Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
NAME: 3270 Nowell CITY: West Juneau STATE: Alaska
ELEV: 97 ft LAT: 58° 17' 33" N LONG: 134° 25' 37" W
TEMPERATURE (°F), RAIN (in), WIND SPEED (mph), SNOW (in). Snowfall from 21:00 - 21:00, all others Midnight to Midnight.
1 52.5 58.7 6:15p 49.1 4:25a 12.5 0.0 0.14 0.0 6.0 4:40p E 0.57 0.0 0.0 LoCdsFog/Rn-Drz Fog/LtMst-Drz Cd/LtDrz Cd/TnyBrks Cd
2 53.2 57.3 1:05p 50.4 5:00a 11.8 0.0 0.00 0.1 7.0 12:30p ENE 1.29 0.0 0.0 Cld-LayerFogOverChannel Cldy
3 51.1 53.6 5:15p 49.4 4:20a 13.9 0.0 0.04 0.1 6.0 11:10a E 1.61 0.0 0.0 Cd Cd/LtMst-Sp LoCds-Fog/Drz-Mst-Sp Cd Cd/Drz-Mst Cd
4 52.3 56.2 2:30p 49.9 2:30a 12.7 0.0 TRACE 0.0 2.0 10:40a ENE 0.00 0.0 0.0 Cldy/TraceofRn Cldy-LayerFogLowOverChannel Cldy
5 58.6 67.3 2:35p 50.4 4:40a 6.6 0.1 0.00 1.4 14.0 10:40p WNW 34.45 0.0 0.0 Cld SmBrks DecrClds MClr/Clr PCld MCld/Cd Cd-FewBrks
6 61.4 70.9 1:50p 52.5 4:35a 4.8 1.2 TRACE 2.9 17.0 2:00p WNW 68.84 0.0 0.0 Cld VarP/MCld MCld/Shr PCld Brzy-LtWind VarM/PCld
7 55.5 57.2 6:15p 52.9 6:05a 9.5 0.0 0.09 0.0 6.0 3:50p ESE 0.08 0.0 0.0 Cd Sm-TnyBrks Cd/Spr-LtRn-R Cd Cd/Mst-Drz Cd-Brks Cd
8 58.1 64.7 3:55p 52.5 2:30a 6.9 0.0 0.05 0.9 15.0 1:00p NW 21.08 0.0 0.0 Cd Fog Cd-SltBrkn MCd Cd-OcBrks&FewSpr Cd/LtRn-R-Spr
9 54.0 56.3 12:10a 52.0 11:20p 11.0 0.0 0.74 0.3 10.0 3:15p WNW 7.84 0.0 0.0 LoCds/LtR-Drz-Spr Cd/Rn-XtmHvyRn Cd/Shrs-Drz Rnbw Cd
10 52.6 54.7 5:45p 50.7 6:50a 12.4 0.0 0.10 0.1 8.0 8:15a W 2.02 0.0 0.0 LoClds-Fog Cd-LoCds Cd/Spr-VryLtRn-Driz Cd/Rn Fog Cd
11 53.2 58.6 12:50p 51.1 10:30p 11.8 0.0 0.21 0.1 7.0 11:25a ENE 1.80 0.0 0.0 Cld/OccLtRn Cldy Cld-Ovcst Cld/Spr-VryLtRn-LtRn-Rn
12 53.6 56.5 5:25p 50.7 5:05a 11.4 0.0 0.55 1.3 14.0 1:05p SSE 30.07 0.0 0.0 LoCds/Fog/LtRn-Drz-Rn-Spr Cd/LtRn-R-Sp Cd Cd/Dz-Sp-R
13 54.0 57.0 8:40p 50.8 8:20a 11.0 0.0 0.86 1.3 16.0 8:45p SSE 31.79 0.0 0.0 Cld/Rn Cd Cd/Drz-Rn Cd/Mst-LtRn-Rn-Spr-HvyRn Shrs Cd
14 57.1 61.6 3:05p 53.9 12:00m 7.9 0.0 0.15 1.9 17.0 6:15a SSE 45.00 0.0 0.0 Cd LtWnd Cd Cd-Sm-TnyBrks Lt-Brz Cd/LtDrz-Rn Cd Shwr
15 57.1 65.2 4:30p 52.0 12:00m 7.9 0.0 0.00 0.5 11.0 1:55p NW 11.65 0.0 0.0 Cld-VarFog Cd-Brkn VarPCd-MCd-Cd PCd PCd/MClr PCd Cd
16 52.1 56.0 1:55p 50.2 5:30a 12.9 0.0 0.32 0.1 11.0 7:10a NW 3.35 0.0 0.0 Cld Cld/VryLt-LtRn-Rn-Spr Cld-LoClds-Fog/Driz-Mst-Rn
17 52.8 56.6 1:25p 50.5 7:10a 12.2 0.0 0.31 0.5 10.0 10:55a WNW 11.49 0.0 0.0 LoCds-Fg/Rn-Drz-Mst-Sp Cd Cd/LtDrz-Mst Cd Cd/R-Sp-Dz
18 54.0 59.2 3:50p 49.4 5:35a 11.0 0.0 0.00 0.3 9.0 9:10p E 6.71 0.0 0.0 Fog LoCds P/MCd PCd Cd-FwBrks MCd PCd ThinshOvcst Cd
19 56.1 63.5 12:15p 49.8 5:15a 8.9 0.0 0.05 0.1 9.0 11:15a ENE 1.47 0.0 0.0 Cldy/Shrs Cld-OccBrks VarM/PCld Cldy-HintsBrks
20 60.5 74.9 2:30p 52.2 2:05a 6.2 1.7 0.00 1.4 18.0 11:50a E 34.34 0.0 0.0 Cd P/MCd Lt&Lt-BrzWnd PCd MClr/PCd PCd MCd/Cd Cd MCd
21 53.6 55.4 12:05a 51.7 10:40p 11.4 0.0 0.45 0.8 11.0 3:30p SSE 17.98 0.0 0.0 VarCld-PCld Cld Cld/Rn-VryLtRn Cld Cld/LtRn-Spr-Rn
22 52.5 54.5 2:55p 49.6 4:00a 12.5 0.0 0.45 0.4 14.0 10:25p SSE 8.76 0.0 0.0 Cld-SomeFog/Rn-LtRn Cld/LtRn-Rn-Spr-VryLtDriz-Mist
23 54.1 56.6 2:05p 50.4 12:00m 10.9 0.0 0.25 1.1 13.0 3:25a SSE 25.45 0.0 0.0 Cld/Rn Cld Cld/Spr-Lt-VryLtRn-Rn-DrizWithLulls
24 51.2 54.1 12:30p 48.8 11:15p 13.8 0.0 0.41 1.0 15.0 6:50a SSE 24.50 0.0 0.0 LoClds-Fog/Rn-LtRn Cld/Shrs&PeriodsofRn-LtRn-Spr-Drz
25 49.0 49.8 2:55p 47.9 10:30a 16.0 0.0 0.85 1.5 13.0 9:25a SSE 35.75 0.0 0.0 Cld/OccLt-VryLtRn Cld/Spr-LtRn-Rn-VryLtRn-Drz-Mist
26 49.3 53.9 5:35p 41.9 11:50p 15.7 0.0 0.20 1.5 11.0 12:55a SSE 35.09 0.0 0.0 Cld/Rn-Spr-VryLtRn-Driz Cd Cd-Brks/FewSpr DecrCd Clr
27 48.1 54.7 2:10p 40.9 1:40a 16.9 0.0 0.00 0.2 8.0 3:25a ENE 4.81 0.0 0.0 Foggy-CldOvhd-LoClds DecrLoClds M/PCld PCld MCld Cld
28 49.9 53.2 2:55p 48.0 2:25a 15.1 0.0 0.16 0.7 11.0 4:30p SSE 16.14 0.0 0.0 Cd-LoCds Cd Cd/LtDrz-Rn Cld/OcSpr Cd/Rn Cd Cd/Rn-Drz
29 51.1 57.5 2:55p 45.4 12:00m 13.9 0.0 0.00 0.4 10.0 3:55p W 8.58 0.0 0.0 LoCd Cd-TnySmBrks Cd SmBrksWkSun Cd/MCd VarP/MCd PCd
30 50.2 60.5 3:30p 43.8 12:00m 14.8 0.0 0.04 0.8 14.0 11:30a WNW 18.41 0.0 0.0 PCld/Clr Cld Cd/Lt-HvyRn Cd/MCd DecrCds PCd Clr-MClr
31 47.5 53.3 4:35p 40.6 4:10a 17.5 0.0 0.00 0.2 7.0 11:05a E 5.22 0.0 0.0 BecameFoggy LoCds-Fog Cd Cd-Brks TnyBrks Cd M/PCd Cd
53.4 74.9 20 40.6 31 361.8 3.0 6.42 0.7 18.0 20 SSE 516.14 0.0
(1) As measured on Front Lawn
STATISTICS | DATA | GRAPHS | CONDITIONS - DAY of MONTH: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31| TOP
AVERAGE Mean Temp: 53.4
AVERAGE High Temp: 58.4
MINIMUM High Temp: 49.8 25th
MAXIMUM High Temp: 74.9 20th
AVERAGE Low Temp: 49.3
MINIMUM Low Temp: 40.6 31st
MAXIMUM Low Temp: 53.9 14th
MAX >= 90.0: 0
MAX >= 80.0: 0
MAX >= 70.0: 2 6th, 20th
MAX <= 32.0: 0
MIN <= 32.0: 0
MIN <= 0.0: 0
MAXIMUM Humidity (%): 97 On Days: 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 29, 31
MINIMUM Humidity (%): 39 20th @ 1314
MAXIMUM Pressure (mb): 1024.5 3rd @ 2359
MINIMUM Pressure (mb): 992.2 24th @ 0159
TOTAL Htg Deg Days: 361.8
AVERAGE Htg Deg Days: 11.7
MINIMUM Htg Deg Days: 4.8 6th
MAXIMUM Htg Deg Days: 17.5 31st
TOTAL Cool Deg Days: 3.0
Heat Base: 65.0 Cool Base: 65.0 Method: Integration
TOTAL Precip.: 6.42
AVERAGE Precip. A: 0.3 (Per day, for the 21 days with measurable precip.; including the 2 days with Trace = 0.28)
AVERAGE Precip. B: 0.21 (Per day)
DAYS of Precip.: 23 All but: 2nd, 5th, 15th, 18th, 20th, 27th, 29th, 31st
MAXIMUM Precip.: 0.86 13th
MAXIMUM Rain Rate: 6.40 9th @ 0840
Days of Rain: 21 (>.01 in) 15 (>.1 in) 0 (>1 in)
TOTAL Snowfall: 0.0
DAYS of Snowfall: 0
AVERAGE High Wind: 11.0
MINIMUM High Wind: 2 4th
MAXIMUM High Wind: 18 20th
WIND RUN (miles): 516.14
DAYS Sun at any time: 14 5th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 14th, 15th, 19th, 20th, 26th, 27th, 29th, 30th, 31st
DAYS OF Cld or M Cld: 31
DAYS OF Rainbow: 1 9th: Partial to ENE 2037 - 2047
DAYS OF Aurora: 0
DAYS OF Lightning: 0
DAYS OF Earthquake: 0




SUNDAY 8/31/08: DATA | The Fireweed is going to Seed - The Seed
Pods are opening and the fluff with the seeds
is being revealed
- 2050 ADT: Mostly/Partly Cloudy - Areas of
thinner clouds.
- 1950: Cloudy with large areas of thinner
- 1850: Cloudy with slightly - partly broken
clouds, hints of breaks, and a few thin spots
and areas.
- 1750: Cloudy with a few small filtered breaks
and hints of breaks, cloud hiding the peak
of Mt. Juneau and one over part of the very
top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1705: Cloudy, a few tiny breaks and hints
of breaks, some clouds skimming Mt. Juneau
and the Mt. Juneau Ridge, very weak sunshine,
bright spot where the sun is.
- 1605: Cloudy with a few very tiny breaks.
- 1450: Cloudy with breaks, clouds skimming
the Mt. Juneau Ridge, sun in and out and
here and there.
- 1350: Cloudy with a few very tiny breaks,
bright spot where the sun is, clouds skimming
Mt. Roberts, top of Mt. Juneau Ridge and
very top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds.
- 1250: Cloudy, very top of Mt. Juneau and
of Mt. Roberts, and the top of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge in the clouds, lower ribbon and a few
- 1150: Cloudy, very top - top of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts in the clouds, lower band,
inner Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 1050: Cloudy, very top of Mt. Juneau, top
of Mt. Roberts and upper part of the Mt.
Juneau Ridge hidden by clouds, lower ribbon/band
and wisps of fog/clouds.
- 0950: Cloudy, very top of Mt. Juneau, top
of Mt. Roberts and upper part of the Mt.
Juneau Ridge hidden by clouds, lower ribbon/band
of fog/clouds.
- 0850: Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, lower band/ribbon of fog/clouds,
Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 0825: Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, lower band of fog/clouds,
Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 0750: Fog overhead and hiding most of the
mainland, Blueberry Hills and the upper part
of Pioneer Avenue are in fog.
- 0650: Fog.
- 0635: Fog overhead and hiding the mainland
above 150' - 200', Blueberry Hills and the
upper part of Pioneer Avenue are in fog.
- 0620 ADT: Fog overhead and hiding the mainland
except the lower part of downtown closest
to Douglas Island is slightly to partially
obscured, Blueberry Hills and the upper part
of Pioneer Avenue are in fog. A cruise ship
foghorn is sounding.
- 2050: Clear. .04" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 1950: Mostly Clear with some high haze and
a few high very thin clouds.
- 1850: Clear with a few small and tiny clouds,
sun shining on the mainland.
- 1821: The Sun disappeared below the Douglas
Island mountains.
- 1800: .04" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Mostly Clear with some cumulus clouds,
sun shining.
- 1650: Partly Cloudy with cumulus clouds,
sun shining here and there and in and out.
- 1550: Partly Cloudy with cumulus clouds,
sun shining here and there and in and out.
- 1450: Partly Cloudy with slightly filtered
blue, sun in and out and here and there.
- 1350: Mostly Clear/Partly Cloudy with cumulus
clouds mostly near and over the mountains,
clouds skimming the Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1250: Mostly/Partly Cloudy with high thinnish,
thin, and very thin clouds and filtered blue
and lower cumulus clouds, clouds skimming
Mt. Roberts and the very top - top of the
Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, cloud brushing
the SE part of the top of Mt. Juneau, weak
- weakened sunshine.
- 1220: Mostly/Partly Cloudy, large areas of
thinner and thin clouds, weak weakened sunshine,
clouds skimming Mt. Roberts, very top of
the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, a few
clouds by the top of Mt. Juneau, light wind.
- 1200: .04" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy with a few filtered breaks and
filtered clear areas, weak - weakened sunshine,
some clouds around the SE part of the top
of Mt. Roberts and hiding the Mt. Juneau
Ridge, light wind.
- 1056: Cloudy with areas of thinner clouds
with filtered and heavily filtered blue,
bright skies, slightly weakened sunshine,
clouds hiding the upper SE part of Mt. Juneau,
upper part of Last Chance Basin, and parts
of the top of Mt. Roberts with a lower band,
light wind.
- 1020: Cloudy with a few small filtered breaks
and a small area of filtered blue, bright
skies, very weak sunshine, top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, lower band on the Channel
side of Mt. Roberts and Mt. Juneau with clouds
filling Last Chance Basin.
- 0950: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy with fog/clouds
around much of the upper parts of the mainland
- 0929: High Rain Rate of .24" of Rain
per hour.
- 0926: Heavy Rain.
- 0920: Light Rain, fog/clouds hiding Mt. Roberts
and Last Chance Basin above about 600' -
700', bands and ribbons hiding parts of Mt.
- 0850: Cloudy, very tops of the mainland mountains
in the clouds with lower bands, ribbons and
wisps of fog, inner Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 0750: Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
mostly in the clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 0650: Cloudy, very top of Mt. Juneau, much
of the top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, clouds
filling most of the inner Gold Creek valley,
a few lower ribbons and wisps.
