Month: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
NAME: 3270 Nowell CITY: West Juneau STATE: Alaska
ELEV: 97 ft LAT: 58° 17' 33" N LONG: 134° 25' 37" W
TEMPERATURE (°F), RAIN (in), WIND SPEED (mph), SNOW (in). Snowfall from 21:00 - 21:00, all others Midnight to Midnight.
1 54.5 59.9 3:25p 50.1 4:30a 10.5 0.0 0.01 0.8 7.0 12:15p ENE 18.90 0.0 0.0 Cld/TrcRn Cld Cld/ExtrmLtSpr-VryLtRn Cld/SmBrks-Brkn
2 57.7 66.4 5:40p 51.3 2:00a 7.4 0.0 0.00 1.0 10.0 11:10a ENE 23.93 0.0 0.0 Cldy Cld/SmBrks-Brkn PCld Cld-Brks MCldy
3 59.1 70.1 2:40p 47.3 3:55a 6.3 0.4 0.03 1.6 13.0 9:45p E 38.89 0.0 0.0 VarM/PCld PCld-Ovcst VarP/MCld Cld PCld Cld Cld/Rn
4 55.6 60.4 2:40p 52.3 11:55p 9.4 0.0 0.16 1.3 14.0 7:00p SSE 30.80 0.0 0.0 Cld/Rn Cld-TinyBrk Spr Cld Cld/Spr-VryLtRn-Rn Cld Rn
5 52.7 56.5 5:05p 50.2 5:10a 12.3 0.0 0.21 1.5 12.0 9:55a SSE 36.42 0.0 0.0 Cld/Rn Cld Cld/LtPrecip CldHintsBrks Cld/OccLtPrecip
6 52.9 58.1 3:45p 49.8 5:35a 12.1 0.0 0.07 0.8 10.0 2:45p SSE 20.09 0.0 0.0 Cld Cld/LtMst-Spr-VryLtRn Brks MCld Cld-HintsBrks Rn
7 56.4 65.5 4:20p 50.7 4:35a 8.6 0.0 0.18 1.0 11.0 4:25p NW 23.26 0.0 0.0 LoClds/Rn/OccSpr-Mist-Drizz Cld-Brks MCld PCld MCld
8 53.9 58.0 7:00p 51.1 4:30a 11.1 0.0 0.17 0.6 7.0 3:50p ENE 13.75 0.0 0.0 Cldy Cld/LtRn-Rain-Spr Cld Cld-SmBrks Cld-SlightBrkn
9 52.7 54.4 1:30a 51.6 6:00p 12.3 0.0 0.89 1.9 13.0 7:25a SSE 44.97 0.0 0.0 Cld-VarLwrClds/LtRn-Rn-Spr-VryLtRn Cld-VarLwrClds/Rn
10 54.5 56.7 11:45a 52.9 11:50p 10.5 0.0 0.65* 2.8 13.0 2:55p SSE 67.84 0.0 0.0 VarLrCld/Rn-HvyRn-LtRn-Driz Cld Cld/LtRn-Spr-Rn-Mist
11 54.3 58.6 12:00m 51.4 10:00p 10.7 0.0 0.65 2.2 17.0 11:30p SSE 51.83 0.0 0.0 Cldy/SmBitofRn Cld-PBrknArea Cld/VryLtSpr-LtRn-Rain
12 59.3 67.6 4:40p 54.7 11:35p 5.8 0.1 0.47 1.9 16.0 12:25a SSE 45.40 0.0 0.0 Cld/Rn-LtSpr Cld Cld/Rn Cld MCld M/PCld PCld-Cld Cld
13 56.8 61.6 3:30p 53.3 4:35a 8.2 0.0 0.09 1.5 12.0 4:35a SSE 34.63 0.0 0.0 Cld Fog Cld TinyBrks Cld Cld/Spr-LtRn-Rn Cld Cld/Rn
14 55.5 59.3 6:20p 53.2 12:25p 9.5 0.0 0.08 0.9 10.0 5:00p NW 20.45 0.0 0.0 LoClds-Fog/LtRn-Drizz Fog/LtDriz Cld Mcld M-PCld Cld
15 59.9 70.6 3:50p 52.9 5:15a 5.9 0.8 0.11 2.3 14.0 1:45p NW 55.43 0.0 0.0 Cld Fog DecrFog PCld Clr/MClr PCld MCld Cld Cld/Rn
16 56.5 60.4 5:00p 53.2 2:20a 8.5 0.0 1.07* 2.1 17.0 9:25a SSE 50.96 0.0 0.0 Cld/Rain Cld/VryLtRn-LtRn-Spr Cldy-FewBrks Cld/Rn
17 57.7 64.5 2:10p 51.9 3:15a 7.3 0.0 0.03 2.8 16.0 3:30p WNW 66.43 0.0 0.0 Cld/Rn Cld PatchyFog Cld MCld BrknClds PCld Clr-MCld
18 59.6 69.6 3:50p 50.4 3:35a 6.3 0.9 0.00 2.3 14.0 1:30p NW 54.96 0.0 0.0 VarFog CldyFoggy BrknCld MCld-PCld Cld-Brks PCld Clr
19 57.4 66.9 2:10p 50.1 4:35a 7.7 0.0 0.18 2.1 20.0 1:40p SSE 49.42 0.0 0.0 Clr MClr M/PCld MCld VarP/MCld Cld Brz Cld/Rn-Spr-Rn
20 52.6 54.8 12:05a 50.2 11:45p 12.4 0.0 0.70 1.2 12.0 2:50a SSE 27.56 0.0 0.0 Cld-LoClds/Rain-LtRn Cld/Rn-VryLtRn-Spr-Rn
21 54.5 62.1 5:05p 48.9 12:00m 10.5 0.0 0.17 0.9 8.0 3:40p ENE 22.50 0.0 0.0 Cld/Rain Cld Cld-Ovcst BrknAreas WeakSun MCld PCld
22 55.4 66.3 6:10p 46.0 4:20a 9.6 0.0 TRACE 2.1 14.0 7:10a NW 57.28 0.0 0.0 Fog PCld Ovcst MCld Cld-Ovcst Cld-MCld Cld FewSpr
23 54.1 55.7 10:20a 52.8 10:15p 10.9 0.0 0.86 2.3 14.0 12:45p SSE 54.92 0.0 0.0 Cld/Rain Cld-VarLwrClds/LtRn-Drizz-VryLtRn-Rn-Mist
24 54.1 58.1 3:25p 51.1 6:30a 10.9 0.0 0.02 1.1 14.0 4:20p SSE 25.31 0.0 0.0 Cld-VarLwrFog Cld/OccVryLtSpr&SmBrks Cld/Mist-Rn Cld
25 57.6 65.2 3:50p 49.9 5:45a 7.4 0.0 0.01 0.9 11.0 12:55p ENE 20.83 0.0 0.0 Cld/Rn Cld MCld Brks MCld M/PCld MCld/Cld Ovcst Cld
26 56.9 61.8 12:15p 52.3 6:10a 8.1 0.0 0.01 0.5 10.0 11:35a W 11.79 0.0 0.0 Cld Cld/ExtrmLtSpr-Spr Cldy Cld/Spr Cld/Brks
27 58.5 66.8 4:35p 51.9 5:45a 6.6 0.0 TRACE 1.1 13.0 7:25p E 27.05 0.0 0.0 Cld-Brks VryLtRn PCld/Clr Cld PCld P/MCld Cld-FewBrk
28 57.8 65.5 5:35p 53.5 5:30a 7.2 0.0 0.05 0.7 10.0 3:15p NW 17.12 0.0 0.0 Cld/LtRn-Spr TinyBrks Cld/LtRn-Rn Cld MCld Cld MCld
29 59.0 66.4 11:40a 52.6 5:10a 6.0 0.0 0.04 1.8 20.0 12:35a SSE 43.32 0.0 0.0 Cld/Shrs MCld M/PCld-PtchyFg PCld MCld PCld MCld Cld
30 52.9 55.7 12:05a 51.7 11:25p 12.1 0.0 0.34 0.4 11.0 10:05a SSE 8.56 0.0 0.0 Cld/Rn-LtRn Cld Cld/VryLtSpr-LtRn Cld LoClds/Driz-Rn
31 53.3 56.6 3:40p 51.3 3:55a 11.7 0.0 0.03 0.8 7.0 9:40a E 19.09 0.0 0.0 Cld/Driz-Rn Cld-LoClds Cld Cld-TinyBrks/OccXtrmLtSpr
55.9 70.6 15 46.0 22 283.8 2.2 7.28 1.5 20.0 19 SSE 1083.69 0.0 0.0
* Record Rainfall for date
(1) As measured on Front Lawn
STATISTICS | DATA | GRAPHS | CONDITIONS - DAY of MONTH: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31| TOP
AVERAGE Mean Temp: 55.9
AVERAGE High Temp: 61.9
MINIMUM High Temp: 54.4 9th
MAXIMUM High Temp: 70.6 15th
AVERAGE Low Temp: 51.3
MINIMUM Low Temp: 46.0 22nd
MAXIMUM Low Temp: 54.7 12th
MAX >= 90.0: 0
MAX >= 80.0: 0
MAX >= 70.0: 2 3rd, 15th
MAX <= 32.0: 0
MIN <= 32.0: 0
MIN <= 0.0: 0
MAXIMUM Humidity (%): 96 7th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 30th, 31st
MINIMUM Humidity (%): 40 3rd @ 1438
MAXIMUM Pressure (mb): 1024.6 31st @ 2114
MINIMUM Pressure (mb): 1002.8 19th @ 0744
TOTAL Htg Deg Days: 283.8
AVERAGE Htg Deg Days: 9.2
MINIMUM Htg Deg Days: 5.8 12th
MAXIMUM Htg Deg Days: 12.4 20th
TOTAL Cool Deg Days: 2.2
Heat Base: 65.0 Cool Base: 65.0 Method: Integration
TOTAL Precip.: 7.28
AVERAGE Precip.: 0.3
DAYS of Precip.: 29 All but: 2nd, 18th
MAXIMUM Precip.: 1.07 16th
MAXIMUM Rain Rate: 0.98 10th @ 0623
Days of Rain: 24 (>.01 in) 15 (>.1 in) 1 (>1 in)
TOTAL Snowfall: 0.0
DAYS of Snowfall: 0
AVERAGE High Wind: 12.6
MINIMUM High Wind: 7 1st, 8th, 31st
MAXIMUM High Wind: 20 19th, 29th
WIND RUN (miles): 1083.69
DAYS Sun at any time: 17 All but: 1st, 4th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 14th, 16th, 20th, 23rd, 24th, 28th, 30th, 31st
DAYS OF Cld or M Cld: 31
DAYS OF Rainbow: 0
DAYS OF Aurora: 0
DAYS OF Lightning: 0
DAYS OF Earthquake: 0




- 2100 ADT: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Extremely Light Sprinkling - virtually
undetectable, Cloudy with a few very small
breaks and some hints of breaks, very top
of Mt. Juneau and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
in the clouds, SE part of the top of Mt.
Roberts in the clouds, heavier precipitation
and a few lower clouds in the inner Gold
Creek valley.
- 1950: Cloudy with a few hints of blue, very
top of Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge
in the clouds, some clouds around parts of
the top of Mt. Roberts, a few lower clouds
in Last Chance Basin.
- 1850: Cloudy, a few very tiny filtered breaks,
very top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds, some
clouds around the top of Mt. Roberts, Mt.
Juneau Ridge in the clouds with lower clouds
in the inner Gold Creek valley and some in
Last Chance Basin.
- 1820: Cloudy with a very tiny break, very
top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds, some clouds
around the top of Mt. Roberts, Mt. Juneau
Ridge in the clouds with some lower clouds
in the inner Gold Creek valley and part of
Last Chance Basin.
- 1750: Cloudy with a few bright spots, precipitation
over Mt. Juneau, in Last Chance Basin, and
over the top of Mt. Roberts; very top of
Mt. Juneau in the clouds, some clouds around
the top of Mt. Roberts, a few clouds in Last
Chance Basin, inner Gold Creek valley substantially
- 1650: Cloudy, precipitation over the mainland
mountains and valleys, very top of Mt. Juneau
in the clouds, a few clouds around the top
of Mt. Roberts, inner Gold Creek valley substantially
- 1635: Cloudy, precipitation over the top
of Mt. Roberts, in Last Chance Basin, and
over Mt. Juneau; very top of Mt. Juneau in
the clouds, a few clouds around the top of
Mt. Roberts, inner Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 1550: Cloudy, very top of Mt. Juneau in the
clouds, some clouds around the top of Mt.
Roberts, Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
clouds in the vicinity of Cape Horn.
- 1450: Cloudy with the very top - top of Mt.
Juneau in the clouds, upper part of Mt. Roberts
and the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, a
few small clouds in Last Chance Basin, precipitation
in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1420: Cloudy with clouds hiding the top of
Mt. Juneau, the Mt. Juneau Ridge, and most
of the top of Mt. Roberts, some lower clouds
in the vicinity of Cape Horn.
- 1350: Cloudy with fog/clouds hiding the top
of Mt. Roberts, the inner Gold Creek valley
and part of the upper Channel side of Mt.
- 1320: Cloudy with clouds around much of the
top of Mt. Roberts and of Mt. Juneau, Mt.
Juneau Ridge in the clouds, fog/clouds filling
much of Last Chance Basin, lower ribbon on
the Channel side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1250: Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, some clouds in Last Chance
Basin, a few lower wisps.
- 1150: Cloudy with the very top and top of
Mt. Juneau and the top of Mt. Roberts in
the clouds, lower band on Channel side of
Mt. Juneau and in Last Chance Basin, some
lower wisps and fog/clouds over the Channel
slope of Mt. Roberts.
- 1050: Cloudy with top of Mt. Roberts and
of Mt. Juneau in the clouds, lower band of
fog/clouds on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau
and filling much of Last Chance Basin, a
few lower wisps and ribbon on the Channel
side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1020: Cloudy with the upper part of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds and a lower band of fog/clouds,
Last Chance Basin and Mt. Juneau hidden by
- 0950: Cloudy with low clouds/fog hiding the
mainland above about 450'.
