MONTHLY CLIMATOLOGICAL SUMMARY for MARCH 2005 NAME: 3270 Nowell CITY: West Juneau STATE: Alaska ELEV: 97 ft LAT: 58° 17' 33" N LONG: 134° 25' 37" W TEMPERATURE (°F), RAIN (in), WIND SPEED (mph), SNOW (in). Snowfall from 21:00 - 21:00, all others Midnight to Midnight. HEAT COOL AVG WIND SNOW MEAN DEG DEG WIND DOM RUN ON(1) DAY TEMP HIGH TIME LOW TIME DAYS DAYS RAIN SPEED HIGH TIME DIR (mi) SNOW GRND WEATHER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 39.2 42.6 1:40p 36.0 12:35a 25.8 0.0 0.23 1.2 10.0 3:25p ESE 27.91 0.0 5.3 Cld/OccRn Cld/LtRn-Spr-Mist Cld-LoCld/OccSpr Cld/Rn 2 41.1 42.5 1:45p 39.5 1:20a 23.9 0.0 0.18 3.2 14.0 8:50a ESE 76.73 0.0 3.5 Cld/OccRn Cld/PeriodsLtRn-Driz-Mist Cld/Rn Cldy 3 39.1 44.2 12:55p 33.7 7:40a 25.9 0.0 0.17 1.9 17.0 3:40p ESE 44.41 0.0 1.5 Cld/Brks PCld Clr PCld-Clr Ovcst Cld Cld/Spr-LtRn-Rn 4 39.9 40.8 4:35p 36.0 1:00a 25.1 0.0 0.49 4.2 20.0 12:15p ESE 100.45 0.0 0.0 Cld/Rn-LtRn-Spr/OccGusts Cld/Rn/Brzy Cld/LtMist Cld 5 40.5 45.4 11:10a 34.0 10:10p 24.5 0.0 0.03 2.3 17.0 5:00a ESE 55.86 0.0 0.0 Cld/SmBrk PCld Cld/Spr-LtRn-Rn RnBow PCld VarClds 6 38.5 44.5 1:25p 32.9 1:00a 26.5 0.0 0.15 2.3 32.0 4:30p SE 54.03 0.0 0.0 PCld Cldy MCld Ovcst Cld/Brzy-Windy/LtSpr Cld/Rn 7 39.7 44.3 3:20p 34.1 12:05a 25.3 0.0 0.11 2.0 14.0 11:20a ESE 46.78 0.0 0.0 Cldy with LtRn-Rn-SprShrs and OccSmBrks-ThinSpots 8 41.2 44.5 2:50p 37.8 11:40p 23.8 0.0 0.31 2.3 18.0 3:40a ESE 55.87 0.0 0.0 Cld with Rn-Mist-Spr-LtRn Much of Day Cld/HvyRn MCld 9 41.6 43.8 8:40p 37.9 12:25a 23.4 0.0 0.25 3.7 21.0 10:35a ESE 89.72 0.0 0.0 Cld Cld/Rn-Spr-LtRn-Driz Cld Cld/Rn-LtRn Cldy Cld/Rn 10 41.6 45.5 2:35p 36.2 9:00p 23.4 0.0 0.53 3.3 24.0 6:00p ESE 80.11 0.0 0.0 Cld/VarRn Cld VarRn/Rnbow Cld HvyRn Rn/Brzy P/McLd 11 41.0 46.0 2:50p 38.5 12:05a 24.0 0.0 0.17 1.7 13.0 12:35a ESE 41.66 0.0 0.0 Cld/OcRn Cld Cld/Spr-LtRn MCld/Cld Cld Cld/LtRn-Driz 12 41.6 44.9 11:25a 37.9 11:45p 23.4 0.0 0.06 1.7 12.0 1:05a E 41.33 0.0 0.0 Cld/Mist-LtRn-Spr Cld Cld/OccLtPrecip Cld/LtPrecip 13 40.7 46.2 1:55p 36.9 11:55p 24.3 0.0 0.01 1.4 8.0 11:05a SW 34.31 0.0 0.0 Cld Fog Driz Cld&Cld-Mcld Cldy 14 38.5 45.2 1:20p 33.8 12:00m 26.5 0.0 0.00 2.8 16.0 12:05p SW 68.04 0.0 0.0 Cld Cld-MCld/OccLtMist-Spr PCld RnBws MCld/OcSpr Cld 15 37.5 46.4 10:45a 30.6 10:20p 27.5 0.0 0.00 4.4 24.0 1:40p SW 106.19 0.0 0.0 Cld ThinClds Clr/PCLd P/MCldy MClr Clr/PCld Clear 16 34.0 45.2 12:50p 26.9 12:00m 31.0 0.0 0.00 2.3 11.0 9:30a SW 55.89 0.0 0.0 MClear HiThin/VryThinClds MClr Clear Aurora 17 35.7 48.9 2:55p 24.7 5:50a 29.3 0.0 0.00 3.4 20.0 6:05p SW 82.28 0.0 0.0 Clear MClr Clear OccBrzy-Evening 18 33.1 36.0 11:05a 29.7 4:30a 31.9 0.0 0.00 6.4 33.0 11:10a NE 154.24 0.0 0.0 Clear-TinyClds Breezy to Windy at times FaintAurora 19 30.8 34.6 3:00p 26.9 5:55a 34.2 0.0 0.00 5.9 33.0 6:45a NE 141.00 0.0 0.0 Clear Breezy-Windy Periods 20 28.3 29.7 2:05p 26.5 4:50a 36.7 0.0 0.00 8.6 45.0 11:20a NE 206.61 0.0 0.0 Brzy-WindyAllDay Clr MClr PCld MCld Cldy 21 32.1 36.0 6:15p 28.1 12:05a 32.9 0.0 TRACE 11.1 38.0 9:50a NE 267.30 0.0 0.0 WindyAllDay Ovcst MCld Cld SnFlurries 22 38.3 44.8 12:55p 33.8 1:25a 26.7 0.0 0.02 1.7 16.0 12:55p SE 40.07 0.2 0.0 Cld Cld/LtSn Cld/OcLtRn-Spr Cld/ThinSpot BrknSky Cld 23 35.2 48.3 2:05p 27.6 5:35a 29.8 0.0 0.00 1.9 10.0 4:30p SW 46.66 0.0 0.0 Cld? PCld MostlyClear MClr/Fog MClear Clear 24 34.2 48.6 3:05p 25.3 6:15a 30.8 0.0 0.00 1.4 10.0 3:10p SW 34.48 0.0 0.0 Clear MostlyClear HiThin-VeryThinClds 25 37.0 46.4 10:20p 26.7 5:05a 28.0 0.0 0.00 1.2 21.0 6:35p SW 28.95 0.0 0.0 Ovcst-HiThin/VryThinClds Cldy BrieflyBreezy 26 45.1 49.4 2:50p 39.1 11:55p 19.9 0.0 0.04 6.0 32.0 6:15a NE 144.28 0.0 0.0 Cld/Breezy-Wind/FewSpr VarPcld-Overcast Cld Cld/Rn 27 39.5 42.1 2:30p 36.3 12:00m 25.5 0.0 0.17 3.5 21.0 11:20a ESE 83.29 0.0 0.0 Cld/OccRn Cld/SmBrks Cld/LtRn M-PCld/PCld Cld/LtRn 28 34.9 37.9 3:15p 32.2 6:15a 30.1 0.0 0.30 1.7 12.0 12:25a SE 40.15 1.0 0.0 Cld/Rn Cld/Sn PCld MCld Cld/Rn-Sn&Sn-OccCldy Cld/Rn 29 34.9 39.2 11:20a 31.2 8:50p 30.1 0.0 0.13 1.5 13.0 11:45a ESE 36.02 0.2 0.0 Cld/Sn/Rn-SnShwrs M/PCld/OccRn-Sn PCld MClr Clr/PCld 30 37.4 40.3 8:05p 32.4 12:05a 27.6 0.0 0.17 3.3 20.0 8:00p ESE 77.99 0.0 0.0 LoCld/LtRn-Driz Cld/LtSn-Rn&Rn Cldy Cld/Mist-Spr 31 37.4 41.9 11:10a 33.7 8:10p 27.6 0.0 0.75 2.9 21.0 6:40a SE 70.02 0.3 0.1 Cld/Rn/Spr Cld HailShr&Thndr/Sn-Rn Cld/SprRn MCld Rn ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37.7 49.4 26 24.7 17 845.4 0.0 4.27 3.3 45.0 20 ESE 2432.63 1.7 (1) As measured on Front Lawn AVERAGE Mean Temp: 37.7 AVERAGE High Temp: 43.1 MINIMUM High Temp: 29.7 20th MAXIMUM High Temp: 49.4 26th AVERAGE Low Temp: 32.8 MINIMUM Low Temp: 24.7 17th MAXIMUM Low Temp: 39.5 2nd MAX >= 90.0: 0 MAX >= 80.0: 0 MAX >= 70.0: 0 MAX <= 32.0: 1 20th MIN <= 32.0: 11 15th-21st, 23rd-25th, 29th MIN <= 0.0: 0 MAXIMUM Humidity (%): 96 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 9th, 13th MINIMUM Humidity (%): 19 19th @ 1440 MAXIMUM Pressure (mb): 1040.8 12th @ 2129, 13th @ 0014 MINIMUM Pressure (mb): 985.4 26th @ 1759 TOTAL Htg Deg Days: 845.4 AVERAGE Htg Deg Days: 27.3 MINIMUM Htg Deg Days: 19.9 26th MAXIMUM Htg Deg Days: 36.7 20th TOTAL Cool Deg Days: 0 Heat Base: 65.0 Cool Base: 65.0 Method: Integration TOTAL Precip.: 4.27 AVERAGE Precip.: 0.2 DAYS of Precip.: 22 MAXIMUM Precip.: 0.75 31st MAXIMUM Rain Rate: 0.66 31st @ 1354 Days of Rain: 19 (>.01 in) 15 (>.1 in) 0 (>1 in) TOTAL Snowfall: 1.7 DAYS of Snowfall: 4 22nd, 28th, 29th, 31st AVERAGE High Wind: 19.9 MINIMUM High Wind: 8 13th @ 1104 MAXIMUM High Wind: 45 20th @ 1119 WIND RUN (miles): 2432.63 DAYS OF Sun: 19 DAYS of Clear or M Clr: 3 17th, 18th, 19th DAYS OF Cld or M Cld: 26 All but the 16th-19th and the 23rd DAYS OF Rainbow: 3 5th, 10th, 14th DAYS OF Aurora: 2 16th, 18th DAYS OF Lightning: 1 31st (Some thunder between 1341 and 1354) DAYS OF Earthquake: 0 3/31/05: Thunder & Lightning - See Below | Wind Advisory in effect until 1 PM 2050 AST: Extremely Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with a few breaks, fog/clouds hiding the mountaintops and a lower ribbon/band of fog/clouds. 1/4" Hail accumulation today, 1/8" frozen snow-slush on the ground at 2050. 1950: Cloudy SE 1/2 of sky, Partly/Mostly Cloudy NW 1/2 of sky, top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds and a bit of fog/clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau, lower ribbon of fog/clouds. 1850: Mostly Cloudy, lower band of fog/clouds and fog/clouds hiding Last Chance Basin, the middle portion of Mt. Juneau, and Mt. Roberts above 500' - 800'. 1820: Cloudy with thin areas where blue is visible and breaks overhead, lower fog/clouds hiding most of Mt. Juneau, all of Last Chance Basin, and Mt. Roberts above 1000', yellowish-brown glow in the fog/clouds to the East. 1750: Rain, Cloudy with fog/clouds hiding Last Chance Basin and much of Mt. Juneau, top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds. 1720: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with fog/clouds hiding Last Chance Basin and much of Mt. Juneau; bands of fog hiding some of Mt. Roberts. 1700: Snow-Slush from hail and snow still on yards and decks. 1650: Cloudy with lower bands of fog/clouds and fog/clouds hiding much of Mt. Juneau and some of Mt. Roberts. 1616: "Stretchy" Squirrel at the feeder in the willow by the deck. 1550: Cloudy with some lower wisps of fog/clouds. 1520: Cloudy with a few lower ribbons and wisps, inner Gold Creek valley mostly obscured (from precipitation). 1450: Sprinkling/Light Misting, Cloudy with the inner Gold Creek valley hidden, part of the top of Mt. Juneau and the very top of Mt. Roberts obscured. 1420: Snow with rain mixed in, cloudy with the mountains obscured above the 400' elevation. 1410: NWS Forecast issued: Isolated Thunderstorms with Small Hail until 3 P.M. 1405: Rain with snow mixed in, cloudy with the mountains obscured above the 500' elevation. 1354: High Rain (Precipitation) Rate of .66" per hour registered (highest so far this month and this year). Heard some thunder in the past 13 minutes. There was thunder and lightning in the Mendenhall Valley and thunder was heard downtown. 1350: Hail -Snow/Rain, Cloudy, Mainland substantially obscured. 1/4" accumulation of hail on the ground, decks, roofs, roads. 1341: Heavy Hail Shower (small hail) began, cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1250: Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds, light to breezy wind (windier closer to the Channel), a few whitecaps on the Channel. Noon: "Tiny" Squirrel has arrived. 1150: Extremely Light Sprinkling (hardly noticeable), cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds, light to breezy wind (as it has been most of the morning). 1050: Cloudy with bright areas and a few tiny breaks, very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1035: Cloudy with a break to the SE, mountaintops in the clouds and a few lower wisps, breezy-windy closer to the Channel, a few whitecaps on the Channel. 1020: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and a few lower wisps, breezy-windy closer to the Channel, whitecaps on the Channel. 0950: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds, breezy (windier over the Channel), some whitecaps on the Channel. 0920: Rain, Breezy at times (windier closer to the Channel), cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds, a few whitecaps on the Channel. 0850: Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds, a few whitecaps on the Channel. 0820: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds, a few whitecaps on Gastineau Channel. 0750: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 0650: Rain, Breezy at times, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 0635: Rain, Breezy at times, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 0620 AST: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the inner Gold Creek valley partially obscured. 3/30/05: Wind Advisory Issued 1845 | Test of Alaska Tsunami Warning System took place at 0950 & 0958 today 2050 AST: Extremely Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with some lower wisps and bits of fog/clouds. 1950: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy. 1850: Cloudy with precipitation over the mainland mountains and valleys. 