VryThn MClr PCd-FiltBlu MCd Cd Cd/MCd Cd/FewSp Cd
25 45.4 53.6 3:10p 37.8 2:30a 19.6 0.0 0.02 0.5 13.0 3:50p W 10.84 0.0 0.0 Cd FewBrk MCd FreqVarBrk LtRnShr-FewSpr MCd Cd RnShr
26 42.9 50.5 12:15p 33.5 11:55p 22.1 0.0 0.07 0.4 9.0 12:45p W 8.54 0.0 0.0 Cld/Shrs Brks-ClrAreas Cd/LtSprToRn VarM-PCd PCd Clr
27 42.3 55.1 3:45p 30.3 5:30a 22.7 0.0 0.00 0.8 14.0 2:30p NW 18.51 0.0 0.0 Clr LtFrst MClr PCd-ThnVryThnCd PCd/MClr VarClr-MClr
28 44.1 57.3 2:55p 31.0 4:50a 20.9 0.0 0.00 1.6 17.0 6:10p NW 38.83 0.0 0.0 Clear Lt-BrzyWind Clear-OccVeryFewSmallClds
29 41.3 45.1 12:10p 36.8 1:00a 23.7 0.0 TRACE 0.4 10.0 1:50p W 9.56 0.0 0.0 IncrCd Cd VryLtSprShr Cd/FewRn-LtRn-SprShrs Smoke
30 39.8 44.5 9:40a 36.2 6:00a 25.2 0.0 0.14 0.3 14.0 3:05p E 7.91 0.0 0.0 Cd Smoke Slt-PBrknAreas Cd Cd/Sp-Mst-Driz-VryLtRn-Rn
39.5 57.3 28 27.5 19 765.7 0.0 2.70 0.8 21.0 15 SSE 566.31 1.5
(1) As measured on Front Lawn
STATISTICS | DATA | GRAPHS | CONDITIONS - DAY of MONTH: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | TOP
AVERAGE Mean Temp: 39.5
AVERAGE High Temp: 46.8
MINIMUM High Temp: 39.1 10th
MAXIMUM High Temp: 57.3 28th
AVERAGE Low Temp: 32.9
MINIMUM Low Temp: 27.5 19th
MAXIMUM Low Temp: 37.8 25th
MAX >= 90.0: 0
MAX >= 80.0: 0
MAX >= 70.0: 0
MAX <= 32.0: 0
MIN <= 32.0: 10 5th, 6th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 24th, 27th, 28th
MIN <= 0.0: 0
MAXIMUM Humidity (%): 94 13th @ 0745
MINIMUM Humidity (%): 21 18th @ 1724
MAXIMUM Pressure (mb): 1030.3 30th @ 0614
MINIMUM Pressure (mb): 996.2 8th @ 2114
TOTAL Htg Deg Days: 765.7
AVERAGE Htg Deg Days: 25.5
MINIMUM Htg Deg Days: 19.6 25th
MAXIMUM Htg Deg Days: 29.5 11th
TOTAL Cool Deg Days: 0.0
Heat Base: 65.0 Cool Base: 65.0 Method: Integration
TOTAL Precip.: 2.70
AVERAGE Precip.: 0.11
DAYS of Precip.: 23 or 24 All but: 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 27th, 28th. Question about 14th.
MAXIMUM Precip.: 0.51 8th
MAXIMUM Rain Rate: 0.25 4th @ 0416
Days of Rain: 17 (>.01 in) 12 (>.1 in) 0 (>1 in)
TOTAL Snowfall: 1.5
DAYS of Snowfall: 4 5th, 6th, 10th, 11th
AVERAGE High Wind: 13.5
MINIMUM High Wind: 7 6th
MAXIMUM High Wind: 21 15th
WIND RUN (miles): 566.31
DAYS Full Sun at any time: 16 All but: 1st, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 29th, 30th
DAYS Extrm. Weak to Weakened Sun: 4 1st, 15th, 20th, 21st
DAYS All Clear: 1 28th
DAYS OF Cld or M Cld: 28 All but: 27th, 28th
DAYS OF Rainbow: 0
DAYS OF Aurora: 0
DAYS OF Lightning: 0
DAYS OF Earthquake: 0




Sat. 4/30/11: DATA | Studded Tires Need to be Removed by May
- 2129 ADT: High Rain Rate of .04" of
Rain per hour.
- 2100: .10" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Light Drizzle, Cloudy, top of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds, inner
Gold Creek valley almost totally hidden with
the remainder partially obscured.
- 1950: Very Light Rain/Sprinkling, Cloudy,
mainland mountaintops in clouds, remainder
of the inner Gold Creek valley partially
- 1850: Drizzle/Very Light Rain, Cloudy, top
of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts hidden,
inner Gold Creek valley hidden and partially
to substantially obscured, remainder of mainland
slightly to partially obscured.
- 1800: .05" of Rainfall to this point
today. High Rain Rate of .03" of Rain
per hour.
- 1750: Very Light Drizzle/Misting, Cloudy,
top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts hidden,
inner Gold Creek valley hidden and substantially
obscured, remainder of mainland partially
- 1709: Very Light Rain.
- 1655: Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy, top
of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts and the
inner Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 1550: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
very top of Mt. Juneau and very top - top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds, inner Gold Creek
valley substantially obscured and hidden.
- 1500: .01" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Sprinkling, Cloudy, very tops of the
mainland mountains in clouds, still some
- 1350: Very Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy,
top of Mt. Juneau and very top - top of Mt.
Roberts hidden, inner Gold Creek valley substantially
obscured and hidden,
- 1250: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy,
very top of Mt. Juneau and very top - top
of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds, inner Gold
Creek valley hidden and substantially obscured,
still some smoke.
- 1206: Sprinkling.
- 1200: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1150: Cloudy, SE very top of Mt. Juneau and
top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge hidden by clouds,
remainder of the inner Gold Creek valley
substantially obscured, precipitation over
Mt. Juneau and in Last Chance Basin and the
inner Gold Creek valley, still some smoke.
- 1120: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, inner
Gold Creek valley partially to substantially
obscured and hidden, murky around the very
top of Mt. Roberts, still some smoke.
- 1100: The inner Gold Creek valley is substantially
obscured and hidden.
- 1050: Cloudy, precipitation over Mt. Juneau
and in the inner Gold Creek valley, part
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge substantially obscured,
remainder of the inner Gold Creek valley
partially obscured, very light precipitation
here in the past 20 minutes; smoke - lesser
than earlier this morning.
- 1030: Cloudy, precipitation over Mt. Juneau
and in Last Chance Basin, smoke.
- 0950: Cloudy, smoke.
- 0920: Cloudy with thinner areas, very weak
sunshine, smoke.
- 0850: Cloudy, smoke.
- 0835: Cloudy, clouds skimming peak of Mt.
Juneau, high points of the Mt. Juneau Ridge,
and SE part of Mt. Roberts; smoke.
- 0750: Cloudy with a small area of slightly
filtered blue and a few slightly - very slightly
broken areas, clouds skimming peak of Mt.
Juneau and the high points of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge, smoke.
- 0735: Cloudy, area of slightly - partly broken
clouds, smoke.
- 0650: Cloudy with thinner areas, a few very
small filtered breaks and hints of blue,
smoke from?
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with thinner areas and hints
of blue, precipitation in the inner Gold
Creek valley, smoke from?
Fri. 4/29/11: DATA | Studded Tires Need to be Removed by May
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy, precipitation over the
mainland, smoke from? Trace of Rainfall to
this point today.
- 1950: Very Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy,
very top of Mt. Juneau, top of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge, and very top - top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, remainder of the inner Gold Creek
valley partially obscured, smoke from?
- 1931: Light Rain, Cloudy, SE very top of
Mt. Juneau, very top - top of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge, and very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1850: Cloudy, clouds skimming the Mt. Juneau
Ridge and the peak of Mt. Juneau, smoke from?
precipitation over parts of the mainland?
- 1800: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1750: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy.
- 1650: Cloudy.
- 1550: Cloudy, precipitation over much of
the mainland, clouds skimming peak of Mt.
Juneau and skimming - very top of the Mt.
Juneau Ridge in clouds, remainder of the
inner Gold Creek valley very slightly to
partially obscured.
- 1500: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1450: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1444: Rain began, clouds skimming the peak
of Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1350: Cloudy, clouds skimming peak of Mt.
Juneau, precipitation over parts of the mainland.
- 1250: Cloudy, clouds skimming the peak of
Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1200: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1150: Cloudy, clouds skimming parts of Mt.
Juneau, very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
in clouds, light precipitation in the inner
Gold Creek valley.
- 1050: Cloudy, a few wisps at the very top
of Mt. Juneau, very top of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge in clouds.
- 0950: Cloudy, SE very top of Mt. Juneau and
very top of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds,
inner Gold Creek valley almost totally hidden,
precipitation over a few parts of the mainland.
- 0938: Cloudy, SE very top of Mt. Juneau and
very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge and of Mt.
Roberts in clouds, precipitation over Mt.
Juneau and in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 0850: Cloudy, clouds skimming the peak of
Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 0750: Cloudy, clouds skimming the peak of
Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 0730: Cloudy, clouds skimming the peak of
Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge, precipitation
in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 0701: Very Light Sprinkling.
- 0650: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
very top - top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in
clouds, precipitation over parts of the mainland.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy, clouds skimming the mainland
mountains, light precipitation over parts
of the mainland.
Thur. 4/28/11: DATA
- 2050 ADT: Clear, a small cloud to the NNW.
A Robin is singing.
- 1950: Clear with very few very small and
tiny clouds.
- 1900: Clear.
- 1750: Clear, a few small and very small cumulus
- 1650: Clear.
- 1550: Clear.
- 1450: Clear.
- 1350: Clear.
- 1250: Clear, light wind.
- 1150: Clear, light to breezy wind.
- 1135: Clear, light to breezy wind.
- 1050: Clear, light wind.
- 0950: Clear, light - breezy to breezy wind.
- 0850: Clear.
- 0750: Clear.
- 0700: The Sun started rising over Gold Ridge
on Mt. Roberts.
- 0650: Clear.
- 0620 ADT: Clear. Light - Very Light Frost
on Rooftops.
- 2050 ADT: Clear.
- 1950: Clear.
- 1850: Mostly Clear with thin and very thin
- 1750: Clear with a few thin - very thin clouds.
- 1650: Clear, very few very tiny clouds.
- 1550: Mostly Clear with thin and very thin
clouds and a few very small and tiny cumulus
clouds, sun shining.
- 1452: Mostly Clear with thin and very thin
clouds and a few cumulus clouds, sun shining.
- 1350: Mostly Clear with thin and very thin
clouds and some cumulus clouds, sun shining.