- 0850: Cloudy with low clouds/fog hiding the
mainland above about 450'.
- 0750: Cloudy with low clouds/fog hiding the
mainland above about 300', upper part of
Pioneer Avenue and Blueberry Hills partly
in fog.
- 0700: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Cloudy with low clouds/fog hiding the
mainland above about 200' - 300'.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with low clouds/fog hiding
the mainland above about 300'. .03"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 2100 ADT: .29" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Drizzle, Cloudy with low clouds/fog
hiding most of the mainland above about 300',
mainland partially obscured below that.
- 1950: Drizzle/Rain, Cloudy with low clouds/fog
hiding most of the mainland above about 300'
- 400', mainland partially to substantially
obscured below that.
- 1935: Drizzle/Rain, Cloudy with low clouds/fog
hiding most of the mainland above about 400',
mainland slightly to partially obscured below
- 1850: Light Drizzle after Rain, Cloudy with
low clouds/fog hiding most of the mainland
above about 400', mainland slightly obscured
below that.
- 1820: Light Drizzle, Cloudy with low clouds/fog
hiding most of the mainland above about 300'
- 400', mainland slightly to partially obscured
below that.
- 1801: .21" of Rainfall for today registered.
- 1750: Very Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy
with the top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds
with a lower ribbon, Last Chance Basin and
most of Mt. Juneau hidden by fog/clouds,
remainder of mainland slightly obscured.
- 1735: Misting, Cloudy with the top of Mt.
Roberts in the clouds, Last Chance Basin
and most of Mt. Juneau hidden by fog/clouds,
remainder of mainland slightly obscured.
- 1650: Cloudy, much of the top of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts in the clouds, lower band/ribbon
of fog/clouds, inner Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 1620: Cloudy, top of Mt. Roberts, the Mt.
Juneau Ridge, and much of the top of Mt.
Juneau in the clouds, some lower clouds in
Last Chance Basin, a few other wisps.
- 1550: Cloudy, top of Mt. Roberts and much
of the top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds, lower
band of fog/clouds on Channel side of Mt.
Juneau and in Last Chance Basin, lower ribbon
on Channel side of Mt. Roberts, inner Gold
Creek valley filled with clouds.
- 1500: .20" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, very top of Mt. Juneau in
the clouds with lower bands, lower band/ribbon
of fog/clouds on Channel side of Mt. Roberts
and hiding much of Last Chance Basin.
- 1350: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy
with the very top of Mt. Juneau and very
top - top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds, fog/clouds
filling most of Last Chance Basin and hiding
the Last Chance Basin side of Mt. Juneau,
lower ribbon on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1250: Light Rain, Cloudy with the top of
Mt. Roberts in the clouds, fog/clouds hiding
Last Chance Basin and much of Mt. Juneau.
- 1200: .17" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy
with the very top of Mt. Juneau, very top
- top of Mt. Roberts, and the Mt. Juneau
Ridge in the clouds, some fog/clouds in Last
Chance Basin, a few lower wisps.
- 1050: Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
some fog/clouds around the upper part of
Mt. Juneau, a few lower clouds in Last Chance
Basin and on the Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0950: Cloudy with very top - top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
SE part of the top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds.
- 0850: Cloudy with the Mt. Juneau Ridge and
top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds, SE part
of the top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds, a
few lower bits and wisps.
- 0750: Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
a few clouds around the SE part of the top
of Mt. Juneau, a lower ribbon on the Channel
of Mt. Juneau and of Last Chance Basin.
- 0720: Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
and much of the top of Mt. Juneau in the
clouds, lower band and wisps of fog/clouds.
- 0700: .17" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with fog/clouds
hiding the upper part of Mt. Roberts and
the very top of Mt. Juneau, lower bands,
wisps, and bits of fog/clouds.
- 0620: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the mainland
mountaintops in the clouds, lower ribbon
and wisps of fog/clouds. .16" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 0421 ADT: High Rain Rate of .14" of
Rain per hour.
SUNDAY 7/29/07: DATA
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy.
- 1950: Cloudy with an area of bright clouds,
very top of Olds Mountain in the clouds.
- 1920: Cloudy with a few slight hints of blue
in the SE part of the sky and an area of
thinner clouds with bright clouds in the
NW part, very top of Olds Mountain in the
clouds, a few breaks far to the SE.
- 1850: Cloudy, very top of Olds Mountain in
the clouds, a few breaks far to the SE.
- 1835: Cloudy, very tiny break to the NW and
a few breaks far to the SE.
- 1750: Cloudy with a few hints of breaks and
small bright spots, partly cloudy far to
the SE.
- 1726: Mostly Cloudy SE 1/3rd of sky, Cloudy
NW 2/3rds.
- 1650: Partly Cloudy SE 1/3rd of sky, Cloudy
NW 2/3rds.
- 1550: Cloudy with partly cloudy sky to the
- 1535: Cloudy, bright spot where the sun is.
- 1450: Cloudy.
- 1420: Cloudy, extremely weak sunshine, very
bright spot where the sun is.
- 1350: Cloudy with bright spots, a few breaks
far to the NW.
- 1250: Mostly Cloudy, weakened and very weak
- 1205: Cloudy SE part of sky and Partly Cloudy
NW part.
- 1150: Partly Cloudy, sun shining.
- 1050: Partly Cloudy, sun shining.
- 1020: Mostly Cloudy.
- 1005: Partly Cloudy, sun is shining.
- 0950: Partly/Mostly Cloudy.
- 0850: Partly Cloudy, sun shining.
- 0750: Partly Cloudy, sun shining.
- 0720: Partly Cloudy, a few lower wisps, sun
- 0650: Mostly/Partly Cloudy with variable
patchy fog.
- 0620 ADT: Mostly Cloudy, a few lower bits
and wisps of fog/clouds. .04" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 2050 ADT: Mostly Cloudy SE half of sky, Cloudy
NW half.
- 1950: Cloudy with a few breaks far to the
- 1850: Cloudy.
- 1820: Cloudy.
- 1750: Partly Cloudy SE 1/3rd of sky, Cloudy
with bright areas NW 2/3rds.
- 1650: Partly Cloudy SE half, Cloudy NW half,
weak sunshine.
- 1620: Cloudy-Overcast with breaks to the
SE, fairly bright skies, very weak sunshine.
- 1550: Cloudy with fairly bright skies, very
top of Mt. Juneau and the SE part of the
top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds, extremely
weak sunshine.
- 1520: Partly Cloudy SE part of sky, Cloudy
NW part, clouds around most of the top of
Mt. Juneau, some clouds around the other
mountaintops, very weak sunshine.
- 1500: .05" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy, some clouds around the mountaintops,
bright spot where the sun is.
- 1350: Cloudy with bright areas, bright spot
where the sun is, clouds around most of the
top of Mt. Roberts, a few small clouds around
the very top of Mt. Juneau with lower fog/clouds,
a few lower wisps and bits.
- 1335: Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
and the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds, a few
wisps around the top of Mt. Juneau.
- 1305: Rain, Cloudy with clouds around much
of the top of Mt. Roberts and a few lower
wisps in Last Chance Basin and the inner
Gold Creek valley.
- 1250: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a few
clouds and wisps around the Mt. Juneau Ridge
and top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1220: Light Rain, Cloudy with a few wisps
and tiny clouds around the top of Mt. Roberts
and wisps around the Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1205: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
a few clouds around the Mt. Juneau Ridge
and the SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1200: .01" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy with some clouds around the
Mt. Juneau Ridge and the SE part of the top
of Mt. Roberts.
- 1050: Cloudy with a few lower wisps.
- 1020: Cloudy with a few hints of blue, a
few wisps and bits of fog/clouds around the
SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 0950: Cloudy with hints of blue and bright
spots and areas in the clouds.
- 0850: Cloudy, lower ribbon on the Channel
and Last Chance Basin sides of Mt. Juneau.
- 0750: Cloudy with area of very slightly broken
clouds, lower ribbon of fog/clouds.
- 0720: Cloudy with lower ribbons, wisps, and
bits of fog/clouds, Blueberry Hills partly
in fog.
- 0650: Cloudy, partly cloudy far to the NW,
a few lower wisps, very thin layer of fog
low over part of the Channel, very light
sprinkling in the past 15 minutes.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with tiny breaks and hints
of breaks, partly cloudy far to the NW, very
thin layer of fog low over part of the waters
of Gastineau Channel. .01" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy with some hints of breaks,
thinner bright areas to the NW. Trace of
Rainfall to this point today.
- 1950: Cloudy with a few breaks and a slightly
and a partly broken area.
- 1850: Cloudy with slightly and partly broken
clouds, very weak and extremely weak sunshine.
- 1750: Cloudy with breaks and areas of slightly
and partly broken clouds, fairly bright skies,
extremely weak sunshine.
- 1650: Partly/Mostly Cloudy, sun in and out
and here and there.
- 1605: Partly Cloudy.
- 1550: Cloudy with some breaks, fairly bright
skies, weak sunshine here and there.
- 1520: Cloudy with fairly bright skies, a
few tiny and small breaks, very weak sunshine.
- 1450: Cloudy, a few very tiny breaks.
- 1350: Cloudy.
- 1305: Cloudy.
- 1150: Cloudy with some small breaks and bright
clouds, very weak sunshine.
- 1050: Cloudy with slight hints of breaks
in SE 2/3rds of sky and bright areas in the
SE half of the sky, a few clouds around the
very tops of the mainland mountains.
- 1035: Cloudy with slight hints of breaks
and bright spots in the SE part of the sky.
- 0950: Cloudy with the very tops of the mainland
mountains in the clouds.
- 0920: Cloudy with the very tops of the mainland
mountains in the clouds, Douglas Island mountains
not in the clouds.
- 0850: Cloudy with a few breaks, very top
of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts in the clouds.
- 0835: Cloudy with a few small breaks, precipitation
to the E and NE, sun shining.
- 0820: Cloudy SE half of sky, Cloudy/Mostly
Cloudy NW half.
- 0750: Partly Cloudy - large area of clear
sky with clouds around the perimeter.
- 0713: Partly Cloudy/Clear SE 2/3rds, Cloudy
NW 1/3rd, sun shining.
- 0708: The Sun broke through.
- 0643: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a few
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with a few small and tiny
breaks, larger breaks to the NW, some fog/clouds
around the top of Mt. Juneau and SE part
of the top of Mt. Roberts, cloud in the vicinity
of Cape Horn, breezy.
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy. .01" of Rainfall to
this point today.
- 1950: Cloudy.
- 1850: Cloudy.
- 1750: Cloudy-Overcast with slightly broken
areas and hints of blue.
- 1735: Cloudy-Overcast with filtered breaks
and hints of blue.
- 1650: Cloudy-Overcast, a few slightly broken
areas, Partly Cloudy to the E with thin and
very thin clouds.
- 1550: Partly/Mostly Cloudy with thinnish,
thin, and very thin clouds, weak - weakened
- 1520: Thinnish bright overcast NW 2/3rds
of sky, Mostly Cloudy with thinnish overcast
SE 1/3rd, weak and weakened sunshine.
- 1450: Cloudy-Overcast, tiny spot of clear
sky far to the NE, bright spot where the
sun is.
- 1420: Cloudy-Overcast, small area of clear
sky far to the NE, bright spot where the
sun is.
- 1350: Cloudy-Overcast with partly cloudy
sky to the NE, fairly bright skies, extremely
weak sunshine.
- 1320: Mostly Cloudy/Cloudy with location
of the sun visible.
- 1250: Mostly Cloudy with thinnish, thin,
and very thin clouds and a few lower puffy
clouds, bright skies, weak sunshine.
- 1150: Mostly Cloudy with bright skies, thin
and very thin clouds with some puffy clouds
at a lower altitude.
- 1050: Partly/Mostly Cloudy.
- 0950: Mostly Cloudy, weak sunshine.
- 0850: Mostly Cloudy.
- 0820: Mostly/Partly Cloudy, Sun is shining.
- 0750: Cloudy with a few breaks and hints
of breaks, bright spots and areas in the
clouds, sun shining.
- 0746: Sun broke through after having been
hidden for most of the past hour.
- 0650: Partly/Mostly Cloudy SE 2/3rds of sky,
Cloudy NW 1/3rd, sun shining.
- 0647: A New Weekly Picture has been posted - A View To The Northeast
From West Juneau.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with a few very tiny breaks
and hints of blue. .01" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 2100 ADT: .02" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Cloudy with small and tiny breaks in
the NW 2/3rds of the sky, very top of Mt.
Roberts and of Mt. Juneau in the clouds,
Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds. .02"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 2005: Cloudy, very top of Mt. Roberts and
of Mt. Juneau in the clouds, Mt. Juneau Ridge
in the clouds, Granite Creek area hidden,
a few wisps in Last Chance Basin.
- 1950: Rain, Cloudy with the very top of Mt.
Roberts in the clouds, fog/clouds hiding
the lower part of Mt. Juneau and all of Last
Chance Basin, inner Gold Creek valley hidden,
remainder of mainland slightly to partially
- 1850: Misting, Cloudy with the top of Mt.
Roberts and the very top of Mt. Juneau in
the clouds, inner Gold Creek valley obscured.
remainder of mainland slightly obscured.
- 1800: .01" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy with the very top - top of Mt.
Juneau in the clouds, Mt. Juneau Ridge in
the clouds, and some clouds around the top
of Mt. Roberts with precipitation to the
E over Mt. Roberts and in the inner Gold
Creek valley.
- 1650: Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau
in the clouds, Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
and some clouds around the very top and top
of Mt. Roberts with precipitation over the
SE part of the top, light wind.
- 1550: Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau
in the clouds, clouds filling much of the
inner Gold Creek valley, a few clouds around
the top of Mt. Roberts. The sun was trying
to shine in the past hour.
- 1350: Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
mostly in the clouds, a few clouds in the
vicinity of Cape Horn.
- 1320: Sprinkling, Cloudy with bright spots,
a break far to the ESE, some clouds around
the top and very top of Mt. Roberts and Mt.
Juneau, Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds.
- 1250: Cloudy with a few mostly small breaks,
some clouds around the top of Mt. Roberts
and a few around the top of Mt. Juneau, Mt.