- 0635: Cloudy, top of Mt. Roberts, very top
of Mt. Juneau, and upper part of Mt. Juneau
Ridge hidden by clouds, lower ribbons Channel
side of Mt. Roberts, a few wisps.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with the very tops of the
mainland mountains in clouds with lower ribbons.
- 2050: Partly Cloudy with some clouds around
and by the upper parts of the mainland mountains.
- 2035: Partly Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt.
Juneau and some clouds around the top of
Mt. Roberts, a few lower clouds and wisps.
- 1950: Mostly Cloudy, clouds skimming the
mainland mountains, band of cloud on the
upper Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1850: Partly Cloudy, a cloud skimming the
Mt. Juneau Ridge, a few clouds around the
SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts, sun shining
on the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1750: Mostly/Partly Cloudy, sun shining on
parts of the mainland, clouds skimming the
Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1735: Partly/Mostly Cloudy, sun shining on
parts of the mainland, clouds skimming the
Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1720: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy, sun shining on
downtown, very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
in the clouds, some precipitation in the
Granite Creek area.
- 1650: Cloudy with a bright spot and area
where the sun is, a small break to the NW,
clouds skimming the Mt. Juneau Ridge, precipitation
in the inner Gold Creek valley and part of
the very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1620: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau
and the Mt. Juneau Ridge, precipitation in
the inner Gold Creek valley and over the
upper part of Mt. Juneau.
- 1550: Cloudy, a few tiny breaks and hints
of breaks, area of bright clouds in the SW
part of the sky, very weak sunshine on part
of downtown and of Mt. Roberts, very top
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, some
clouds around the SE part of the top of Mt.
- 1450: Cloudy with a few hints of breaks and
a bright area in the clouds, clouds skimming
Mt. Juneau, very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
in the clouds and the SE part of the top
of Mt. Roberts, some precipitation in the
inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1350: Cloudy with a few small and tiny breaks,
clouds around the SE part of the top of Mt.
Juneau and the SE part of the top of Mt.
Roberts, upper part of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
in clouds, weak - very weak sunshine on a
few small areas of the mainland.
- 1328: Cloudy with a few small breaks and
bright areas, a few clouds around the top
of Mt. Juneau and the SE part of the top
of Mt. Roberts, upper part of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge in clouds.
- 1250: Cloudy with hints of breaks, bright
spot where the sun is and other brighter
areas, very weak sunshine on parts of the
mainland, SE part of the upper part of Mt.
Juneau in the clouds, most of the upper part
of Mt. Roberts and the upper part of the
Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 1205: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau
and Mt. Roberts, clouds around the SE part
of the top of Mt. Roberts, inner Gold Creek
valley mostly filled with clouds, lower ribbon/band
on Channel side of Mt. Roberts and some lower
clouds on the S side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1150: Cloudy, very top of Mt. Juneau, most
of the top of Mt. Roberts, and the inner
Gold Creek valley hidden by clouds, lower
cloud over the S face of Mt. Juneau and on
the Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1050: Cloudy with areas of slightly - partly
broken clouds and bright areas, clouds around
Mt. Juneau and most of Mt. Roberts above
about 1000', clouds filling the inner Gold
Creek valley, very weak sunshine on parts
of the mainland.
- 0950: Cloudy with brighter clouds to the
ESE, fog/clouds around most of Mt. Juneau
and Mt. Roberts above about 700' - 800',
clouds filling the inner Gold Creek valley,
a few clouds in Last Chance Basin.
- 0935: Cloudy with bright spots and areas
in the SE part of the sky, fog/clouds around
most of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts above
about 500' - 700', clouds filling the inner
Gold Creek valley and much of Last Chance
- 0920: Cloudy with a few hints of blue and
hints of breaks, areas of bright clouds,
sun shining, fog/clouds around most of Mt.
Juneau and Mt. Roberts above about 500',
clouds filling the inner Gold Creek valley
and much of Last Chance Basin.
- 0850: Cloudy with a few slightly broken areas
and a few other tiny breaks, very top of
Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts in the clouds,
lower band of fog/clouds on Channel side
of Mt. Roberts and of Mt. Juneau, clouds
filling much of Last Chance Basin.
- 0820: Cloudy, a hint of blue to the NW, clouds
hiding the mainland above 350' - 700'.
- 0735: Foggy-Cloudy overhead with hints of
blue and hiding the mainland above 400' -
- 0650: Cloudy with low clouds hiding the mainland
above about 300' - 400'.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with low clouds hiding the
mainland above about 450'.
- 2100 ADT: .14" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with the top of
Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts in the clouds,
inner Gold Creek valley mostly hidden, lower
- 2020: Light Drizzle, Cloudy with the top
of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts in the clouds,
inner Gold Creek valley mostly hidden, low
cloud in Last Chance Basin, a few lower clouds
and wisps on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts.
- 1950: Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, a few clouds low in Last Chance
Basin, a few wisps.
- 1930: Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, a few clouds in the Gold Creek
canyon in the vicinity of Cape Horn, a few
other lower wisps.
- 1850: Cloudy with the top of Mt. Juneau,
most of the top of Mt. Roberts, and the Mt.
Juneau Ridge in the clouds, some clouds in
Last Chance Basin hiding the lower part of
the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1820: Cloudy, mainland mountaintops mostly
in clouds, clouds in the SE part of Last
Chance Basin.
- 1800: .12" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the top of
Mt. Juneau, of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, and
some of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden by
clouds, a few clouds in Last Chance Basin.
- 1735: Cloudy, top of Mt. Juneau, much of
the top of Mt. Roberts, and the upper part
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge hidden by clouds,
some clouds in the lower part of Last Chance
- 1650: Cloudy with brighter areas, clouds
hiding much of Mt. Juneau above around 500'
- 600', and the top of Mt. Roberts; clouds
filling the lower part of Last Chance Basin
and a few lower clouds on the Channel side
of Mt. Roberts.
- 1620: Sprinkling, Cloudy with much of the
upper part of Mt. Juneau and the SE part
of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds,
some lower clouds in Last Chance Basin and
on the Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1551: High Rain Rate of .23" of Rain
per hour.
- 1550: Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Juneau,
most of top of Mt. Roberts, and the Mt. Juneau
Ridge in clouds, remainder of the inner Gold
Creek valley substantially obscured, parts
of the remainder of the mainland slightly
to partially obscured.
- 1543: High Rain Rate of .13" of Rain
per hour.
- 1516: Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Juneau
and most of top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
clouds in the E part of Last Chance Basin
and in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1500: .04" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy with bright spots, upper part
of Mt. Juneau and most of the top of Mt.
Roberts hidden by clouds, fog/clouds filling
the SE part of Last Chance Basin and hiding
the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1435: Cloudy with brighter areas, upper part
of Mt. Juneau and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
in the clouds, SE part and NW part of the
top of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds, clouds
filling part of Last Chance Basin.
- 1350: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the upper part
of Mt. Juneau and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge,
and the SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, lower cloud and wisps in Last
Chance Basin and on the Channel side of Mt.
- 1320: Cloudy, a few brighter spots and areas,
upper part of Mt. Juneau and much of the
upper part of Mt. Roberts, much of Last Chance
Basin hidden by clouds.
- 1250: Sprinkling, Cloudy with a few brighter
spots and areas, upper part of Mt. Juneau
and SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts in
clouds, lower band Channel side of Mt. Roberts
and filling much of Last Chance Basin.
- 1235: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the top of
Mt. Juneau and the Channel side of Mt. Juneau
above about 600' hidden by clouds, very top
and SE part of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds
with a lower band, inner Gold Creek valley
hidden and much of Last Chance Basin filled
by clouds.
- 1200: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy with a few brighter spots and
areas, most of the top of Mt. Juneau and
much of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden by
clouds, Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, lower
band and wisps Channel side of Mt. Juneau
and lower wisps and small clouds Channel
side of Mt. Roberts, clouds in part of Last
Chance Basin.
- 1050: Cloudy with the top of Mt. Juneau and
of Mt. Roberts in the clouds, lower band
on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau and filling
most of Last Chance Basin, a few lower wisps
Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1020: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with most of
Mt. Juneau and Last Chance Basin above about
400' - 500' hidden by clouds, top of Mt.
Roberts in the clouds.
- 0957: Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy with clouds
hiding much of Mt. Juneau above 600' - 700',
clouds filling much of Last Chance Basin,
clouds around the SE part of the top of Mt.
Roberts with a few lower wisps.
- 0950: Cloudy with clouds hiding much of Mt.
Juneau above 600' - 700', clouds filling
Last Chance Basin, clouds around much of
the top of Mt. Roberts with a lower band/ribbon.
- 0850: Cloudy with most of Mt. Juneau and
Last Chance Basin above about 450' - 600'
hidden by clouds, SE part of the top of Mt.
Roberts hidden by clouds with a lower band/ribbon
and a few other wisps.
- 0750: Cloudy, top of Mt. Juneau and parts
of the top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, lower
band on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau and
clouds filling most of Last Chance Basin.
- 0705: Cloudy, clouds filling most of Last
Chance Basin and hiding the SE part of the
top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, lower
band on the Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0700: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Cloudy with most of Mt. Juneau and
Last Chance Basin above about 450' - 600'
hidden by clouds, clouds skimming Mt. Roberts
and the SE part of its top hidden by clouds
with a lower band/ribbon.
- 0620: Cloudy with clouds hiding Mt. Juneau
and Last Chance Basin above about 450' -
600', very top of Mt. Roberts and the SE
part of its top hidden by clouds with a lower
band/ribbon. .02" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 0539 ADT: First Steller's Jay of the day
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy with areas of slightly and
partly broken clouds, clouds skimming Mt.
Roberts and the very top of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge in clouds.
- 2035: Cloudy with some tiny breaks and hints
of breaks, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau and
Mt. Roberts, parts of the very top of the
Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 1950: Cloudy with some hints of blue, cloud
along part of the very top of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge and a few wisps at the peak of Mt.
- 1850: Cloudy with tiny breaks and hints of
- 1750: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy with fairly bright
skies, very weak - extremely weak sunshine.
- 1735: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy with fairly bright
- 1650: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy with fairly bright
skies, very weak sunshine.
- 1620: Mostly Cloudy/Cloudy, fairly bright
- 1550: Mostly Cloudy, bright skies, weak sunshine.
- 1520: Mostly Cloudy, fairly bright skies,
very weak sunshine.
- 1450: Mostly/Partly Cloudy, extremely weak
sunshine on parts of the mainland.
- 1350: Partly Cloudy but with some of the
blue filtered, bright skies, filtered - slightly
filtered sunshine.
- 1250: Partly Cloudy but with some of the
blue filtered, bright skies, some lower wisps,
slightly filtered sunshine.
- 1235: Partly Cloudy, lower ribbon of fog/clouds,
sun shining.
- 1220: Mostly/Partly Cloudy, lower band/ribbon
of fog/clouds, weak - weakened sunshine on
the mainland mostly.
- 1150: Foggy-Cloudy overhead, fog hiding the
upper part of Mt. Roberts and lower band
- somewhat lit by the sun - on the Channel
side of Mt. Juneau, weak sunshine in Last
Chance Basin and on part of Mt. Juneau.
- 1050: Foggy-Cloudy overhead and hiding the
mainland above about 600', brighter areas
in the fog/clouds.
- 0950: Foggy-Cloudy overhead and hiding the
mainland above about 600' - 800', hints of
sunlight in Last Chance Basin.
- 0850: Foggy-Cloudy overhead and hiding the
mainland above about 450' - 600', hints of
sunlight in Last Chance Basin.
- 0849: NWS Dense Fog Advisory Expires at 9 am ADT.
NWS: Dense Fog Advisory Expires at 9 am ADT
Statement as of 8:49 AM AKDT on August 27, 2008
...Dense fog advisory will expire at 9 am akdt this morning...
The dense fog advisory will expire at 9 am akdt this morning.
The fog has lifted to low clouds.
- 0750: Foggy-Cloudy overhead and hiding the
mainland above about 200' - 350'.
- 0650: Foggy-Cloudy overhead and hiding the
mainland above about 400' - 800', hints of
sunlight in Last Chance Basin.
- 0647: A New Weekly Picture has been posted - Olds Mountain.
- 0620: Foggy-Cloudy overhead and hiding the
mainland above about 400' - 450', hints of
sunlight in Last Chance Basin.
- 0538: First Steller's Jay of the day arrived.
- 0456 ADT (Posted here at 0623): Dense Fog Advisory
issued at 12:56 am ADT, is still in effect until 9 am ADT this
morning... ...Frost Advisory issued at 10:08 pm ADT 8/27 is cancelled.
NWS Dense Fog Advisory
Statement as of 4:55 AM AKDT on August 27, 2008
...Dense fog advisory now in effect until 9 am akdt this
...Frost advisory is cancelled...
The National Weather Service in Juneau has cancelled the frost
advisory. The dense fog advisory is now in effect until 9 am akdt
this morning.
With the clearing skies and cooler temperatures fog has developed
and is dense in places with visibilities less than 1/4 mile.
An advisory means that dense fog is already occurring or
All travel should be done with extreme caution.
This statement will be updated by 9 am akdt today or sooner if
conditions warrant.
- Apparently there was no occurrence of frost
anywhere in the Borough overnight.
- 0056 ADT (Posted here at 0635 8/27): NWS Dense Fog
Advisory, Frost Advisory.
NWS Dense Fog Advisory, Frost Advisory
Statement as of 12:56 PM AKDT on August 27, 2008
...Dense fog advisory in effect until 9 am akdt this morning...
...Frost advisory now in effect until 7 am akdt this morning...
The National Weather Service in Juneau has issued a dense fog
advisory...which is in effect until 9 am akdt this morning. The
frost advisory is now in effect until 7 am akdt this morning.
Clearing skies and light winds combined with already cool
temperatures will likely produce overnight temperatures below 35
degrees tonight in portions of the Mendenhall Valley. Plants
subject to damage from frost should be given the appropriate
An advisory means that frost is already occurring or imminent.
Frost advisories are issued during the growing season so that
sensitive plants can be covered or brought inside before damage
Also with the clearing skies and cooler temperatures fog has
developed and is dense in places near the water with visibilities
less than 1/4 mile. All travel should be done with extreme
An advisory means that dense fog is already occurring or
This statement will be updated by 700 am akdt Wed or
sooner if conditions warrant.
8/26/08: DATA | State Primary Election - Polls open 7
AM - 8 PM
- 2208 ADT (Posted here at 0640 8/27): NWS Frost
NWS Frost Advisory
Statement as of 10:08 PM AKDT on August 26, 2008
...Frost advisory in effect until 4 am akdt Wednesday for the Mendenhall Valley...
The National Weather Service in Juneau has issued a frost
advisory...which is in effect until 4 am akdt Wednesday.
Clearing skies and light winds combined with already cool
temperatures will likely produce overnight temperatures around 35
degrees tonight in portions of the Mendenhall Valley tonight.
An advisory means that frost is already occurring or imminent.
Frost advisories are issued during the growing season so that
sensitive plants can be covered or brought inside before damage
Plants subject to damage from frost should be given the
appropriate protection.
This statement will be updated by 400 am akdt Wed or sooner if
conditions warrant.
- 2050: Clear. .20" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 2035: Clear.
- 1950: Mostly Clear.
- 1850: Partly Cloudy with mostly high thin
and very thin clouds, sun shining on the
mainland, a few wisps in Last Chance Basin.
- 1835: Partly Cloudy, sun is shining.
- 1800: .20" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Mostly/Partly Cloudy, a few lower wisps,
sun shining on part of Mt. Roberts and weak
sunshine in parts of the inner Gold Creek
- 1720: Cloudy, some breaks, sun shining, clouds
around the top of Mt. Juneau and some around
the SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1706: Sprinkling, Cloudy with filtered breaks
and hints of blue, fairly bright skies, clouds
skimming Mt. Juneau and the very top of the
Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 1650: Cloudy with a few breaks, clouds around
the very tops of the mainland mountains,
a few lower wisps, very weak sunshine on
part of Mt. Juneau.