- 1250: Partly Cloudy/Mostly Clear with thin
and very thin clouds and some cumulus clouds,
sun shining.
- 1150: Partly Cloudy/Mostly Clear with thin
and very thin clouds and some cumulus clouds,
sun shining.
- 1050: Partly Cloudy with thin and very thin
clouds and some cumulus clouds, very slightly
weakened sunshine.
- 0950: Partly Cloudy with mostly thin and
very thin clouds.
- 0850: Partly Cloudy with thin - very thin
- 0750: Mostly Clear with thin - very thin
- 0703: The Sun started rising over Gold Ridge
on Mt. Roberts.
- 0650: Clear, a few thin - very thin clouds.
- 0645: A New Weekly Picture has been posted - The Start of a New Day
- 0620 ADT: Clear. Light Frost on Lawns and
Tue. 4/26/11: DATA | 2008: First Hummingbird (a Rufous) of
2011 Seen | 0700: Fresh Dusting of Snow visible
at the very top of Mt. Juneau
- 2050 ADT: Clear with a few mostly very small
and tiny clouds. .07" of Rainfall to
this point today.
- 2020: Mostly Clear, evening sunshine on the
- 2008: First Hummingbird (a Rufous) of 2011
- 1950: Partly Cloudy, sun shining on much
of the mainland.
- 1920: Partly Cloudy, sun shining here and
- 1850: Partly Cloudy, very few spots of sunshine
on the mainland.
- 1835: Partly Cloudy, a few spots of sunshine
on the mainland.
- 1800: .07" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Partly/Mostly Cloudy, spots and areas
of weak - weakened sunshine on the mainland.
- 1650: Partly Cloudy, spots and areas of weak
and weakened sunshine on the mainland.
- 1620: Partly Cloudy, spots and areas of sunshine
on the mainland.
- 1550: Mostly Cloudy, some spots and areas
of variable strength sunshine on the mainland.
- 1535: Mostly/Partly Cloudy, some spots of
sunshine on the mainland.
- 1500: .06" of Rainfall to this point
- 1445: Partly Cloudy, clouds skimming - SE
very top of Mt. Juneau in clouds and clouds
skimming part of Mt. Roberts, sun shining
in most areas.
- 1420: Mostly/Partly Cloudy, a few clouds
around the SE very top of Mt. Juneau, murky
very top of Mt. Roberts, precipitation in
the inner Gold Creek valley, variable strength
- 1350: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy, sun shining,
precipitation to the NE, inner Gold Creek
valley partially to substantially obscured
and hidden, very top and NW part of the top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1340: Rain, Cloudy, clear area and a few
breaks, sun shining in West Juneau, SE very
top of Mt. Juneau, part of the very top of
Mt. Roberts, and the very top of the Mt.
Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 1319: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, a few breaks,
clouds skimming the Mt. Juneau Ridge, SE
top of Mt. Juneau in clouds, weak sun on
part of the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1250: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, a couple
of areas of clear sky and a few breaks, very
top of Mt. Juneau in clouds, clouds skimming
the Mt. Juneau Ridge, variable sun in and
out and here and there.
- 1200: .05" of Rainfall to this point
- 1145: Cloudy, a few breaks in the SE part
of the sky, somewhat weakened sunshine, very
top of Mt. Roberts, part of the very top
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, and much of the
top of Mt. Juneau hidden by clouds, precipitation
to the E.
- 1050: Cloudy with a clear area and a few
breaks, top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds,
a few clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts, variable sun in and out
and here and there.
- 1020: Cloudy, area of clear sky, very top
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, upper part of Mt.
Roberts, and much of the upper part of Mt.
Juneau hidden by clouds, precipitation in
the inner Gold Creek valley, spots and areas
of extremely weak to weak sunshine.
- 1002: The Sun is breaking through.
- 0950: Cloudy with some breaks - mostly in
the NW part, top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge,
most of the very top of Mt. Roberts, and
SE top of Mt. Juneau hidden by clouds, a
few other wisps around the top of Mt. Juneau,
a few spots of very, very weak sunshine on
Mt. Juneau.
- 0920: Cloudy, a few breaks, clouds hiding
upper SE part of Mt. Juneau and SE top of
Mt. Roberts, much of the upper part of the
Mt. Juneau Ridge hidden by clouds, as few
spots of weak sunshine in the Granite Creek
- 0850: Cloudy with some small - very small
breaks, extremely weak sunshine, clouds hiding
upper SE part of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts,
clouds in much of the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 0750: Cloudy with a few breaks and area of
very slightly broken clouds, some clouds
in Last Chance Basin and in the inner Gold
Creek valley.
- 0735: Cloudy with a few breaks, precipitation
over parts of the mainland, very top of Mt.
Roberts in clouds and clouds skimming peak
of Mt. Juneau, some lower clouds, bits, and
- 0700: .05" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy,
clouds skimming Mt. Juneau and upper part
of Mt. Roberts mostly hidden by clouds, Last
Chance Basin hidden by fog/clouds. Two Robins
are singing.
- 0620: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, lower
band/ribbon. .05" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 0212 ADT: High Rain Rate of .12" of
Rain per hour.
Mon. 4/25/11: DATA | There are Catkins on the Alder and the
Buds are Starting to Open
- 2150 ADT: High Rain Rate of .08" of
Rain per hour.
- 2050: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, a few
very small and tiny breaks. Trace of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 1950: Cloudy with some breaks.
- 1920: Cloudy with a clear area to the NW
and some other breaks, area of weak sunshine
on Mt. Juneau and on Mt. Roberts.
- 1850: Mostly Cloudy, variable sunshine in
West Juneau and on parts of the mainland.
- 1830: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
an area of blue, weakened sunshine in West
Juneau and a few spots and areas on the mainland.
- 1800: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1750: Cloudy, some precipitation to the NNW
over Mt. Juneau and sprinkles elsewhere over
the mainland, a few sprinkles here in the
past half hour.
- 1650: Cloudy with a slightly filtered break
and a heavily filtered break, spots and areas
of weak - very weak sunshine on the mainland.
- 1620: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, small
spot of clear sky far to the NE, weak sun
on Olds Mountain.
- 1550: Cloudy, a few breaks, very weak sunshine.
- 1520: Cloudy with a clear area and a few
breaks, somewhat weakened sunshine in West
- 1500: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1444: Light Rain Shower began, Cloudy, some
breaks, some weak sunshine on part of Mt.
- 1420: Cloudy, a few breaks, a few spots of
very weak to weak sunshine on the mainland,
fairly bright.
- 1350: Cloudy, a few extremely tiny to very
small breaks.
- 1335: Cloudy, a few extremely tiny breaks,
extremely weak sunshine on parts of the mainland.
- 1250: Cloudy, bright area in the clouds to
the S.
- 1150: Cloudy.
- 1050: Cloudy, a few extremely tiny breaks,
a few brighter spots in the clouds.
- 1035: Cloudy, a few very tiny breaks, a few
bright spots and areas in the clouds, fairly
- 0950: Cloudy with slightly - partly broken
clouds in areas, fairly bright.
- 0850: Cloudy with a few breaks and slightly
- very slightly broken areas, extremely weak
- 0835: Cloudy with breaks in the SE 2/3rds
of sky, extremely weak sunshine.
- 0750: Cloudy a few breaks and small clear
areas, slightly weakened sunshine.
- 0735: Mostly Cloudy, somewhat weakened sunshine.
- 0730: The Sun is trying to break through.
- 0650: Cloudy, a few breaks.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with tiny breaks.
SUNDAY 4/24/11: DATA | Resurrection (Easter) Sunday | Resurrection of our Lord & Savior Jesus
Christ: Luke 24: 6 "He is not here (in the tomb),
but is risen!" - See Also Here | At 1352 noticed the Buds on the Willows
are Opening | Easter Sunrise Services at
0600: Skater's Cabin; 0630: Auke Rec. &
Mendenhall Glacier
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy. Trace of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 1945: Cloudy, a few very light sprinkles
in the past 5 minutes.
- 1850: Cloudy, a few breaks, weak and very
weak sunshine on part of Downtown Juneau
and on Mt. Juneau.
- 1825: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy, variable sun
here and there.
- 1753: Sun broke through.
- 1750: Cloudy. A Robin is singing.
- 1735: Cloudy, a few very small and tiny breaks.
- 1710: A few whitecaps on the Channel, precipitation
in the inner Gold Creek valley and to the
NE and ENE.
- 1750: Cloudy, bright clouds in the vicinity
of the sun.
- 1650: Cloudy, filtered break, weak - weakened
sunshine in West Juneau.
- 1605: Light Wind.
- 1550: Cloudy with some filtered breaks, bright,
variable sun.
- 1535: Mostly Cloudy, very weak to weak sunshine
on the mainland.
- 1450: Partly Cloudy with the blue very slightly
filtered to filtered, variable sun in and
out and somewhat weakened sunshine.
- 1350: Partly Cloudy with the blue very slightly
filtered to slightly filtered, variable sun
in and out.
- 1250: Partly Cloudy with the blue very slightly
filtered to filtered, variable sunshine in
and out.
- 1150: Partly Cloudy, blue is slightly filtered
to filtered, slightly to somewhat weakened
- 1120: Partly Cloudy, blue is slightly filtered
to filtered, variable sunshine.
- 1050: Partly Cloudy, blue is slightly filtered
to filtered, slightly weakened sunshine.
- 0950: Mostly Clear.
- 0850: Clear or Mostly Clear (not sure if
very thin clouds and high haze or not).
- 0750: Mostly Clear with some high haze and
thin -very thin clouds.
- 0735: Mostly Clear with some high haze and
thin -very thin clouds.
- 0709: The Sun started rising over Gold Ridge
on Mt. Roberts.
- 0650: High Haze and Thin -Very Thin Clouds.
- 0620 ADT: High Haze and Thin -Very Thin Clouds.
Light Frost on Lawns and Rooftops.
- 2050 ADT: Very Thin to Thinnish Clouds over
most of the sky. .02" of Rainfall to
this point today. A Robin is singing.
- 2035: Light Wind.
- 2020: Very Thin to Thinnish Clouds over much
of the sky.
- 1950: Very Thin to Thinnish Clouds over much
of the sky, thick clouds far to the NW, very
weak sunshine on the mainland.
- 1935: Very Thin to Thinnish Clouds over much
of the sky, slightly weakened sunshine on
the mainland.
- 1850: Partly Cloudy, blue is not filtered
to heavily filtered, weak to weakened sunshine
on Mt. Roberts and a few spots in the inner
Gold Creek valley.
- 1835: Partly Cloudy, blue is not filtered
to heavily filtered, variable sunshine here
and there. A Robin is singing.
- 1800: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy, a few breaks, bright area in
the clouds.
- 1720: Cloudy, a few breaks.
- 1650: Cloudy with some breaks, variable strength
sunshine here and there.