Juneau Ridge in the clouds, a few lower wisps
and bits of fog/clouds over the Channel slope
of Mt. Roberts.
- 1200: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1150: Cloudy with one very tiny break, some
clouds around the SE part of the top of Mt.
Roberts and of Mt. Juneau, fog/clouds around
the Mt. Juneau Ridge, some lower ribbons
and wisps.
- 1050: Cloudy with the very tops of the mainland
mountains in the clouds (much lower in the
inner Gold Creek valley) with a lower ribbon
and wisps on the Channel and Last Chance
Basin sides of Mt. Juneau and a few lower
wisps and bits on the Channel side of Mt.
- 0950: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy
with clouds around much of the very tops
of the mountains and lower bands, ribbons
and wisps, inner Gold Creek valley filled
with clouds.
- 0935: Cloudy with clouds around the very
tops of the mountains with lower bands and
ribbons, inner Gold Creek valley filled with
- 0850: Very Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy
with the top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds,
some clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau,
inner Gold Creek valley filled with clouds,
lower ribbons and wisps.
- 0820: Cloudy with a few breaks, clouds around
much of the mainland mountaintops, with lower
band and wisps, sun shining.
- 0819: The Sun broke through the clouds.
- 0750: Cloudy, very top - top of Mt. Juneau
and much of the top of Mt. Roberts in the
clouds, lower ribbon and fog/clouds, inner
Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 0700: Trace of Rain to this point today.
- 0650: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, very
tops - tops of mainland mountains in the
clouds, clouds lower in the inner Gold Creek
valley, broken lower band/ribbon of fog/clouds,
Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 0635: Cloudy, very tops - tops of mainland
mountains in the clouds, clouds lower in
the inner Gold Creek valley, lower band/ribbon
of fog/clouds, Blueberry Hills partly in
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy-Foggy with small breaks,
very top - top of Mt. Roberts in clouds with
a lower band, fog/clouds hiding Mt. Juneau
and Last Chance Basin, upper part of Pioneer
Avenue and Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 2100 ADT: .83" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy with fog/clouds
hiding the mainland above 300' - 400.
- 2020: Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds with a lower band, fog/clouds
hiding Mt. Juneau and Last Chance Basin,
upper part of Pioneer Avenue and Blueberry
Hills in fog.
- 1950: Misting/Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy
with fog/clouds hiding the mainland above
300' - 400.
- 1920: Misting/Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy
with fog/clouds hiding the mainland above
200' - 300', remainder of mainland slightly
- 1850: Light Rain, Cloudy with fog/clouds
hiding the mainland above about 200' - 250',
remainder of mainland slightly to partially
- 1805: Rain, Cloudy with fog/clouds hiding
the mainland above 200' - 300', remainder
of mainland slightly to partially obscured.
- 1800: .79" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Light Rain, Cloudy with fog/clouds
hiding most of the mainland above about 400',
remainder of mainland slightly to partially
- 1650: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the top
of Mt. Roberts in the clouds and a lower
band, fog/clouds above about 400' hiding
Mt. Juneau and Last Chance Basin.
- 1635: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with fog/clouds
hiding most of the mainland above 300' -
- 1550: Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy with some
clouds around the top of Mt. Roberts and
some lower fog/clouds, upper part of Mt.
Juneau and most of Last Chance Basin hidden
by fog/clouds.
- 1520: Very Light Rain, Cloudy, some clouds
around the top of Mt. Roberts, upper part
of Mt. Juneau hidden by fog/clouds, some
clouds in Last Chance Basin, inner Gold Creek
valley hidden, remainder of mainland slightly
- 1500: .74" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Very Light Drizzle, Cloudy with the
top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds, the upper
part of the Channel side of Mt. Juneau hidden
by fog/clouds with a few lower bits and wisps
in Last Chance Basin, remainder of mainland
slightly obscured.
- 1435: Very Light Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy with
the mainland mountaintops in the clouds,
a few lower fog/clouds on the Channel side
of Mt. Juneau and in Last Chance Basin.
- 1350: Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts,
the upper part of Mt. Juneau, and part of
Last Chance Basin hidden by fog/clouds, remainder
of mainland slightly to partially obscured,
light wind.
- 1250: Rain, Cloudy with most of the top of
Mt. Roberts in the clouds with a few lower
wisps, fog/clouds hiding most of Mt. Juneau
and Last Chance Basin, light to breezy wind.
- 1235: Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds with some lower fog/clouds,
fog/clouds hiding most of Mt. Juneau and
Last Chance Basin, light to breezy wind.
- 1220: Light Rain, Cloudy with low clouds/fog
as low as 400' hiding much of the mainland
with more of Mt. Roberts visible than Mt.
Juneau, remainder of mainland slightly obscured.
- 1200: .63" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Light Drizzle-Rain, Cloudy with low
clouds/fog hiding much of the mainland above
400' - 800' with more of Mt. Roberts visible
than Mt. Juneau, remainder of mainland slightly
- 1050: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the very
top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds with a lower
band, upper part of Mt. Roberts hidden by
fog/clouds with lower wisps, fog/clouds filling
Last Chance Basin.
- 0950: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the top
of Mt. Roberts in the clouds and a lower
band, Mt. Juneau and Last Chance Basin hidden
by fog/clouds.
- 0920: Light Rain, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds
hiding much of the mainland above about 400'.
- 0850: Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, lower fog/clouds hiding much
of the Channel side of Mt. Juneau, inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, some other lower
wisps and bits of fog/clouds.
- 0750: Rain, Cloudy with the upper parts of
Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts hidden by fog/clouds,
inner Gold Creek valley hidden, remainder
of mainland partially to substantially obscured.
- 0700: .50" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds - ceiling at around 1700' at
Mt. Roberts, inner Gold Creek valley substantially
- 0620: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds - ceiling at around 1400' -
1500' at Mt. Roberts. .47" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 0245 ADT: High Rain Rate of .80" of
Rain per hour.
7/21/07: DATA | The Taku River Flood Warning remains in
effect until 400 am ADT Monday for Taku River
near Juneau - See 1952 Below, 1400 Below and 2017 7/20
- 2050 ADT: Partly Cloudy SE half, Cloudy NW
- 1952: The Taku River Flood Warning remains in
effect until 400 am ADT Monday for Taku River
near Juneau
NWS Flood Warning
752 PM ADT Sat Jul 21 2007
...The Flood Warning remains in effect until 400 am ADT Monday for
Taku River near Juneau...
At 730 PM ADT the Taku River has risen to 43.75 ft and will continue
to rise through Sunday evening as the annual Glacier dam release of
Lake Nolake has occurred. River levels are expected to rise to
around 45 feet by Sunday evening then rapidly recede through early
Monday morning.
A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or has been reported.
River rises will be slow and flash flooding is not expected.
However...all interested parties should take necessary precautions
If you live near or along the Taku River stay alert and be prepared
to take action. People near the Taku River are urged to take caution
due to large debris and ice chunks in the water along with the cold
water temperatures that can quickly cause hypothermia.
If flooding is observed act quickly. Move up to higher ground to
escape flood waters. Do not stay in areas subject to flooding when
water begins to rise.
Remain cautious when in low-lying areas...and report any minor
flooding to your law enforcement agency. They will relay your report
to the National Weather Service forecast office in Juneau.
Please stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your favorite local
weather news source for updates on this situation.
Lat...Lon 5821 13419 5818 13399 5843 13392 5842 13415
Expires:231200 gmt
- 1950: Partly Cloudy SE half to 2/3rds, Cloudy
NW part, very weak sunshine.
- 1850: Partly Cloudy with high thin clouds
SE 2/3rds of sky, Thinnish Overcast NW part
of sky, very weak sunshine on parts of the
- 1750: Overcast-Cloudy NW half of sky and
Partly/Mostly Cloudy SE half with high clouds.
- 1650: Cloudy-Overcast NW part of the sky
and Cloudy with breaks and thin areas with
blue and hints of blue SE part, bright spot
where the sun is.
- 1550: Cloudy, bright spot where the sun is.
- 1535: Cloudy, brighter areas, bright spot
where the sun is.
- 1450: Cloudy-Overcast with thinner areas
and an area of partly broken clouds, bright
skies, weak sunshine, a few fog/clouds skimming
the top and a few clouds around the SE part
of the top of Mt. Roberts
- 1435: Cloudy-Overcast with bright skies and
thinner areas with hints of blue, a few fog/clouds
skimming the top and a few clouds around
the SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts, weakened
- 1400: The Taku River Flood Warning remains in effect
until 400 am ADT Monday for Taku River near
NWS Flood Warning
200 PM ADT Sat Jul 21 2007
...The Flood Warning remains in effect until 400 am ADT Monday for
Taku River near Juneau...
At 1200 PM ADT the Taku River has risen to 42.75 ft and will
continue to rise through Sunday evening as the annual Glacier dam
release of Lake Nolake has occurred. River levels are expected to
rise to around 45 feet by Sunday evening then rapidly recede through
early Monday morning.
A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or has been reported.
River rises will be slow and flash flooding is not expected.
However...all interested parties should take necessary precautions
If you live near or along Taku River stay alert and be prepared to
take action. People near the Taku River are urged to take caution
due to large debris and ice chunks in the water along with the cold
water temperatures that can quickly cause hypothermia.
If flooding is observed act quickly. Move up to higher ground to
escape flood waters. Do not stay in areas subject to flooding when
water begins to rise.
Remain cautious when in low-lying areas...and report any minor
flooding to your law enforcement agency. They will relay your report
to the National Weather Service forecast office in Juneau.
Please stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your favorite local
weather news source for updates on this situation.
Lat...Lon 5821 13419 5818 13399 5843 13392 5842 13415
Expires:231200 gmt
- 1350: Cloudy with an area of partly broken
clouds, bright spot where the sun is, a few
clouds around the very top and part of the
top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1250: Cloudy-Overcast with bright skies and
some filtered small areas of blue sky to
the NNE and a thinner area with hints of
blue, very weak sunshine, some fog/clouds
and wisps around the Douglas Island mountains.
- 1150: Cloudy-Overcast with bright skies and
thinner areas with blue and hints of blue
visible, weak sunshine, clouds around much
of the upper part of Mt. Roberts, and some
clouds around the upper part of Mt. Juneau.
- 1120: Cloudy-Overcast with slight hints of
blue, very bright spot where the sun is,
extremely weak sunshine, fog/clouds around
most of the top of Mt. Roberts, a few lower
fog/clouds and wisps around Mt. Juneau and
Mt. Roberts.
- 1050: Cloudy with a lower band and wisps
on the Channel side of Mt. Roberts and a
band on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau, a
few wisps around the very top of Mt. Juneau
and some fog/clouds around the top of Mt.
- 0950: Cloudy with lower bands of fog, some
clouds around the top of Mt. Roberts, fog/clouds
over the Douglas Island bench.
- 0920: Cloudy with lower band of fog/clouds,
a few wisps around the top of Mt. Roberts,
fog/clouds over the Douglas Island bench.
- 0850: Cloudy with a few fog/clouds around
the very top and SE part of the top of Mt.
Roberts, lower ribbon, and a few other wisps
and bits of fog/clouds, fog/clouds over the
Douglas Island bench.
- 0820: Cloudy with area of partly broken clouds,
lower ribbon of fog/clouds, a few wisps and
small clouds around the top of Mt. Roberts,
fog/clouds over the Douglas Island bench,
very weak sunshine.
- 0750: Cloudy with a few hints of blue, ribbon
of fog over the Channel and some thin fog
and a few small patches low over the water,
variable fog over the Channel and some very
thin patchy fog near the house in the past
15 - 20 minutes, Blueberry Hills partly in
- 0720: Cloudy with hints of blue over much
of the central portion of the sky, lower
ribbons of fog including a layer low over
Gastineau Channel, downtown Juneau hidden,
Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 0650: Cloudy with lower ribbon of fog, Blueberry
Hills in fog, small brighter area where the
sun is.
- 0620: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy-Overcast
with lower ribbon of fog, a bit of thin patchy
fog over the Douglas Island bench. .16"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0602 ADT: A cruise ship foghorn is sounding
in the distance.
7/20/07: DATA | Taku River Flood Warning for the Taku
River near Juneau due to the annual Glacier
dam release - See 2017 Below and 1257 Below
- 2100 ADT: .58" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Rain, Cloudy with the very top of the
Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, fog/clouds
on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau hiding
the top and some of the lower parts.
- 2020: Light Rain, Cloudy with lower band/ribbon
of fog/clouds, clouds hiding the very top
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, upper part of Pioneer
Avenue and Blueberry Hills partly in fog.
- 2017 (Posted 0630 7/21): The Flood Warning remains in
effect until 400 am ADT Monday for Taku River
near Juneau.
NWS Flood Warning
817 PM ADT Fri Jul 20 2007
...The Flood Warning remains in effect until 400 am ADT Monday for
Taku River near Juneau...
At 730 PM ADT the Taku River has risen to 40.92 ft and will continue
to rise through Sunday evening as the annual Glacier dam release of
Lake Nolake has occurred. River levels are expected to rise to
around 45 feet by Sunday evening then rapidly recede through early
Monday morning.
A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or has been reported.
Stream rises will be slow and flash flooding is not expected.
However...all interested parties should take necessary precautions
If you live near or along Taku River stay alert and be prepared to
take action. People near the Taku River are urged to take caution
due to large debris and ice chunks in the water along with the cold
water temperatures that can quickly cause hypothermia.
If flooding is observed act quickly. Move up to higher ground to
escape flood waters. Do not stay in areas subject to flooding when
water begins to rise.
Remain cautious when in low-lying areas...and report any minor
flooding to your law enforcement agency. They will relay your report
to the National Weather Service forecast office in Juneau.
Please stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your favorite local
weather news source for updates on this situation.
Lat...Lon 5821 13419 5818 13399 5843 13392 5842 13415
- 1950: Rain, Cloudy with a few lower bits
and wisps of fog/clouds.
- 1935: Rain, Cloudy with a few lower wisps.
- 1850: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a few
small clouds and wisps around the very top
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, a few lower bits
wisps of fog/clouds.
- 1800: .53" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: A few sprinkles, cloudy with a cloud
in Last Chance Basin and ribbon on the Channel
side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1720: Sprinkling, Cloudy with a few lower
fog/clouds - mostly in the vicinity of Last
Chance Basin.