1820: Cloudy, precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley and over the top of Mt. Juneau. 1750: Very Light Rain, Cloudy. 1720: Cloudy, precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley and over part of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts. 1650: Cloudy. 1550: Cloudy. 1520: Cloudy. 1505: Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds and the very top of Mt. Juneau, inner Gold Creek valley hidden. 1450: Very Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy, Clouds skimming the mountaintops. Uploading problem has been solved. 1420: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. Uploading Problems continuing, please pay close attention to the time stamp for each piece of data. 1350: Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1334: A Bald Eagle flew SE over the backyard. 1250: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. Uploading Problems continuing. 1150: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and a few lower wisps. 1050: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and a few lower wisps. 0950: Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and a few lower wisps. Uploading Problems continuing. 0935: Very Light Misting/sprinkling, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and a few lower wisps. 0850: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds, precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley. 0835: Extremely Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and a few lower wisps and bits of fog/clouds on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau. 0750: Light Mixed Snow and Rain, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds hiding much of the mainland mountains. 0720: Problems this morning uploading new data to the website, don't know when the problem will be resolved; in the meantime please pay close attention to the time stamp for each piece of data. APRS and Weather Underground unaffected. 0650: Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with lower bands, ribbons, and wisps of fog/clouds hiding parts of the mainland mountains. 0620 AST: Light Rain/Drizzle with snow mixed in occasionally, cloudy with lower fog/clouds hiding the mainland above the 400' elevation. 3/29/05: Test of Alaska Tsunami Warning System set for 0945 March 30. 2050 AST: Clear/Partly Cloudy. 1/8" - 1/4" Snowfall today, 0" of snow on the ground at 2050. 1950: Mostly Clear. 1850: Clear/Partly Cloudy. 1835: Mostly Clear (some high thin haze) with clouds around the perimeter of the clear area. 1750: Sprinkling, Cloudy with a few breaks, some fog/clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge, weak sunshine on part of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts. 1720: Light Rain-Snow and Snow Pellets, Cloudy with a few teeny breaks and a bit of fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 1650: Cloudy with a few teeny breaks. 1635: Cloudy with a few small breaks. 1605: Partly Cloudy with a bit of fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 1550: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with breaks, some fog/clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts, inner Gold Creek valley obscured, sun shining here and there on the mainland. 1520: Snow-Rain and then Snow Pellets, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts and part of the top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds, some small breaks to the NW. 1448: Mixed rain and snow and tiny snow pellets-hail, mostly cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountaintops, sun shining here and there on Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge. 1435: Very Light Snow-Rain, Partly Cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops, snow shower in the past 5 minutes. 1420: Light Mixed Rain and Snow, Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 1350: Mostly Cloudy with the sun shining here and there. 1320: Partly Cloudy, a bit of fog/clouds around the mountaintops, sun is shining. 1250: Partly Cloudy, Snow-Rain and tiny snow pellets/hail, mainland mostly hidden (much of Mt. Juneau is visible), sun shining on Mt. Juneau and here. 1235: Snow, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and the mainland mountains partially obscured. 1220: Very Light Snow, Cloudy with small breaks and the sun going in and out or trying during the past 1/2 hour, some fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 1150: Light Snow, Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountaintops and a few lower bits and wisps of fog/clouds. 1135: Widely spaced snowflakes falling, cloudy with some fog/clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau and a small bit around the top of Mt. Roberts. 1050: Extremely Light Sprinkling/Snow (hardly detectable), cloudy with some fog/clouds around the very tops of the mountains. 1020: Light mixed rain and snow and small snow pellets, cloudy with a small bit of fog/clouds at the very top of Mt. Juneau. 0950: Cloudy with a bright spot where the sun is a bit of fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 0920: Cloudy with a few lower wisps and bits of fog/clouds and a few breaks in the southern part of the sky. 0905: Cloudy with a few lower wisps and bits of fog/clouds. 0850: Cloudy with some lower fog/clouds hiding part of Mt. Juneau and Last Chance Basin. Snow level is at 450' - 500'. 0820: Light mixed rain and snow, cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds and much of Mt. Juneau and Last Chance Basin hidden by lower fog/clouds. 0750: Light Rain (has been mixed rain and snow during the past hour), cloudy with the mountaintops obscured and much of Mt. Juneau and Last Chance Basin obscured. 0650: Mixed Rain and Snow, Cloudy with the mainland mountains hidden by clouds above the 600' elevation. 0620 AST: Light Rain with snow mixed in occasionally, cloudy with the mainland mountains hidden by clouds above the 600' elevation. 1/8" to 1/4" Snowfall overnight on yards (mostly melted now). 3/28/05: Seward's Day Observed (State & Local Holiday) - See below 2050 AST: Cloudy. 1" Snowfall today, 0" of snow on the ground at 2050. 1950: Cloudy. 1850: Extremely Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy with some lower fog/clouds hiding part of Mt. Juneau and a bit of the top of Mt. Roberts. 1750: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with hints of breaks and thin spots, a few lower ribbons around the top of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts. 1650: Cloudy. 1620: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks where blue is visible, a few wisps behind Mt. Maria. 1550: Cloudy with a few thin spots/small breaks where blue is visible, very tops of the mountains obscured, inner Gold Creek valley partially obscured. 1520: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains obscured, inner Gold Creek valley substantially obscured. 1450: Very Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds, murky in Last Chance Basin, sun trying to shine on part of downtown Juneau and on Mt. Roberts. 1350: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with the clouds skimming the mountaintops. 1335: Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and a few lower wisps, still some precipitation over parts of the mainland. 1333: A Great Blue Heron flew SE. 1329: A Great Blue Heron flew NW over the backyards and then turned to the ENE and flew out over Gastineau Channel. 1250: Light Rain/Snow, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts and the inner Gold Creek valley and the very top of Mt. Juneau obscured. 1220: Extremely fine light snow, cloudy with the very tops of the mountains obscured. 1150: Snow with some rain mixed in at times, cloudy with the mainland mostly hidden. 1115: Snow, Cloudy with the mainland mostly hidden. 1050: Snow/Rain, Cloudy with the mainland mountains hidden above 400'. 1035: Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1005: Very Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with the mountaintops obscured. 0950: Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains and the inner Gold Creek valley obscured, precipitation over the mainland mountains and valleys. 0920: Very Light Rain-Snow, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains obscured. 0918: A Bald Eagle flew NW. 0850: Cloudy with the clouds skimming the mountaintops. 0820: Cloudy with bright spots, very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0750: Cloudy SE part of the sky, mostly cloudy NW part, very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0735: Very, very light snow, cloudy with a few tiny breaks, very tops of the mountains in the clouds. Approximately 1/16" snowfall since 0715. The snow is not sticking on the roads and driveways for the most part. 0720: Snow, Cloudy with the mainland substantially hidden. 0700: Precipitation being recorded this morning and the Rain Rate are from the melting snow (heater being used). 0650: Mostly Cloudy, very top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds. 0620: Mostly Cloudy with a large thin area where blue is visible, lower ribbon/band of fog/clouds hiding part of Mt. Roberts. 7/8" Snowfall overnight. Seward's Day: State and Local Holiday - Commemorates signing by U.S. Secretary of State William H. Seward on March 30, 1867 of treaty by which the U.S bought Alaska from Russia. Resurrection of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ (Easter) Sunday - 3/27/05: Luke 24: 6 "He is not here (in the tomb), but is risen!" 2050 AST: Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 1950: Misting/Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 1920: Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1905: Occasional very light sprinkles, cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds, heavier precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley. 1850: Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau and the top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds. 1835: Cloudy with the clouds skimming the top of Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge, some fog/clouds around the top of Mt. Roberts. 