- 1550: Cloudy, a few breaks.
- 1535: Cloudy, a few breaks, weak bright spot
where the sun is.
- 1500: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy with some small to tiny very
slightly filtered to filtered breaks, fairly
bright skies, extremely weak sunshine.
- 1350: Cloudy with some very small and tiny
breaks, bright skies, bright spot where the
sun is, extremely weak to very weak sunshine.
- 1320: Cloudy, extremely weak sun, bright
spot where the sun is.
- 1250: Cloudy, fairly bright.
- 1235: Cloudy, bright spot where the sun is,
fairly bright.
- 1200: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy.
- 1050: Cloudy, a few very tiny hints of breaks.
- 0950: Cloudy.
- 0850: Cloudy.
- 0750: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, murky
around the SE top of Mt. Roberts and the
very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 0700: .01" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds skimming
peak of Mt. Juneau, top of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge partially to substantially obscured-hidden
- remainder of the inner Gold Creek valley
slightly to partially obscured, murky around
the very top of Mt. Roberts.
- 0620 ADT: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy,
clouds skimming peak of Mt. Juneau, top of
the Mt. Juneau Ridge and very top of Mt.
Roberts partially to substantially obscured-hidden.
.01" of Rainfall to this point today.
Fri. 4/22/11: DATA | Good Friday - The Crucifixion of our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ who paid for our
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy, clouds skimming - SE very
top of Mt. Juneau, and top of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge and of Mt. Roberts in clouds. .17"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1950: Cloudy, clouds skimming - SE very top
of Mt. Juneau, very top and parts of the
top of Mt. Roberts, and the top of the Mt.
Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 1850: Cloudy, clouds skimming - SE very top
of Mt. Juneau, very top and parts of the
top of Mt. Roberts, and the top of the Mt.
Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 1800: .17" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy, some brighter spots and areas
in the SW part of the sky, very tops - tops
of the mainland mountains in clouds, light
precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley
and Last Chance Basin.
- 1650: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds skimming
Mt. Juneau very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
and very top of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds.
- 1635: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, very
top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts and
very top - top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in
- 1550: Cloudy, mainland mountaintops in clouds,
some light precipitation in Last Chance Basin.
- 1500: .17" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, top
of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts and the
upper part of the Mt. Juneau Ridge hidden
by clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 1350: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, top - upper
part of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts, and
upper part of the Mt. Juneau Ridge hidden
by clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 1250: Sprinkling-Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts and
the upper part of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in
clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 1200: .15" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Sprinkling-Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
very top of Mt. Juneau, upper part of the
Mt. Juneau Ridge, and very top and parts
of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden, remainder
of the inner Gold Creek valley partially
to substantially obscured, a few wisps low
in Last Chance Basin, snowing above about
- 1050: Sprinkling-Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
very top - top of Mt. Juneau, upper part
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, and very top and
parts of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden, remainder
of the inner Gold Creek valley substantially
- 0950: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming
- very top of Mt. Juneau, very top and parts
of the top of Mt. Roberts, and the inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, snowing above about
800' - 1000'.
- 0850: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming
- very top of Mt. Juneau and very top and
parts of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden, inner
Gold Creek valley substantially obscured
and hidden, snowing above about 800' - 1000'.
- 0750: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, very top of
Mt. Juneau and top of Mt. Roberts hidden,
inner Gold Creek valley substantially obscured
and hidden.
- 0700: .05" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Light Rain, Cloudy, top of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts in clouds with the ceiling
at 1800', inner Gold Creek valley hidden,
snowing above about 600'.
- 0635: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, top of Mt.
Juneau and of Mt. Roberts in clouds with
the ceiling at 1800', inner Gold Creek valley
hidden, snowing above about 600'.
- 0620: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, top
of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts in clouds
with the ceiling at 1800', very low clouds
in the inner Gold Creek valley with the remainder
of the inner Gold Creek valley partially
to substantially obscured. .04" of Rainfall
to this point today. Snow level at about
1000' at Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0600 ADT: High Rain Rate of .02" of
Rain per hour.
Thur. 4/21/11: DATA | Maundy Thursday
- 2100 ADT: .14" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy,
cloud by the SE top of Mt. Juneau, very top
and parts of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden
by clouds, low clouds in the inner Gold Creek
- 2020: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy,
top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
very low clouds in the inner Gold Creek valley
with the remainder of the inner Gold Creek
valley partially to substantially obscured.
- 1950: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, very
top of Mt. Juneau and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge,
and most of the very top of Mt. Roberts in
clouds. A Robin is singing.
- 1850: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, very
top - top of Mt. Juneau, the Mt. Juneau Ridge,
and of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1800: .11" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, top
of Mt. Juneau and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge,
and very top and parts of the top of Mt.
Roberts hidden by clouds.
- 1650: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, top of Mt.
Juneau and of Mt. Roberts in clouds, very
low clouds in the inner Gold Creek valley
with the remainder of the inner Gold Creek
valley substantially obscured.
- 1620: Sprinkling, Cloudy, top of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts in clouds, very low clouds
in the inner Gold Creek valley with the remainder
of the inner Gold Creek valley partially
- 1550: Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy, top of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts and the inner Gold Creek
valley hidden.
- 1500: .08" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds
skimming - SE very top of Mt. Juneau, very
top - top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge and most
of the very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
remainder of the inner Gold Creek valley
slightly to partially obscured.
- 1435: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, bright spot
where the sun is, extremely weak sunshine,
top of Mt. Juneau and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge,
and very top and parts of the top of Mt.
Roberts hidden by clouds.
- 1405: Cloudy, cloud at the very top of Mt.
Juneau, very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge,
and very top and parts of the top of Mt.
Roberts hidden by clouds, weak - very weak
sunshine in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1400: High Rain Rate of .02" of Rain
per hour.
- 1350: Rain after Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy,
top of Mt. Juneau and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge,
and very top and parts of the top of Mt.
Roberts hidden, remainder of the inner Gold
Creek valley partially to substantially obscured.
- 1348: The Sun is breaking through.
- 1325: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, top of Mt.
Juneau and of Mt. Roberts and the inner Gold
Creek valley hidden, snowing above about
600' - 700'.
- 1320: Sprinkling, Cloudy, very top - top
of Mt. Juneau and very top and much of the
top of Mt. Roberts hidden, inner Gold Creek
valley substantially obscured and hidden,
light wind.
- 1250: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, very top
of Mt. Juneau and very top and parts of the
top of Mt. Roberts hidden, inner Gold Creek
valley substantially obscured and hidden,
snowing above about 1000'.
- 1200: .05" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, clouds
skimming - SE very top of Mt. Juneau, top
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge and very top of Mt.
Roberts in clouds, snowing above about 1000'.
- 1050: Cloudy, clouds skimming - SE very top
of Mt. Juneau, top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
and clouds skimming - most of the very top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds, precipitation in
the inner Gold Creek valley and part of Mt.
- 1035: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge and clouds skimming
- most of the very top of Mt. Roberts in
clouds, precipitation in the inner Gold Creek
valley and over much of Mt. Juneau.
- 0950: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, upper part
of Mt. Juneau substantially obscured and
hidden, top of Mt. Roberts and the inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, snowing above about
400' - 450'.
- 0920: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, top
of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts and the
inner Gold Creek valley hidden, snowing above
about 500' - 600'.
- 0850: Sprinkling, Cloudy, very top of Mt.
Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts, and the inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, snowing above about
450' - 500'.
- 0750: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds skimming
- SE very top of Mt. Juneau and very top
and parts of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden,
inner Gold Creek valley substantially obscured
and hidden, snowing above about 700' - 800'.
- 0735: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, clouds
skimming - SE very top of Mt. Juneau, very
top - top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, and most
of the very top of Mt. Roberts hidden, remainder
of the inner Gold Creek valley partially
to substantially obscured.
- 0700: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy,
very top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts
and the inner Gold Creek valley hidden, snowing
above about 500' - 600'.
- 0620: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, very top
of Mt. Juneau, very top and parts of the
top of Mt. Roberts, and the inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, snowing above about 700'.
.03" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0200 ADT: High Rain Rate of .01" of
Rain per hour.
Wed. 4/20/11: DATA | Fresh Dusting of Snow at the very top
of Mt. Juneau overnight and Snow on the upper
parts of the mountains later in the day
- 2100 ADT: .09" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, upper
part of Mt. Juneau and very top - top of
the Mt. Juneau Ridge hidden, murky around
the very top of Mt. Roberts and in the remainder
of the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 2035: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, very
top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge and most of the
upper part of Mt. Juneau hidden by clouds,
very top of Mt. Roberts substantially obscured
and hidden, a wisp very low in Last Chance
- 1950: Cloudy with a few breaks, clouds skimming
the peak of Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau
- 1850: Cloudy, a few breaks, clouds skimming
the Mt. Juneau Ridge and the peak of Mt.
- 1835: Partly/Mostly Cloudy, somewhat weakened
sunshine on most of Mt. Roberts.
- 1800: .09" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, very
top and SE top of Mt. Juneau and very top
of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds, inner Gold
Creek valley hidden and substantially obscured,
clouds in the SE upper part of Last Chance
- 1720: Rain, Cloudy, brighter, a few filtered
breaks, top of Mt. Juneau, upper part of
Mt. Roberts, and the inner Gold Creek valley
hidden, a few lower wisps in Last Chance
Basin, snow level is at about 700' - 800.
- 1635: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, top and SE
upper part of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts
and the inner Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 1557: High Rain Rate of .13" of Rain
per hour.
- 1552: Rain, Cloudy, upper part of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts and the inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, remainder of the mainland
partially obscured.
- 1550: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, upper part
of Mt. Juneau, the inner Gold Creek valley,
and most of the upper part of Mt. Roberts
hidden, a few lower wisps in Last Chance
- 1520: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy,
upper part of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts,
and the inner Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 1500: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Light Rain, Cloudy, upper part of Mt.
Juneau and of Mt. Roberts and the inner Gold
Creek valley hidden.
- 1350: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, inner Gold
Creek valley, upper part of Mt. Juneau, and
most of the upper part of Mt. Roberts hidden,
snowing at the higher elevations.
- 1335: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, upper part
of Mt. Juneau and of Last Chance Basin, and
the top of Mt. Roberts hidden, snowing above
about 800'.
- 1250: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, very
top of Mt. Juneau, very top- top of Mt. Roberts,
and the inner Gold Creek valley hidden, snowing
above about 800'.at Mt. Roberts and in Last
Chance Basin.
- 1235: Cloudy, precipitation over much of
the mainland with snow at the higher elevations,
clouds skimming - SE very top of Mt. Juneau
and very top of Mt. Roberts hidden, inner
Gold Creek valley substantially obscured
and hidden.