- 1620: Cloudy with some breaks, a few lower
wisps, some clouds around the SE part of
the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1550: Cloudy with some mostly small and tiny
breaks, clouds around much of the very top
- top of Mt. Roberts, clouds skimming Mt.
Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge, sun has
been trying to break through.
- 1535: Cloudy with a few breaks, very tops
of the mountains in the clouds, very weak
sunshine on part of Mt. Roberts.
- 1500: .20" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy, a few brighter spots, very
top - top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts,
and the top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 1435: Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds - ceiling at about 2400' at
Mt. Roberts.
- 1350: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy
with the very top - top of Mt. Juneau and
of Mt. Roberts, and the top of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge in the clouds.
- 1250: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mainland
mountaintops in the clouds - lower in the
inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1225: Cloudy, mainland mountaintops in the
clouds - lower in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1200: .19" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy with the
upper parts of the mainland mountains in
the clouds.
- 1135: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
the upper parts of the mainland mountains
in the clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 1050: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds - lower in the inner Gold Creek
valley, a few lower wisps Channel side of
Mt. Juneau, remainder of the inner Gold Creek
valley partially obscured.
- 1035: Very Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with
the top of Mt. Roberts and of Mt. Juneau
in the clouds, very low clouds in the inner
Gold Creek valley.
- 0950: Sprinkles, Cloudy with the top of Mt.
Roberts and of Mt. Juneau in the clouds,
inner Gold Creek valley filled with clouds.
- 0935: Very Light Sprinkles after Rain, Cloudy
with the mainland mountaintops in the clouds.
- 0850: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy
with the mainland mountaintops in the clouds
and a few lower wisps, light wind.
- 0750: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the mainland
mountaintops in the clouds.
- 0700: .09" of Rainfall to this point
- 0654: High Rain Rate of .14" of Rain
per hour.
- 0650: Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
and of Mt. Juneau in the clouds, very low
clouds in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 0635: Sprinkles, Cloudy with the top of Mt.
Roberts and of Mt. Juneau in the clouds,
very low clouds in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
and of Mt. Juneau in the clouds, very low
clouds in the inner Gold Creek valley. .07"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 2100 ADT: .74" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Very Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with
the mainland mountaintops in the clouds,
remainder of inner Gold Creek valley partially
to obscured.
- 1950: Rain, Cloudy with the upper parts of
the mainland mountains and the inner Gold
Creek valley hidden, remainder of the mainland
slightly to partially to substantially obscured.
- 1949: High Rain Rate of .29" of Rain
per hour.
- 1938: Rain, Cloudy with the upper parts of
the mainland mountains in the clouds, remainder
of the mainland slightly to partially obscured.
- 1920: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the upper
parts of the mainland mountains in the clouds
- very low in the inner Gold Creek valley,
remainder of inner Gold Creek valley substantially
obscured, a few lower wisps.
- 1850: Extremely Light Sprinkling/Misting,
Cloudy, top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, inner Gold Creek valley mostly
hidden by low clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 1800: .65" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Very Light Sprinkling/Drizzle, Cloudy
with the upper parts of the mainland mountains
in the clouds - very low in the inner Gold
Creek valley, remainder of inner Gold Creek
valley partially to substantially obscured,
a few lower wisps.
- 1720: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds - lower in the inner Gold Creek
valley, remainder of inner Gold Creek valley
partially obscured, a few lower wisps on
the Channel side of Mt. Juneau and parts
of the remainder of the mainland slightly
- 1650: Sprinkles, Cloudy, upper parts of the
mainland mountains in the clouds - lower
in the inner Gold Creek valley, remainder
of inner Gold Creek valley partially to substantially
- 1620: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the upper
parts of the mainland mountains in the clouds
- lower in the inner Gold Creek valley, remainder
of inner Gold Creek valley partially to substantially
- 1550: Rain, Cloudy with the upper part of
Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts and the inner
Gold Creek valley obscured-hidden by fog/clouds
and mists, remainder of the mainland slightly
and partially obscured.
- 1520: Rain, Cloudy with the upper parts of
the mainland mountains in the clouds - lower
in the inner Gold Creek valley, remainder
of inner Gold Creek valley partially obscured,
a few lower wisps on the Channel side of
Mt. Juneau.
- 1500: .56" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Very Light Rain after Rain, Cloudy
with the mainland mountaintops in the clouds
- lower in the inner Gold Creek valley and
ceiling at about 1700' at Mt. Roberts, remainder
of inner Gold Creek valley partially obscured,
a few lower wisps on the Channel side of
Mt. Juneau.
- 1420: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the upper
parts of the mainland mountains in the clouds
- lower in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1352: Rain, Cloudy, mainland mountaintops
in the clouds - lower in the inner Gold Creek
valley and ceiling at about 1500' - 1600'
at Mt. Roberts, remainder of inner Gold Creek
valley substantially to totally obscured
and remainder of mainland slightly to partially
- 1350: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, mainland mountaintops
in the clouds - lower in the inner Gold Creek
valley and ceiling at about 1600' at Mt.
Roberts, remainder of inner Gold Creek valley
substantially obscured and remainder of mainland
slightly to partially obscured.
- 1326: Cloudy, mainland mountaintops in the
clouds - lower in the inner Gold Creek valley
and ceiling at about 1500' at Mt. Roberts.
- 1320: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds - very low in the inner Gold
Creek valley and ceiling at about 1400' -
1500' at Mt. Roberts.
- 1250: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds - lower in the inner Gold Creek
valley, parts of the mainland slightly to
partially obscured.
- 1200: .42" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, mainland slightly to partially
- 1123: Rain Rate of .23" of Rain per
- 1050: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, a few lower wisps, mainland
slightly to partially obscured.
- 0956: High Rain Rate of .23" of Rain
per hour.
- 0950: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, inner Gold Creek valley partially
- 0850: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds - ceiling at about 1700' -
1800' at Mt. Roberts, inner Gold Creek valley
partially obscured.
- 0820: Light Rain, Cloudy with the upper part
of Mt. Juneau and top of Mt. Roberts and
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, inner
Gold Creek valley partially obscured, light
- 0750: Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts, and the very top of the
Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 0743: High Rain Rate of .11" of Rain
per hour.
- 0720: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds - ceiling at about 1700' -
1800' at Mt. Roberts, inner Gold Creek valley
partially obscured and remainder of mainland
slightly to partially obscured.
- 0700: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Sprinkling, Cloudy, mainland mountaintops
in the clouds - ceiling at about 2400' -
2500' at Mt. Roberts.
- 0635: Cloudy, mainland mountaintops in the
clouds, a few tiny hints of breaks.
- 0620 ADT: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the
top of Mt. Roberts and of Mt. Juneau and
the upper part of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in
clouds, a few wisps low in Last Chance Basin.
.03" of Rainfall to this point today.
SUNDAY 8/24/08: DATA
- 2100 ADT: .40" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Cloudy, most of the top of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts in the clouds, lower band
Channel side of Mt. Roberts and clouds filling
the SE part of Last Chance Basin.
- 2020: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the upper
part of Mt. Juneau, all of Last Chance Basin,
and the top of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds
- 1950: Cloudy with much of the upper part
of Mt. Juneau, all of Last Chance Basin,
and much of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden
by clouds, lower band on the Channel side
of Mt. Roberts.
- 1920: Cloudy with a thinner area and small
area of heavily filtered blue, upper part
of Mt. Juneau, all of Last Chance Basin,
and SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden
by clouds.
- 1850: Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy, clouds
around much of the mountaintops, lower clouds
on Channel side of Mt. Juneau and filling
Last Chance Basin.
- 1832: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the upper
part of Mt. Juneau, all of Last Chance Basin,
and much of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden
by clouds.
- 1800: .38" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy, very top of Mt. Juneau and
top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
lower clouds hiding much of the lower part
of Mt. Juneau, SE part of the top of Mt.
Roberts hidden, some clouds in the lower
part of Last Chance Basin, a few other wisps.
- 1705: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the top of
Mt. Juneau and the upper part of the Channel
side mostly hidden by clouds, clouds around
much of the top of Mt. Roberts, Mt. Juneau
Ridge in the clouds and clouds filling the
SE part of Last Chance Basin.
- 1650: Cloudy, clouds hiding most the upper
part of Mt. Juneau and in the lower part
of Last Chance Basin, very top of the Mt.
Juneau Ridge in clouds, clouds around the
SE part of Mt. Roberts and a few other clouds
and wisps around the mountain.
- 1635: Cloudy with clouds hiding the upper
part of Mt. Juneau and in most of Last Chance
Basin, SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds and a lower band.
- 1605: Rain, Cloudy with the upper part of
Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, and all of
Last Chance Basin hidden by clouds.
- 1550: Light Rain, Cloudy with most of the
upper part of Mt. Juneau hidden by clouds,
NW half of Last Chance Basin filled with
clouds, and very top and SE part of the top
of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds.
- 1520: Very Light Rain/Sprinkling, Cloudy
with few clouds around part of the top of
Mt. Juneau, very top and SE part of the top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds, lower band on Channel
side of Mt. Juneau and in Last Chance Basin,
upper part of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 1500: .32" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Rain, Cloudy with part of the top and
most of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden by
clouds, lower band on the Channel side of
Mt. Juneau and in Last Chance Basin, clouds
filling much of the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1350: Rain, Cloudy with fog/clouds hiding
much of Mt. Juneau, all of the inner Gold
Creek valley, and much of the upper part
of Mt. Roberts, a few clouds in Last Chance
- 1335: Rain, Cloudy with the very top of Mt.
Juneau and of Mt. Roberts in the clouds with
the SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts in
clouds, lower band Channel side of Mt. Juneau
and clouds in part of Last Chance Basin,
lower ribbon Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1250: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy
with brighter spots and areas, upper parts
of the mainland mostly hidden by clouds.
- 1220: Sprinkling, Cloudy with brighter areas,
very top and SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, some wisps and bits around Mt.
Juneau, lower band on Channel side of Mt.
Roberts and in Last Chance Basin.
- 1200: .26" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Sprinkling, Cloudy, most of the upper
part of Mt. Juneau hidden by clouds, clouds
skimming and SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts
hidden by clouds, Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds
and some clouds in Last Chance Basin.
- 1050: Sprinkles, Cloudy, upper part of Mt.
Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, and the inner
Gold Creek valley hidden by clouds.
- 1020: Cloudy, upper parts of the mainland
mountains in clouds.
- 0950: Rain, Cloudy, top of Mt. Roberts and
of Mt. Juneau, and the upper part of the
Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 0920: Cloudy, mainland mountaintops in the
clouds, precipitation in the inner Gold Creek
- 0850: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the mainland
mountaintops in the clouds, a few lower wisps
Channel side of Mt. Juneau.
- 0805: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mainland
mountaintops in the clouds, a few lower wisps
Channel side of Mt. Juneau.
- 0750: Cloudy with the to of Mt. Juneau and
of Mt. Roberts, and very top of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge in clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 0730: Cloudy, very top of Mt. Juneau and
top of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds, a few
lower wisps and bits.
- 0705: Sprinkling/Very, very light rain, cloudy
with some lower wisps and bits of fog/clouds
on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau and in
Last Chance Basin, light wind.
- 0700: .22" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Sprinkling, Cloudy with clouds on the
Channel side of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts
hiding their tops, a few lower wisps and
bits, light to breezy wind.
- 0635: Light Rain, Cloudy with the top of
Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, and the inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, lower band/ribbon
of fog.
- 0620: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland hidden
above about 100' by fog, slightly obscured
below that. .21" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 0111 ADT: High Rain Rate of .13" of
Rain per hour.
- 2100 ADT: .21" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy,
lower band.
- 2035: Sprinkles, Cloudy lower band/ribbon.
- 2020: Cloudy with lower band, ribbons, wisps,
and thin fog blowing SE.
- 1950: Light Rain, Cloudy, lower band, ribbons,
wisps and bits of fog/clouds.
- 1935: Light Rain, Cloudy with fog hiding
the upper part of Mt. Juneau, lower band/ribbon
and mists.
- 1850: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with lower
band/ribbon of fog/clouds and wisps.
- 1800: .17" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy
with lower band, ribbons, and wisps.
- 1650: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy
with lower band, ribbons, and wisps.
- 1620: Light Rain, Cloudy with lower band
in Last Chance Basin and lower band and thin
ribbon Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1550: Very Light Rain/Sprinkling, Cloudy
with broken lower band and wisps.
- 1500: .12" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Light Rain, Cloudy with lower band,
wisps, and bits of fog/clouds.
- 1350: Cloudy, lower band Channel side of
Mt. Juneau and in Last Chance Basin, lower
ribbon and wisps Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1250: Sprinkling/Very, very light rain, cloudy
with lower band/ribbon, and wisps.
- 1205: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, brighter,
lower ribbons, wisps, and bits of fog/clouds.
- 1200: .11" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Rain, Cloudy with clouds skimming Mt.
Roberts, lower ribbons, wisps, and mists.
- 1143: High Rain Rate of .11" of Rain
per hour.
- 1050: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with clouds
skimming Mt. Roberts, lower ribbons and wisps.
- 1020: Cloudy, a few clouds and wisps around
the mainland mountains, ribbon Channel side
of Mt. Roberts, precipitation over the top
of Mt. Roberts.
- 0950: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the upper part
of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts hidden by
clouds, lower ribbon, some fog/clouds in
Last Chance Basin.
- 0935: Drizzle/Light Rain, Cloudy with the
upper part of Mt. Juneau, inner Gold Creek
valley, and SE part of the upper part of
Mt. Roberts hidden by fog/clouds, lower band
on Channel side of Mt. Juneau and of Last
Chance Basin.
- 0830: Cloudy with lower bands, ribbons and
- 0750: Cloudy, lower bands, wisps, and bits
of fog/clouds hiding much of Mt. Juneau and
parts of Mt. Roberts, clouds filling Last
Chance Basin.
- 0709: Sprinkling/Very, very light rain, cloudy,
most of Mt. Juneau above about 400' - 500'
and the upper part of Mt. Roberts hidden
by clouds, clouds filling much of Last Chance
- 0700: .05" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Cloudy with clouds hiding the upper
part of Mt. Juneau and most of the upper
part of Mt. Roberts, some clouds in Last
Chance Basin, a few lower wisps.
- 0620: Cloudy with the upper part - top of
Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
some clouds around the top of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge, wisps in the lower part of Last Chance
Basin, a few lower ribbons and wisps. .05"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0229 ADT: High Rain Rate of .06" of
Rain per hour.
- 2100 ADT: .36" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Drizzle, Cloudy with the top of Mt.
Roberts and the inner Gold Creek valley hidden,
remainder of the mainland partially to substantially
- 2035: Very, very light rain, cloudy, clouds
skimming Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts, SE part
of the top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, a few
lower wisps, inner Gold Creek valley partially
- 2020: A few very light sprinkles, cloudy
with a few lower wisps.
- 1950: Light Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming
Mt. Roberts and the SE part of its top in
clouds, a few lower fog/clouds and wisps.
- 1935: Rain, Cloudy, very top and SE part
of the top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, a few
lower wisps.
- 1920: Light Rain, Cloudy, very top and SE
part of the top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
a few lower wisps.
- 1850: Rain, Cloudy with a few lower wisps
and bits of fog/clouds, parts of the mainland
slightly obscured.
- 1800: .26" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Rain, Cloudy with a lower cloud on
the Channel side of Mt. Juneau and of Mt.
Roberts, mainland slightly to partially obscured
after being partially to substantially obscured..
- 1650: Rain, Cloudy with a lower cloud on
the Channel side of Mt. Juneau, mainland
slightly obscured.
- 1635: Rain, Cloudy with a lower cloud on
the Channel side of Mt. Juneau, mainland
slightly obscured.