1750: Mostly/Partly Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts. 1650: Mostly Cloudy/Cloudy. 1603: A Bald Eagle is flying about. 1550: Partly Cloudy, Sun shining here and there on the mainland mountains. 1520: Partly/Mostly Cloudy with sun shining here and there on the mainland mountains. 1450: Mostly/Partly Cloudy, Sun shining here and there on the mainland mountains. 1350: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks to the NW, some fog/clouds around the very tops of the mountains. 1250: Cloudy with a few breaks to the North, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau and the very top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds, weak spots of sunshine here and there. 1150: Cloudy with hints of breaks, very tops of mountains in the clouds, light dusting of new snow visible at the top of Mt. Juneau. 1120: Mostly Cloudy, Sun shining here and there on the mainland, very tops of the mountains in the clouds, whitecaps on Gastineau Channel in the past 15 minutes. 1050: Cloudy with a teeny break or two, light rain and rain during the past hour, very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0950: Cloudy with a bit of fog/clouds around the top of Mt. Roberts, bright clouds to the ESE and SE. 0850: Light Rain, Cloudy with two tiny breaks, a few gusts, very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0750: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks, clouds skimming the top of Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge, very top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds. 0728: The Sun broke through the clouds. 0650: Cloudy with tiny breaks and hints of breaks, tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0620 AST: Cloudy with breaks, tops of the mountains in the clouds. 3/26/05: 2050 AST: Cloudy. 1950: Cloudy. 1850: Cloudy. 1750: Cloudy with a few thin spots and small breaks. 1650: Mostly Cloudy with weak sunshine here and there on the mainland. 1550: Mostly Overcast, weak sunshine here and there. 1450: Cloudy with a few breaks NW part of sky, Mostly Cloudy SE part, sun shining here and there. 1435: Mostly Cloudy with weak sunshine, bright skies. 1350: Overcast with tiny breaks, sunshine on Olds Mountain. 1320: Mostly Cloudy, some sunshine on the Mt. Juneau Ridge. 1250: Partly Cloudy SE half of sky, thin overcast NW 1/2, slightly weakened sunshine. 1235: Thin Overcast NW 2/3rds of sky, Partly Cloudy/Clear SE 1/3rd, slightly weakened sunshine. 1150: Overcast with location of the sun visible, partly cloudy to the SE. 1120: Cloudy with partly cloudy skies to the SE, breezy at times with stronger gusts. 1050: Cloudy, Breezy with occasional stronger gusts. 1020: Cloudy with bright spots, breezy at times. 0950: Cloudy, Breezy with stronger gusts, some precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley and over part of Mt. Roberts. 0850: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, Breezy with stronger gusts 0750: Cloudy, Breezy with stronger gusts, some precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley. 0650: Cloudy, Breezy with stronger gusts. 0620 AST: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy, Breezy-Windy. For the past two nights uploading of data has been prevented because of some problem with the dial-up connection. I'm trying to figure out why, but the problem may persist. 3/25/05: Good Friday | Luke Chapter 23 2050 AST: Cloudy. 1950: Cloudy. 1850: Cloudy, Breezy. 1750: Cloudy. 1650: Cloudy. 1550: Cloudy. 1450: Cloudy. 1350: Cloudy. 1320: Cloudy. 1250: Cloudy. 1150: Cloudy with bright spots and hints of breaks. 1133: A Steller's Jay is taking a bath in the Bird Bath while another one is trying to drink. 1050: Cloudy. 0950: Cloudy. 0850: Cloudy with a few thinner areas. 0820: Overcast with mostly somewhat thin clouds, weak sunshine. 0750: Thin Overcast, thicker clouds to the SE. 06:59:55: Sun started rising over the upper right shoulder of Mt. Roberts. 0650: Overcast with high thin and very thin clouds in areas (blue visible through the clouds). 0620: Overcast with high thin and very thin clouds in areas (blue visible through the clouds). 0550: Somewhat thin overcast and thinner in areas, very light frost on the roofs. 0543: Steller's Jays arrived. 0528 AST: Dark Eyed Juncos (Oregon subspecies) arrived. 3/24/05: Maundy Thursday | Luke Chapter 22 | 2 Webcams now 2050 AST: Partly Cloudy/Clear with some high clouds. 1950: High Thin and Very Thin Clouds over most of the sky, some stars visible, there is a Halo around the Moon. 1850: High Thin and Very Thin Clouds over most of the sky, Moon visible. 1841: Noticed the almost full Moon (full Moon is at 1159 AST 3/25) in the sky low over the upper right shoulder of Mt. Roberts. 1750: High Thin and Very Thin Clouds over most of the sky. 1705: High Thin and Very Thin Clouds over most of the sky, slightly weakened sunshine. 1635: The Sun set behind the Douglas Island mountains. 1550: High thin and very thin clouds and wispy clouds over much of the sky, sunshine not affected. 1450: Mostly Clear with some cirrus clouds. 1430: There are 2 Webcams now - the Original and now Mt. Juneau - both at Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with both of them, the Original will have priority. 1350: Clear/Partly Cloudy with cirrus clouds 1335: Mostly Clear with some cirrus clouds. 1250: Clear. 1150: Clear. 1050: Clear. 0950: Clear. 0850: Clear. 0750: Clear. 0701: Sun started rising over the upper right shoulder of Mt. Roberts. 0650: Clear. 0620 AST: Clear, light frost on the roofs. 3/23/05: Last of the shoveled snow melted away today. Effective late afternoon a New higher quality (better night pictures) Web Camera is now being used. 2050 AST: Clear. 1850: Clear. 1750: Clear. 1650: Clear. 1550: Clear. 1450: Clear. 1350: Clear. Last remnants of the shoveled snow beside the driveway melted away today. 1250: Clear with a few wisps of cirrus to the NW. 1150: Clear with a tiny bit of cirrus. 1050: Clear with a small bit of cirrus. 1020: Clear with just a small bit of cirrus. 0950: Mostly Clear with cirrus clouds. 0935: Mostly Clear with cirrus clouds. 0850: Mostly Clear with some cirrus, ribbon of fog over the Channel. 0750: Clear with a bit of cirrus, fog over the Channel blowing rapidly to the SE, Blueberry Hills in some fog. 0702: Sun started rising over the right shoulder of Mt. Roberts. 0652: Apology: I've just found that the webcam software hasn't been working since March 20..., that's what I get for taking things for granted! One little checkbox had somehow gotten unchecked and I hadn't noticed new images weren't being stored (and then uploaded). You can deduct $5,000 from my paycheck. Please notify me if you find errors on the site! 0650: Clear with fog over the Channel and to the NW, partially extending into West Juneau, mainland mountains hidden at times. 0647: Chestnut Backed Chickadee arrived. 0635: Clear with a bit of cirrus clouds and fog low over Gastineau Channel, more clouds to the NW. 0620: Clear SE half of sky, Mostly Clear and then partly cloudy to the NW, fog over the Channel NW of the Douglas Bridge. 0615: Steller's Jays arrived. 0605 AST: Dark Eyed Juncos (Oregon subspecies) arrived. 3/22/05: 2050 AST: Cloudy with hints of breaks. 3/16" Snowfall today, 0" of snow on the ground at 2050. 1950: Cloudy with hints of breaks. 1850: Cloudy with hints of breaks. 1750: Broken Skies. 1650: Broken Skies. 1550: Cloudy with somewhat broken skies, weakened sunshine shining on parts of downtown. 1450: Cloudy with a few clear spots in the eastern sky. 1350: Cloudy. 1250: Cloudy with thinner areas and spots where blue is visible through the clouds, sun shining here and there - mostly on the mainland. 1232: A flock of Pine Siskins flew into the willow by the deck. Buds on the willows are more obvious 1150: Cloudy, location of the sun visible. 1050: Cloudy with weak sunshine, hints of other breaks. 1035: Cloudy with the sun trying, hints of other breaks. 0950: Cloudy with the sun visible through the clouds. 0935: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with the sun visible through the clouds. 0905: Cloudy with some precipitation over the mainland mountains and valleys. 0750: Very Light Rain, Cloudy. 0735: Cloudy. 0650: Light Snow, Cloudy. 0641: Dark Eyed Juncos (Oregon subspecies) arrived. 0635: Very Light Snow, Cloudy. Squirrel arrived. A Bald Eagle is in tree to the East along the shore. 0620 AST: Extremely Light Snow-Rain, Cloudy - murky around the top of Mt. Roberts. 3/16" Snowfall overnight with the snow sticking on lawns/yards and not on most paved surfaces, roofs, and decks. 3/21/05: Wind Advisory | Red Flag Warning Cancelled 2050: AST: Very Light Snow, Cloudy, Breezy at times with occasional stronger gusts. No visible snowfall on the ground at 2050. 1950: Very Light Snow, Cloudy, Breezy with occasional stronger gusts. 1920: Very Light Snow, Cloudy, Breezy with occasional stronger gusts. 1850: Extremely Light Snow, Cloudy, Breezy with occasional stronger gusts. 1750: Cloudy, Windy, a few whitecaps on the Channel, extremely light snow flurries in areas, very light snow flurries over parts of the mainland during the past hour - still some light flurries in the inner Gold Creek valley. 1650: Cloudy, Windy, a few whitecaps on the Channel. 1550: Cloudy, Windy, whitecaps on the Channel. 1450: Extremely Light Snow Flurries, Cloudy, Windy, a few whitecaps on the Channel. 1435: Cloudy, Windy, a few whitecaps on the Channel. 1420: Cloudy (overcast), Breezy-Windy, some whitecaps on the Channel. 1350: Cloudy with thin and very thin areas where blue is visible, breezy- windy, some whitecaps on the Channel, weak sunshine. 1250: Cloudy with thinner areas where blue is visible, breezy-windy, some whitecaps on the Channel, weak sunshine. 1150: Cloudy with thinner areas where blue is visible, breezy with stronger gusts, some whitecaps on the Channel, extremely weak sunshine. 1050: High Overcast with thinner areas where hints of blue is visible, very weak sunshine, windy, whitecaps on the Channel, some very light snow in the inner Gold Creek valley. 0950: High Overcast with the Sun visible through the clouds, windy, a few whitecaps on the Channel, slightly murky from very light snow in the inner Gold Creek valley and over parts of Mt. Roberts. 