- 1213: Very Light Sprinkles.
- 1150: Cloudy, very small thin spot overhead,
clouds skimming the mainland mountaintops,
extremely weak sunshine, bright spot where
the sun is.
- 1050: Cloudy, a few slightly filtered to
filtered breaks, some thin clouds to the
SE and a few bright spots.
- 1020: Cloudy, some hints of blue.
- 0950: Cloudy with a small area of blue sky
and a break, bright spot where the sun is.
- 0900: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy, weak - very weak
sunshine, murky at the very top of the Mt.
Juneau Ridge.
- 0835: Cloudy with small areas of thinner
clouds with hints of blue, precipitation
over the upper parts of the mainland (in
the form of snow), the sun is trying to break
- 0750: Cloudy with a large area of thinner
clouds, a few hints of blue overhead.
- 0720: Cloudy with a very large area of very
thin clouds with blue visible in the SE half
of the sky.
- 0650: Cloudy, a few very small holes to a
higher thin overcast.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy. Robins are singing.
Tue. 4/19/11: DATA | NWS: Record Low Temperature for April
19 - See 1030 Below
- 2050 ADT: Clear.
- 2042: A Robin is singing.
- 2000: Light Wind.
- 1950: Clear, a few very small and tiny clouds,
evening sunshine on the mainland.
- 1850: Partly Cloudy with mostly thin and
very thin clouds, sun shining on the mainland.
- 1750: Clear/Mostly Clear.
- 1650: Clear/Mostly Clear.
- 1620: Partly Cloudy/Mostly Clear, sun shining
in most areas.
- 1550: Partly Cloudy with one cumulus mass
covering about half the sky, sun on parts
of the mainland.
- 1450: Partly Cloudy with large cumulus clouds
and some thinnish clouds, sun shining on
the mainland.
- 1435: Partly Cloudy/Mostly Clear with large
cumulus clouds and some thinnish clouds,
sun shining in most areas.
- 1350: Partly Cloudy with large mass of cumulus
in the SW half of the sky and to the NW,
sun shining on most of the mainland.
- 1250: Partly Cloudy with large cumulus clouds,
sun shining.
- 1150: Mostly Clear/Partly Cloudy with thinnish,
thin, and very thin clouds and a few cumulus,
slightly weakened sunshine.
- 1135: Partly Cloudy with thinnish, thin,
and very thin clouds and a few cumulus.
- 1050: Overcast with thinnish and thin clouds
and some filtered to heavily filtered blue,
weak sunshine.
- 1000: Overcast with thinnish and thicker
clouds, weak sunshine.
- 0850: Thinnish, thin, and very thin clouds
covering much of the sky, weak sunshine.
- 0750: Partly Cloudy with thinnish, thin,
and very thin clouds, somewhat weakened sunshine.
- 0726: The Sun started rising over Mt. Roberts.
- 0650: Cloudy with variable thickness clouds,
some filtered to heavily filtered blue.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with thinnish, somewhat
thinnish, and a bit of thinner clouds, hints
of blue and a bit of heavily filtered blue
to the NW. Light - Very Light Frost has formed
on rooftops.
- 2050 ADT: Clear with a few clouds.
- 1950: Partly Cloudy with very thin to thinnish
clouds, weakened evening sunshine on the
- 1850: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy with thinnish,
thin and very thin clouds with hints of blue
and some heavily filtered blue, weak - weakened
sunshine on the mainland.
- 1750: Cloudy with mostly thinnish clouds,
bright spot where the sun is, extremely weak
- 1720: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy with thinnish
clouds and some cumulus, very, very weak
- 1650: Mostly/Partly Cloudy with thinnish,
thin, and very thin clouds and some cumulus
clouds, weak - weakened sunshine, light wind.
- 1550: Thin and very thin clouds and some
thinnish clouds over much of the sky along
with some cumulus clouds and very slightly
to heavily filtered blue, very slightly weakened
sunshine, light to breezy wind.
- 1500: Light Wind.
- 1450: Partly Cloudy but with the blue very
slightly to heavily filtered, very slightly
filtered sunshine.
- 1420: Partly Cloudy, spots and areas of very
weak to weakened sunshine on the mainland.
- 1350: Partly Cloudy with cumulus clouds,
sun shining.
- 1320: Partly Cloudy with cumulus clouds,
sun in and out.
- 1250: Mostly Clear/Partly Cloudy.
- 1150: Mostly Clear/Clear.
- 1050: Clear with a few very small and tiny
- 1005: Light Wind.
- 0950: Mostly Clear with scattered clouds.
- 0935: Mostly Clear/Partly Cloudy, variable
sun in and out.
- 0850: Mostly Clear.
- 0835: Mostly Clear.
- 0750: Partly Cloudy, sun shining.
- 0735: Partly Cloudy.
- 0650: Mostly/Partly Cloudy.
- 0645: A Rock Dove is on the roof cooing.
- 0620 ADT: Partly Cloudy.
- 2050 ADT: Clear or Mostly Clear.
- 1950: Partly Cloudy with thin and very thin
clouds, some thinnish clouds, and a few other
- 1850: Thinnish, thin, and very thin clouds
with some cumulus clouds, some hints of blue,
and a bit of clear sky, weakened - weak sunshine
on the top of Mt. Juneau, upper part of Mt.
Roberts and a few spots in the inner Gold
Creek valley.
- 1750: Cloudy with thinnish, thin, and very
thin clouds with some heavily filtered blue
and hints of blue, some cumulus clouds at
a lower altitude, spots and areas of weak
- very weak sunshine on the mainland.
- 1705: Weakened - Somewhat Weakened Sunshine
in most areas.
- 1650: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy with thinnish,
thin, and very thin clouds and cumulus clouds
with heavily filtered blue to the NNE, spots
and areas of weak - very weak sunshine on
the mainland.
- 1520: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy with thinnish,
thin, and very thin clouds and cumulus clouds
with filtered blue to the N, weak sunshine
on the mainland.
- 1550: Partly/Mostly Cloudy with cumulus and
some very thin clouds, blue is filtered to
heavily filtered, weak and very weak sunshine
on most of the mainland.
- 1530: Partly Cloudy (with cumulus) but with
the blue filtered, somewhat weakened sunshine
on most of the mainland.
- 1450: Partly Cloudy with thin, very thin
clouds and some thinnish clouds with a few
cumulus, but the blue is slightly filtered
to heavily filtered, somewhat weakened sunshine.
- 1350: Overcast with thinnish and thinner
clouds, hints of blue in the NW part of the
sky and a few cumulus to the NW, weak - weakened
- 1250: Overcast with thinnish clouds, weakened
- weak sunshine.
- 1150: Overcast with thinnish clouds, weak
sunshine, light wind.
- 1120: Overcast with thinnish - somewhat thinnish
clouds, very weak sunshine.
- 1050: Thinnish clouds over most of the sky
with some thinner areas, a bit of heavily
filtered blue, and a few hints of blue, weakened
- weak sunshine.
- 0950: Thin and very thin clouds and some
thinnish clouds over much of the sky, weakened
- 0850: Mostly Clear, slightly weakened sunshine.
- 0835: Mostly Clear, slightly weakened sunshine.
- 0750: Partly Cloudy with thin and very thin
clouds, slightly to somewhat weakened sunshine.
- 0729: The Sun started rising over Mt. Roberts
at the saddle between Gold Ridge and Gastineau
- 0650: Mostly/Partly Cloudy with thinnish,
thin and very thin clouds, much of the blue
is slightly filtered to filtered.
- 0620 ADT: Thinnish, thin and very thin clouds
over much of the sky with the remainder filtered
blue. Very light patchy frost on roofs.
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy. Trace of Rainfall (very
slight) to this point today.
- 2020: Cloudy.
- 1950: Cloudy, very top of Mt. Roberts substantially
obscured-hidden, light precipitation in the
form of snow over the upper part of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts.
- 1931: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy,
very top of Mt. Roberts substantially obscured-hidden,
snowing above about 800' - 900'.
- 1907: Cloudy, precipitation in the inner
Gold Creek valley and over at least the upper
part of Mt. Roberts, Granite Creek area partially
to substantially obscured.
- 1850: Cloudy, a few hints of blue, precipitation
in the Granite Creek area.
- 1750: Cloudy.
- 1705: Cloudy.
- 1650: Cloudy, a few very slight hints of
blue to the NNE.
- 1550: Cloudy, extremely weak to very weak
sunshine, bright spot where the sun is.
- 1505: Cloudy with some filtered - heavily
filtered breaks, weak - weakened sunshine
with some brighter spots here and there.
- 1450: Cloudy, weak bright spot where the
sun is, hint of blue far to the NE.
- 1350: Cloudy, bright spot where the sun is,
precipitation in the Granite Creek area.
- 1305: Cloudy, precipitation in the inner
Gold Creek valley, light wind.
- 1250: Cloudy, light wind, weak bright spot
where the sun is.
- 1150: Cloudy, bright spot where the sun is,
extremely weak sunshine, precipitation in
the inner Gold Creek valley, light to breezy
wind with occasional gusts.
- 1139: The Wind is picking up.
- 1050: Cloudy, bright spot where the sun is,
extremely weak sunshine.
- 0950: Cloudy with some thinner areas.
- 0850: Cloudy with thinner areas, weak sunshine.
- 0750: Cloudy-Overcast with some very slight
hints of blue, a few lower bits and wisps.
- 0650: Cloudy-Overcast with mostly somewhat
thinnish clouds, a few clouds Channel side
of the upper part of Mt. Roberts.
- 0620: Cloudy-Overcast, ribbon -cloud in Last
Chance Basin and a very small cloud upper
Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
Thur. 4/14/11: DATA
- 2050 ADT: Thinnish, thin, and very thin clouds
and a few thicker clouds, veiled Moon. Trace
of Rainfall overnight?
- 1950: Cloudy with thinnish and thin clouds
and some thicker clouds, some hints of blue
and spots of heavily filtered blue.
- 1850: Cloudy with thinnish and thin clouds
and some thicker clouds, some hints of blue.
- 1800: Trace of Rainfall overnight?
- 1750: Cloudy with thinnish and thin clouds
and some thicker clouds, some hints of blue,
extremely weak sunshine.
- 1650: Cloudy with thinner areas, hints of
blue, bright skies, bright spot where the
sun is, weak - very weak sunshine.
- 1550: Cloudy with a few filtered breaks,
thinner areas, and very thin areas with heavily
filtered blue, weak - very weak sunshine.
- 1500: Trace of Rainfall overnight?
- 1450: Cloudy with a few filtered - very slightly
filtered breaks, very weak sunshine.
- 1402: Cloudy with a few filtered breaks,
bright skies, bright spot where the sun is,
weak sunshine, light wind.