- 1550: Extremely Light Misting/Sprinkling,
Cloudy with a few lower clouds, wisps, and
- 1500: .18" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Sprinkling/Very, very light rain, cloudy.
- 1405: Very Light Drizzle/Rain, Cloudy with
a lower ribbon on the Channel side of Mt.
- 1250: Sprinkling/Very, very light rain, cloudy.
- 1200: .17" of Rainfall to this point
- 1120: Sprinkling/Very, very light rain, cloudy.
- 1050: Sprinkling, Cloudy, small lower cloud
on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1035: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy.
- 0950: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a wisps
around the peak of Mt. Juneau.
- 0850: Rain, Cloudy with a few lower wisps.
- 0835: Light Rain, Cloudy.
- 0820: Very Light Rain, Cloudy.
- 0750: Sprinkles, Cloudy with a few lower
- 0729: Sprinkling, Cloudy.
- 0709: Rain, Cloudy.
- 0700: .08" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Light Rain, Cloudy with a lower wisp
in Last Chance Basin.
- 0620: Light Rain, Cloudy with wisps and ribbons
of fog low over downtown Juneau. .06"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0342 ADT: High Rain Rate of .18" of
Rain per hour.
- 2100 ADT: .40" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
and of Mt. Juneau and the very top of the
Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, remainder
of the inner Gold Creek valley partially
- 1950: Light Rain, Cloudy with clouds skimming
Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts with the SE part
of the top of Mt. Roberts also in clouds,
a few wisps in Last Chance Basin.
- 1935: Rain, Cloudy with clouds skimming Mt.
Juneau and Mt. Roberts with the SE part of
the top of Mt. Roberts also in clouds, a
few wisps in Last Chance Basin.
- 1850: Rain, Cloudy, with the very top of
Mt. Juneau and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge and
part of the very top - top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, remainder of the mainland
slightly obscured.
- 1800: .27" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, remainder of mainland slightly
to partially obscured.
- 1705: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the very
top of Mt. Juneau and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge,
and the very top - top of Mt. Roberts in
- 1650: Rain, Cloudy with the very top - clouds
skimming Mt. Juneau, part of the very top
and the SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, inner Gold Creek valley substantially
to totally obscured-hidden, remainder of
mainland slightly to partially obscured.
- 1550: Rain, Cloudy with the very top of Mt.
Juneau and much of the very top - top of
Mt. Roberts in clouds, inner Gold Creek valley
hidden, a few lower fog/clouds and wisps,
remainder of mainland slightly to partially
- 1535: Rain, Cloudy, top of Mt. Roberts and
of Mt. Juneau in clouds, inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, remainder of mainland partially
to substantially obscured.
- 1534: High Rain Rate of .21" of Rain
per hour.
- 1505: Rain, Cloudy, top of Mt. Roberts and
of Mt. Juneau in clouds, inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, remainder of mainland slightly
to partially obscured.
- 1500: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy, top of
Mt. Roberts and of Mt. Juneau and the upper
part of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, remainder
of the inner Gold Creek valley partially
to substantially obscured.
- 1350: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, top of Mt.
Roberts and of Mt. Juneau and the upper part
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, remainder
of the inner Gold Creek valley partially
- 1328: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, top of Mt.
Roberts and of Mt. Juneau and the upper part
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, remainder
of the inner Gold Creek valley partially
obscured and Mt. Juneau slightly to partially
- 1250: Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds with a few lower wisps, ceiling
at about 1700' - 1800' at Mt. Roberts, precipitation
over most of the mainland.
- 1220: Cloudy, mainland mountaintops in the
clouds with a few lower wisps, ceiling at
about 2000 - 2200' at Mt. Roberts, precipitation
at least in the inner Gold Creek valley and
Last Chance Basin.
- 1200: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy, top of Mt. Juneau and most
of the top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, a few lower bits
and wisps of fog/clouds, precipitation over
parts of the mainland.
- 1050: Cloudy, top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt.
Roberts in clouds, inner Gold Creek valley
hidden, lower band/ribbon and wisps in Last
Chance Basin and on the Channel side of Mt.
Juneau, precipitation in Last Chance Basin
and over the upper part of Mt. Roberts.
- 0950: Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy with fog/clouds
hiding the upper part of Mt. Juneau, Last
Chance Basin, and Mt. Roberts.
- 0850: Cloudy with the upper parts of Mt.
Juneau, of Mt. Roberts, and of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge hidden by clouds, fog/clouds in much
of Last Chance Basin.
- 0820: Cloudy, upper part of Mt. Juneau, top
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, and most of the
top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, a few lower
wisps, precipitation in the inner Gold Creek
valley and over other parts of the mainland.
- 0806: High Rain Rate of .12" of Rain
per hour.
- 0805: Rain, Cloudy with the upper parts of
the mainland mountains in the clouds and
a few lower wisps.
- 0750: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the upper
part - top of Mt. Juneau, the top of Mt.
Roberts, and the upper part of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge in clouds.
- 0731: Raindrops, Cloudy with the upper part
- top of Mt. Juneau, the top of Mt. Roberts,
and the upper part of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
in clouds.
- 0650: Cloudy with the upper part of Mt. Juneau
and the top of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds,
upper part of the Mt. Juneau Ridge and some
clouds in the upper part of Last Chance Basin
hiding most of the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with the upper part of Mt.
Juneau and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, and most
of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds;
light precipitation in the inner Gold Creek
valley? The moon was shining for a time overnight.
8/20/08: DATA | 0709: A Hummingbird is at one of the Hummingbird
Feeders | 0705: NWS: The Flood Warning has been CANCELLED for a glacial dammed
lake outburst for the Taku River - See 0705 Below
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy - Overcast.
- 2020: Cloudy WNW 3/4 of sky and Mostly Clear
ESE 1/4 of sky.
- 1950: Cloudy with slightly broken clouds
WNW 3/4 of sky and Mostly Clear ESE 1/4 of
- 1920: Cloudy with slightly broken clouds
WNW 3/4 of sky and Mostly Clear ESE 1/4 of
sky, sun shining on much of Mt. Roberts and
Mt. Juneau.
- 1850: Mostly Cloudy/Cloudy, sun shining on
downtown Juneau and part of Mt. Juneau.
- 1750: Cloudy with a few breaks.
- 1720: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy.
- 1650: Mostly Cloudy.
- 1620: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy except Mostly
Clear in the eastern 1/4 of the sky, a few
spots and small areas of sunshine on the
- 1550: Partly Cloudy with large masses of
clouds, sun shining here and there.
- 1535: Partly Cloudy, sun shining here and
- 1450: Partly Cloudy.
- 1350: Mostly Clear/Partly Cloudy with mostly
high very thin and thin clouds and haze with
some high thinnish clouds, light wind.
- 1250: Partly Cloudy, light wind, slightly
weakened sunshine.
- 1150: Partly Cloudy/Mostly Clear, light to
breezy wind, slightly weakened sunshine.
- 1120: Partly Cloudy, light wind, slightly
weakened sunshine.
- 1050: Partly Cloudy, weakened sunshine.
- 0950: Partly Cloudy, very slightly weakened
- 0850: Partly Cloudy, light wind, very slightly
weakened sunshine.
- 0750: Partly Cloudy, weak sunshine.
- 0709: A Hummingbird is at one of the Hummingbird
- 0705: NWS: The Flood Warning has been CANCELLED for
a glacial dammed lake outburst for the Taku
NWS Flood Warning
Statement as of 7:05 AM AKDT on August 20, 2008
...The Flood Warning has been cancelled for a glacial dammed lake
outburst for the Taku River...
The 330 am river stage was 41.23 ft and has subsided from a peak of
stage of 42.73 ft at 915 PM Tue. 8/19. The stage should continue falling.
Lat...Lon 5814 13411 5816 13414 5857 13367 5836 13334
5833 13339
- 0650: Partly/Mostly Cloudy SE half of sky
and Cloudy NW part, light wind.
- 0632: A New Weekly Picture has been posted - State Office Building.
- 0620 ADT: Partly Cloudy SE 1/2 to 2/3rds
of sky, Cloudy for the remainder, light wind.
A GLACIAL LAKE OUTBURST FOR THE...TAKU RIVER UNTIL 1215 PM AKDT THURSDAY - See 1249 Below (See also 0447 and 0247 for earlier statements) | 2022: A Hummingbird
is at one of the Hummingbird Feeders
- 2114 ADT (Posted here at 0619 8/20):
NWS Flood Warning
Statement as of 9:14 PM AKDT on August 19, 2008
...The Flood Warning remains in effect until 1215 PM akdt Thursday
for a glacial dammed lake outburst for the Taku River...
At 900 PM akdt the Taku River stage was 42.7 feet and was continuing
to rise.
The Taku River will continue to rise into Wednesday and is
forecasted to crest near or above moderate flood stage of 44 feet as
the Glacier dammed Lake No Lake continues to drain. The Taku River
will remain above flood stage into Thursday. People who have
property along the Taku River should prepare for high water and make
sure things are tied down or off the ground as water will rise into
yards and into cabins.
People traveling on the Taku River and near Taku Inlet should use
extreme caution as the flood waters are producing hazardous
conditions. Logs and ice chunks are expected to be floating down the
river and the cold water draining from lake no lake will accelerate
the time for hypothermia.
A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or has been reported.
Stream rises will be slow and flash flooding is not expected.
However...all interested parties should take necessary precautions
If you live near or along Taku River stay alert and be prepared to
take action.
Remain cautious when in low-lying areas...and report any flooding to
your law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the
National Weather Service forecast office in Juneau.
Please stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your favorite local
weather news source for updates on this situation.
Lat...Lon 5814 13411 5816 13414 5857 13367 5836 13334
5833 13339
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy with a few hints of breaks
to the NW. .05" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 2022: A Hummingbird is at one of the Hummingbird
- 1950: Cloudy.
- 1935: Cloudy.
- 1850: Cloudy with a small area of filtered
blue, a few breaks, and brighter clouds all
to the NW.
- 1750: Cloudy - Overcast with a bright spot
where the sun is.
- 1735: Cloudy - Overcast with a few tiny hints
of breaks.
- 1650: Cloudy with fairly bright skies, area
of slightly filtered clear sky to the ENE
and NNE and a few areas of slightly broken
- 1620: Cloudy with fairly bright clouds, large
area of broken clouds in the SE part of the
- 1550: Cloudy with a few small and tiny -
mostly filtered - breaks, fairly bright clouds,
partly cloudy far to the NW.
- 1535: Cloudy with some small and tiny filtered
breaks and hints of blue, partly cloudy sky
to the NW.
- 1505: Cloudy with fairly bright clouds S
2/3rds of sky and Partly Cloudy N 1/3rd,
extremely weak sunshine on part of Mt. Juneau.
- 1450: Partly Cloudy N half of sky and Cloudy
with bright clouds and a few breaks S half,
a few wisps around the peak of Mt. Juneau
and the Mt. Juneau Ridge, weak - weakened
- 1350: Partly Cloudy with a cloud hiding the
SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts, a few
wisps around the peak of Mt. Juneau and the
Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1308: Partly Cloudy, cloud hiding the SE
part of the top of Mt. Roberts, wisp near
the top of Mt. Juneau, sun shining.
- 1250: Mostly Cloudy with a few wisps and
bits of clouds around the top of the Mt.
Juneau Ridge and of Mt. Roberts.
1249 PM AKDT TUE AUG 19 2008
LAT...LON 5814 13411 5816 13414 5857 13367 5836 13334
5833 13339
- 1200: .05" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Partly Cloudy, a few clouds around
Mt. Roberts and in the inner Gold Creek valley,
clouds hiding at least part of the Douglas
Island mountains, weakened sunshine.
- 1050: Partly Cloudy, lower ribbons, a few
clouds in Last Chance Basin, sun shining.
- 1020: Cloudy with breaks over the mainland,
lower band on Channel side of Mt. Juneau
and in Last Chance Basin, lower ribbon on
Channel side of Mt. Roberts, location of
sun visible.
- 0950: Cloudy with hints of blue overhead
and some clear sky in the NE part, lower
band of fog, sun in and out.
- 0935: Cloudy, lower band of fog/clouds, fairly
bright skies, a few small and tiny breaks
and hints of breaks, sun shining.
- 0850: Cloudy with lower band and ribbons.
- 0820: Cloudy with a few mostly small breaks,
lower ribbon/band of fog.
- 0750: Cloudy with tiny breaks and a few breaks,
areas of thinner clouds with hints of blue
and blue, lower ribbon/band and wisps, weakened
sunshine in and out.
- 0728: The Sun is breaking through, still
light rain.
- 0720: Rain, Cloudy with a few lower wisps,
brighter clouds to the NE.
- 0700: .04" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Sprinkling, Cloudy with a few lower
- 0635: Very Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with
a few lower wisps and ribbons.
- 0626: Sprinkling, Cloudy with a few lower
wisps and ribbons.
- 0620: Cloudy with lower ribbons and wisps.
.03" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0447 ADT (Posted here at 0618): Flood Watch now
in effect from 4 PM ADT this afternoon through
late tonight for the Taku River.
NWS Flood Watch
Statement as of 4:47 AM AKDT on August 19, 2008
...Flood Watch now in effect from 4 PM akdt this afternoon
through late tonight for the Taku River...
The Flood Watch is now in effect for
* a portion of AK...including the following area...Juneau
Borough and northern Admiralty Island.
* From 4 PM akdt this afternoon through late tonight
* Significant rises have occurred on the Taku River since Monday
afternoon...while water temperatures have continued to cool
beyond what is normally expected. This is likely caused by cold
water released from a glacially dammed lake just across the
border in British Columbia. Observations of this lake earlier in
the month showed that the water levels were very the
additional water has the potential to raise the Taku River to
flood stage around 4 PM akdt Tuesday.
* As of 3 am akdt Tuesday...the river stage was 40.6 feet and a
water temperature was 39 degrees Fahrenheit.
A watch means conditions are favorable for the development of
flooding in and close to the watch area.
Persons living near the river...or planning trips to the area...
should stay alert and be prepared to take action if a warning or
advisory is issued...or flooding is observed.
This statement will be updated by 12 PM akdt Tue or sooner if
conditions warrant.
- 0247 ADT (Posted here at 0631): Flood Watch remains
in effect from 8 am akdt this morning through
this evening.
NWS Flood Watch
Statement as of 2:47 AM AKDT on August 19, 2008
...Flood Watch remains in effect from 8 am akdt this morning
through this evening...
The Flood Watch continues for
* a portion of AK...including the following area...Juneau
Borough and northern Admiralty Island.
* From 8 am akdt this morning through this evening
* Significant rises have occurred on the Taku River since Monday
afternoon...while water temperatures have continued to cool
beyond what is normally expected. This is likely caused by cold
water released from a glacially dammed lake just across the
border in British Columbia. Observations of this lake earlier in
the month showed that the water levels were very the
addition of this water has the potential to raise the Taku River
to near flood stage by midday Tuesday.
* As of 11 PM akdt Monday...the river stage was 40 feet and a
water temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Additional data will
be received early Tuesday morning.
A watch means conditions are favorable for the development of
flooding in and close to the watch area.
Persons living near the river...or planning trips to the area...
should stay alert and be prepared to take action if a warning or
advisory is issued...or flooding is observed.
This statement will be updated by 6 am akdt Tue or sooner if
conditions warrant.
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy.
- 2020: Cloudy, a few wisps around the very
top of Mt. Juneau.
- 1950: Cloudy-Overcast.
- 1905: Overcast with some clouds at a lower
- 1850: Thinnish overcast with a few hints
of blue and some clouds at a lower altitude.
- 1750: Thinnish overcast with some hints of
blue and some clouds at a lower altitude,
bright spot where the sun is, weak and very
weak sunshine here and there and in and out.
- 1650: Thinnish overcast with a few slight
hints of blue, a few clouds at a lower altitude,
bright spot where the sun is, partial halo
around the sun, extremely weak - very weak
- 1635: Thinnish overcast, a few clouds at
a lower altitude, bright spot where the sun
is, partial halo around the sun, extremely
weak - very weak sunshine.