0850: Overcast with the Sun visible through the clouds (extremely weak sunshine), windy. 0750: Overcast with thinner areas, breezy with stronger gusts. 0720: Overcast with thinner areas, Sun is sort of shining through, breezy with occasional stronger gusts, still somewhat murky in the inner Gold Creek valley. 0650: Cloudy (overcast), Breezy-Windy, a few whitecaps on Gastineau Channel and occasionally blowing spray, slightly murky in the inner Gold Creek valley and over parts of Mt. Roberts. 0620 AST: Cloudy (overcast), Breezy-Windy, a few whitecaps on Gastineau Channel, either blowing snow or very light snow falling in the inner Gold Creek valley. There were 2 brush fires yesterday: Approx. 1 acre off Engineers Cutoff and 1/8 acre on the Channel side of Thane Road. SUNDAY 3/20/05: Palm Sunday | Wind Advisory | Red Flag Warning for Severe Fire Weather Conditions | Spring Began 0333. 2050 AST: Mostly Cloudy/Cloudy, Breezy with occasional gusts. 1950: Mostly Cloudy, Breezy at times with occasional stronger gusts. 1850: Partly Cloudy, Breezy at times. 1750: Partly Cloudy with high very thin haze in the "clear" areas, breezy at times with occasional stronger gusts. 1650: Mostly Cloudy NW part of sky, Partly Cloudy with high thin haze in the "clear" areas in the SE part, breezy with occasional stronger gusts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 420 PM AST SUN MAR 20 2005 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH 11 PM SUNDAY DUE TO GUSTY NORTHEAST WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY... DISCUSSION... A RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH 11 PM SUNDAY FOR THE LOWEST ELEVATIONS OF THE NORTHERN TWO THIRDS OF SOUTHEAST ALASKA DUE TO STRONG DRY GUSTY WINDS. RELATIVE HUMIDITY THIS AFTERNOON RANGE BETWEEN 25 AND 35 PERCENT ACROSS THE NORTHERN TWO THIRDS OF THE PANHANDLE. OFFSHORE FLOW CONTINUES TO PRODUCE NORTHEAST WINDS OF 20 TO 30 MPH WITH GUSTS OVER 45 MPH. WINDS WILL DIMINISH OVER THE CENTRAL PANHANDLE TONIGHT BUT REMAIN STRONG IN THE NORTHERN PANHANDLE. MOISTURE CURRENTLY FILTERING INTO THE SOUTHERN PANHANDLE WILL SLOWLY SPREAD NORTH THROUGH THE NIGHT GRADUALLY INCREASING RELATIVE HUMIDITIES. HUMIDITIES ARE EXPECTED TO INCREASE ABOVE 40 PERCENT BY AROUND 11 PM TONIGHT. EASTERLY FLOW ALOFT WILL BRING INCREASING CLOUD COVER OVER THE COAST MOUNTAINS AND INTO THE PANHANDLE THIS EVENING. LIGHT SNOW FLURRIES ARE POSSIBLE LATE TONIGHT. A FRONT MOVING INTO THE EASTERN GULF MONDAY MORNING WILL BRING AN INCREASING CHANCE OF SNOW TO THE OUTER COAST MONDAY AFTERNOON AND THEN INLAND MONDAY NIGHT. SNOW ACCUMULATIONS ARE EXPECTED TO BETWEEN 1 AND 2 INCHES. THIS WARNING MEANS THAT SEVERE FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS ARE CONTINUING IN THE WARNING AREA. PLEASE ADVISE THE APPROPRIATE OFFICIALS AND FIRE CREWS IN THE FIELD OF THIS RED FLAG WARNING. THIS STATEMENT WILL BE UPDATED BY 1100 PM AST SUNDAY. $$ FPAK57PAJK_AKZ025 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1550: Partly Cloudy, Breezy-Windy. 1450: Clear with some scattered clouds and a bit of very thin high clouds- haze, breezy-windy, a few whitecaps on the Channel. 1350: Clear with a few tiny clouds, breezy at times with stronger gusts, a bit of snow blowing off Olds Mountain, a few whitecaps on the Channel. 1250: Clear, Breezy with stronger gusts, a few whitecaps on the Channel, some snow blowing off the mainland mountains (except Mt. Juneau). 1150: Clear with a few tiny clouds, breezy with occasional stronger gusts, some whitecaps on the Channel, some snow blowing off the mainland mountains except Mt. Juneau. 1120: Very Windy, Clear, some snow blowing off Mt. Juneau Ridge and Olds Mountain, Gastineau Channel was one mass of whitecaps 3 minutes ago. 1119: 45 mph wind registered. 1050: Clear, Windy, some snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge and Olds Mountain, whitecaps on the Channel. 0950: Clear with a few tiny clouds, breezy to very windy, snow blowing off the mainland mountains except Mt. Juneau, whitecaps on the Channel. 0850: Clear, Breezy at times with stronger gusts, snow blowing off the mainland mountains except Mt. Juneau, blowing spray on the Channel. 0750: Clear with a few tiny clouds and very thin high clouds? or from blowing snow? to the East, breezy to very windy at times, snow blowing off the mainland mountains except Mt. Juneau, blowing spray on Gastineau Channel. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 800 AM AST SUN MAR 20 2005 ...RED FLAG WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT THROUGH 6 PM SUNDAY DUE TO GUSTY NORTHEAST WINDS AND LOW HUMIDITY... DISCUSSION... THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE IN JUNEAU HAS CONTINUED THE RED FLAG WARNING THROUGH SUNDAY AFTERNOON FOR THE LOWEST ELEVATIONS OF SOUTHEAST ALASKA DUE TO DRY GUSTY WINDS. RELATIVE HUMIDITY RECOVERIES WERE VERY POOR AGAIN LAST NIGHT WITH MAXIMUM HUMIDITIES BETWEEN 20 AND 30 PERCENT IN AREAS THAT STAYED WINDY. RELATIVE HUMIDITIES TODAY WILL DROP AS LOW AS 15 PERCENT IN THE NORTH AND STAY AROUND 30 PERCENT IN THE SOUTHERN PANHANDLE. CONTINUED OFFSHORE FLOW WILL PRODUCE NORTHEAST WINDS OF 20 TO 30 MPH WITH GUSTS OVER 45 MPH THROUGH MOUNTAIN PASSES AND ALONG BEACHES AS THE STRONGER WINDS BECOME MORE WIDESPREAD AGAIN THIS MORNING. THE PRESSURE GRADIENT OVER THE SOUTHERN HALF OF THE PANHANDLE WILL WEAKEN THROUGH THE DAY DIMINISHING WINDS IN THAT AREA. A WEAK LOW PRESSURE CENTER NEAR VANCOUVER ISLAND WILL MOVE NORTH TOWARDS SOUTHEAST ALASKA GRADUALLY INCREASING HUMIDITIES THROUGH SUNDAY NIGHT. THE CHANCE OF RAIN OR SNOW WILL INCREASE FROM THE SOUTH MONDAY AND MONDAY NIGHT. A WARNING MEANS THAT SEVERE FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS ARE ALREADY OCCURRING IN THE WARNING AREA. PLEASE ADVISE THE APPROPRIATE OFFICIALS AND FIRE CREWS IN THE FIELD OF THIS RED FLAG WARNING. THIS STATEMENT WILL BE UPDATED BY 600 PM AST SUNDAY. $$ FPAK77PAJK_AKZ025 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0705: The Sun started rising over the right shoulder of Mt. Roberts. 0650: Mostly Clear with a few tiny clouds and very thin high clouds in the Eastern part of the sky, breezy to windy at times, snow blowing off Mt. Juneau Ridge and Olds Mountain and some off Mt. Roberts.. 0620: Clear, Windy, Snow blowing off Mt. Juneau Ridge and Olds Mountain. Breezy-Windy periods overnight. 0333 AST: Vernal Equinox - Source: U.S. Naval Observatory: 3/19/05: Wind Advisory | Red Flag Warning for Severe Fire Weather Conditions - See Below 2050 AST: Clear. Vernal Equinox is at 0333 Sun., March 20, 2005 1950: Clear, occasionally breezy with stronger gusts. 1850: Clear, occasionally breezy with stronger gusts. 1750: Clear. 1650: Clear, Occasionally breezy with stronger gusts, a few whitecaps on the Channel. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3:00 P.M. ...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT THROUGH 8 PM SUNDAY DUE TO STRONG GUSTY NORTHEAST WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITIES... FIRE WEATHER ZONES INCLUDED IN THIS WARNING ARE: 018-019-020-021-022-023-024-025-026-027- 028-029 DISCUSSION...THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE IN JUNEAU HAS EXTENDED THE RED FLAG WARNING DUE TO STRONG GUSTY WINDS AND LOW RELATIVE HUMIDITIES THROUGH 8 PM SUNDAY FOR THE ENTIRE PANHANDLE. A STRONG AREA OF HIGH PRESSURE OVER THE YUKON TERRITORY WILL CONTINUE TO PRODUCE WIDESPREAD NORTH TO NORTHEAST WINDS OF 20 TO 30 MPH WITH GUSTS OVER 45 MPH. RELATIVE HUMIDITIES THIS AFTERNOON HAVE FALLEN TO BETWEEN 14 AND 25 PERCENT ACROSS THE PANHANDLE. ALTHOUGH TEMPERATURES WILL COOL INTO THE MID 20S TONIGHT...THE CONTINUED STRONG DRY OFFSHORE FLOW WILL LIMIT RELATIVE HUMIDITY RECOVERIES TO BETWEEN 20 AND 30 PERCENT IN EXPOSED LOCATIONS. IN WIND SHELTERED AREAS RELATIVE HUMIDITY RECOVERIES WILL BE AROUND 50 PERCENT MAKING RED FLAG CONDITIONS LESS WIDESPREAD DURING THE NIGHT. DRY WINDY CONDITIONS WILL CONTINUE THROUGH SUNDAY WITH RELATIVE HUMIDITIES FALLING TO AROUND 25 PERCENT AND NORTHEAST WINDS CONTINUING TO GUST OVER 40 MPH. THE VERY WINDY CONDITIONS COMBINED WITH COLD AIR TEMPERATURES TONIGHT AND SUNDAY MORNING WILL MAKE FREEZING SPRAY A POTENTIAL HAZARD FOR ANY BOAT OPERATIONS. ALSO PERSONNEL OPERATING OUTSIDE SHOULD TAKE PRECAUTIONS TO PROTECT AGAINST WIND CHILLS IN THE SINGLE DIGITS. A WARNING MEANS THAT SEVERE FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS ARE ALREADY OCCURRING IN THE WARNING AREA. PLEASE ADVISE THE APPROPRIATE OFFICIALS AND FIRE CREWS IN THE FIELD OF THIS RED FLAG WARNING. THIS STATEMENT WILL BE UPDATED BY 1100 PM AST OR SOONER IF CONDITIONS WARRANT. $$ FPAK57PAJK_AKZ025 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1621: Clear, Breezy-Windy, a few whitecaps on the Channel. The Sun set behind the Douglas Island mountains. 1550: Clear, Breezy at times with occasional stronger gusts (breeze picked up at 1546), a bit of snow blowing off Olds Mountain. 1450: Clear, Snow blowing off Olds Mountain. 1350: Clear, a bit of snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge and Olds Mountain. 1250: Clear, some snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge and Olds Mountain, a few whitecaps on the Channel. 1153: A Fox Sparrow and a Pine Siskin (the first Pine Siskin seen since January 29) at the feeder in the willow by the deck. 1150: Clear, some snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge (and Olds Mtn. as it has much of the morning), a few whitecaps on the Channel. 1050: Clear, a bit of snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge, some whitecaps on the Channel in the past 10 minutes. 1020: Clear, Some snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge. 0950: Clear, Breezy with occasional stronger gusts, whitecaps on the Channel, some snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge. 0920: Clear, Breezy with stronger gusts, a bit of snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge, some whitecaps on the Channel. 0850: Clear, Breezy at times, a bit of snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge, some whitecaps on the Channel. 