- 1350: Cloudy, a few slightly filtered and
filtered breaks, weak bright spot where the
sun is.
- 1305: Mostly Cloudy, bright spot where the
sun is.
- 1250: Partly/Mostly Cloudy, bright skies,
slightly weakened sunshine.
- 1220: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy, bright skies,
weak sunshine, light wind.
- 1200: Bit of snow blowing at the very top
of Mt. Roberts. Trace of Rainfall overnight?
- 1150: Cloudy with some hints of blue, bright
spot where the sun is, light to breezy wind.
- 1120: Cloudy with thinnish, thin, and some
thicker clouds, a bit of heavily filtered
blue and hints of blue, weak - weakened sunshine,
- 1050: Cloudy, bright spot where the sun is.
- 0950: Cloudy, very slightly murky to murky
in the inner Gold Creek valley, very weak
bright spot where the sun is.
- 0855: Cloudy, weak bright spot where the
sun is, a few lower wisps, light wind.
- 0835: Cloudy with a bit of filtered - heavily
filtered blue, a few wisps upper Channel
side of Mt. Roberts, light wind.
- 0817: The Sun is breaking through the clouds.
- 0750: Cloudy, bright spot where the sun is,
a few wisps upper Channel side of Mt. Roberts
and a wisp low in Last Chance Basin, light
- 0700: Trace of Rainfall overnight?
- 0650: Cloudy.
- 0620: Cloudy, small lower cloud Channel side
of Mt. Roberts, light wind. There was some
clear sky during the night. Trace of Rainfall
Wed. 4/13/11: DATA | White Tips on the Buds are starting to
show on the Willows
- 2100 ADT: .09" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Cloudy, a few hints of breaks and a
few tiny breaks, upper part of Mt. Juneau
and very top of Mt. Roberts mostly hidden
by clouds, the Moon is slightly visible.
- 2030: Cloudy, a few breaks, the Moon is mostly
visible, some clouds around the top of Mt.
Juneau and clouds around much of the top
of Mt. Roberts.
- 1950: Cloudy, top of Mt. Juneau and very
top - top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 1850: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds
skimming Mt. Juneau, inner Gold Creek valley
partially obscured to hidden and very top
of Mt. Roberts substantially obscured and
- 1800: Rain. .07" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 1750: Light Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming
Mt. Juneau, inner Gold Creek valley substantially
obscured-hidden and top of Mt. Roberts hidden,
remainder of mainland very slightly to partially
- 1735: Light Rain after Rain, Cloudy, clouds
skimming - SE very top of Mt. Juneau, inner
Gold Creek valley, and very top and parts
of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden, remainder
of mainland slightly to partially obscured.
- 1730: High Rain Rate of .05" of Rain
per hour.
- 1705: Very Light Rain.
- 1702: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy,
SE very top of Mt. Juneau and top of Mt.
Roberts in clouds, inner Gold Creek valley
substantially obscured-hidden, whitecaps
on the Channel, light wind.
- 1658: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy,
clouds skimming Mt. Juneau, very top - top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds, some whitecaps
on Gastineau Channel, light wind.
- 1650: Cloudy, light wind.
- 1638: Dust blowing in Downtown Juneau.
- 1635: Cloudy, a few spots - small areas of
heavily filtered blue to the N, the wind
is picking up.
- 1605: Cloudy, extremely weak sunshine, bright
spot where the sun is, light to breezy wind.
- 1550: Cloudy.
- 1500: .04" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy with some breaks, bright skies,
weakened - somewhat weakened sunshine.
- 1350: Cloudy with a few breaks, fairly bright
skies, very weak - extremely weak sunshine.
- 1250: Thinnish clouds with breaks and small
clear areas, bright skies, weak to somewhat
weakened sunshine, occasional light wind.
- 1200: .04" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Thinnish clouds with breaks, bright
skies, somewhat weakened sunshine, occasional
light wind.
- 1120: Mostly Cloudy, bright skies, weak -
very weak sunshine.
- 1050: Cloudy with thinner areas, some heavily
filtered blue, weak - very weak sunshine.
- 0950: Cloudy, a few breaks and a small clear
area, very weak sunshine in the inner Gold
Creek valley.
- 0920: Partly Cloudy, weakened sunshine.
- 0850: Cloudy with some breaks, variable sunshine,
lower band of fog Channel side of Mt. Juneau
in the last 5 minutes.
- 0820: A Clear area to the NE now.
- 0750: Cloudy with some breaks, sun shining.
- 0735: The Sun is rising over the top of Mt.
Roberts just to the left of Gastineau Peak.
- 0700: .04: of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0650: Cloudy, some extremely tiny breaks
and a few bright spots, thin lower ribbon
of fog.
- 0634: A New Weekly Picture has been posted - The Other Side of Split
Thumb - Part 2.
- 0620: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, inner
Gold Creek valley partially obscured, lower
ribbon Channel side of Mt. Juneau and small
low cloud Channel side of Mt. Roberts. .04"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0200 ADT: High Rain Rate of .01" of
Rain per hour.
- 2100 ADT: .11" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Cloudy, some thinner spots and areas,
clouds skimming Mt. Juneau, a few lower wisps,
the Moon is slightly visible through the
- 2035: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy,
a few hints of breaks, cloud Channel side
of the top of Mt. Juneau, the Moon is very
slightly visible through the clouds.
- 2018: High Rain Rate of .04" of Rain
per hour.
- 1950: Rain, Cloudy, top of Mt. Juneau and
of Mt. Roberts and the inner Gold Creek valley
- 1920: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, peak of Mt.
Juneau and most of the top of Mt. Roberts
hidden, inner Gold Creek valley partially
obscured and hidden.
- 1850: Sprinkling, Cloudy, peak of Mt. Juneau
hidden, Granite Creek area substantially
obscured, very top of Mt. Roberts partially
to substantially obscured.
- 1750: Cloudy, lower cloud upper Channel side
of Mt. Juneau, inner Gold Creek valley very
slightly to substantially obscured, very
top of Mt. Roberts partially to substantially
- 1650: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, inner Gold
Creek valley partially to substantially obscured,
very top and parts of the top of Mt. Roberts
partially obscured, light to breezy wind.
- 1635: Sprinkling, Cloudy, inner Gold Creek
valley and very top and parts of the top
of Mt. Roberts partially and substantially
- 1550: Cloudy.
- 1500: .05" of Rainfall to this point
- 1456: Light to Breezy Wind with a Gust to
20 mph from the NE.
- 1450: Cloudy, a few very small and tiny breaks,
light wind.
- 1423: Cloudy, a few tiny to small breaks,
extremely weak to very weak sunshine.
- 1350: Cloudy with some tiny and very tiny
breaks with most of them filtered, a few
small spots of extremely weak sunshine on
the very top of Mt. Juneau.
- 1250: Cloudy.
- 1235: Cloudy.
- 1200: .05" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy, brighter areas in the clouds.
- 1120: Cloudy, a few lower wisps, brighter.
- 1050: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, very
weak bright spot where the sun is, peak of
Mt. Juneau hidden, inner Gold Creek valley
partially to substantially obscured and hidden,
murky around the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 0950: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, very
top of Mt. Juneau and the top of Mt. Roberts
partially to substantially hidden, inner
Gold Creek valley substantially obscured-hidden,
snowing above about 800'..
- 0850: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy,
precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley
and Last Chance Basin, and over part of Mt.
Juneau; inner Gold Creek valley, peak of
Mt. Juneau, and parts of the top of Mt. Roberts
hidden, location of the sun is visible by
a very weak bright spot.
- 0750: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy,
inner Gold Creek valley substantially obscured
and hidden, top of Mt. Roberts hidden, snowing
at the higher elevations.
- 0700: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, murky
in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 0620: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, large
cloud upper Channel side of Mt. Roberts and
a few small clouds Channel side of Mt. Juneau.
.03" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0300 ADT: High Rain Rate of .01" of
Rain per hour.
- 2100 ADT: .17" of Precipitation to this
point today. 1-1/2" of Snowfall today
with 0.0" of Snow on the ground at 2100
- 2050: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy,
inner Gold Creek valley partially obscured.
- 2020: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy,
very top of Mt. Juneau and of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge in clouds, remainder of the inner Gold
Creek valley partially obscured, very top
and parts of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden.
- 1935: Cloudy.
- 1850: Very Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy, inner
Gold Creek valley, upper part of Mt. Juneau,
and Mt. Roberts above about 600' hidden.
- 1800: .15" of Precipitation and 1-1/2"
Snowfall to this point today.
- 1750: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau
and the Mt. Juneau Ridge, very top and parts
of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden, a few lower
wisps Channel side of Mt. Juneau, precipitation
over much of the mainland.
- 1650: Very Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy, upper
part of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts, and
the inner Gold Creek valley hidden, snowing
above about 500' - 600'.
- 1605: Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy, most of
mainland hidden above about 500', snowing
at the higher elevations.
- 1550: Very Light Misting, Cloudy, clouds
skimming Mt. Juneau, very top - top of the
Mt. Juneau Ridge and of Mt. Roberts in cloud,
snowing above about 600'.
- 1500: .13" of Precipitation and 1-1/2"
Snowfall to this point today.
- 1450: Sprinkling, Cloudy, very top of Mt.
Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts, and the inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, snowing at the
higher elevations.
- 1405: Cloudy, a few wisps around the mainland
mountains, very top of Mt. Roberts substantially
- 1343: Light Rain with an occasional bit of
snow mixed in, cloudy, inner Gold Creek valley
and most of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts hidden
above about 450'.
- 1313: The Sun is trying to break through.
- 1305: Cloudy, a few hints of breaks, upper
part of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts hidden
by clouds, fairly bright, a few lower wisps.
- 1250: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy a few
hints of blue, fairly bright, bright spot
where the sun is, some clouds and wisps around
the mainland mountains, inner Gold Creek
valley partially obscured.
- 1200: .12" of Precipitation and 1-1/2"
Snowfall to this point today.
- 1150: Cloudy, precipitation over much of
the mainland, bright spot where the sun is,
peak of Mt. Juneau and very top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, some lower clouds Channel side
of Mt. Roberts and of Mt. Juneau, inner Gold
Creek valley partially obscured.
- 1149: Two Great Blue Herons flew into a tree
to the E to join a third which then flew
- 1131: Snow-Rain.
- 1120: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, very
weak bright spot where the sun is, mainland
partially to substantially obscured and hidden
above about 400'.
- 1050: Cloudy, clouds skimming peak of Mt.
Juneau, , very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
hidden with the remainder of the inner Gold
Creek valley partially obscured, lower band
Channel side of Mt. Roberts and a few lower
clouds over the Channel slope of Mt. Juneau.
- 0950: Cloudy, weak bright spot where the
sun is, much of the upper part of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts hidden by fog/clouds,
inner Gold Creek valley slightly to partially
obscured, a few wisps in Last Chance Basin.