- 1650: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with clouds
skimming Mt. Roberts, lower band and wisps
of fog/clouds.
- 1635: Rain, Cloudy with the very top of Mt.
Roberts in the clouds, lower band on Channel
side of Mt. Roberts, some fog/clouds and
wisps in Last Chance Basin.
- 1550: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with clouds
around the SE part of the top of Mt. Juneau
and hiding much of the top of Mt. Roberts,
lower fog/clouds hiding Last Chance Basin.
- 1520: Rain, Cloudy with very tops of Mt.
Juneau and Mt. Roberts in the clouds, lower
band of fog/clouds, Last Chance Basin hidden.
- 1500: .49" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Light Rain, Cloudy with a few clouds
around the top of Mt. Juneau with a lower
band, top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds with
a few lower wisps, fog/clouds hiding Last
Chance Basin.
- 1350: Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
and the SE part of the top of Mt. Juneau
in the clouds, lower band on the Channel
side of Mt. Juneau, ribbon on the Channel
side of Mt. Roberts, and fog/clouds hiding
Last Chance Basin.
- 1257: Flood Warning due to the annual Glacier
dam release for the Taku River near Juneau
NWS Flood Warning
100 PM ADT Fri Jul 20 2007
The National Weather Service in Juneau has issued a
* Flood Warning due to the annual Glacier dam release for...
the Taku River near Juneau
* until 4 am ADT early Monday morning
* at 1200 PM ADT the Taku River has risen to 40.25 ft and will
continue to rise through Sunday evening as the annual Glacier dam
release of Lake Nolake has occurred. River levels are expected to
rise to around 45 feet by Sunday evening and then rapidly recede
through early Monday morning.
A Flood Warning means that flooding is imminent or has been reported.
River rises will be slow and flash flooding is not expected.
However...all interested parties should take necessary precautions
If you live near or along the Taku River stay alert and be prepared
to take action. People near the Taku River are urged to take caution
due to large debris and ice chunks in the water along with cold
water temperatures that can quickly cause hypothermia.
If flooding is observed act quickly. Move up to higher ground to
escape flood waters. Do not stay in areas subject to flooding when
water begins to rise.
Remain cautious when in low-lying areas...and report any flooding to
your law enforcement agency. They will relay your report to the
National Weather Service forecast office in Juneau.
Please stay tuned to NOAA Weather Radio or your favorite local
weather news source for updates on this situation.
Lat...Lon 5821 13419 5818 13399 5843 13392 5842 13415
Expires:231200 gmt
- 1250: Rain, Cloudy with some fog/clouds hiding
parts of the top of Mt. Roberts and the SE
part of the top of Mt. Juneau, lower band/ribbon
which is also hiding Last Chance Basin, remainder
of mainland slightly obscured.
- 1200: .37" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds with a lower band and wisps,
Mt. Juneau and Last Chance Basin hidden by
- 1050: Rain, Cloudy with much of the top of
Mt. Roberts and the top of Mt. Juneau in
the clouds, lower band/ribbon of fog/clouds
hiding Last Chance Basin and much of the
lower part of Mt. Juneau.
- 0950: Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
and of Mt. Juneau in the clouds, lower band/ribbon
of fog/clouds.
- 0935: Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds with lower band/ribbon, most
of Mt. Juneau and Last Chance Basin hidden
by fog/clouds.
- 0850: Rain, Cloudy with very top - top of
Mt. Roberts in the clouds with lower band/ribbon,
most of Mt. Juneau and Last Chance Basin
hidden by fog/clouds, remainder of mainland
slightly to partially obscured.
- 0750: Light Rain, Cloudy with some fog/clouds
hiding parts of Mt. Roberts, most of Mt.
Juneau and Last Chance Basin hidden by fog/clouds,
remainder of mainland slightly obscured.
- 0700: .16" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Rain, Cloudy with some fog/clouds hiding
parts of Mt. Roberts, most of Mt. Juneau
and Last Chance Basin hidden by fog/clouds,
remainder of mainland slightly obscured.
- 0620: Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds with a lower ribbon/band, and
most of Mt. Juneau and Last Chance Basin
hidden by fog/clouds, remainder of mainland
slightly to partially obscured. .14"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0427 ADT: First Steller's Jay of the day
- 2100 ADT: .11" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Very, very light sprinkling/misting,
cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts and most
of Mt. Juneau and Last Chance Basin hidden
by fog/clouds.
- 1950: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy
with the upper part of Mt. Roberts and of
Mt. Juneau hidden by fog clouds, lower band
of fog/clouds hiding most of Last Chance
Basin and the lower part of Mt. Juneau.
- 1850: Very Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with
the top of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts
hidden by fog/clouds, lower fog/clouds hiding
much of the lower part of Mt. Juneau and
Last Chance Basin, some lower fog/clouds
and wisps on the Channel side of Mt. Roberts,
remainder of mainland slightly to partially
- 1800: .10" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Rain, Cloudy with low clouds/fog hiding
virtually all the mainland above around 200'
- 300' and partially to substantially obscured
below that.
- 1735: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, lower fog/clouds hiding much
of the lower part of Mt. Juneau and Last
Chance Basin, a few lower fog/clouds on the
Channel side of Mt. Roberts.
- 1650: Rain, Cloudy with the upper part of
Mt. Roberts and of Mt. Juneau hidden by fog/clouds,
inner Gold Creek valley hidden, a few lower
ribbons and wisps.
- 1644: High Rain Rate of .17" of Rain
per hour.
- 1635: Rain, Cloudy with the upper part of
Mt. Juneau, the top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge,
and much of the upper part of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, remainder of mainland slightly
to partially obscured, light wind.
- 1620: Very light sprinkling/misting, cloudy
with the top of Mt. Juneau, the Mt. Juneau
Ridge, and much of the top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, light wind.
- 1550: Cloudy with the very tops - tops of
the mainland mountains mostly in the clouds.
- 1520: Cloudy, very top of Mt. Juneau, the
Mt. Juneau Ridge, and the SE part of the
top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds.
- 1450: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks in the
SE part, very tops of the mainland mountains
mostly in the clouds, SE part of the top
of Mt. Roberts in the clouds, breezy, a few
tiny whitecaps on the Channel.
- 1435: Cloudy, very tops of the mainland mountains
in the clouds, SE part of the top of Mt.
Roberts in the clouds, a few tiny whitecaps
on the Channel.
- 1420: Cloudy SE part of the sky and Mostly
Cloudy NW part, weak sunshine at the house
in the past 10 minutes, very tops of the
mainland mountains mostly in the clouds,
SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts in the
clouds, light to breezy wind, whitecaps on
the Channel.
- 1350: Partly/Mostly Cloudy, very top of Mt.
Juneau and part of the SE part of the top
of Mt. Roberts in clouds, very weak sunshine
after weakened sunshine, light to breezy
wind, small whitecaps on the Channel.
- 1305: Tiny whitecaps on Gastineau Channel.
- 1250: Partly Cloudy - fewer clouds in the
SE part of the sky, sun in and out, light
- 1150: Partly/Mostly Cloudy, weakened sunshine.
- 1120: Cloudy with a few breaks and partly
broken areas, hints of breaks, weakened sunshine
- 1105: Cloudy with a bit of clear sky to the
N and an area of very slightly broken clouds.
- 1050: Cloudy over much of the sky with areas
of slightly broken clouds, partly cloudy
to the NE and clear to the N.
- 1020: Mostly/Partly Cloudy with thinnish
clouds, weak - very weak sunshine.
- 0950: Mostly Clear.
- 0850: Clear with a few tiny clouds to the
ESE and SE.
- 0750: Clear.
- 0650: Clear with a lower ribbon on the Channel
side of Mt. Roberts.
- 0620: Clear.
- 0403 ADT: First Steller's Jay of the day
- 2050 ADT: Clear with slightly broken sunlit
clouds to the WNW, weakened late evening
sun on part of Mt. Roberts and Mt. Juneau.
- 2020: Clear except with slightly broken sunlit
clouds to the W and NW, sun shining on the
very top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1950: Clear except with slightly broken sunlit
clouds to the W and NW, sun shining on the
top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1920: Clear/Mostly Clear SE 1/2, Partly Cloudy
overhead and to the NW, and Cloudy with sunlit
clouds NW 1/4 of sky, sun shining
- 1850: Partly Cloudy SE 1/2, Broken Clouds
partly overhead and to the NW, and Cloudy
NW 1/4 of sky, sun shining here and there.
- 1835: Cloudy NW part, Broken Clouds central
part, Partly Cloudy/Clear SE part and to
the E.
- 1750: Cloudy with an area of partly broken
clouds in the SE part of the sky and partly
cloudy far to the SE.
- 1735: Cloudy with some small breaks in the
SE half of the sky.
- 1650: Cloudy with breaks, small spots and
areas of weak sunshine.
- 1600: The 3 Great Blue Herons are still in
the trees to the north of the house.
- 1550: Partly Cloudy SE 2/3rds of sky, Cloudy
NW part, sun in and out and here and there.
- 1505: Partly Cloudy SE half of sky and Cloudy
NW half, sun in and out and here and there.
- 1450: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks except
partly cloudy to the E, sun shining on most
of the top of Mt. Roberts and a few tiny
spots elsewhere.
- 1435: Cloudy, except partly cloudy to the
E, light to breezy wind
- 1420: Cloudy with breaks to the E and clear
sky and breaks to the ESE.
- 1350: Cloudy with breaks, a few small spots
of weak sunshine on parts of the mainland,
light to breezy wind.
- 1335: Mostly Cloudy, light to breezy wind.
- 1318: There are 3 Great Blue Herons in trees
to the north of the house now.
- 1250: Partly Cloudy, sun shining (in and
out), light wind.
- 1220: Partly Cloudy, sun shining (in and
out), light to breezy wind.
- 1210: Mostly Cloudy SE part of the sky and
Partly Cloudy NW part, light to breezy wind.
- 1150: Partly Cloudy, sun shining, light to
breezy wind.
- 1120: Partly Cloudy, sun shining, light wind.
- 1103: A Great Blue Heron flew into a spruce
tree to the north of the house.
- 1050: Broken Skies (Mostly - Partly Cloudy),
sun in and out.
- 1020: Broken Clouds, sun in and out.
- 0954: Sun out brightly.
- 0950: Broken Skies - fewer breaks in the
SE part, a few lower wisps.
- 0927: Cloudy with small breaks in the SW
part and to the NW, mottled clouds with bright
spots in the eastern part of the sky and
to the SE, lower ribbon on the Channel side
of Mt. Roberts and a few small wisps/bits
on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau.
- 0850: Cloudy-Foggy overhead, bright thinnish
clouds to ENE and E, lower band on Channel
side of Mt. Roberts and ribbon and very thin
fog on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau.
- 0750: Cloudy-Foggy overhead and hiding the
mainland above about 800' with lower ribbons
of fog low over the Channel, inner Gold Creek
valley visible with clear sky visible far
to the NE.
- 0720: Foggy-Cloudy overhead and hiding the
mainland above about 600' with lower layer
of fog low over Gastineau Channel, disc of
the sun visible and glow in the fog to the
ENE and NE.
- 0650: Foggy overhead with slight hints of
blue, fog hiding the mainland, Blueberry
Hills partly in fog, disc of the sun visible
at times.
- 0638: A New Weekly Picture has been posted - On the Trail Below The
- 0620: Foggy - Patchy Fog with hints of blue
sky, disc of the sun visible.
- 0419: First Steller's Jay of the day arrived.
- 0333 ADT: Cruise Ship foghorn sounding far
in the distance. Cruise Ship foghorns continued
to sound throughout the early morning.
7/17/07: DATA | Record Rainfall Amounts in Southeastern
Alaska on Monday 7/16 - See Below | The West Juneau Weather Station had 1.07"
on 7/16 exceeding the previous record of
.56" set in 1988 (records since 1984)
- 2050 ADT: Clear SE half of sky and Mostly
Cloudy NW half. .03" of Rainfall today.
- 2035: Partly Cloudy/Clear SE half of sky,
Broken Clouds to the NW, and Cloudy far to
the NW.
- 1950: Broken Clouds with small areas of clear
sky to the SE, weakened sunshine.
- 1947: Sun Shining.
- 1850: Cloudy NW half of sky, then overhead
and further to the SE slightly broken clouds
and to the ESE and SE clear.
- 1750: Cloudy with broken clouds to the E
and clear sky to the SE, light to breezy
- 1650: Cloudy with clear sky to the ESE, light
- 1550: Cloudy with a few very tiny breaks
to the E and breaks far to the SE, light
to breezy wind.
- 1535: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks to the
E, light to breezy wind.
- 1500: Record rainfall amounts in Southeastern Alaska
on Monday 7/16. The West Juneau Weather Station
had 1.07" on 7/16 exceeding the previous
record of .56" set in 1988 (records
since 1984).
NWS Record High/Low/Precip Report
300 PM ADT Tue Jul 17 2007
...Record rainfall amounts on Monday 7/16...
Location New Record Old Record Year Set
*Elfin Cove 1.20 inches 1.02 inches 1984
*Snettisham 0.96 inches na na
*Haines #2 0.60 inches trace 2005
*Hoonah water 0.84 inches 0.60 inches 1984
*Gustavus (coop) 0.89 inches 0.72 inches 1998
*Lena Point Juneau 1.22 inches 0.45 inches 1995
*WFO Juneau 1.20 inches 0.29 inches 2005
Skagway Airport 0.88 inches 0.52 inches 1984
*Skagway Power 0.45 inches 0.00 inches 2004
Haines Airport 1.17 inches 1.01 inches 1984
*Skagway Customs 0.06 inches 0.00 inches 2004
*unofficial/incomplete data base
Nb/pss Jul 07
- 1450: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks in the
eastern part of the sky, fairly bright skies,
bright spot where the sun is, light wind.
- 1350: Cloudy, a wisp around the top of Mt.
Juneau and some wisps and tiny clouds around
the top of Mt. Roberts, fairly bright skies,
light to breezy wind.
- 1250: Cloudy with fairly bright skies, some
clouds around the upper part of Mt. Roberts
and on the south side of Mt. Juneau, bright
spot where the sun is, light to breezy wind
at times.