0750: Clear, Breezy with stronger gusts, a bit of snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge. 0735: Clear, Breezy with stronger gusts, small whitecaps on Gastineau Channel, a bit of snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge. 0706-0707: The Sun started rising over the right shoulder of Mt. Roberts. 0650: Clear, Breezy, a bit of snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge. 0635: Clear, Windy. 0620: Clear. Occasional Breezy - Windy periods overnight. 0602 AST: Steller's Jays arrived. 3/18/05: Wind Advisory | Buds on the Willows are becoming more obvious and have a bit of white at the tips. 2050 AST: Clear with a few tiny clouds, breezy at times with stronger gusts. 2025: Some faint diffuse Aurora Borealis to the ENE. 1950: Clear with a few tiny clouds, occasionally breezy with occasional stronger gusts. 1850: Clear with a few tiny clouds, breezy with occasional stronger gusts. 1750: Clear. 1650: Clear with a few teeny clouds, breezy with occasional stronger gusts. 1614: The Sun set behind the Douglas Island mountains. 1550: Clear with a few very tiny clouds, breezy, a few whitecaps on the Channel. 1520: Clear with a few tiny clouds, windy, whitecaps on the Channel. 1450: Clear, tiny bit of snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge, occasionally breezy and some whitecaps on the Channel at times. 1350: Clear with a few tiny clouds, breezy at times with occasional stronger gusts, a few whitecaps on the Channel. 1250: Clear with a few tiny clouds, breezy at times with occasional stronger gusts, a few whitecaps on the Channel. 1150: Clear with a few small clouds, breezy with occasional stronger gusts, a few whitecaps on the Channel, a bit of snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge. 1120: Clear with a few tiny scattered clouds, breezy-windy with whitecaps on the Channel in the past 5 minutes. 1050: Clear with a few tiny scattered clouds, breezy with occasional stronger gusts. 0950: Clear with a few tiny clouds, breezy with occasional stronger gusts, some whitecaps on the Channel, a bit of snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge and Mt. Roberts. 0850: Clear with some tiny scattered clouds, windy, whitecaps on the Channel, blowing dust downtown and along Douglas Highway occasionally, a bit of snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge and Mt. Roberts. 0820: Clear with some tiny scattered clouds, breezy with occasional stronger gusts, a bit of snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge and Mt. Roberts, some whitecaps and blowing spray on the Channel. 0809: Downtown the wind is creating dust clouds from the sand-gravel put on the roadways. 0750: Clear with tiny scattered clouds, a bit of snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge and Mt. Roberts, occasional spray on Gastineau Channel. 0744: A Bald Eagle landed in tree to the NNE along the shore. 0708: Sun started rising over the right shoulder of Mt. Roberts. 0650: Clear, Breezy at times with occasional gusts, a bit of snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge and Mt. Roberts. 0635: Clear, Breezy-Windy, some snow blowing off the Mt. Juneau Ridge. 0620 AST: Clear, Breezy at times. 3/17/05: Wind Advisory - Issued at 1515. At 0843 Noticed that the Buds are developing on the Spruce Trees in the backyard 2050 AST: Clear, Breezy at times. 1950: Clear. 1920: Clear, Breezy, a few clouds to the NW. 1850: Clear with some clouds to the NW and a few clouds to the SE. 1750: Clear with a few wee clouds, partly cloudy to the NW, breezy at times. 1650: Clear with a few small or very tiny clouds. 1610: The Sun set behind the Douglas Island mountains. 1600: The Great Blue Heron departed his perch and flew towards Gastineau Channel. 1550: Clear. Heron is still there, in the sunshine. 1523: A Great Blue Heron is perched in a spruce tree below the lot adjacent to 3270 on the NW side. 1450: Clear. 1350: Clear. 1250: Clear. 1226: A Great Blue Heron is flying SE. 1150: Clear. 1050: Clear. 0950: Clear. 0850: Clear. 0751: Chestnut Backed Chickadees arrived. 0750: Clear. 0709: Sun started rising over the right shoulder of Mt. Roberts. Dark Eyed Juncos (Oregon subspecies) have arrived. 0650: Clear, very light frost is also on the lawns, Bird Bath is frozen. 0620 AST: Clear, Light frost on the roofs and on cars. 0618: Steller's Jays arrived. 3/16/05: At 0839 Robert Sorlie won the Iditarod Sled Dog Race 2050 AST: Clear. 1950: Clear with some - mostly faint - Aurora Borealis over Mt. Juneau and the 1/2 full Moon high overhead to the SW. 1850: Clear with a few teensy clouds. 1750: Mostly Clear with some high thin clouds to the ENE and a slight very thin high haze. 1650: Clear with some high very thin haze and a bit of high thin clouds. 1607: The Sun set behind the Douglas Island mountains. 1554: Clear with a few small high very thin clouds. 1535: Mostly Clear with some high very thin haze and a few thin high clouds. 1450: Partly Cloudy/Clear with some high thin and very thin clouds. 1350: Partly Cloudy/Clear with high thin and very thin clouds over much of the sky, Sun is shining. 1335: Partly Cloudy/Clear with high thin and very thin clouds over much of the sky, Sun is shining. 1250: Clear. 1150: Clear. 1050: Clear. 1039: Electric Power restored to West Juneau and Douglas. 1030: Douglas Highway is now open with one lane in the vicinity of the fire. 0950: Mostly Clear with high thin clouds to the SE. 0921: Electric Power turned off for West Juneau and Douglas (Circuit Breaker for the West Juneau #1 Feeder at the West Juneau Substation opened) in order to fight the fire. No new Tide Graphic until power is restored. 0919: Douglas Highway now open to John Street from the Bridge side. 0915: Douglas Highway has been closed south of the Douglas Bridge (limited access through Sitka street to West Juneau and none to Douglas). 0900: Fire at the Forest Edge Condominiums along Douglas Highway, traffic along Douglas Highway most likely affected; column of smoke some 3/4 miles distant, visible from 3270. 0850: High thin and very thin clouds with a clear area inland to the ENE, Halo around the sun from the cirrostratus clouds. 0750: High thin and very thin clouds over much of the sky, otherwise clear,sun is shining. 0711: The Sun started rising over the right shoulder of Mt. Roberts. 0650: Partly Cloudy/Clear with high thin and very thin clouds 0620 AST: Mostly Clear with some high clouds, light frost on the roofs and Bird Bath is frozen. 3/15/05: 2050 AST: Clear with a few tiny clouds. 1950: Clear with scattered clouds. 1850: Clear with scattered clouds. 1750: Clear/Partly Cloudy. 1650: Mostly Clear with some scattered clouds. 1550: Mostly Clear with some scattered clouds. 1450: Mostly Clear with some scattered mostly small clouds. 1350: Clear/Partly Cloudy, Breezy. 1250: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy SE 1/3rd of the sky, Mostly Clear NW 2/3rds. 1150: Mostly Cloudy/Cloudy SE part of sky, Mostly Clear NW part. 1120: Mostly Cloudy SE part of sky, Mostly Clear NW part. 1050: Partly/Mostly Cloudy. 1020: Partly Cloudy, Breezy. 0950: Partly Cloudy with scattered clouds. 0850: Clear with some scattered clouds. 0750: Clear with a few clouds, mostly to the SE. 07:11:50: Sun started rising over the right shoulder of Mt. Roberts. 0650: Mostly Clear except mostly cloudy/cloudy to the SE, a few lower wisps and ribbons of fog blowing rapidly from the NW to the SE. 0641: Steller's Jays arrived. 0635: Clear/Partly Cloudy, band of fog over Gastineau Channel. 0620 AST: Overcast with mostly high thin and very thin clouds, lower fog hiding much of the mainland mountains above the 300' - 400' elevation. 0610: A Squirrel arrived. 3/14/05: 2050 AST: Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1950: Cloudy with thinner areas. 1850: Mostly Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the very tops of the mountains, crescent moon is still visible through the clouds. 1750: Partly Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountaintops, precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley. 1720: Partly Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds, crescent moon is high in the sky to the SW, precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley. 1653: Partial Rainbow to NNE faded out. 1650: Mostly Cloudy, mountaintops in the clouds, partial Rainbow which began at 1618 is still there, spots of sunshine here and there on the mainland. 1618: Partial arc of a Rainbow to the NNE in front of Mt. Juneau. 1553: The sun set behind Mt. Troy Ridge. 1550: Light Sprinkling, Mostly Cloudy/Cloudy NW part of sky, Partly Cloudy SE part, shower over Mt. Juneau, very tops of mountains in the clouds, sun is shining here and there. 1535: Mostly Cloudy/Cloudy NW part of sky, Partly Cloudy SE part, shower over Mt. Juneau and Last Chance Basin, very tops of mountains in the clouds, sun is shining. 1450: Partly Cloudy with the clouds skimming the mountaintops, sun is shining, precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley. 1350: Mostly Cloudy with weak sunshine shining here and there, light precipitation here and there over the mainland mountains and valleys - currently in the inner Gold Creek valley. 1330: Extremely faint partial Rainbow to the NE. 1250: Partly Cloudy, some fog/clouds around the very tops of the mountains. 1220: Partly Cloudy, a bit of fog/clouds around the very top of Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge. 1150: Mostly Cloudy with weak sunshine, some fog/clouds around the very tops of the mountains, some precipitation over the top of Mt. Juneau and in the inner Gold Creek valley. 1120: Cloudy with a few thin spots where blue is visible, a bit of fog/clouds around the very tops of the mountains. 1050: Mostly Cloudy, Sun shining, some fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 0950: Very Light Sprinkling/Misting, Mostly cloudy with large areas with blue visible through the clouds and fog/clouds around the mountaintops, weak sunshine. 0935: Light Sprinkling, Mostly cloudy with large areas with blue visible through the clouds and fog/clouds around the mountaintops, weak sunshine. 0850: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with thin spots and a few tiny breaks or hints of breaks, some fog/clouds around the mountaintops and lower ribbons. 