CONDITIONS DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

NAME: 3270 Nowell   CITY: West Juneau   STATE: Alaska 
ELEV:    97 ft  LAT: 58° 17' 33" N  LONG: 134° 25' 37" W

TEMPERATURE (°F), RAIN  (in), WIND SPEED (mph), SNOW (in). Snowfall from 21:00 - 21:00, all others Midnight to Midnight.

                                      HEAT  COOL        AVG                      WIND       SNOW        
    MEAN                              DEG   DEG         WIND                DOM  RUN        ON(1)       
 1  54.5  59.9   3:25p  50.1   4:30a  10.5   0.0  0.01   0.8   7.0  12:15p  ENE  18.90  0.0  0.0 Cld/TrcRn Cld Cld/ExtrmLtSpr-VryLtRn Cld/SmBrks-Brkn
 2  57.7  66.4   5:40p  51.3   2:00a   7.4   0.0  0.00   1.0  10.0  11:10a  ENE  23.93  0.0  0.0 Cldy Cld/SmBrks-Brkn PCld Cld-Brks MCldy 
 3  59.1  70.1   2:40p  47.3   3:55a   6.3   0.4  0.03   1.6  13.0   9:45p    E  38.89  0.0  0.0 VarM/PCld PCld-Ovcst VarP/MCld Cld PCld Cld Cld/Rn
 4  55.6  60.4   2:40p  52.3  11:55p   9.4   0.0  0.16   1.3  14.0   7:00p  SSE  30.80  0.0  0.0 Cld/Rn Cld-TinyBrk Spr Cld Cld/Spr-VryLtRn-Rn Cld Rn
 5  52.7  56.5   5:05p  50.2   5:10a  12.3   0.0  0.21   1.5  12.0   9:55a  SSE  36.42  0.0  0.0 Cld/Rn Cld Cld/LtPrecip CldHintsBrks Cld/OccLtPrecip
 6  52.9  58.1   3:45p  49.8   5:35a  12.1   0.0  0.07   0.8  10.0   2:45p  SSE  20.09  0.0  0.0 Cld Cld/LtMst-Spr-VryLtRn Brks MCld Cld-HintsBrks Rn
 7  56.4  65.5   4:20p  50.7   4:35a   8.6   0.0  0.18   1.0  11.0   4:25p   NW  23.26  0.0  0.0 LoClds/Rn/OccSpr-Mist-Drizz Cld-Brks MCld PCld MCld
 8  53.9  58.0   7:00p  51.1   4:30a  11.1   0.0  0.17   0.6   7.0   3:50p  ENE  13.75  0.0  0.0 Cldy Cld/LtRn-Rain-Spr Cld Cld-SmBrks Cld-SlightBrkn
 9  52.7  54.4   1:30a  51.6   6:00p  12.3   0.0  0.89   1.9  13.0   7:25a  SSE  44.97  0.0  0.0 Cld-VarLwrClds/LtRn-Rn-Spr-VryLtRn Cld-VarLwrClds/Rn
10  54.5  56.7  11:45a  52.9  11:50p  10.5   0.0  0.65*  2.8  13.0   2:55p  SSE  67.84  0.0  0.0 VarLrCld/Rn-HvyRn-LtRn-Driz Cld Cld/LtRn-Spr-Rn-Mist 
11  54.3  58.6  12:00m  51.4  10:00p  10.7   0.0  0.65   2.2  17.0  11:30p  SSE  51.83  0.0  0.0 Cldy/SmBitofRn Cld-PBrknArea Cld/VryLtSpr-LtRn-Rain
12  59.3  67.6   4:40p  54.7  11:35p   5.8   0.1  0.47   1.9  16.0  12:25a  SSE  45.40  0.0  0.0 Cld/Rn-LtSpr Cld Cld/Rn Cld MCld M/PCld PCld-Cld Cld
13  56.8  61.6   3:30p  53.3   4:35a   8.2   0.0  0.09   1.5  12.0   4:35a  SSE  34.63  0.0  0.0 Cld Fog Cld TinyBrks Cld Cld/Spr-LtRn-Rn Cld Cld/Rn
14  55.5  59.3   6:20p  53.2  12:25p   9.5   0.0  0.08   0.9  10.0   5:00p   NW  20.45  0.0  0.0 LoClds-Fog/LtRn-Drizz Fog/LtDriz Cld Mcld M-PCld Cld
15  59.9  70.6   3:50p  52.9   5:15a   5.9   0.8  0.11   2.3  14.0   1:45p   NW  55.43  0.0  0.0 Cld Fog DecrFog PCld Clr/MClr PCld MCld Cld Cld/Rn
16  56.5  60.4   5:00p  53.2   2:20a   8.5   0.0  1.07*  2.1  17.0   9:25a  SSE  50.96  0.0  0.0 Cld/Rain Cld/VryLtRn-LtRn-Spr Cldy-FewBrks Cld/Rn
17  57.7  64.5   2:10p  51.9   3:15a   7.3   0.0  0.03   2.8  16.0   3:30p  WNW  66.43  0.0  0.0 Cld/Rn Cld PatchyFog Cld MCld BrknClds PCld Clr-MCld
18  59.6  69.6   3:50p  50.4   3:35a   6.3   0.9  0.00   2.3  14.0   1:30p   NW  54.96  0.0  0.0 VarFog CldyFoggy BrknCld MCld-PCld Cld-Brks PCld Clr
19  57.4  66.9   2:10p  50.1   4:35a   7.7   0.0  0.18   2.1  20.0   1:40p  SSE  49.42  0.0  0.0 Clr MClr M/PCld MCld VarP/MCld Cld Brz Cld/Rn-Spr-Rn
20  52.6  54.8  12:05a  50.2  11:45p  12.4   0.0  0.70   1.2  12.0   2:50a  SSE  27.56  0.0  0.0 Cld-LoClds/Rain-LtRn Cld/Rn-VryLtRn-Spr-Rn
21  54.5  62.1   5:05p  48.9  12:00m  10.5   0.0  0.17   0.9   8.0   3:40p  ENE  22.50  0.0  0.0 Cld/Rain Cld Cld-Ovcst BrknAreas WeakSun MCld PCld
22  55.4  66.3   6:10p  46.0   4:20a   9.6   0.0 TRACE   2.1  14.0   7:10a   NW  57.28  0.0  0.0 Fog PCld Ovcst MCld Cld-Ovcst Cld-MCld Cld FewSpr
23  54.1  55.7  10:20a  52.8  10:15p  10.9   0.0  0.86   2.3  14.0  12:45p  SSE  54.92  0.0  0.0 Cld/Rain Cld-VarLwrClds/LtRn-Drizz-VryLtRn-Rn-Mist
24  54.1  58.1   3:25p  51.1   6:30a  10.9   0.0  0.02   1.1  14.0   4:20p  SSE  25.31  0.0  0.0 Cld-VarLwrFog Cld/OccVryLtSpr&SmBrks Cld/Mist-Rn Cld
25  57.6  65.2   3:50p  49.9   5:45a   7.4   0.0  0.01   0.9  11.0  12:55p  ENE  20.83  0.0  0.0 Cld/Rn Cld MCld Brks MCld M/PCld MCld/Cld Ovcst Cld
26  56.9  61.8  12:15p  52.3   6:10a   8.1   0.0  0.01   0.5  10.0  11:35a    W  11.79  0.0  0.0 Cld Cld/ExtrmLtSpr-Spr Cldy Cld/Spr Cld/Brks
27  58.5  66.8   4:35p  51.9   5:45a   6.6   0.0 TRACE   1.1  13.0   7:25p    E  27.05  0.0  0.0 Cld-Brks VryLtRn PCld/Clr Cld PCld P/MCld Cld-FewBrk
28  57.8  65.5   5:35p  53.5   5:30a   7.2   0.0  0.05   0.7  10.0   3:15p   NW  17.12  0.0  0.0 Cld/LtRn-Spr TinyBrks Cld/LtRn-Rn Cld MCld Cld MCld
29  59.0  66.4  11:40a  52.6   5:10a   6.0   0.0  0.04   1.8  20.0  12:35a  SSE  43.32  0.0  0.0 Cld/Shrs MCld M/PCld-PtchyFg PCld MCld PCld MCld Cld
30  52.9  55.7  12:05a  51.7  11:25p  12.1   0.0  0.34   0.4  11.0  10:05a  SSE   8.56  0.0  0.0 Cld/Rn-LtRn Cld Cld/VryLtSpr-LtRn Cld LoClds/Driz-Rn
31  53.3  56.6   3:40p  51.3   3:55a  11.7   0.0  0.03   0.8   7.0   9:40a    E  19.09  0.0  0.0 Cld/Driz-Rn Cld-LoClds Cld Cld-TinyBrks/OccXtrmLtSpr
    55.9  70.6    15    46.0    22   283.8   2.2  7.28   1.5  20.0    19   SSE 1083.69  0.0  0.0