- 1235: Cloudy with fairly bright skies, some
clouds around the upper part of Mt. Roberts
and a cloud on the south side of Mt. Juneau,
bright spot where the sun is.
- 1150: Cloudy with a few lower clouds and
- 1120: Cloudy with a few lower wisps and small
- 1050: Cloudy, a few breaks to the NW.
- 1020: Cloudy SE half of sky and Mostly Cloudy
NW half, lower ribbon of fog/clouds.
- 1016: A Bald Eagle is flying NW.
- 0950: Cloudy, a few wisps around the mountaintops
with a small area of broken clouds and blue
sky, other tiny breaks and bright spots,
lower band/ribbon of fog/clouds.
- 0920: Cloudy with a lower band/ribbon of
- 0850: Cloudy with as lower band on the Channel
side of Mt. Juneau and in Last Chance Basin,
lower ribbon of fog on the Channel side of
Mt. Roberts with some clouds around the SE
part of the top, a few lower wisps.
- 0750: Cloudy with a few hints of blue, lower
bands, ribbons and wisps of fog/clouds, Blueberry
Hills partly in fog.
- 0720: Cloudy with part of the very top of
Mt. Roberts in the clouds, variable patchy
lower fog.
- 0700: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Cloudy with clouds skimming Mt. Juneau
and skimming Mt. Roberts with the SE part
of the top in the clouds, small bright area
in the clouds where the sun is, low ribbon
and small patches of fog including over downtown.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with clouds skimming the
mainland mountaintops and the SE part of
the top of Mt. Roberts on the clouds. 03"
of Rainfall to this point today.
7/16/07: DATA | Record Rainfall Amounts in Southeastern
Alaska today, Monday 7/16 - See 1500 7/17 Above | The West Juneau Weather Station had 1.07"
on 7/16 exceeding the previous record of
.56" set in 1988 (records since 1984)
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy with a few small and tiny
breaks in the eastern part of the sky, a
few wisps and a bit of fog over Evergreen
Bowl (Cope Park) and Mt. Maria. 1.06"
of Rainfall to this point today.
- 1950: Cloudy with hints of breaks far to
the SE, very small cloud in Last Chance Basin.
- 1920: Cloudy with a few tiny filtered breaks,
cloud in Last Chance Basin.
- 1850: Mostly Cloudy.
- 1835: Cloudy with a few breaks in the SE
part of the sky, a few wisps in the vicinity
of Mt. Maria.
- 1800: 1.05" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy with a some clear sky far to
the SE, very tiny break to the ENE.
- 1650: Cloudy with a few tiny wisps in Last
Chance Basin and a few clouds around the
SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts, breaks
far to the SE.
- 1635: Cloudy with a few wisps in Last Chance
Basin, a few small breaks far to the SE.
- 1550: Cloudy with a few small breaks far
to the SE, a few wisps around the very top
of Mt. Juneau and a few clouds around the
SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts, a few
lower wisps.
- 1520: Cloudy with a few fog/clouds around
the top of Mt. Roberts and in the inner Gold
Creek valley.
- 1500: 1.05" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very top
of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts in the clouds,
Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, a few small
clouds in Last Chance Basin, a few lower
- 1420: Light Rain, Cloudy with the very top
of Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts in the clouds,
Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, lower ribbons,
bits, and wisps of fog/clouds, light wind.
- 1350: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the upper
part of Mt. Juneau, much of the very top
- top of Mt. Roberts, and the top of the
Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, lower bits
and wisps of fog/clouds on the Channel side
of Mt. Juneau and in Last Chance Basin/vicinity
of Mt. Maria.
- 1320: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the very
top of Mt. Juneau, most of the top of Mt.
Roberts, and top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
in the clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 1250: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds and a few lower fog/clouds
on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1200: .98" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Rain, Cloudy with the very top - tops
of the mainland mountains in the clouds,
a few lower fog/clouds and wisps.
- 1050: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds and some lower fog/clouds on
the Channel side of Mt. Juneau, a few other
lower wisps.
- 0950: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds and a few lower wisps, bits,
and ribbons of fog/clouds, light wind.
- 0850: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds with some lower fog/clouds
on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau, inner
Gold Creek valley substantially obscured,
remainder of mainland slightly to partially
obscured, light wind.
- 0750: Rain, Cloudy with the upper parts of
the mainland mountains in the clouds, inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, a few lower wisps.
- 0700: .75" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, ceiling varies from 1500'
- 1700' at Mt. Roberts.
- 0620: Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, ceiling at about 1500' at
Mt. Roberts. .72" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 0536 ADT: High Rain Rate of .29" of
Rain per hour.
SUNDAY 7/15/07: DATA
- 2400 ADT: .11" of Rainfall to this point
- 2312: High Rain Rate of .09" of Rain
per hour.
- 2100: Trace of Rainfall to this point today.
- 2050: Sprinkling (began 2049), Cloudy with
the very top of Mt. Juneau, top of the Mt.
Juneau Ridge and much of the top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, small lower cloud on the Channel
side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1950: Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau,
top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge and much of the
top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds.
- 1920: Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau
and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
clouds around the SE part of the top of Mt.
- 1905: Cloudy with clouds skimming the Mt.
Juneau Ridge and Mt. Juneau, some clouds
around the SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1850: Cloudy.
- 1750: Cloudy with bright spot where the sun
- 1705: Cloudy with a few breaks to the NW,
a few small spots of weak sunshine on Mt.
- 1650: Cloudy SE part of sky with a higher
overcast and thicker clouds at a lower altitude,
partly cloudy with mostly thin and very thin
clouds and some cumulus, weak sunshine on
parts of the mainland.
- 1635: Mostly Cloudy with generally thicker
clouds SE part of sky and thinner clouds
NW part with puffy clouds at a lower altitude,
light to breezy wind.
- 1550: Partly Cloudy with slightly filtered
clear sky and thin and very thin clouds with
thinnish clouds and lower puffy clouds, light
- 1450: Partly Cloudy.
- 1350: Clear/Partly Cloudy.
- 1250: Clear/Mostly Clear.
- 1150: Mostly Clear SE 2/3rds with high thin
and very thin clouds in the NW 1/3rd, some
puffy clouds around the mountaintops.
- 1050: Partly Cloudy with cirrus clouds, a
few fog/clouds around the mountains, sun
is shining.
- 1020: Partly Cloudy, lower ribbons and bits
of fog, sun shining.
- 0950: Cloudy-Overcast with bright areas,
a few hints and spots of filtered blue, lower
ribbon/band of fog/clouds, very, very weak
- 0920: Cloudy-Overcast with a few small spots
of blue with fog around the very top of Mt.
Juneau and some fog/clouds around the top
of Mt. Roberts, lower band and wisps of fog/clouds,
- 0900: A cruise ship foghorn is sounding.
- 0850: Foggy-Cloudy Overhead with broken areas
and some blue visible, lower fog/clouds hiding
the mainland above about 600', sun trying
to shine.
- 0750: Foggy-Cloudy Overhead, Mainland hidden
above about 100' - 250' or 300' by fog, Blueberry
Hills in fog.
- 0721: A cruise ship foghorn is sounding.
- 0720: Foggy-Cloudy Overhead, Mainland hidden
above about 600' by fog, with moving fog
below that with glimpses of part of the lower
slope of Mt. Roberts, Blueberry Hills in
- 0650: Foggy-Cloudy Overhead, Fog hiding virtually
all the mainland with hints of sunshine on
the fog, location of the sun visible at times,
Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 0620 ADT: Fog.
7/14/07: DATA | The Salmonberries are Ripe | 0630: The
Flood Advisory for Rain and Melting Snow
has Expired for Juneau Borough and northern
Admiralty Island - See 0630 Below
7/13/07: DATA | 1821: Small Stream Flood Advisory for
Rain and Melting Snow in... Juneau Borough
and northern Admiralty Island - See 1821 Below | 1004: Dense Fog Advisory in the vicinity of the Airport has been
cancelled | High Flows on Glacial Rivers
through Friday - See 0500 Below | Record precipitation fell Thursday in
parts of Southeastern Alaska on Thurs., July
12 - See 0430 Below
- 2100 ADT: .06" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Cloudy with the very tops of the mainland
mountains mostly in the clouds, a few lower
- 1950: Cloudy with very tops in clouds - clouds
skimming the mainland mountains, lower wisps
in Last Chance Basin.
- 1850: Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts in the clouds, a few wisps
around the Mt. Juneau Ridge, a few lower
- 1821 (Posted 2005): Small stream flood advisory
for rain and melting snow in... Juneau Borough
and northern Admiralty Island
NWS Flood Advisory
621 PM ADT Fri Jul 13 2007
The National Weather Service in Juneau has issued a
* Small stream flood advisory for rain and melting snow in...
Juneau Borough and northern Admiralty Island
* until 630 am ADT Saturday
* at 621 PM ADT the water level in Mendenhall Lake was at 8.7 feet
and rising.
Recent rain and snowmelt plus any additional rain tonight will
cause Mendenhall Lake to continue to rise through the night. When
the USGS river gauge reads 9 ft water will begin to cover Mendenhall
Lake Spur Road between Skaters Cabin and West Glacier trailhead in
the Juneau area.
Remain cautious when in low-lying areas...and report any minor
flooding to your law enforcement agency. They will relay your report
to the National Weather Service forecast office in Juneau.
A flood advisory means river or stream flows are elevated or ponding
of water in urban or other areas is occurring or is imminent.
Lat...Lon 5835 13468 5835 13445 5848 13446 5847 13469
Expires:141430 gmt
- 1800: .06" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
some clouds around part of the top of Mt.
Roberts, a small cloud in Last Chance Basin
by Mt. Maria.
- 1735: Sprinkling, Cloudy with lower wisps.
- 1650: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a few
lower wisps, some clouds around the SE part
of the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1635: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the peak of
Mt. Juneau in the clouds and a few wisps
around the Mt. Juneau Ridge, some clouds
around part of the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1620: Rain after a period of no rain, cloudy
with a few wisps around the Mt. Juneau Ridge
and some clouds around part of the top of
Mt. Roberts.
- 1605: Rain, Cloudy with the very top of Mt.
Juneau and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the
clouds, part of the very top and top of Mt.
Roberts in the clouds, mainland slightly
- 1550: Light Rain after Very Light Rain, Cloudy
with clouds skimming Mt. Juneau, the Mt.
Juneau Ridge, and part of Mt. Roberts.
- 1535: Light Rain after Very Light Sprinkling,
- 1526: Light Rain, Cloudy.
- 1500: Trace of Rainfall so far today.
- 1450: Cloudy.
- 1420: Cloudy.
- 1350: Cloudy, light precipitation in the
inner Gold Creek valley and over part of
Mt. Roberts.
- 1250: Cloudy.
- 1223: A Sprinkle shower began, cloudy.
- 1150: Cloudy with a few bright spots.
- 1050: Cloudy with a few very tiny breaks
and hints of breaks, patchy thin fog just
above the Channel.
- 1020: Cloudy with small areas of slightly
broken clouds and bright spots, patchy thin
layer of fog just above the water of Gastineau
- 1004: Dense Fog Advisory has been Cancelled,
- 0950: Cloudy with tiny breaks, hints of breaks,
and bright spots, lower ribbons of fog/clouds.
- 0915: Cloudy with lower band and ribbon of
- 0850: Foggy-Cloudy overhead, low clouds/fog
hiding the mainland above about 400' with
variable wisps of fog below that, Blueberry
Hills partly in fog.
- 0800: Dense Fog Advisory in effect until 11 am ADT.
NWS Fog Advisory
800 am ADT Fri Jul 13 2007
...Dense fog advisory in effect until 11 am ADT...
The National Weather Service in Juneau has issued a dense fog
advisory until 11 am ADT for the vicinity of Juneau International
Areas of dense fog reducing visibilities to 1/4 mile are
affecting Juneau Airport area. The thickest fog is mainly located
in the vicinity of Airport.
Motorists should exercise caution this morning. Slow down and
keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you.
This statement will be updated by 11 am ADT or sooner if
conditions warrant.
Expires:131900 gmt
- 0750: Fog overhead, fog hiding the mainland
above 400' and variable thinner fog below,
Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 0650: Fog but with the lower part of downtown
becoming visible.
- 0620: Fog; there have been a few sprinkles.
- 0527: First noticed a cruise ship (Coral
Princess) foghorn is sounding.
- 0500: High Flows on Glacial Rivers through Friday.
500 AM ADT FRI JUL 13 2007
- 0430 ADT (Posted 0630): Record precipitation
fell Thursday in parts of Southeastern Alaska
on Thurs., July 12
NWS Record High/Low/Precip Report
430 am ADT Fri Jul 13 2007
...Record precipitation fell Thursday 7/12...
Location New Record Old Record Year Set
Pelican 1.95 inches 0.67 inches 1973
*Snettisham 1.71 inches na na
*Haines #2 1.50 inches 0.07 inches 1999
*Hoonah water 1.46 inches 0.42 inches 1978
Elfin Cove 1.32 inches 1.14 inches 1997
*Gustavus (coop) 1.30 inches 0.60 inches 1991
Annex Creek 1.00 inches 0.61 inches 1961
Skagway Airport 0.94 inches 0.25 inches 1935
*Skagway Power 0.86 inches 0.04 inches 2000
*Haines Customs 0.55 inches 0.54 inches 1993
Haines Airport 0.54 inches 0.27 inches 1988
*Skagway Customs 0.25 inches 0.04 inches 2001
*unofficial/incomplete data base
Kv Jul 07
7/12/07: DATA | Record precipitation fell Thursday in
parts of Southeastern Alaska on Thurs., July
12 - See 0430 7/13 | 1300: High flows on Glacial Rivers through
Friday - See 1300 Below | Record Rainfall amounts across the Panhandle
Wednesday - See 0730 Below | Fireweed Blossoms are Opening
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy-Overcast, a few wisps in
Last Chance Basin and a wisp low over the
Juneau Harbor. .47" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 2005: Cloudy, a few wisps in Last Chance
- 1950: Cloudy with a small break to the NE
and some thin clouds far to the NW.