- 0905: Very, very light fine snow-rain, cloudy,
fairly bright, mainland hidden above about
400' - 600', bright area in the clouds where
the sun is.
- 0900: .11" of Precipitation and 1-1/2"
Snowfall to this point today.
- 0850: Light Fine Snow, Cloudy, mainland hidden
above about 300' and partially to substantially
obscured below.
- 0831: Snow, Cloudy, mainland hidden. .10"
of Precipitation and 1-3/8" Snowfall
to this point today.
- 0747: Snow, Cloudy, mainland hidden. .05"
of Precipitation and 5/8" Snowfall to
this point today.
- 0740: High Precipitation Rate of .09"
of Melted Precipitation per hour.
- 0715: Large Snowflakes - accumulating.
- 0701: Snow.
- 0700: .01" of Precipitation to this
point today and 1/8" Snowfall overnight
that is visible on lawns.
- 0650: Very Light Snow-Rain, Cloudy, mainland
mostly hidden by fog/clouds above about 300'.
- 0639: Very Light Snow, Cloudy, mainland mostly
hidden by fog/clouds above about 400'.
- 0635: Cloudy, mainland hidden by fog/clouds
above about 350'.
- 0620: Cloudy, Mt. Roberts hidden above about
350'. Clouds skimming Mt. Juneau with some
lower fog/clouds and variable fog in Last
Chance Basin. .01" of Precipitation
to this point today and 1/8" Snowfall
overnight that is visible on lawns.
SUNDAY 4/10/11: DATA | 5th Sunday in Lent
- 2100 ADT: .11" of Precipitation to this
point today. Trace of Snowfall today with
0" of Snow on the ground at 2100 hours.
- 2050: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds
skimming - SE very top of Mt. Juneau, top
of Mt. Roberts, and the inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, some lower clouds upper Channel
side of Mt. Juneau, snowing at the higher
- 1950: Cloudy, very slightly murky to murky
in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1855: Cloudy, SE very top of Mt. Juneau and
SE top or very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
murky in the inner Gold Creek valley, some
lower wisps over the Channel slope of Mt.
Juneau, precipitation over much of the mainland
with snow at the higher elevations.
- 1800: .11" of Precipitation to this
point today and Trace of Snowfall to this
point today.
- 1750: Cloudy, murky around the very top of
Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts and in the
inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1720: Very Light Rain with a few snowflakes
occasionally mixed in, mainland partially
to substantially obscured and hidden above
about 300'.
- 1650: Very Light Rain with snow occasionally
mixed in, cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
top of Mt. Roberts substantially obscured
and hidden, very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
hidden with the remainder of the inner Gold
Creek valley partially to substantially obscured.
- 1620: Cloudy, a few breaks, most of the very
top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, a few spots
and areas of very weak sunshine on Mt. Roberts,
precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley
and part of Mt. Juneau.
- 1550: Very Light Sprinkles with a few tiny
snowflakes mixed in, inner Gold Creek valley
substantially obscured and hidden and some
clouds around the top of Mt. Roberts, snowing
above about 500'.
- 1535: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, snowing above
about 400', inner Gold Creek valley hidden,
Mt. Juneau, Mt. Roberts, and Last Chance
Basin substantially obscured and hidden above
about 400'.
- 1500: .10" of Precipitation to this
point today and Trace of Snowfall to this
point today.
- 1450: Cloudy, clouds skimming part of the
Mt. Juneau Ridge and some precipitation in
the Granite Creek area.
- 1350: Cloudy, a few small and tiny breaks,
top of Mt. Juneau and most of the top of
Mt. Roberts in clouds, clouds skimming a
small part of the Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1338: Very Light Snow.
- 1320: A few whitecaps on Gastineau Channel.
- 1250: Cloudy, a few breaks, a few spots and
areas of sun on the mainland, top of Mt.
Juneau and very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
clouds skimming the Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1203: Sun shining.
- 1200: The Sun is trying to break through.
- 1200: .10" of Precipitation to this
point today and Trace of Snowfall to this
point today.
- 1150: Cloudy, a few tiny hints of breaks,
top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts and
the inner Gold Creek valley hidden, a few
lower wisps and bits over the Channel slope
of Mt. Juneau.
- 1128: Snow-Rain, Cloudy, mainland substantially
obscured and hidden, fairly bright.
- 1121: High Precipitation Rate of .06"
of Rain per hour.
- 1120: Very Light Rain-Snow, Cloudy, brighter,
Last Chance Basin, upper part of Mt. Juneau,
and very top and parts of the top of Mt.
Roberts hidden.
- 1100: Snow, Cloudy, mainland substantially
obscured and hidden.
- 1050: Very, very light rain-snow, cloudy,
most of mainland hidden above about 300'
- 500', and remainder not obscured to substantially
- 0950: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, fairly
bright, mainland above about 400' partially
to substantially obscured and hidden.
- 0850: Very Light Rain-Snow after Misting,
Cloudy, Last Chance Basin and Mt. Juneau
hidden above about 300' - 400', upper part
of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds.
- 0835: Cloudy, A few tiny hints of blue and
a few bright spots, brighter, upper part
of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts and the
top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge hidden by clouds,
precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley
and Last Chance Basin.
- 0750: Snow-Rain, Cloudy, mainland hidden
above about 400'.
- 0700: .06" of Precipitation to this
point today. Trace of Snowfall to this point
- 0653: Snow.
- 0650: Snow-Rain, Cloudy, mainland hidden
above about 350' and partially to substantially
obscured below that.
- 0638: Snow.
- 0631: Snow-Rain, Cloudy, most of the mainland
substantially obscured and hidden.
- 0620: Sprinkling/Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy,
very top of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts,
and the inner Gold Creek valley hidden, light
wind, snowing above 400'. .05" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 0619: A Great Blue Heron landed in the top
of a tree to the E.
- 0114 ADT: High Rain Rate of .04" of
Rain per hour.
Sat. 4/09/11: DATA | 1218: First Robin of 2011 Seen
- 2100 ADT: .19" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy,
very top of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts,
and the inner Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 2020: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, top
of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts hidden,
inner Gold Creek valley substantially obscured
and hidden.
- 1950: Sprinkling/Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy,
top - upper part of Mt. Juneau and of Mt.
Roberts and the inner Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 1920: Rain with a bit of Snow mixed in, Cloudy,
mainland mostly hidden above about 400' and
partially to substantially obscured below
- 1850: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, upper
part of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts hidden
by clouds, inner Gold Creek valley hidden,
snowing at the higher elevations.
- 1800: .16" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Sprinkling, Cloudy, top of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts in clouds, inner Gold
Creek valley hidden, snowing above about
- 1720: Extremely Light Sprinkling after Sprinkling/Very
Light Rain, Cloudy, upper part of Mt. Juneau,
top of Mt. Roberts, and the inner Gold Creek
valley hidden.
- 1605: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, upper part
of Mt. Juneau and top of Mt. Roberts hidden
by clouds, inner Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 1505: Sprinkling, Cloudy, top of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts and the inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, snowing at the higher elevations.
- 1500: .13" of Rainfall to this point
- 1435: Sprinkling, Cloudy, top of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts and the inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, snowing at the higher elevations.
- 1350: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy,
very top of Mt. Juneau, and very top - top
of Mt. Roberts and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
in clouds, remainder of the inner Gold Creek
valley partially obscured.
- 1320: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, top of Mt.
Juneau and of Mt. Roberts and the inner Gold
Creek valley hidden, snowing above about
400' - 500'.
- 1250: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy,
very top of Mt. Juneau, very top - top of
the Mt. Juneau Ridge, and very top and parts
of the top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, snowing
at the higher elevations.
- 1229: Very Light Sprinkling.
- 1220: Snow-Rain, Cloudy, very top of Mt.
Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts, and the inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, all snow at the
higher elevations.
- 1218: First Robin of 2011 Seen.
- 1200: .11" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Very Light Rain after very, very light
sprinkling-misting, cloudy, clouds skimming
- SE very top of Mt. Juneau and top of Mt.
Roberts in clouds, inner Gold Creek valley
hidden, snowing at the higher elevations.
- 1105: Cloudy, brighter, bright spot where
the sun is, precipitation in the inner Gold
Creek valley and over Mt. Juneau, very top
and SE part of the top of Mt. Juneau, very
top and parts of the top of Mt. Roberts,
and the top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds,
remainder of the inner Gold Creek valley
partially to substantially obscured.
- 1050: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, very weak
bright spot where the sun is, very top -
top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts hidden,
inner Gold Creek valley substantially obscured
and hidden, snowing at the higher elevations.
Snow level at about 800' on the Channel side
of Mt. Roberts.
- 1033: Very Light Rain with a few flakes of
snow mixed in, cloudy, clouds skimming -
SE very top of Mt. Juneau and very top -
top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, inner Gold
Creek valley hidden, snowing at the higher
- 1019: Snow-Rain, Cloudy, mainland substantially
obscured and hidden above about 400' - 500'.
- 0950: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, very
top - top of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts,
and the inner Gold Creek valley hidden, snowing
above about 400' - 450'.
- 0850: Cloudy, precipitation over much of
the mainland, mainland mountaintops in clouds,
remainder of the inner Gold Creek valley
partially to substantially obscured, snowing
at the higher elevations.
- 0820: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, very
tops of the mainland mountains in clouds.
- 0802: Rain - almost Snow, Cloudy, mainland
substantially obscured and hidden above about
400' - 500'.
- 0750: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds
skimming - SE very top of Mt. Juneau and
very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, a few lower wisps,
snowing at the higher elevations.
- 0735: Sprinkling, Cloudy, most of the very
top of Mt. Juneau, very top - top of Mt.
Roberts, and top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
in clouds, snowing at the higher elevations.
- 0700: .07" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Cloudy, top of Mt. Juneau, most of
the top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, and the
top of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 0635: Cloudy, a few hints of blue and hints
of breaks, very top of Mt. Juneau, part of
the top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, and top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds.
- 0620: Light Sprinkling after Rain, Cloudy,
hints of blue - bit of heavily filtered blue,
top of Mt. Juneau, very top - top of Mt.
Roberts, and the inner Gold Creek valley
hidden, snowing at the higher elevations
with snow level at about 650' - 700' on the
Channel side of Mt. Roberts. .07" of
Rainfall to this point today.
- 0606 ADT: High Rain Rate of .10" of
Rain per hour.
Fri. 4/08/11: DATA | The Alaska Public Safety Commissioner
issued an emergency order today extending
the deadline for removing studded tires from
April 15th to May 1st | 0644: First Ruby-Crowned
Kinglet of 2011 seen in the willow by the
- 2100 ADT: .48" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
top of Mt. Roberts and the inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, snowing at the higher elevations.