- 1550: High thinnish overcast with a few slight
hints of blue and some clouds at a lower
altitude, weak, very weak and extremely weak
sunshine in and out.
- 1450: High thinnish overcast with hints of
blue and some clouds at a lower altitude,
extremely weak sunshine.
- 1435: High thinnish overcast with hints of
blue and clouds at a lower altitude, extremely
weak and weak sunshine.
- 1350: Partly Cloudy but with mostly filtered
- heavily filtered blue, weak - weakened
- 1320: Mostly Cloudy but with filtered blue,
areas of thinner clouds and bright clouds,
weakened and weak sunshine on parts of the
- 1250: Cloudy with some breaks, a few wisps
and bits of clouds around the top of Mt.
Roberts and of Mt. Juneau; very, very weak
sunshine on parts of Mt. Juneau and a few
small spots on Mt. Roberts.
- 1150: Cloudy with hints of breaks and some
bright spots, a few fog/clouds and wisps
around the upper part of Mt. Roberts and
a few wisps in the upper part of Last Chance
- 1050: Cloudy with a few filtered breaks,
a few clouds on the Channel and Last Chance
Basin side of Mt. Juneau, in Last Chance
Basin, and around the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1020: Cloudy with a few small filtered breaks
and area of heavily filtered blue, some fog/clouds
and wisps around the mountains.
- 0950: Partly Cloudy, puffy clouds around
much of the upper part of Mt. Juneau and
most of the upper part of Mt. Roberts, sun
in and out.
- 0935: Partly Cloudy, clouds around much of
the upper part of Mt. Juneau and some around
the upper part of Mt. Roberts, sun shining.
- 0850: Partly/Mostly Cloudy, a few clouds
around the very top of Mt. Roberts, clouds
around much of the upper part of Mt. Roberts,
lower band and clouds on the Channel side
of Mt. Juneau and filling most of Last Chance
Basin, sun shining.
- 0835: Partly/Mostly Cloudy, very top of Mt.
Juneau and SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, clouds filling much of the inner
Gold Creek valley, lower ribbon Channel side
of Mt. Juneau and in Last Chance Basin, lower
ribbon Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0805: Cloudy with small filtered breaks,
very weak sunshine and bright clouds to the
E, low clouds/fog hiding Mt. Juneau and Last
Chance Basin above about 400', SE part of
the top of Mt. Roberts in clouds and a lower
- 0750: Cloudy with some very tiny breaks and
hints of breaks, low clouds/fog hiding Mt.
Juneau and Last Chance Basin above about
400', Mt. Roberts hidden above about 600'.
- 0720: Cloudy with some hints of blue and
a few very tiny breaks, mainland hidden by
fog/clouds above about 300' - 450'.
- 0650: Cloudy with fog hiding most of the
mainland, Blueberry Hills and upper part
of Pioneer Avenue in fog.
- 0620 ADT: Fog.
SUNDAY 8/17/08: DATA
- 2100 ADT: .23" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Extremely Light Misting/Sprinkling,
Cloudy with fog/clouds and mists hiding and
substantially obscuring the mainland, Blueberry
Hills in fog.
- 2035: Light Drizzle, Cloudy with fog/clouds
and mists hiding much of the mainland.
- 1950: Cloudy, Mt. Juneau and Last Chance
Basin hidden above about 250' by fog/clouds;
bands, wisps, and ribbons of fog hiding parts
of Mt. Roberts, some fog in Blueberry Hills.
- 1920: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
the top of Mt. Roberts and of Mt. Juneau
in clouds, lower band on Channel side of
Mt. Juneau and in Last Chance Basin, lower
ribbons and a few lower clouds on Channel
side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1850: Rain, Cloudy with lower band and bits
of fog/clouds.
- 1834: High Rain Rate of .18" of Rain
per hour.
- 1828: Rain, Cloudy with very top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, lower bands and fog hiding much
of the rest of the mainland with the remainder
partially to substantially obscured.
- 1800: .17" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Very Light Drizzle/Misting, Cloudy
with the top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, lower
fog/clouds hiding Last Chance Basin and Mt.
Juneau above about 150' - 250' with lower
thin fog and mists, lower band and ribbon
Channel side of Mt. Roberts, remainder of
mainland slightly to partially obscured,
Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 1720: Cloudy with lower bands and ribbons,
inner Gold Creek valley mostly filled with
- 1650: Cloudy, variable fog over the Channel
hiding much of the mainland above 400' -
- 1635: Cloudy, most of the top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds with lower ribbons, inner Gold
Creek valley mostly hidden, a few wisps around
the top of Mt. Juneau with a lower band of
fog/clouds, some clouds low in Last Chance
- 1550: Cloudy, top of Mt. Roberts in clouds,
fog/clouds hiding Last Chance Basin and the
middle section of Mt. Juneau, a few other
bits and wisps.
- 1500: .17" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Light Drizzle/Misting, Cloudy with
most of the mainland above about 400' - 800'
hidden by fog/clouds, slightly to partially
obscured below that.
- 1420: Light Drizzle, Cloudy with most of
the mainland above about 400' - 800' hidden
by fog/clouds.
- 1350: Cloudy with most of the mainland above
about 600' - 800' hidden by fog/clouds.
- 1250: Cloudy with most of the mainland above
about 400' - 600' hidden by fog/clouds.
- 1220: Cloudy, most of the mainland above
about 400' - 500' hidden by fog/clouds.
- 1200: .17" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Extremely Light Sprinkling/Misting,
Cloudy with Mt. Roberts and Last Chance Basin
above about 400' - 500' hidden by fog/clouds,
fog clouds hiding the SE part and very top
of Mt. Juneau with a few lower fog/clouds.
- 1050: Misting/Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy
with low clouds/fog hiding most of the mainland
above about 400' - 500' and slightly to partially
obscured below that.
- 1035: Light Drizzle, Cloudy with low clouds/fog
hiding most of the mainland above about 400'
- 500' and partially obscured below.
- 0950: Cloudy, fog/clouds hiding most of the
mainland above about 350' - 500', Blueberry
Hills mostly in fog.
- 0850: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
low clouds/fog hiding Mt. Juneau and Last
Chance Basin above about 200' -300', upper
part of Mt. Roberts hidden with a lower band,
Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 0820: Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy with fog/clouds
hiding most of the mainland above about 150',
Blueberry Hills partly in fog.
- 0750: Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy with fog
hiding almost all of the mainland - very
lowest part of downtown that's closest to
Douglas Island is slightly visible, Blueberry
Hills in fog.
- 0720: Light Drizzle, Fog.
- 0700: .14" of Rainfall to this point
- 0656: Fog.
- 0650: Cloudy with fog hiding the mainland,
Blueberry Hills and the upper part of Pioneer
Avenue in fog.
- 0635: Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy with fog
hiding the mainland, Blueberry Hills partly
in fog.
- 0620: Fog. .13" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 0604: A cruise ship foghorn is sounding.
- 0237 ADT: High Rain Rate of .15" of
Rain per hour.
- 2100 ADT: .29" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Very Light Misting, Fog hiding the
mainland except below 50' - 75' for parts
of town closest to Douglas Island.
- 2035: Very Light Misting, Fog.
- 2020: Very Light Drizzle/Misting, low clouds/fog
hiding the mainland above about 50'.
- 1950: Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy with Cloudy
with fog/clouds hiding Mt. Juneau, Last Chance
Basin, and downtown Juneau, Mt. Roberts hidden
above about 200' - 300' with some mists and
fog below.
- 1850: Very Light Drizzle/Sprinkling, Cloudy
with fog/clouds hiding Mt. Juneau, Last Chance
Basin, and downtown Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds with lower band of fog/clouds.
- 1835: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
low clouds/fog hiding most of the mainland
above about 75' - 450', slightly to partially
obscured below that.
- 1820: Very Light Drizzle, Fog.
- 1800: .28" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Rain, Cloudy with low clouds/fog hiding
the mainland above about 75' - 150', partially
obscured below that.
- 1720: Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy with low
clouds/fog hiding the mainland above about
75' - 150', partially obscured below that.
- 1705: Drizzle, Fog.
- 1650: Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy with the mainland
almost totally obscured-hidden by fog/clouds
and mists.
- 1555: High Rain Rate of .13" of Rain
per hour.
- 1550: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland almost
totally hidden by fog/clouds and mists.
- 1520: Rain, Cloudy with virtually all of
Mt. Juneau and Last Chance Basin above about
250' - 300' and the top of Mt. Roberts in
clouds with some lower fog/clouds and a ribbon
low over the Channel, remainder of the mainland
slightly to partially obscured.
- 1500: .11" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with clouds
around much of the very top of Mt. Juneau
with a lower band and wisps, upper part of
Mt. Roberts hidden by fog/clouds and fog/clouds
filling much of Last Chance Basin, remainder
of mainland slightly to partially obscured.
- 1435: Very Light Drizzle/Misting, Cloudy
with most of Mt. Juneau and of Last Chance
Basin above about 400', and the upper part
of Mt. Roberts hidden by fog/clouds.
- 1350: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with lower
fog/clouds hiding much of the Channel side
of Mt. Juneau, fog/clouds filling most of
the lower part Last Chance Basin and band
on the Channel side of Mt. Roberts, a few
other wisps and bits.
- 1335: Sprinkles, Cloudy with lower band and
wisps and bits of fog.
- 1250: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with lower
band, ribbon, and wisps.
- 1235: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with lower
band, ribbons, and wisps.
- 1200: .08" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Light Rain, Cloudy with lower ribbons,
band, and wisps of fog/clouds.
- 1103: High Rain Rate of .05" of Rain
per hour.
- 1050: Rain, Cloudy with lower ribbons and
- 1020: Light Rain, Cloudy with lower ribbons
and wisps.
- 0950: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with lower
ribbons and wisps.
- 0920: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a few
lower wisps.
- 0905: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy
with a few lower wisps.
- 0850: Sprinkling, Cloudy with lower ribbon.
- 0840: Very Light Sprinkling began.
- 0820: Cloudy, lower ribbons and wisps, sprinkles
over the mainland.
- 0750: Cloudy, lower band and fog/clouds on
the Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0735: Cloudy, lower band on the Gastineau
Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0650: Cloudy.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy. Trace of Rainfall to this
point today?
8/15/08: DATA | NWS: Dense Fog Advisory issued at 12:46 am ADT Expired at 8 am ADT
this morning
- 2050 ADT: Partly Cloudy.
- 1950: Partly Cloudy/Mostly Clear, sun shining
on the upper part of Mt. Roberts.
- 1920: Partly Cloudy, sun shining on much
of Mt. Roberts and on part of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge and peak of Mt. Juneau.
- 1850: Mostly/Partly Cloudy.
- 1820: Partly Cloudy, clouds skimming part
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, sun shining.
- 1750: Mostly Cloudy, clouds skimming - very
top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, spots
and areas of sunshine on Mt. Roberts and
part of Mt. Juneau.
- 1650: Mostly/Partly Cloudy, clouds around
part of the very top of Mt. Juneau, a few
spots and areas of sunshine on the mainland.
- 1605: Partly Cloudy, sun shining here and
- 1550: Partly Cloudy NW half of sky, Cloudy
with a few breaks SE half, sun shining on
part of Mt. Juneau, part of downtown Juneau,
and part of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, clouds
around the SE part of the top of Mt. Juneau.
- 1535: Partly Cloudy NW half of sky, Cloudy
with a few breaks SE half, sun shining in
part of the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1450: Mostly Cloudy, very top of Mt. Roberts
and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, a
few wisps around the top of Mt. Juneau, sun
shining here and there on Mt. Juneau, the
top of Mt. Roberts, and in the inner Gold
Creek valley.
- 1350: Cloudy with a few breaks, some clouds
around the mainland mountaintops.
- 1250: Mostly Cloudy, fog/clouds around much
of the tops of the mainland mountains.
- 1150: Cloudy with breaks, somewhat weakened
sunshine, clouds around much of the mainland
mountaintops and upper parts.
- 1050: Partly Cloudy, fog/clouds around the
top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, lower
band, ribbon, and wisps, somewhat weakened
- 0950: Partly/Mostly Cloudy, fog/clouds hiding
much of the mainland above about 400' - 500',
sun in and out.
- 0942: Sun shining.
- 0935: Cloudy with areas of broken clouds,
lower bands, ribbons, and wisps of fog/clouds.
- 0850: Cloudy with hints of blue, brighter
areas, very slightly broken clouds, top of
Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds, lower bands,
ribbons, and wisps of fog.
- 0750: Cloudy with a few hints of blue to
the NW, upper part of Mt. Roberts and of
Mt. Juneau hidden by clouds, lower ribbon
and wisps.
- 0720: Cloudy with some hints of blue, upper
part of Mt. Roberts hidden, lower band of
fog, a few other wisps.
- 0709: The Sun is starting to rise over Gold
Ridge of Mt. Roberts (faint glow of disc
- 0705: Fog hiding mainland, cloudy overhead.
- 0650: Cloudy with some very tiny hints of
blue, lower mists, band, ribbons, and thin
- 0635: Cloudy with hints of blue and very
slightly broken clouds to the NE, lower band,
ribbons, and wisps of fog.
- 0620: Fog.
- 0532 ADT (Posted here at 0620): Dense fog advisory issued
at 12:46 am ADT remains in effect until 8
am ADT this morning.
NWS Dense Fog Advisory
Statement as of 5:32 AM AKDT on August 15, 2008
...Dense fog advisory remains in effect until 8 am akdt this
A dense fog advisory remains in effect until 8 am akdt this
Dense fog will continue into the morning hours along the central
and southern Panhandle. Visibilities will be reduced to a quarter
mile or less.
An advisory means that dense fog is already occurring or
All travel should be done with extreme caution.
This statement will be updated by 8 am akdt Friday or sooner if
conditions warrant.
8/14/08: DATA | Record precipitation for Ketchikan on
Wednesday, August 13 - See 1655 Below
8/13/08: DATA | Last Hummingbirds (apparently) of 2008
seen today as they have been flying South
for the winter
- 2100 ADT: .86" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Cloudy with very tops - tops of the
mainland mountains in clouds, precipitation
in the Granite Creek area, light wind.
- 1950: Cloudy, mainland mountaintops in the
clouds, light wind, precipitation over parts
of the mainland.
- 1935: Cloudy, mainland mountaintops in the
- 1926: Heavy Rain, Cloudy with Mt. Juneau
and Last Chance Basin hidden, top of Mt.
Roberts in clouds.
- 1920: Light Drizzle, Cloudy, mainland mountaintops
in the clouds.
- 1905: Cloudy, mainland mountaintops in the
clouds with lower wisps rapidly forming and
then dissipating as they are blown rapidly
NW, light wind.
- 1850: Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy with the
very tops - tops of the mainland mountains
in the clouds, a few lower wisps and bits
of fog/clouds.
- 1835: Heavy Rain, Cloudy with the mainland
partially to substantially obscured and hidden
by fog/clouds and mists. Rain Rate of 1.03"
of Rain per hour.
- 1820: Light Drizzle, Cloudy with the mainland
mountaintops in the clouds a few lower wisps
and bits of fog/clouds.
- 1810: High Rain Rate of 1.15" of Rain
per hour.
- 1809: High Rain Rate of .49" of Rain
per hour.
- 1800: .71" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, brighter areas
in the clouds, upper part of Mt. Juneau and
most of the top of Mt. Roberts, and top of
the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, a few lower
- 1720: Rain, Cloudy, getting brighter, upper
part of Mt. Roberts, top of Mt. Juneau, and
inner Gold Creek valley hidden, remainder
of mainland partially to substantially obscured.
- 1655: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland partially
to substantially obscured and hidden by fog/clouds
and mists.
- 1637: Rain, Cloudy with some lower fog/clouds
and wisps, inner Gold Creek valley partially
obscured, remainder of mainland slightly
to partially obscured.
- 1630: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland substantially
obscured - hidden by fog/clouds and mists.