- 1920: Partly Cloudy SE half of sky and Cloudy
with slightly broken areas NW half
- 1850: Cloudy with very slightly broken areas
over much of the sky, Partly Cloudy sky to
the E and far to the SE.
- 1820: Partly Cloudy SE half of sky and Cloudy
with a few breaks NW half, area of weak sunshine
on Mt. Roberts.
- 1750: Cloudy with a few breaks to the E and
some Partly Cloudy sky far to the SE.
- 1735: Cloudy with a slightly broken area
overhead, some breaks to the South.
- 1720: Cloudy NW half of sky and Mostly/Partly
Cloudy SE half.
- 1650: Partly Cloudy, sun in and out.
- 1550: Mostly/Partly Cloudy, sun shining.
- 1520: Mostly Cloudy with breaks in the SW
part of the sky, sun shining, a few wisps
in Last Chance Basin.
- 1500: .47" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy with bright clouds in the SW
part of the sky.
- 1439: The Sun broke through the clouds.
- 1420: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks and bright
clouds in the SW part of the sky.
- 1350: Cloudy with brighter areas, a couple
of hints of breaks overhead, clouds skimming
Mt. Roberts, a wisp in Last Chance Basin.
- 1335: Cloudy, a few lower wisps.
- 1300 (Posted 1624): High flows on glacial rivers
through Friday.
Hydrologic Statement
National Weather Service Juneau AK
100 pm ADT Thu Jul 12 2007
...High flows on glacial rivers through Friday...
Glacial river along the Coast Mountains are expected to continue
rising through Friday as an unusually warm air mass spreads over
southern and south central today. The warm temperatures are
expected to increase snow and glacial melt and fill already high
river levels.
At 10 am...A USGS gauge on the Stikine River near Wrangell had a
stage of 25.6 feet with an estimated flow of 226 kcfs. Flood
stage is 27.0 feet. The river is expected to continue to rise
through Friday.
The Unuk River south of Wrangell has been decreasing with a
reading of 30.5 feet early this morning with flow of 26 kcfs.
Flood stage is 32.0 feet. This river is expected to continue
subsiding slowly.
The Taku River southeast of Juneau...At 12 noon...Had a stage of
38.6 feet with flow of 46 kcfs and continues to steadily rise.
Flood stage is 43.0 feet.
Other glacial rivers along the Coast Mountains...Including the
Mendenhall and Antler rivers near Juneau...Will also likely see
rising water levels through Friday.
Persons living or working near glacial rivers should stay alert
for rising water levels and move to higher ground if conditions
become threatening. Property temporarily stored in low lying
areas should be moved to higher ground.
- 1250: Cloudy with brighter areas, clouds
skimming Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts, a few
lower wisps in the vicinity of Starr Hill
and Mt. Maria.
- 1200: .47" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy with the peak of Mt. Juneau
hidden, very top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds,
a few lower wisps.
- 1120: Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Roberts
and of Mt. Juneau in the clouds, a few lower
wisps and bits of fog/clouds.
- 1050: Cloudy with the top of Mt. Juneau,
very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, and most
of Mt. Roberts above 2500' in the clouds,
a few lower wisps.
- 1028: Rain, Cloudy with the very top of Mt.
Roberts and of Mt. Juneau in the clouds,
inner Gold Creek valley hidden, remainder
of mainland partially to substantially obscured.
- 0950: Cloudy with clouds skimming the mainland
mountaintops, a few lower wisps.
- 0850: Cloudy with the very tops of the mainland
mountains in the clouds, a few lower wisps.
- 0820: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very
tops - tops of the mainland mountains in
the clouds, lower band and wisps, brighter,
light to breezy wind
- 0750: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops - tops
of the mainland mountains in the clouds,
inner Gold Creek valley hidden, lower ribbons
and wisps, remainder of mainland slightly
- 0730: Record rainfall amounts across the Panhandle
NWS Record High/Low/Precip Report
730 am ADT Thu Jul 12 2007
...Record rainfall amounts across the Panhandle Wednesday 7/11...
Location New Record Old Record Year Set
Annex Creek 1.92 inches .82 inches 1958
*Snettisham 1.73 inches .06 inches 2005
Sitka Airport 1.49 inches .89 inches 1959
*Hyder 1.02 inches .21 inches 2002
*Lena Point .88 inches .81 inches 1998
*WFO Juneau .84 inches .44 inches 1999
Haines Airport .82 inches .57 inches 1986
Skagway .57 inches .42 inches 1992
*data base less than 30 years
Kv Jul 07
- 0700: .33" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
and very top of Mt. Juneau and of the Mt.
Juneau Ridge in the clouds, lower ribbon
and wisps.
- 0635: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops - tops
of the mainland mountains in the clouds -
ceiling at about 2500' at Mt. Roberts, a
few lower wisps and bits.
- 0620: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops - tops
of the mainland mountains in the clouds,
inner Gold Creek valley substantially obscured,
remainder of mainland slightly obscured.
.31" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0611 ADT: High Rain Rate of .42" of
Rain per hour.
- 0600 ADT (Posted 0640):
Hydrologic Statement
National Weather Service Juneau AK
600 am ADT Thursday Jul 12 2007
...High flows on Glacial Rivers through Friday...
Glacial rivers along the Coast Mountains are expected to continue
rising through Friday as an unusually warm air mass spreads over
southern and south central today. The warm temperatures are
expected to increase snow and glacial melt and fill already high
river levels.
At 5 am Thursday...A USGS gauge on he Stikine River near
Wrangell had a stage of 25.8 feet with an estimated flow of
231,000 cfs. This is a record for the day. Flood stage in 27.0
feet. The river is expected to continue to rise through Friday
due to snow and glacial melt.
The Unuk River south of Wrangell crested at 32.5 feet Wednesday
morning due to rain on snow. The river subsided to 27.4 feet
overnight but is expected rise again this afternoon due to snow
and glacial melt. Flood stage is 32.0 feet.
The Taku River southeast of Juneau had a stage of 37.9 feet with
an estimated flow of 40,900 cfs at 330 am Thursday and continues
to steadily rise. This is a record flow for the day. Warming
temperatures will increase snow and glacial melt through Friday.
Flood stage is 43.0 feet.
Other glacial rivers along the Coast Mountains...Including the
Mendenhall and Antler rivers near Juneau...Will also likely see
rising waters levels through the Friday.
Persons who live or work near Southeast Alaska many glacial
rivers should stay alert for rising water levels and move to
higher ground if conditions become threatening. Property
temporarily stored in low lying areas should be moved to higher
7/11/07: DATA | Record Rainfall amounts across the Panhandle
July 11 - See 0730 7/12 | 1030: NWS - Locally Heavy Rains expected
through Wednesday night - See 1030 Below | Record precipitation for Southeast Alaska
on Tuesday July 10th - See Below
- 2100 ADT: .61" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Rain, Cloudy with clouds skimming Mt.
Juneau and Mt. Roberts and lower bands and
wisps, remainder of mainland slightly to
partially obscured, upper part of Pioneer
Avenue and Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 1950: Rain, Cloudy with clouds skimming Mt.
Juneau and Mt. Roberts and lower band/ribbon
as low as 200', Blueberry Hills partly in
- 1935: Rain, Cloudy with clouds skimming Mt.
Juneau and Mt. Roberts and lower band/ribbon,
inner Gold Creek valley hidden-obscured,
remainder of mainland partially obscured.
- 1930: High Rain Rate for today of .19"
of Rain per hour.
- 1850: Rain, Cloudy with clouds skimming Mt.
Juneau and Mt. Roberts and lower band on
the Channel side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1800: .37" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Rain, Cloudy with some clouds on the
Channel side of Mt. Juneau and a few clouds
around part of the top of Mt. Roberts, a
few wisps and bits in the vicinity of Mt.
- 1650: Rain, Cloudy with some clouds on the
Channel side of Mt. Juneau and a few clouds
around part of the top of Mt. Roberts, a
few wisps in the vicinity of Mt. Maria.
- 1635: Rain, Cloudy with fog/clouds hiding
the Channel side of Mt. Juneau and part of
Last Chance Basin, a few wisps around Mt.
- 1550: Rain, Cloudy with some clouds and wisps
around the mainland mountains.
- 1500: .12" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Rain, Cloudy with some clouds and wisps
around the mainland mountains and a few lower
- 1350: Rain, Cloudy with some lower clouds
on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau, clouds
skimming Mt. Roberts and clouds around the
SE part of the top, a few other wisps.
- 1335: Rain, Cloudy with lower clouds hiding
much of the Channel side of Mt. Juneau, some
fog/clouds on the Channel side of Mt. Roberts,
a few lower bits and wisps in the vicinity
of Last Chance Basin.
- 1258: Rain, Cloudy with lower ribbons on
Channel side of Mt. Juneau and a few other
wisps, some fog/clouds and wisps around the
top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1250: Light Rain, Cloudy with a few small
clouds and wisps around the mainland mountains,
a few clouds in Last Chance Basin, upper
parts at least of the Douglas Island mountains
- 1200: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy
with bright areas, some clouds and wisps
around the mountains.
- 1120: Very Light Sprinkling, cloudy with
some fog/clouds around the upper part of
Mt. Roberts and of Mt. Juneau, clouds hiding
the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1053: Rain, Cloudy-Overcast, brighter, a
few wisps and bits of fog/clouds around the
- 1050: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a few
wisps and bits of fog/clouds around the mountains.
- 1030: NWS - Locally heavy rains expected through
Wednesday night.
NWS Special Weather Statement
1030 am ADT Wed Jul 11 2007
...Locally heavy rains expected through Wednesday night...
Locally heavy rains are expected across the central Panhandle
this afternoon and tonight. Rainfall accumulations will range
from 1 to 3 inches for the day.
The threat of significant flooding is expected to be minimal.
However some ponding of water on roadways and low lying regions
could result. Motorists and pedestrians should take any
precautions that may be necessary if they encounter these
Expires:120600 gmt
- 1020: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a few
small clouds and wisps around the mountains.
- 0950: A few extremely light sprinkles, cloudy
with a few clouds and wisps around the mountains,
location of the sun visible.
- 0850: Cloudy, mainland mountaintops in the
clouds, a few lower bits and wisps of clouds
on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau, location
of the sun visible.
- 0750: Cloudy with an area of partly broken
clouds, upper parts of Mt. Juneau and Mt.
Roberts hidden by fog/clouds, very top of
the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, some
clouds in Last Chance Basin.
- 0650: Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds - lower in the inner Gold Creek
valley, a few lower wisps.
- 0633: A New Weekly Picture has been posted - Great Blue Herons on Mountain
- 0620: Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds - lower in the inner Gold Creek
valley. Trace of Precipitation to this point
- 0500 ADT (Posted 0644): NWS - Locally heavy
rains expected today.
NWS Special Weather Statement
500 am ADT Wed Jul 11 2007
...Locally heavy rains expected today...
Locally heavy rains are expected across the central Panhandle
late this morning and will continue through the day. Rainfall
accumulations will range from 1 to 3 inches for the day.
The threat of significant flooding is expected to be minimal.
However some ponding of water on roadways and low lying regions
could result. Motorists and pedestrians should take any
precautions that may be necessary if they encounter these
Expires:112000 gmt
7/10/07: DATA | Record Precipitation for Southeast Alaska
on Tuesday July 10th - See 2300 Below | The West Juneau Weather Station had .65"
on 7/10 exceeding the previous record of
.51" set in 1990 (records since 1984)
| 1500: NWS: Locally Heavy Rains expected
late Tuesday and Wednesday - See 1500 Below
- 2400 ADT: The West Juneau Weather Station
had .65" on 7/10 exceeding the previous
record of .51" set in 1990 (records
since 1984)
- 2300: Record precipitation for Southeast Alaska
on Tuesday July 10th.
NWS Record High/Low/Precip Report
1100 PM ADT Tue Jul 10 2007
...Record precipitation for Southeast Alaska on Tuesday July
Heavy rain fell across the central Panhandle today.
Location New Record Old Record Year Set
Port Alexander 4.36 inches 4.32 inches 1961
Petersburg 1.78 inches 1.68 inches 1990
Wrangell 2.30 inches 0.60 inches 2005
Pss Jul 07
- 2100 ADT: .58" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Misting, Cloudy with the upper parts
of the mainland mountains hidden by fog/clouds
- ceiling at about 1500' at Mt. Roberts,
inner Gold Creek valley hidden, remainder
of mainland slightly to partially obscured.
- 1950: Cloudy with the upper parts of the
mainland mountains hidden by fog/clouds
ceiling at about 1000' at Mt. Roberts,
few lower wisps.
- 1905: Cloudy with the upper parts of the
mainland mountains hidden by fog/clouds,
a few lower wisps in Last Chance Basin.
- 1850: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy
with the upper parts of the mainland mountains
hidden by fog/clouds, inner Gold Creek
mostly hidden, a few lower wisps.
- 1820: Misting, Cloudy with the upper part
of Mt. Roberts and most of Mt. Juneau hidden
by fog/clouds, some clouds in Last Chance
Basin, light wind.
- 1800: .58" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy
with the mainland mountaintops in the clouds,
lower fog/clouds on the Channel side of
Juneau and a few other wisps and bits.
- 1650: Cloudy with the upper parts of the
mainland mountains in the clouds, a few
wisps and bits, precipitation over parts
of the mainland.
- 1620: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy
with the very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
and of Mt. Roberts in the clouds and the
upper part of Mt. Juneau, a few lower wisps.
- 1550: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very top
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
clouds around the top of Mt. Roberts, clouds
hiding much of the upper part of Mt. Juneau
on it's Channel side, a few wisps and bits
of clouds in Last Chance Basin.
- 1535: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very top
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
clouds around the top of Mt. Roberts, clouds
hiding much of the upper part of Mt. Juneau
on it's Channel side, a few clouds in Last
Chance Basin.
- 1500: NWS: Locally heavy rains expected late Tuesday
and Wednesday.
NWS Special Weather Statement
300 PM ADT Tue Jul 10 2007
...Locally heavy rains expected late Tuesday and Wednesday...
Locally heavy rains are expected from a slow moving weather front
lifting northward across the central Panhandle through Wednesday.
Rainfall accumulations from this system should typically range
from 1 to 2 inches.