* Record Rainfall for date
(1) As measured on Front Lawn 
STATISTICS | DATA | GRAPHS | CONDITIONS - DAY of MONTH: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31| TOP 
AVERAGE Mean Temp:	55.9
AVERAGE High Temp:	61.9
MINIMUM High Temp:	54.4	9th
MAXIMUM High Temp:	70.6	15th
AVERAGE Low Temp:	51.3
MINIMUM Low Temp:	46.0	22nd
MAXIMUM Low Temp:	54.7	12th
MAX >= 90.0:		0
MAX >= 80.0:		0
MAX >= 70.0:		2	3rd, 15th
MAX <= 32.0:		0
MIN <= 32.0:		0
MIN <=  0.0:		0
MAXIMUM Humidity (%):	96	7th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 30th, 31st
MINIMUM Humidity (%):	40	3rd @ 1438
MAXIMUM Pressure (mb):	1024.6	31st @ 2114
MINIMUM Pressure (mb):	1002.8	19th @ 0744
TOTAL   Htg Deg Days:	283.8
AVERAGE Htg Deg Days:	9.2
MINIMUM Htg Deg Days:	5.8	12th
MAXIMUM Htg Deg Days:	12.4	20th
TOTAL Cool Deg Days:	2.2
Heat Base:  65.0  Cool Base:  65.0  Method: Integration
TOTAL   Precip.:	7.28
AVERAGE Precip.:	0.3
DAYS of Precip.:	29	All but: 2nd, 18th
MAXIMUM Precip.:	1.07	16th
MAXIMUM Rain Rate:	0.98	10th @ 0623
Days of Rain: 24 (>.01 in) 15 (>.1 in) 1 (>1 in)
TOTAL Snowfall:		0.0
DAYS of Snowfall:	0
AVERAGE High Wind:	12.6
MINIMUM High Wind:	7	1st, 8th, 31st
MAXIMUM High Wind:	20	19th, 29th
WIND RUN (miles):	1083.69
DAYS Sun at any time:	17	All but: 1st, 4th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 16th, 20th, 23rd, 24th, 28th, 30th, 31st
DAYS OF Cld or M Cld:	31
DAYS OF Rainbow:	0
DAYS OF Aurora:		0
DAYS OF Lightning:	0
DAYS OF Earthquake:	0