- 1550: Rain, Cloudy with some lower fog/clouds
and wisps, inner Gold Creek valley partially
to substantially obscured, remainder of mainland
slightly to partially obscured.
- 1520: Light Drizzle, Cloudy with some hints
of blue, some lower fog/clouds and wisps
on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau and of
Mt. Roberts, much of the remainder of the
mainland slightly obscured.
- 1500: .52" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
very top and SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, lower cloud on Channel side of
Mt. Roberts and a few lower wisps Channel
side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1435: Rain, Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau
and the SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, a few lower fog/clouds and wisps,
inner Gold Creek valley partially obscured,
much of the rest of the mainland slightly
- 1350: Sprinkling, Cloudy with a large lower
cloud on the Channel side of Mt. Roberts
and a few lower clouds and wisps Channel
side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1250: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with clouds
skimming Mt. Roberts, a few lower fog/clouds
and wisps.
- 1235: Rain, Cloudy with a few lower fog/clouds
and wisps on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau,
much of the mainland slightly obscured.
- 1220: Rain, Cloudy with the inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, very top of Mt. Roberts in
clouds, remainder of the mainland partially
- 1200: .46" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Light Rain, Cloudy with a few lower
wisps and bits, inner Gold Creek valley slightly
to partially obscured, parts of the remainder
of the mainland slightly obscured.
- 1050: Rain, Cloudy with some lower fog/clouds
and wisps.
- 1035: Rain, Cloudy with some lower fog/clouds
and wisps.
- 1020: Light Rain, Cloudy with some lower
fog/clouds and wisps.
- 0957: Light Misting, Cloudy with some lower
fog/clouds and wisps, mainland slightly to
partially obscured.
- 0850: Cloudy, lower band, ribbons, and wisps,
breezy over the Channel.
- 0820: Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy with low
clouds/fog hiding Mt. Roberts above about
400' and low clouds Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
It's been breezy over the Channel this morning.
- 0750: Rain, Cloudy with the very top of Mt.
Roberts in clouds, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
lower band, ribbon, and wisps of fog/clouds.
- 0720: Rain, Cloudy with the very top of Mt.
Juneau and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, and the
upper part of Mt. Roberts in clouds, some
lower clouds on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau,
a few lower wisps, inner Gold Creek valley
substantially obscured, remainder of mainland
slightly to partially obscured.
- 0700: .36" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Extremely Light Drizzle, Cloudy with
the very tops - clouds skimming the mainland
mountains with the SE part of the top of
Mt. Roberts in clouds, large lower cloud
Channel side of Mt. Roberts and a few small
clouds and wisps Channel side of Mt. Juneau,
inner Gold Creek valley partially obscured.
- 0635: A New Weekly Picture has been posted - Juneau Federal Building.
- 0620: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
very top and SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts
hidden by clouds with lower band, small cloud
Channel side of Mt. Juneau, precipitation
over much of the mainland. .36" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 0037 ADT: High Rain Rate of .46" of
Rain per hour.
- 2355 ADT: High Rain Rate of .25" of
Rain per hour.
- 2100: .41" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Sprinkling/Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy
with the very tops of the mainland mountains
in the clouds.
- 1950: Cloudy, low clouds hiding Mt. Roberts
above about 400' - 600', very top of Mt.
Juneau in clouds, lower fog/clouds hiding
some of the remainder of Mt. Juneau and the
lower part of Last Chance Basin.
- 1850: Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy with low clouds/fog
hiding most of the mainland with the remainder
substantially obscured.
- 1835: Drizzle, Cloudy with low clouds/fog
hiding the top of Mt. Roberts and most of
Mt. Juneau and Last Chance Basin, lower ribbon
Channel side of Mt. Roberts, remainder of
mainland partially to substantially obscured.
- 1820: Misting, Cloudy with the top of Mt.
Roberts and the top of Mt. Juneau in clouds,
inner Gold Creek valley hidden, lower fog/clouds
Channel side of Mt. Juneau, lower wisps Channel
side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1800: .32" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy, very top of Mt. Juneau, the
top of Mt. Roberts and of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge in clouds, light wind.
- 1705: Cloudy, top of Mt. Roberts and of Mt.
Juneau, and the upper part of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge in clouds.
- 1650: Cloudy, mainland mountaintops in clouds,
precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1635: Cloudy, mainland mountaintops in clouds,
precipitation over parts of the mainland
and especially in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1550: Cloudy, mainland mountaintops in clouds,
a few lower wisps.
- 1535: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy
with mainland mountaintops in clouds.
- 1500: .31" of Rainfall to this point
- 1456: A few raindrops, cloudy, mainland mountaintops
in the clouds with the ceiling at about 2400'
- 2500' at Mt. Roberts, a few small clouds
and wisps Channel side of Mt. Juneau and
a few other wisps.
- 1350: Light Rain, Cloudy with much of the
very top of Mt. Juneau, and the very top
- top of Mt. Roberts in clouds, a few lower
wisps, light wind.
- 1259: A Hummingbird (Rufous) drank from the
feeder - first time since August 7.
- 1250: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, a few lower wisps and bits.
- 1220: Rain, Cloudy with top of Mt. Roberts,
part of the very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge,
and very top of Mt. Juneau in clouds, some
lower wisps, bits and small clouds.
- 1200: .22" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Rain, Cloudy with clouds skimming Mt.
Juneau, part of the very top of Mt. Roberts
and the SE part of its top hidden by clouds,
some lower bits and wisps of fog/clouds.
- 1124: High Rain Rate of .12" of Rain
per hour.
- 1050: Rain, Cloudy with clouds around part
of the top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, lower
band/ribbon of fog/clouds, remainder of mainland
slightly obscured.
- 1023: Rain, Cloudy with some clouds in lower
part of Last Chance Basin and on the Channel
side of Mt. Juneau, small cloud and wisps
around the top of Mt. Juneau and wisps around
the upper part of Mt. Roberts.
- 0950: Light Rain, Cloudy with a few lower
clouds in Last Chance Basin, a few lower
- 0850: Light Rain, Cloudy with lower band/ribbon
and a few wisps, upper part of Pioneer Avenue
and Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 0835: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with lower
band/ribbon, upper part of Pioneer Avenue
and Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 0750: Light Rain, Cloudy, lower band/ribbon
of fog over the Channel, a patch of fog obscuring
the top of Mt. Juneau, upper part of Pioneer
Avenue and Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 0735: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, lower band/ribbon
of fog over the Channel after a period of
more fog over the Channel, upper part of
Pioneer Avenue and Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 0700: .10" of Rainfall to this point
- 0657: Sprinkling/Very very light drizzle,
cloudy with lower band/ribbon of fog over
Gastineau Channel, upper part of Pioneer
Avenue and Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 0650: Very Light Rain/Drizzle, Fog hiding
the mainland and upper part of Pioneer Avenue
and Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 0620: Very Light Rain/Drizzle, Fog hiding
the mainland and upper part of Pioneer Avenue
and Blueberry Hills in fog. .10" of
Rainfall to this point today. A cruise ship
foghorn is still sounding
- 0519: A cruise ship foghorn sounded and sounding
every two minutes thereafter.
- 0455: First Steller's Jay of the day arrived.
- 0418 ADT: A cruise ship foghorn is sounding
every two minutes, lasted until 0440.
- 2100 ADT: .13" of Rainfall to this point
- 2057: High Rain Rate of .04" of Rain
per hour.
- 2050: Light Rain, Cloudy with low clouds/fog
hiding the mainland above about 250' - 300',
Blueberry Hills partly in fog.
- 2035: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with low clouds/fog
hiding the mainland above about 250' - 400',
Blueberry Hills partly in fog.
- 2022: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with fog hiding
Mt. Roberts above 350' - 400' and the upper
part of Last Chance Basin, fog/clouds hiding
much of the upper part of Mt. Juneau.
- 1950: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with lower
band/ribbon of fog.
- 1850: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a lower
band/ribbon, Blueberry Hills partly in fog.
- 1835: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a low
ribbon on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau
and low fog/cloud to the ESE, Blueberry Hills
in fog.
- 1800: .09" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Sprinkling (began 1746), Cloudy with
lower ribbons and wisps, Blueberry Hills
in fog.
- 1720: Cloudy with a lower ribbon and a few
- 1705: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a few
lower wisps.
- 1650: Light Rain, Cloudy with some lower
fog/clouds in Last Chance Basin and a few
small clouds and wisps on the Channel side
of Mt. Juneau.
- 1550: Light Rain, Cloudy with a band of fog
in Last Chance Basin and some fog/clouds
on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau, lower
ribbon Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1500: .04" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Light Rain, Cloudy with some clouds
in Last Chance Basin and on the Channel side
of Mt. Juneau, lower ribbon and a few wisps
Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1420: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with some lower
fog/clouds in Last Chance Basin, on the Channel
side of Mt. Roberts, and Channel side of
Mt. Juneau.
- 1350: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with some fog/clouds
in Last Chance Basin, some lower bits and
- 1313: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy
with a few lower wisps, location of the sun
- 1250: Cloudy, lower small cloud and wisps
on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau, location
of the sun visible.
- 1200: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy-Overcast, tiny filtered break
to the NNW, location of the sun visible,
a few lower bits and wisps on the Channel
side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1050: Cloudy, brighter areas in the clouds
and a bright spot where the sun is, a few
lower bits and wisps.
- 1020: Cloudy, bright spot where the sun is,
lower ribbon and a few wisps.
- 0950: Cloudy with clouds around the SE part
of the top of Mt. Roberts, a lower ribbon
and few wisps.
- 0935: Cloudy with clouds around the SE part
of the top of Mt. Roberts, a few lower wisps.
- 0905: Cloudy, very top of Mt. Juneau and
part of the very top of Mt. Roberts and the
SE part of its top hidden by clouds, a few
wisps and small clouds around the Mt. Juneau
Ridge, lower band/ribbon, precipitation in
the inner Gold Creek valley and to the E.
- 0850: Cloudy, fairly bright, very top - clouds
skimming Mt. Juneau, part of the very top
of Mt. Roberts and the SE part of its top
in clouds, lower band and ribbon of fog,
Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 0750: Cloudy, part of the very top of Mt.
Juneau and the SE part of the top of Mt.
Roberts in clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 0700: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Cloudy, clouds skimming the Mt. Juneau
Ridge, SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 0635: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
Mt. Juneau Ridge, and Mt. Roberts with the
SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts also in
clouds, lower ribbon and wisps, precipitation
in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy, very top of Mt. Juneau
and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, clouds
around the very top and SE part of the top
of Mt. Roberts, a few lower ribbons, wisps,
and bits of fog/clouds. .02" of Rainfall
to this point today.
SUNDAY 8/10/08: DATA | 3rd and last day of the 62nd Annual Golden North Salmon Derby | Record Daily Maximum Rainfall set at Juneau
for 9 August - See 0200 Below
- Between 2230 and 2300 ADT: Due to fog, a
cruise ship foghorn was sounding every two
minutes as the ship was departing Juneau
and sailing SE on Gastineau Channel.
- 2100: .09" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Cloudy with hints of blue and hints
of breaks, very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
and the very top and SE part of the top of
Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds, ribbon/band
near the top of Mt. Juneau, lower mists over
the Channel and a thin layer of fog low over
the Channel.
- 2020: Cloudy, very top of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge and the very top and SE part of the
top of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds, few
wisps around the peak of Mt. Juneau and a
small cloud by the top, lower ribbons and
wisps of fog with a layer of thin fog low
over the Channel.
- 2005: Cloudy with the SE part of the top
of Mt. Juneau and the very top and SE part
of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds,
top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds with
lower clouds hiding much of the inner Gold
Creek valley, lower ribbons, layer of thin
fog low over the Channel.
- 1950: Fog.
- 1935: Cloudy, top of Mt. Roberts hidden with
a lower band, fog/clouds hiding Last Chance
Basin and downtown Juneau, layer of thin
fog low over the Channel, peak of Mt. Juneau
in clouds with a lower band of fog.
- 1850: Rain, Cloudy with the upper part of
Mt. Roberts, the inner Gold Creek valley,
part of Last Chance Basin, and the SE part
of Mt. Juneau hidden by fog/clouds, layer
of fog low over the Channel, and mists.
- 1843: High Rain Rate of .09" of Rain
per hour.
- 1800: .05" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Light Rain, Cloudy, upper part of Mt.
Juneau and Mt. Roberts above about 600' -
800' hidden by clouds, fog/clouds filling
Last Chance Basin, lower band as low as 200'
on the Channel side of Last Chance Basin
and Mt. Juneau.
- 1650: Sprinkling/Very Light Drizzle, cloudy
with top of Mt. Juneau and upper part of
Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds, lower bands
and ribbons.
- 1635: Rain, Cloudy with the very top of Mt.
Roberts and of Mt. Juneau in clouds, lower
band and ribbons of fog/clouds.
- 1550: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very top
- top of Mt. Roberts and of Mt. Juneau in
clouds, lower band and ribbon of fog/clouds.
- 1500: .01" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy
with the top of Mt. Juneau and of the Mt.
Juneau Ridge, and the upper part of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, fog/clouds in Last Chance Basin,
lower ribbon Channel side of Mt. Roberts
and lower bands Channel side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1420: Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy with the
top of Mt. Juneau in clouds with a lower
band/ribbon, upper part of Mt. Roberts above
about 600' - 800' hidden by clouds, fog/clouds
filling Last Chance Basin and hiding the
inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1350: Sprinkling/Very, very light rain, cloudy
with fog/clouds hiding the mainland above
about 400'.
- 1250: Cloudy, most of the upper part of Mt.
Juneau, the upper part of Mt. Roberts, and
the inner Gold Creek valley hidden by clods,
lower fog/clouds in Last Chance Basin and
lower ribbons and wisps on the Channel side
of Mt. Roberts.
- 1200: .01" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Very Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy
with fog/clouds hiding the mainland above
around 400' - 800'.
- 1050: Cloudy with fog/clouds hiding the mainland
above around 400' - 500'.
- 0950: Cloudy, fog/clouds hiding most of the
mainland above about 350' - 500'.
- 0850: Cloudy with the upper part of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds, Last
Chance Basin mostly filled with clouds, lower
ribbon Channel side of Mt. Juneau and of
Mt. Roberts.
- 0820: Cloudy with Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts
above about 800' hidden by fog/clouds, lower
fog/clouds as low as 300' hiding Last Chance
Basin, a few lower ribbons and wisps.
- 0750: Cloudy with most of the top of Mt.
Juneau, most of the upper part of Mt. Roberts,
and the inner Gold Creek valley hidden, lower
band of fog/clouds as low as about 250' with
Last Chance Basin hidden.
- 0735: Cloudy with top of Mt. Roberts and
of Mt. Juneau in clouds, inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, lower band of fog, patchy
fog and thin fog elsewhere.
- 0700: .01" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Fog.
- 0635: Fog.
- 0620: Cloudy with fog hiding the mainland
above about 200' - 250' with a layer of fog
low over Gastineau Channel. .01" of
Rainfall to this point today.
- 0200 ADT (Posted here at 0630): NWS: Record Daily
Maximum Rainfall set at Juneau for 9 August.
NWS Record Report
Statement as of 2:13 AM ADT on August 10, 2008
Record Event Report
National Weather Service Juneau AK
200 am AKDT, and Revised 700 am AKDT Sun Aug 10 2008
...Record daily maximum rainfall set at Juneau for 9 Aug...
Location New Record Old Record Year Set
Juneau Airport 0.99 inches 0.80 inches 1990
Juneau WFO 1.17 inches 0.28 inches 2006
Aug 08
- 2400 ADT: .74" of Rainfall today.
- 2100: .74" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Cloudy, few hints of blue, fog/clouds
around the SE part of the upper part of Mt.
Juneau, the top of Mt. Roberts, and in the
inner Gold Creek valley, lower bands and
- 2045: Partial Rainbow almost gone, faded
out at 2047.
- 2037: Partial Rainbow to the ENE.
- 2035: Orange glow on the lower part of downtown
and on the cruise ships.