The majority of streams and creeks across the central southeast
Panhandle are relatively low so the threat of significant
flooding is expected to be minimal. However some ponding of water
on roadways and low lying regions could result. Motorists and
pedestrians should take any precautions that may be necessary if
they encounter these conditions.
Expires:111500 gmt
- 1500: .58" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with clouds
skimming Mt. Roberts and the Mt. Juneau
some clouds around the very top of Mt.
lower band, ribbon, and wisps.
- 1350: Rain, Cloudy with lower band, ribbon,
and wisps.
- 1250: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of
the mainland mountains and SE part of the
top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds, light
- 1235: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with clouds
skimming Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts, very
top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
light wind.
- 1220: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy
with clouds skimming Mt. Juneau and Mt.
very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the
light wind.
- 1200: .45" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau
and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
Mt. Roberts hidden above about 2500' -
by clouds.
- 1135: Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds - ceiling at about 2200'
2400' at Mt. Roberts, sprinkling in the
15 minutes.
- 1050: Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, precipitation in the Granite
Creek area.
- 1035: Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds - ceiling at about 2200'
2400' at Mt. Roberts, precipitation in
Granite Creek area.
- 0950: Sprinkles, Cloudy with the mainland
mountaintops in the clouds, inner Gold
valley substantially obscured-hidden.
- 0920: Cloudy with the upper part of Mt. Juneau
and of Mt. Roberts in the clouds, lower
on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau, inner
Gold Creek valley hidden, a few clouds
Last Chance Basin.
- 0850: Drizzle, Cloudy with the top of Mt.
Roberts in the clouds, most of Mt. Juneau
hidden by fog/clouds with the inner Gold
Creek valley hidden, remainder of mainland
slightly to partially to substantially
- 0750: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the upper
part of Mt. Roberts and of Mt. Juneau hidden
by fog/clouds with clouds lower on Mt.
ribbon/band in Last Chance Basin and draped
over the saddle between Mt. Roberts and
- 0720: Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds and lower fog/clouds and
- 0700: .40" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds and some lower fog/clouds,
inner Gold Creek valley hidden, remainder
of mainland slightly to partially obscured.
- 0623: High Rain Rate of .98" of Rain
per hour.
- 0620: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds and a few lower fog/clouds
and wisps. .34" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 0614 ADT: High Rain Rate of .70" of
Rain per hour.
7/09/07: DATA | Hummingbirds Extremely Active at the Feeders
- 2100 ADT: .72" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Rain, Cloudy with the upper part of
Mt. Roberts and inner Gold Creek valley hidden
by fog/clouds, remainder of mainland partially
to substantially to totally obscured, upper
part of Pioneer Avenue and Blueberry Hills
in fog.
- 2034: High Rain Rate of .28" of Rain
per hour.
- 2020: Rain, Cloudy with the Channel side
of Mt. Roberts and of Mt. Juneau hidden above
about 600' by fog/clouds, remainder slightly
to partially obscured.
- 2010: Rain, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds
hiding parts of the mainland with the remainder
partially to substantially to totally obscured,
Blueberry Hills in fog.
- 1950: Very, very light misting/sprinkling,
cloudy with Mt. Roberts hidden above about
600' by fog/clouds, very top of Mt. Juneau
in the clouds with a lower band on the Channel
- 1850: Rain-Drizzle, Cloudy with low clouds/fog
hiding the mainland above about 400' - 600'
and the remainder below that slightly to
partially obscured.
- 1800: .51" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Rain, Cloudy with Mt. Roberts mostly
hidden above 400' - 500' by fog/clouds, very
top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds with lower
fog/clouds hiding most of the lower part
on the Channel side, inner Gold Creek valley
hidden, remainder of mainland slightly partially
- 1650: Rain, Cloudy with low clouds/fog hiding
most of the mainland above about 400'.
- 1635: Rain, Cloudy with low clouds/fog hiding
most of the mainland above about 400'.
- 1550: Rain, Cloudy with the very top of Mt.
Juneau in the clouds and clouds skimming
Mt. Roberts, lower band of fog/clouds.
- 1500: .29" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Rain, Cloudy with Mt. Roberts hidden
above 400' - 500' by fog/clouds, very top
of Mt. Juneau in the clouds with a lower
band hiding most of the lower part on the
Channel side, some fog/clouds hiding Last
Chance Basin, remainder of mainland slightly
partially obscured.
- 1350: Rain, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds
hiding Mt. Roberts above 500' - 600' and
much of the upper part of Mt. Juneau.
- 1320: Rain, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds
hiding Mt. Roberts above 500' - 800' and
the middle section of Mt. Juneau.
- 1250: Rain, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds
and band variably hiding the upper parts
of the mainland mountains and Last Chance
- 1220: Rain, Cloudy with the upper part of
Mt. Juneau and of Mt. Roberts on their Channel
sides hidden by fog/clouds on the Channel
side, remainder of the mainland slightly
to partially obscured.
- 1200: .13" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Light Misting/Sprinkling, upper parts
of the mainland mountains mostly in the clouds,
some fog/clouds in the vicinity of Cape Horn.
- 1050: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy
with a few fog/clouds around the top of Mt.
Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, small cloud in
Last Chance Basin.
- 1035: Sprinkling, Cloudy with a band of clouds
on the Channel side of the very top of Mt.
Juneau and of Mt. Roberts, a few wisps in
Last Chance Basin.
- 0950: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy
with clouds on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau
hiding the upper part and a few clouds on
the Channel side of the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 0850: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy.
- 0750: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the very
top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds,
a few lower wisps.
- 0720: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the very
tops - tops of the mainland mountains in
the clouds.
- 0700: .09" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, lower band on the Channel
side of Mt. Juneau, a few other wisps.
- 0635: Light Rain, Cloudy with the top of
Mt. Roberts in the clouds, lower fog/clouds
hiding most of Mt. Juneau and Last Chance
- 0620 ADT: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very
top - top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds with
a lower ribbon, lower fog/clouds hiding most
of Mt. Juneau and Last Chance Basin. .08"
of Rainfall to this point today.
SUNDAY 7/08/07: DATA
- 2100 ADT: .17" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Cloudy with slightly broken clouds
and an area of thin clouds to the NW.
- 1950: Cloudy with a few wisps and bits of
fog/clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau and
a few wisps around the other mountaintops.
- 1850: Cloudy with an area of slightly broken
clouds, a few clouds around the Mt. Juneau
- 1800: .17" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy with a few breaks in the SE
part of the sky, a few clouds around the
Mt. Juneau Ridge with precipitation in the
inner Gold Creek valley, a few wisps around
the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1650: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks, some
clouds around the Mt. Juneau Ridge, a few
small clouds and wisps around the top of
Mt. Roberts.
- 1640: Sun breaking through.
- 1550: Cloudy with a few mostly small breaks,
a few clouds around the top of Mt. Roberts
and clouds around the Mt. Juneau Ridge.
- 1500: .17" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy with a large break to the N,
a few other small and tiny breaks, clouds
around the Mt. Juneau Ridge, some clouds
around the top of Mt. Roberts and of Mt.
- 1435: Cloudy with breaks, clouds around the
Mt. Juneau Ridge, some clouds around the
top of Mt. Roberts and of Mt. Juneau.
- 1429: The Sun broke through.
- 1350: Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, inner Gold Creek valley mostly
hidden by clouds, clouds around the SE part
of the top of Mt. Juneau.
- 1250: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
the top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds, inner
Gold Creek valley mostly hidden by clouds,
a few wisps and small clouds around the SE
part of the top of Mt. Juneau.
- 1200: .16" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the upper part
of Mt. Roberts in the clouds, fog/clouds
filling part of Last Chance Basin, some clouds
hiding part of Mt. Juneau near the top.
- 1050: Sprinkling, Cloudy with fog/clouds
hiding much of the mainland mountaintops,
with some lower wisps over the slopes, some
clouds in Last Chance Basin, inner Gold Creek
valley hidden.
- 0950: Sprinkling, Cloudy with some lower
fog/clouds, inner Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 0923: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds, a few lower fog/clouds, inner
Gold Creek valley hidden.
- 0850: Rain, Cloudy with fog/clouds hiding
much of the mainland and the remainder partially
to substantially obscured.
- 0835: Rain, Cloudy with fog/clouds hiding
much of the mainland and the remainder partially
to substantially obscured.
- 0820: Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, Mt. Juneau and Last Chance
Basin hidden by fog/clouds, remainder of
mainland slightly to partially obscured.
- 0750: Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, Mt. Juneau and Last Chance
Basin hidden by fog/clouds, remainder of
mainland slightly obscured.
- 0700: .04" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Rain, Cloudy with fog/clouds hiding
most of the mainland above 500' - 600'.
- 0620 ADT: Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops
in the clouds. .02" of Rainfall to this
point today.
7/07/07: DATA | Young Dark-Eyed Juncos (Oregon subspecies)
are out and about now
- 2050 ADT: Mostly Cloudy.
- 1950: Overcast-Cloudy with a bit of blue
sky to the ENE and breaks to the SE.
- 1850: Mostly Cloudy with bright skies, halo
around the sun, very weak sunshine.
- 1750: Partly Cloudy.
- 1650: Mostly/Partly Cloudy SE part of sky
and Cloudy with a few breaks NW part.
- 1550: Mostly/Partly Cloudy SE part of sky
and Cloudy with small breaks NW part, sun
- 1450: Cloudy with some small and tiny breaks.
- 1350: Cloudy with some small breaks - mostly
in the eastern part of the sky, some clouds
around the very tops - tops of the mainland
- 1250: Cloudy with a few very tiny hints of
breaks, very tops - tops of the mainland
mountains in the clouds, very bright spot
where the sun is and bright spots elsewhere.
- 1150: Cloudy with a few breaks, very top
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, much
of the top of Mt. Roberts and of Mt. Juneau
in the clouds.
- 1135: Cloudy with a few breaks, very top
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, much
of the top of Mt. Roberts and all of the
top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds.
- 1050: Cloudy NW 1/3rd of sky, Mostly/Partly
Cloudy SE 2/3rds, Mt. Juneau Ridge in the
clouds, clouds around most of the top of
Mt. Roberts and a small cloud hiding a small
part of the NE part of the very top of Mt.
Juneau, sun in and out.
- 0950: Cloudy with a few breaks and filtered
breaks, fog/clouds around much of the upper
parts of the mainland mountains, inner Gold
Creek valley mostly hidden, sun trying at
- 0935: Cloudy with sun trying, fog/clouds
around much of the upper parts of the mainland
mountains and in Last Chance Basin.
- 0850: Cloudy with the mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, lower clouds on the Channel
side of Mt. Roberts and clouds filling much
of Last Chance Basin, a few lower wisps on
the Channel side of Mt. Juneau, Blueberry
Hills partly in fog.
- 0805: Drizzle, Cloudy with top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds with a lower ribbon, Mt. Juneau
and Last Chance Basin hidden by fog/clouds,
remainder of mainland slightly to partially
- 0750: Very Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy
with low clouds/fog hiding much of the mainland
above about 400'.
- 0650: Very Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy
with low clouds hiding the mainland above
about 500' with hints of sunlight on the
clouds in Last Chance Basin as if clearer
to the NE and E, Blueberry Hills partly in
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with low clouds hiding the
mainland above about 500' - 600', Blueberry
Hills partly in fog, fairly bright skies
(hints that blue sky not too far above).
.16" Rainfall to this point today.
- 2100 ADT: .06" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Cloudy with a few hints of breaks and
hints of blue, very tops of the mainland
mountains mostly in the clouds, a few lower
wisps on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1950: Cloudy with a few hints of blue, very
top of Mt. Juneau and of the Mt. Juneau Ridge
in the clouds, some clouds around the very
top and top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1850: Cloudy with some small and tiny breaks,
a few small spots of sunshine on the mainland
mountaintops, very tops of the mainland mountains
mostly in the clouds.
- 1800: .06" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks in the
SE part of the sky, clouds skimming and some
clouds and precipitation around the SE part
of the top of Mt. Roberts, very top of Mt.
Juneau and top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in
the clouds
- 1650: Cloudy with an area of clear sky in
the SE part, very top of Mt. Juneau in the
clouds, some clouds around the top of Mt.
Roberts, clouds in much of the inner Gold
Creek valley, weak sunshine on part of Mt.
Roberts as well as some precipitation.
- 1550: Mostly Cloudy, mainland mountaintops
in the clouds, spots and areas of weakened
- 1535: Cloudy with breaks, sun shining, mainland
mountaintops in the clouds and inner Gold
Creek valley hidden.
- 1500: .06" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Cloudy with a few filtered breaks,
fog/clouds hiding the upper part of Mt. Roberts,
much of the upper part of Mt. Juneau and
much of Last Chance Basin, bright skies.
- 1350: Light Misting, Cloudy with the upper
part of Mt. Juneau and most of Last Chance
Basin hidden by fog/clouds, very top - top
of Mt. Roberts hidden by fog/clouds with
a few lower fog/clouds and wisps.
- 1250: Sprinkling, Cloudy with fog/clouds
hiding the upper parts of the mainland mountains,
inner Gold Creek valley hidden, band of fog/clouds
in Last Chance Basin.
- 1200: .03" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the mainland
mountaintops mostly in the clouds, some lower
fog/clouds in the vicinity of Cape Horn.
- 1135: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the Mt.
Juneau Ridge in the clouds, some clouds around
the top of Mt. Roberts, very top of Mt. Juneau
in the clouds with some lower clouds on the
Channel side and in Last Chance Basin.
- 1050: Very, very light sprinkling, cloudy
with the mainland mountaintops mostly in
the clouds, a few clouds in Last Chance Basin.
- 1023: A fledgling American Robin landed on
the deck's seatback.
- 0950: Extremely Light Sprinkling/Misting,
Cloudy with the upper part of Mt. Roberts
and of Mt. Juneau and the very top of the
Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, a few lower
wisps and bits of fog/clouds.
- 0850: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops
of the mainland mountains in the clouds,
a few lower bits and wisps of fog/clouds.
- 0750: Cloudy with the very tops of the mainland
mountains in the clouds.