0835: Mostly/Partly Cloudy, Sun is shining, some fog/clouds around the mountaintops and some lower wisps and bits of fog/clouds over the Channel slope of Mt. Juneau. 0750: Light Sprinkles, Cloudy with thinner areas (hints of blue) and small breaks, sun is trying to shine, some mists and fog/clouds around the mountaintops with a few lower wisps. 0735: Cloudy with thinner areas and small breaks, sun is shining, small bit of fog/clouds around the very top of Mt. Roberts, lower band/ribbon of fog/clouds. 0650: Cloudy with thinner areas and breaks in the eastern part of the sky, some thin fog at the higher elevations over the Channel and lower ribbons of fog/clouds 0635: Cloudy/Mostly Cloudy with clouds around the very top of Mt. Roberts and lower wisps and ribbons of fog/clouds. 0620 AST: Extremely Light Misting, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts partially obscured, lower band of fog/clouds SUNDAY 3/13/05: 2050 AST: Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and a few lower ribbons of fog/clouds. 1950: Cloudy with the clouds skimming the mountaintops. 1850: Cloudy. 1750: Cloudy with the clouds skimming the mountaintops and a few lower wisps. 1650: Cloudy with hints of thin spots, clouds skimming Mt. Juneau and a few wisps of fog/clouds around the other mountains. 1550: Cloudy with a few tiny hints of breaks and a few fog/clouds around the tops of the mountains. 1450: Mostly Cloudy/Cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops, very weak sunshine here and there on the mountains. 1350: Cloudy with two tiny breaks, top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds and some fog/clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau. 1320: Mostly Cloudy with fog/clouds around the upper parts of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts, sun shining here and there on the mainland. 1250: Mostly Cloudy/Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountaintops, weak sunshine on parts of the mountains. 1150: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks, some fog/clouds around the upper parts of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts. 1120: Cloudy with a clear spot, some fog/clouds around the upper parts of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts. 1050: Mostly Cloudy with fog/clouds around the upper parts of the mountains, sun shining here and there. 0950: Cloudy with a clear area overhead, very tops of the mountains in the clouds, lower band and wisps of fog/clouds. 0920: Cloudy with a few thin spots where blue is visible, mountaintops in the clouds, a lower band of fog/clouds, sun almost trying. 0850: Very Light Misting, Fog over Gastineau Channel and overhead, sun trying to shine through the fog. 0820: Drizzle, Fog. 0750: Fog. 0650: Fog, with partly cloudy? skies partially visible overhead. 0550 AST: Fog. 3/12/05: 2050 AST: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with some lower mists and ribbons of fog/clouds. 1950: Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with some lower mists over the Channel. 1850: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1750: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountaintops and in Last Chance Basin. 1720: Very Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountaintops and a few lower wisps. 1650: Extremely Light Misting, Cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops and fog/clouds in Last Chance Basin. 1620: Extremely Light Misting, Cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops and lower band/ribbon and wisps of fog/clouds. 1550: Cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops and some fog/clouds in Last Chance Basin. 1450: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountaintops and a lower band and wisps of fog/clouds. 1435: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountaintops and some lower wisps and bits of fog/clouds. 1350: Cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops and some lower wisps and bits of fog/clouds. 1320: Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds, inner Gold Creek valley hidden. 1250: Cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops, inner Gold Creek valley hidden. 1150: Cloudy with fog/clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau and hiding the inner Gold Creek valley, some fog/clouds around the top of Mt. Roberts. 1050: Cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops and a few lower wisps, inner Gold Creek valley hidden. 0950: Cloudy with some clouds around the mountaintops and a few lower wisps. 0850: Extremely Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and a few lower wisps and ribbons. 0750: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and a few lower wisps and bits of fog/clouds - mostly in Last Chance Basin. 0650: Very Light Misting, Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountaintops and lower ribbon and wisps. 0646: Chestnut Backed Chickadees arrived. 0629: A Squirrel arrived. 0620 AST: Light Misting, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and a lower band of fog/clouds. 3/11/05: 2050 AST: Light Misting, Cloudy with some clouds around the very tops of the mountains. 1950: Extremely Light Misting, Cloudy with a small bit of fog/clouds around the mountaintops and a few lower wisps. 1920: Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with a lower band of mist over Gastineau Channel. 1850: Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with a bit of fog/clouds around the very tops of the mountains. 1750: Cloudy with a bit of fog/clouds around the very tops of the mountains, a small cloud in Last Chance Basin behind Mt. Maria.. 1650: Cloudy with a bit of fog/clouds around the very tops of the mountains. 1550: Cloudy with a thin spot where blue is visible, some fog/clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau and a bit around the top of Mt. Roberts. 1520: Cloudy with slightly broken skies. 1450: Mostly Cloudy/Cloudy with the sun going in and out and shining here and there since about 1435, a few lower wisps. 1350: Cloudy with a few small breaks, some clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau and the Mt. Juneau Ridge, occasional small spots of sunshine on the top of Mt. Juneau. 1335: Cloudy with small breaks, some fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 1250: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with a few wisps and bits of fog/clouds around the mountains. 1220: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with a bit of fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 1150: Very Light Sprinkling (began within the past 5 minutes), Cloudy with a few tiny breaks, a bit of fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 1050: Cloudy with a few small breaks and some bright spots, some fog/clouds around the mountaintops and in the inner Gold Creek valley. 0950: Cloudy with a tiny break overhead and hints of breaks and bright spots, a lower band of fog/clouds hiding the inner Gold Creek valley and part of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts. 0850: Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the mountaintops and in the Gold Creek canyon at "The Horn". 0750: Cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops and some lower fog/clouds in Last Chance Basin. 0650: Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and a few lower wisps over Last Chance Basin.. 0642: Chestnut Backed Chickadees arrived. 0635: Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the very tops of the mountains. 0620 AST: Light Rain, Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau. 3/10/05: 2050 AST: Partly/Mostly Cloudy. 1950: Cloudy. 1850: Cloudy. 1805: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds, breezy with stronger gusts. 1750: Light Rain, Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the very top of Mt. Juneau. 1720: Cloudy. 1650: Rain, Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the top of Mt. Juneau and the very top of the Mt. Juneau Ridge in clouds. 1620: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and lower band/ribbon of fog/clouds. 1605: Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the very tops of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts and a few lower wisps. 1550: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds, some very weak sunshine. 1520: Rain, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds hiding some of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts, and much of Last Chance Basin. 1508: High Rain Rate was .47" per hour. 1507: Heavy Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and lower fog/clouds hiding most of Mt. Juneau and all of Last Chance Basin, and part of Mt. Roberts. 1450: Cloudy, top of Mt. Juneau and the very top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds, lower ribbon/band and wisps of fog/clouds. 1435: Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy with a few small breaks, mountaintops in the clouds, a lower ribbon and bits of fog/clouds - mostly on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau and in the vicinity of Mt. Maria. 1429: Faint Partial Rainbow to the ENE, faded out at 1431. 1425: The Sun came out. 1420: Light Rain, Cloudy with bright spots, mountaintops in the clouds and lower fog/clouds hiding most of Mt. Juneau. 1350: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds hiding much of the mainland mountains above the 300' elevation. 1335: Extremely Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and a lower band/ribbon and wisps of fog/clouds. 1305: Very Light Drizzle/Sprinkling, Cloudy Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and a lower band and ribbon of fog/clouds - most of Mt. Juneau hidden. 1250: Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and a lower band and bits of fog/clouds - most of Mt. Juneau hidden. 1247: Steller's Jays arrived, first time they've been here since March 4. 1220: Rain, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds hiding the mainland mountains above the 300' - 400' elevation. 1205: Misting, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and lower wisp and mists. 