- 1950: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy
with lower bands, ribbons, and wisps of fog/clouds,
inner Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 1850: Drizzle, Cloudy with the top of Mt.
Roberts, of Mt. Juneau, and the inner Gold
Creek valley hidden by clouds; lower band
Channel side of Mt. Juneau and lower ribbons,
wisps, and fog/clouds above downtown Juneau.
- 1820: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy
with the top of Mt. Roberts and of Mt. Juneau,
and the inner Gold Creek valley hidden by
clouds; lower ribbons, wisps, and fog/clouds
above downtown Juneau and in Last Chance
- 1800: .68" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Drizzle, Cloudy with the top of Mt.
Juneau and Mt. Roberts above about 600' -
700' with a lower ribbon, fog/clouds as low
as 150' - 200' over downtown Juneau.
- 1730: NWS: Record daily maximum rainfall set at
Juneau today.
NWS Record Report
Statement as of 5:31 PM ADT on August 09, 2008
Record Event Report
National Weather Service Juneau AK
530 PM AKDT Sat Aug 9 2008
...Record daily maximum rainfall set at Juneau...
The Juneau International Airport has already received a record
rainfall of 0.91 inch today. This breaks the old record of 0.8
set in 1990. Additional rainfall is expected through the
remainder of the day.
Aug 08
- 1720: Rain, Cloudy with the upper part of
Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts and the inner
Gold Creek valley hidden by clouds, lower
fog/clouds hiding Last Chance Basin, lower
band Channel side of Mt. Juneau, remainder
of mainland slightly to partially to substantially
- 1650: Light Drizzle/Rain, Cloudy with low
clouds/fog hiding the mainland above about
300' and the mainland partially obscured
below that.
- 1605: Drizzle-Rain, Cloudy with low clouds/fog
hiding the mainland above about 300' and
the mainland substantially obscured below
- 1550: Drizzle, Cloudy with Mt. Roberts above
about 600' - 800', and the upper part of
Mt. Juneau hidden by fog/clouds with a lower
band on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau, inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, low clouds in Last
Chance Basin, remainder of the mainland partially
- 1500: .56" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy
with the mainland hidden above about 700'
- 800' by fog/clouds with a lower ribbon/band
and wisps.
- 1420: Cloudy, mainland hidden above about
600' - 800' by fog/clouds with a lower ribbon
and wisps.
- 1350: Very, very light sprinkling/misting,
cloudy with low clouds/fog hiding most of
the mainland above 200' - 350'.
- 1320: Light Drizzle, Cloudy with the upper
part of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts above
350' - 600' hidden by fog/clouds, inner Gold
Creek valley hidden, clouds filling lower
part of Last Chance Basin.
- 1250: Rain, Cloudy with most of Mt. Juneau,
upper part of Mt. Roberts, and the inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, lower band of fog/clouds,
remainder of mainland partially to substantially
- 1226: Rain, Cloudy with the upper part of
Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, and the inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, some lower fog/clouds,
remainder of mainland partially to substantially
- 1220: Sprinkling after a lull, cloudy, upper
part of Mt. Juneau and of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge and top of Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds,
some lower wisps and bits of fog/clouds.
- 1205: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
top - upper part of Mt. Juneau and of Mt.
Roberts in clouds, very low clouds in the
inner Gold Creek valley, lower fog/clouds
hiding much of the lower part of Mt. Juneau,
a few wisps in the vicinity of Mt. Maria.
- 1200: .46" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy with the tops - upper parts
of the mainland mountains in clouds, cloud
low in Last Chance Basin, and a few lower
clouds and wisps on the Channel side of Mt.
- 1050: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mainland
mountaintops in the clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 1035: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 1033: Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 1030: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 1020: Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, lower ribbon and wisps Channel
side of Mt. Juneau, a few lower clouds in
Last Chance Basin and on the Channel side
of Mt. Roberts.
- 0950: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
the top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts,
and the upper part of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
hidden by clouds, a few small clouds and
wisps on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau and
in Last Chance Basin.
- 0935: Very Light Rain after Rain, Cloudy
with the upper part of Mt. Juneau and top
of Mt. Roberts of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in
clouds, clouds filling the lower part of
Last Chance Basin, lower band Channel side
of Mt. Juneau.
- 0920: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mainland
mountaintops in the clouds, a cloud in the
lower part of Last Chance Basin, a few lower
bits and wisps.
- 0850: Rain, Cloudy with top - upper part
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge and of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, most of the Channel side of Mt.
Juneau above about 400' hidden by fog/clouds,
lower ribbon Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0840: High Rain Rate of 6.40" of Rain
per hour. This is the heaviest recorded at
the West Juneau Weather Station since the
Davis Vantage Pro instruments were installed
November 2002.
- 0837: Rain Rate of .61" of Rain per
- 0826: High Rain Rate of 1.82" of Rain
per hour.
- 0823: High Rain Rate of 1.53" of Rain
per hour.
- 0822: High Rain Rate of 1.43" of Rain
per hour.
- 0820: Heavy Rain, Cloudy with top - upper
part of Mt. Roberts and of Mt. Juneau, and
the inner Gold Creek valley hidden by clouds,
lower band and fog/clouds hiding much of
the lower part of the mainland above 300'
- 400', and partially to substantially obscured
for the remainder of the mainland. Rain Rate
of .83" of Rain per hour.
- 0812: High Rain Rate of .88" of Rain
per hour.
- 0806: Rain, Cloudy with top - upper part
of Mt. Roberts and of Mt. Juneau, and the
upper part of the inner Gold Creek valley
hidden by clouds, lower fog/clouds, ribbon/band,
and wisps of fog/clouds.
- 0750: Cloudy with top - upper part of Mt.
Roberts and of Mt. Juneau, and the upper
part of the inner Gold Creek valley hidden
by clouds, lower ribbon/band and wisps of
- 0700: .04" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Cloudy, top of Mt. Roberts and of Mt.
Juneau, and the upper part of the inner Gold
Creek valley hidden by clouds, lower ribbon,
Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 0635: Cloudy, top - upper part of Mt. Roberts
and of Mt. Juneau in clouds, inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, lower band/ribbon and wisps,
Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 0620: Very Light Drizzle/Sprinkling, Cloudy
with low clouds/fog hiding most of the mainland
above 300' - 400'.
- 0436 ADT: High Rain Rate of .11" of
Rain per hour.
8/08/08: DATA | 1st Day of the 62nd Annual Golden North Salmon Derby | NWS: Weather Conditions for this Weekend
in the Stephens Passage and southern Lynn
Canal areas - See 1535 8/07 Below
- 2100 ADT: .04" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with most
of the very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in
clouds, a few lower ribbons, wisps, and bits
of fog/clouds.
- 2005: High Rain Rate of .05" of Rain
per hour.
- 2000: Rain, Cloudy with a few lower bits,
wisps, and ribbons.
- 1950: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a few
wisps in Last Chance Basin.
- 1920: Very Light Rain/Sprinkling after heavier
rain, cloudy, a few lower wisps and bits
of fog/clouds.
- 1850: Sprinkling/Light Raindrops, very top
of Mt. Juneau and part of the very top and
the SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts in
clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 1828: Very Light Rain/Sprinkling, Cloudy
with brighter clouds to the ENE.
- 1800: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1750: Cloudy, a few tiny breaks to the NE.
- 1650: Cloudy with some small and tiny breaks
and bright areas in the clouds, a few wisps
around the Mt. Juneau Ridge and the peak
of Mt. Juneau.
- 1550: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy, fairly
bright, partly broken clouds to the E and
NE with filtered blue, small cloud in the
Granite Creek area.
- 1500: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1450: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy with
a few hints of blue to the NE, a few very
small clouds and wisps around the very tops
- tops of the mainland mountains.
- 1435: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with small
areas of filtered blue to the ENE, a few
wisps and very small clouds around the very
tops - tops of the mainland mountains.
- 1350: Cloudy, fairly bright, some hints of
breaks and a few hints of blue, a few wisps
around the mountains.
- 1328: Very Light Sprinkles, Cloudy - Overcast
with a few very slight hints of blue, a few
wisps around the mountains.
- 1250: Cloudy, area of very slightly broken
clouds, fairly bright skies, bright spot
where the sun is, broken lower ribbon on
the Last Chance Basin side of Mt. Juneau,
light wind.
- 1220: Cloudy with very slightly broken areas,
fairly bright skies, bright spot where the
sun is, lower ribbon on Channel and Last
Chance Basin sides of Mt. Juneau, a few other
- 1154: Sun broke through briefly.
- 1150: Cloudy, brighter areas, lower ribbon
in Last Chance Basin and broken lower ribbon
on Channel side of Mt. Juneau and of Mt.
- 1135: Cloudy, brighter areas, lower band
in Last Chance Basin and lower ribbon on
Channel side of Mt. Juneau and broken ribbon
Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1050: Cloudy with brighter clouds in the
SE part of the sky, lower band of fog/clouds.
- 1020: Cloudy with a few very tiny breaks
to the NNW, lower band of fog/clouds which
is hiding most of Last Chance Basin and much
of the upper part of Mt. Juneau.
- 0950: Cloudy with a few small filtered breaks
and small filtered clear areas, lower band
of fog/clouds.
- 0935: Cloudy with a few filtered breaks and
brighter areas in the clouds, lower band
of fog/clouds.
- 0920: Mostly Cloudy, bright skies, weakened
sunshine, lower band of fog/clouds and wisps.
- 0850: Cloudy, bright and bright clouds, filtered
slightly broken areas and filtered clear
areas, patchy fog hiding parts of the mainland,
weakened sunshine.
- 0828: Cloudy, few slight hints of blue overhead,
fog/clouds hiding the mainland above about
- 0805: Cloudy with slightly broken clouds
overhead, fog hiding the mainland
- 0750: Fog.
- 0728: Fog.
- 0650: Fog, lower part of downtown closest
to Gastineau Channel is slightly visible.
- 0620: Fog.
- 0529 - 0540 ADT: Heard the foghorn of the
cruise ship Island Princess sounding.
8/07/08: DATA | NWS: Weather Conditions for this Weekend
in the Stephens Passage and southern Lynn
Canal areas - See 1535 Below
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy with very slightly broken
areas, thin layer of fog very low over parts
of the Channel, very tops of the mainland
mountains in the clouds, a few lower wisps
in Last Chance Basin. .09" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 2005: Cloudy with an area of broken clouds
to the NE, variable height thin fog low over
the Channel, very tops of the mainland in
the clouds, a few lower wisps and a ribbon.
- 1950: Cloudy with a few very small and tiny
filtered breaks, very tops of the mainland
in the clouds, a few lower wisps and a ribbon.
- 1905: Cloudy, very tiny break to the SW,
very tops of the mainland in the clouds,
lower ribbon and wisps.
- 1850: Cloudy, very tops - tops of the mainland
mountains in the clouds, a few lower ribbons
and wisps.
- 1805: Cloudy, very tops - tops of the mainland
mountains in the clouds, lower band/ribbon
of fog/clouds.
- 1800: .09" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Very, very light misting/drizzle, cloudy
with the top of Mt. Juneau, most of the top
of Mt. Roberts, and the Mt. Juneau Ridge
in clouds, a few lower bits and wisps, remainder
of inner Gold Creek valley substantially
obscured and the remainder of the mainland
slightly to partially obscured.
- 1650: Light Drizzle, Cloudy with the top
of Mt. Juneau, most of the top of Mt. Roberts,
and the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, small
cloud in Last Chance Basin and a few other
wisps, remainder of inner Gold Creek valley
substantially obscured and the remainder
of the mainland slightly to partially obscured.
- 1635: Very, very light misting/sprinkling,
cloudy with the top of Mt. Juneau, most of
the top of Mt. Roberts, and the Mt. Juneau
Ridge in clouds, lower ribbons and wisps,
inner Gold Creek valley partially to substantially
obscured and remainder of mainland slightly
to partially obscured.
- 1550: Cloudy, mainland mountaintops in the
clouds, cloud in the lower part of Last Chance
Basin, lower ribbons and wisps Channel side
of Mt. Roberts.
- 1535: NWS: Weather conditions for this weekend
in the Stephens Passage and southern Lynn
Canal areas.
NWS Special Weather Statement
Statement as of 3:35 PM AKDT on August 07, 2008
...Weather conditions for this weekend in the Stephens Passage
and southern Lynn Canal areas...
The weather pattern for this weekend is shaping up to be
dominated by the marine layer. Winds will be light to 10 knot
northerlies each morning. By each afternoon expect winds will become
southerly to 15 knots. Seas will rise to 4 feet in the afternoons
especially near Point Retreat and in Taku Inlet. Drizzle and
patchy fog is likely each morning with visibilities improving into
each afternoon.
A weather front will approach the Panhandle late Sunday and we expect
locally breezy conditions. At the moment we are not forecasting
winds to 25 knots or seas to 5 feet in the Lynn Canal and Stephens
Passage area until Monday.
Another complication for this weekend forecast is a possible
Glacier dam release into the Taku River. Should this happen expect
debris within Taku Inlet Friday through Sunday including but not
limited to tree branches and other vegetation debris, ice, lawn
chairs, and other household debris.
Stay tuned for further updates on the Taku River and Inlet areas
as more information becomes available.
This statement will be updated by 4 PM AKDT Friday or sooner if
conditions warrant.
- 1500: .08" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy, mainland mountaintops in the
clouds, a few wisps and small clouds in Last
Chance Basin, a few other wisps, precipitation
over parts of the mainland.
- 1435: Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, cloud low in Last Chance Basin,
a few other wisps.
- 1350: Cloudy, very top - top of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts in the clouds with a lower
ribbon, top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds
and lower clouds in Last Chance Basin, a
few other wisps and bits.
- 1335: Cloudy with very tops - tops of the
mainland mountains in the clouds with a lower
band, and lower clouds in Last Chance Basin.
- 1250: Cloudy, very top - top of Mt. Juneau
in clouds, Mt. Roberts above 500' - 600'
hidden by clouds on the Channel side, lower
band on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau and
filling much of Last Chance Basin.
- 1235: Cloudy, Mt. Juneau and Last Chance
Basin mostly hidden above about 200' - 400',
Mt. Roberts mostly hidden above about 500'.
- 1220: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, Mt. Juneau
and Last Chance Basin hidden above about
200' - 400', very top and the SE part of
the top of Mt. Roberts in clouds with lower
wisps and band.
- 1205: Sprinkling, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds
hiding most of Mt. Juneau, very top - top
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, some clouds
around the top of Mt. Roberts, band in Last
Chance Basin, lower ribbons.
- 1200: .08" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy
with lower fog/clouds hiding most of Mt.
Juneau, Last Chance Basin, and Mt. Roberts
above about 600'.
- 1120: Rain, Cloudy with the very top - top
of Mt. Juneau, upper part of Mt. Roberts,
and very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds,
lower band of fog/clouds, remainder of mainland
slightly to partially obscured.
- 1105: Very Light Rain after Rain, Cloudy
with the top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts,
and the very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
in clouds, lower band and ribbons of fog/clouds.
- 1050: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the top of
Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, and the very
top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, lower
fog clouds on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau,
lower ribbons.
- 1035: Cloudy with much of the very top -
top of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts, and
very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds,
lower band, ribbon, wisps and bits of fog/clouds.
- 1020: Rain, Cloudy with very top - top of
Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts, and the inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, lower bands and
ribbons of fog/clouds, remainder of mainland
substantially obscured.
- 1018: High Rain Rate of .19" of Rain
per hour.
- 1005: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with very top
of Mt. Juneau and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge,
and most of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden
by clouds, lower bands, ribbons, and wisps.
- 0950: Rain, Cloudy with very top - top of
Mt. Juneau, the very top of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge, and much of the upper part of Mt.
Roberts hidden by clouds on the Channel side,
lower ribbons, wisps, and bits of fog/clouds.
- 0930: Rain, Cloudy with very top - top of
Mt. Juneau, the very top of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge, and much of the top of Mt. Roberts
hidden by clouds with a few lower clouds
on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau, remainder
of mainland partially obscured.