- 0650: Extremely Light Misting/Sprinkling,
Cloudy with very tops - tops of the mainland
mountains in the clouds.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with the very tops - tops
of the mainland mountains in the clouds.
.01" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 2100 ADT: .20" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with a few
hints of blue, clouds skimming the Mt. Juneau
Ridge, very top of Mt. Roberts and of Mt.
Juneau in the clouds with SE part of the
top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds and a lower
band/ribbon near the top of Mt. Juneau on
the Channel side.
- 2035: Cloudy with hints of blue, very top
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, some
clouds around the top of Mt. Roberts, clouds
on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau hiding
much of the top.
- 2020: Cloudy with the very tops of the mainland
mountains in the clouds, brighter areas.
- 1950: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy
with Mt. Roberts hidden by clouds above about
2700', Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, very
top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds with a lower
band near the top.
- 1920: Misting, Cloudy with the very tops
of the mainland mountains in the clouds and
the SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1850: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with clouds
skimming Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge,
clouds around the SE part of the top of Mt.
- 1820: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with clouds
skimming the peak of Mt. Juneau and the high
points of the Mt. Juneau Ridge, clouds around
the SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1800: .19" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Cloudy, some clouds around the SE part
of the top of Mt. Roberts, precipitation
in the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1720: Cloudy, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau
Ridge and Mt. Roberts with SE part of the
top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds to some
degree, bright spot where the sun is.
- 1701: Cloudy with hints of breaks, spots
and small areas of sunshine on the mainland,
precipitation over the top of Mt. Roberts
and in the Granite Creek area.
- 1650: Cloudy with bright clouds in the W
part of the sky.
- 1550: Cloudy with a few small filtered breaks.
- 1450: Cloudy.
- 1350: Cloudy with some fog/clouds around
the SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1250: Cloudy with some clouds around the
SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts, a few
wisps around the rest of the top of Mt. Roberts
and around the top of Mt. Juneau
- 1200: .19" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Cloudy with a few small breaks overhead,
fog/clouds hiding much of the top of Mt.
Roberts and of Mt. Juneau and a few lower
- 1050: Cloudy with a few lower fog/clouds
and wisps around Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts.
- 1020: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with clouds
skimming Mt. Roberts, a few lower wisps.
- 0950: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
some clouds around the very top of Mt. Juneau
and the top of Mt. Roberts, Mt. Juneau Ridge
in the clouds.
- 0935: Light Drizzle/Misting, Cloudy with
the top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds and
some lower fog/clouds, much of Mt. Juneau
and Last Chance Basin hidden by fog/clouds,
remainder of mainland slightly obscured.
- 0850: Cloudy, a few wisps in Last Chance
- 0750: Cloudy.
- 0700: .17" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Very Light Rain, Cloudy.
- 0620: Rain, Cloudy with lower band of fog/clouds.
.15" of Rainfall to this point today.
- 0059 ADT: High Rain Rate of .58" of
Rain per hour.
7/04/07: DATA | Independence Day - 231 Years: 1776 to
2007 | Juneau Parade - 11:00 O'Clock A.M.;
Douglas Parade - 2:00 O'Clock P.M.
- 2100 ADT: .14" of Rainfall to this point
- 2050: Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts
and of Mt. Juneau in the clouds, very top
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds.
- 1950: Sprinkling, Cloudy with much of the
top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds and very
top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds.
- 1920: Cloudy, very top - top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds.
- 1850: Sprinkling after a lull, cloudy with
clouds hiding most of Mt. Roberts above around
2500' - 2700', a few fog/clouds around the
Mt. Juneau Ridge and a few wisps around the
very top of Mt. Juneau, small lower cloud
and wisps on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau.
- 1800: .13" of Rainfall to this point
- 1750: Sprinkling, Cloudy with a few lower
wisps, sun almost breaking through about
15 minutes ago.
- 1720: Very Light Rain/Sprinkling, Cloudy
with a few lower fog/clouds and wisps, location
of the sun visible.
- 1650: Rain, Cloudy with a few clouds around
part of the top of Mt. Roberts, fog/clouds
hiding parts of the upper part of Mt. Juneau,
a few wisps in Last Chance Basin.
- 1550: Rain, Cloudy with fog/clouds around
most of the top of Mt. Roberts, some clouds
around the top of Mt. Juneau.
- 1535: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the top
of Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge hidden
by fog/clouds, some clouds around the top
of Mt. Roberts.
- 1500: .08" of Rainfall to this point
- 1450: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with
clouds hiding the Mt. Juneau Ridge, some
clouds on the Channel side of the very top
of Mt. Juneau and a few clouds and wisps
around the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1350: Sprinkling, Cloudy-Overcast, some fog/clouds
near and around the very tops - tops of the
mainland mountains, very bright spot where
the sun is.
- 1320: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy-Overcast,
a few clouds and wisps around the mountaintops,
location of the sun visible.
- 1250: Sprinkling after a period of very light
rain, cloudy with a few lower wisps and bits
of fog/clouds.
- 1200: .08" of Rainfall to this point
- 1150: Sprinkling, Cloudy with some clouds
around the top of Mt. Roberts, very top of
Mt. Juneau, and hiding the Mt. Juneau Ridge,
location of the sun is visible.
- 1105: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very top
of Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge in
the clouds, SE part of the top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds with a few other fog/clouds
around the top.
- 1050: Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau
and the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, SE
part of the top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds
with a few other fog/clouds around the top.
- 1005: Cloudy-Overcast, peak of Mt. Juneau
in the clouds, SE part of the top of Mt.
Roberts in clouds, bright spot where the
sun is.
- 0950: Cloudy with a few clouds around the
very tops - tops of the mainland mountains.
- 0850: Cloudy with clouds skimming Mt. Juneau,
clouds skimming part of Mt. Roberts and clouds
around part of the top of Mt. Roberts, a
few wisps in Last Chance Basin.
- 0820: Cloudy with a few wisps in Last Chance
Basin and around the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 0750: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy
with a few lower wisps.
- 0700: .08" of Rainfall to this point
- 0650: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks to the
NW, lower ribbon on the Channel side of Mt.
Juneau and a few small fog/clouds in Last
Chance Basin, some clouds around part of
the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 0633: A New Weekly Picture has been posted - Independence Day Fireworks
- 2006
- 0620: Cloudy with breaks and thin areas in
SE part of the sky with hints of blue and
filtered blue. .08" of Rainfall to this
point today.
- 0344: High Rain Rate of .17" of Rain
per hour.
- 0020: Rain, Cloudy. .01" of Rainfall
to this point today.
- 0016 ADT: Fireworks show ended.
7/03/07: DATA | Independence Day Fireworks - Show Started
at 11:57 PM - Juneau Harbor
- 2400: .03" of Rainfall today.
- 2357: Fireworks show began.
- 2350: Rain, Cloudy with clouds on the Channel
side of the very top of Mt. Juneau.
- 2335: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy,
clouds on the Channel side of the top of
Mt. Juneau.
- 2305: Sprinkling, Cloudy, cloud on the Channel
side of Mt. Juneau near the top.
- 2250: Rain, Cloudy with clouds around the
very tops of the mainland mountains.
- 2150: Sprinkling, Cloudy, Light Wind.
- 2050: Cloudy, very light precipitation in
the inner Gold Creek valley.
- 1950: Cloudy.
- 1935: Cloudy with thinner areas in the NW
part of the sky, tiny breaks far to the NE.
- 1905: Cloudy with filtered breaks and hints
of blue in SE part of sky.
- 1857: Sprinkling began.
- 1850: Cloudy with small break far to the
- 1750: Cloudy.
- 1735: Cloudy.
- 1650: Cloudy with a few breaks, fairly bright
sky, very bright spot where the sun is.
- 1620: Mostly Cloudy, weak sunshine here and
- 1550: Cloudy with some breaks.
- 1535: Mostly Cloudy SE half of sky and Partly
Cloudy NW part.
- 1520: Partly Cloudy, sun in and out.
- 1450: Mostly Cloudy.
- 1350: Partly Cloudy, Sun shining.
- 1320: Partly/Mostly Cloudy, weak sunshine.
- 1250: Cloudy with breaks - mostly in the
SE part of the sky, bright skies, weakened
- 1150: Cloudy with a few hints of breaks,
bright spot where the sun is.
- 1105: Cloudy with a few hints of breaks;
breaks far to the NW.
- 1050: Cloudy SE half of sky, Partly Cloudy
NW part.
- 1020: Partly Cloudy.
- 0950: Partly Cloudy SE 2/3rds of sky, Cloudy
NW 1/3rd, weakened sunshine.
- 0935: Partly Cloudy SE 2/3rds of sky, Cloudy
NW 1/3rd.
- 0850: Mostly/Partly Cloudy SE part of sky,
Overcast NW part, weak sunshine.
- 0820: Mostly Overcast SE part of sky, Overcast
NW part, weakened sunshine.
- 0750: Overcast-Cloudy, very bright glowing
spot where the sun is.
- 0650: Overcast SE 4/5 of sky with breaks
NW 1/5 of sky, glowing spot where the sun
- 0620 ADT: Overcast SE part of sky, Partly
Cloudy with cirrus clouds NW part, somewhat
weakened sunshine.
- 2050 ADT: Mostly Cloudy.
- 2005: Cloudy with breaks, sun shining on
part of Mt. Roberts.
- 1950: Cloudy with a few small breaks and
small broken areas SE half of sky, Partly
Cloudy NW half, sun shining in a few areas
on the mainland.
- 1920: Partly Cloudy.
- 1850: Mostly Clear middle 1/3rd of sky and
cloudy SE and NW portions of sky with a few
breaks, sun here and there.
- 1750: Partly Cloudy with the sun in and out
and here and there.
- 1735: Partly Cloudy.
- 1720: Partly Cloudy SE half of sky, cloudy
with bright skies NW half.
- 1715: Sun came out brightly.
- 1650: Cloudy with slightly broken clouds
SE 2/3rds of sky, a few small breaks, bright
skies extremely weak sunshine.
- 1550: Cloudy with an area broken and slightly
broken clouds, bright skies, bright where
the sun is.
- 1535: Cloudy with an area of slightly broken
clouds to the E, bright skies, bright where
the sun is.
- 1450: Cloudy.
- 1350: Cloudy with a few very tiny breaks.
- 1320: Cloudy with breaks to the ESE, brighter
clouds in SE part of sky.
- 1250: Cloudy.
- 1150: Cloudy.
- 1050: Cloudy with a few wisps and a few clouds
around the very tops of the mountains, fairly
bright over much of the sky.
- 0950: Cloudy with a few clouds around the
very tops of the mountains.
- 0850: Cloudy with very slight hints of breaks,
some clouds around the very top - tops of
the mountains, bright spot where the sun
- 0750: Cloudy with clouds on the Channel side
of the top of Mt. Roberts and a few fog/clouds
around the very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge,
a few wisps around the very top of Mt. Juneau.
- 0650: Cloudy with a few wisps around the
top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge and of Mt. Roberts.
- 0637: Now Available: June 2007 Monthly Report, and updated Weather Database.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy.
SUNDAY 7/01/07: DATA | 2nd Day of the18th Annual Gold Rush Days
at Dimond Park: 9AM - 5 PM | Fledgling Chestnut-Backed
Chickadees are out and about
- 2050 ADT: Cloudy with a large area of slightly
broken clouds, very top of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge and of Mt. Juneau, and part of the
top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds.
- 1950: Cloudy with areas of slightly and partly
broken clouds, very top of the Mt. Juneau
Ridge and part of the very top of Mt. Roberts
in the clouds, a few wisps around the very
top of Mt. Juneau.
- 1925 - 1950: Great Blue Herons in the trees
to the E of house.
- 1850: Cloudy with tiny filtered breaks in
the NE part of the sky, some scattered brighter
- 1750: Cloudy with a couple of broken areas
in the northern part of the sky, a few wisps
and bits of fog/clouds around the Mt. Juneau
Ridge, a few wisps around the top of Mt.
Roberts and Mt. Juneau.
- 1650: Cloudy with a few breaks in the SE
part of the sky, a few clouds and wisps around
the top of Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau
Ridge, clouds hiding the SE part of the top
of Mt. Roberts, bright areas.
- 1635: Cloudy with breaks in the SE part of
the sky, a few clouds around the top of Mt.
Roberts and Mt. Juneau, very weak sunshine,
bright skies.
- 1550: Cloudy with a very small break to the
NNE, a few wisps around the top of Mt. Juneau,
a few wisps and bits of fog/clouds around
the Mt. Juneau Ridge and part of the top
of Mt. Roberts.
- 1450: Cloudy with a few very tiny breaks,
bright areas in the clouds, Mt. Juneau Ridge
in the clouds and some clouds around the
top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1350: Cloudy with some fog/clouds and wisps
around the top of Mt. Juneau and the Mt.
Juneau Ridge and part of the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1320: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the very
top of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Juneau Ridge
in the clouds, a few clouds and wisps around
the top of Mt. Roberts, a few very tiny breaks
to the N.
- 1250: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks to the
N and NE.
- 1150: Cloudy with a few very tiny filtered
breaks and hints of breaks, clouds around
the Mt. Juneau Ridge, a few clouds near the
top of Mt. Juneau, some clouds around part
of the top of Mt. Roberts.
- 1050: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy
with a few very tiny breaks, hints of breaks,
and hints of blue, fog/clouds around much
of the mountaintops, clouds filling the inner
Gold Creek valley.
- 0950: Cloudy with the top of Mt. Juneau and
much of the upper part of Mt. Roberts in
the clouds, clouds hiding the inner Gold
Creek valley.
- 0850: Cloudy with very slight hints of breaks
and very tiny bright spots, mainland mountaintops
mostly in the clouds with clouds lower in
the inner Gold Creek valley, a few lower
- 0750: Cloudy with some clouds around the
top of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts with a
few lower bits and wisps.
- 0720: Cloudy with a few hints of blue and
hints of breaks, sun trying to break through,
fog/clouds around much of the mainland mountaintops
with a few lower wisps of fog.
- 0650: Cloudy with the top of Mt. Juneau and
of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clouds, much
of the top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds.
- 0620 ADT: Cloudy with fog/clouds around much
of the mainland mountaintops with a few lower
wisps of fog.