- 2043: Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
top of Mt. Roberts and the inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, snowing at the higher elevations.
- 1950: Light Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming
- very top of Mt. Juneau, the top of Mt.
Roberts, and the inner Gold Creek valley
hidden, snowing at the higher elevations.
- 1850: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming
- very top of Mt. Juneau, very top and parts
of the top of Mt. Roberts, and the inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, snowing at the
higher elevations.
- 1800: .40" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds skimming
Mt. Juneau, very top - top of Mt. Roberts
hidden, inner Gold Creek valley substantially
obscured and hidden, a few lower wisps Channel
side of Mt. Juneau, snowing at the higher
- 1650: Light Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming
- very top of Mt. Juneau, very top - top
of Mt. Roberts, and the inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, snowing at the higher elevations.
- 1637: Light Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming
- very top of Mt. Juneau, very top - top
of Mt. Roberts, and the inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, snowing at the higher elevations.
- 1550: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, very top
of Mt. Juneau, very top - top of Mt. Roberts,
and the inner Gold Creek valley hidden, snowing
at the higher elevations.
- 1500: .33" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming - very
top of Mt. Juneau and very top - top of Mt.
Roberts hidden, inner Gold Creek valley substantially
obscured and hidden, snowing at the higher
- 1355: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
very top of Mt. Juneau, very top - top of
Mt. Roberts, and the inner Gold Creek valley
hidden, snowing at the higher elevations,
a few lower wisps Channel side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1250: Sprinkling, Cloudy, very top of Mt.
Juneau, very top - top of Mt. Roberts, and
the inner Gold Creek valley hidden, snowing
at the higher elevations, snow on Mt. Roberts
above about 600' - 700'.
- 1200: .27" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Sprinkling-Light Misting, Cloudy, very
top of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts, and
the inner Gold Creek valley hidden, snowing
at the higher elevations.
- 1050: Light Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming
Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts, and the inner
Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 0950: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, snow at the
higher elevations, very top of Mt. Juneau,
top of Mt. Roberts, and the inner Gold Creek
valley hidden.
- 0900: Rain, Cloudy, snow at the higher elevations,
very top of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts,
and the inner Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 0758: High Rain Rate of .07" of Rain
per hour.
- 0755: Rain with a bit of snow mixed in, all
snow at the higher elevations, cloudy, very
top of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts, and
the inner Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 0738: Rain-Snow.
- 0700: .14" of Rainfall to this point
- 0655: Light Sleet-Rain.
- 0650: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, very top of
Mt. Juneau, very top - top of Mt. Roberts,
and the inner Gold Creek valley hidden, snowing
at the higher elevations.
- 0644: First Ruby-Crowned Kinglet of 2011
seen in the willow by the deck.
- 0626: High Rain Rate of .06" of Rain
per hour.
- 0620: Rain, Cloudy, very top of Mt. Juneau,
top of Mt. Roberts, and the inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, snowing at the higher elevations
with snow on the trees on Mt. Roberts above
about 500'. .12" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 0001: High Rain Rate of .04" of Rain
per hour.
Thur. 4/07/11: DATA | 0613: Heard a Robin singing
- 2338 ADT: High Rain Rate of .08" of
Rain per hour.
- 2100: .06" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, clouds
skimming Mt. Juneau, very top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, inner Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 1950: Drizzle-Misting, Cloudy, very top of
Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts, and the inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, remainder of the
mainland partially obscured, snowing at the
higher elevations.
- 1944: High Rain Rate of .04" of Rain
per hour.
- 1935: Light Drizzle, Cloudy, very top - top
of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts, and the
inner Gold Creek valley hidden, remainder
of the mainland partially obscured, snowing
at the higher elevations.
- 1850: Very Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy,
clouds skimming Mt. Juneau, inner Gold Creek
valley and very top and parts of the top
of Mt. Roberts substantially obscured-hidden.
- 1805: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming
Mt. Juneau, very top of Mt. Roberts and top
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, remainder
of the inner Gold Creek valley partially
to substantially obscured.
- 1800: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1750: Cloudy, precipitation over the mainland,
clouds skimming Mt. Juneau, inner Gold Creek
valley and very top and parts of the top
of Mt. Roberts hidden.
- 1739: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, peak of Mt.
Juneau, inner Gold Creek valley, and very
top and parts of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden.
- 1715: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, inner Gold
Creek valley partially to substantially obscured
and hidden, peak of Mt. Juneau and very top
of Mt. Roberts substantially obscured-hidden
- 1705: Cloudy, precipitation over the mainland
with the inner Gold Creek valley partially
- 1650: Cloudy, precipitation over much of
the mainland.
- 1635: Cloudy, precipitation over much of
the mainland.
- 1550: Cloudy.
- 1450: Cloudy.
- 1405: Cloudy.
- 1250: Cloudy, a few thinner areas, extremely
weak to very weak sunshine.
- 1200: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1150: Cloudy, weak bright spot where the
sun is.
- 1050: Cloudy with an area of thinner clouds
and a few hints of blue, bright skies, weak
- weakened sunshine.
- 1020: Weakened Sunshine.
- 0950: Cloudy, a few breaks, very weak sunshine,
clouds skimming the Mt. Juneau Ridge, SE
very top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts
in clouds.
- 0850: Cloudy, a few tiny breaks, variable
sun in and out after full sun, SE top of
Mt. Juneau, upper part of Mt. Roberts, and
very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds,
a few clouds in Last Chance Basin.
- 0750: Cloudy, break far to the SE, a few
very tiny filtered breaks elsewhere, lower
ribbon Channel side of Mt. Roberts and a
ribbon and a few wisps in Last Chance Basin.
- 0700: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0650: Mostly Cloudy, clouds skimming SE part
Mt. Juneau, very top Mt. Juneau Ridge, and
clouds skimming - very top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds.
- 0620: Cloudy, peak of Mt. Juneau, top of
the Mt. Juneau Ridge, and SE top or very
top of Mt. Roberts in clouds. Trace of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 0613 ADT: Heard a Robin singing.
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy with broken and slightly
broken areas. Trace of Precipitation to this
point today. Trace of Snowfall (from snow
and tiny ice pellets) today.
- 1950: Cloudy with areas of thin - very thin
- 1850: Cloudy, a few very small and tiny breaks.
- 1800: Trace of Precipitation and Trace of
Snowfall to this point today.
- 1750: Mostly Cloudy, variable sunshine here
and there, precipitation in the Granite Creek
- 1650: Partly Cloudy, variable sun here and
- 1550: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy, variable sun
in and out and here and there.
- 1500: Trace of Precipitation and Trace of
Snowfall to this point today.
- 1450: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with an area
of mostly blue sky, a few spots of weakened
sun on the top of Mt. Juneau and of the Mt.
Juneau Ridge.
- 1426: The Sun broke through briefly.
- 1420: Cloudy, spot of very weak sunshine
on the top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1356: Very Tiny Ice Pellets Shower began
(ended by 1401), Cloudy, very weak sunshine
on part of the mainland.
- 1350: Cloudy with a thin spot, very weak
sunshine on parts of the mainland.
- 1250: Mostly Cloudy, weak to somewhat weakened
- 1241: The Sun is coming out.
- 1200: Trace of Precipitation and Trace of
Snowfall to this point today.
- 1150: Cloudy, a few breaks, extremely weak
to weak sunshine on parts of the mainland.
- 1135: Mostly Cloudy/Cloudy, clouds skimming
SE part of Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau
Ridge, most of the very top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, weak - very weak sunshine on much
of the mainland.
- 1050: Cloudy with some breaks and clear areas,
SE very top of Mt. Juneau and very top and
SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
weak sunshine.
- 1020: Partly Cloudy, somewhat weakened sunshine,
cloud hiding the SE top of Mt. Juneau, clouds
around most of the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 0935: Mostly/Partly Cloudy, full sun, cloud
upper SE part of Mt. Juneau, lower ribbon
Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0920: Extremely Weak - Very Weak Sunshine.
- 0850: Cloudy with slightly - partly broken
areas, lower ribbon Channel side of Mt. Roberts
and a few wisps.
- 0750: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, slightly
- partly broken clouds to the NW and a few
other breaks, Mt. Roberts partially to substantially
- 0732: Snow-Rain, Cloudy, a few small breaks.
- 0700: Trace of Precipitation and Trace of
Snowfall to this point today.
- 0657: Light Fine Snow.
- 0650: Very, very light snow, cloudy with
some breaks, very small clear areas.
- 0635: A New Weekly Picture has been posted - Spruce Pollen at the Foot
of the Driveway.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with hints of breaks.
- 2050 ADT: Partly/Mostly Cloudy. Elevated
deck is getting icy. .01" of Precipitation
to this point today. Trace of Snowfall in
the form of Ice Pellets today.
- 1950: Partly Cloudy with very thin and thin,
and thinnish clouds.
- 1850: Partly Cloudy but with the blue slightly
filtered to filtered, weakened - weak sunshine
on the top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge and much
of Mt. Roberts.
- 1835: Partly Cloudy but with the blue slightly
filtered to filtered, sun varying from weak
to somewhat filtered sunshine on much of
the mainland.
- 1800: .01" of Precipitation to this
point today.
- 1750: Cloudy with some filtered clear areas.
- 1720: Cloudy, a few clear areas, precipitation
in the inner Gold Creek valley which is partially
to substantially obscured and hidden.
- 1650: Cloudy, very top and parts of the top
of Mt. Roberts hidden, precipitation over
Mt. Roberts.
- 1635: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy.
- 1620: Cloudy, a few tiny breaks over Mt.
Juneau, very slightly murky in the inner
Gold Creek valley.
- 1603: Very Tiny Ice Pellets.
- 1550: Very, very light rain, cloudy with
some clear sky to the N and NE, variable
sun here and there.
- 1540: After a lull, very, very light rain.
- 1533: Brief Very Small Ice Pellets shower.
- 1450: Partly Cloudy but with the blue very
slightly to slightly filtered, variable strength
- 1350: Cloudy with thinnish and thin clouds
and some thick clouds, bright skies, somewhat
weakened sunshine.
- 1325: Shower in part of Last Chance Basin.
- 1320: Overcast with thinnish and thin clouds
and some filtered to heavily filtered blue,
weak sunshine.
- 1150: Mostly Cloudy with thinnish, thin,
very thin clouds and the blue that is visible
is filtered, weakened - somewhat weakened
- 1050: Mostly Cloudy with thinnish, thin,
very thin clouds and the blue that is visible
is filtered, weakened - somewhat weakened
- 0950: Mostly Cloudy with thinnish, thin,
very thin clouds and the blue that is visible
is filtered, a few lower wisps, weak - weakened
- 0935: Mostly Cloudy with thinnish, thin,
very thin clouds, lower ribbons and wisps,
weak - weakened sunshine.