- 0920: Light Rain, Cloudy with very top -
top of Mt. Juneau, the very top of the Mt.
Juneau Ridge, and much of the top of Mt.
Roberts hidden by clouds with a lower ribbon
on the Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0911: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops
- tops of the mainland mountains in the clouds.
- 0850: Cloudy with very top - top of Mt. Juneau,
the very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, and
much of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden by
clouds with a lower ribbon on the Channel
side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0820: Cloudy with clouds skimming the mainland
mountains with part of the very top - top
of Mt. Roberts and the SE part of its top
hidden by clouds.
- 0750: Cloudy with a few breaks.
- 0650: Cloudy with a few very small and tiny
breaks, variable layer of thin fog low over
Gastineau Channel.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with a few very tiny breaks.
Foghorns had been sounding earlier.
- 2050 ADT: Partly/Mostly Cloudy. Trace of
Rainfall to this point today.
- 2035: Partly Cloudy.
- 1950: Partly/Mostly Cloudy, sun shining here
and there.
- 1920: Mostly Cloudy, very weak sunshine on
part of downtown Juneau.
- 1850: Partly Cloudy, a few spots and areas
of weak - very weak sunshine on the mainland,
light wind.
- 1800: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1750: Partly Cloudy, sun shining.
- 1705: Partly/Mostly Cloudy, sun shining here
and there.
- 1650: Mostly/Partly Cloudy, sun here and
there and in and out.
- 1620: Mostly Cloudy, areas and spots of sunshine
on the mainland, light wind.
- 1605: Cloudy with bright spots SW half to
2/3rds of sky, Partly Cloudy NE 1/3rd to
1/2 of sky, sun shining here and there on
the mainland, light wind.
- 1550: Partly Cloudy, light to breezy wind,
sun here and there and in and out.
- 1500: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1450: Partly Cloudy, light to breezy wind,
sun here and there and in and out.
- 1435: Partly Cloudy, light to breezy wind,
sun here and there.
- 1350: Partly Cloudy, light wind, slightly
weakened sunshine.
- 1250: Partly Cloudy, Breezy, sun shining.
- 1220: Partly Cloudy, Breezy, sun shining.
- 1200: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1150: Partly Cloudy, slightly weakened sunshine,
light to breezy wind.
- 1050: Partly Cloudy, sun shining, light wind.
- 0950: Partly Cloudy, sun shining.
- 0905: Mostly Cloudy, light wind.
- 0850: Rain Shower, Mostly Cloudy, sun shining.
- 0820: Mostly Cloudy.
- 0750: Partly Cloudy.
- 0650: Mostly Cloudy with broken clouds over
most of the sky, weakened sunshine.
- 0643: The Sun is rising over the left shoulder
of Gold Ridge on Mt. Roberts.
- 0630: A New Weekly Picture has been posted - Portrait of an Eagle.
- 0620 ADT: Partly Cloudy.
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy, some thinner clouds far
to the SE.
- 2020: Cloudy with some broken and very slightly
broken clouds, bright clouds in the western
part of the sky.
- 1950: Cloudy with breaks to the SE and far
to the SE partly cloudy.
- 1850: Cloudy, a few very tiny breaks in the
SE part of the sky, some very thin fog as
a veil obscuring the high points of the Mt.
Juneau Ridge.
- 1750: Cloudy, a break to the S.
- 1650: Cloudy with a few hints of blue.
- 1620: Cloudy, light wind.
- 1605: Cloudy, light wind.
- 1550: Cloudy, a few hints of blue, extremely
weak sunshine on parts of the mainland, light
- 1450: Cloudy, light wind.
- 1420: Cloudy, fairly bright skies, bright
spot where the sun is, a few tiny filtered
breaks NW part of sky and a few hints of
blue, light wind.
- 1350: Mostly Cloudy/Cloudy, fairly bright
skies, a few hints of blue, clear areas to
the NE and ESE, very, very weak sunshine
in the inner Gold Creek valley, light wind.
- 1311: Partly Cloudy, slightly weakened sunshine.
- 1250: Mostly Clear/Clear.
- 1150: Mostly Clear/Clear.
- 1050: Mostly Clear/Clear.
- 1005: Mostly Clear.
- 0850: Partly Cloudy.
- 0820: Partly Cloudy, small cloud around the
peak of Mt. Juneau, a few other wisps around
the mountaintops.
- 0805: Partly Cloudy/Mostly Clear SE 2/3rds
of sky, Cloudy NW 1/3rd.
- 0750: Partly Cloudy SE half of sky and Cloudy
NW half, clouds skimming - very tops of Mt.
Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds,
sun shining.
- 0738: Sun showing its brilliant and sunny
- 0735: Partly Cloudy SE 1/5 to 1/4 of sky,
Cloudy for remainder, clouds skimming the
Mt. Juneau Ridge and wisps around the peak
of Mt. Juneau.
- 0650: Cloudy, some breaks far to the ESE,
clouds skimming the Mt. Juneau Ridge, a few?
clouds around the SE part of the top of Mt.
- 0620: Cloudy with hints and slight hints
of blue, clouds skimming the Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 0159 ADT (Posted here at 0625):
SEAK71 PAAQ 051001
201 AM AKDT TUE AUG 5 2008
TIME - 0159 AKDT AUG 05 2008
0259 PDT AUG 05 2008
0959 UTC AUG 05 2008
***This event supersedes event AT00793032.
Geographic coordinates: 58.759N, 137.412W
Magnitude: 4.1 Ml
Depth: 10 km
Universal Time (UTC): 5 Aug 2008 09:58:47
Time near the Epicenter: 5 Aug 2008 01:58:47
Local standard time in your area: 5 Aug 2008 00:58:47
Location with respect to nearby cities:
87 km (54 miles) NW (316 degrees) of Elfin Cove, AK
103 km (64 miles) SW (224 degrees) of Mosquito Lake, AK
104 km (64 miles) WNW (292 degrees) of Gustavus, AK
737 km (458 miles) ESE (106 degrees) of Anchorage, AK
event ID : US 2008vibg
This event has been reviewed by a seismologist at NEIC
For subsequent updates, maps, and technical information, see:
National Earthquake Information Center
U.S. Geological Survey
8/04/08: DATA | There are Ripe Berries on the Pacific
Red Elder now
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy, SE part of the top of Mt.
Juneau and of Mt. Roberts and the very top
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, some lower
clouds in the Granite Creek area. Trace of
Rainfall to this point today.
- 1950: Cloudy with the very top - top of Mt.
Juneau, very top and SE part of the top of
Mt. Roberts, and upper part of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge hidden by clouds.
- 1935: Cloudy, most of the very top of Mt.
Juneau, very top and SE part of the top of
Mt. Roberts, and upper part of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge hidden by clouds.
- 1850: Cloudy, some clouds around the SE part
of the top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts,
clouds skimming remainder of Mt. Roberts,
top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, precipitation
to the N.
- 1800: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1750: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
very top of Mt. Roberts and of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge in clouds, some lower clouds in the
Granite Creek area.
- 1650: Cloudy with clouds skimming Mt. Juneau
and Mt. Roberts with clouds around the SE
part of the top of Mt. Roberts, very top
- top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 1620: Cloudy with a few wisps and small clouds
around the SE part of the upper part of Mt.
Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, Mt. Juneau Ridge
in clouds.
- 1500: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1450: Cloudy with a few clouds around the
SE part of the top of Mt. Juneau, clouds
skimming Mt. Roberts and a few other clouds
and wisps around its top, very top - top
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, a few
lower wisps.
- 1350: Cloudy with a few clouds around the
SE part of the top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt.
Roberts, top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds,
a few other wisps.
- 1250: Cloudy with the upper part of the Mt.
Juneau Ridge in clouds, clouds around much
of the upper part of Mt. Juneau and the very
top and SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1200: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1150: Cloudy, clouds around most of the top
of Mt. Roberts with some lower clouds, parts
of the upper part of Mt. Juneau hidden by
wisps and clouds close to the slope, Mt.
Juneau Ridge in the clouds with a few lower
- 1050: Cloudy, clouds around the top of Mt.
Roberts and much of the upper part of Mt.
Juneau, clouds filling much of the inner
Gold Creek valley.
- 0950: Cloudy, some clouds, ribbons, and wisps
around the upper part of Mt. Juneau and the
very top and SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts,
clouds filling much of the inner Gold Creek
- 0850: Cloudy, some small clouds and wisps
around the upper part of Mt. Juneau, clouds
around the SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts,
clouds and wisps around much of the upper
part of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, lower ribbon
of fog with a patch of fog lying low over
the Channel.
- 0750: Cloudy, clouds skimming the Mt. Juneau
Ridge with some lower wisps, a few wisps
around the top of Mt. Roberts and of Mt.
Juneau, layer of fog low over the Channel
with some very thin fog above.
- 0700: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0650: Cloudy, much of the very top of Mt.
Juneau and of Mt. Roberts in clouds, clouds
and wisps around much of the top of the Mt.
Juneau Ridge, lower ribbon Channel side of
Mt. Roberts, precipitation in part of the
inner Gold Creek valley and part of the top
of Mt. Roberts.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with the very top of Mt.
Juneau and of Mt. Roberts in clouds, a few
wisps around the Mt. Juneau Ridge with some
lower clouds in the Granite Creek area, very
thin fog over parts of Gastineau Channel
and precipitation over parts of the mainland?
Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
SUNDAY 8/03/08: DATA
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy, clouds skimming the Mt.
Juneau Ridge.
- 1950: Cloudy, clouds skimming the Mt. Juneau
Ridge, precipitation over the Mt. Juneau
- 1850: Cloudy, clouds skimming - very top
of Mt. Juneau, and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
in clouds, a few clouds around the SE part
of the top of Mt. Roberts, precipitation
in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1750: Cloudy, very top of Mt. Juneau and
very top - top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in
clouds, clouds around the SE part of the
top of Mt. Roberts with a cloud at the NW
end of the top of Mt. Roberts, precipitation
in the inner Gold Creek valley and over the
top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1650: Cloudy with the very top - top of the
SE part of Mt. Juneau, the top and upper
part of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, and the SE
part of the top of Mt. Roberts hidden by
clouds with a small cloud at the NW end of
the top of Mt. Roberts, precipitation in
the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1550: Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau
and the very top - top of Mt. Juneau Ridge
in the clouds, clouds skimming part of Mt.
Roberts and the SE part of its top in clouds,
precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley
and over the very top of Mt. Roberts and
part of the top of Mt. Juneau.
- 1450: Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau
and the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, clouds
skimming part of Mt. Roberts and the SE part
of its top in clouds, precipitation in the
inner Gold Creek valley and over some of
the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1350: Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau
and the very top - top of Mt. Juneau Ridge
in clouds, SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, precipitation in the inner Gold
Creek valley.
- 1335: Cloudy with very top of Mt. Juneau
and most of the top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
in clouds, clouds skimming part of Mt. Roberts
and the SE part of its top in clouds.
- 1250: Cloudy with a few clouds and wisps
around the top of Mt. Juneau and some around
the top of Mt. Roberts, most of the top of
the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds.
- 1220: Cloudy, some clouds and wisps around
the top of Mt. Juneau and most of the top
of Mt. Roberts and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
hidden by clouds.
- 1150: Cloudy with a few bright spots, very
top - top of Mt. Roberts and of Mt. Juneau,
and the upper part of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
hidden by clouds, precipitation in the inner
Gold Creek valley and over the top of Mt.
- 1120: Cloudy, much of the tops of the mainland
mountains in clouds, precipitation in the
Granite Creek area and over the top of Mt.
- 1050: Cloudy, clouds around much of the top
of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, fog/clouds
filling part of the upper portion of the
inner Gold Creek valley.
- 0950: Cloudy with fog/clouds around the upper
SE part of Mt. Juneau and the SE part of
the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 0920: Cloudy with band of fog over the Channel
and other variable patchy fog and thin fog.
- 0850: Cloudy with some clouds on the upper
Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0812: A Wilson's Warbler is in the backyard.
- 0805: Cloudy.
- 0750: Cloudy, layer of thin fog and fog low
over Gastineau Channel, foghorns sounding.
- 0650: Cloudy, layer of fog low over Gastineau
Channel hiding the mainland below 300' -
- 0635: Now Available: July 2008 Monthly Report, and updated Weather Database.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with a layer of fog low
over part of Gastineau Channel and a few
other small patches of fog above the Channel.
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy with hints of blue. .14"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 2020: Cloudy with hints of blue, a few lower
- 1950: Cloudy with a small cloud by the Mt.
Juneau Ridge and a few wisps by the top of
Mt. Juneau.
- 1850: Cloudy with a few lower wisps and bits
of fog/clouds.
- 1800: .14" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy with a few very tiny filtered
breaks and a few hints of breaks, some wisps
around the top of Mt. Juneau, some clouds
around the SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts,
and the very top - top of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge in clouds.
- 1650: Cloudy, very top - top of Mt. Roberts
in clouds, a few clouds around the top and
upper part of Mt. Juneau, some clouds in
the upper part of Last Chance Basin hiding
the upper part of the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1550: Cloudy, some clouds around the upper
part of Mt. Juneau, of the Mt. Juneau Ridge,
and clouds around the SE part of the upper
part of Mt. Roberts with a few other wisps
around its top.
- 1500: .14" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy
with clouds around much of the upper part
of Mt. Juneau, a few clouds and wisps around
the Mt. Juneau Ridge and a few wisps around
the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1435: Cloudy, most of the upper part of Mt.
Juneau and the very top of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge in clouds, a few small clouds and wisps
around the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1350: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks, clouds
hiding the upper SE half of Mt. Juneau, Mt.
Juneau Ridge in clouds, some clouds and wisps
around the upper part of Mt. Roberts, a few
other lower wisps and small clouds
- 1335: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks, clouds
hiding the upper SE half of Mt. Juneau and
the very top and SE part of the upper part
of Mt. Roberts, a few other lower wisps and
- 1250: Cloudy with a few very small and tiny
breaks, clouds hiding most of the upper part
of Mt. Juneau and Last Chance Basin and the
upper part of Mt. Roberts.
- 1220: Cloudy with a few very small and tiny
breaks, clouds around much of the upper parts
of the mainland mountains above about 500'
- 600', and in much of Last Chance Basin.
- 1200: .14" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy with brighter areas in the clouds,
clouds around much of the upper parts of
the mainland mountains above about 500' -
600', and in much of Last Chance Basin.
- 1120: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Roberts
and the SE part of its top in clouds, clouds
filling the upper part of the inner Gold
Creek valley, lower bands and fog/clouds,
Blueberry Hills partly in fog.
- 1050: Light Drizzle, Cloudy with clouds around
the SE part of the upper part of Mt. Juneau,
the top of Mt. Roberts, and in the inner
Gold Creek valley, lower band and fog/clouds.
- 1035: Light Drizzle, Cloudy with the top
of Mt. Roberts and of Mt. Juneau, and the
inner Gold Creek valley hidden by fog/clouds,
lower band and wisps of fog/clouds, Blueberry
Hills in fog.
- 0950: Cloudy, clouds/fog hiding much of Mt.
Juneau above about 300' - 400', all of Last
Chance Basin, and much of the top of Mt.
Roberts with lower band on the Channel side
of Mt. Roberts, Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 0850: Very Light Misting/Drizzle, Cloudy
with low clouds/fog hiding much of the mainland
above 100' - 300' and slightly to partially
obscured below that, Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 0835: Light Drizzle/Misting, Cloudy with
low clouds/fog hiding the mainland above
50' - 150', partially to substantially obscured
below that, Blueberry Hills and the upper
part of Pioneer Avenue in fog.
- 0750: Fog, Very Light Misting/Drizzle.
- 0700: .11" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Fog, Light Misting/Drizzle.
- 0620: Light Misting/Drizzle, Cloudy with
fog hiding the mainland, Blueberry Hills
in fog. .11" of Rainfall to this point
- 0014 ADT: High Rain Rate of .07" of
Rain per hour.