1150: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and some lower wisps, bits, and ribbons of fog/clouds. 1120: Cloudy with some precipitation over the mainland, mountaintops in the clouds and some lower wisps and ribbons of fog/clouds. 1050: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and a few lower wisps. 1035: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 1001: A Bald Eagle is flying SE over the shoreline. 0950: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and a few lower wisps of fog/clouds. 0850: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and some lower wisps of fog/clouds. 0750: Rain, Cloudy with the clouds skimming the mountaintops. 0650: Rain, Cloudy with a few lower wisps, very top of Mt. Juneau and Mt. Roberts in the clouds, Mt. Juneau Ridge in the clear. 0620 AST: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and some lower wisps of fog/clouds. 3/09/05: 2050 AST: Cloudy. 1950: Cloudy. 1850: Cloudy. 1750: Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1650: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1605: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 1550: Very Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 1520: Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 1450: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Roberts in the clouds and the very top of Mt. Juneau. 1420: Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1405: Cloudy, Breezy, very tops of the mountains in the clouds, some whitecaps on Gastineau Channel.. 1350: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds, some precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley. 1320: Extremely Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1250: Drizzle/Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1235: Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1150: Extremely Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1120: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and a few small whitecaps on the Channel. 1050: Very Light Rain/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and a few small whitecaps on the Channel. 1020: Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and some small whitecaps on Gastineau Channel. 0950: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0850: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0805: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0750: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0720: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0650: Cloudy with the ceiling at about 2500' - 2700'. 0620 AST: Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds, some precipitation over the mainland. 3/08/05: 2050 AST: Mostly Cloudy (stars visible) with a few lower wisps and bits of fog/clouds. 2020: Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy with some lower fog/clouds. 1950: Cloudy with a few lower wisps. 1920: Mostly Cloudy with a few lower wisps, some stars are visible. 1850: Heavy Rain, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds substantially obscuring the mainland mountains. 1820: Rain, Cloudy with lower bands, ribbons and bits of fog/clouds. High Rain Rate was .31" per hour at 1810. 1805: Heavy Rain, Cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops and below. 1750: Rain, Cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops and a few lower wisps. 1735: Rain, Cloudy with fog/clouds around the mountaintops and a few lower wisps. 1720: Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the very tops of the mountains and some lower fog/clouds in Last Chance Basin. 1650: Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the very tops of the mountains and some lower wisps. 1620: Rain, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds and the very top of Mt. Roberts, a few lower wisps. 1550: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and lower wisps and bands of fog/clouds in Last Chance Basin and on the Channel side of Mt. Juneau. 1535: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and lower wisps and bands of fog/clouds. 1520: Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and some lower wisps and bits of fog/clouds. 1450: Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds and the very top of Mt. Roberts, a few lower wisps. 1420: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds, ceiling at around 1500', a few lower wisps. 1405: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds, ceiling at around 1200' - 1400'. 1350: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds, ceiling at around 1500'. 1335: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds, ceiling at around 1500'. 1331: Maintenance Work is being done by the U.S. Coast Guard on Channel Marker #4 in Gastineau Channel near the mouth of Gold Creek. 1250: Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds, ceiling at 1700' - 1800. 1150: Cloudy with some light precipitation over parts of the mainland, mountaintops in the clouds. 1105: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 1050: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds - ceiling at about 2500', and a few lower wisps. 1020: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and a few lower wisps. 0950: Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and a few lower wisps. 0935: 2 Bald Eagles are perched side by side at the top of a spruce tree to the NNE along the shore. 0850: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and a few lower wisps. 0820: Extremely Light Sprinkling (virtually undetectable), Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and a few lower wisps. 0750: Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and some lower wisps and bits of fog/clouds. 0735: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds and a few lower wisps. 0650: Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the clouds skimming the mountaintops. 0620 AST: Rain, Cloudy with the clouds skimming the mountaintops. 3/07/05: 2050 AST: Light Rain, Cloudy. 2035: Rain, Cloudy. 1950: Cloudy. 1850: Cloudy. 1820: Cloudy with some thinner areas to the NW. 1750: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with some hints of breaks in the NW part of the sky. 1735: Mostly Cloudy with thin areas and breaks. 1720: Light Rain/Sprinkling, Cloudy. 1650: Cloudy with tiny breaks and hints of breaks, a few lower wisps. 1620: Cloudy, Light Precipitation over parts of the mainland. 1550: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the clouds skimming the mountaintops. 1520: Extremely Light Misting (virtually undetectable), cloudy with the clouds skimming the mountaintops. 1450: Cloudy with the clouds skimming the mountaintops. 1405: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1350: Cloudy, very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1320: Cloudy with a few breaks, clouds skimming the mountaintops. 1250: Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds, a few small thin spots in which a bit of blue can be seen. 1205: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1150: Cloudy with precipitation over the mainland, very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1050: Cloudy with thin spots overhead where blue is visible, sun was breaking through in the past 3 minutes, very tops of the mountains in the clouds, lower ribbon and wisps. 1035: Cloudy with a tiny break or two and a few thin spots, mountaintops in the clouds and some lower wisps. 1005: Very Light Misting, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and a few lower wisps. 1001: A Great Blue Heron flew NW over the backyard. 0954: A Bald Eagle flew SE and then East over 3270's backyard and landed in a Mountain Hemlock tree to the East of 3270; flew off by 1000. 0950: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds, some precipitation over Mt. Roberts, Last Chance Basin, and the inner Gold Creek valley. 0850: Cloudy with a few small breaks, mountaintops in the clouds and a few lower wisps. 0805: Cloudy with a break or two, very tops of the mountains in the clouds and lower wisps. 0750: Mostly Cloudy, very tops of the mountains in the clouds and a lower band of fog/clouds. 0747: A Great Blue Heron is perched at the top of a Mountain Hemlock tree to the East of 3270. 0735: Sprinkling, Cloudy with breaks, some fog/clouds around the mountaintops and a lower band of fog/clouds. 0720: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds and a few tiny hints of blue sky, ceiling at around 1700' - 1800. 0705: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds, ceiling at around 1000' - 1200'. 0650: Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds (ceiling below the Mt. Roberts Tramway upper terminal) and a few lower wisps. 0644: The Dark Eyed Juncos (Oregon subspecies) have arrived. Squirrel arrived 0645. 0620 AST: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds (ceiling at about 1600' - 1700') and a few lower wisps, a bit of fog/clouds in Last Chance Basin. SUNDAY 3/06/05: 2050 AST: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops partially obscured. 2035: Light Rain, Cloudy. 1950: Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy. 1935: Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy. 1850: Extremely Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy. 1750: Extremely Light Sprinkles, Cloudy with the inner Gold Creek valley obscured and the very top of Mt. Roberts partially obscured. 1720: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Breezy, Cloudy with the inner Gold Creek valley mostly obscured and the very top of Mt. Roberts partially obscured. 1650: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Breezy, Cloudy. 1620: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Breezy-Windy, Cloudy, some whitecaps on Gastineau Channel. 1605: Cloudy, Windy (picked up at 1601), Some precipitation? (or is it blowing snow?) over Mt. Roberts and in the inner Gold Creek valley. 1550: Cloudy with precipitation over Mt. Roberts and in the inner Gold Creek valley. 1450: Cloudy (overcast). 1350: Cloudy (overcast). 1250: Cloudy (overcast). 1150: Cloudy (overcast). 1050: Cloudy (overcast). 