GRAPHS | DATA | STATISTICS | CONDITIONS - DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | TOP

July 2007 - Barometric Pressure & Temperature with Highs & Lows.

July 2007 - Dewpoint & Humidity.

July 2007 - Rainfall & High Rain Rate with Pressure & Humidity.

July 2007 - High Wind, Wind Run, & 10 min. Avg Wind Speed.

CONDITIONS - DAY of Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 | DATA | STATISTICS | GRAPHS | TOP

7/31/07: DATA

7/30/07: DATA

SUNDAY 7/29/07: DATA

7/28/07: DATA

7/27/07: DATA

7/26/07: DATA

7/25/07: DATA

7/24/07: DATA

7/23/07: DATA

SUNDAY 7/22/07: DATA | 0830: The Taku River Flood Warning Has Been Cancelled - See 0830 Below

7/21/07: DATA | The Taku River Flood Warning remains in effect until 400 am ADT Monday for Taku River near Juneau - See 1952 Below, 1400 Below and 2017 7/20

7/20/07: DATA | Taku River Flood Warning for the Taku River near Juneau due to the annual Glacier dam release - See 2017 Below and 1257 Below

7/19/07: DATA

7/18/07: DATA

7/17/07: DATA | Record Rainfall Amounts in Southeastern Alaska on Monday 7/16 - See Below | The West Juneau Weather Station had 1.07" on 7/16 exceeding the previous record of .56" set in 1988 (records since 1984)

7/16/07: DATA | Record Rainfall Amounts in Southeastern Alaska today, Monday 7/16 - See 1500 7/17 Above | The West Juneau Weather Station had 1.07" on 7/16 exceeding the previous record of .56" set in 1988 (records since 1984)

SUNDAY 7/15/07: DATA

7/14/07: DATA | The Salmonberries are Ripe | 0630: The Flood Advisory for Rain and Melting Snow has Expired for Juneau Borough and northern Admiralty Island - See 0630 Below

7/13/07: DATA | 1821: Small Stream Flood Advisory for Rain and Melting Snow in... Juneau Borough and northern Admiralty Island - See 1821 Below | 1004: Dense Fog Advisory in the vicinity of the Airport has been cancelled | High Flows on Glacial Rivers through Friday - See 0500 Below | Record precipitation fell Thursday in parts of Southeastern Alaska on Thurs., July 12 - See 0430 Below

7/12/07: DATA | Record precipitation fell Thursday in parts of Southeastern Alaska on Thurs., July 12 - See 0430 7/13 | 1300: High flows on Glacial Rivers through Friday - See 1300 Below | Record Rainfall amounts across the Panhandle Wednesday - See 0730 Below | Fireweed Blossoms are Opening

7/11/07: DATA | Record Rainfall amounts across the Panhandle July 11 - See 0730 7/12 | 1030: NWS - Locally Heavy Rains expected through Wednesday night - See 1030 Below | Record precipitation for Southeast Alaska on Tuesday July 10th - See Below

7/10/07: DATA | Record Precipitation for Southeast Alaska on Tuesday July 10th - See 2300 Below | The West Juneau Weather Station had .65" on 7/10 exceeding the previous record of .51" set in 1990 (records since 1984) | 1500: NWS: Locally Heavy Rains expected late Tuesday and Wednesday - See 1500 Below

7/09/07: DATA | Hummingbirds Extremely Active at the Feeders Today

SUNDAY 7/08/07: DATA

7/07/07: DATA | Young Dark-Eyed Juncos (Oregon subspecies) are out and about now

7/06/07: DATA

7/05/07: DATA

7/04/07: DATA | Independence Day - 231 Years: 1776 to 2007 | Juneau Parade - 11:00 O'Clock A.M.; Douglas Parade - 2:00 O'Clock P.M.

7/03/07: DATA | Independence Day Fireworks - Show Started at 11:57 PM - Juneau Harbor

7/02/07: DATA

SUNDAY 7/01/07: DATA | 2nd Day of the18th Annual Gold Rush Days at Dimond Park: 9AM - 5 PM | Fledgling Chestnut-Backed Chickadees are out and about