- 0850: Foggy-Cloudy overhead with a very small
filtered break, sun shining through the fog
for very weak sunshine, fog hiding the mainland
above about 75' - 150'.
- 0750: Foggy-Cloudy overhead with a few tiny
breaks, fog hiding the mainland above about
100' - 150'.
- 0724: Fog.
- 0650: Foggy overhead and fog hiding the mainland
above about 50' - 75'.
- 0620 ADT: Foggy overhead and fog hiding the
mainland except a few lights closest to Gastineau
Channel from Gold Creek North are visible.
Light - Very Light Frost has formed.
Mon. 4/04/11: DATA | NWS Summary of March 2011 Weather at the
Juneau International Airport - See Below
SUNDAY 4/03/11: DATA | 4th Sunday in Lent
- 2100 ADT: .11" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, inner Gold
Creek valley hidden.
- 1950: Sprinkling, Cloudy, some wisps around
the SE top of Mt. Juneau, top of the Mt.
Juneau Ridge and of Mt. Roberts hidden, remainder
of the inner Gold Creek valley partially
- 1850: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, snowing
at the higher elevations, very top and parts
of the top of Mt. Roberts and the inner Gold
Creek valley partially to substantially obscured
and hidden, small cloud Channel side of the
top of Mt. Juneau, murky around the remainder
of its top.
- 1800: .06" of Rainfall to this point
today. High Rain Rate of .02" of Rain
per hour.
- 1750: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
murky at the very top of Mt. Juneau, very
top and parts of the top of Mt. Roberts and
the inner Gold Creek valley partially to
substantially obscured and hidden.
- 1720: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
murky at the very top of Mt. Juneau, top
of Mt. Roberts and the inner Gold Creek valley
partially to substantially obscured and hidden.
- 1650: Sprinkling, Cloudy, murky at the very
top of Mt. Juneau, inner Gold Creek valley
substantially obscured-hidden, very top of
Mt. Roberts partially to substantially obscured,
snowing at the higher elevations.
- 1550: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, peak of Mt.
Juneau, very top and parts of the top of
Mt. Roberts, and the inner Gold Creek valley
- 1500: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Sprinkling, Cloudy, inner Gold Creek
valley and very top and parts of the top
of Mt. Roberts substantially obscured and
hidden, very top of Mt. Juneau partially
- 1350: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy,
slightly murky - murky in the inner Gold
Creek valley, slightly murky at the very
top of Mt. Juneau, and murky at the very
top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1250: Cloudy, very slightly murky in parts
of the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1200: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: A few very light sprinkles, cloudy,
very weak bright spot where the sun is, some
clouds on the Channel side of the upper part
of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, inner Gold
Creek valley partially obscured, light wind.
- 1050: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, weak bright
spot where the sun is, very top - top of
Mt. Juneau hidden by clouds on the Channel
side, top of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds
on the Channel side.
- 1010: Light to Breezy Wind.
- 0950: Cloudy, precipitation over parts of
the mainland, murky in the inner Gold Creek
valley and at the very top of Mt. Roberts,
light wind.
- 0935: Cloudy, precipitation in Last Chance
Basin and the inner Gold Creek valley which
is partially obscured, slightly murky around
the very top of Mt. Juneau and very top of
Mt. Roberts partially to substantially obscured.
- 0850: Cloudy, precipitation over at least
the upper parts of the mainland where it
is in the form of snow, inner Gold Creek
valley partially and substantially obscured,
peak of Mt. Juneau and very top and parts
of the top of Mt. Roberts substantially obscured
and hidden, light wind.
- 0750: Sprinkling, some very light rain in
the past hour, cloudy, peak of Mt. Juneau,
very top and parts of the top of Mt. Roberts,
and the inner Gold Creek valley substantially
obscured and hidden, light wind.
- 0700: .01" of Rainfall to this point
- 0653: Extremely Light Sprinkling.
- 0650: Cloudy, precipitation in the form of
snow over the upper part of Mt. Juneau and
of Last Chance Basin, in the inner Gold Creek
valley which is partially to substantially
obscured, and at the upper part - top of
Mt. Roberts, very top and parts of the top
of Mt. Roberts partially to substantially
- 0620: Cloudy, precipitation over much of
the upper parts of the mainland in the form
of snow, inner Gold Creek valley partially
and substantially obscured. .01" of
Rainfall to this point today.
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy with thin spots and areas
in the clouds and hints of breaks. Trace
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1950: Cloudy with some very small and tiny
filtered breaks.
- 1850: Cloudy, a few breaks.
- 1800: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1750: Cloudy, a few extremely tiny breaks.
- 1650: Cloudy, a few very tiny and extremely
tiny breaks.
- 1635: Cloudy with a clear area and a few
very small and tiny breaks.
- 1550: Mostly Cloudy with variable sunshine
in most areas.
- 1500: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1450: Cloudy with a few breaks and small
clear areas, very top of Mt. Juneau and of
Mt. Roberts in clouds, spots and areas of
extremely weak to weakened sunshine.
- 1420: Cloudy with a few breaks, clouds around
much of the top of Mt. Juneau and most of
the top of Mt. Roberts, very slightly weakened
- 1412: Full sun now.
- 1350: Cloudy, a few breaks, inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, a few clouds and wisps around
the upper part of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts,
extremely weak sunshine here and very weak
sunshine on part of downtown Juneau.
- 1340: The Sun is trying to break through.
- 1320: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, some
clouds and wisps around the top - upper part
of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts.
- 1250: Cloudy, a few small and tiny breaks,
inner Gold Creek valley substantially obscured
and hidden, a few clouds and wisps around
the upper part of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts.
There was a brief light rain shower in the
past 40 minutes.
- 1200: Precipitation to the E.
- 1150: Cloudy, a few extremely tiny breaks,
a few wisps and bits of clouds around the
upper part of Mt. Juneau, some wisps and
clouds around the upper part of Mt. Roberts.
- 1050: Cloudy with some breaks, extremely
weak to weak sunshine, parts of the top of
Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds, lower band
Channel side of Mt. Roberts and some clouds
in Last Chance Basin and over the Channel
slope of Mt. Juneau.
- 1035: Cloudy with some breaks, weak - very
weak sunshine, lower band.
- 0950: Cloudy, lower band/ribbon with the
band also in the lower part of Last Chance
- 0850: Cloudy, some tiny bright spots in the
clouds in the SE part of the sky, lower band/ribbon.
- 0750: Cloudy with an area of slightly broken
clouds, lower ribbon and band, most of the
upper Channel side of Mt. Juneau hidden by
a fog/cloud.
- 0650: Cloudy, a few very tiny hints of breaks,
clouds skimming peak of Mt. Juneau, lower
band and ribbons.
- 0640: Now Available: March 2011 Monthly Report, and updated Weather Database.
- 0635: Cloudy, lower ribbon, band, and wisps.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy, a few very tiny hints of
breaks, much of the mainland hidden by fog
above about 400' - 500', lower part of the
inner Gold Creek valley visible.
Fri. 4/01/11: DATA | Due to the lousy "help" here
(me) I've been showing the March Monthly
Statistics ( as February and I only noticed that today.
I'm sorry for the month long confusion.
- 2105 ADT: High Rain Rate of .08" of
Rain per hour.
- 2100: .27" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Sprinkling, Cloudy, upper part of Mt.
Juneau, inner Gold Creek valley, and much
of the upper part of Mt. Roberts hidden by
clouds, lower ribbon Channel side of Last
Chance Basin and of Mt. Roberts and a few
other bits and wisps.
- 2036: High Rain Rate of .04" of Rain
per hour.
- 2035: Rain, Cloudy, upper part of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts and the inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, a few lower clouds and wisps.
- 1950: Cloudy, a few hints of breaks, SE very
top of Mt. Juneau and top - upper part of
Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds, lower band
Channel side of Mt. Juneau and fog/cloud
filling the upper part of Last Chance Basin.
- 1920: Cloudy, some mostly very small and
tiny breaks, SE very top of Mt. Juneau and
very top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, lower
band, clouds in much of Last Chance Basin.
- 1850: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy, extremely weak
to very weak sunshine in areas, upper part
of Mt. Juneau and parts of the top of Mt.
Roberts hidden by clouds, clouds in the upper
part of Last Chance Basin.
- 1835: A few sprinkles, cloudy with some breaks,
fairly bright, upper part of Mt. Juneau and
part of the very top and SE top of Mt. Roberts
hidden by clouds, clouds in the upper part
of Last Chance Basin.
- 1800: .23" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy, a few very small and tiny breaks,
precipitation over the mainland, upper part
of the mainland mostly hidden by fog/clouds.
- 1650: Sprinkles, Cloudy, upper part of the
mainland hidden by fog/clouds.
- 1550: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, small bright
area in the clouds where the sun is, much
of the upper part of the mainland hidden
by clouds, low clouds in Last Chance Basin.
- 1500: .23" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy,
upper part of Mt. Juneau hidden by clouds,
very top and parts of the top of Mt. Roberts
hidden by clouds, clouds in the upper part
of Last Chance Basin, some lower bits and
wisps over the upper Channel slope of Mt.
- 1350: Sprinkling, Cloudy, upper part of Mt.
Juneau hidden by clouds, very top and parts
of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden, fog/clouds
in the upper parts of Last Chance Basin,
some wisps over the upper Channel side slope
of Mt. Roberts.
- 1250: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy,
upper part of Mt. Juneau hidden by clouds,
very top - top of Mt. Roberts and the inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, a lower clouds
and wisps, snowing at the higher elevations.
- 1200: .20" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
top - upper part of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt.
Roberts, and the inner Gold Creek valley
hidden, a few tiny lower wisps.
- 1050: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy,
top - upper part of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt.
Roberts, and the inner Gold Creek valley
hidden, a few lower wisps.
- 0950: Sprinkling, Cloudy, top of Mt. Roberts,
the inner Gold Creek valley, and much of
the upper part of Mt. Juneau hidden, a few
lower wisps, snowing at the higher elevations.
- 0935: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, very top
of Mt. Juneau, very top - top of Mt. Roberts,
and the inner Gold Creek valley hidden, some
lower wisps-clouds Channel side of Mt. Juneau,
snowing at the higher elevations.
- 0850: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, very top -
top of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts, and
the inner Gold Creek valley hidden, snowing
at the higher elevations.
- 0750: Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy, very top
and SE part of the top of Mt. Juneau, top
of Mt. Roberts, and the inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, snowing at the higher elevations.
- 0700: .12" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, top of Mt.
Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, and the inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, snowing at the
higher elevations.
- 0620: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, very top of
Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts, and the inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, snowing at the
higher elevations. .11" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 0200 ADT: High Rain Rate of .03" of
Rain per hour.