0950: Somewhat thin overcast, partial Halo around the sun. 0850: Somewhat thin overcast, partial Halo around the sun. 0750: Thinnish Overcast with some thicker clouds. 0650: Mostly Cloudy with thin areas and breaks. 0645: A Chestnut Backed Chickadee arrived. 0620 AST: Cloudy with a few lower wisps and bits of fog/clouds. 3/05/05: 2050 AST: Partly Cloudy. 2020: Clear/Partly Cloudy. 1950: Partly Cloudy/Clear. 1920: Partly Cloudy. 1850: Cloudy with a few hints of breaks, a lower wisp of fog/clouds. 1750: Mostly/Partly Cloudy with pinkish-orange highlights to the clouds in the southern part of the sky, a few wisps over Last Chance Basin. 1650: Cloudy with a few small breaks and thin areas in which blue is visible. 1550: Cloudy with thinner areas and spots where blue is visible through the clouds, very weak sunshine on the mountaintops. 1520: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks, wisps of fog in the gullies on Mt. Juneau. 1450: Mostly Cloudy, a few wisps of clouds around the mountains. 1420: Mostly/Partly Cloudy with a bit of fog/clouds around the mountaintops. 1405: Partly Cloudy, a bit of fog/clouds around the mountaintops. By 1354: Rainbow has faded out. 1350: Light Rain, Mostly/Partly Cloudy with a partial Rainbow, sun is shining, very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1344: 2nd fainter Rainbow. 1342: Full Rainbow centered to the NNE. 1339: Faint and then stronger partial Rainbow to the ENE. First Rainbow seen since October 27, 2004 (a faint one) and 4 Rainbows on October 10, 2004. 1335: Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds, location of the sun visible through the clouds. 1320: Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1250: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the very tops of the mountains. 1150: Cloudy with a few small breaks, some larger breaks to the NW. 1120: Cloudy with some small breaks and a small area of thin clouds where blue is visible. 1050: Partly Cloudy with some fog/clouds around the very tops of the mountains, the sun is shining. 1020: Mostly Cloudy/Cloudy with breaks and the sun shining. 0950: Cloudy with the clouds skimming the mountaintops. 0920: Cloudy with a few small breaks, clouds skimming the mountaintops. 0905: Cloudy with some breaks, the sun is shining. 0850: Cloudy with some breaks, some fog/clouds around the very tops of the mountains. 0820: Cloudy with hints of breaks, small breaks to the SE, very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0750: Cloudy with hints of breaks, tiny breaks to the SE, some fog/clouds around the very tops of the mountains. 0720: Sprinkling, Cloudy with hints of breaks and small breaks to the SE, clouds skimming the mountaintops. 0650: Cloudy with the clouds skimming the mountaintops and a few hints of breaks. 0620 AST: Cloudy with a few tiny breaks and hints of breaks in the SE part of the sky. 3/04/05: 2050 AST: Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0" of snow on the ground (there are still piles of shoveled snow, and the yards on the NE sides of the houses on Nowell have varying amounts of snow). 1950: Extremely Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1850: Extremely Light Misting, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1750: Light Misting, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1742: A Bald Eagle flew West over the house adjacent to 3270 on the NW side. 1650: Very Light Misting, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1550: Very Light Rain/Sprinkling, Breezy, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1450: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1350: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1250: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds, a few whitecaps on Gastineau Channel. 1150: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds, a few whitecaps on Gastineau Channel. 1050: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1012: An immature Bald Eagle flew NW over the backyard, another Eagle is (and has been) in a tree to the East along the shore. 0950: Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0920: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0850: Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0820: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0805: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0750: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0650: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0620: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 3/03/05: 2050 AST: Light Rain (heavier rain in the past hour), Cloudy. 1-1/2" of snow on the ground (though in areas 0 inches of snow). 1950: Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with some mists and a few lower wisps of fog/clouds. 1850: Very Light Rain, Cloudy. 1835: Very Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy. 1750: Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains obscured and the inner Gold Creek valley mostly obscured. 1720: Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains obscured and the inner Gold Creek valley partially obscured. 1650: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains obscured and the inner Gold Creek valley partially obscured. 1550: Sprinkling/Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains and the inner Gold Creek valley obscured 1535: Very Light Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains obscured. 1525: Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains obscured. 1505: Cloudy with precipitation in the inner Gold Creek valley. 1450: Cloudy. 1350: Cloudy. 1335: Cloudy. 1250: Overcast. 1150: Thin Overcast with thicker clouds in the SE part of the sky, extremely weak sunshine. 1105: High thin overcast with very, very weak sunshine, Halo still around the sun, clearer skies to the NW. 0950: High thin and very thin overcast with blue visible over much of the sky, weak sunshine, there is a Halo around the sun. 0850: Partly Cloudy/Clear with high thin and very thin clouds - predominantly in the SE part of the sky. 0750: Mostly Clear- thin clouds to the SE. 0720: Clear/Partly Cloudy with high thin clouds. 0701: Steller's Jays arrived. 0700: A Bald Eagle is in tree to East along the shore; Chestnut Backed Chickadees arrived. 0650: Mostly Clear with clouds to the NW. 0635: Dark Eyed Juncos (Oregon subspecies) have arrived. 0620 AST: Partly Cloudy. 3/02/05: 2050 AST: Cloudy with a few breaks or hints of, at least one star is visible, mountaintops in the clouds. 3-1/2" of snow on the ground. 1950: Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1920: Drizzle, Cloudy with mists partially obscuring the mainland mountains. 1850: Rain - heaviest it's been all day, cloudy with mists. 1820: Rain, Cloudy. 1750: Very Light Misting, Cloudy. A Bald Eagle is in a tree to the East along the shore. 1720: Light Rain, Cloudy with the clouds skimming the mountaintops, there was a yellowish-brownish glow during the past 10 minutes. 1650: Cloudy with a few small breaks and hints of breaks. 1620: Light Rain/Drizzle, Cloudy with mists and the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1605: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with a few small breaks and thin spots where blue is visible. 1550: Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1520: Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1450: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1420: Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1350: Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1250: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1235: Very Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1150: Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1128: A Steller's Jay is taking a bath in the Bird Bath. 1050: Light Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 1020: Rain, Cloudy with the very tops of the mountains in the clouds. 0950: Very Light Rain/Sprinkling, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 0850: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds, some precipitation in Last Chance Basin and the inner Gold Creek valley. 0820: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 0750: Light Rain, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 0720: Light Drizzle/Misting, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 0650: Misting, Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 0640: February 2005 Report has been posted. 0620 AST: Cloudy with the mountaintops in the clouds. 3/01/05: 2050 AST: Rain, Cloudy with lower ribbons and wisps of fog/clouds. 5-1/4" of snow on the ground. 1950: Rain, Cloudy with lower bands and ribbons of fog/clouds. 1920: Drizzle, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds hiding much of the mainland mountains. 1850: Extremely Light Misting, Cloudy with lower fog/clouds hiding much of the mainland mountains. 1750: Cloudy (overcast) with a lower ribbon/band of fog. 1720: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Overcast - somewhat thin in areas, lower ribbon of fog/clouds. 1650: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with lower ribbon and wisps of fog/clouds. 1605: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with a thin lower ribbon. 1550: Cloudy with a lower ribbon and a few wisps of fog/clouds. 1520: Cloudy with lower ribbons and wisps of fog/clouds. 1505: Cloudy with a lower band of fog hiding much of the mainland mountains. 1450: Extremely Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with a lower ribbon/band of fog/clouds. 1350: Very Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with a few lower wisps. 1250: Cloudy with a few wisps of fog/clouds. 1243: A Squirrel drank from the Bird Bath. 1150: Cloudy with a few lower wisps/ribbons of fog/clouds. 1120: Light Sprinkling, Cloudy with a few lower wisps and ribbons of fog/clouds. 1050: Cloudy with a few lower wisps. 0950: Cloudy with a few lower wisps. 0920: Very Light Misting/Sprinkling, Cloudy with a lower ribbon of fog/clouds. 0850: Cloudy with a few lower wisps. 0750: Sprinkling/Misting, Cloudy with a few lower wisps. 0650: Light Rain, Cloudy with the very top of Mt. Juneau in the clouds, a few lower wisps. 0620 AST: Light Rain, Cloudy with a few lower wisps/ribbons.